The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

\ \ * i r For Excellence Our Job Work will eoeipare with that o f any othei* firm. . . . She tedareiUe This Mesh when m$tkc£ wflb sp \ Index, denotes that ypur xiaiBcriP'' - Is past due and a prompt settle­ ment is earnestly desired, TWENTY-EIGTH -YEAS NO. 16. CEDARVILEE. OHIO. P8IUAY, APRIL 7. I90§. PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. {'-t '■J W l ARESTED FOREXERTIKG THEIRRIGHTS Tlu primary election Monday t'trrre'l out Just about as most persons ex­ pected and many a man came to the polls cast hla vo'e leering that he was helping to rectif) things from the tu r­ moil they have been In for ihe pa** two or three yeaivi The corporation had no trouble whatever under the direction of Mr. George Selgler, a-) committeeman, and the uncomplimentary things said about hi n when he voted to hold the primary under the law were entirely uncalled for. Mr. S eg'er has had many com­ pliments in th a t he voted for the reso- t'on when it was before the committee and that every thing passed off so smoothly Monday. The day was wet and dreary until late In the afternoon when the sun cast forth its rays on what was considered Hie "lim it ’ in the conduct of elections. Men were seen here and there in Little groups discussing the action of W. B. Stevenson and Frank Jackson in caus­ ing the arrest of Messrs. J. S. Brown, t). ft. McElwatn and Edwin Dean for as they say in the affidavit disturbing an e'eetion. The rural populace soon waxed warm and ari the pleasant things said about T B Andrew and Andrew Jackson, two of Boss Schmidts adherents, could not l.e put in print. That wherever you find Andrei' Jackson or T. B Andrew you find trouble alwavs held good in the old south precinct and they certainly did themselves proud for the first time un­ der the change of precincts. As the tu ts of the central committee as ro t­ ten as they are have always allowed a lepra-’Cntative of 'a candidate In the po Is. Mr. .1. S- Brown, candidate aga'nst Mr. Jacltscn,. set out to renta'n inside and see th a t every thing was on t.he square. Early in the morning 1m was notified by Mr. Jackson th a t he m ust go outvbut th is he refused to do IVlr. Ed Dean wad w ith him a t the time anti then Mr.' Stevenson ns judge took It upon him soiftt?.escort Mr. Brown to - . p i e door. jSome'4itt3e scuffle was en- ' gaged ih with. Jtaiv B rown th e wUlnw . T\B% JJCan Was th e 'n e x t'v ic tim -and •IiCKii he And MF. Stevenson gave a wrestling match before a very small crowd .Jackson seeing th a t the men were in to stay Invoked the aid of Offi­ cer Kennon, w h o \po r, entering notified Mr. Brown th a t he would have to go out. Mr. Brown asked the officer for his papers, but could no". shc.\v any aud he walked out leaving. Frank Jackron, who always stood a t a safe distance and did the urging to put them out, and Mr. Brown to aett'e the question; Mr. Brown soon settled the ciuegticn wild the younger Jackson by informing him th a t If he wnnted him cu'. he should attempt it himself. By thif time Mr. Dean concluded they did ikh need him longer and he left for hmne leaving Mr. Brown to look after his own Interests. However later in the u -?noon Mr. McE'.wain came In to \r,tc and stayed in the room as Mr. Brown's representative while he went out Int > the n r -et for a time. On Mr. Brown's return lie was arrested by Officer Grlndle. the papers being made ou' br'ore Mayor McFarland and x gnod by \V. B Stevenson and Frank Jackron. charging h.m with disturb- EJECTED V - - - If n vole were taken on the most popular flour, our Golden Rule eceive ft hnmlsomdttna- jo tity ......... I t In the choice of bakers and JjuflBOVrTvos who know, because lemons farther and gives belter results than any other flour ever milled. B a t don’t take our word to t It—‘try It for yourself, and bo convinced........ L. H. Suilenberger, Cedawtlla, Ohio , tng an election. The same ch try •> was priced against boMl Messrs Dean aud McElivain. The men were boon t <>'••! under bonds of $300 a ’gned by J- ‘1 Wolford and D. t e a r rh ls is how 3H Jackecu conducted open jio ls wh <-'i In­ stated be would before ihe committee meeting. The matter will be lought in the courts to the last din-h. The fight for infirmary d'rector re ­ sulted in Mr. p'lc-mlng being e'w-i.-d l.y about 200 majority ngainst 1,ester Arno' \ The follow Ing Is tho vote for the dlf- lerent comm,tt'>cmen as g tten In the Gazelle: Bath—Lincoln Hairrer; Fleming, 8. Vriiold, 4. Fairfield—W. F. SneUlker Fleming, 18; Ai-nold, 8. Osborn—C. J. Butt; Fleming, 27; Ar­ nold, 11. Beakercreek—D. O. Jones; Fleming, 57;' Arnold, 3. Caesarereek—Isaa3 Mason. 64; EL 3 Conklin, 25: Fleming. 48. CodarvHle Township—Andrew Jack- son, 143; J. 3. Brown, 56; Fleming, 97- Certarviiie Corporation—Geo. Win ler, 127; William Northup, 101; Flem­ ing 77; Arnold, 60 Jefferson—N. G-. Perrill; Fleming. 13; Arnold, 6. Bowe-rsville—Joseph Zimmerman, 34; L. S- O'Day. :!i; Fleming, 199: Arnold. 13 Miami Township (E a st)—Harry Es- tle; Fleming, 11; Arnold, 16. Yellow Springy—Ltohn B. Stevenson; Fleming. 7ft; Arnold, 19. Miami Township (West) — Gales Qrinnell; Fleming, 5; Arnold. 0. New Jasper Townt-hip—M. A. Sutton. >7, J. C\ Toland, 13; Fleming, 47; Ar­ nold, 23. H ors -—J. B. I.e\vis; Fleming. 2; Ar­ nold. 10. Sllvereroek—Archie Gordon. Jamestown Corporation — John Baughn, 142; W W. Barnet, 120. (Fleming had about 35 majority in 8H- vercrqek and Jamestown precincts.) Spring Valiev Corporation—Moses Walton. 8 muj-rlty over !>ewia Hol­ land. Spring Valley Township--Fremont Miars, 10 majority over 1-1. M. Wood tF.cming carried the two Spring Val- ’sy precincts by about 50 majority.) Bellbrook Corporation—George ‘S ill­ ier, 39: Alfred" Lay. 14: Fleming, 13: Arnold, 27. Sugarcreelt Township—F. W. Din-* widdie, c2; -WLC. Williamson, IS, Xenlfi Township, (South)—ildyvartl gS; P f P . 'H asleri' G*!*I^einfR£. 81; Arnold, 43. Xenia Township (North-—James Patterson; Fleming, 63; Arnold. 25. XENIA CITY. Precinct a —J ohn j . Brennan, 13 1 ; Thomas Greene, 69; F ’cm ing. 56; Ar no’d, H I. Precinct B—James A. Hardy. 95- Oharles Gorham, 11; Fleming, 91; Ar­ nold, 46. Preo'nct C—C F. Cretors, 129; W. H. Finley, 77; Fleming, 67; Arnold 130. Precinct D—A. D. DeHaven, 121; S. II. Maihor, 104; Fleming, 172; Arnold. 18. Precinct E—O. H. Simons, M ; C. I, Itlddell, 67: Fleming, 97; Arnold, 53. Precinct Ft—W. F Orr. 122; H. H. Conklin, 60; Fleming. f5; Arnold. 91. iTeclnct G—Alfonzo la n e ; Fleming, M; Arno'd, 39. Precinct H—William S Rodgers CHARITYBALL Elaborate preparations arc being made by Xenia lodge. No. 668, Benevo­ lent and Proteeth e Order of Elks for lire fourth annua! ei urtly bull t j be g;v«n by the lodge, Tuesday evening, tp n l 25, in tin armory The Elks are bending all their tnorgies to make riffs die ctowuiitg society t-veiu oi me year, and the most elaborate social affair ever given la X enia It will be, as the charity, balls of rite FTks have always been, a representative gathering of the beet 'people In UJa nod nolghb.jiring counties Arrangements have boon made with tho famous Heldlebcj-g orchestra, of Payton, and the Sons of Veterans band of tiffs city, to furnish the music for t'-e occasion. Pro*'. Nate Heldleborg, will personally conduct his orchestra which will con^'Rt of ten pieces In tho eventeg. and the Sons of Veterans bund will also be reinforced by We nd- lltlon of several The rntta'c. furnished by two muslca' organizations of .