The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

$ ■VHP* - v ’s-ti w.p i p w 5 BUGGIES. J APLEASED CUSTOMER A lw a y s recommends you r goods. T h a t ’s .w h y the Jo h n Deere and Fam ous Ohio cultivators ,a r e i n ■ :• ■■ .■■■V" ' •. . such great demand. B IN D ER TW IN E P lymouth is the brand of our B inder Tw in e wh ich is a guarantee of satisfaction. , 50 to 100 feet per lb* more th an an y other twine on the market. Yes, bought for cash insures a lqW price.; FARM WAGONS Brown wagons are a little higher in price, but have no equal in quality. A customer using a Moline wagon says; “I would buy no wagon^xcept a Moline,” e. Just Three Grains in a Hill Is the motto of the John Deere and /Black Hawk corn planters. AMERICAN FENCE The American. T?ence is guaranteed absolutely. Don’t be deceived " by talk about Special material, special processes, ete. American .Fence is made pf the best fencing material that can be produced, ‘ regardless-of expense. ' * £ D e l^ 5 r FENCE POSTS [ We do'not have Chestnut fence posts but we do haveLocust posts ! whichdasta^lifetitrie:- -See'our stock.. >f .. SEEDS OF ALL KINDS V iX ■’m s s * ’ a * , *„ . ; - f, 'i V >, ? ! ’ j : \ W - • - \ £) ----- r-> V J A S tar Wind - M il ^ a t ­ tached, to one pf our anti-freezing pumps is guaranteed to,give sat­ isfaction. - . . The Poste Buggies are Sold on their Merits The above are a few p f our specials. We have almost any­ thing engine and threshing machine to a needle and tooth pick, come and sec us and get' the goods you need. F a ir treatment guaranteed OLIVER S T E E L GANG Don’t befooled but purchase the genuineOl- * -*$.-*Vf'- J w -^/r* > iver Steel Plows of us. l,yf ^ i $ ca L and . pe !$6 nau '* J .. Dr. and Mrs, ,H. T.- Marsh, spent t Thursday in Dayton. - Mr. Walter Ballinger, Is Ihe guest of Mrs. D If., Sutlenbergor. MSfes Maty ..Turner has returned from, a visit with Gincihnatifriends., Mr. and Mrs. ■Oscar Smith were guests of Salma relatives Sabbath. The Gibson sisters Jiave moVed ‘ into their town property near the . college. • ; Mr. and Mrs* Chas. Gilbert were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gil- bate, Sabbath* Mr. Walter Raney..has been quite nick with the grip a t bis home north o f Clifton. f Mrs- B. G. Ridgwhy and son, of DaytoUi were guests Saturday of frigates, here. Mr. S. T, Baker Is anctioneeringat Wlllinl’lngton and Fort Williamsales thia week. Mr. David Greggof Settla, Wasthe r «t Saturday of bis daughter, Mrs. X. Lowery* Mr.-.O, O.Welmei; has purchased from Thomas Mechling ids fine Clydesdale stallion, “Prince.” ■ f \ * v 'L v , * 1 , „ « , ’ , «. Mr. and Mrs, .Rapor Wade, nee Elgie Atkinson moved this week' to Mr. Eben Archer’s farm. * Mrs. John MeCoi'kell and Children spent Sabbath in London with Mr. Harry Iliffi and family. -Mrs,. Thirza Townsley, of James­ town, is spending the week with Mr* Marion Townslfey and family*. G. E. Bariow lm» moved from the Dean Xarni near Wilberforce, to the Robt. McClellan place south of town. Mrs. Scott,' of Houston, was the guest from Saturday until Monday of Mr. and Mrs* W. R. Sterrett. ■ The many friends of Mrs. C. M. Crouse will be pleased to know that she is steadily Improving. ‘Mr. John Xaiighead entertained Thursday to dinner, as a slight evid­ ence of his happiness as a newly married man. The Ladies Aid'Society of the M* E. clmrch will give a pie Social Thursday evening March 16, in the vacant room owned by C. W. Crouse. Everybody Invited, , <,*4 'p il Ulonb Attention are the attractions offered to diseriininat- ing buyers here. -TVe don’t take- much 1 pleasure in selling to indifferent