The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
M M .r‘I‘"'; -------aster* iarvf* n* fN*r Y « r * « * E d ito r . SB8M8^»TWBi5iMWW \ MABUHlAi 180i« ,t Bopsevelfc haa done «o thousand dollars s y e w iQt the country expect if old carry out the propo- 1)1$ Ida pay?. iriris of Wisconsin has quarrel with fortune, asgottephls place in the w Senate hut Quarles has ted to a Federal Judge" s a life position; Fish of the Illinois Con i'says that if a railway wised by Congress it can- rood. Why doaen’t, lift- sldont so and. save the i extra session. epow says the Each 11 was framed by men l to .“pass judgment,on is that are 'involved." n said the bill was prri- Tresident and the At- ral. worth1of patent medi- old in the United States i average of one dollars r for .every,man, woman the country- Congres- tttlon on the drug habit )pines might better, like jin. at home. ., ' :hirty practicing attor^ ceonecounty bar. Twen* them prefer Snodgrass common pleas judge, Cyle, and two are ri'on- ff (lie people could get / a t the primary their .vould he in about the cfcion.— Spring Valley' KEN F REMEDY «v#«y»«**«, ■ K » H lW E R w t . e >vell for Mr. Kyle to r add square and ask tlie county to- support primary rather than the Dines and- Schmidt ring with the hoodling >ayton -hoping that the an he packed or the del tased',' When Mr.' Kyle judge tlio Schmidt ma t him audit cost-him a at and then some.- > svonder if, ithe voters and f-tl»e county ever stopped at men of the Schmidt ■rvoire? Do they take feesmoney, say $6000, anil campaign and guarantee ise’in order that .Greene have a capable official? .ttle difference to them r Office so they handle Their strength, influence to the party lies in the power of the dollar. mnd to run hack some l If you liave ever been ■ho Schmidt machine wing incidents i "Boss" h^oowor.steaiiuXenia :erts rose in theirmight machine made sewer displaced and other of financing for the : their stead. C. H. iey of a monopolistic lulling gas and electric .when he advised the it off the light against mrfc causing much dis- ,ny homes and for such ■le, with the officers Of were heavily fined by of the Common Pleas ch ad s as these appeal of inert that should cognition? Governor Kush caused l.Lowea of Dayton some cj when he asked for the of -ito : aneffitj-r of ,the ard and tiie payment of eceived from the state in p of some land by the rf»,MKnov^Ieswafl LoWes nan ftt tho institution a t flj# mete mention of the nowle# to the average ntlan is enough >to.curt-* tat it would he best for o stay shy of these mom a they am the ones that cmtnselefl by ‘Boss" fky" Dines and C. H. eat the nomination for eas Judge for the -latter D* Lowes and the Day* m tgo into the Judicial Afsd ntnnlaato Kyle t f f f Dtiwei) county CONDEMNS ITSELF. There are soma persons jn tlie. world who are such comminute asses that in trying to defend themselves they funish the evidence’ for their own conviction. The Cedaryllie Rec ord, a shcetcrcAfced and existing for the sole purpose of defending crime In.politics, attempted, last week, to deny its mission and challenge the statement of the Lou-at., We said it was tho only newspa per In the county that had the tem erity to defend the political gang controlling Republican politics in the county* and It says it made no defense, and in the next paragraph says “ the.Record is a Republican hewrspapor and it is not onlyltsdaty but its pleasure to defend the Repu blican party and Its organization whenever And wherever either Of them is assailed." That admission proves onr statement. Tho Record defends the organization whether it iS right or wrong, and’it is the only paper,'itt the county that does. 1 - TheBecord was established about .two years ago' by certain, parties in‘ Cedarville who' hud been exposed by "the Herald of that pliice qmltUeh' crooked'work shown up. We are entirely familiar with the political history of the Cedarville gang, that supports and is supported by the Record. We know the crimes they have committed and it is the mission of the Record to defend them,' ns it is doing. 