The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

flFar Our Job . Work will oynapAre witk i tta ai my ofcWRmi, I This fc**R awmted ipM m v Ja4»*t4m m t thxt y tw mAmky $* $m 4 m **4 T W E N T Y - E I G T H Y E A R H O , 7 , - i in inmi------— I’ CEBAKVILLE. OHIO. FRIDAY* FEBRUARY 190& PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. m if ■ i Mi n i . i . ijp juljuu liiwwm —— !■ nm i ■—i.. ■■■—»«■ ^ ^ ii _ jjr'^1, I, IN WASHINGTON. FORPURITYOF P 0 Absolu mmsuB \ Washington, D, c „ Din. 30, llepreiirhtattvti Meet tieroggy, of the 1.Sixth Ohio District, who' ia to sue-. | ceefi. llepregentatlve Hildebrand bin the nex t session, was to-day for­ mally presented to his colleagues in the house and given an. audieficb with Spoakor Camion. The Judge remained during the tmilre proceed­ ings of the day, t,titer ho met it n author of the mouthers of tite Sen-tj jnto nttd was received "by the speaker ' p ro , tem, Hcn'iitor .Frye, of Maine, l i e wflj. re tu rn to hhahome- a t Xenia to-morrojy, hut expects 10 he in, Washington .again before ffie^iul Joimnnenfcof congress., WATER WORKS MEETING. FROM; TttK ’_ Adrian Wedioo Surglal Institute writ makn their in'sl bisif to CEDARVILLE , .and will b e a t Hm CITY HOTEL .Friday,February,10th ONE DAYGNLY- 9 a- m. tn7.-30p.-m- Tins Institute in order to introduce their new* Medical Discoveries and X- Badioni System, sends ,at its own ex­ pense these eminent specialists to giv* to thpse who call on the above,date, coast?Hatiou, examination,, advice and all jnedicitie required t o ,complete a, cure, absolutely free. -These specialists will diagnose your ease and give you the benefit of their medical knowledge.' Their* ss not.ex- perinienttng or gu£ss work. You wilt he told whether you can be cured o r not. i f your', case' is curable, they ■ treat youj if incurable they \yfitigive you such, adylce may prolong your T life?/ ,^ ", ff V- f*' -! - y ’•' y 3, , Their treatment gives quick relief and positively ctires. / Being prepared ’ tosuit each individual case the human ' system Is -thoroughly cleansed of the .disease in k natural and direct manner Staff improvement is notiee& at. Osice; even the worst oases arc treated with- <u t any inconvenience to the patient or the pursuing of his daily.’vocatiohi i f you are improving, under your fami­ ly physician do not'eohie and take up . their valuable time, They Wish to give, each one plenty of time, but cannot listen, to long stories not pertaining tc ' your case, v. . - ',$> _ They have discarded the old reme­ dies. Used for ages by the medical world and which i t would be folly tc depend upon any longer for they dc not cute, as thousands die depending on them for relief. The fact that these Specialists have discovered, entirely •new treatments and natural cures, gives them control of the Xervous System, Heart, Stom­ achy Dungs, Kidneys, Catarrh, Con- amqption, Epilepsy, Deafness, Male and Female “Weaknesses, Cancers, Tumors, Files and other Chronic Dis- eases. tf They treat deafness by art entirely newthethod and hearing in many case# is restored a t once. Catarrh in alt its varied forms cured so i t will never re­ turn. If you have weak lungs or con­ sumption do not fall to be examined. ,Ail oases treated can and will he cured, no difference wbpyohhaye seen or treated with heretofore. Thousands who have glveil up ail hope of beldg cure», now have art opportunity to con­ sult specialists of reputation, Do«t fail to cal! as a visit costs you nothing and may save your life- 4f you suspect Sidney trouble, bring a W& oupec bottle of your urine for1, dheid$ai*m1 nderescoptesl wnsaysis. -The free offer !* and Witi not be gfam #gSM» .liT#rso«ft oommmiclng bm. i&er this trip will he required to pay, but not one ecitt will those commencing treat* ii^Mj^k®igthi«visitlor'&u|' medicine nooosaary to effect a our?*, also a poti- JfaH guarantee,to curs will he given to patientx'acoepted under their system ' Th im twrkrg ibng M4 «ompUoftJ*d .Mh»ium it dlod to gm oteed “*mf he*> m esjMteially invh bid tb :cill kS thO«#««d« Who havi °mmm ^ Tadics without tlmlr fflwfcmsft mad lfittor#/without gggtjmj&m* wffi fm ttivw b t admitted to mmsultation, Wmm 9 M» M, to f ittP & fMkftW&timgryt m m $ _ ’/ 0m PAYOHLY. |% There will he a public meeting in. the interest of Water Works for Oedavvilto Thursday Feb. Qlh; 1905 at 7 p, i«. at the Mayors^Otltee. All MO invited to attend. Report on preliminary estimate w ill be made «nd other importantbustness in con­ nection with same trunsaHed. