The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

.fi. f- W r i I' /■ F . Forcing the 1905 welcome season upon Us. Especia lly is this so in W a s h Fabrics, both imported and domestic, N ew Spring Silks,. N ew Dressgoods, including the eve? popular Mohairs and Sicillians. Many , very exquisit and exclusive things are here and ready for your inspection and to which you are very cordially invited. It is through -our early importation orders that we are privileged to give you this early opportunity to make selections for your new season 's costumes. ' • , / , Our Cloak room is also an interesting Department, the showing of new Tan Covert Cloth Ladies Jackets are somewhat unusually swe ll. • . BLACK and COLORED SILKS A t no previous-season were they in greater demand, W e have right now an elegant array of D ressy Silks, for Shirt W a is t s and Shirt W a i s t Suits. W e have made particular prepara­ t ion s for the spring. . Th e Shirt W a i s t Suit prom ises to be very much in evidence, so early selection is favorable. , ^ - . C O L O R E D S IL K S Undoubtedlywe have tbe choicest and withal the beat value ever was gathered together in one store' in America of Stilts. We pride ourselves in this department,for values and selection. *■•■ • 1 59c a yard', value 60c, fancy Colored Shirtwaist Silks, many neat and stylish effects, 49c a ■ yard, amost lov.ely collection of Silks in neat checks and other new small designs, just right this Shirt Waist Season; value C5e. ! 68c a yard, a collection of Silks that for exclusiveness of designs, dainty effects and color blendings, evory -new advanced style iB represented; value S3c. . ; 75c a yard, Sillts that the regular value is $1.00; not a piece but will meet .the most skeptical’s approval. Selected with greatest precision and care. Don’ t fail to Visit our Silk Department. ' B L A C K S IL K S All of high order and every yard we sell guaranteed. 67 /-2c yard for Black Silks,- value $1.00. This is 27 inch Wide taffeta and warranted. . ' 87 /»2cyiml for Black Taffeta Silk, and 86inches wide, guaranteed to wear; Tins is regular $1.25 grade. ■$/./2/*2e tvyard for Black Taffeta Silk, 86 inches wide, fully guaranteed, the value of this Silk jls$1.50, Also at. thlH price Is"the celebrated Windsor brand now so popu­ lar. $/.37 /*2e yard for the Black Diamond brand Taffeta ' Silk, 86 inches wide; regular value $1.86, guaranteed wear, / -, ‘ / - ■ " It should be of some ! interest to know that the above Black Silks are fully gunr,mtoed to wear and not split; also that the color is absolutely fast Haven Black, .specially foreign dyed, every yard made good where jt fails satisfaction; j New 1905 Spring White Goods A great collection o f W h ite Cottons here ready for the w om an who m akes up her summer dresses before winter departs, N ew White "Waistings in equal large varieties, from the heavy White Cotton for present year to the sheerest of sheer Wh ite Waistings. Interesting low prices prevail. • * ' ■ T H E N E W E G Y P T I A N W H I T E W A I S T IN G S At 25c and 39c a yard arc extremely new—a beautiful . fabric produced from the only gonUine Egyptian Yarn, noteworthy for its softness and lustrous effect; it will be - very popular.- - Beautiful winto ope^i ,weave effect with woven floral ’ designs thrown on surface, making a most lovely and airyseffect. This‘ is another fabric which will create a demand. The early prices are 23c, 89,e and 48c a yard. We solicit yoitr inspection ; not necessarily topurchase, ' We know you’ll admire this new fabric, E X T R A S P E C IA L We shall offer today a Bargain for those who are de­ sirous of makingWhite Waisfcfarpresent wear, InHeavy White Figured "Waistings, every piece is new and have usually sold at 30c and 75c; our special offer today,,.,25e W h ite Persian L aw n s and. Chiffons 18c yard is the earlyjprice for 46-inch .Wash Chiffon, probably this will reach 35c during the season. Belter . buy now and save money. 