1 ■- . Tlie Herald -has been'fearless in exposing the methods of the villians and called down upon <its self their, condemnation., Arid now' the fool editor of the Record is “hunting for more trouble. He attempts to charge the editor of the L ooa L“with saying one thing and- doing another/ and this is tho way he does it.' | He quotes a portion' of tlie. article ju the L ocal two weeks ago under the caption ’ “A Square Deal" buf. goes no farther than where wo say ,Vwe believed, from the evidence wo had, their methods were questiona ble and their business dishonest and they could not buy the influence of the L ocal .". Then lie .says, “with such a Arm, positive declaration as tlie above, onewould naturally think that the writer,'would suffer martyr dom rather than allowhis column fo he used by such a! concern. Vet tho entire 1th page of tlm L ocal is oc cupied by an advertisement of this same concern." “He did not quote where We saldwe investigated the Arm and foiind notlilng questionable Had he done'this'our position would have been shown to he entirely con sistent. AUy man who will use such a cheap, ally trick to try to discredit another is not only A knayri hut a fool. A knave because he knowing-, ly Andpurposely deceives his readers and says that, by implication, which he knows to be utterly false. He is a .self-confessed liar arid'traducer of character. One wlio would do such Impoverished soil, like impov erished bloodj needs a proper fertilizer. A, ehemist by analyz ing the soil call tell you what fertilizer to use for different products. If your blood is impoverished your doctor Will tell you what you need to fertilize i t and give it the rich, red corpuscles that ate lacking in it. I t may be you need-atonic, but more likely you need a concentrated fat food, and fat is the element lacking in your system. There is no fat food th a t is so easily digested and assimi lated as > * Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil I t will nourish and strengthen the body wheii milk and cream fail to do it, Scott-s Emulsion is always the same; always palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any cause, either in children or ndullSi W* M/t send!you g sample free. Be srire that tills pic* lure 111 tli» form of label Is on tw.wrrifper. of every feionyou boy. SCOT ft BOWSE * m M ii mMMMm : ^'T An3 sj AJtow, mean thing,' would idml Ida 3 »o|h«r ’8 iiiArriage copldflcAld and swear his ids,ter a bastard, simply to grieve and givathwn pain, A map who edits » paper should, first of all, }xi honest with himself and with his readers, hut ibis §ap* sucker who edits tho Record thought ho was doing something very cute when lie quoted us partially and tried to lead his few readers to be lieve that we -condemn and approve at the same time. A fool because he has not enbng brains to know his ■partial quotation and inference could and would bo readily dis proved and himself shown up as a v illian ,. Of course, he is young at the business and green; but. that is no justification-for willfully lying to those few who read the sheet. Age will not help the young man, for there is nothing upon which age can build. He ha i not the first re quisite for success, (lmt of a gentle man, but starts his career with false statements. He has not even ihe ability to lie cleverly, effectively, covertly, and give'liiwself a chance to hedge. Like an idiot he puts it in cold typo where lie canrt get away from it. There is a certain amount of admiration, if not respect, forjbhe fellow who tells a lie with such ad- rlotuess