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Albert Eekmnn to F. T. SSimmer- ma»f 2 ‘To?.Hin DeUhrook, | 7 t 2 .Wh Wnh^ Dodds, auditor, to Marcus Hhoup /2 acres in Beavorereek, 12 . 15 . Emma Diekimm to .Selena D. Tmf ner, 2 lots in -Fairfield, gl*T . ■ Martin IJerterson to J.-A, Sitllthg 4)4 acres irt Xenia, Sarah J. Conklin and Others to T; A.Stillings, -l°h 1009 of un^icro in Creepe, Co.,ja. , ; The great hotly, of Ammeatt 1 voters hold sacred the elective franchise and believe, with all their hc;it‘ts, ln a free ballot and, a fair count. They 'Would suffer any sacriffee to main* tain its purity ami keep incorrupti­ ble the electorate. While statements of fraud and violence aud intipiida- lion and ,a purchasable vote hay#, been frequently published, and s o t# - times proven, the great- majority of meu believe it- is like the ‘huillc-sick- ut-Hs'’ ip earl/days, “over in tl>« next country. ... I f the people could ho convinced thaftheir will, as expressed at the ballot,bos, is'disregarded, and that their Influence in gov*?nnin?nful j|f* fairs ia negatived by conscienceless corrupt men who rob them of this sacred traatplae.ertiu tfie!r gnurdiun- shlp by the constitution, +Jmfarmers of which pledged their lives to estab­ lish and-maintain at a time when the chances wore they,would bo called upon for the sacrifice, thoy would ,1 like the people-of Jtussln today, rise Up and destroy every’ political' » a - feluue in the country. ‘ I f a voter oft.Oreene.cOiint ry could truce liis individual ballot. Into the boxafid .through- tho hands of tlio election board and seo them iiirow it out or count it for those for whom,it was not marked, or destroy its' full power by counting one or inorb votes not cash, for ,»otIter- A'andtclates, his Americati Jove of fair phiypnd equal rights would impel .huh to resent the infamy so f.owehbly-'that the very/oundatidus oL corrupt cojnbl- hUirons of ihen • wfiuld ho shukcn«r The safety of n.dlsrnpUtaMo gnog’ot political free hooters lies" in' tJicTig­ norance of the mass;who live in the illusion that the ballot Is hair and. the count Is square , , 1 CENTRAL OHIO'S GREATEST CLOTHING STORE I s A thorough clearance after the fnoat suc­ cessful ,and largest season^ b ii s in e s s. ever enjoyed by any clothing' house in Central Ohio,. . . This in one of those losing propositions whichgood business, and commercial cou­ rage impels tomake. We have no* room to carry stock from one season to another. ELEVENTH GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL 'MS- NOW GOING ON; n s . *• * ^ «, - A \ ^ 1 _J This*salemeans the cleanest ^weep^ we have ever attemptedrthe 4 ee0esi?-.^ttt% :pjricfeewe’ve ever ihdulged in--on thfe “fipest-;stoCfe of cialcottra^, ta ciear out counters, cases, aud ^helye^ so that we may; ifahycarf^out this .stores policjr^ 61 pew.stocks for :th 4 *new ^eaS0h ^aheaffi.^it^iheans' that' ■ J . B. Tfneisluy .to. Jacob Miller, 2 lots in Fairfield, ^200. John P. Confer and o M uun to Geo. Ft. Drake S 3 acres #in Miami tpb $ 1884 : 42 . Mary J, Confer to Geo. Bf, Brake, 1 ftacres in Miami tp-, $ 1891 . 88 .. GcO. F.-Drake to D. J. -Spillan, 82 abresin Miami fy., $ 8276 * * ‘Elsy'-’.X, Powers,- to Evangelical Dutherau clfUroii o f ' Osbrqn, l lot in Oaborn, $ 1700 . ’ , ’ BvangeljUal Lutlioran church of Osborn *to same -denomination of Donnelsville lot'inpsl)bru,$2800. - Sheriff Greene ,Ou'. to ZeinerBroft., two lots in Jamestown, $2230. • ,> 'Wm. Dodds,' auditor, to -j. H,' Payne, 1.40' acres |h Xenia pity,' $7,30. Win. Dodds, ‘ ahditor, to .Ohas. Policy, 1 lot in Xeuin, $0.20. and Frances Harh 4 acres in Xenia, f Ijtih^w/ip^baf.big geheipua,portions jiqcNgt:.. v - ^ j, '< ^ • gKdna S\vapdur lo S-. B. Barber, acres in Greelie Co., $100., ’ 1 tff ,* V K < rJy A- i - *rM■,* '1L s? 1 iMr. Wm. McMillan, •svho.was form­ erly engaged in tfio undertaking mtsiness itt"this city and^wbo has 1 forsome^imbbeenloeatetiafc Seda- lilt, O., is reported to have sold his business at that place and will locate in .Daytoh, where lie lias purchased ail