-'ueh widely recogn’zed merit, will attract to the affair manv persons who do not care H r dancing, and will not olhirw lse partake in the festivity of the evening. Lovers of high class music will find themselves aninlv re­ paid for attending the affair, bv this delightful feature of the evening, alone. » Tho armory is better adapted this vear, to the ho'ding o f the ball them, and th “ accorimodations for the danc­ ers. and also for those who will not fake part In the daneit-g, will lie much more ample and comfortable than in p'-t-vim-f- years. White the E’ka' lodge i« In cm large a measure a charitcb'e organization, o-n'y once during the vear, at tho time of the charity ha'I do it s members eoll upon tho genera! public for nnv aid in their many good works inward the poor. A large portion of the proceeds of this aflair is given to charitable so- c'ette3 in the city for’ use among thfe worthy poor. Tickets for the affair are now on cale, and can be obtained of any Elk. The tickets are $1 and will adm it one man and two ladles. L LOCAL The pjitnary It? now over and to re­ late some of tho'tilings that;wero done by the ‘'gang" j j r ‘ orffttnization’’ as they prefer to have themSc-Ive.? called it being a m ilder 'ttevioi', There are many things o f interest: th a t only sliows juvt what'ivij) ,foo demo and that Hie thMgs tfte In rhnrgeA with are true. ' . ■>' ■' - . In one Xenia tfftrd iltei ■wore when the votes were counted nearly ms man) votes cast as IH tiu / rtt^ular election all irom tho fact that- ,ti Italians were inaichv ii la at Thebe men as far as Is IcuotYn d r^ 'iio t naturalized and not even entit^CcI to a tvole In any state In tho Uliltpr were voted ju st the same even .though the clerk eould not understand- 'their names, i'hls Is one of th e reasons Mr. Voter th a t your comml^teeh||nv Mr. Jackson end some othqrp Y0t<sS t o tu rn down the resolution aSiunXthafe the primary be held under .-flm*" state Jaw. The lUillans th a t voted brought into Xenia a few weeks agjt’by th e ralli'oad onipany to do bombsg rad ing . FOIt SALE —Two 2-horse second hand lireiUting plows, cheap. C. C. Cooley W M. and H. M. Barber were in ilay ton Wednesday. , G. EJ. Boyd was In London Tuesday itteading the stock sa'ea. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gltluugii wert a Dnyion last Friday. Mrs, W iliam Blair and Kathleen were guests the firgt of the week of 'I ts . Saterfleld. First M. E church as sung by the Me- Qervey Association chorus. This is the- fourth eearon for this chorus and 5 those present Tuesday evening report that the oratorio was well rendered. I’he soloists were Mrs. Clara Turpen Grimes, of Dayton. John O'Donnel, tenor and Alfred Barrington, baritone, of Columbus Mrs William McGervey, of Xenia, contralto. The party left on the evening train : nd returned about midnight. SOME E lf HORSES. The “Square peal '^Organization” of Xenia ciiretilffted a le tte r giving the list of anti-gang candidates for central committee and telling why voters should support them),; 'To off set this another circularHva$' Issued from a prihting press "tinder the direction of the "gang” w ith Al.ioiiey Douglass, of X ena, as secretary, th e original giving o name for th is plkooi- LThe two jobs ypographieally Werov a§t opposite as could be. The original-was gotten out by n 'irst-^tass-X ehi^ Coh'ccm while Cte latter Is decidedly A ope-horse tif lair The infftailoh'yi#Cdlar3 were sent out through therttrai'.^tiafcrhrts and but lew of them in th e Villages. The gang­ sters thought t h a t ’Br*SO. doing the tanner was not nest_hut fortunate'y many of them tprnbied fo r they had i eceived a copy o f .iitSf.origlnal. They all fell next a f t e r p a p e r had to say about ibq, £ri^£algatlcn. The c filcial organ wa5 ' ’^ k iie d r.-' the same REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Wilson Compton to Birdie C. and Wra. a Alexander, i lot in Spring Valley, $1 and othei considerations. Mary E. Matthew* to Ellen R Ten­ ney, 4 lots In Rollbrook, 11. Bridget Daley to J. FJ Daley, 1 lot In Xenia, $1. Daniel Donbvlp to W. P Madden. 