The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

S UnparaleledandUnprecedentedintheKnowledgeofMEN’SWEARSelling Is Our Annual February Unloading Sale W e haye simply got to unload the goods, for to be frank, we need the money for spring: discounting of bills now arriving, and the better loss is first, to say nothing o f the Interest compounding on winter stock held over; therefore The Cost Mark Has Seep F%rpitten and the selling figure is marked so far below it that a 20 per cent reduction1 M .^;|l^nies^^ : to dollars. Railroad far 4 will be refunded to purchases of $15.00 or O'w^ and the m o i^ ^ will be refunded for any goods purchased that is not satisfactory if returned.yrithln:i5 :d ^ S \ , ' Remember that we are not drawing upon our imagination. The above mentioned goods must be sold and some one will get the bargains. m. SSfSE'i m Isis i > MEN ’S SU IT S • M*p*s good dress or business suits, dark colors, good weignt, worthj $6,50. To go iathis sale atl Men’s all-wool Scotch cassimeres, plain gray and fancy mixtures, made with' padded square shoulders and shape re. taming fronts, good value j at $8.51). They go in this' clean-up .sale at , . Men’s Suits, latest styles, nobby chev­ iots, black or blue, unfinished worsteds, constructed in manner to give the wearer the best possible service. In fact looks, like tailor-made, good val-j ues at $10 and $12,59.' They go in this sale at.; Men's Scotch cassimqrsand fancy chev iota Suits, in swell patterns, faultless in fabric, tailor-made and lined with double warped station lining, padded shoulders, andshape retaining fronts {1%o ’ | « A worth from$12to $15.00. waNk " t i l •Go In this sale for . . . . 0 { J e O \ S I 4 SSV 09 pLUt«,’Utl( 1 > ;$ 3.85 >tmu icf * 4.98 $ 6.90 TROU SER S OVERCOATS BARG A IN CO UN TER m m re and worsted $ 1.49 .Ope lot of men’s pants, lined ........... ....... ............... ..... Ope lot of Jblack cheviot and fancy worsted, Sale, price,,.,.,. Men’s cheviots, cassime pants worth $2 and $2.50, i this sale ’ fOr., i Men’s heavy weight pants, made of wor­ sted, cassimere, cheviot, in dark apd fancy mixtnres, worth rT* A A from $3to $3.50' To clean ' k / / f A J up for the season............ Sap/ m * j L s POSITIVELY IT’ S GENUINE- Every item is a genuine bargain, be lb big or little, and our word for if, if yon can match it in Springfield, the recQginlzecl .cheapest: priced town in Ohio. • BEING IT BACK TO US AND GET YOUR MONEY. / $ 2.85 gray mixtures, ’$ 4.95 For Men, former price $0.20 and $5, how.........i... Handsome black and former price $10 and $ 8.50 f ‘ ‘ To clean up ' 11QW.,,„.,-.................. Men’s heavy black or gray mixtures, in , "cheviots and kerseys. Overcoats, with serge and farmer’s satin <' linedj our regular $10 and1 $8.50 go in this saleat„.„;..4jJ\JR*’ Men’s chinchillas,' meltons, kerseys, Oveacoats, in all the prevailing styles, in strong and medium cuts, good heavy body l'lnng, iron clad and ~ Satin sleeve linings, the' kind that wear $12 $15 for* * 8.50 Men’s Handkerchiefs, white .and colored...................................... . Men’s canvas , gloves,.,.... ,..-.............. . .. ........ ‘Men’s heavy seamless - Tnrae ....... ;.................... /. - Men’s heavy wire buckle suspenders » ., „ .., .., Men’,s.sweaters, 1igljt weight...;.. .................. ............... Men’s shirts, full size, stiff bosom, worth 76c and $1.00....... ...... ......... .20c One lot of men’s undershirts, worth 75c to $1.00. To sell them out us we do not want toTkee-p them over summer, they go to get the money, for....... „„88c UC .. 