The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
fNGFIELD. OHIO H n o r t h ’ f o u n t a in a y e . Many very interesting items fromour Cloak roomwilt this week prove noteworthy as every Garment must be sold this week, just before Inventory. Prices quoted are about one fourty less than regular. Many Garments are right in line for Spring wear, To all out of town Customers we pay fare to Springfield on all. Railroads, Traction or Steam, on purchases of ten dollars and Gver. ' . ^ •? LADIES SUITS, ■ua 12.98 $ 4.75 that to?*' i>?#vio s3y sold at style* of week or A llover Ladies $12.00 Bulls wade of cheviots, . and other fabrics neatly and well finished go at each ............................ ..................................... ........ . ' J ^ l ^ & d f inl|pAfer* choice styles, best aPd? W tem o ttf Venetians, and MMtes =j «'mix or mixed fancies, sold regular at $16, go ' f o r ...... ■ ? m EACH, , ' The balance of our Ladies Suits that have usually sold up do $18, and $30 will during the week all be reduc-A m A A ed while they feat a great opportunity to buy »JI| / U l I $acksuits for....... .......... ....... u.;............. ;............ :.... ...*r * * / V $10.00 ; Any la d ie s Tailored Buifcinour store that has ‘ d l | A been sold a t $20 and up to $27 will bo offered, this . Ta I I® week for—yoxir choice........ ............... . ....... ............. t|J Jt V at , & A 98c Each For'.$L5tf Ladies flmmefette Wrappers big choice, collection, full width' ; and neatly trhntned and well made.- :vt r15c Each. ' j t\, V Ladies flannelette Dxe,ssing;SacqneS formerly 68 and 75e ;* V ’ / A ^ , 4 ^ 9 ^ a ^ h , " ' " ’A ""A' Ladies flannelette Dressing Sacqnes former price $1.00 a V a ' ; \V : ' ‘_7 9 c ^ E a c h . V - - ' / , ; / > - ’Ladies* aff Vbdfl Eiderdoxvn Dressing Bacqnes ip light blue lavender gray, red, and pink. The foyiner. price Was $2 and: $2.60. LADIES SKIRTS, '•Ladle* $0 Brcss'Skirts all reduced to, $2,50 Each Ladies $6.76 Walking Shirts in all the new mixtures or plain Cloths are reduced to $2,98 Each Ladles $T.OOWalking Skirts which ate advanced Spring sly- i les reduced this week to $3,95 Each . -A* LADIES JACKETS, Each, Ladies tight and half fitting Jackets formerly $6.60 and $8.00 Each, Ladies Kersey ■and Melton Jackets, Tau, poster andBlack formerly $15,00 Each, Ladies and. h isse s Tourest; coats for mer price $7.60 to $12,00 • jr* /\E a ch , Ladies Electric. Beal Coats former . t | | / . r j l l p r i e e $80.00 only seleral of theefe left ,a /mnnrtnntK'' , ' $2.98 'rare opportu ity^ m ti2 hoai ve forme: 11 be pffe they last for only....,..... We have abou 1 be utiful Ladies black silk Yelptir Jack ets that ha rly sold a t $20 and $25 r~ each these. Will o red this, week or while V J v / \ “ , s c a r f s MACKINTOSHES, . One lot of ladles’ Astra,can clotli Capes, fully lined with bear fur trim- Wc have about 2-i Ladier ami Misses' macliintosheKOk Q - ‘| mlng full sweep, former price $10 This week's- p r i c e d * r a f - D ' find-have previously ..sold at„$5 tb, .$L - During t h t eW o f * 1 / i l x have your.'pick f o r . . . . . ......... . - t to close m eh and every one your choice ][Onelot ef ladies-BlackBearBoas that formerprice v/un- A A - fnllowing-.Eiderdown..ClomfOrte %t just futlf IF}00. 52 . '[will go thisweek, at each r : n / * U X dose,obt (his week—— ttC. -Full 8 # yards long ' 5 . Comforts was $> 7 . 7 $ - now * $ 3.88 JC. Ladies Coney Bearfs, ormer price $3,00, for each . A i r * ^ , r \ “ Ladles Black Martin Bcarfs with 6 t»i { $7.60 to $10, your choice While they last $ 1.50 4 Comforts was $9.00 now , .