5 acres In Xenia township. $1,600. Levitt McDonald to Minnie A Mr Donald, 25 acres In C.nesarrreek, 81. Frank McDonald to Levitt. McDonald, 25 acres In Caesarereek township. $2,- 077 80. F ob S a /.H: - A bou t 200 oak fence pOBth, Inquire of Kd Dean. Your doctor will tall you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil­ dren become sfrong and well by raking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. Sarsaparilla The change is very prompt and very marjeed. Ask your doctor why It Is. He has our fbFmulo and will explain. IJiit, In nfciw wortis. Ayflr's foronpai-llla refit- pietoi^ ronton " ----- tna,: I ^ r ^ ' ... - fn r r's ftfrnnp.-if!lln < .J mo f» tiojiiib ” . „ , atrcgSftSBtftft. Vlnolamt, S .». f i . Arvffcrt..'- M f iliiii-” **1" The Children B«wu#ni*«,epfiatipat»onprbyontre- eoviry* c u r* th e s e with Ayer's PMs, There is probably no other commun­ ity in the state where there are as many good horses as there ' t in this; \tcinlty Tho Cedarvil’e Ho. so Com­ pany is the owners of the $3,000 Bel­ gian horse “Prince Albert” which Is recognized as the finest in hlf class and ‘ Baronet" a -:hire that is known the country over. These horses are ‘tabled on the J'ohn A. Barber farm. Messrs C. C. Welmer and Theo. Vog- esburg have tlie Clydesdale formerly owned by Thomaa Mechllng 4u their stable they have "Map’e Bel’s. Jr." and ' Tomtn'le I)." These horses nro well bred and In fact as gt od urod animals as you find any where. The former Is a family of hor es that have workel in fast time wh'lp the latter is sired by L'tt e Frank on >of the gnmest pac- trs as evpr went, n mile. Mr A r> Bridgman who has handled i reading horses fnr stveral yAars this season has purehused a finp recorded Perclieion from How.-tt Pros., of Os- bor’.i. Ht Is known ns In 'in n prince" and Is a steel et : iv in co’or. He Is said to have a d sposilion une-xeelletl hv nnv horse -if Ms class fn the coun­ try. C elar W ilkcs'^w ill si'll bA un ­ der Mr. Bridgman's care this season and Htt'e can be snld of him other than he hns proven lo he a great brteder. HU ancestors are ns good as von find "Dandy D-en," a fine Jack that Mr. Bridgman purchased last pan- son wlM bo found in his stable this year. G W. Hnmrnan Is the owner of Mir- field Hector” and will stable b'm >m his farm this summer The horse har hundred of good tolls that hns prove t the qiialltieg of tho horse Mr Ham man ha« had oovortnnitles to sell ‘'Mtrfletd Hector" to parties In th n ronth'ern part of the state 1ut he wl'l hold him for the present A. T and -I. C. Kinney stl i are the owners o ' ‘ Bobby Burns, J r " and he will be found fit Iho old paper mill stable near Cllnfeo He has half b roth­ ers and half-sisters that hai*> records as low ^e 2:07 1-4. NOTICE. I will offer at auction all the liou'e- hold of kfr> n ’ess B rd n( bis house on East slreet (opposite the Tirbox and Colllne rnmbe-r Compary olfice) at 1:30 o’clock latttruay after­ noon April IB. These goods consist of 1 large rook Blove 1 hentlna- stove, 1 'Sdf'olifle stove, tables, chains, carpets, beds, eftmforta, qul’t'-, blankets; rugs, find many oUten houfeebold necessities. T»rma stf!etly etuh ROBT. BIRD. R. R. CORRY, Auctioneer. -‘-Fo r Rale: Balt Plymouth Rook eftlflkorig. Mggs 73 opets pot 15. J . % Htmlfngft,|’itbone 188, A il day th 3 circtilaa-R w0j‘^ - a very singular coincident, ' * ;ri|e Record' being Official organ for the Andrew^idgway-Tiackson t,rowd under- ojk "Boss” Schmidt madq^a Ia in k |fto rt' fo give an interview’ia ,tb& IbupmU '} with Fieraiffs' in,, ib k - Qffeyed $300 hy the ."Ross-',', tsa^a’bribe., I t w a s the first, JnUmatroii yeVlieard .that the “Boss'’ bad dohq such i&’th lng and the Record is the cn1y”ne\ySffaper th a t has made such a statement: ^.BoSs Schmidt doesnt have to dQ.Sttch-things for he has renchinon fbr th a t purpose and it wouldn't he good pbiJtte& in doing so. The interview didn’t; g a t a r enough to ask Mr. Fleming If- he had boen of­ fered any auelram onnt-and also who it might be ^It Is giafu to be seen that the dangerous plate had not