The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

wmgwwwi w x m . m m m * Mr*. U. W. thdliiM w*# In Kprinf- itotd Moaday. Mr. J, JL Wolfora w*» * busmen* visitor in Dayton, Tuesday. Fur Hate Line wstjpau and buistore in good vendition. Charles Baaey, Wanted To rent a piano, Inquire at this office. Meters. «• *5. Jobe and 3- W. Fol- iock were iu atteudsuiw a t the Ohio j<tate Farmer*' Institute a t Colum­ bus this week. O. B. Bradfute left Monday, for Minneapolis where he has an engage, jjient to speak a t the state farmer's institute, Miss BerniceWolford haa returned to Ilayton for a short time as steno­ grapher for the Metropolitan Insur­ ance Company. 0. A* Dobbins and wife left Tues­ day for ColumbusWhore they attend­ ed the Ohio Htate Farmers* Institute Mrs, Dobbins left Columbus for a visit with Her father a t Ralston, O, Miss Margarett* Watt left Tues­ day morning for Wooster to take up her college work after the holiday vacation, , Mr. P. S. Brvin wife and daugh­ ters Mary and Fern left Tuesday for Deli&nd, Florida where they expect to spend a greater portion of the cold season. Bnronte they will Stop at a number of points of Interest. Frank Hill, of South Charleston was the guest overSabbath of friends here, „ Miss Carrie Townsley was the ■ guest several days of her grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fields. ' Mr, and Mrs. J . D. George enter­ tained friends a t a musicale Satur­ day evening. i'^ * . • , •* < -Miss Clara Mitchell has returned to her work at the Dayton Cash Reg­ ister, ' . . Mrs. Frank Turnbull entertained Saturday a t 12 o'clock luncheon in honor of Miss Daisy Hill the follow­ ing persons Misses. Lula Barber, ■Zola Downard, Fern Brvin, Mary ’Ervin, Nellie * McFarland, Mary Sterrett, Louise Smith and Jennie Cooper. ; - Miss Nellie McFarland entertained a number of friends in honor of Miss Daisy Hill, Monday evening. Mrs. Chas, Hardin, of Clarksville/ was a guest a t Mr. Samuel McCol­ lum's this week, - Miss May Townsley spent the first of the week as guest of friends in Springfield returning homeTnesday. Turnbull, Who has been in Cincinnati for some time .faking treatment for one of his eyes, is ex­ pected home Saturday. Mrs. Theodore .Voglesberg has been quite sick the past week." Clayton McMillan left Thursday afternoon for Tarkio, Mo., where lie will resume his college work. Clifford Hess. 28, a young man that was known in this vicinity and was recently indicted by the grand Jury oh two charges of forgery was sentenced by Judge Kyle. Wednes­ day to the Ohio State reformatory a t Mansfield, to remain until discharged for good behavior. The name Of Miss Mary Turner of near Clifton ’was forged fox about$600, Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the b l o o d In a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. I f this action be­ comes Irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EM ULS ION » suclj agreat aid is because It passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di­ gested before it enters the stomach; a double advan­ tage in this. Less work for the stomach$ quicker and more direct benefits* To get the greatest amount o f good with the least pos­ sible effort is the desire o f everyone in poor health. Beott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be­ fore you expect k Wewins*<jesta '™sr im cfeii jUtnf •wefetey teM»s» fejOTT ft UOWKK 4*f /»£*».,'**, f t • WHS MO DAUSHTERS W g a *ytflut '*-£zsEFis^ST**' Fo» Sami—Corn fodder, Clover, Mixed bay. Ebon Archer* Mayor Trader of Xenia placed an exceedingly Heavy fine on* keeper of a disreputable bouse and dispen­ ser of wet goods. The total fines and costa will keep him in the work house for a period of 56(1days, Word has been received in Xenia of the.serious illncHs of Mrs. Jennie Bollock Aftken at her home a t Col­ orado Springs. Mrs. Altlren, who is ( the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, James Pollock, of near CeclwviUo, is well known in Xenia •anti her ill­ ness will be learned with regret. ■Gazette, The famous Sells Brothers circus was sold a t auction Tuesday a t the winter quarters pear Columbus for $150,000 to Jatne Bailey of tbe Bar- num shows. The Sells Brothers shows were on the road for thirty years and the pwnly brother living, Will Sells did not care to continue the business longer and offered the