The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
fc'*»r Kwi'Jlentif Our Vub Wu,rk w ill c uM p iro w h i t ; t h a t o f a n y o H u t f i r m ; . . . - ♦ ■*“ ■ This firm when m*rkt& wi'lt *»' Index, denotes tout jr.yr *ub*ctep* is |:as- T:o and a prompt scitic^ went- jearr.tTRij’de&md, gfgry’g!. TWENTY-EtGTtl YEAR NO, CEDARVIU.E, OHIO; FRIDAY. JANUARY 27, 1905, PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. COMITE TURNS T * Coun ty Cen tral Comm ittee re fuses to recognize ove r 1000 petitioners for “ square” deal, Tli a county central committee met in Xenia Thursday and .failed a pri mary for April 0th The foliowing bffhva ha'vo to 'bofilled :• Gomnibn pleas judga probate judge, cleric of court, commi*$oner, anti infirmary director, , , Mr ..M, It, Snodgrass was present at the meeting: and presented a peti tion signed by over a l(W3Republican voters asking t’h'at the coming prim ary* bo hold under a late section of (be,law anil to bo antlerthe direction mf the Board of Elections. At the presentUnv» Ohio primary law anti what m i 1 is done nr 'iho primaries as they have been;conduc ted in the past, there Is n?> chance ■m in ing legal proceedings lo check the uso of money .between the candi date and the voter, 'The fotlTiwIng is a copy of the peti tion which was signed h,v politicians, farmers, ministers, 'lawyers and pri vate citizen s ' who wanted the prl- tn;n‘y h e ld under it la>v th a t’would pp ra check to the corruption-in pol ities* “ We Uu* undersigned Jtepub- licau voters of Greene county, Qhio. do hereby request and petition (ho Greene County Central Committee to order^a primary election under the law,.AS provided by statute Vol. OF. p. 489 O. L.‘, fur tlie nomination’ of a Common ideas .fudge, wind other County officers, anti th a t such' election bn At the iTsnalt time, in April, and tlm-l: such rules and regu lations bo adopted, by you, as will insure a fair'election.” Mtt. Snodgrass spoke in behalf of the-i)etiouers and hims'elf, that the old system was nnsatisfactoify to the people but the- committee took, no heed of, what the people wanted. ‘The central committee that opposed the petition, only Acted in accordance with their masters' the “boss,” who could not soil -out the offices and. dictate just what should be done if the primary was bold under the law This .Same “ boss" has bankrupted one city and now seeks the Greene County tax-payer as I uh prey. His home city after seeing the course he , pursued in “ the sewer hold up ” Jtf- sned a terrible rebuke to him in tlie defeat of Ins candidates for the city odices. ' Them are a number of .1mydents th a t tlm public should know , about this primary and why the commit tee met so much sooner than usual .to Issue the cair, , * , In the first place the “ boss” has a candidate for common pleas judge and it was only about a week ago until be wanted*, tho committee to -meet and declare th a t there was on ly the one man for tlie office and give him power' to. select his own delegates to the convention. To off set. tins Mr, Snodgrass openly an nounced his candidacy and flip “ boss” had to think of some other n ay to save his,man. The petition which was presented at the mooting Thursday was in circulation at that iimcatul during tlie week the “ boss” called for his henchmen to meet Thursday lo call a primary, Mr, Hum!grass again stepped in on tlieni with the petition, and gave the com mittee a ehauce to turn it down. The. object of the meeting was to call the primary before the petition could lie presented. With these facts Mr. tfnodgra*» asked tha t the commit tee pass sortie rules governing the primary bu t flm committee refused to puss a rule or hold the election under a law that, would restrict their power, t COUNCIL MEETING. •TUNNEL* ON RUSSIA’S NEW RAILWAY BAIKAL. * LINE AROUND. LAKE To get around Lake Baikal, which is a great hn tree of delay to teaflic an tl»o Traussiberlaii railroad, Russia lias just built a new,Hue following the shore of the gteat body of water.» In fifty miles thirty-eight'tunnels and .thirteen covered,galleries were necessary. Owing to the peculiar elusnjeter of the rock eveiy tbimel hud to be fined throughout with masonry, Guards aye constantly stationed at the tufuioi entrances. 