that he can escape Its. con sequences oripodifly its-harshness; but. a liar like the Record man Isn’t worth the bestowal of contempt.' Again, to show his nssinipity, he sent several copies of the Record to citizensmf Osborn; for the purpose, no doubt, of sliowing tlie people what a had man the editor of the L ocal is. The people who got the Record take the L ocal and read the article in full from which the extract was taken. They know the Editor of tlie Recqrd is a lyingcheap- skate and for his pains he has earned their contempt. "We should not,* probably, give so .much space to the Record mini, for he is unworthy notice and only gets it in this way, hut we charge and are ready to prove that he is a liar, and lias in -the beginning of his care er committed. the greatest orimJJ; known to journalism. I f he would deceive hisi ’readers in- one thing, Why riot in another? ' If. he-would lie in defense;Qf the gang, why not when making ally.-other statement about them, The Cedarville Record' is a dirty, lying; sheet, discredited and disgraced, TVe have the evi dence to prove this statement. i Its circulation consists of freC.cOp- ies and exchanges, its patronage political comipfcionisis and- law breakers. From its birth it lias al ways been oh Ihe wrong side of every inoral questiori, defends the ballot box staffers at home and abroadand takes “pleasure In defending' the. Republican organization," which mean tlie defense of those few who are known to-be utterly bad without one principle Of honor. We repeat that tho dirty little-sheet is the only paper in Greene county thatAttemps in any manner a defense of the Xenia gang that robs,the people. Its Editor<is,the only man so low in’ tho scale of moral and intellectual at tributes that would sell himself so cheap and do such Althy work. q’ho foregoing is rather brutal, we know, but it is the only kind of lan guage the Record Editor can under stand, not being a gentleman, he could not appreciate • sentiments .couched in gentler words;—Osborn Local.] 120 ACRE FARM FOR SAtE, On the Yelloiv Springs pike three fourths mile from Cedarville. This farm is nicely located, being less than one mile from college, churches and high-school. Improvements are good, Land produces good crops, .Nice young orchard, bearing excel lent fruit. Never filling springs on farm. If interested, call oa or ad* dress, . W. J. H awthorne , JR. F. D., 2, Cedarville, Ohio. M&a. 27,;i905. S U B T E R R A N E A N WONDERS mammoth Gave _____ _ ‘ AND____ - ^ COLOSSAL CAVERN Are tiiejnost Interesting of all the" Natural Wonders fuAmerica. These wonderful Caverns aro t i s ’fcsd ann ually by thousands of tourists from t,hl<? country and abroad. They are pronouiictid by scientists the most the most magnlAccut work of nature, Tfcwould well repay you to fake the time to make a visit to them.. They ate 160miles south of Louisville, hy- noar tho - LOUISVILLE l M V 1 LLE t H. and Iheundersigpcd will be glad to quoin you rates, give train scliedtik eS or send you a btAritiful illustrated iS page booklet giving an Interesting description of those remarkable places. C. L, Stoner Gen’l Pat*. Agent, Louisville;Ky, CASTOR IA #or Infantfi and Children. ffia KM You Have Always Bou^! tb# i S P R I N G 19 05 . DRESS FABRICS” \ The Kindi Tow Have Always Bough t, and vvhich Ims been in use for over SO yeats» lias borne th e signature o f and h a s been made under h is per sonal supervision since itb'inihney* Allow no on e to deceive you in this* All Counterfeits* Imitations and ^Ju st-as-jpad" are hutf Experiments th a t trifle w ith and endanger tho health o f InRuits and Children—Experience against Experiinentc What is CASTORIA • ' -I*.'' ■# ’" , ClOstorla is a harmless substitute fop Castor Oil, Pare goric, JE)rbp& and Buothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, f t s age is its guarantee* I t destroys Worms and allays PeverJshaosS. I t cures Diarrhoea and W iiid Colic. I t relieves ?