outfit for sale. Judge Marcus Slionp has an injunc­ tion, against the Board of PublicSer­ vice of Xenia from goinganyfurther in the matter of putting down , brick paying on Main. street. The Board has let the contract for brick paving and the property owners who have •to pay for the improvement want asphalt paving. The cost of the la t­ ter is much more than the former but a, majority of the'residents on the street prefer the,asphalt. Judge Brown granted the writ of injunc­ tion. We notice in “The Fourth Estate' ’, a magazine devoted to newspaper publishers it contains a fine likeness of Mr. George A. McClellan, who was recently appointed generalman­ ager of the Star League of newspa­ pers under the management of John G» Shaffer. The Star League consists of the Indianapolis Star, Muncie Star and TerreHaute Star Mr. Israel Frantz, a prominent citizen of Clark county, died Satur­ day morning after an illness of some time. The funeral took place Tues­ day. The deceased loft a widow, three daughters and a son. Mr. G. W. Frantz and mother, Mrs. Lucy Frantz attended the funeral. Messrs. Charleton Bull ol Green- town, Ind. and son Scott, of Mont­ pelier, Ind. spent Monday evening with L. G, Bull and family. Tues­ day morning the three . gentlemen left for Morgan county to look after their interests in a number of oil' wells they have there. STATE INSTITUTE. The State Farmers’ Institute closed Wednesday, electing Lowell Roudebush, of Clermont, County, p.esident, W. G, Farnsworth, of Lucas County,- vice president. Resolutions were adopted demand­ ing financial recognition from the legislature for the agricultural intec- estsof Ohio as represented in the State Board of Agriculture, the ex­ periment station and the agricultur­ al department of the Ohto State University, “in proportion to their magnitude and Importance." Also that the pr< sent law taxing oleomargarine be left undisturbed by Congress: tha t the purity of foodstuffs be guaranteed by the pas­ sage of laws requiring each package to present a formula of the ingredi­ ents; that the Grosvenor shoddy bill be passed, and ihat Ohio farmers neither kill quail nor permit others to do so on their farms. WANTED, A MAYOR. Municipal affaire In the village of New Carlisle have assumed a serious nature In as much as the corpora­ tion Is unable to find one of its citi­ zens who is willing to serve in the capacity of Mayor. At a meeting of the council held re oemly, William Hterrtrt, the pre­ sent incumbent, announced to' the ingoing eouncilmen tha t they siimtld elect a capable man as their presi­ dent pm ferti H h I), w«Js his intention to resign In a few days, Bach mem­ ber'turned to Ids colleague beside him and began urging him to accept the honors of the office, but the pre­ liminary caucus proved fruitless. A Very Owe Call. * "liduck io my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W, Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa, " I was weak and pale# without, any appetite and ail run down. As I was about/ to- give up. I got a bottle of Electric Bitters, and after taking it, I felt as well as I aver did in my life," Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new Iffo, strength and vigor from their use. Try them., Hatisfariten gua­ ranteed by all Drufcgtei; Pries BO K A U F H A N ’S CLEARANCE SALE OF CLOTHING Is now going on. Greatest Bargain Event of the Season. Don't miss this grand Opportunity to Buy High-grade SUITS, OVERCOATS, SEPARATE P\NTS at Greatly Rodfrced Prices. , j n ) - 2 3 S o u t h L i m e s t o n e s t r e e t , W r . i i 1. O f c i S t a i i d , S P R I N G F I E L D , O H I O . , DECMBER TOWNSHIP SCHOOL REPORT. Number of District '............. ; Enrollment................................. Average Daily Attendance......... Per Cent Daily- Attendance....... Number Tartly............ ...».......... Number Present Every Day ».. Per Cent Present Every Day..... Number ofVisitors.............. ......... Rank for December............. ./ Rank for November................ . B f . 