The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

■f • ’* "7 f t* ■ '■■ ■* ."■' %_ . I* f _ V» V « . '•'• -.' ; F«w Kk«t$$*S4e O w J o -I j ■ Work wIM •(MBjMu'tt witfc tlrat o f KSBjr otikaz irm . - . , * - - - - - - .. « Jteratd, Tte* k*m wfcea #*#risi4 with up Index, deatXr* the; ywr wbecrte- k peat due *ud a prompt aettto- meet kt t*m tH S y desired. TWEKTY-$£YEHTH U h l HO , i i . itSSBSSf"^T iW iiwiryilP' CEDARVIUJE. O H O , M M Y , JAHUARY 6 , & 0 § , p r i c e $ 1.00 A Y e a ft. E O U lilT O iVtmoil motteatHstorcUy to finish op the Inwina** tor th# ynw before the members, whoso terms inid ex­ pired, I^ffc their seats on .Monday The principal buaineas was the pay- meiit rtf bilks that fell due for the inomli. Hills tothe amount of $807.- y;5wore allowed. The auditing eoto miltoe. r of munborz, Ao- diewaud thill reported the olark’a aiitl tres -iirer'a books Ingood condi- t .*n, Monday owning eonnoil convened too p.irpon >of the new* rosnabW# taking them They were Mosers t\ <\ \Veim-.T, U. A. Bhroatles and T'antnanWalker. The members re. tiring-are Messrs, John Fields and L. (t. Hub. Mr. Walker belngone of Hu* old nmub »rt; re-elected.. The commute,* for the coming year in council will \fi-m follows: Hireel: WalK.-r, Andrew, Gillaughu, Hhromlf'B: Fire: Caldwell;, Light: Welmcr; PumpnShroades; Finance Andrew; (Tajtrts Gttlaughand Cald­ well. Monday evening January 9 being the regular meeting night council adjourned until that date. JAMESTOWN INSTITUTE. The program for the Jamestown Farmer '.institute to be held Janu ary 80and SI, baa been completed. A unique feature this year will be a „ session taken up exclusively ’ by young farmershalf a dozen of educa ted and oapable young people from the country will do their best to make tliia one of the best sessionsof the Institute. Other excellent local talent will be heard from at other sessions. , 35. P. Snyder, who has written touch for the agricultural press, and 8- 8. Brigham, a brother of the late Colonel 3YBrigham assis­ tant secretary of agriculture, will be . sent by the stateboord. OFFICERS ELECTED. By the new school code going lute . effect the entire list of members that ' have served so faithful the past few years have finished their Work and turned the management, of one of. the greatest iitefclfeufclonsin the coun­ try their successors. Monday evening' the board, consisting, of Messrs, A. Z. Smith, W. H. Owens; 0. YV. Grouse, J. H. McMillan, J. G. Barber, J, JR, Cooper and Mrs. W. H. Barber finished the business qnd adjourned sine die, tTppn the adjournment of the board Mr. J. O. Barber called the newmembers forward and they were sworn in by Andrew Jackson. The new board consists of Messrs, J* 0, Barber, J. R, Cooper, S. O, Wright, J, W. McLean and Samuel McCol­ lum. in the selection of officers Mr. Cooper was chosentemporary chair­ man and Mr. 8. C. Wright, secreta­ ry. The election of permanent offi­ cers resulted in the election of Mr. Wright for president over Mr. Bar­ ber by a vote of 8 to 2. For clerk Andrew Jackson was elected by a full vote with out opposition. The law*Is such now that the board can select one other than in their own body for clerk. As to the treasurer- ship the law mt.kes the corporation treasurer the custodian of the school funds, but at the present time this section is in question as to its legali­ ty- Adjournment was taken until Jan­ uary 27 at which time President Wright will announce the different committees. i_ ' - -* * \ , > ? V' *V-te*'* } .**• ‘ S i . „l ’ ^ . 