*'milling Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, i i assimilates tlie Food , regulates th e Stomach and B ow e ls / giving healthy and natural sleep , ' The Children’s Panacca -Th e Mother’s Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bearfl the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. THtqENTAUR I, MUABAV-ITBCCT. HCWV0BHCITV. A G o o d C o o k always in-eforfi to have-her meats come from here. She known they will be just right aijd do hot' crwl- it.' It,dot, Pfc require much skill to prepare i.. r meats For the Table They arc so tender and juicy, m /veil out and trimmed. ‘ (Hvo ns an initial order and sec how tho “hubby" .willpyuiflo your culinary Skill.. There may he anew spring hat' for you in tho experiment. C H. CROUSE, CedaruiUe, O. U GflHUGE &fijg CEDARVILLE, OHIO. * ACCOTTNfS.of erehinta au l In- ■** dividuals solicited. Collfotionr -promptly made and remitted., TkRAEXiS on New York and fin- cinnati sold at |bvfst rates. The cheapest and most convenient way jto send money, by mail. . "• ^ i ‘ - > * .5 ' , ¥ T OANS made on Real Estate; Peri eoual or Colluteral Securit}'. f William Wildmai), Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., j - ' W, J. Wildroan, Cashier O.-L. Smith Asst, Cashier Gatalpa FOR POSTS A FOOL I SH PLAN 'Tls a joy to eat—X-welcomewy dinner honri Became I rout Indigestion wilu August Htowi l erl <JCon*tipationis the result of Indigestion, biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite, Bclf-floiaomng. ancxuui, emaciation, uric aciaTneuralgia in various parts of the system, catarrhal inflammation Ofthp in testinal canal and numerous other ail ments that mb life of its pleasures if they do not finally rob youOf life itself. I'm bound in the bowels," is a com mon expression of peoplewho look mis erable and are miserable—yetwhopersist in “ letting nature take its course.” tJWliat a foolishplan, whennature could be aided by the use of Green’s August Blower, Which is nature’sownremedyfor Constipationand all stomach ills, OAugust Flower.giyc# new life to. the liver and insures healthystools. a <JT w Osties, asc and 75c. All druggists. Isaac Wiaterfnanj CedarviIle,0< ToInvestors. Ri'eftji’t’tl stock !n tlie Cedar* rille Telephone- Coui|mny. i* being offered to local investor?'' a t par, Tt Ifl guaranteed to pay 6 per -cent interest per annum and is to be paid semi* annually. Tim stock Is > Exemptfrom taxes. T h i s a good investment' for a borne eoinpHiy where you liaVe watched its progress and rapid growth, 'Impart! at ’the Kxehange Bank or D. Bradfute, Prea. Place orders early-for spring plant ing, Heavy*.demand; supply limited; 12 inch to 18-inch only at this date. Reference: Cling. Dobbins as to quali ty of stride and growth. Also a full line of Fruit and Ornamental' trees PRICES RIGHT. STOCICFINE. CATALPA S5.00. per M. BLACK LOCUST, $10 00 per M TEGUMSEH NURSERIES. Cedarville, Ohio. y a m ’s Restaurant ^ a n d Dining Rooms' Corner High and Limestone street Springfield, Ohio. * DO YOU WANTTO(JOONA TOUR OF ? EUROPE r T h e Cincinnati Commercial Tribuiie W ill take No pasLfifPPO» have wo had ajich a nJep collection or aolec- tionof stylish Drops 'Goodu Figured llrilUantn soe to $1.06 MoUairs 60c to $L73. l'annma Clothe, Neat Pin Cheek Silks, Crope do ('hone, FQiilarclH, Japanrse Henrietta Cloths, Silk Shirt Waist Hubs Spring jackets, Silk Petticoats, Dressing Hftcqtu s, Under wear, Muniin I'nderwenr. W INDOW DRAPERY. Scrims, now pat terns; Madras, pretty styles; Ruflletl Swiss BOe, 76e, and il.OUa, pair. Boblriiietb $1.50, p.fll) ^.75 a pair. Noliirighttm 50c, pxcdlcnt for |l,00 pair. jJaUonberg fU,76 to ^12.00pair. EcluariUan ?2.75, $3,75, $4.