$4.56 i w t a ls, usually sold ^ . a b o v e arc real d°wn .w ith beautiful designed French 3 .Comforts w a s ‘$12-50 ' how> ^.. $6.25 Therabovo o t Satine and TMereeused Covering, % f € f ' LOCAL AND PHONAL ' 7 - Mrs Wm.Shull has purchased the Tiiomus Tindall property fob $500. • Mr,, Harvey Crawford i s ’ quite ill With the “grip-'* Clandcs dalhreaih of Dayton was in town last, Saturday- Mrs, F. Price visited Mends on \*-5nrtth fJhttrlcstori this-week. ’ Mrs. Anna Morton Was. the guest o f Prof, and k its. W. B. McC'heshcy Friday and Saturday, Mf. aiid Mrs. Will Turnbull saw l*BenHuf” In Cirtoinnatt this week and Wore guoats of Mr, and Mrs. I. C. Davis, Mrs, Kruthaut of Milford has. re-1 turned home after a pleasant visit with her son, Mr. Kruthaut, the njglit operatot a t the station. law Mr; M. W, CoDIna came up.,from Trenton, 0 ., thin.Week to lookafter -the droving of his household goods,. Louis Hepdcrson also moved his pt tliotsaine time, Mr. Collins family w ill leave the first of the Week. In the Clark county courts, Henry Smith was acquifced fo r . the murder of-Parker Banning, Tuesday afther the jury Imd been out seven hours.. She murder was committed In Dlif- trn hist summer at a dance. - ThO Second United Presbyterian congregation at. Xenia has adopted plans f6r the erection of a fine new edifice tins coming summer on the: site of tho present building. About $ 20 JK»hfl 4 already been subscribed; The -cost o t the building w ill be about $24,000, Mrs: Ell6hBose, -flp, iged lady Well known to many of the older citizen Is In poor health suffering from ery sipelas t Mr, and Mrs. .Steward Town,sky i;oro in Springfield £,Tuesday. Ed. Moran, the veteran horse buy Or of Cincinnati was in. town Wod- *Miss EEIe Harbintson is visiting. ^ieS(JAy mulThursday buying horses relatives in Indiana. ‘ for the GhmlnmiH market. (T « 4 C H A RM Tlio Is A -Charm in looking afc new stylish goods reeiv- ©dby tip to date stores each season, You will find new Ijoods 09 display at our store as they' eom,e in to fashion. I t will pay you to look at them and tell your friends a* bo-ut tkssL duet now, we have received a shipment of Neu) Patents in Ginghams We have a 3#rge, clean $tockof Cinghaais whieli will delight tkf ladies who tm pknning thcir"spring sewing^ 1 per yawl. - 10 Uttd 1$ 1*U6 1 Laces and Embroiperies You will find nmtty dainty dTeefd in our stock for your naiwlluii, We hft\e at prices ns low as you wish. i f y -h SMAMMOTHSTORE John Fierce has been UUd up with the “grip” for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Turnbull enter tained a number pf lady friends to dinner 'Wednesday-. 'Mr. Mftth&wWilson has boon quite sick for several days^- * - Mrs. T. B. Andrmv leaves today to v isit her daughter, Vera, a t Cleve land, Mrs. J, H . Andrew spentWednes day in Xenia the guest of Mrs. Frank Tarbox* Mite Bona and Martin Aiken of Bbliefontalnc ate guests of Mr. and Mrs T. N* Ttrbox. Mr. and Mrs. T. N.'Tarbox enter tained Thursday evening In honor of their guests, ltana and Martin Aiken, Mx * G« H» Sm ith and ' Florence, were guests-of .Mr, and Mrs Chester Owens, of Xenia, this week. For Sale—Log wagop and bolsters in good condition. Charles Haney.: Found s—A watch between W, Jr. Hawthorns and Eben Archer’s, Party.who w ill pay the expens e and prove property can have same. Wal ter Compton. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the friends and relatives who so kindly in in tj e sudden death and burial of ourloved one, %husband and father. Mrs. Prank Jenkins and family, Edward Houston, member of a firm of three wealthy brathero of South Charleston and Mts* Ethel Jones, of the same town, will be married Feb. 22 and wTfl make a complete circuit or tifo globe on their, wadding trip, They wm be married inJfaw York Ot*y, whore the bride's father, a prominent tftmday school worker, Is now living. They will go first to Honolulu and Japan. Mr, D, I