The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
. / not h! hn<i let y °U mine you ~Whteh * * tch 7 th°Usht o- »? bl,d lai / ift001 f >ftic ft *>« «fab« p fe tty AS »aw* will fart, a s . >»ina the *m b * b s to **>* ,w« 4 r? or utiHty nU(1 MltteGolHm>$ u » pp » - )fp;pt they f°' Diamonds Wfitches Rings Chains Fobs Brooches Scarf Pins Bracelets . Lockets Studs Dress Pin Sets ■ Sleeve Links •Hair Stashes ■ Cloth Brushes 1 Hal Brushes Manicure articles Stamp boxes Match boxes Combs v Scissors Blotters Umbrellas Fountain pens Cut Glass Silverware Sterling Spoons Clocks thing over? Pu* f ’ atHl U' U h o i > o ^ n| gt All*** S c i o n s . - ^ g s . - 4■ " ■*'*U~ -jJV" ? 2 , LOCALAND PERSONAL J « Miss MargarettaAVatt, of Wooster, is home- for the Holidays. j —Oysters* sweet potatoes, ycranber-, ris oranges etc at CoojperV ., ' Mrs. Stewart Towpsley was in Daj*1 ton Monday. —F or S aijb : Farm of 82 acres. Inquire ofJ , D. Williamson. Cedar. ville. Mrs. Frank Townaley, and Mrs. John Fields were in Xenia Wednes- day: Miss Vera Andrew* of Cleveland will spend her vacation with her par ents here. Mrs. George Steele is improving from Her recent illness, —For holiday goods such os china ware, child’s dish sets, dolls, games and toys go to Cooper’s, Miss Mary Sterrett was the guest of Xenia relatives Saturday, Miss Mabello (Mens Was in Dayton Tuesday. Mr. John Wilson, of Chicago is home for the Holidays. —For holiday goods such as china ware, child’s dish sots, dolls games and toys go toCooper’s, Mrs, Shull, who ha<s been making an extended visit With her son. in Kansas City, ba^returned home. Mias*Blanche Wygaiit, of Colura- bus, will spend her Xmas vacation with her aunt Mrs. Leonard Handier, Mrs, GlutsHe&bit and children* Of Loveland will spend the Holiday# with her mother, Mrs. Winter, Mrs. M . A . TTrcaweHwiil entertain, the members'of the Townsley. family to dinner Saturday. We will bd glad to make bids to those having corn to sell, The D, & Levitt Go. Mrs, A, L. Stull, of Winona tmkg lad . is visiting her brother, M r .J . UV. Liggett. . , ■ ■ Mieses Dora and Lottie Hrigler and Belle Winter spent Saturday in Day Alias Marinda, Fisher is improving j from her illness of several weeks. > Ilev, Walter Condoii is home from Princeton, University where he is at tending the seminary. After spend ing the Holidays at home he expects to return to finish his work: Charles Baskin, who has been atten-! ding college here the past year left Tuesday for his home in South Caroli na, to spend his Holiday vacatiou. Mr, Harry Owens.left Monday for Stuebenville, O. where he will be the guest of his friend, Mr. Chester Alex ander. From there Mr. Owens will go on to Pittsburg to visit with Fred Sproul. , Mr. John Lott dropped in from Pittsburg tbc first of the week for a few d»y3 visit with his parents. Mrs. John Cooper lias been quite poorly the past week but is some what improved at this time. Mr, and Mrs. William Spencer at tended a surprise on Mr. Spencer’s fa ther at Xenia, Saturday. Ilolativea to the number of twenty were present and a good social time was enjoyed by all present, The property of Airs. Wm. Shull On Main st, has been purchased by the Aliases Gibson who sold their farm to Air, Gilbert llanos, and will re move to town this spring. Mr, and Airs. Ed Stormont enter tained twenty-five of their friends to dinner Friday in honor of Air. arid Aire. Collin AlcMriktii, The Detroit Southern railroad has been sold to the C. IX. & IX company and Will 1)0 put in first class shape. The road has been in the hands of a receiver for several months* and the new owners take over a piece of pro* p’rifly that if handled right will make a raid feedcHor the main lines. The Detroit clouthem never was a passen ger mud of any importance but was a gregCcoal hauling road, NEW TIME CARD The following is the schedule for the departure of trains: For East 7.24 a, in. flag stop; 4:47 p, m. For West 8.13 a. m, flag stop; {>,24 p, m, IT WAS NOT LABELED. There was an .unsual accurrancO at the depot in Xenia last Saturday 'eve ning that attracted the attention of a good mauy persons,., many of .whom; were from this place. There sat- in the waiting room a man that had every indication of having lost .control of himself, He did not move about and half reclined on the seat seemly asleep. It was a question with many, who did uot know the man, as to whether lie had been suddenly stricken or whether he had fall inter a dose, a very common thing to the tired traveler. The cast bound .train came in and' “ all aboard for Columbus and inter mediate stations” was called, but the man tiow longer realized that bis des tination wasCedarville and his train was in waiting1. He was indeed in the land of dreams and no doubt was having visions of how he bluffed a col ored central committeeman at a meet ing earlier in the day, Then the hap py thoughs were flying fast through the space that surrounded him as to how nobly he had obeyed his political master and what a “ good fellow'’ he had been to him. . The train pulled out and what do you think, not a Cedarvilliau had the nerve to have Air, Conductor take on thjJ “ load.” Whether the conductor saw the man when he called the train we do not know but it is probable that he did not care to burden the train with the “load.” Theri again the conductor may have noticed the “ loud” and uot seeing any tag as to destination left it until the owner put on the proper shipping label. . ■ In the due course of time, hastened by tho heat of the stove, the “ load” Was unloaded to some extent and a friend happening along took it up town fo a grocer, win figure* largely in politics* The minute the’ “ boss” got sight of the consignment the rail road company had failed to de’iver, he, had a livery rig sent around arid tbe “ load” landed here late that night. The “ hose'” has certainly had oeperi- anco enough in shipping to know that all goods must, lie properly labeled. ’ i* ^<• '■ - Dont forget that Hooper as usual will have,* big stock o f candies nuts fruits etc for Ghtlttmaa. KEEPING BEES. Some good people let their bees shift for themselves.during the winter months and then wonder why they do not have“ good luck” with them. In localities where bees winter nppereuf ly in good condition, remaining on t summer stands without so much as a chaff cushion over the brood chamber batter results can be secured bygiving quite thorough protection. The- hived should be moved into rows and set close together with a chaff cushion in the super above the brood chamber, and with fine straw or leaves packed, in between or behind the hives, The straw should be held in place with boards, back of the row about a foot. The hives should Face the south with a few boards placed on top to keep tbe snow from drifting into the straw and to shade the front of the hives. In this condition less food will be con sumed and brood rearing will com mence earlier in the spring. The col onies will come out stronger and be in condition to work on the early blos soms With greater vigor , than those left to take the sudden changes of weather in winter and early spring. Moi dayiu the Court of Common Fleas*Ella Albin was granted a div orce from her husband, Clarence Al- bin on the.grounds of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty. The cus tody of the child is given to Urn moth er and tho father is ehjoined from in terfering in auy manner until ho re* ceives further orders of the court. The couple lived here forseveral years. Refunder Day at Bendure’s Store, Dec. 16. A ll checks bearing this date are as good for-the ir fe te as gold, in the purchase of goods itt a ll departments. Springfield* 0 * pie *•( Si Si opne1 1 i 4 H tl g a l e u . , m * ■*- » ft- 055. , ■ fi live
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