been :cached and th a t (lie ’ thachlne mouth­ piece” fixed the interview to Bult :Uelf. 7 There was one ion the street Monday In the interyeist of Jackson (hut could manufaetllfe’Tho most, plau­ sible l'e ever used £dr Campaign pur- posea. When he ippVoBched a drink­ ing man that would not Vole the right way hb argued th a t the oral option people w’er<f trying to de­ feat Jackcon for b Is jb b 'in Columbus and th a t he Bliould helj^ hold him up l.y giving him tho central committee chip. T h e man nd dpubt had in mind (ho fight the AntFSalOOn League gave Jackson logt year.klid tlii.9 would be elminatcd dt the hoxj, orgfinizatlon of tilt? house if he waa t'to-elfiCted commlt- teeu a/t. Mr T. R. Orr shipped on Wednes­ day to Broil. Truebioodh of Bartham Co’toga, Richmond* ln<l., two of his fine rolled JbrSOy kaXtCa. rPof. True- liloAd h,t3 a herd 6 f Joteey cattle and desiring somd thhig dktra good came to Cedarvllle. for it. H e Is a recognized judge of Jersej cattle and tho eGler- t ona from Mr. Grr'n- herd wmt after seeing many other Surds in this and other sections. A M A T TE R 0 F H E M .T H tm POWDER A f e iQ i a t a l y i F u r G H A S M SU B ST ITU TE Miss No’l c McFarland was the grr-sl Mra James Batrr, of Dayton, Satur­ day. Mrs. Willard Troute, of Dayton, spent several days with her mother, Mra Dutfle.kl, this wfi-k. Mr. C laud'Phillips and family have returned home from Zanesville wherr they visited for seme time. E rnest Asihbaugh has taken a posi­ tion with the Adams Express Compan.' n Xenia Mr. J. M. Bull and fan. .y, of Spring field were in town Saturday and Sun Jay the guests- of relatives. Mr. w . R. Torrence and wife, o South Charleston spent Sunday with rieuds hero Elkanny Finney 1b home” from col- 'ege at the O S. U. for the spring va­ cation. Fred McEUvatn, ivho is attending Delaware college, is vlsiti’ng his par euts during the spring vacation. Mr. James McClellan and wife, of Indianapolis, pent the first of the week with Mr. J. II Nesbit and fam- Mis R. A. Shannon, of Xenia, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wil­ liam Mitchell tfiis week. ily. Mr. McClellan and children are retnain'ng for'several days while Mr McClellan 1ms returned. Mr. Will Frazer and wife, of Spring, field, F-pent Sunday with Mrs. Hann- Cooper and Mr. J R. Cooper. Mrs. J. H. Andrew- entertained a number of her lady friends a t a dinner Wednesday. The Philosophic Literary Society will give a dedlamatW Contest In the' cot- Good music. Admission Iff c-eftfe 2t Johh Piarks haa.’gfv«n up his place as fireman at the paper mill and has accepted a /similar position with th( paper mill in Xenia. Mr H arry Iliff and family, of Lon­ don, were guests from Saturday untl Monday, of h's parents, Mr. W. H. H*f and family. Mrs J. N. Lott has returned from Washington C. H. here she visited hot daughter Mrs. William Bradfute Tor several days. Mr. Andrew Winter expects to leave this evening for C incinnati whore on Saturday he will take the exam ination to en ter the postal service. Mr. and Mrs Homer Wade and Clark Wade, of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Raper Wado wer? gtmsts of their aunts, the Misses Gibsons, Sabbat).. In the absence of the pastor. Bev W. J Sanderson, the preaching ser­ vices In the R. P church (Ck S.) Sab­ bath wilt be conducted by Rev. R A. Blair, of Utica, 0. Profs. McChesney and Jn rk a t have received an Invitation to attend the annual banquet of Franklin College Alumni to be held in the Colonial Hotel, Pittsburg, Pi May 12, a t 7 p. m The repoi has ached here th a t Iyouis Henderson, x no no— Is employ­ ed on the Proctor term near Trenton under M W. Colline, and Miss May Shutz, of Springfield, were married In Ppringfle’d this we?