The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
gg§ I\I0 COMPETITION IN THE SHOE BUSINESS! W H Y ? f l 1 1 1 R Because we have every advantage in buying. Going into the big bargain markets of the world, passing the wholesaler and 4he jobber, a saving of at least fifteen per cent. W e pay spot cash which makes another saving of about five’per cent, buy in large quantities, which brings the freight down. Selling at one price and marking everything iff •plain figures reduces the cost of selling. Do more business for the amount of our general expense than any shoe house in the city. You will find everything in our house from a shoe string to a $3,50 Shoe less, for the same quality, than any other house in the city. Ladies* and gentlemen’s Shoes 75c to $1,95, Ladies’ and gentlemen’s hand-sewed shoes $2.50 to $5,00. Boys’ and girls’ shoes 75c to $2.00. Children’s and infants' 5c to $i.oo, Polish 5c, ioc and 15c. If you come in you will receive polite attention whether you buy or not. Costs you nothing to examine our shoes. April 4 th to 8 th. Will you consider this a personal invitation to come over? DAYTON , OHIO T A K E S P L A C E APRIL 20 1905 Consisting,o f thirty-five head of fancy driving horses. W . B. BRYSON, Proprietor. At Oak Lawp Farm ' Xenia, Ohio LOCAL AND PERSONAL 4 Fancy eating' Potatoes QOcta, P«r Uu. At, Birdte. / Frank Harper, a Jamestown drug gist, was arrested Wednesday for illegal sale- of liquor. Mrs. 3’ohu. Murdock, is aide to be around after several weeks illness, with lagrippc. —For-Sale: Buff Plymouth Roclt chickens. Eggs 75 cents per 15. Jy E. Hustings, ’phone 18f. A14 Miss Craufurd; after attending the millenary openings, at (fin-- ciunati, arrived here (his week w, take, charge of the store. James^Marshall and daughter, of Xenia, spent several days this week: with U. Bradfute and family. Cot our price in -Eggs and Bid,ter before you sell,-it will pay you big, call up Xo. 80. Bird’s Mammoth Store. Mrs, Albert Bridgman,, enter tained a number of , her Mends at dinner,. Thursday. F ok S axe :—About 200 oak fence posts. ’Inquire of Ed Bean. .. Millinery opening atMrs. Condon’ s Friday and Saturday, Apr. 7 and 8 , Yon^ire invited to attend. . Mr.- and Mrs. Hariy King, of Washington, O. H., were guests of C. B. Bobbins anil family the first of the week. , Help a-good cause and enjoy your self besides, when you hear Miss Ketehum at the Opera House April 4th. “ A happy blending of a charm ing p etess, with the giftedActress.” Mrs. Lucy McClellan went to Xenia Thursday, where she will bo the guest, for a few days of Mrs. Clark, of Xenia, and will return Hat- urday, to her home at Indianapolis* WALL PAPER, immense stock at lowestprices, ALSO sample books of the VERY LATEST DESIGNS to select from, If we can not please you with stock on hands, no one can. Give us a call. Bird’s Mammoth Store. Mr. J. S« Brown returned homo Wednesday from Mansfield, where he was called by the serious illness: of his father, who is suffering from an attack of pneumonia. •. I?. 0. Bull was overcome one day this week while working in the field. For- several days he suffered severe pains in Ills head but is, at present, much improved. Miss Ketehum filled her date bore last livening as per contract, and to say that ?$he fully met our expect* tions is but half the truth. H r work is supurb. The enthusiasm the audience arroused at the firi number continued to the end of L program. We are highly grafi * 1 |With the success of the enter iwent, Tliankyou fo.r calling or f t«*nfion to so clever an «r -at./ F. B. Turnbull attended the state meeting of those interested' in inde pendent telephone companies, last Thursday. ' . Washington 0, IL Went “ yet” by a majority of 48 votes, Thursday,- There were fifteen arrests for illegal voting. The “ drys” will contest the election, “ Witticism of the highest order; andienee convulsed with laughter, yet the speaker (Miss. Ketehum) clearly demonstrated that real pleas ure and mh’thRilness were not de rived from folly and ridiculous non- senftjo., Eloquence, wisdom, wit and humor were happily combined In the lecture.” --1)unkirk(N. Y.lXows, Mr. Tbeo. VoglesbUrg,£will open his restaurant next week, and will operate it in connection with the hotel. Since taking charge of Urn hostcilery; Mi*. Voglesburg has made considerable success, and ho will now carry out his early intentions of opening a lunch stand. Tickets