The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
Clearance Sale Intending to remodel my store room the coming Spring I have decided to hold a big Auction Sale m order to reduce my stock, and beginning Evening Jan. I 2 th, I will conduct a series of 10 BIG AUCTION SALES of D *y Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Notions of all kinds, in the store room formerly occupied by *Davis, the tailor, RecollecWxAuction Sales will be held every night* beginning at Z. o'clock sharp, and on Saturday afternoons, Jan, 14 and 21 at 1(30 o'clock, Don't forget this will be a great opportunity to secure seasonable goods at sacrafice prices^ In this Sale will be a big lot of Men ’s and Boys, Underwear that sold \ Dress Goods of all kinds from io c to for 25c to $1.00 per garment. M mmmfMWMm r immUMtW POWDER A b s o l u t e l y P u v a HASHQSUBSTITUTE •w»oo.<TMrve>xv 4 r>^rwr?v^r*c>^i • LOCAL AND PERSONAL | Men's and Boys Overcoats ranging in price from $3.00 to $10.00 each. Men's Su its $3.00 t o .$12.50 eiach. Boy 's Suits $5.00 to $10.00 each. M en ’s and Boys Leather Boots . | H f ‘ ( sizes, from $ to $3.50 pair, ‘ >•.: >: --r,--kJ- .■ \ ^ j . " . v . j Men's and Boys Pants, a great line of these ranging itt price from $1.00 to $3.50 per pair. $1.00 per yd., also Silk W a is t pat terns in all colors. Remnants of W oo l Dress Goods, Gal- icbs, Ginghams, Fleeced Wrapper Goods, Outings, Muslin, Laces, Em broideries, W h ite Goods, Trimmings & c , & c . . * \ \ 1, , * * * - ■ tj 1 ' • i-H , ' . 1 ' J ' 4 Shoes—A great lot of Men’s, Womens, and Children's Fine Shoes that sold from $1.00 to $3.5 o a pair, Dishes and Tinware, of all kinds go in in this Sale ^ Don't forget the dates of these Salesman, 12,13,14, 16,17,18,19, 20, and 21, I want you 1 to attend them, it will surely pay you, as this sale will be a great opportunity to secure bargains, espeo in CLOTHING, as I am determined to close out this line, Look up your sizes in Shoes/vfor your children and yourself before attending the sales, ■Mrs, John McFarland wan' the guestMonday of Mrs. James Barr* of Bayton, Jamefc Dufilahl fspent. Babbath as guest.of Dnffield. jk ofXenia, are omjpySg the*lifei^cra'ned by Theodore Vogtesberg on Chillieothe street. Mr, Frice I s the, day operator at the station. Miss Clara Mitchell of Dayton has heen visiting hermother, Mrs. Win. Mitchell, . - - - ■ Miss Clara Kyle, who has heen on the,sick list is improving. Mi-, Charles Nesbit and family re turned Monday to their home in Loveland. . . . , Mrs, J. W. Dixon has returned from Chillieothe, whereshewas call ed hy the severe, illness of her father Mr. Bohert Hanna. Mr. Homer Wade and wife of ^Springfieldspent JNew Tear’s with their Gedafyille friends. • Miss BlaneliWygoat, of Columbus ■ returned home Thursday after a pleasant weeks visit* with Mrs. Leonard Hanohcr. , , . Mrs. Bell Gray and children,’Mrs, A ., D. Endsley, James and Lucile were entertained by Mr. William . Torrence, andwife of SouthCharles ton, Monday. . Miss Vera Andrew, left Tuesday. for Cleveland Where she will resume her school work in the Westpm De serve university, • ,.. MtvD. g.- Ervin, wife, and daugh ters; Mary and Fern expect to leave need Tuesday for ft two monthfi/day in Florida. .«■ *, * . , Mr. H. A. Turnbull, wife and’ son, and Miss Nellie Condon" were in Dayton, Tuesday. •■*, ’ Mr. Oscar George andwife, of West - Mansfield have beeu visiting hj» parents, Mr. and Mrs John •George. A son mado Ins appearance New Year*« morning at the home of -Mr. Leroy Bterreft and wife of South. Charleston. Mr, and Mrs. J, Itiley Kyle •and little ejuid,of XchiaslartcdThursday» for Amsterdam, N. Y.,- for a visit with her parents. ’ The youngest child' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillaugji hasheen quite Bick thepast week.1For a time its condition was considered serious. S. T. BAKER, Auctioneer. ROB’T BIRD. Ladles are especially invited to attend these sales as there will be many goods offered that will-interest them. Don’t forget our Saturday Afternoon Sales Jan. 14th and 21st, at 1:30 o’clock. Theie wilt be special attractions at these Sales. ^ Sauskge T ime iftlwr*. Tiro m uimkm arc, hero, too. If you want to get up an ap- petitwfor bro&fefaat come in and look *i them. Made of the host meat with just, the Proper Spicing. On* took at tsh«nwilt make yon hungry. Welt or without buck- wh**t mkm they will make a Try them New Y«ar*« or any other morning B , m/mm Laxative Bromo QuinineTaUetc. signature, S«v«mIflnkmSmaM«ot 4 la ' < 8 .C%'/&x Carat Crip 61TwoDays. on every box. 2 5 c, The public sdiools t( suitt'ul tluir work, Monday. d r . E ^ o g l e s b e e , j PHYSCIAN AMI) HfKOEOS. ; Specialty X-Ii.iy nnd Bludro Thera-j tpeutic treatment. Also latest im- lmvc {proved apparatus for treating diseases Jfarm, Will* hlmwUl go Lu.w } of th« noae, throat and lungs. Sorson. elms McCoy and hi Mr.M. W. Collin* leaves Saturday Mr.s A. D. EmWoy Mtatned to f» mho charge of W. 