125c a yard, early price White Wash Chiffon or Persian Dawn; they’ re full 46inches wide, and are sheer and soft. Sheer finer and the Higher Finish of Persian Dawns and Wash Chiffons tliatwe-havc received are very un­ usually attractive, their silky finish will make the most dainty costume for any occasion;. prices 89c and 48c, Dater will he 50c and 65c. . / Tw o India L inen Specials Today /Oc a yard for the - • ’ , 15cgrades. - 15c n yard for the . . . * • 20c and 25c grade, Doug Cloth Specials,' or Nainsooks, «t 95c, a bolt 12 yards, instead of $1.25; $1.65, a'bolt 12yards, instead of $2.00.. These prices apply to Dong Cloth or Nainsooks. T S, and H, Green Visit the annex and see the presents given with Stamps, Special delivery of Moha irs and Sicillians—Th is is the on ly recognized new woolen material to be worn the com ing seasori. .W e have these in an endless variety—every shade of color, for every style of costume, priced unusually low . Th e most extraordinary values in all the choice weaves of Panamas , French Vo iles , Ta ilor W orsted s , all wool Crepe-de-Chene. Our en­ tire collection of. Dress Goods is.made up of chicest things only. H a v in g selected the brightest and most attractive weaves from the foremost manufacturers of. the world ... M an y novelties in new Shirt-waists in cotton and. silk* the chick o f the season 1905. Y o u a r e very cordially invited wherher you purchase or. not. ' . •) Respectfully FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Bright Wits .Show to Advantago In $ho G'amo “ My Garden." /, ■ Any number of1persons may play tbi? game. It requires no prepara­ tion, but the wits of the players must bo bright and alert to make it a success. The leader asks each player in turn wliat he planted in Ins garden, and the player may namA any arti­ cle he chooses, but the thing that "cattle up’Jmust be some plant that has a Coimcction with the article The answers cannot therefore al­ ways be given instantly, tej a little thought may he necessary to make the answer good. That, however, will-make the game all the mole en­ tertaining. Here are a few answers that show how the game should be played: " I planted some steps, and they came tip hops.” “I planted a ball, and it came up a rubber plant.” " I planted a calendar, and it came up dates,” " I planted a watch, and it came up a four o'clock.” “ I planted a ship, and it came up in dock.” * _ _ _ . A Geographical PUzzf*. ^ In the following are to he found, first, the name of a continent; sec* ond, the name'of a country in that continent, and, third, the capital of that country: .... -The baseball match had -just be- - gun. One o f the players, an ama­ teur, opened by striking the ball into another held, where they had to pay a boy a franc, eventually be­ fore it could be found. “He's a sailor; he's balling with a spar, isn't he?” laughed a man in file audience, "I don’t know/' replied ono of tho players. "He's certainly not sparing with the hat.” ' Toots Ftfrth# Boy Carporttor. For ordinary work you will re­ quire a good yip and crosscut saw, with twenty and twenty-four inch blades respectively; a claw hahimer and a smaller one, a wooden mallei for chisels and to knock the lap joints of wood together, a jack and « smoothing plane, a compass saw, a brace find several sizes of hit?, rang­ ing from u quarter to one inch in diameter; a drawknife, square,nwW pliers, rule, soveraK-huel*, a screw- driver ami a few other tools that will become useful «f times, but which can be mldftd a# tfiev aft re* (julftl,—fft, Nicholas, F op a Party. ' •/ t A’ pretty and ever pleasing diver- |sion is to have in an adjOiiiittg room l as, many .red balloons a3, children. Let these float -through, the