will be given with each five cent, "pur chase of lunch, tobacco or cigars, GAS PIPE LINE, Representatives of the Buckeye Gas- Company, have boon in this vicinity for several days circulating among land owners, -asking for per mits to lay a pipe linefrom Fairfield county to Dayton,- The 'company now has aline through South Charl eston to Springfield. Tills line has no connection with .the line that has just, been granted a . franchise in Xenia, The last lino follows the Federal pike, while the Buckeye line follows fence Jand line lines. The line crosses the H. K. Turnbull land, also R. C, ' Watt, A. J. MeElroy, John Taylor, Mrs. R. M. Jackson, ancLaecross to the McCollum farm. The line is to he tte nearly straight as possible. It is probably _that a line will be laid into fawn from the Northup farm. The Philadelphian literary society will give a dime social in Philo Hall Friday evening, April 7, in benefit of the lecture enu-ijo fund. All are which will’ entitle’ the holder to a Icordialiy invite^ chance on a gentleman’s fine gold watch. The drawing will take place July 15. COUNCIL ME TING. An adjourned meeting of council was held Monday evening, ail mem bers being present. After some dis cussion as .to tlm purchase of a heat er Mr, It. W, Lennon Wits again ’ap pointed as engineer and night Avatch-,. , , man. James Bailey was appointed, Sold, and guaranteed * - AA , 4-rVAtlUfA 71^.11-innrdn T>S13> » . « * . S m Mk-wl The Cornel’s Waterloo. Colonel Jcdh M- Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texji, nearly met his ’Vyater- loo, from Rver and Kidney trouble In a recei^fetter, he says: “ I was nearly dAd, of the coinplaints, and,. iilthoufO I tried my family doctor, he dk?me no 'good; so I got a 50c botlX of your great Electric Bitters, •w-hf-h cured me. I consider tliem tlyhestmedicine on earthand thank ftid who gave you the knowledge to m street commissioner, The franchise granting the J > 1 telephone company Ihe right to A the streets and alleys, came un^or its second reading. The ordAnce was not passed for want of v/es to Suspend the rules for the th l/,read- irig, Messrs Welmpr and Tidwell voting against it. It ufilteomo up again at the next regulai^lCeHn£. .Tito attention of con^11was next called to (lie-condition^ Hw hooks, this being brought al/ht ky the fact that some of the mtYmOrs have vio lated tho state, law / furnlshldg the corporation supply* This was dis covered about 1$ weeks ago, and Mr. George Shfv^3 turned over 85 cents for supjfi^ he had furnished. Since then, J#™ ,ma boon consider able talk abr-k just who and what has been relished. The whole af fair is thAhlcomo of the Herald’s article goiarch 3, calling attention to snctAlaw being in existence. to euro Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by all druggist, at 50c a bottle. 120 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. On tho Yellow Springs pike three fourths mile from Cedarvilie. This farm is nicely located; being less than one mile from college, churches and high-school, Improvements ore good. Land produces good crops. IfJice young orchard, beating excel lent fruit. Never failing springs on farm. I f interested, call on or ad dress, W. J. H awthorne , fi. F, D,, 2 , Cedarvilie, Ohio* Mao. 27 ,J 1905 . ■ OATS FOR SALE. 1 !I have, about400 bushels offiGrcen Mountain oats for sale as seed oats. mid will WINONA LAKETHISSEASON Will U ParWutWyAttractive tor on Out ing, 'Ifir stitnnKr of 1005isto bt an *specially ttfrartiveseasonatWinonaLaic, thebeau tiful resort of Northern Indians on the The Our Spring goods are coming In by j the hundred ease lots from some of ’ the best manufacturers of tho World where we gel the largest discounts and can give you the lowest prices. All nice clean goods.- No Junk Shop. Wo can retail at wholesale prices, lV»n*ylv 9 «ifi tine*. Presbyterian - te-iKfid Assembly will convene tho May i ' 6<*•#** *‘ *0,«nd|I.<j!. J-th. Xofft! sfs-nkers and Musicians have be*» ciit-astd iof the summer entertain- rmiite Therewill lie iynvcntiens.gisd cm /r;i!j} SlP.y tintil ‘Vj,{ember- 'i'lu?literary r.'