5P ,;10c. ...10C i .I' j O-S ! - M E N ’ S and BO Y S ’ H A T S New spring styles and shapes. To get the money we give you a straight discount @f 20 per cent. Men's, Overatlss, Jackets A nd Jean Pants ■Aae not included in this sale, as they are sold -on . a very snijili margin and ■hey are goods that are in demand every day in the year. . We expect each and every sale we make to talk as actions do, Plodder than words.” Sale begins Friday-wFriday “ for 1ack/’and we assure you every attendant will have the luck of his or her life in getting as near to something for nothing as the law allows. Is.this sale goes every vestige of our large and comprehensive stock—-not an item reserved, and the first to come gets the top of the mountain of bargains. 11 EAST MAIN ST, SPRINGFIELD,OHIO, J LOCAL AND PERSONAL J Harry liHf of London, was in town yesterday. Mias Mary Turner is spending the weekrin Cincinnati. % Miss Zellft.N&gley was'the guest of and Tuesday. Miss Lulu Smith hasbeen granted a three years' -certificate by ■the Counter Board ot Examiners,' ’ Mx-. and Mrs.|Siias Murdock enter- tsined a number of friends at dinner '■Wednesday. Miss Nellie Condon and Mrs. Con­ don were Dayton visitors, Monday hersister Mrs. DoraBennettSunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hasting gave. Miss Belle Middleton is Buffering guppor Thursday, evening to a few front an attack Of la grippe. invited friends. , ML Oscar Smith isrecovering from Miss Belle Winter was„the guestof an attack o f’‘ 'la grippe,” Mrs. Jno Heron at Jamestown, Moii- Mrs. Wattar Fields is recovering day evening, from an attack of muscular rheuma- jersey glove, black, lost Sabbath tl0m* .. morning. Finder please return to The infant daughter, of Mr,. and this'oflice. ‘ - Mr.D.vM Gregg, .Of Xenia, was. i l l weoK* . the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Ellsworth Mr. and Mrs. J* W. Liggetfc are.en- ,x,o\vry the first of the week, tertaining a number of friends at' , •' „ , ,, dinner todav. ’ • Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Baker attend- |4, ed the funeral of Eev. John Heron, !i Miss Data Dobbins returned to , at Jamestown, Wednesday. Mierliomein Ada, O., Thursday eve- ; ' tt5n(, •' ’ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ervm, of •j * • * Xenia, were In CedarVlTle, Wednes- I The contractfor the erection of the dft* a of Wlmafc '‘ new school building at Selma will’* * ‘ • _ ' , \ be let March 23. Bids must be in by j Mr- Mr. J, B. Winters are en- noon and sealed. stertaining a number of friends at •.-dinner today, Mr, Cal Owens and sifster, Miss- - * - _ ) Mattie spent Wednesday and Timrs-; *Ir‘ *nd Mrs. Chas. Cooley enter- day as guests of Mr, and Mrs. I. C .: talned a number of Xenia and Ced- Davis at Cincinnati, ' 1 arvlile friends, Thursday. rti A 7 - v M , * - r aimsifoffHl1* o r a l ? / i n i v r r i P b <*>> J why people come hem* h very easy. They comebecause first of all they have learned that at our store-they can find the best as-, sortmenfc of Dry Goods, Clothing dnd Shoos in the town, That u the Key Note to our popularity, - rem- forced with prices that are right, If you question the accuracy of tlie claim, it’s very easy for yon to test it. Come, see for yonrself. Brest Ginghams, New,,handsome styles andcolorings, per yd. JL*a«s and Embroideries. Beautiful, new patterns and dainty ef­ fects, fie to *fer per yd, Brass Gauds, Th£ evcr-pepular Sicilians in the newest colorings at 4fr#e, t*c and tlM p«r yd. : Chthlng. Boy’s Knee Panis Suits, |L$0 to $8.fi0. Youth’sLong Pants b’-tth*. ff|QQ, f f Sts^nA $ iq , oq each. Men’s Suitf, choke pattern and style at gtM, mM * $4X.6dahd $1|,00each, Shaes, An up-tu-date slock of Men’s and Women's Fine Shoes In Vie! kid and Patent Leather*. BIRD’SMAMMOTHSTORE Mrs. Oliver Dodds returned home Wednesday after a weeks visit with Mr. and MiA J, H, Wolford. - The “Prince of Pilsen” comes to the Qriuid Opera House in,Spring- field next Tuesday everting. Mr. Homer Wade and wife of Springfield attended the marriageof his brother, Eaper to Miss Mft'ry At­ kins, Wednesday; A social was held at the R. P. church Thursday