1 - - MUCH OPOSITION TO HERICK Governor is th e sub ject for much criticism ow ing to his stand on public ques tions, ( * HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I WOMAN ARRESTED. Klowari, lot ..Sheriff id .T**n»lo in Xenia, $2ntK). - John IV, McLean to k . R, dull, lot-in CodarvIJlo, $(>(>?. G»;prge Moore, to it, \Y. ami Anna Ran- Mprry Marshall reported jo Qifi- cars, Grhuljk1and Keiuion on Tues day th a t there was a colored woman camping down the cliffs with tier two children, a hoy la years old and Urn girl about uinn ol* ten. They’had II, MOore, it-100 ot an .acre on tlm been staying uml,«r the big rock af Bpllbrook'rpad, $200. . * j the spring and were keeping warm ' MargavetL- Bratton and Behtoh ™ “> ^ Barber to Thomas’Spencer, strip of Council mat Monday evening to take up the ordinance relative, to.ilii* members getting a salary Which they arc entitled lo.pnder the law. Tim mdhmbee provides tisat the mem ber* ahull each receive $2 per night providing there 1 h tint more than 84 meeting-nights in the year. Adjourn ment; was taken until Friday eve- ing. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Cedar* vllte Protective Association will be held at, Codftrvllle Fein 18 I9v>6 for the purpose of electing o0le,.*ra and trustees for tho ensuing year and for any other business that maybe necessary, ft. C. Watt W\ J . wildmatt Hceretnry. NOTICE. ■- 1 , . nfirkt:#* ■•. - .-■» m , Moran will bo a t Boyd’s livery barn Wednesday and Thtiteday, pay ing tha top notch prlcaa to t hww* and ‘ lan.d for straightening line, $88. Wm„ Harrier Walker and Eliza beth Hprnev, lot in Xenia,' $20!), , • Frank and Minnie Wlnttiqgton to Elizabeth Thomas, 5 acres in Jeffer son tp., $500. c . F. and (Jora R. Downey to Eto- m a I \ Adams, lot in Fairfield, $850. Edward C. Parris .fo-’Bobfc Hood, 75Q0 square feetoflftml ill XtedarviMe $850-■ ^ ' Wm G. Marshall, trustee for Char les A. Geiger, bankrupt to Mielieal Moran, lot in Xenia; $7,14. Henry C Fenker to Lizzie L Brown 21-100 o f an acre in Xcpia tp., $125. N. F. and Laura B. Hutsler to ‘B. H . Cummins,.lotin Jamestown, $1800 B. H . and Clarissa Cummins to the Wickershiun Hardware (]<).; lot in Jamestown $1200. ^ , ».'• , . B. H. and Clarissa Cummins to N. F. Hnlfiler, 80 acres in .Boss tp., $2300. . Yisno and Wllletta B. Haught to Charles H. and Mary-M Marts,. 20# acres’in Bath tp., $1800. D. E. Bealte Blanch Starkey, lot. In Bowersvillc, $1150.' • ftobert McXftmee, adm’r, to -Jos-. ephS . Wead, « acres in Xenia tp., and city $ 1150 . 12 . Robert McXamee am! wife to Jos eph S Wead, 1Herein Xenia tp., $150 'Charles F,Gowdy and others to Bost 'Cowen, 25 acres in Xm ia tp., $2000. . John W and Harriet Swisher to John Blessl, % acre In Xenia tp., $1. Richard and Rebecca Galloway to Lit France Chew lots in Xenia, $1500. George MTn ttle oxe’e and trustee of Milton Katiff lo P’rank C Hunt and others property In Xenia $1. Sheriff to Edward C Hunt lots In Xenia $1575. , NO ORGANS ALLOWED. They had been there tor two or three nights. To secure/ the nocssary food for existanea tlie wotnsta broke into the home-of-Mrs. Mary-Cline stealing soma cooking utensils, flout fete; The officers arrested the wo man, who is known as, Lou Slaugh ter. • She- Appeared before. Andrew Jackson, just learnt* the pmee, and Was ilrtert $5, and costs and given $),) da'ys in the work hotisa^ The hay is to be pUu-’cd'in the reformatory at, Lancaster and the girl iti the’county homer : ■' OVER THE PHONE. A unique feature was iulrodneed at, the United* Presbyterian sendees last Sabbath in Springfield-for the bunofit of one of the members. Miss Snllin Reid living four miles east of tlie. cltyj heard the fierinon of Rev, R, H. Hitmo the paster, through a tolephomyit her home. She has beep an invalid for years and. VHfhough deprived of the privileges