room with strings attached. On opening the door have the children rush in and try to catch tho strings. Bal­ loons always delight little people, and the excitement of catching and proudly carrying them homo as souvenirs forms a delightful ending for an entertainment. Little Princess Rides Astride. Little Princess Mary of Wales rides, astride entirely with the ap­ proval o f her royal parents and her grandmother and grandfather. The pretty little girl wears a costume of a kilted skirt and a double breast­ ed reefer, the skirt hanging neatly on both sides of the horse when she is mounted. Other little ones have followed her example. ■ . Stooping Beauties, 'A little girl four years old was picking violets. She found one which was not open. "It's asleep, Don't wake it up,” shewhispeied to her mother,—Little Chronicle. Tho Kitty Cook. " I do wish the butter in the sauce- jan would he quick and boil. I've >een toasting this bit of bread for lie last twenty minutes, but the hitter won't boil, and I can’t make mother's hot buttered toast till it does!” ' Th* Pussy Willows. When WI)Iow* don their coat* And Sunbeam* 'frln to mnlle, we think that uptime 1 * on the way Till Wind Shout*, “ Walt awhllol “ It sllli l* early, nitie friend*; Tv* lot* vt fun-In store,“ licit: Pussy Wiilown pur and say, “ Voti'v* tnid us that before,’' And m Uitsjr stand up very aliif And hold their head* up high ’ And bet-koto to tho Sunshine Man Away lip In.the sky. The Hitnahln* Man put* on a coat , Of very yellow hue; Theft book tut nods. “ I'U ho on times We'll *cr Whet v.c c.Mi do’’* Oh, Mr., tvifiAmmbluster round whiiiw as fcwaity** Tbs merry fitti* Aunttais*Wan Will always h#v*W* way, < Deafness an Advantage. Former Attorney General Griggs of Hew Jersey was in attendance at a public meeting where the chief orator of the evening was a long ' winded individual who _was quite *deaf. He wore out the patience of everybody in the hall, and it seemed as if he would really never conclude his remarks. In tho midst of it one committeeman turned to the other and said: * *"He really thinks that he is splendid orator.” “ It's a pity he’s deaf,” promptly ■ rejoined the other. " I f he could hear himself talk, it would very quickly cure him of that haliucina- tion.” • His Best Degreo. . Professor James Stillman of Ste­ vens institute is the possessor of sev­ eral degrees from various institutes ott learning, He often relates with pride, however, that he once received two in one day, says the Hew York Times. On the day that he received his Pb. D. he also received that de­ gree of degrees of which he is most proud—D A D, First day of our Annual Unloading Sale anUnbounded Success Money Galore “ Give nature three helps, find nearly e v e r y case o f con­ sumption will recover. Fresh Ah, mdst important o f all# C h e r r y Pectoral Nourishing food comes next# Then, a medicine to control the cough aiid heal the lungs# Ask any good doctor. " I flrsttoiedAyir’aCherryTMfoMt Wyear* A#*, 1 Imve mmi UtrlMfi <-n«o# of Tmijr dl*« m i ** enroll ny if. I amuimorwithout It." ’ AtBJSn'f O, J1AM1I.T6N, M ht I mu , Ohio, AUrtrogjNU. oiHrietut)GniOt ................ . tt.c. aykkm ., f o r Consumption Brought the W i l lin g Dollar to Our T ill and M ade the Purchasers Richer by M ore Th an H a lf. W e do not propose “ burning m oney” advertising this greatest of all riddance events— the lucky buyers are at­ tending to that feature by word of mouth. Every buyer has something good to say , and no wonder while these scaled down prices prevail. M EN ’S SU IT S Men’s good dressorbusiness suits, dark colors, goodweignt, worthd* Q JJ* $6.56, To go Inthis salt-a t<J /0 » O O Men's! all-wool Scotchcassimercs, plain gray and' fancy mixtures, made With padded square shoulders and shape rtv -finning fronts, good value/S A g\ Cl at $8.50. They go in