02 . f? S 'Uto fT*- • Miss Conley ....... Miss Siegler.... .... . i?aa 02 I P * -s 5 I m . m B . .w*, ef gOfOf a •5 T Miss Winter™ ... § S- HM J f 1 |8 | i a 3 4 6 6 7 33 23 17 18 IS 22 18 188 148 30 19 16 16 12 21 11 125 136 91 83 91 89 98 96 86 91 91 10 0 m 26 A, 2 8 66 '38 10 3 H 6 8 8 = 6 61 7* 30 13 66 83 67 36 89 40 '47 4 .16 24 25 IS 2 4 184 13 4 3 5 1 2 6 1 • ' *" 2 t 3 6 6 B , L . C rawfori >, Sup’t. ASSOCIATION .MEETINGS. During the week there has been a number of breeder’s, association meetings a t Columbus, a t which time officers have been elected. Ohio Swine Breeder’s Association- President, S, S. Puckett, of Yellow Springs: vice resident, E. S. Tuss- ing, Canal Winchester; secretary, C. A. Kurtz, treasure, F. B. MeNell, Troy. Improved Delaine Meriuo Sheep Breeder’s Association-President, Geo. Helser,' Herring; first vice president, Amos Braden, Bellefon- taine second vice. president, H, T. Miller, Columbus; secretary-treas- urer, G. A. Henry, Rellefontaine corresponding secretary,- Cortland Marshall,, London; board of directors II. H..Jobe, J, D. Irvin, F. F. Woqnes and H, T. Jobe; pedigree commit­ tee, G. E. Heiser, H. P. Miller and L. S. Dukes. The American Chester White Rec­ ord Association—President, W. T. Dever, Lucasville; vice president, F. P. Dill, Mestorville; secretary, CarlFreigau, Columbus; treasurer, E. S. Tussing, Canal Winchester. The Ohie Horse Breeder’sAssocia­ tion—President, Charles Toiler, Co­ lumbus; vice president, R. W. Dun­ lap, Kingston; secretary, Samuel Taylor, Pleasant Corners. Henry Wilkinson, aged 68 years, a man that-formerly was a wealthy horseman near South Charleston, ‘ committed suicide a t Ms home Wed­ nesday afternoon, by shooting him­ self with a shotgun, Dont miss this opportunity to se­ cure a pair of PANTS a t our auction sale, Ablg stock of them a t your own price, Robt, Birch Woodbtidge Ustiek, who lias been nightman a t the telephone exchange for several months lias resigned his position.' Manager Turnbull. has selected Ralph Wolford to fill the vacancy, entering on his duties last night. . Bargains every afternoon a t our AUCTION ROOM. Robt. Bird A great Chance to purchase a t aucti a a tyou r own price;. BOOTS, SHOES, and RUBBERS, Jan. 14-16 17-18-19-20-21, At Robt. Bird’s. Miss Azema Johnson, daughter of John Johnson, who resides about wo miles east of Clifton, dicdWed- esday morning after a brief illness. Miss Johnson was 21 years of age. The" funeral will take place today from the Presbyterian church in Clifton a t 10 o’clock. i A Living Monument. If we were to assemble all those who have been cured of heart disease by Dr. Miles' H eart Cure, ana who would, to-day be in their graves had not Dr, Miles' been successful in perfecting this wonderful heart specific, they would pop­ ulate a large city, ■What a remarkable record— a breathing, thinking, moving monument, composed of human lives,—that for which every other earthly possession is sac­ rificed. ■ I The Miles Medical Co: re­ ceive thousands of letters from these people like the following; - i thl* .- *ft. Sir*-., ifHT«*x«rt{<N AfldAttiaHii or th« heart, „ that I Would *ttn» i n iritebto remedy tif time 1 h«T » ’** eerioue Mimed „tlen of t t»Un heart; «m« t m rop the etreet. One day I reed e eifoulere, >&d lmmeduteiv I h e ------ - X f j j S g g moor jWf one wtftt two ]_ cured. Sir ' .«r rnwritt*, Tonw. Or. Ml MD«» Medical Co., Elkhart, t m Saved from Terrible Death. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of Bargcrton, Tenn», saw her dying and were powerless to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consump­ tionwas slowly but surely taking her life; In this terrible hour Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption turned despair into joy. The firstbot­ tle brought immediate relief and Its continued use completely cured her. I t ’s the most certain cure in the worldfor all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed Bottles 60c and $1.00. Trial Bottle Free a t all Druggist. l*J*®DlCIN!Bn This grciit stock medicine is a imoney an or for Kcn-Lt misers. It 1 la a muT<inc, not a cheap food of? | condition povnler. Though put up In odor t form than Ti.eilford’s Black-lJraught, rrnowned fear the Cure of the digestion' trouble* of :persons, it has the same qualities , ct invigmating digestion, stirring up the tt.rpid liver and loosening. the constipated bowels for all eloex j and pou.lry. It is tsarefuliy pre> pared ar.d its action is sohealthful! that stork grow and thrive with an j Occasional dose in their food. It j cores hog cholera and, mokes hogs | grow fat, Itcures chicken oholer* i and roup and makes hens Jay. It j cutes oonstipotion, distemper and coldrjn horses, murrain la cattle, and make* a draught animal do. more work for the mod consumed, j Xt gives animals end fowls of all j kinds new Ufe. Bnry farmer and j reiser should oerfaJaly givs It 'trWL It coets 2fio. a eon and sates test j .times its price in profit. P o i n t s ire t h e D a y lig h t S to re . Doublingright and left since Fate==or Fortune,which?