of attend ing church, has been gm d ly inter ested in tho work. A telephone was ineialled in tho eimrch and thp transmitter was placed in front of the pulpit atul wlthin.easy aCecss of the preacher’)} voice. "Miss Staid heard every word spoken,, also tho songsl Aswelt-as though she was In eliureh. .4MhVquIrer. INCREASED ALLOWANCE. Recently the-Board of EfiUcation of Palmer Township, Putnam coun ty, passed resolutions ru lingou t the organs In tho schools a.1 Kiefersvllle whicii cost- the township nothing, hut which had been'paid for by the. pupils from A fund secured by enter tainments givenby them. This act- ion has caused universal comment, with tin? result that, in all probabili ty, this board of education will say good-bye a t tho close of the,year and new faces will take their places, The, organs were used in the morn ing devotional exercises. This is the school Where the board of education charged the teacher with taking too much of a hand in xmliltes, because he threatened to punish the offender if he should be found, who defaced a large lithograph of the president by placing a long flowing beard up on the features. They ruled no campaign pictures or any other plop urea conhi adorn tho walls of the school mom and ordered that ot the president of the United Btalfy *<’* mofad. The application of Harah GHlaugh, widow of the late Horne1AGillattgh for an increase iff her year's allow ance by tin* executor.-, of hoi’‘hus band's will, was eomuik red in Pro bate court Tuesday mul the testimo ny taken of a number# of witueSsos, Fader the will Mrs, Gillaugh was to have the income from tlie. estate dur ing her life time or so long as she may remain hts-wldow. Af her death the property will bo divided among the brothers and sisters of Mr. Gil* laugh, among them being Mr. Fred Fraver and Mrs. <*. IV. ‘('rouse. Mr. Fraveratid Mr. Fro use Were made executors anil gave Mrs. Gillangh an allmvunl’ cover her. living.-ex penses for the first year at $i08 Judge Khmip.increased this to $735.. FIFTIETH anniversary . Invitations are out announcing the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr, and Mrs. Gtvbis Lackey for Tuesday February, 7th a t cloven o’clock, a t their home, near James town. The invitation.'! are unique in that a t the toil is a half tori * picture nftho couple taken in 1357 and at tlm bottom Is another Mhowing them at the present day. , FARM FOR R^NT. f desire to rout my farm of 2ndacre# located on fbe Towusiey and Hpeii- cer road. Tue farm inwell Improved having a. good, bam and an extra good house Terms a te ofin half rout down when possnsiion is given. T, W, Hpencer, That Governor H e r r i c k n o t go ing to got the nomination for the of* fice he now holds with onfe soma op position as far ns t.lic,.r>nwspap,ersFnd a majority or tjw people are concern eel hjshown by the following clippings from near by exchanges, Tho Gov. ernor nmy be a good business man but he U«a made sumo awful blund ers while dealing with t i e peoples righ ts and they are not sloWgiit, the present tifne in-stfitingtheirpositlon. Of course Governor Hcr’riclc bn$ some Mends and has a ‘strong fol-, lowing among' the politicians, tlie oiakH of politicians.that (ire known as the “hittehiuo” brand, and.he may Tib ahie to work the “machine.” around so that lid Will bo renomina ted bu t ho -can’t heap the people from voting their way. Wo give a feW of the. noticosjjutt the Governor 1ms been getting in noma nearby ex- olnyigeH i‘ ' ' • ‘teteo. ’B^ Cox thinks Gov. Herrick should side step his second term am bitions for ft)? sake of harmony in |1»«party, bm ,says he will support him tf he stays in the racn.