The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
, ruiftw ii inijn mit iiuiTjni m m m iuMWiI <Tin»r *->a'U wJ.'oi;'Hs»u«S-W't»;~■ A PLEASED CUSTOMER A lw ay^ recommends your goods. Tha t's w h y the John Deere and Fam ous Ohio cultivators a r e i n such great demand. > BINDES? TWINE P lym ou th is the brand o f our B inder Tw ine which is a guarantee o f satisfaction . 50 to 100 feet per lb. more than any o th e r twine on the market. T e s , bought for cash insures a low price. J j § ; • k a 1 ' ■ - A Star W ind M i l l at tached tp one of our anti-freezing pumps I s guaranteed to give sat- . iofaction. . FARM WAGONS Brown wagons are a little higher in price, blit have no equal in quality. A customer using a Moline wagon says: “ I would buy no wagon except a Moline.” JustThreGrains inaHill Is the motto o f the John Deere and Black Hawk corn planters. The Poste Buggys are Sold on their Merits The above are a few of our specials. W e have almost any thing from an engine and threshing-machine to a needle and tooth pick, come and see us and get the goods you need. Fair treatment guaranteed - AMERICA N FENCE Tho American Fence js guaranteed Absolutely. Don't be deceived by talk about special material* special processes, etc. Ameriefth is made of the best fencingmaterial that can be proctuce^'"- regardless of expense. , - • T ocust ^T ence ’ post F We do not have Chestnut fence posts but we do have.Locust posts which last a lifetime. See our stock. SEED S OF A L L KINDS OLIVER STEEL GANG PLOVys Don’t befooled but purchase l the genuine Ol ivier Steel Plows o f us. f LOCAL AND PERSONAL ’ $ Messrs. R. F.' Kerr and G. M. Crouse wont to Dayton Wednesday to attend the annual meeting of the .*etail hardware dealers of the state. • Mrs. gullehberger is eptorbiiining her sister’ hits. Smith, from Oxford! Mr,, and Mrs. Thompson Crawford were inXenia Monday. ' • Mm. Oscar Smith and Mihs Junta Pollock were in Springfield.Monday, Mrs. Claud Phillips is visiting her. parents; near Zanesville. Mrs. Charles F. Marshallhas been yuitb ill the past week. ^ Mrs. Chas. Crouse is the guest of relatives in South Charleston, MiSfeLulu Barber was the guest Xenia friends Tuesday. "Miss Kellie Ustick has arrived home from Columbus where she was in si hospital sick with typhoid fever." She* continues to Improve nicely being able to sit up sotne each day. . George Boyd, the liveryman, has purchased the line black coach team from Samuel Shannon, who lives on flie ; t . R. Cooper farm and is prepar- fjig to move on a farm below Xenia. •’ Bay McFarland has.entered the o ^ee of the Pennsylvania for the pi. irjpose of taking up telegraphy and ' 1get ’ftiaj? onto the run of business nf- of fah * About the office. chellbaru, Saturday. q , serge Ashbaugh has given up his Collins & Sterrett, Sale at the Mit- poajj |®aa■*£riie paper mill to accept "1” " e s - a pin (feln the office o f the Adams Frdnk Townsley was in Pittsburg the flrhfc of the week .on business connected with a shipment of cattle Mrs. Smith Jenks Was visiting her daughter Mrs. F-C. Price WedneS' .day. Miss Edna Townsley began teach* ing Monday for Miss Agnes Stor mont who is suffering from rheuma tism, . „ Mrs. Beal who lifts been the guest of Xenia relatives returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Murdock are entertaining a number of friends at dinner today, Frank Barber is home from Vir ginia where he has been for some time. Mrs. 3. H, Brotherton had for her. guest, Sunday, her daughter, Mrs. Lobgsfreet of Dayton, Mr, L. If. Sutjenberger attended the inauguration this work atWash** lugh-nR. G. MissCermulc Turner is entertain* 1 rii* fug her friend Miss Rena Aitkin vi * rtth«ir twtiits Bell Center, . Mr, and Mrs. ,5>O, Spahr of James town, were guests Tburmay o f Mrs. RHxaboth Owenm Mr, Fred Bemsbergt o f Springfield wsa the guest Friday a n d . Saturday of iils cousin, Mr. Ralph Wolford, Mr. and Mrs. Will Blair were en tertainedThursday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. David McCollum’s Mrs, Wolford, of Kcwark, has re turned home after an extended visit with relatives here, , lour chance to get a Him driving *r workinghorse at the Collins sale, Saturday. Robert Utfttblsortcams down from Columbus for a few days visit with Li parent^,—Mr. and Mrs, W. M1, L- ausou. 