3-,sL-^ ROGERS, THE OIL COPPER MAGNATE H, H. Rogers, who. has repeatedly heeu.attacked by Thomas W. Lawson in his magazine articles on ‘'Frenzied Finance « is one of the leading spirits In Standard .Oil, Amalgamated .Copper- and numbers of “other great enterprises. He ts a native of Falrhaven, Mass.,' to which he has made numerous gifts, .Hi* wealth is estimated at many millions.. , WEIMER’S CONTET. Tlie anmtivl meetings of the Farm­ er's Institute Aitd the Ohio Stete Board of Agricnltere Will b« hold in ('olumbua next week. The institute will he held in the hall of the House of Representatives. Taeaday and Wednesday, January 10and 11,and flicmeetingof the agricultural board a ill l»eHeld at the wtme place. Jan­ uary 18. Losing yoltr h*Jr? Coming out by the oombftii? "And doing n o t in g ? No *en#e in thatf why don’t yon tr*« Ayer** H a ir V ig o r and promptly atop th# falling? roar hair will feegin to grow, too, and all dandfaff wffl dia- appaar. Co«ld yon iffatHm* ably ® tpm w y t o c bottif? The drawing for, the $125 in gold which C- C. Welmer offered to < ins customers took"place.Monday eve­ ning. The stubs o f ibe tickets had beep put in a churn and, were well mixed. Miss Marie Weimef was blind folded and drew outthe twelve numbers in the presence of a large crowd.' The follouing ave the num­ bers, names of the person holding same andthe amount of the prize: 6169, Floyd Harrison, $25; SOU, Wm. Pickerel, $20; I4S, Mrs, J. H, Wol­ ford, $16, 28126, not called for, $10| 14828, Mrs-John Kbleher, $10; .6X81, Mrs. jMaggie Jones, $10; 9879, Mrs. H. A. Barr, $5; 6906, Samuet Al­ bright, $5; I486, Stewart Townsley, $5; 11868. Bertha Fisher, $5; 6997, SamuelLyons, $5* After the .num­ bers had 'been drawn Mr. Weimer had a young pig set out that had been roasted and the crowd soon swelled to good porportlons. There being plenty of bread the boys had all the pork sandwiches they want­ ed.' ■ AMIDWINTER OUTING TQ FLORIDA AND NEWORLEANS. Atrip of two thousand, five hund­ red miles by rail through the pict­ uresque portion of eight states, com­ prising eleven days, stoppingat four­ teen of the largest and most import­ ant cities of the South, varyingfrom three hours to three days each. A stop at Chattanooga to visit Lookout Mountain and ChickatnaugaNation­ al park; astopat Atlanta and gavan-’ nah. A trip to and through Florida of four days, a stop at Ormond, Fla., one hundred and ten miles south of Jacksonville, A day at famous 8t. Augustine, admiring the world-fam­ ous and palatial hotels of this Grand Old City. A stop in New Orleans of two days to witness Mardi Gras and see the sights in this great Paris of America. A stop at Pass Christian, ott the Mexican Gulf. Such an oppor­ tunity is selurtm Offered by railroad linos, but on February 27th you may make this trip with an organixned party.of ladies and gentlemen, under the personal management of the Louisville A Nashville Railway. It is the best and cheapest trip ever of­ fered the public. The rate includes round-trip railroad fare and use of Pullmans for enter journey. Hpccial low rates have been secured for the party for all meals, aider trips and points of Interest. The. special train of vesibnte Pullmans will leave Ind­ ianapolis, Ind., 7:$0 p. mM Monday, February 27,1906, and from Cineln-. nati, Ohio, Monday, February 27th, 8:09p. m., via Louisville * Nashville railroad, connecting at Louisville, My., With the special. For hand­ some booklet, detailing points of in­ terest, with complete itinerary of the trip, address J. A. StelteTikatop, Cent, P. A., L« AN. R. R. Cincinnati, Ohio. i Herman Holmes, T. F. A., L. A N. R. R,, Medina, Ohio. Albert Anxer, <’» P- A., L, A N. R. R „ Cincinnati, Ohio. F» I). Bush, Pit. P. A., h, A N. R»; R„ Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wildman en- tertihted a number of friends, Mon- iay avwatdf; ............... iMisu Carrie llufehison of Xenia was tJw» guest of Miss Carrie Rite m i tebrem during th# holtda/s. SPENCER FOR JUDGE. Anew candidatehas appeared in the contest for Judge ficroggyb*seat on the bench in theperson of C. L. Spencer of