«k by the Rev. Story Mr. D S. Erwin and daughters, Mary ond Fern, are him e from the South where they with Mrs Ervin, spent several of the winter months. Mrs Ervin Mopped off In C'nclnnatl for a few days. The members of Rev. Milligan's Sab­ bath school class at the first of the year chose sides with Mrs O. Y. Win­ ters and Mrs. William Spencer as cap­ tains. The side hav'ng the least num­ ber of credit m arks In attendance has to give a aoc'al to the winners. The social takes place th is evening a t the home of Postmaster T. N Tarbox. Mr. Milo Randall, the venerable father of Prof K. E. Randall, suf­ fered another paralytic stroke Motwiif afternoon For several hours be was unconscious and be still is unable to talk, his tongue being affected. His physician th ink s that be wi'l improve from hla present condition but owing to Lis advanced ago ond present weak­ ness his chances for ultimate recovery are very few. Mr. Ralph Bull left Tuesday evening for (he Wes', where he expects to lo- a'-e. He will first visit relatives In Indiana .and stop a few days in Chicago with his cousin, Harry Bull, who has a position with the Marshall Fields Com­ pany. He expects then to go on to 5a!t Lake City where he will probably ocale. The display of Malleable iron ranges 3 iv°n last week by C. M. Crouse re- -.ulted in an extra good sa'e considering the season of the year. The stove Is jaid t he an extra good one and from ihe sate a t Jamestown according to the -alesman it is a good seller. He re­ ports th a t - there wore twenty-six ranges sold there a few weeks ago Mr. Crouse considered his sale of seven good for the time of year. Mr. Elmer Spahr, of Clifton, son of Dr D El Spahr, has rented the vacant room of C. W. Crouse and will open a first o'ass candy store. He»has instal ed a soda fountain and will serve th'-s drink to who ttfish to ^ it down in a decent placet He will have ice cream on hand a t all rimes getting it from Grii-o, of Xenia. Mr. Spahr is thor­ oughly. acquainted with all the work in operating such an establishment as he nas been with -Grice, of Xenia, for several yoam Mr. Spahr should meet with a fair share of the patronage in his respective lines. The primary Monday was the result of a fight of the people of tbe county on the “ Boss" and “Machine,” The will of the public has been trampled upon until pub!i.: -**•>■ Jus de­ manded a reform. The first place to make tile change was in the central committee and here is where the fight was the w arm est The ’machine" ad­ herents content themselves by report­ ing th a t they elected 21 cut of 30 of the committeemen but there is another side to this s to ry , l t riie ‘;machine" lite r such a fight has been made on them won, so many of the clmmltte- rneu why hasn't there been more dem­ onstration over the victory. It was not up to former years when there was no general fight being waged. The facts of the case are that the “machine” elected about 16 out of the 30. The public ban no reason for discourage­ ment and should look on wfc^t Was done as a good sta rt for another year. Wljfen it comes to arresting men to keep from having Roosevelt’s idea of the ‘square deal” put into force then It la time for every body to take a bond and assist in righting the wrong. GARDEN SEED’S- bulk. -All kinds in A t Bird’s. MUSICAL SNAILS. Marvelous facts are given to ns by thq hardworking scientists. Many of the inconspicuous members of the lower orders have been brought to our respectful admiration b y the naturalists. Now it is the slimy snail that commands our admira­ tion. A German scientist points out that the snail can draw immense Weights, and now a Frenchman claims that there are few, if any, an­ imals which have a keener apprecia­ tion of music than snails. This nat­ uralist is M. M. S. Jourdain, and he expresses his views on the subject in a paper which he has read to the French Biological society. Place some Bnails on a pane of glass, he says, and you will nnd th a t they will make sounds similar to those which a person can produce by wetting his fingers and rubbing them around a tumbler. Complete aira, he thinks, can be produced in this way. This may be the next vaudeville novelty. Does the 8en»tor Remember? "Don’t you remember the box of flowers in front of the cabin 'door when you were a boy ? Don’t you re­ member the violets growing there ?” asked Senator Pettu.