4 * in mind the Collins and * i, t! iMinicsaie, tomorrow, Bat* sruny. March, 4 , expre. «somp&nyAii Xenia. He has alread jr«earter©4.on ftis duties there and lik WBitbe place very much. The nr. ttasrjr murders in Springfield saloons l.njttGorged the people to de mand m melegislation towards con- trollng t he Aram shops.* Tuesday evening t be council by a Vote of four to five pai wed -the wifi-screen ordi nance. is tayor Bowlus vett*md the measure. N e u r a l g i a A j *d O ther P a In. AIR gr airi in any disease is nerve p* ain, the result of a tur- IJule lit condition oi the nerves, .The stabbing, lacerating, H&rtihi ‘f burning, agonizing pamitfe *at edmes from the prom- Inchtt, nerve branches, o f .sen- sory.'nerves, is neuralgia, and r'big brother o f all the t>lt ‘ MifcV Anti-Tain PilU parish f ever fail to relieve these paint - by soothing these larger smrvt is, and restoring their * 8 ! “ m L ' 'Anti-Mo m ; ,ave no bad after-effects, and m l i a b l e remedy for^ every kn ni^iriin, such as headache, ba dkacUe, ^stomachache, sciat ic? v fhttimfttlsm and Neuralgia* * rftiey also relieve Dizziness, 1 i Mr. Fred Dobbinsand sls-ers Miss es Mary. and Hattie, accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Harry King to Wash ington C. H. Friday attending the reception given by Mr. King’smoth er iii honor of their marriage. In the announcement column can he found tho name of Mr, S, O. Hale announcing himself as a candidate for Clerk of Courts. Mr. Hale dur ing his term of. office lias made 1 painstaking official always being ao coffiodating and obliging to .tin public. , ‘ Sanford Perry, colored, about 6& years of age was crushed to death in the elevafor. at Jobe Bros. & .0p.'s store some time early ■Wednesday morning. There was no one present at the time and It is impossible to relate just how he came to meet his death. The body was crushed be tween the floor of the elevator and the wall between the first nnd sec ond floors. “Herbert PTash while driving on West Main street Xenia, accompain- ed by his mother, Mrs. R. H. Nash, met with a painful accident Tuesday by the front axle breaking throwing the occupants out.. Mr. Nash had two ribs broken while Mrs. Nash escaped ibjury other than a cut on the forehead. CUBES SIOM AGH , *TTtE body gets .its life from food properly1 digested. Healthy digestion means pars bloodfor the foody, but stomach troubles arise from carelessness ift eating and stomach disorders upset theentiresystem. Improp erlymasticated food sours on the stomach, causing' distressing f ins, belching .and pause?- henovereating i* persisted,m the stomach becomes weakened -•* ... '’ ‘'-“-upeift. ■gilt: cat&s "dyireftsia, It frees the . . .... .. . 2_ . AL a. m ufa Ian^ct“woi‘n"'ouV’ and dyspef Iclaims didvictim. * Theil£ordTa Black-Draught: I ures yspep i i stomachandbowels of congested matter and giw* the stomgh new life. Tho stomachisquicMy invigorated and the natural S fcanbuildupyourstomach Sn^yth,TryTliedford^ Block* Draught today* You can bny ft package from your dealtfj m| & Ifhfo doesiot kwp it.scnd tho money to "Hie Uhattanfoogl ( Medicine Co*i T«m.. and * package will bi maUed you. THEDFOKDS IBl'ACKDEAIIGHl I m i Mias Bell, Middleton is ill with pleurisy. Mrs. ChaS, ifedkey, of Loesburgh,, is visiting her father, Rev.. Midtllo- ton. Messers Harry and Arthur Wol ford, of Selma were guest of Ralph .Wolford, thift week. ■ Mr. and Mrs; Hanna ttioyed this ,yeok to (heir farm, formerly owned •>ythe Gibson heirs. •Mr. Arthur Alexander accompan ied by his sistor Anna, returned this week to. Kansas City. Mr. Jacob Seigler wiib in Cincin nati Sabbath, td-attend the; fimerfll of a relative. ’ Mr. and Mrs. "t^ili Forbes of near Clifton, spent rtho day with My, Arthur Forbes, Mrs. H. C. Middleton is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Itto Frost, of Hillsboro, O. Mr. and Mrs. 0." F. Price wero the guest of friends in Cincinnati Sab bath, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harper enter tained Mr. and.MrS. W. G. Warmer, of Yellow Springs Sabbath. t Mr. nnd Mrs. Perce McFarland of Selma have removed into Mr. Har per’ s property on South Main Street* Mr. and Mrs. Win. Murray, of South Charleston were guests Of G. W. Harper’ s Wednesday. Tho wedding of Miss Margarott Cooney, formerly of this place, and Thomas Gfogftn of Wilmington took place Tuesday atSfc. Patrick's church ILondon, 0, Mr.and Mrs.