interest with an old and reliable firm-—Gazette. T. W. 3 G«Kiser, the court stenogra­ pher who was'rolieyed froih duty by Judge Kyle for having overdrawn his salary, has paid the money back into the county treasury in full. Some of Mr, Kiseris friends eamo to his assistance and aided him In rais­ ing the requisite amount. FLECTED OUR fFLOUi ♦fl ; If a vote were taken on the most poptilar flour, our Golden Rule would receive a handsome ma­ jority,...;-,. m is fh.e choice of bakerahiid housewives Who kntw, because It goes farther mid gjves better results than any other flour ever milled* But don’t take evv Word for It—try 16 fyr mid he convinced..*.,*.! L tt Sullenberger, C^dutvillg, Oh!#, yqur o IR cob , but you are mistaken Just six nien in (xfeebe county place in the offices wbomsobver theywill, and"their,-vyill is greater .fhnh the combined.WilhoP tlie par|;y,‘for ifcaB Avays goes'"their w ay .' Bopubltc/ahs of.Greenb county, yob ate iutfivldu-' ally afid collectively of ho morevahiw in an election'in Greene county thnjt a’cypher on the left of another cyp­ her written to denote quantify. . G That statement is strong, we know and w.e would hardly expect bvery- mie to accept its truth, without, evi­ dence whicl/wa are prepared to fur­ nish, . o ■ _ . It is ponceded-a fact that a nomi­ nation fayany otllce in Greene couiu-, ty bn ItepublicHn ticket, ia eqtuyjtA lent to:an eleetibu j that being true:, it follows that filin' pawpr>„that .can dlbtate the nontinatloitts'fftti place jh the ofltebs whom ft wifi. This pre­ position is. solf-eyidenfc and .every one willadinitite eorrectnOss There remains then, but one fact more ‘to ’ diecoyer, which is: >vlm or what ■power makes .the nominations In Greene cbutvty? . .You could probab­ ly count on the Ungers of yours two bands all the persons who Would not answer, “tho legal voters of the party Take the nominations at the primary The legal voters think they do, but they don’t. If.they do not, Who does? "We answer, the six men,.re­ ferred to. How dp they do tit? IjVe wiir tell you."' Mover .id the 'history of the county has there been held by the Kepubliean party a“legal, Iiotiest fair prlmatyelection. As to the leg* ality: they have never been held wn* der the law, as provided by. the sift* tutes. .They have never had any legal existence or.could.havo any le- gal recognition l>y any court what­ ever. There is a statutory provision for primavy elections but the republi­ cans never hold one. Wlmt tlmy do hold they call a primary hut It is purely a party expedient, the same asIfihoJ' mot In mass convention and threw ballots in a hat, then pah* fled the hat into a dark, back room and let somebody else count out, M- that BOme 1 )ody docs not choose to count “strlilght,” imt gives a false report, there is no law to punish him Ti ho shills the box it is no erhno or inbabmicrtnor, If the election hoprd votes Democrats Miflleiontto cliange the result, fhe law, or those who ex­ ecute it, is nor coucerneif, i f as was done ill Xeida/a 1 >ig fellow, seelHg the vote goiijg against lllm, picks Up tim box and marches off with it, and retains ii, nopoliceman or oilier nh* fleer would dare interfere, and -no Court would issue a wamuit for ar­ rest based on an affidavit, Your vote at the primary is absolutely uu protected and, ‘in law, it is no theft to steal II» Our primaries are farces, and servo but one purpose; thCygtvo the people Ibo idea that, they the nominations; and behind 'thUj thought the six men conceal tho!| lmnd and perpetuate themselves 1 in power, The content committee, whose backbone Is generally i«|f si liter than a dish-worm, piny i’ti/v tbo hnmfs df Ihe morilpulahnft Wlm trade uptH) their nhiUty to deliver i the delegate, power of the county In {conventions; ami bleed candidates ! for office'. There is not a matt In *Gremm county with enough Snfllll geticc to mark a ballot hut who knows of the corrupt methods fifed m hy the gang, All these are facts i f jwhieh nfiyrme If Im itfff; cp&ciitiQns:in' put* dut GfseasPtt ffiriti in '5 f 6 &trat-QMp''It is younoss^if^^P^cTliot^^ ^fi 4 fBby*s; eiptbiiig^ Hits, mid every eitizeb owVs ff.'uot-’only to idrnfSel’f hu t hiB'eouhtryymwmi to in- form himself rtnd.appls tho remedy If there is one a6* lnuid. And there in a 'remedy, Tno' BephhUyans of tireenb county should demand that, ^primary election he held under the law-which, if donttowould send to the penitentiary"any man Thp in, any manner eorrupfed tlm hallote. This is the* only way your ballot 'eittt bo protected' and tin assurance thafcyourwUlf as expressed, will ha- recognized In the result." The party has too long lain under the just chafget. of eorruptiol\f<)r the benefit, solely, of a haTEdOzepmen who work it for- money -and boas! and brag? what they can do. Shake itol!! Shako It off foreyer.