*” jrf’s about time te f ta r f a “straw vote” campaign,” - Gmm> County Press. “ t',ox has declared for’ HevfJek, but th a t does not matte the man from Cleveland tlie RnpUhlican candldnte for Governor this Uihf, • Tiia people will have something to rtrty this time and their voice will be hoard and above a ’whisper af thap”—Jam es town Journal, ■ ' ■ . “ Senator Dick rWcsteromarkthnt Ithe iudovsemeut. given Governor Herrick by George B. Cox of Cincin nati Inis ended a ll possibilit lea of a tight-for, the Uapnbiic&nmjyminfttbmP IE this were true ’twere pity. How ever, wo doU’tvbelirve Boss Ooxcmt- ,,<fis the Ropublloim party, .of Ohio do (pLitethe.extclitmdP-alod.'5Boutli Charleston Echo. ‘ . “Governor-Herrick’Spress, bureau is working over’tirii i to ndnvlncn the people of Ohio tha t he is the legit!-, mate successor of his 'first term. While it has'been the custon^ to give a Governor a second term', it docs not follow, necessarily-; and the ruin is not a law or bhpUng. Governor Herrick was elected for llm lernv of two years: hi“ is imi now any more entitled to anotherTej;m than any? other, citizen of tho state, and it is*. Mic people who are the judge?, in tho case. Politicians, for?,the purpose of •being regular and following custom will fry to foreohis nomination and thou whip into line tho voters. Hitch a procedure in dangerous and nitty, lose Iho state, to tho parly. The people of this country have, come to know wlnit they want and will not be driven by politicians who arc In the game for their own advantage, Herrick is a machine product, made 4o order; and the machine may manufacture another nomination, as it is in their power, unless the. peo ple exercise their right, by mashing the thing and conducting thete own business in their own way, Tfiepol* itleiaiiH have sent out tho word that ft is dangerous to refuse another nomination to Herrick; hut tho peo ple are fiot excited nesver tho matter; they know tliero are good men in both parties and (hat Myron T. Her-- rick Is not tlie only. From every indication at this time It looks dan gerous to give the Governor am-tber chancs a t Ike ballots. The people are snproiite arid they will decide the matter right when giv'oti tho *op* porimtlty in tlm _polling booth.” -Osborn Bocal. OFFICERS'INSTALLED. ' The irtHjFUatiou of ofilecu'sof Oeilnr C'Jiff lodge Xo. fi30# 1ntiepeitdeut Or der of Gdd Fellows^ was held last Tuesday evening by District Deputy Grand Master J, G. Toland of James town. The following officers were Installed for tlm mtrrent term : Xo- bie grand, Ory Cline; vice grand, Bert McFarluiUt; recording seereta- ry, G. AV.-Frantr,; financial seerota- ry, ,L \V. McLum; treasure, Jacob Hiegler; right support to noble grand, A. (’..Owens; loft .support to noble grand, Elmer Oweibs; warden,’ j . W. McFarland; conductor, O. T. Xegley; rlgh tscene supporter, G. IT ( ’rouse; left scene supporter, O. I t. Bhautton; outside guardian, F . H. Keyes; Inside guartliau, Clyde Nortlmp; chaplain, (■. W. ( ’rouse, right support to noble grand, Frank McLean j left support to noble grand J in n y Negley. Gedurville Corn's* pondent, Bpriugfidd Him. * -» —• For Bate -LogWagon ami bolsters hi gOort conditioib CharlesHaney. GOVERNOR J . FRANK HANLY ,0F INDIANA. d lu lii» repeat message to the legislature .t Frank Ilaxiiy, the new governor of Indiana, tleiTounced the railroad pass evil and urged legislators to accept no favors from corporations. Governor Hcnl.v was- born lit a log cabin and has been ditch digger, farm hand, schoolteacher and lawyer.’ He was a breadwinner at uu early ngb and practically educated himself. THE THIRD NUMBER. The third number on the Joel urn Course, The Giegel-Me.yer-JLtecd Go, entertained a fair si/,'ed crowd at. tlm opera house, Wednesday ovetilngde- spito tile cold .wbathur. The num ber had boen extensively advertised and was considered tlm bust amuse ment number on the course. Most of the numbers were of a musical order, AM Samuel Biegbl, asina-ndo- llnsitr and ' >l,r., Hynmu Meyer as mustcan-humorlMh MisS Molly.,Time- lteed, the reader, won’rtie utufietwe by her obliging inaunor and nttrhc- tivo appearance. . Miss Heed’s selec tions captured the audience, she be ing,recalled several times.