buyers. We prefer to deal with people who know and appreciate the fine line of new .spring goods m ’ ‘ Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, we. have so carefully chosem That’s why we especially .invite you to pay as n visit GINGHAMS A nice line of Fancy Ginghams to show you at prices to su it ., LACES, EMBROIDERIES . An up-to-date stock; new things; just wliat the ladies want for their spring sew* IflgA t Birtf$mamtnefbStore. Dr. *Foster Ryle and Mr. Cart, Kyle and wife of Springfield Wore guests of Mr. Roland KylCfSdbbath- Miss Florence LandakCly of. South Charleston, has returned home after a pleasant weeks visit with her cousin, Miss EvaCroswell. Mrs. ,/W. X. Marshall and pwo hildren, of Springflold, were guests Saturday and Sabbath" of Mi*, and Mrs. W. M.' Barber and family. Mr. and Mrs* John Fields enter' l tained their cousin, Mrs. Fields, who 1 returned Saturday to her home in Lima. Mrs. Wm, Blair and .Kathleen of Loveland were guests from- Satur­ day Until Monday of Mrs* Jano Sat­ terfield, . The monthlymeeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Miss Mary Murdocks Thursday* March 16tlr at 2 p* im, Those not members will be welcome, Mra. W. H* Illtf went to London Monday evening t> visit her son Harry and wife. She was accom­ panied by hergrandson who has been visiting at the home of his grand parents for several weeks* Messrs. John H. Raneyand Hugh Alexander arrived home from Vir­ ginia this week whore they have large interests in farming land. Mrs* Hugh McMillan nccompan’ed them home after several weeks visit with her son, "John. .Mr. Frank Harper, of near James* town, brother of Robt. Harper form* erly professor in the college here has been lh failing health the past two yeats, and the prayers, of the church have been asked for that he be re­ stored to health. ’Miss isn Dean entertaineda num­ ber of her class mates at her home Monday, evening, with a taffy pull­ ing* Among those present were the Misses Ethel Spencer, Mao Tarbox, Mabel Mitchel, Bessie Coffey, Lelia Mays, Nellie McMillan alul Ratchet TarboX. , At a recent meeting of the mem­ bers of The Cedarvllle Realty Com­ pany the following directors wore. chosen! W. J. Tarbox, Geo. H*J Smith W, 1L Barber, 0, C. Welmer J amlD. Bradfute. The cleclfou of* ofRccrs resulted In the following 1). | Bradfute, president; Geo, H, Smith, * M?ice president; W* J* Tarbox secre- '! tary and treasurer. , | OnTuesday the children and grand children OfMr* and MrS.J. D* Will­ iamson gathered at their homo on •Miller street In honor of Hrs. Will- j lamsen’s seventy-sixth birthday. Baskets well filled with the good* ;| things ■were brought along and a I •faumptnus dinner was served. The day was well spent and it is to be ’ hoped that, Mrs. Williamson will yet got to enjoy many more of the same happy occassions. j Mr. J, D. "Williamson, who has had charge of the Williamson farm north of town, has sold same to Tnnis Hill of near NeW- Burlington. The farm consists of 82 acres and was gold" for $55 per acre. ’ Bcnator Oran F, Hypes, of Spring- RELIGIOUS TELESCOPE’S VIEW toriul district in the legislature, Tito nomination was by acclamation at no time 1ms there been a hint that lie would Iiaye opposition. There busBeen a.rule, in this district that one W in was eudtigh for a candi­ date but Senator Hypes has so faith- ftlliy represented diis constituents that he Was forced to take another term. Mr. Hypes is the author of several important blUsvand- during hfs termIn the Senate always champ­ ioned hills relative to the morals of the state* We hope to the (Senator go .to Congress for WCneed his kind of men there. " A LARGE SALE. The public sale of Messers. M. "VP* Collins andW. R. Sterrett last Satur­ day afternoon was one of the largest ever held in this section. Not Only was the sale extensive in point of at- tendence but the sales amounted to ovet $3,400. Considering that it was an afternoon sale Mr, JR. E» Coirry is given a great deal of credit by the managers In selling somuch machin­ ery and stock in so short a time. :Mapel Bells was purchased by C. C. 