evening for the purpose of assisting In raising the money'to secure the' $6,000 offered .by Mr, G. W. Harper, • i The public schools were dismissed today in order, that the Contaactors can place the -fire escapes. .The weather has been so cold It has been impossible for themen to work out­ side. Mr. Rapcr Wade was married Wednesday at noon, to Miss Mary Atkins of near Celma. They will reside on the Archer farm on the Yellow Springs road, Frank McLean has sold out his milk route to Z. T, Phillips who Will supply tho trade from the first of the week. Mr. McLean will still keep a number of his cows and furn­ ish Mr. Phillips with milk. gregation. There are about 200 members in the church and the sal­ ary Is $1,200 per year. It is not known as yet whether Mr. Young will accept or not. Rev, GlaronceYoung, who has been in Philadelphia the past year attend­ ing the R. P. seminary and who will graduate this spring has been ex­ tended a unamlnous call by tho Third Remformed Presbyterian con- Tiie marriage of Mr. Edwin D. Houston of South Charleston, to Miss Ethel A, Jones of New York City took place Wednesday at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church In that city. Timcouple will visit the Orient for a year on their hortoymeon, Miss Agnes Stormont has been in­ disposed the past week suffering with rheumatism and during her absence from school, her place is belrtg supplied by Superintendent Crawford- A report, was current IbaifMlfis Stormont would give tip her school hut wo have been inform­ ed that such Is not the ease, ' Mrs- J. E, Turnbull gave a parcel shower last Saturday to some tirirt.v yonttg ladies in honor of her ipricc, MissAlma Dobbins Who wasmarried on Wednesday toMr. Harry J. King, A two course luncheon Wits,served. Mrs, Turnbull was nsslssfod in re­ ceiving by her daughter, Miss Nolle, Miss Dobbins, Miss Deta Dobbins of Ada, and Miss M ipy Dobbins* Mr. R. S. Bull celebrated Ids oigh- ty-ctghth birthday, February2$, in‘j as good health as he has been lot several years. He has always been a resident of the county, Following the custom established several years ago by his son, the late *1. 15. Bull of WoHhlngtprt, Iud, ho received the animat draft for $26 from Iris daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. 13, Bull andfamily* . Earl Clark and wife after a pleas-, ant weeks visit'with Mr/tJ. C. Weimer and family,. and Mr. Theo. Voglcsbcy/g .and wife, returned to their home in South Chari qs - ton; Saturday evening. Clinton •C.O. ’Democratic-Last Saturday afternoon^Cb E,;Rriulfute, president of The Fstrinei-s’ Co-opera­ tive Harvesting; Machine Company addressed iin audience of farmers in the probate court room,. Mr. Brad- fute iaa prominentfarmer and stock breedei? of Greene County, residing’ near Oedarville, and is president of the Ohio Live Stock association. In his address he exphuned the organ­ ization and object of The Farmer’s Co-operative Harvesting Maehine Company.. SHULL CONVICTED. The jury In the Case of the State, of Ohio vs. Harry Shull, charged with burgulary, after deliberating less than an hour, returned a verdict of guilty. The case has attracted no small ainouut.of attention on account of tho extensive list of Wittinesses and Shull’ s strong fight against con­ viction. Soutcnce has not been pro­ nounced yet, ns defendant Is allowed three days in which to file any plea$ necessary. How Is YourHeart? I*} your pulse weak, too slow, too fast, or docs it skip a beat? Do you have shortness of breath, weak or hungry spells, ‘ fainting,smothering of choking spells, palpitation; fluttering, pains around the heart, in side and shoulder; or hurt when lying oh left side? If you have any of these' symptoms your heart is wyalc or diseased, and Cannot get better’ without assistance, Dr* Miles' Heart Cure strengthens weak hearts, and rarely ever fails to cure heart