t. MfttwhalL aecompsmied by his sou, Charles, leHlast Bdibath for Home, New York, w lw e ho wtU lake treatment for Cirec cancers on his face, Word has Jmrn received since their arrival in .Roma that Mr. Matuhali stood the trip well* Th» physician pronounces the cancers genuine and that he can cure them, Mr. Marshall's many friends will be pl#i«i*d to know he can bo relieved v* telstroitfjfl*, - 1 . Cinci nati Mrs. L. H* Btdlenberger enter tained about fifty friends Thursday afternoon from three until live in honor of Mr*. C. C. Sullonberger of Oxford. • j \y Y/ahted:—Reliable woman for geucral houso work, Four in the family. Address with referance. T, D. Rondure, ” Bpringfield, O. - Tho annual mooting of tho Hassle Creek CemeteryAssociation, will be held’TueSday, Feb, 7 a t 2 P . M., at Mayor’s office. W. J. Tarbox, Secy; Bertha Stewart, assistant teacher: of Yellow Springs public schools, has resigned to accept a position at Troy, O., os teacher of Latin and : her place has been filled by Miss Alice Carr, daughter of W. W. Carr of that place. Miss Stewart isabeice ot D. H. Marshall of this pteoe. Mr. M. W. Collins will hold apub- 11c sale of h is fine stock At what is known as the “old Mitchell bam’’ Saturday, March I. Mr. Collins is leaving this lodality and w ill sell off everything, His* reputation as a breeder of fine stock w ill draw a large crowd. In this sale W. E . Bterrett will put in a number of articles such as tho farmer Will want. Keep the'date in mind. . There ,will be a double header of casket ball games Friday evening between the college boys and girls and the boys and girls team of Wil mington. These games promise to be the best of the season. Ayers FfircdUghs,doIds»bfoncliftls, Asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption/ take Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a botfte of it In the house. We have been saying this for 60 years, and to have the doctors. A horse deal of considerable im portance was made the- first- f f the week. Last summer 'Mr. Thee Vog- lesberg purchased a half-Interest in a fast pacing horse owned' by Mr. James Dailey for $2tjg. The horse was owned in partnership until last Monday, 'during which time tho'tWO. men cared for the animal, one tak ing him awhile and then the other. To disolve the partnership a propos ition was made that one was to give or take $100, the giver getting the horse. Mr. Voglesberg gets the an imal and as he kej*>t the horse ,a few days longer than Mr. Dailey he sent him a check for $70.80. Mr. Vogies- herg expects to have the animal trained as it show considerable speed • FARMERS RESOLVE. rtMOotnlJntny h tmt lrtMti-m* iliroftt *j>tt inag LrgjrM.I know.Ar *l, Bo. i* X, MeaeaoM, wm, M a s i . . t C T . . a m The Lun The following is a part of the reso lutions passed by the Jamestown Farmers’ Institute showing what this body thiuks of Mm capital city df the county and the present- poll? Meal boss: Resolved, That the farmers* of Greene county think it time to go on record as being opposed to the moral status of the capital city of our county. For we have been re liably informed that tho outlawed te-loonkeepers arc masters of the gravo situation. Bhame on tho-per* jured city amt county officials who are as wise as serpents anti as Ib'nd- cent ns lambs, allowing private greed to numb every manly instinct about them, This hydro headed monster, greed, lias silenced press', Intimidated pulpit and crept into (he educational institutions until anar chy fn the city is looked upon an re-} spoeiahle by the general public.” “Resolved, That we go on record } as being unequivocally opposed to* the present political boss of tho} county or any other political boss, } whatever, and for a partial remedy of some of our