* Charles Weimer and; Miss Etta McClellah, of Codarville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark —South Charleston :Sentinel* - Word has been reeelvetTTiere by the friends of Miss Mary Bratton that she is falling in health and is contemplating a trip to Texas for liorhealth, ' . " Mr. Ross Hazelitt of Mt, Perry who visited his cousin Mr. Claud Phillips, left Monday morning for his work in the State UuiVersity at Columbus. Word was received Jhefo, last week of the death of Mr; Alexander McKee of Mediaoplis, Iowa, Mrs. MeKeo was before marriage Miss Mary Holmes of this place and is a sister of Mrs. Ervin Ferris, ( Mr. and Mrs. J< N. Lott enter tained at dinner today the following persons! Mr. and Mrs* B< K* Turn- bull, Rov, O. II. Milligan And Wife and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobbins. Mr. and Mrs. Charles JHfte, of of Clifton, entertained Mesdames T. V, tllffo, Hugh StorffioiU, Geo, Wini or, W« H, Owens and Mabrile 'OwensThutsday. Born to B. E, Brotherton and wife Monday morning, a ten pound girl. This Is the largest sugar beet that R, E. ever weighed on-first sight which carried no tare.—The Sanilac Jof- ersoniau, Croswcll, Michigan. Mr. Marcus Slump announces in tlds Issue that he will he a candidate for re-nominafkm to. the office of Probate Judge at tlmcomingpriinary in April. Judge, Slump has served one terra much to the satisfaction of tlm voters of Greeuo county and he now asks your support for nomina tion at the April primary; Mrs. Eisworth Lowry was the guest, Thursday, of her brother, Mr. Win. Gregg, of Xenia who AVfts badly injured some months ago. By next week he will lie watkiug by the aid of crutches.. By summer it is hoped he will have the entire use of Ids limbs. Latest reports from the bedside of Mrs. 0. M» Crouse are Hint she is no worse than she has been for several days and her many friends still have hopes of recovery. Wednesday a consuiatioii was held between her physician, Dr. E. C. Ogiesbee and Dr. Dice of Xenia. No one can afford to go away from Cedarvlllo for theirpictures, as Dow- ing’ s work is equal to the best and superior to many city galleries and price lower. Finest assortment of all up-to-date folders and moun ts. G j in on Friday and seesamples. A G ood Cook always prefers to have her meats come from here. She knows they will bo Just right and do her cred it, It doesn’ t require much skill to prepare our meats For the Table They are so tender mid juicy, so well cut. ami trimmed. •Give us an initial order and see how the “ hubby” will praise your culinary skill. There may he aneWHprlqg hat for you hi (tie experiment. a CHOUSE, ttsdut-ullUFo. “ “ No man is free who is not mas ter of h f i n s e l f jiq voter is free wim is not, in truth awl not ip mere sem blance, master of iris vote;no people, whatever tho name or form of its gov eniment, is free unless its rulers a,re those, and those only, .it would have as rulers. If its action he hampered, its wishes bo overridden, in thftir choice, whether thiseonstraiutbe the. work Of a foreign conqueror, a legal j autocrat or oligarchy, or an extra j legal ruler or ruling body, a “ Inss/’ -j or a “ ring,” a “ machinq,” or au | “ organisation,” then in all these cases alike ; t,lie result; is the same, tlmpeople is not free; it community thxis governed has not self-govern ment.1’—Charles J. Bonaparte, in tho Outlook, .Tan, 28, 1905. PUBLIC SALE. We will offer forsale at the old "Mitch- ■ ell barn" on Miller street, Cedarvjile, -,i SATURDAY, MARCH, 4.1905- ‘ Commencing at 12 o’clock, sharp, the following property: 8 H E A D O F H O R S E S 8 wish Can Competent. Colonel Bluegrass—So you to marry mail daitghtah, euh? you suppoht a'wife, suli? Young Bourbon—Ah filled a flush last night, cuniiel, awn a three card draw.