~-Oshom Imcal, (Bepublicati.) ' _ ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. . I The OdtirvlUe Athlotio Associa­ tion has started With 45 members in a verypromiBiug way* 'Constitution ntitl by-laws have been adopted reg­ ulating the rights and privileges of the members,.etc. The club quarters consist of one game room and one room for athletics; equipped with i. boxing gloves, wrestling mats, swinging chibs, horizontal bars, punching hags, etc. Mr. Arthur McFarland, wbuift the premotor of the club, should be congratulated op the auspicious mamvM* In which the enterprise abate Off, . The citizens should fake pleasure in helping the boys, - A Y . M. O.A. may grow out of this organization among tint ywtng men if properly supported and encouraged.—Gazette. Last year was a winner for us-we sold lots of shoes, and mighty good onus too, and next year will, be oven better, wo re sure of that, "With thin increitseiug volume of business we are bound to have a snrpluft of shoes—goods winch we htid to order from time to keep our linos full aud meet ti; X>robable demands. This surplus, a raft of this seasons'medium and winter weights, is still in the f e t e W.e, haV(! ordered more spring shoes than ever* they’re.on tha road now and Wemust have room fpr_tIioin. * We are up against the proposition; of getting those surplus shoes Off our slielves and qxudt too. rher o only one way to do lt, by redumng prices.' We tlierefore place before you f t cutpncefeast thatxs unparalled.aU opportunity to getshdes for the rest o f the winter and for eiuly spring wear, the like of which you never knew. We’ll bring prosperity In,the shoe line face* to face with every man, woman and child hereabouts,, . . ' pairs of this seasons shoes at the very smallest price you ever saw* Men’s Shoes. $1,69 CORRECTION* , * ‘ , •. I . - a t . ■ In out? Iqst iftBiteWo stated that the mibite Sate of flue Durocffersey hogs in wbieb Mr. B. 1% Watt was a con­ signor waR tube held ut the Dayton stock yards. The sal. “WllUmhold at llm Dayton, f a ir Grounds and will fake place tinW-edhikdayand Thurs­ day Itebnmry 8th and (fill. The sale promises io bo' mte of the largest ever held in this section of the state, pohonslit Food, Perhaps “you don’t .realize, that many pain potefiiuf.orlginalfi in yonr food, but swim day 'you may feel ft twinge of dyspepsia that Will eott- vlnoe you, Dr. -King’s f iw tfife Pills m'e guamr.teHt to cove all stek- itess due te> poisons of undigested 0t money back, :13ca t all drug *Mi* Try fkmn, .for a splendid pair of ^wurM aleesl $2.oo ones. ' Stoht and vfell .shaped, <M Q a pair of the shoes we’ve 0 > L O ! ? ^ ' 8 *6$2,60.and they. . are good a t that. . • A Q 1? the newprice on our $3 * G) Z * T ! O^koes In calf, kid, vici and ^ v patent—5 styles. • ( b ^ 4 Qbnys a dress shoe or a business shoe v P 'J J . I 7 from om |Si6o jWd|400 iP O sh?? thftfc you’ve al- „* *^yon still would elswhere. Youths Shoes repu te a pair of our $2 shoes* on the $ L b y f t 3 a® » n oue of the styles 39 South Lfm^tone S t Odd Lots of Womens’ Shoes $1,19 v& la - Splendid soft kid-tho S189'i 5» Z . S A t e Ml the wftttted sfyldk and leath- w ere—some waterproofs Misses* Shoes* . If*J -j. f \ i k the sale■price on our. $g,®!».tt4 1 till I i l l '7$1*60 Rtyliah ahoea. They areuttsttU* >**••'***' passedfor school. B R O S . & C O . , Springfield, O. Is what our Welt known $1,60 shoes now cost.- Made as carefully as $#.00 ones,:fio0. , v - *how marked bn all our $i,75.line and Nome $2,0t( sr season’s stylos. Isn’t much for shoes and when it ts the usual" $2.60 Idnd its even css. Jpst r«owi t will—5 styles*. for a $S shoe or may bo a $#160 in .itylwatti" ' s. To Cure aCoM In One Day TakaLaxative BromoQuinmeT*M^^ wy Z ^ , T i l t *£k i i f) # .