'Woimer for $358;Baronet, Gedatvillo Horse Company, $300; registered «Perchoron mare, It. E. Corry, $387; IPhronsie Bells, Fred J. Greene, Springfield, $201; roan mare, Robb Tindall, $906; colt, Robt. Bryson, $52* Tito horses averaged $20L ~~ T TlioReligions Telescope, published at Dayton, O.. lh tlie^ interest of the tJuitod Brethern Church of Ohio, , • - * • • , - a denomination having 55,501 mein- filed-was oh Wednesday renomina- bers, has the following to say of tod to represent the eleventh semi- ; Governor Herrick by W, J, Shuey, D* D. “It is certain that a wide spreadin­ terest prevails as to the re-election of Myron T. Hetrick as Governor of Ohio. This agitation pervades the Republican party throughout the state. That party elected him by ‘an overwhelming majority* less than* oighteen mtmths ago. th is nn un- usal'political condition of things* The cause of all this is a single act of tlieGovernortouching one oftho colossalevils of ohr times/ The fact alone is striking evidence of the in­ tensity of tho public conscience re- garding the saloon and liquor curse of the land* Temperance Republi­ cans will not again support Mr. Hetriok*’’; 'y ' ■ I was n .“charter inembet ” of the Republican party. Lhave voted lo t every Republican candidate for President from Fremont down to Roosevelt, and for every Republican candidate for Governor of Ohlo for fifty-sixyears, includiugMr* Herrick t have never had occasion to regret any o fthese,votesexceptthe last one for GoVerubr* Mr. Herrick disap­ pointed tens of thousands of the best Republicans In Ohio by Ids course toward tho BrannOck bilh not that ho killed It, hut so crippled It a# to iargly rentier i t inefficient* Had net hig' party in the', leglslattire .been better than lie was, the law would have been ruined., Mr,'Herrick’s statesmanship was atid is at fault In :yI d the flrstplace, they vettelpewer in tbe Governor of Ohio wa^a new tbinglntiiis state, a n d 'its ;•exetelte ought to ltavebeeu cauliously appli­ ed t e v t e d i r i t time*': lib any event* and pecullariyao wltob {tiiivolveda meftstxrewhieii dealbwith thegiant evilnf ■^hrtrinpetante^nhd'the saloon,; The 'inteApeopiewhoeteeted fheleg*; isiaturewbosO acts he'Boughtteover- ride, TheoVerwhehniug majorities by which the bUlwas passedby both liouses yofy tbe leglslature :ought'. :te hav® ptempteyylhe\tfbtefhorte‘I i.e^ tale before he’placed himself in the way* of the people, 1 ■ The very politics of this act was of a low grade. At host It suggests vTn the iebohdy:Plftd%dhf' ■ 'jndgmeuiof.MR ylferriefe'h# teGtemorid eiteteeteLoi . iiic'Hquot trofllo is greatly atfauit-. Ii l l s Attutli flteflgfuriy:aftd:grit#al* Ilf^^jtehfMdting/fhopublte1teind'and | is disreputable to' its core, The | voters of Ohio are becoming,eonvln- ' Afty forht'ltt: A It It We know wltdc all good doc­ tors think of Aycrn Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown doc­ tor and find out* He wifi tell C h e r r y Pectoral you J h R v It quiets the, tickling throat, heals the inflamed; lungs, bnd controls the hardest of coughs. f r f e f f l j j— f n r . m i « i Hard Coughs direct or indirect