Xenia. Thursday's Col­ umbus Dispatch says that his causa was presented to ■Governor Herrick Wednesday afternoon by Represen­ tative Little of this1County,, W. tf. Bishop andW. H. Miller, the latter two from Wilmington. In the face of Afight that is sure toconicagainst the Governor for nomination for his second term it Is reported that ho has cast his net for am independent candidate for CommonPleas Judge upon, the resignation of JudgeScrog- gy, Andwill notrecognlze the “ gang’ 4 that has held that theirman had al­ ready hud the assurance/ of being appointed. . ‘ Wednesday afternoon while Mrs. O, T. Wolford and Mi## SaWe Wol, ford w#»wdriving along the Jknl«s> town pike the hors# became fright- flUod and overturned th#buggy. The oowpanta war# thrown out both be ing more or less shaken up. Mr#, Wolford however suffered the worst shock and for a firmwasunconscious Both the ladle#wore taken intoSam ofil Anderson’# where they wore eared for,' Latest reports are that Mrs. Wolford is much improved. The reason of the notehteht is thought to have bean caused by the horse, which has always been regarded as perfectly safe, was liltehed' to short and when op a high plkce in thepike struck hteheel against the axeltreo causing the frighkwJth the above re­ sult, The buggy was damaged to some fextont, Mr. Jam##Little of Iota, Kansan, Isqhe guest of relatives here. Mr, Little baBuot Ijeen here for several years. Marion SHvey add. Charles Spen cqr, spent several days in Columbus this week visiting Charles-Gaines. Carl- -Minser, who is with, the American Express Company, •with headquarters In Richmond, spent Sunday with his parents. - Mr. Ben. Sebring of Columbus, Was the guest of his’ cousin, Miss Junta Pollopk the first of the'week Mr.-Clyde Sprout came up from Xenia Monday morning and Bpent the day with his many friends here He returned to his'wprk in Pitteburg that evening. Mr. Sprout is1in the offices of the Pennsylviana railroad in Pittsburg; One of the big productions of the present season to visit the Victoria at Dayton is to be on Jnnruary U, when Mr. Otis Skinner presents Ids- new play “ The Harvester,” Soon after tbis play this house will have a run of “ TheBeautyaud theBeast” one of the largest company#, on the road. The production is Of the same Mother Goose.” Bluebeard^” Wallace W. Carr, a nurseryman, of Yellow Springs, filed a petition Jtt bankruptcy beforeJudge Thompson Saturday, He acknowledges' debts to the amount of $80,749,64, but de­ clares tliat his assets consist solely of personal clothing. The Pennsylvaina railroad fs pre­ paring for the expenditure of about $5,000,000for improvement of section# of its lines west of Pittsburg. It is estimated that, the necessary double trackingwlll cost several" million#. The stretch between Columbus and Xenia is part of the line which will be double tracked. A number of young men about town are preparing for the organiza­ tion of ftnathletic club. A petition has been circulated and about fifty have signed, A meeting is • called for Saturday eveningat the Mayor’ # office at which time an organization will lieaffected, • ‘ * A fine picture, of “ Cedar Vale Queen Y’ JII” owned by Watt and Foust hung in the .window of the Exchange Bank the flritt-oftttewwtfk The animal is from the heeae arid birthplace of more Woffft** Fair Duroo champion# than *R othvrs combi; aed. The picture is oevttdnly a fine piece of work and Is prwfcted very highly by th# owners. The United Presbyterian’ s Fhfia- delphia correspondent speak# vary highly of the work being dorm by Norris Square It. P, church at Phil­ adelphia, of which cortgrogfttkm Rev, J. Alvin Orr, a former Cedar- ville boy, is the enthuaiftafcfo and energetic assistant pastor, and On whom tlie burJeii of the Work of ih# large congregaMon fall#, a# the pas­ tor, th# venerable