political evils we rec ommend that our next representa- tlva and senator of this district he urged to use every Influence pofcdhla* for the supresshm of th» same, ynd we recommend that the law known a« the inlatlvo and referendum with [topamtiv* mandat* ba panned,” VBOETABLE SICILIAN ___ _ H air Renewer Makesithe HalfgrfiV long and h e |vy ,and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops fallifig hair and cures: dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. u si- TELEPHONE STOCK, The OedarviUe Telephone Oompa ny Is offering for safe a limited ampdufe oLprefergd stock of fcjiecom pany; This stock is guaranteed to pay sixper cent annum, and Inter est Is to bo paid semi-annually. As all taxes iu*e paid by the cotffpany this insures, six per cent net, The stock is Offered afc par and will no doubt be attractive to auy qna hav ing money to invest,.as few such chknee* Ofibup to get a good sound Investment in a home company. Lo cal investors .should bo Interested in this announcement. Furtherpartic- tilars'maybe had by inquiring at Mae EXi>k,ul8ft Bunk. or any of the officers of the company. THE - SMELL* of our hams and ,bacon.will you they are eomothirt# 'bette^j than the ordinary, -They are a#; sweet as afinfe.- Made Item tlx# flesh of nice young pigs. (Jurad and smoked in just- (he right way. Hams and Bacon like ours are tho delight of the picture. But yon can enjoy them equally well. Iter the prfee b< such that you can Always have some In the bfiwce. «l?ry thwm c. it. c««w m, GedM'biitte. 0 , Charles CiUaugh ‘ spent 'Sabbath with his finally who are visiting friends fit Shelbyville, Ind.- For Thin • p i e Fat is of great account to a ba^y,; that is why babies are fet. * If /your baby is scrafwfcjv Scott’s Emu l s i o n is what he wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle* Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry ; they are rich ; ’their fat is la id up for time or need*- .They are bappy because they are comfortable. The, fat sur; rounds their little nerves tudcushions them, When they are scrawny those Ibette^re- hurt at every mgfcitle touch, They lell^ht in Scott’s Bmul* non. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. S m t t fo r f i m AM**! wmp-ptt d«r#tf Mw» * Wmkm y** tey- $&4&k**rt't*r*** . :y©r V^orh w i l l 4 th»tof any TWEHTY-E ITLISTtl y&e is promised jidenls by New] tallsts throut field Ps l Springfield Pw>pl ' taut over tin* j'cport b E to be bu ilt M Jiw-ytbat will man ifce greatest sumrm partoflbeste-te. i ifffin financed, if Mu jrtjm Yellow Sprii Medarville, James! Wilmington. Tlie [.’ planned to com r. geld directly- south ^4 Uy O- H . DU pbunmerr'E. B, Co: Ootwald. For son otkermoneyed men j a line directly sour] posed that for this will be built from The proposition as Jl wine as the one mal ago -by Mr. J, Fre| fiend constructor Bpi'ingfield and IT when tins companyl ' franchise here, a ttl road was being prd Lreene stated to tin would be a long I people .saw a line b tween Bpringfield a« New York capita over the line recent: motors and it seems that the line w ill Ire few Springs, where be made With Lhe Xenia line, entranei] being made this wa; A t Clifton a loop a r ml around the gor spot one of the : pleasure resorts in stated that work 01 ilOn w ill be starte spring. NOTI^ A new feed box ■f( ’ cost me $7 and as IM it will se” same fo$ fills'office or of —Farm for safe l | Williamson. A MATTER i POWl Absolntr* msmfsi ouj FLol // ^' J I f a vote wei| most popular Goldi would roeeivo| jorlty....... I t is the cht housewives w| it goes farttiw results than ever milled, But don’t tii It—tty it; fori convinced.. L H. Sj C*dai *e i. € 1 . W: t Sr ^ M Mf M i l , V i riniiaiiilllii
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