The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
K i n n a n e tpO&tK*OCHi SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 22, 24, 26 and 28 NORTH FOUNTAIN AVE. ^ 5 I f you avail yourself of the conveniences, advantages, and economies Kmnane’s Ready-to-wear Garments offer you, you w i l l “ benefit yourself very unusual, you may never again see #such buying chances in Ladies Ready-to-wear Suits, Coats, Separate Skirts, Wrappers, Kimonas and Dressing Sacques—- LADIES TAILOR MADE SUITS 0U6lotOfLadies TailoredSuits WOVe n*ater*a*s vary *** value from $7.00 to $10.00-—these will be offered at $2.98 each. lie* wove cheviots, V enetians and other materials .mixed or plain that have here- Another lotofLadiesTailor-MadeSuits; Still Better is aLot of Tailored Suits IT * 6nfehed“dtrimraed’ *m t* A ll the Balance o f Ladies Suits usually sold up to $25 .00 g o at $10.00 and$12.50 each, LADIES SEPARATE SKIRTS, $ 2.98 Each, For Ladies.separate walking skirts made o f all wove Melton cloth in mix- 0 tures or plain' effects,, these skirts are worth $6.50 each for only $2.98 » A Q .E a c h } F o r Ladies elegant new advanced spring style w a lk ing skirts these are , y 0 ,worth ’ ,$7 .00 ~ • g jQE a eh , Ladies Panama and. Mohair sldrts in blue brown . and black. These are mevrispring skirts aujd worth $S.OO each. LADIES and MISSES COATS , Ladies- 3-4 length- Coats 'ha l f dr tight fitting. . These'-coats formerly Tvere $7.50 . • • “ Ladies and Misses 27 inch length coats satin' lined, in reds, .blacks, blues, former price $12. 50. Ladies tourists coats in all the manish effects o f mixtures former price $18.00 The balance of all Furs, whether seal coats or neck pieces, will be closed out regardless of loss to us and will open a grand opportunity to buy for future use &t a 1-3 less than regular value. Remember we pay fare to Springfield on all purchases of $io.pp or over. You are cordially invited tp make our store your headquarters whether purchasing or not. | ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL j - U. W. Crouse was. in. Xenia -Tues day on business. . L, • 1W, I>. Cloman,s has been on the Vsiek list this \yeok. ‘ ' Dried peaches, raisons, and prunes •At Puffers. Wilma Spencer is suffering from mi attack of fonsilftis. Mothers* Oats, Egg-0 -Seor Mnlta- Vlta, for breakfast foods, at. Puffers. Mr. and Mrs, Robt'Elder of Selma are the proud parentsof a son, Mir. and Mrs, Seth Smith were tho guests Tuesday of Mr, and Mrs. Os car Smith, Mr, W. J. Wiidman made abusi ness trip to Xenia and Springfield, Monday. Henry Confer of Selma, a man well known In this place, Is critic ally III with pneumonia; The Greene County Farmers* Xn- sMtuto was in session at Alpha on Wednesday and Thursday, Mis* Ifizzle Collett,' of Van Wert, attended the funeral of W. D. Mll- bitru, at Xenia, Wednesday. At Jamestown last Sabbath Dr; Robb preached bis forty second annual sermon in the United Pres byterian church, Try,. Puffer for a line of staple groceries. Mrs. Ed Turnbull will give a linen shower, Saturday, for Miss Alma Dobbins,-one of thismonth’ s brides. - . . I W. I,. Marshall of Springfield came down Tuesday to seo his father Ml’. D. H. Marshall, who has Just under gone treatment for cancer. —Farm for sale Inquire of T. D. Williamson. D. E. Knisley of Xenia; elorlc of the Board of Elections was in town MotidayTn attendence at the funeral of tho ltito Thomas W. Spencer. Capitol Stock Food for jhorses, cat tle, hpgs, sheepand chickens' Guar anteed or money refunded at Put Tors, A nice lino of bannas and fruits at Puffers. •Mrs. Cbas. Gillaugh and.cbildren, arrived home Saturday evening from a visit with her parents at Shelby- vllle, Indiana, Misses Belle Winter, Dora Seigler Lunette Stcrrett, Nellie McFarland, attended the Teacher’s Meeting at Xenia, Saturday, Mr, Sam Murdock, of Salida, Col orado, is making bis parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Murdock a ten days Visit, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Wildnian and Mif* rtnd Sira, Oscar Smith attended the Valentine party at Mr. and Mrs, E, L. Wlldinans, Thursday evening. Miss Eva Blair of St. Louis, ar* rived Tuesday from.P >yton whore ] she lips been visitJng'fur a week and Is now fine guest of Prof* mtd Mrs, W. XL MoUhomloy. D o c to r s f ir s t p r e s c r i b e d d y e r ’s C h e rry Pectoral over 60 years ago, They use it today more than ever* They C h e r r y P e c t o r a l rely upon it for cukss, soughs, b ro n c h itis* co n sum p tio n * f h e y w ill to il y o u how i t heals inflamed lungs* writ tWeS juiu. ;m.