Dr. Crowe, isfosl- ing the weight of years and to nota# active as he once was. The college basket bail teamwant to Dayton Wednesday eveatog wlu re (hey played tlm<xnwna tmtatt of the placet Tlie home boys faQ*^ to win by a score of wt to 9, Miss IreneMcClellan, of Indiana­ polis was. the guest' from, Saturday untipMonday of Mr. and. Mrs, Ed. Turnbull and family. In the annual corn contest given by the People’ s Bank'of ,Jamestown Leroy. Paul won first, J*H. Davis second, Thomas Fields, third and Mathias Flax, fourth. B. . K. Ritenour was the Judge. Dr. and Mrs. J, O. Stewart enter­ tained the following persons to a 6 o’ clock dinner1Saturday. Mr-' and -Mr?. S. T, Baker, Mr. andMrs. Mar- imVTownsley, Mr. and Mrs. Ander­ son Collins,Mr, and Mrs. Will Ste­ venson and Mr, andMrs. JacobSieg- ler. Mr. H. A. Townsley and. son Her­ man spentMonday In Franklinwith Mr, Ja.meeTOWUWeyand family; A number of the Murdock family gathered atfche home of Mr. John Burdock, .Monday. The different families brought their dinners and the day was spent in a ploaaenfc so­ cial gathering. Mr. and Mr. Samuel C, Elwell of Xenia celebrated tbelr goldenanni­ versary of their wedding, Monday. Through the day they held the old fashioned “ open -house” to, about 900of their friends. Mr. and Mrs1. J. H* Wolford of this place wcreJn attendance at the celebration. Frank Grindle, who has been fire- tog qn the Big Four railroad out of Springfield Is sick at the home of HH parente, Mr, J. C. Griddle, with an attack of typhoid fever. Thomas Grogan of Wilmington and Mias Margaret Cooney of Lon­ don were guests of Miss Katie Coffey Saturday. Clayton McMillan and Charles Hopping, of Cedarvllle, Were calling on friend# here Monday evening. —South Charleston Sentinal. Ell Small of Springfield was In town, the first of the week looking after:the erection of a monument oh hto lot In the eemotery northof town, Mrs. M. J. Coffey to vtoitlng with her son Dan, and Mr, John Kelley of Dayton, Mrs, Lucy MoClellan has returned to Indianapolis after a short visit with relatives here. A VeryCttoc GML “ lUluok to toy engine, idtliongh every joint ached and every nerve Was rackedwith pain,” writes C, W» Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. “ J was weak asd pale, without my appetite and all rundown. As I was about to give up, t got abottle of Electric Bitter#, and after taking it, I felt as Well.asl ever did to my life,” Weak, sickly, rundown people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use,, Try them. Sa^nfactloh gua­ ranteed by alt tlgwgttet Brice go W*pte» tEAEUESREPORT, The annua! rejH*rfof tin- antl-ea- , bam h-aguo s#ya rh*r 78 * twloona j|(Rvr voted nut of Ohio during the tost year. UtuP'r the township 1local option tow 66 township# have fvoted, 79 dry and rix wet. f)f l ,*71 - township. 976 are dry, aland 76 per -cent,‘rtf the entire area of the state. ?With uumiflpHlIth-H 52 have voted i dry, abolhbing ^86 saloons, this na- {der the. Beal jaw, a total in all of 178 j dry municipalities' under that tow. This makes in ail, including those voted out under the old counrilordl- ance Jaw, 480 municipalities dry. This to more than une-balf of the; numtor of the municipalities of the state. Of the municipalities that are nowdry IS are county seats and four are cities of more than 6,000 popula­ tion.Under theBrarmocklocal opttoa tow 47residenee dtotricte iiave voted dry thuftjexdndingAbout 90s saloons 1 n addition tothisabout teqelections are pendingin residence districts in various cities of the stale.' WATER WORKS. MRS. WHJTELAW REID. Mr#. WWtetow Reltf. wife of the famous-New'York editor and diplomat who, will doubtless succeed Joseph H. Choate' as' ambassador to Great Britain, Is « daughter of D, O. Mfiis, the multimillionaire and,philanthropist When she married, Mr. Reid her