‘ Ivory, Saxony, Lon- rio lfommo, dust imported. ■ J , ROOM RUGS. in great demand and lowest prices shown $10,75 !o $C0- Ingrain Art squares $fl-$10.75. Small hearth Rugs $1 to $5 Best assortment of styles. •f- & XENIA, OHIO. y ^ m w m .m m s Oh!oag0 and Florida Special FLORIDA ' uarsfED AND Il»S»rr|a»Ia^S.l*0S SOUTHERN, RAILWAY .THROUGHPULLMANSERVICE FROM CfliCAOO AT}D CLEVE LAND, Bid FOUR ROUTE;-DjETROlT AND TOLEDO, CHAD ANDPERB MARQUETTB SYSTEM; ST. LOUIS ANDLOUISVILLE, | SOUTHERN RV.; TO JACKSONVILLE AND ST. .AUGUSTINE, SOLIDTffiUNSCINCINNATl'rflCHATTAN086A,ATLANTA, BIRfUNG- f HAMjSHREVEPORT.NEV/ORLEANS,JACKSONVILLE,ST.AUGUSTINE. Also Through Puffrrtan Sorvloo to . ■; •* ‘Knoxville, Asheville, Savannah, Charleston, Dining arid Observation Cars on Ail Through Trains. WinterTourist andVariable acute.Tickets'on Sale at ReducedRates. PorInformationaddressCHASM, ZELL, D.P.A, 4tli andBaco Sta..CAtL W.A.OAUSETT. ' ’ ' ■ W. C, EOTEAKSON, GsacralUauezcr, ’ GeneralPassenccrAsent. anraamtAXu. e q h teen :- PREn u n s to be distributed on Thursday, August, 31, ’05 The premiums w ill be paid in Gold- as follows, F irst, $ * 5 ; next fiVe in $xo each; next twelve in $ 5 each. Ask for tickets on all 25c purchases,. . Fresh arid Balt Meats, Fish, Oysters etc ’ • ^ 1 The Genuine 0 UtrkMrt JltH. Xnlft. \ Spoons; Forks, Knives, etc. have all the qualities in design, work manship and finish of the best s te a ling silver, at orie-fourth to one-eighth the cost. Much^of the sterling now on the market is entirely tpo(>thin and light for practical use, and is far in ferior in every way- to ‘* Silver Plate that Wears " Ask your dealer for “ IM? ROSERS BROS." Avoid substitutes. Our full trade-tnark is “ 1647 ROGERS BROS," look for it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Before buying write fur out catalogue “ C -L ," -mznsAttoxAi. 6tf,vr.R ffi,, ■ ITwiwjwiiriy ■■ KEmOEN BRITANNIA GO., Meriden, C oro , I flerkthire■ ■nth Ibrh. WOMEN TO EUROPE They Wilt go ax The Civm- merclfll Tribune a&Aohitety f FREE WITH ALL KKPENHF.H RAID. / H l b o r s G l © ' P i a t r i o s AfekoLUTisLY 0U$A^L1S<. "We have fo r a atuaber of years p««l Fbersole bianosin the Ccasem tory where they are eousianujr subjected to the hard est kind K,i’, We have; found 1h# JfibeiKoie io M a good, durable piftno, well able to stand the went and tear Of the music Misd (,*r,Atu JUtm, Directress > ' omriarmti ooissrsatoiyol MuatA W/MtUSAiSTUSSIs by T h e S m i th ^ N lxh ti P i a n o Co* 10 ririd 12®. Poart»i atr*ot, CINCINNATI. 0 . l ■: |r ■ 111 .Vk j vhm», jut B>iita >I’mier- Sr. id Ewisa 1 a pair. (?$5.76 to py, B op -. 1 to $50. :$1 t« $5 P lym c Is a gu L lb, mo L i a ' g ' l l LIMITED- 'k » XLBVB:.; I A OffiSVttjfe 4 .vUGUSXLNB, [fl[T./.UdU5TtNE, V h Trains, j ’ jaced Rates. _ Tta.CAtt . B-■af ■ ; t o CAL AND r _>.Dr.'and Mrs.' M. I n'inu’£day„iri Dayton ■ Mr. Walter Brillin, |of MrS^DH. ferillfut! Miss Mary Turne ffroitt a visit with (Hi Mr, and Mrs.. O m Pfluests of Solma relat Tlie Gibson sister Kioto tlioir town pro 'fcfllege. t, Mr. and Mrs, Dims guests of Mr.' and -M Jbfert, Sabbath, I ilk , Walter Ibiney Isick with the grip at ) of Ollfton, |f Mrs. B. G. ItulgWi j Dayton* were guet fvlpnds, here. Mr. S. T. Baker is iWillimingtonmid 1*< f-lhis Week. Mr. David Gregg< 1guest Saturday of h i E, L. Lowery. 8 follOWS, felve in $a e s ,‘ /; P U J L T k , 0 & S trkM rt fit*. JPWTK a - a r a l l j . inff b iluas ,i \Ve t and t - good | c- G l I i g F l E ian<psiutl» « ’ b Writh*Kl* _ w e li he a good, | t e w . , A Til you LAC5 jCo* kNAti* Buffic ami B, Rook riq&bntk, -DrifeWnf, Want your ittousfcacbs m beard | The S o S t i oiie*jti^t tine phi at sbodtirne. Sujgar-cMted, m l i * M f t if i. f h m m p mSM All Wild i m t ® j Swr^**-* Vtx-; :.r
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