source of ’eighty per cent of tljo. cri nes. of the laud; that,almost all whd engage in it ate outlaws. -. ' ' . / Governor Herrick tactily admits that the contiguity of the saloon to, the home ruins, the value of real es­ tate and endangers the safety of the family.and society. , When Governor Herrick places such a business on a devel with the universally recognized, legitimate businesses of the community, he perpetrates an outrage upon Intelli- geUt society.' If the million’ voters of Ohio had been told before casting their-ballote for the amendment -to .tiie state constitution besfcowing'Upon tbe governor the veto power that the "firstexercise o f that'prerogrative was to hb in the interest of the saloon and the liquor traffic, the freemen of Ohio would have stamped ■that amendment into the dust. The leaders, of the Republican party in Ohio, deceive themselves when they refuse to see that the po­ litical power of the saloon, the brew­ ery and the' distillery lias departed forever. They deceive themselves when they refuse to bolieve that the “independent voter is abroad in the land.” They deceive themselves when they refuse to consider that We Republicans are Weary of the “boss” rule that requires us to go to Wash­ ington and ask Senator Dick, and to Cincinnati to ask Mr. Cox whonfthe Republicans may elect Governed *>f Ohio, The “ grand old party” must stand, for the overthrow of all the great evils Which infest American society, and for the upbuilding of righteous­ ness, or itself suffer defeat* There are scores of thousand of as good Republicans as Over walked the earth, In Ohio, Who will not again vote for MyronT.JIorriek for governor of this great state* The party has plenty of larger and better mien than Herrick—men who discern the difference between a saloon And a bakery, and between a curse aud o blessing, ^ ^ R E V I V O ftUlWftSi VITALITY rC rn c inn a ti D i v i s i o n ^ [IfennsulvaniaLines! !' "I FSchedule of Paiwngw Tr*ln«»C«n Veitriri, AMAM AMAMM A JA A A A A A A Coiumbus..lvji* 35 j*a 6 (y 7 . 00 |l(W» Alton... *tM Wall Mwi .of M«» dim i k t t i »«n< V. XeStnon..** Jjo n a o n .'" S..CkirlMlsu*‘ Belmo. Swlaj K oxuunil1! W»jBelTill«,'‘ O regonla1* I t lsel«dt...“ M orrow Bo, to v e ln n d " . M ilford..." Clare....... ClncInnatLor ‘ 250 A m Ina-CanpalTlni t,, SThKfbbj" "T j it j vulva ? iO|b< ........V/26.......... 3 38*7 W10 44, t7 58 .... *805as, .......*813.......... 425 8 2411 28 ; 4 35 8 351X32 i f8 43j—■.• ,f853'....... . f8 59 ..(9 . 9 121206 j lutwori. Clndiuilb Blon....n " Hllfo ti.J< lo rtltni." Sorrow... “ n i n d « t" Orogoaiku'1 VT'srim *1 TtaiUkk-1 B friigW XeaU„{{J' CeBorrSlo falnok AM *rnnr 'eaoio’siori * AX i t t 'W ' 1f7 40 toia*... WJrferV lib*..... Mtxtaitr. AX PM, *8 3011*15 AM *7 1C11*3110 f?24 7 69 AX io: 10UW. 1105 . [W®-- p* tm n > AX I1f« •WltO T*»>*»*»«*. cffiaioAX ' B«tw»M>Sart»i»oM,X»alt. Darim. StoSmawi. WESTWARS. SfidAsRoM1« T h I oi *Sj'gl." Xankn Dapaa BrookyWo'.. “ Dedton..... *' Eldorado..." Richmond »r. EASTWARD kKkaoad,»lr Eldorado" Dodson.." ErnktUH« Ddtfe* {f RtlWA-i ToIlopBxs i *W f. tltotfl M k j . JfcMoyoaljr. kw Ohobraitt, , dice. Tram* looro Rtmy OfWMtoott 20 a x , *Aoe. traina 1»« H m U m M b t Ronjv 45 8D *. x , 1ll00*x,t3hHT.**,1sa#T.*., 1 7 »A X Dork f*o»d Ypia teo»oott«nfr*fc l800ao*aUHB|iai4* oljkt; lip itlW , frm U M (»1200 moo , ( 1 Rte#i»kcwfean««, s r ^ w a g j ’5.' «>nn0otthroMh m ftb iirfc t h n ilnd rtertBnltfmort.w iU thlttgion vYteriP* m m tV M M f PiBiOUA* feasasa *««« oa*l tosWdMoalara U r n ‘ W PATENTS] P«ad *a2!rvEss3y r**i *1 ■.V . ‘ * , *, *,%■ a lit,, v - ■*\ , #5,W * \ - - V-- ^