disease. Try it, and sec how quickly you will find relief. . “About January 1st, ISOS, ! took down with ’veakneKrt and dropsy, anil gradually yraw wow. I was told by my family physician that my rose ‘ ‘ ' My neighbors am! fam- oiw'lfSf. .had jfrfVrn urn up to die. My ,d body were tmolhin to one ■ larger than normal Mae, ana ’ ---- ' ‘ ..... :d Jtoi Mb ICOflk Drupp*# ufr in tft Jews erinjjf. I; «ent for five V Mllea* II< t Oure, ami l Was It i third umu unir i bibg . mm water haa collerted aroun my Jw-art. 3 ar at leaat three months r had to alt ■ “ ■ ■ fromamotn* itlle#, by the time,I had talto.. ;them all J Was entirely cured. 1 feel bolter thfth t have for twenty years, and I »tn able to .do any kind of work on,my farm. My .attendlmr pbyalrlan told me that If ft hadn't been for Ur, Miles' Heart Cure l would now ha in>my Afrave.’’ i,, T, ooru>, wnmore, tip Or.- Mil#*' Heart Our* l* arid'by your druflsisb who will cmarantaa that ih« first hottia will banafit, If ft fall* h* wilt refund your money. Milfli Mftdiori Co., Elkhurt, I»d Ooid Oream. Shave fmc and melt in a double boiler- half an ounce of white' ivux and an‘ounce of spermaceti. When melted ad 1 one- gill ‘of almond oil and take from lhe> stove. Slowly add one.and .a half ounces of rose water, heating ‘until the right con­ sistency, Last thing add' twelve drops of benzoin, ’ ' Hanging Out Clothes. Stockings should he hung up from the toes, White flannels must he hung out at once and he well shaken before hanging them. Nightdresses, etc., shonld. be hung from the shoul­ ders,' Do not drag any garment when pinning. Allow it to liailg eusilv. S / . Vaseline For Sore Throat. . Yaselinc is not, only ah excellent' remedy for sore throat, hut if is a hair, tonic and can al-o he depended on to. render tractable a door or win­ dow that slicks by -applying it to the parts that adhere. The Odor of Onions. It is worth knowing that the odoi of onioiis may he almost­ moved from the hands by rubbing thein uiih cclcrv tops. This means will also remove the odor from dishes. ’ ■ Toilet Soap. Odds and ends of toilet soap should he saved Dried and pow­ dered, mixed with bran or oatmeal and fllled into cheesecloth hags, they make delightful accessories to the bath. JS 3 H 1 M •ito k 'joes otj piA eutatpera erfl ptra Taot/uvpuqfi’ ^oo •eutoipOTVufloouunutin oti.T, "qclw XjQStApY ,83U)Wt oip o; /ouoitt oxp pttoa ‘!>t das>| $ou seop sopap jn o x jf ‘/epo; jnpjcf) go su i^ go oinoqo0‘ I$ « mwag mr preg eg ipAtflutp ropmoj; Known -trep ojut flmaopAop xraotnb tuoaj Btnojdtn/s et’p guarani ntra oqre - puu OTjcrt:pvat{‘agsuasnojuau tpjtnzq pun go Krv) $no 9A|» M tnpioo go euiAt •nof flaucj jpAVpus uatrtoA.Jo flpttBsnorpgo*Hpaipuntf^Snozqerg tnpl«o J° ®«lA\iTttT flailPT -mioip o} ko . v flufAtjp aioA eqws -puaTi pirn eq.TVijouq ‘tKX)qi4>A)iw[ ‘auiua ttAop’ flatuwf} ‘uopsnijs -uaia pazDp409tp go sajud hutsnj *aog otp putt pbdojaAOphsotuatoA Oiqr.ojj eg; gt sug-intairegsut aou gnpittogo euiMpoou txox *gueux •gttaq7(se3tiOAowjaqiireaotcj;RiBeq *tmwgjn# noXppmpuM.qou 0 ([ "ejqncigereuwgsnoiiesgo ■qottOicIdftt oq; go fltuuMA aowep ou eAUtj; p}n(.5 noX Xpmmipioo jno peng punaooAWtteitt noilj£ - NlKHMia"' 1 NDKQU ismam DR, FRISBIE ------AND STAFF OF EXPERTS------ IN CHRONIC, PELVIC AND NERVOUS DISEASES -WILL BE AT- Gity flotei, Gedamile, Ohio. Friday pareh 3,1905 OneDay Only . < - * From 5 a.m. (o .7 p.m. REMEMBER that on this .visit, consultation, advice, examination, analyses of va­ rious fluids ot the body, and all medicines necessary to compel a life long cure, will not cost you one cent. All we ask is, when cured tell your friends. It matters not how many (seli-styied) sperialiists, covering up their identity under company and institute names, have failed to cure nr even benefit you, do not consider your Case hopeless, as these specialists, with their original electro- absorptive