—Brooklyn Life. Consisting of 1 Shire draft stallion, Bar onet Jr., weight IgOOlb.>. Bred by ILK. Hisson West Morland Co. JPa., Sired by Baronet . bnported by Powel Bros. Springboro Pa., -Pip is a good and sure foal getter. . * 1 Registered Pcrcheron mare 7 years old, weight 1700-lb., hi foal to the Per- cheron stallion Saratoga 39800. She is a very tine type of the Pcrcheron fanlilv with fine disposition and 'a splendid worker. 1 Red Roan Mare, 7.years old, weight 1000 lb., Sired by Lincoln’sGlory (Imp.) . * in foal to and good A Suggestion. He—I can never think, of the right thing tqeayat the right time. She—Why “don’t you try saying l Wnkes7heh^ the right thing sometimes even if — 1— Dapi a Normmmare, she is Baronet Jr., is a fine mare worker.. 2 General purpose geldings, good workers. 1 Roadster stallion, Maple Bells Jr., Dark brown 7 years old, weight 1000 1b.,. Sired by Maple Bells 2:38, Dam Lady Hancock, damof Wilma 2 : 2 Q}£ by Gett; Hancock, Besides being bred along lines of speed and fashion, on both sides, and combining thehlood of the two greatest trotingfamilicsof Electioneer andGeorge you get in the wrong place?- troit Free Press. -D c- His Strenuoui Wife, Oldwed—Do f$ i use condensed milk at your house ? Kewed— No,, hut rriy wife gets busy occasionally and turns out a condensed cake. — Cleveland Plain Dealer. _____ , Repartee, • “Why do you need a horn ?wasked the Wagon. “ I have no use for one.” “ Yes/1 replied the automobile, 'but then you liave a tongue.” ToInvestors. JPrefefed stock in the (Jedar- ville Telephone Company is being, offered to local investors at par. It is guaranteed to pay 6 per cent interest per annum and is to he paid semi- annuallv, The stock is- ' 5- Exempt from taxes* . it , TJtis is a good investment for nJ home company where you have watched its progress and rapid growth. Impure at tty’ Bxehange Bank or D. Br dfute, Pres. ful sire and sure breeder. 1 Roadster fi!ly:-Phronsie Belts, bay, 2 years old, sired by Maple Bella Jr., 1st dam Bast Time by Time Oriwiird: 2nd dam Pattern by Mambrino Patchen 68. This filly is rarely bred along best lines and is a goodprospect for speed, having shown at matinee last summer, halves in 1 : 12 , . 1 Horse colt folded 1901. sired by Ma ple Bells Jr.r1st damby Wiimons 2:16L 2 nd dambyAlctus 2.17J(, F A R M IM P L E M E N T S . Consisting o f-2- log wagons, 1 farm wagon, hay ladders, wagon bed, 1Osborn binder, 1 Osborn mower, 1 Thomas hay tedder, plows, harrows, bike cart good as nfcw, log chains, 2 set of breeching harness one extra strong, 2 sets of lead harness, MI m good repair. * Also the-following new implements will be offered 1 Smith farm wagon; 8 Handy wagons, 1Millermanure spread er* 2 Avery riding Cultivators, combina tion, 1 Gale and l Bradley ridingculfiva- fors, 6 Bradley walking cultivators, l Bradley Gang plow.- 4 Gale and Ausrh breaking plows, 8 Bradley checkrowcf com planters, 6 disc harrows, 1 riding wcedcr, I hay baler 2 Kay tedders 2 poos com harvesters, 1 Champion grain drill, Also the following second hand farm fox* plcments: 1 sulky plow, 1 Cura'planter, 1 mdtivator, I Buckeye feitiluer grain drill, 1 Brown wagoit and lmy ladders for one horse wagon. 2 galvanized water tanks, 8 tank heat ers, 2 sets lead harnesstmnhlete asdmw set of double carriage harness. N E W V E H IC L E S . J canopy top surfy rubber tire, l new robber tire bikette m t , Also the fellow- mglseeond hand vehicles; 7 top buggfr* three of which are extra good anffnve rubber ttrit*. I uibbtr tite runabout, si surrys and 1,spring ftagon, Teritssi Sums of' and under cash. Over this amount nine month* time %fch approved security. w. coiUNs. w. n, stmtetr- R. E. CORkY, AitttUcw. J, il. Anfjnrw.t f«rk.
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