|W fo r Old Goughs ‘ Messers .Tames Spencer of Iowa, and David Spencer of near Dayton, attended tho funeral of their brother, tlmlttfn Thonms W, Spencer, Mon day, Bay McFarland went io Cincinnati Deputy Sheriff Applegate wAs in town Tuesday. Pickles, both sweet and spur at Puffers. . '' Thursday, Probate Judge Shoup appointed R. F. Kerr as administra tor of the estate of the late Thomas W. Spencer. . “ A petition is in circulation in South Charlestown asking that an election be held Under the Beal -law, .This Will be the first election, if enough signatures are secured, 10r this town since the measure was passed. Mr. D. S. Ervin, who has been spending the - winter at DeLand Florida with his family came home Friday evening for a short visit on business. He returned to Cincinna ti Monday where he looked after business affairs returning south Tuesday. His eon Frank came .up from Cincinnati at the same ' time returning Monday.. . FrMzIng W u ih ir iiid Washing. A handful of salt in the last rins ing water greatly simplifies the hanging out o f clothes in freezing weather. As salt prevents Water from freezing at the visual tempera ture, clothes thus treated- cannot only be hung on the line before they freeze, but if the sun is shining ch them they will partially dry before doing so, a circumstance which pre vents much wear and tear. The $100 Rewards $100. ' The readers of this paper will bo pleased to loarn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in all its fttoges and lirnt is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Ctire Sstoken internally, acting directly up on-the blood and mticoussurraccs of system thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting laundress ought to Wear white Wool glovea when nanging out clothes in winter. A Marry War. The warfare of the sexes has tak en a new5turn in Knoxville, Tend, A gambling house there was recently raided by the police, and a number of well known young inch wero ar rested. The girls of the city are de manding that the police piohe public the names of tho men, threatening to cut the offenders' acquaintance. The men treat the matter as a joke and have asked the hairdressers of the city to publish the name* o f all ‘ fit! the girls who wear “ switches.” ' Rlvsto in 8 t«am«r«. The important part which rivets play in the construction o f modern steel steamships is well illustrated by tho fact that in the new Cuiiafd liner Caronia, the largest ship ever [constructed in Great Britain, no [■ Prefered stockin the Dedaiy ville Telephone Company is» being offered to local investors at par, It is guaranteed to pay 6 per cent interest per annum and is to be paid semi annually. The stock is Exemptfromtaxes. This is a good investment for it home company where you have watched its progress and rapid growth. Inquire at the Exchange Bank or D. Bradfute, Pres.. THE MASS OF THE STARS. EIGHTEEN PREfllUHS tb be distributed on Thursday, August, 13, ’05 The premiums will be paid* in Gold as follows, First, $ 15 ; next five in $ io each; next twelve in $5 each. Ask for tickets on all 25c' purchases. Fresh 1nd Salt Me a in, Fish, Oyslera etc rats. T H E WORLD’S WORK .fewer than 1,800,000 rivets “were naturei» doing its work, The propriew/ii the total weight represented have so rmich faith lh its curative powers, ’ being about 000 tons, The greater that they oitcr one Hundred Dollars ease that It .tolls to cum testimonials. Addrw, IK 3. CTIFXUY & Co, Tokdn 0. Sold by Druggist, 1t>c. Hall's Family Tills.are the best. Dollars fin*any part d’f the rivetihg work was done Scudtor list of by hydraulic power. FraudExposed. . Our Coni It Is estimated by experts that the area of Ainerican coal fields ftt pres ent open to milting is more than five times as great as that of the cofil . fields of England, France, Germany } and Belgium, the great coal product* lately fng countries of Europe. Widlo U| nr* A few counterfeiters have been making ami trying to Hell Imt-; practicaHy aU tho ftva'hable coal tatloiisof Dr. King’s NewDiscovery areas o f those countries have hern Ttrcfidtiy for the purpose of taking l for Consumption, Coughs andColds, opened to mining, ouxa have scarce- ■Jtx'v i ba. i 2 >t '^4;- V -Aim T<) . -.O..uji 'Jt . ■ .is 1 x* ±1- j*l V ha ., -_i. •i itj: rw^ ■. j , tCr - 4 . A .... J r f Gm .mtaniiuufion before taking up the studies of te}egr«phy. The ex amination to mainly a physical ono and is required by the roilfoad corn- patty* During the past Week there has heap an nnutml Amount; of sickness reported, mdst of which to the ’ ‘grip” Among those reported are Mis*. E, C. (iglcsbee, Mrs, J. IT, Amirew, Mrs. c\M, Crouse, It. B. Barb wand and other medicines, thereby do- ly been estimate fraudIng tho public. This is to Warn JTTT*" , „ you to beware of Such people, Who [ irtghl Catorad Ray. peek to profit, through stealing tlmf ^Frightened Mother r -M y - ohild, reputation of remedies which have what fn the world are you doing with been successfully, for, that fiamlng red paint smeared over 85 years, A sure protection, to you, is our name on the wrapper. Look for it, on all Dr, King's, or Bucklonto remedies, fia,alTothers are over your fade atid hinds f FoolUh Bby—I Wanted t* git a O. Y. 