- 1 COURT.News. WHEELER STAXeMM. Wajyu' B, Wheeler, Hupevluictt- donb of (lifj Ohio Anti-Galoo’n Lea gue, fiaya of Cox’s announcement for Herrlyk’s renomlnalion: “ J sc.e that. Goorga B. Cox hfiti ■ alt- nomuuyl liiuiknll'.for Governor Her rick, Yon could hardly expect any thing elae, yet, the sentiment in Ohio is ho strongly against tlm governor tha t Tbelieve that if Mr, Cox had lived anywhere else than in. saloon- controlled Cincinnati, ho would have been against h im .' The saloon influ ence, however, was loostrcmgandhc surreititercd'even though lie ad tallied tha t Governor Herrick ought not tp auk for tin? place and would'he a weak candidate.” I t is stated that two dollar silver certificates, of the counterfeit varie ty,* arc in circulation in this vicini ty. Tiiid new counterfeit is made in imitation of the $2 silvcr gertideate, which bftqi's.tlie small portrait of George Washington. H is said to be a piiotonieclumlcju lvpro.ductioU. In tlie signature of Ellis H. Roberts, tho period which-follows the name, on the Original, is- omitted on the counterfeit. On tlm buck or reverse side of the- counterfeit, the world “ public” Is npsspelled, appearing as “purlin,“ A Jarge mtinber of liquor case; were to have been. argued befor J mlgn Kyle of i ho Court of Commo' rioas on Tuesday morning bur, foj out* reason or another a ll/o f 'then, were , onllnued u/ifil Feb. IQth. There are 23 cases, the suite beim brought tb enjoin the county treas- m-er from collecting the Dovv- tax. As all the suits are’similar, one cuhe will decihe them alb A few of them vyiil probably be 'settled,-"Gazette. Tlm motion of Lester Croy th a t lie be given possession of his child was over-.rulcil. hy Judge Kyle of the Court'of Common Fleas on Monday. At Urn time that. Mrs. -Croy was granted n divorce from her husband tlm child was given into (he custody b fits grand pa'runts, Mr. and Mrs. (toy, wlmrc it lias since remained. The mother lias gone to Montana and the father of the child questioned the iff ness of the grandparents ic Care fol' it. By tho ruling of ■ the court, however, it will continue to remain in their possession, tlie fath er paying 75 cents il week for its sup port, us'heretofore. / *—----- ~——x Tlie gas well at Jamestown has h?ou abandoned at a depth- of 18QP feet.. BMt water was' reached and there was no further Intllentfous that there, vbuld be gas or oil." * Miss Ma{lge Mill'igati, who has been spending several mouths' with her grandparents, Mr. atul. Mrs. J .‘ I). 'George loft, Thursday for Clr jago Where she will visit 1'rlemls a few days befoi’o return tug to- her home in Kansas. • / ' ' Loveland, a town near-Cincinnati about, the him of tin's place voted (‘dry*’ undoFt hP Ileal law hy a good majority/ Thcsaloons that were hi business at tin* tinfe have gone in,to nqw fields, The o.nly thing the town has to con tend ’with at, the present time is a drhgsf n*e. Tito druggist lias been.prosecuted once hut con tinues tho Kale of the wet gotidsjusti tho sum?. Editor Biair has been keeping Up a hot fight agaiiist the follow in tho interests of law and or der.- According to the last Issues of the Tri-County Press (lie druggist received three barrels of house' the pastweek* * ,, ... / ., At theJVictora theater hi Dayton will ha the following comic operas: February 2 d “ The Prince of Pilson” on Ihe 8 d, “ The Hho-Guu” , 4 (h, Mnte., Hchnman-Hcink in “ Love’s Lottery.” ^ * *Mi’s. H. C. Middleton reccivecbthe sad news of the death of her only surviving brother, C’apt. R. II, Hig gins, at Ills home in GcorgCfown, O., Wednesday. Bhe left Thursday moruiug for Georgetown to attend tlie funeral which will he held today .CaptainHiggins was 75 years of age ’ •and left two sons ami three daugh ter, all married. The Captain served i l one' of the companies of the 59th Ohio Infautary, Mr. Milo BnndaU who suffered a stinke. of paralysis some montlis ago and them improved so th a t was able lobe about has suffered a second stroke. At tho present hr is much improved and his many friends hope for ids recovery. John Bti'obrldgo and family who have been on a visit with relatives iff Virginia have returned hero before they go h» Indiana, -where MY. Giro- bridge takes.charge of a herd of cat. U p . ' ’ *Messrs