-ptnendt- ii-st will I k : proiiiunnf. In brief, it wilt be * finest profitable season &iiu:’aUon>Uy. TeWbers sndstudentswho attendtftefiuni- Mtr Hchaot will deriveHindi totnGir.W ** Htmkey’s Arcado Shoe House, Hpringiiold, 0 . $101) Reward* $100. - KWm-m* Lake hasgolf links, tonus courts* Catarrh CureIs tbs only positive curenow bMetsilt and < ticket ground*, bostmy, fhuli- lrg,«trHnKiing*ndc*mp:ng facilities, The IVntrsylvanULines run dim t to the park. « j tAtmr, Hama *nd fiiteni day cxtutt- The readersof tins jxqjer will be }»icas, d to learn that there is at least one dreadert disease that sc-ltmcnhas been able, to curein all its stages and that is Catarrh. Mall’.': known to the Mtedhal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment, Hail’s Catarrh <‘tireis takcttinternally, actingdirectly uj aaawrt^UHst awl fl- nm l Manwtij —» IS. IflW t t,TTOIVf« w r* ------ --• - • v .. . ..................... xkmtkkitg may fit*obtained from ticket **mtheMoodand mucomsumccs of aystem agent*of tfcc Tennsylvatiift I.irus, Jufor-.; thereby destroying the found*ttun of the matiett ab„ttt Winona I.ake, tlm eeason’s>diatase, andgiving th* patient elivngth by program, betel aeeoimodation^ etc., canf- |buildinguptlieeonstitution and astiMhu? aagartgf'iteif fm*n fl. V Bifkejr, fiecretary Jiatureindoing itawork, The propriefo Winona JAkr, Jnd,; Iwvesonmeh faith in It* curative po*<J j that U»y oiler oneHundredDollarsfori ... ....... ........ -... . j casethat St fail* to cure. «»nd tor lj*)f rn*'JtHtkrr *nd tio ., ^ £ 2 ? F. J, ( HFXXV * C o ,T ^ «• BpritifftaW, G„ Inthe Armfo, whole* s»l#a«d. ffttmidfttlcwlrt hoobv ghotw, ,»»jps ■mmllf Wifeat*th* but -Upper* an 1 r«bl»arg. Tin: togdinft . - . shoe *tor»* and the only strictly one GARFftTH, MAlTlNl price «oah shoe houw* in tlm city. <?CfRTAINK. ffttge tUwl/tind B« 4 crwall pomputitlm in everything, jpriw*. At Mita% amt lowest Yours very t F , H . T lm te lu /W P tJ ’y * , R, R- Y, M .O .A. R u # ', N. Y. Mrs. Frank Turnbull, /terfained tho following girls, WoJr8(,fty ov<>- ning, Ethel Spencer, k# ';1Mitchell, MaoTarbox.Jeammf# ollina»Mttty Hasting and MargmF0 Myl«* Wo do not shoe $ 1 , 0 S ami loll you t l u # ^ worth $ 3 . 50 . Wo mark thorn* Plain figures at $ 1.50 and everyjwy gcliVthemftt that price. Wo i A™ wholesale prices, Have you ab $ Hfjtri-c-s Arcade Shoe House, /} . .Springfield, (l,, Mary i/Mobinson, a 18 year old colored j/* wa» bond ovt-r to the Frobatjr,urt Mayor McFarland for tbjFieJffc oi ft jacket from Miss Jeanir ^arbox while at school. The lined that tlm' garment had given her by another party. £0Hhronp heard tho-case Tues* and allowed the girl to go free lifi'r good behavior, i.s eonnoe- ion with tho easeJudge Hhroup held that Mrs. Frances Keys, lmd nothing to do with 11m case, and that :tlte Statement made by the Robison girl that Mrs. Keys gave her ihe coat. Is absolutely false and without any foundation whatever. The court gave Mrs. Keys a memorandum to ffttg effect. Garden grads IN FAC'KKTH Sets, or KRacket* for Sets, At Bird’s, M r ./ H- Andrew being amemher ‘ These outs are stiff straw of cAlc^ an<^having furnished coal j stand up well on black land andwill in/te corporation through a third yield one half to one third more per seemed to treat the matter as aero than any oats on the market, and took occasion at the Mon- They will tost 38 to 40 pounds to the ay evening meeting to report to bushel. ' council that it might bo a good days work fof tlie villiago if an examina tion was made as to just how much lias been paid for legal advertising, leaving the impression that the Herald had been paid .tomuch in the past, I f such is the case then Mr. Andrew Ims Voted•ter every dollar that was paid us during tho time he has been in office and as he was vot ing to spend public money, he with the. Olliers must be looked to for the excess. While he made the claim that lie knew nothing about advertis ing, how much do most people know about tlmweights of coal and may it not he a good days work to the the corporation-and the hundreds of mal consmnetY! to have city scales? There is no means of knowing but that i ho last order of coal for tlm corporation was under tlmweight charged .Huch things are possible. For twoyears now Mr. Andrew 1ms been at tho head of tlmflrmtieo com mittee and during this time only two tilings haye been accomplished that he can be given credit for. Tlm Hud Is the Increase of our tax rale to $ 8 .lHi and the second Is the removal of ft hitching rack using the corporation as means of satisfying a personal spite. Tlm sections covering the illegal expenditure of money Is perfectly plain, and each months salary paid H. t.