father gave her $1,000,000 as a wedding present Mrs. Heid is no stranger at the court of St James, for her-husband was special •nvpy to the coronation of King Edward. TAKES HIS SEAT. RECEIVERS NAMED. Thq County Infirmary Board ban ,, The traction company owning the reorganised with John B. Lucas, Dayton, Springfield andUr'bana and president, to succeed J. B. Fleming • tUe Columbus, London and Spring- pnd Mr. Fiemingls made secretary fleId and th0 Central Market lines to succeed H. H. Thrall, whose1 termhas expired, Mr.,W. B. Steven­ son, .taking his ytoce; The county officials presented Mr. Thrall with a handsome chair. - 1 Mr. David Bradfute Was in Yellow SprinpaMonday, where he caljd on the MissesFlora.and Nannie Nesbit Mr Bradfute reports that the latter 1 b much improved to what She lias been,8omething her many friends herewill be pleased to know. The Jeffersonville Farmer’ s Insti­ tutewill be the next thing to a coun­ ty fair this year. The institute of­ fers prises t<>the amoimfc of $84.60, on corn, oats, and potatoes. No en­ try fee is charged to enter and the exhibitions will be sold to the high­ est bidder on the last- day of the in­ stitute, Feb. 9, Well1talk about big-loads of com! On Monday, December 19, M,' L. Dewier, of the Chas, Cook farm, hauled to the Woodlyn Grain com­ pany 167bushels and 64 pounds of com On one wagon drawn by two dorses. The netweight of the load was 10,740pounds. T’tiis breaks all records made here,—Williamsport News. :7 JohnAlexanderDowle, inaddress­ ing his followers In Shiloh temple, Zion City, Sunday gave a definite confirmation of the report ’that he proposes to establish a second Zion City in Mexico. anaccount of thewinners in the seed com contest last week we over lookedmentioningthenames of the Winners of the White com.' The prize was two dollars on first and one dollar on second Messrs. C. D. Dobbin#andSoil took bothprizos. The lecture at the opera house Wednesday evening given by Rev. Raymond P, Gorbold, nowamission­ ary in Japan, waeltetned to by afair sized audience and was very inter­ esting and instructive. The atten­ tion of the public the present time being on this country owing to the war with Russiamade the personal experiences of Mr. Gorbold a timely Subject, ' Our esteemed friend, Billy Rogers, feels much humiliated over being in­ formed that the county chairman, Hon. Andy Jackson, has been boast­ ing in his home township of how he carried the war Into Africa at the recent central committee meeting. Billy say# the truth of the whole matter 1#that he told the chairman: “ You may talk all you please Mr, JsokHon, hut don’ t you toy your hands on me.” ' Bo it seems that Billy don’t believe In the curing of physical or moral defects by the “ laying on of hand#.” -XentoHerald. of Columbus had the management of the linesplaced in the hands of receivers, Tuesday. A. R« Apple- yard of Boston is theheaviesbstock- holder in the company ■ and bas had, the financial end of the’ business in his charge. Owing to bank troubles' the money earned by- the .traction company has been used for other purposes and the stockholders have asked' to United States Court to place the lines in thq care of, recsely-.1 ers. Jaeoti Sohtnidlapp and Myron Wilsofi of Cincinnati were named by the court. These men now.want Fred J. Green, who built the lines to have active management of the lines, Of late Mr, Green has had change Of the Bnshnell lirtes. Rev. Walter Condon returns Sat­ urday, to Princeton, N, J. to resume his studies at the Seminary. Saved from Terrible Death, Tlie family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of Bargerton, Toon,, saw her dying and werepowerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consump­ tionwas slowly but surelytaking her life. In this terrible