thisHhJ U X clean-up sale at . . . . . v A * / U Men’s Suits, latest styles, nobby chev­ iots, black or blue, unfinished worsteds, constructed in manner to give thewearer the best possible service, In fact looks like tailor-made,good val-zl* / “ f\£\ ues at $10 and $ 1 2 , 6 9 , U l l They go in this sale a'p. l l / U t / U Men’sScotch c.Tssi'merSand laocy they lots Suits, in swell patterns, faultless in fabric, tailor-made and liftedwith double warped station linittg, padded shoulder i andshape retaining fronts, worth from $18 to $15.00. Go in thissale for , uuvu miuimuH :$8.50 T R O U S E R S One lot of men’s pants, lined'/........................ 49c 98c One lot of fblack cheviot and fancy worsted. Sale price...,... —McnVcheviots, -cassimertr ;ind‘ worsted* pantsworth $2 and $2. 50, gohi this sale lQr|tO^«IU<iMI4»<U4#nuu#__ Men’s heavy weight’ pants, made of wor­ sted, cassimere, cheviot, in dark and fancy mixtures, worth 1 from $3fo $8,60 To clean" up for the season... .. POSITIVELY IT’ S GENUINE. Every item is a genuine bargain, bn it bfg or little, and our word for it, if you can match It hi Springfield, the recoglnissed cheapest priced town lb Ohio. ‘ BEING IT BAUK TO US AND . GET YOtm MONEY. $ 1.49 5 ma w - $2.49 1 r. For Men, former 5 price <$ 6 , 20 hnd $5, now. Handsome black and gray mixtures, •formerprice $10 and $8,60^ ~ - *Taclean up " ----■nOW.v.-.-rrn::—-- O V E R C O A T S $ 2.85 $495 Men’s heavy black or gray mixtures, in Cheviots and kerseys, Overcoats, with serge and farmer's satin fifty ' i A lined, our regutar $10 and / 1 1.1 $6.50 go in this saleat......ft|J y Men’s chinchillas, meltons, kerseys, pveacoats, iii ah the prevailing styles, in strong and mediumcuts, good heavy body lining, iron dad andrift O p A satin sleeve linings, tlicH#X M|| I kind that wear $12 $16 ( o r < | /U « v v M E N ’ S and B O Y S ’ H A T S New spring styles and shapes. To get the money we give yon a straight discount of 20 pCr cent. Health domimds daily action o f t ho , bowels. Aid naturowith Ayer's Pills. 'I CASTOR IA Hoi Infanta And Children, fin Kind Veu Hans Always BongM Bears the TODAY IS YOUR CHANCE TO ACT* DOIT NOW. 11EAST MAIN ■ I V 1 ^ % / 1 C f SPRINGFIELD, 0, J . M SigaMiart. of Boldest in GreAr m edS ion O ir SB fro Intel Ohifft tvash eason, firm or sheer ?ersim’ tl are ■make T o d ? 123c, yards, 1or Nn SlncetheBepub mitfcee has refuse a r y election uad« the election wouit controlled by pro secure a fair vote, and have neglect pais any rules fraud and,. Insure evident to xne thai b y such suitable modern ward pol experience and sic and avaible This situation, enough, was not deter me from beh when themachine rj with this advanta • age of an appointni|^';jp( : date by the Gover|' and procured theJ ■to - order delegal •iluthoristed, the E _ tee, ofwhich their man, togerrympm’ that purpose, thu ' divided delegatioi ^excuse forDr, Dow relief, there was re that- all this meant -It looked as if by meat, the Xenia Dayton “ gang,” Gommifctee, which .' of Um “ gangs,” ha thing.” ,The old w been departed fron in the selection of county, would giv candidate- all the Lowes did not will thO odium of iln's the will of theGree so to divide itamo tors, it was arrange X'ided delegation, "fool some of the p> ■"time” by claiming ■ county was divided , it was his province for them. This situation ■ cel concluded it was t| make all the invest the subject. • For this purpose, and made some ii soOii found lliafc no "“Dock” was going expect him to give on which I could 1 after a talk with ,hh to make up my mi ail'd’ in .substance h want to be frank forjudge Kyle, an the entire delegati ery county votes fo sary. In view of tl Coo. Herrick Is ha nation, on accou hock Law, Jfeel th any one elseWoul face, to which 1 d be a party, and1 sh Kyle, Irrespective, Greene county del< sir*.’* The “ buc