treatment, CURE when others fail. DR. FRISBIE, chief of staff, will givc'you his personal attention on this their first visit’, so don't fail to get his val­ uable advice. • v • Stomach drugging, in many cases, is entirely discarded, as experience teaches us that it fails to cure. Those who have been doctoring and paying out hard' earned money month after month and year aftpr year, without being cured, are especially invited, for we will cure you just as sure as wc accept your case. Diseases W e Cure CJtTJiRRH Dropping ihibroat hack­ ing and spitting to clear thaoat-dischargc from hose, head stopped up, pains m head, etc. Catarrih may develop con- snmption or deafness, w e cure to stay cured, DEAFNESS Noises and cohfusioft ih head, discharges from ears, etc. in our method of treatment by osmosis, im­ provement begins at once, ahd life long cure are..affected in from one to two months. If we cannot cure yon, we will tell you so, and it costs you nothing to find out. LUNGS Consumption ( incipient) AND cough, spitting blood, night HEART sweats, loss oi tlesli, lever etc Bronchitis, asthma, shortness of breath, smothering sensations, profuse expector­ ation, pains in chest, palpitation of the heart, etc cured by direct medication. RHEUMATISM Muscular and artic­ ular, with soreness and shifting pains, cured so it wilhnever return, N1DNEYS Brights disease, dropsy, AND paius in. back, scalding, BLADDER painful and frequent voiding, enlarged prostate, obstrustions CtC„ permanently removed by our own iristhod. STOMACH , Nausea, vomiting, gas a n d LIVER oh stomach, heartburn, pains, soreness and sense of weight in stomach, bad taste in mouth, constipation headache, sallow complexion, jaundice etc. cured to stay cured, f • -■ PELVIC Piles, fistula, absesses, DISEASES stricture, variocele, ana all diseases and weakness of the male and female pelvic organs, cured for life. NERVOUS Nervo vital decline, neu- DISEASES ralgia. headache, St Vitus dance, epilepsy, paralysis, nutrtbneas, etc A case taken means a'case Cured. GOITRE Tumors, cancers, and . all growths pennatrtly removed (THICK NECKj by adsorption, no .pain, no cut­ ting, no detention front business, SICIN and •- Eczema, pimples,biack- BLOOD heads, ulcers, blood poison, DISEASES pains in the boots etc,, cured ior life, if you have symptoms of any of the above named diseases, don’t fail t» be examined, asfif may save your life. Bring a small bottleof urine (or analysis. 1/ NOTICE -Married ladies must lie accompanied fry their husbands. Remember place and dgte, as this announcement appears but once. OraVfiTroubleForeseen* ,Tf needs bttf little foresight, total!, that when your stomach and liver arc badly nlfoefed, gravo trouble is ahead, unless yon take tho proper medicine for your disease, as Mrs, John A. Young, of (day, N, Y., did, 81msayst " I bad neuralgia of the liver and stomach, my hehrl, was weakened, and ! could not eat. I was very had for a long time, hut. in Electric Rif tors, I found just what I needed,'for they quickly relhned j anti cured me,” Best medicine for- Every hoiMcleoeiicrxhiuuil know that if they will buy USfianet fold W*ler march for ihOnflry use th, y will save hot onfy time, betauv it n<vor slick.1*tothe iron,bat Vi'UOW' cadi piKkHgo ronisia 1ft ox.—one fqli pound-; while *11 otfwr f old Water atArriftSttfi’ pnfup In ^ pound pSobagM. anil the price N the s*uue, 10 vent*. ’Then, aoaht b(>cau-«;lhfiance Hutch toft** team Injurious heinieal*. If youf.groiag'trteak'i aril you a 1Aor. twckng* it I* hccawwh* hM axhsk on Iinn<t which bcwiahcato dfapaw* olt»cfeichc'p(U3 In l>clhmtw. Ha In that Jh-ftanco ytarc-h here printed on *wtr> )4<k4WR<inJa'ac h-ftcro awft tfgicm jihnnftDil Ihitiamr and oariiatuch WPak woman. Bold under gitaranter* j andHmannoyawe «f thelw* sgggS. fill driiifgl*«f» fit fifte a lmUh‘, < ttJra g>«itepaea«r*r »ti k*.