W. G. and O. R. Fisher, editors of ihc Wilmington Journal have turned oyer the management of.their pap w to, WHIG. McKay, of Lebanon, for a year. The Fisher Brothers expect to take a much needed rest and during the year will travel quite extensively through thin country and Mexico. Mr. JL C. Watt, it ho is recognized/ A.numh »r of Hie m-mib u's of the Knights of Pythias order have or ganized a hand and a t the present tlmo some very hard practice is b >*j , . lug indulged in % the members. t ( F 'so iu ' hvvvdcrs of has liecufioiti tyearsi.lnccGi'darvilie] Jh’1’1’ h*C*» having won had hand ami there is m. reason mm, ‘ M1‘^ M ’temhtms.than why Hie ones who have imd;-nake» j;n ’' other one firm la ln iG th t. nuin* (ho task cannot make a s u r e I L o te d e rso f ten' same .strain. I s m fire j Issues. His repo rt, showing the ^ ' . *■ * j1 num b e r o f fires in th e state I* and th e varTous causes; j Fiw's reporled to (be State F ire ^ jMammal during WOi as being c»«H<'<r^ t>ygas explosion, gas leaks and. by explosion, .number 94, bnt many fires ‘ reported as from unknown causa are ' doubtless properly chargeable to gas The reckless use of gasoline in Ohio called 895 fires during 1904 i 398 in 1008; 173 in 1901. The m a n y r nonealing accounts of,persons being burned to death by explosion^ of this ‘ product ol’petroleum does not seem to have taught the people a proper appreciation of its power to destroy, They are, perhaps, xiot aware that? the vapor arising from gasoline when mixed in a porportian of over 7, per cent, with the air is one of the most dangerous explosive. The liability of powder to explode in handing is but slight if compared with th a t of gasoline. ■* ' , ■' A t the ordinary temperature of a dwelling, gasoline continually gives, off inflamhiable vapor and a light, a spade or a lighted cigar within a dis tance of. ten feet from the material may ignite it through its vapor which explodes. The vupor from ohe- pint, of gasoline will, if) ib< absence of *■■ freoyentihuioii, make cubic test of air explosive. H depends upon Ihe porportion, ’of-1air and vapor whether it he;*omasa burninggaa or , ’ an explosive. The danger does not * fie much In ii to devices for its. use as in having it about. 1The;,wide spread,practice of using It for clean- ing purposes'is reckless indeed/ for aside from its making the surround ing air explosive the’ friction from rubbing textile fabrics, in I t'm a y ' • produce ati electrical spark which ' will igiiltclt ami setthoroom a (daze. r Mr, J . G- Cleinaus, (be vetran banlcer of Jamestown was given' it, surprise dinner last, dtiturtlny in mnorof his eighty-fifth birthday. - ‘ Tho libel suit o f Capt* Dowling of Toledo againstEd.itm1Barnes of the XeuiaHerald Is to ho. tried again. Tlte first.trial- -result ed in tip '-jury railing to agree*' R. tho leaded --Bundled fodder for side by, „ J.G , IinrhsT.-jt n ho will imo«>a r-otnhinalhmsale at Uu* Dayton stock yards, February Id. Tito Sjjle wilt include nothing lint toglsti-fod slni'k,. Falling h a ir means weak liaitv Then strengthen y o u r ‘h a i r ; feed it with the only hail4food, Ayer’s H a ir Vigor. It checks .falling hair, m£kes the ha ir Hair Vigor grow, completely cures dan druff. And it always resto res color to g ray h a ir, all the rich , d a rk color of e a rly life. “Mr hslr.v*s fitlllnat oat tmflteundIjfiwi afr»!dI•woulitlo*elt&ll. TlieuItrinlAynr'f - ‘ '■ ■■' ■ ' — ' "ng»a4 ifalrVIzor. Itqnlekljrstoppedtinfa|ti s qndBlnTliilfRll Iconlilvlkli ItWbe.” UKSKOCA. K. A llkk , lOI^Unlb, N .J. for * i , m »bottle. mbmb SI mh d.C.Atrxaco., TxiireU. Msst. Falling flair E L E C T £ D I f a vote were taken on th« most popular fiour, our „ Golden Rule Would receive a handsome ran- joritj - ft is tho choice of hakefs and housewives who Amw, la’ camw it goes farth umi gives bpIter results than any tuber dour ever milled. But don’t take ow wnrd tor it—try if tor .m.vy.of/; and iw* cmn inct'tk, L H , S u llenb e ise fv Q h fa *
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