'C. IToctcrM her Itonmfn Taroutum, Fa., Thurs- farm near Trenton, a stnall plnco «:»t fjomCiudnnafi, Tim farm con- of r.'i'j and i ; Well otochcd. If la owned iiy the junior moitibr-r of flic firm of l’rocfcr and (iambic, manufacturers of the yelehrnled ,S»ap41. Mr, Collins is to ha e entire mipervision over ilic 1 h Jlcnd* day motning. Tim basket hall game at the Al ford Memorial last night- tndweon teems from Ccdarvllle collego and Willis University of Springfield re sulted In the local teambeingdefeat ed by a score of 18to d. The game between the college girls and the girls from the high school Was won Mr. Harry Kildowand family re-j George Stewart has heen under turned to their home In Anderson, *the weather for several days. Inch, Monday. sou Grant j>y tiin former by a ® wt'ali of whom will have employment . .. .. „ . 1 , ... .. R B r umb r Mr. Collins, whom however - Ai :.;i!r “ W l I I k I c Y will noi mow*bin family for the} * V v l M \ * i p.csi nt owing l',» the lnooc hefs to AUUTIONEEE get being still occupied, M. W .’s ' r I J 22 !SiSl 2 ^d * insn M k Xteal Estate and Ptrtoiwl prop- vaaay friends In this vicinitywill re- triy anywhere. Prompters, attention <to «ce him leave, to details andmthtactiou guaranteed, ‘ Wonderful Ntrve, High eervkw. T^ow prices. Residence is displayed hy many a man «>n- Telephona 2 W» tUifton, O, Oall and timing pains « f . accidental thus. D A T F W T Q r A I L ™ i v t -C«iye*Mr,»t«tTnuU-Wwk*M U imi »H fM- •;[♦«hmlsowic<w 4 «icuslerfMoscasts trt*. 'ova oretsttsewvwitsu-O-gATSHtOiywe ' in k««trSM mw o , m « iHtcura date* Wounds, Hruiscs, Burns. Heahls, - f c n l iw h rM M " * « -tnAwn'I But It.™-;, bakfrtandoookers. Ih*supply hardly wju km the pain and cure »be e<jtwrl*th*damsnd. Better m* them { the beat Fairs on earth «ml w#«if,»wc«'* MMnt i ftfow. W* g of, rsm«u f sn'--- -- -— , , fe«Admodvl,itoiiwp#o *1 * mi * m*lm,It itMvataib}#crf Jwt,I ti. %wm 4 B wo ». J or piles, too. S#ey.*l nil Druggisf, ctHtirg*. Owrf*«ftot MMSM. AM*** * . C .A . 3 NOWAOO **: Mrs, Seth Collett Is Buffering with ait attack of rheumatism. The gas well at Jamestown h>m now reached the depth of 1200 feet. Oft Monday Mr. and Mrs, Enos Clemans entertained their children aftd grandchildren at dinner. F ob S ai . k —Corn fodder, ('lover, Mixed hay. Ebeti Archer- Wanted *To rent a piano. Inquire at this office. Mr, J, 1 >. Williamson and wifeen tertained the members of their fam ily at dinner, Monday, The oooanlon was in honor of their wedding anni versary. Word lias been reoeivea of the marriage of Grant BroWn to alady in Portland, Oregan, With hie bride he has started east andexpeetta to visit In Ohio, His future home will be in Oregan. . William Kyle of Xenia is spend- ling the day with his many Cedar villa Mantis, Mrs, Arab Andsrson, of uaaf Jamestown Is visiting, Mrs, Hale Dr. and Mrs, E, C. Oglesbee have Issued invitations for todayat twelve o’clock, to a number of theirfriends. ContractorMcl^an 1 mshadaforce of men at work this week cutting down thewindowsthatleadtothefire escapes that have been recently erected, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Turnbull enter tained Mr. and Mrs. I. (\ Davisand family NewYear’s Day* Mr. and Mrs, T aw Is Hullenberger entertained Bov. and Mrs,. Middle- ton and Belle, New Tear’s Day, Mr, and Mrs, Wallace, Flint have returned toNew York city after a pleasant week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Hood and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clemans. Mr. Charles Turnbull was in Cin clftnatl last Saturday where he Is taking treatment for several small uloers on one of ids eyes. Miss Mabel (irindle spent last Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs, Harry McCarty, of Xenia, Honry Robinson, the, lamp light or fell some time ago .mm Idswagon and Injured hie back so that he wa* unable to attend to Ids doHoe for **T*f*l days. Impoverished soil, like impov erished blood, needs a proper fertilizer. A chemist by analyz ing the soil can tell you what fertilizer to one for different- products. If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize it and give it the rich, red corpuscles that are lacking in it. It may be you need a tonic, but.more likely you need a concent-rated fat food, and bit is the element lacking iti your system. There is no fat food that fet so easily digested and assimi lated a« Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will nourish mid strengthen {lie bodj* when milk and cream fail to do it. Scott's Emulsion i;i always the same; alway* palatable and always tiendfkdiil wh';e the body is wasting front any cause, either hi chjldnii or adults. . uv wfti MSd yama **&&*ttma* ttasatetlwi Hit |is tn» in li* forte m * labri inowt tSwwrjjMH 8 r nteverytateUos) Wmm riort y«« bay. sin 4 tmmtwm wni * tSC.jsd;
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