'Winter, the latter having’ &CO,, Chicago, 111., and Wlnctoor something Hko muscular. ^ieu*jt’ft!*adft* AH druggists* mattom. t , an' I aeon an ad, in th* paper ored Boy,1 the brighteet aotor t could an* Wa« aaid “ Wanted—-A Bright uol ....... ........................ ............ ....... t mcroludiaVloiiRr i'i,’i-rB\TCKTdSN b ” So I jist paints m’eelf •To deterinlne the masses of the stars, situated as they arc far off in space, it is generally necessary to know their distance, and this has been determined for only a few Stars... lun.paper- submitted at-the Cambridge meeting of tho British Association For the Advancement of Science Df; H, IT, Bussell of the Cambridge observatory called atten tion to the fact that the masses of the Btars could ho found by Kapo- tyn‘6 formula in terms of the atari's magnitude and proper motion. Pro ceeding on this basis, he found that the average mass of fifty-five binary systems was about three times that of the sun and that many groups of stnrs were of the same Innas, despite the^fact that they varied greatly ih their brightness And proper motion. Tilt binary stars seemed to he of tho same order of mass, though their brightness, motion and specter va- ried.—ltnrporia Weekly, . ■jUt sUrtin1out t* iR th* faMir nfhiat Ameren. A On* Pto«« Dtantr. A remarkable dinner was served recently by a farmer near Atilt, Colo, The table was set for twelve, and tho menu consisted of one five and a half pound potato, one fifteen pound cabbage, one ten pound chick en, one six pound turnip, one. two poitnd onion aqd three pies made from a one and one-half pound *p- jpMfc T h e m cL ^ctS itn e f& h ic h f e l t s o f t h e p r o g r e s s o f t h e w o r l d t h r o u g h W o n d e r f u l p i c t u r e s a n d t e r s e a r t i c l e s . DOUBLEDAY, P A G E & COMPANY New York H. B.^-ANORSW CARNEGIE s*r«« 4*l think TUB WORLD’S WORK T*m«rk«bl$a” vt&( E^( - * 10C4 Every local* Ktaoot last * 0 a mosfc to When i0itrn on rhe tineentire fori • *®re equaBy lug tor a fibor antsforging n Tpl 0 ultimate] dn of two pa £0rk was mn... Tlie game was , 1,10 features- OJifton, H' * . C, Hr S. met t »nd scored a» tune of 23 to ?aslly tho star KellyW'ns 3 bight the collt herg here. ' (Jllfton a few tought contes ‘ neutral parihv •Wfitenhorir ws their offle'tols. townRambler) meet the O* C game,will be s here this wlnte ranks close to hall arepa. T First team: C wards, McFarl, Mortonand Mu Center" Sha.w; Flatter; guards The local tea* ton Wednesda Mary’ s Jnstitut hie to defeat on Js, O, boys ha game during th second, Were mvn.;-The gam . hoys on foul go; F. C’s. favor 01 shows the CJ. C. tor to their oppo-.. 'Score:—St M. ' goals,' 17* Oeda Fowl goals, 10. iV o f f s 1 ■riti mw*. GONE TO - Hon, Thomas . left last- Saturcto where’ they wil while the Honor . ente the Sixth district in Congu I # ’ PUBLI M. ■yy. Collins March 4, AHATTEF a in p o r A b s o l u t e . mmsm E L E T ’d j MV I f a vote w most popular Gotdr Colonist TickftL, One-way second class colonist tic lcets to California, 1ho North Pacific Const, Montana and Idaho, will 1$ sold via Pennsylvania XAnes from March Sst to May ifith, inclusive. For particulars apply to nearest Ticket Agent of those lines. CASTOR IA l o r Infants Md Chiiuren, h i K U You Han Always H up :! 120 ACREFARM FORSALE tl?o Oil the YciloW Springs pike tin'll fourths mile IVowOedArville. This farm is nicely located* beingM than one mile from college, chnrchcl and high school* Improvement* ^ftod. Land produces gowl broj^ Nica young. orciiHrd, hearing exeef lent fruif. Hever falling spring* ofi farm. I f interested, call on or *f| . 5 H awtuornf , B, F.‘ i V 3, Cnistvilk, Ohio, fob, % am would roodv jority Xfcis the ch housewives v itgocsfartln results than over milled. But don’ i t ito-tty it fo eonvincwl... U S C e d a n ■f Bprit fGetlsr ty local jfit » 1 |Im krd* t »icd* « \U w t i On
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