-*^decreedthat Bendure’s is to remainin theBorneCity. Spite of so called ucost sa le s " comparison proves tha t goods sold tii this store a t fair profit are lower priced in same grade. Lined Mocha and Suede Gloves. $1,50 beat grade full Iambs wool lined., M J3 Mocha, lined with wool..,,.,..,........... 79c Kid lined Mittens, $1.25 and $1.00, for 79c $1.50 Seamless Rubber Gloves,,.., ....... 79C, Ladies’ Pique Sfc. Gloves, $1.25 quality 75c ,Pillow Cases—Linen Finish. 42-inch, sale price,,;.......................... 9c 45-mch, sale price,» » , , , « , . . . . . . I0o TOW ELS . Nice quality..,,....................................... 25c 20x42-inch, hemstitched.,;..... . 19c 20x38-inch, hemstitched, 29c, for........ . 22c 18x38*inch, hemstitched, ,8Qc for.,.,.,., 25c Turkey Red Damask—6-inch. 29c, 25c; 45c; for 39c; 50c for 45c. P ILLOW TOPS. Some Stamped.................. IS0c and 25c Others, Finished Tops, for............... 12c 15c box, fine writing paper, box ........ 9c 8c Ink J f c a b l e t e . . ..... ...» ........ 5c $1.50 and $1.69 Umbrellas....................... $1.19 50c Tam O’Shanters................... 19C « w outing f l a n n e l , 5c quality,.,.,. • , * » • * , . *» . , « , , 3 ' 3*4c 10c quality, all n o w , . . . , . . .........,....8c 12Jc qualify, all now....... ..................... ...10c COTTON B LANK ET S , Full 11-4 size, $1,50 and $1.39 grades...$1-1? LADIES* HOSE. 19c and 15c seamless, fast black, at I3c or 2 pair........ ........ .................... ........ ..25c Children's Stockinet Legging, 4 to 7 years only,..,,.,........ ............. ................25c pa ir Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Vests, small, only...l9c Ladies'SoiledAll-Wool VOste, large, only... 69c . LADIES* F IN E BELTS* 1 lot, worth up to $1,60, for today,.,,..... 50c 1 lot, 60c Belts,.........................................19c 10c and 12JcFlannelette, nice patterns.. 8c yd TO ILET SOAPS* 10 gross today a t 12c dozen; cakes large. 4c cake, full sized caktf; Buttermilk, Balm, Glycerine, Tar or Oat Meal Soap, 4c cake. 35c and 25c embroidered Collars, all linen..19c 10c embroidered Tum-rrer Collars...,...... ,5c DRESS Gli GHAMS. 12ic and quality......,.,............8c yard ■ t o ­ r n t o , ■ mm t o 8 T . D . BEN D U R E , Springfield, > • • 1 # m m Pearl A. Turner, 19 years old and Haxel Fudge, W, daughter of John Fudge, havebeen granted a marriage license to Wed, BADBREATH DR .E. C. OGLESBEE, PHYSOIAN ASD SIIRGEON. Spcciiilty X 1W null Elrclro Tlvera* pentic irfutment, Aire letret im* proved upparenn for treating dbeares of tl»‘ u<re, threat ami lungs ItWTSi Sausage Time is here. The sausage# are here, too, If you want to get up an ap­ petite for breakfast oome in and look a t them. Made of the heat meat with just the Proper Spicing, One look a t them will make you hungry. With-or Without buck­ wheat oakes they will make a breakfast fit** a king. Try them New Year's or any other morning a M< G Q & t f M , 4§itMMttkhO* ** m r**r«Hw«jri . . SttrliagSMtehrCs,(CMMjs or K.V. 3*8 AIMAUAIE.TEHMUJill iHMI R. E. CORRY, keel Estate and Feraonsl prop* , Fromptueec, sttaatiou AUCTIONEER S A M & I ItaiWwite. to details and setisiketion guaranteed, High tervioa, Lew prices, Residenoe Tetephone m Clifton, O. Call and secure dates. —Peninsular ranges are wonderfaf tedrereaa l cookers. The supply hardly equals demand, Better see them a t Kwtte i t M&mmm B»oe, | h i t t o r LETTSft*. ; Diet of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedatvillo portoffice for ti>e month ending Jam 13, 1906: j List No. 2 . j Foreman Ben.T, F, . Hcetir Charles H, The Mmibh; (.%, 5 T N. T arbux , P. M. Wonderful Nerve. 1 «diaplayetl by many a man «a- durlng paina of oscetdentiri Onto, Wounda, Brulaea, Barn*, Spdfifc, iftore feel or stiff joints, But ttere'a no need for it. Bnekian’a Affitea ■Halvewilt kill the pain and cure tise trouble. I t’s the beat Btvlve (ref«fsrt& or Fites, too. ter, a t all Drogghfii. CASTOftIA jhsii V m Vkm i