hourDr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption turned despair into joy. The firstbot­ tle brought immediate relief and Its continued use completely cured her. It’s the most certain cure in the worldfor allthroat and lungtroubles. Guaranteed Bottles toe and $1.00. Trial Bottle Free at all Druggist. Monday evening, 9th tost, at 7;S0 o’clock at the Mayor’s office after' organization of council, a meeting will be ,held to consider this impor­ tant?subject, General outline of the planwill be presented and articles of incorporation'of a company for that purpose signed. All are invited to attend, f . JOURNALISM, Mr.* S, C. Wright who tor about two years has,edited’ and published the Record annohnees to the tost is­ sue that with that issue; be severs his connection with the paper, as editor and publisher. It Is Under­ stood that Mr. John C, Foley, who has been connectedwith the paper' the.past year, will be the nter editor and publisher. DECEMBER WEATHER REPORT. Wind direction, S. W., Sunshine, per cent, ,50, Cloudy days, 8, Clear days, 10' Part cloudy, 11, Rain, $, Bfepth of snow, B inches. Thunder, 1, Range of tempertnre. U degrees'Greatest* range *8 degrees, Rainfall tor Dee; 4.18 inches, Rain­ fall tor 1ftyears B&2X inches, Great­ est rainfall for aiiy years 55.80incites Least rainfall tor any year 94.47 inches. Bamnel Oreswell, Observer. JANUARY WEATHER. Between1st ami'fid—Cloudy unset- ‘ tied weather. * Between#4th and 7th—continued Cold, with snow andwind. ' . ; Between-8th and 19th—Generally,, fair. ■• mb and 12th Changeable., unset­ tled weather, probably,rain to snow. Between 18th and. 16th—Snow­ storms, followed bycold wave. Between 17thand 2M—Cold wave. Cold weather, with show and wind. Between 28d find 25th-Generally fair weather. Between 26th and S8th—Cold, with snow27fh, 29th and 81st—Unsettled oondifciOtte*with rain and ttitim. Detotetk Trouble. It 1#exceptional to find a family where thereare nodomestic rupture# occasionally, but these can be les­ sened by having Dr, King’# New Lite Pills around. Much trouble they save by their great work in Stomach and Liver troubles. They nut only relieve you, but cure, Me, at all Druggists. FateorFor tune,Which? Bendure’s Daylight T o remain in Spring­ field- After repeated fruitless efforts to aocure a desirable roomwell located in one of the larger cities of the State, T. B. Bendure bas daciddd to remain in the Murphy Comer, High and Limestone Street, Springfield, Ohio. Hereafter as heretofore the policy of tills atore will be the broadest and ■mostliberal toward employees and patrons. • / Methods of merchandising will I k - only of the legitimate, up-to-date daylight sort- The Watchword- “ Bargains” —in the truest sense of fcqe term—your gowey’s worth alwayw-'fche lowest price Oonslststent with quantity and qttaUtyjleVer saorifioed for pries. Daylight Storermotto—Gnly treat* meht "on tqs sqtiard”—*!! alike whether or not theyare Ifiind or deaf or dumb. A blind child oap as safely trade to a* good advantage & can the shrewdest chopper of years. The Daylight Store 1# the best lighted in the city. The clear Hgfel of day pervadesevery nook and ww* n6r;ahd no dissappoifttment when you get,home, of goods selected here, •a must necessarily b* the case where goods are selected by artlfteal light. All.good# marked in plain figure*- -one price to all. Miss Maggie Cushing of KpHaag- field returned totter homo. TuaWSay after several days-vidf at the irome Of W. j . Bmith aud'tom%t If a rote were taken on thft most popular flour, <mr ; ' ■; i GoHen Rule would receive a handsome jorrty........ It h th# dnstee of baker# housewives who jfts##, bvowtfii . It goes farther and gives hit-titer tomtits than any other fidtijf milled. | Jut don’t fake pkt wwhj fg[ fi-iry it for ytmt*#, and ^ convinced........ . <s L H. Cm& troitt», O t e a