%Wright, as derk has been paid contrary to law and can be collected from Mr. Wright, his bondsmen or (he mombi'rs of council. It's evident that tlm affairs «nd*'r tlmpresent.administration would wot stand a very dona examination. 1 ” Tlmo.lVogleaberg. City Hotel. Phone 3L__ Strike*Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes tho hidden rocks ‘of Consumption, Pneumonia, etc., you are lost, if you don’ t get help from Br. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Talladega Hprings, Ala., writes: “ I bad heap very ill With Pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, hutwas getting no bet tor wheii.T began to take Dr. King’ s New Discovery. Tlm first dose gave relief, .ami one bottle cured me.” Hure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guar anteed at all drug s|ore. price 60c and $1.00 Trialbottle free. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY TH* a m a u - T Mack <i Well Man of Mft, •toao« tb^Or . ___ * r tb«l« voMbtnt , 1 *Mtdrtv mm Mr*!?( ot M W * * * * « r * * t M * * M i» ; : # i ! m MANUFACTURERS W HO LESALE PR ICES ON VEHICLES “ HARNESS We sell our entire product direct to the user at wholesale prices and guarantee a «j k ____m ____* ■____R - i - w i * * WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND IN S P E C T OUR WORK L A R G E S T S T O C K We carrythe largest stock of vehicles on our repository floor of anyconcern in the world. All of latest style, thoroughly reliable vehicles. Our line includes Carriages, Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Station Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts, Road Wagons, SpringWagons, Carts, etc, . COM E AND S E E U S BEFO R E MAKING YOUR P U R C H A S E . WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY - CATALOGUE FOR 1 9 0 5 : ; Send fo r our free catalogue, To out-of-town buyers who cannot come to see us, we should be glad to send, ott request, our illustrated catalogue, by means o f which you, can buy as safely and satisfactorily as i f on the ground. P R I C E $50.50 Extra 3 ,4 'Rubber Tires, $ 13 .0 0 Guarar.tesd as good Inevery way ss sol* by middlemen for from $ro to $75. Note some of the good points. Has self~o!!!n£, dust-proof axles. Full wrought Brewster fifth- wheel'with bent reaches mor tised Into the head block, Oil tempered and .tested springs. Wrought steel Bailey body loops. Strictly second growth hickorywheels,with UrespUton liot. Bradley shaft couplers. Fulllength bottomcarpet. Rub- l V. ........... .. h ! bersteppads. Spring back and spring (cushion. Finest finish throughout, The greatest Bug. gy In the World « th* Prlo*. No, 3070 . NEW YORK BUQGV. THE MANUFACTURER coil always offeryoumoreforyourmoneythan themiddleman. Weare the onlyhouse in the State of Ohio selling direct to the consumerwho manufactures thevehiclcs andharness they offer for sale. Ho.4068. STRAIGHT SILL SURREY PRICE * 8 1 . 5 0 Extra 7-8 RubBer Tires, $16,00 . No. eo£6I s a light,compact vehicle withampleSeat!ngca- paclty for four large persons. Furnishedwlthbtllcol- lar self-otling axles. Olltemperadand tested springs. Full bottom wrought fifth-wheel. Strictly second growth wheels, Full length velvet carpet. Bradley shaft couplers. HSAd- somtlyfinished, - Guaranteed as goo* as sold by otiwrs for 5 * 5.00 to $ 35.00 seen than our price. HARNESS We Manufacture 65 STYLES Hijh**iQuality—Whgimi* Prlost G U A R A N T EE A SAVING NOT LES* THAN 25$ OurNo.246Single Strap Driving Hameis PRICE $ 12.60 GENUINE RUBBER MOUNTINGS, Extra $1.75 W * carry2000 stls ol Hanms fe tiw k COM E AND S E E U S omct-nEPomrom-wmrom Sgrih High IteHl, cra»*lii$( (fei^^l^^Ttrmff^i SlMerkt Ctr ibtG. Th* 20 mimtlM rid* (ram corner ftraad Mtl High Ste**tt Columbus Carriage & Harness Co. CO LUM BU S , OH IO EXCURSION TO COLUM&US, Incredible Brafittiy. ft, woilki liftVti Wen incfediblP 1 . w ' brniatKy If Ghais. F. Lembf'fgpr, trf j " , Hywunisr, y , Y., lt;wl not done l and tetit, e-xetir- W lw ro uW fo r Ida Buffering ami. !& ’*' ,h’V « \ U' { “ My iHiy,” be aayi*, ‘tent a tearful i ^PlI"Pf.'H>io Hfete Wteaiona^r i- wl. g*$nh o w hi« m 1 upplled Buck* U-nte Arnica Halve, which quickly brak'd It and waved liia cya. Good for bnrmi and nicer* too. Only Wfc at all dfftff Rtete, t. hurcli, w iu hr mildvia FrniMtylTa ilia, IJn rg from all ticket ataUnna in Hiate of Ohio, Fall on Tfckwt Aptruf of (bo*»c line* for furthar intormaHoK. m* ***** ■* ft.
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