- in a recent speech. Do we, senate ? Well, we guess yea. And, gee whiz, the sore toe, senator I Don't vou remember ii ’ And the sun peeled back from go n’ in ewimmur in the meadow aam, and the soreness just south of the back from the maternal palm when we br ught the sore back home! Don’t you rememberit,.sen­ ator? And the mumps and the measles and the stone bruise on the heel ond the feeling of exultant pride which swept through our whole system after we had licked the fellow who dared to knock a chip olf our shoulder! Ah, senator, don’t you wish wo were boys again?— Denver Post. Ganden Seeds In packet 8cts. or 2 for Bets. Flower Seeds in packet, and bulk. At Bird’s. ALL OVER THE HOUSE, Mr. O. T. Wolford- *a no longer the owner of the fast facing mare, “Liz­ zie d ," he having sold her-on Wednes­ day to Mr. J. Fred Green, jptfc Spring- field, the herd of the Bushnell syndi­ cate of railroads. MB Wolford raised the animal himself and was very much attached to her and made the sale after considerable hesitation. -Sfri .Green is Ihe owner of a stable of gpod horses and his trainer, Orlando Wotthington having made th o Wolford m are what £hb Is, was very ctrtxiottR to become, her owndr. A couple of years ago W d - loSd'-was offcrotV $L W fo r lie f "bat ltd declined i t DUtlhg th e CdllnS sale Mr. Green stated that" lie had offered; Mr. Wolfor-l fl,200 but stated th a t it had keen turned down. The exact p rice,ia not known but It is placed over $1,500. Mr. Green says the mare Is ihe best prospect m this section of the state nnd th a t he will have her marked about .2 08 tiffs summer. Her present, record is ;’:I6. WALL PAPER—Largest stock Lowest prices. Also SAMPLE BOOKs for special Orders. A t B ird ’s. riisinfeoting the Home A fter a Case of Contagious Disease. In case a member of the family has been suffering from some in fca­ rious or contagious disease the first step in house cleaning is the disin- tecting of the apartment occupied by the invalid, and now th a t grip has beenvdoclared contagious many thoroughrTiousewives quarantine suf­ ferers -from this disease and disin­ fect the room. Any tubercular trou-- blc or serious th roat afflictions,,such as diphtheritic sore th roat, Sffyete tonBilitis, etc., are worth- th is pre­ cautionary step. , ' . ‘ The first step; in disinfecting isLo , burn" a ' prejpaintfou o f^iilphU r iii each room, “with, every --floor find win- . flow tightly- closed 7ind the tiniest of apertures stuffed with paper, bo that the room is perfectly a ir tight. The sulphur may be loose and laid on redhot coals in an iron kettle set in the center of the floor, or it can be bought in the form of can­ dles. When it has burned not less titan twelve hours the room is thrown open to the air, and then, twenty-four hours later, walls-and woodwork are washed with warm water to which any high grade fluid disinfectant has been added. Homamad* Whita Soap. Fresh slacked lime, sal sfida ancf tallow, each two pounds. Dissolve the soda in one gallon of boiling soft water and mix in the lime, stir­ ring occasionally for a few hours, after which let it settle. Pour off the clear liquor and boil the tallow in it until dissolved, Cool in a fiat box or pan and cut into bars or cakes. You can perfume it before it gets hard with sassafras, rose, bergamot or lavender oil. When making soap with any form of soda lime must be added to make it caus­ tic, which removes the carbonic acid and leaves the rest of the soda free to act on the grease. Oiling the Floor. For oiling the floors of houses that have not good boards one small can of cherry red paint mixed with two quarts of boiled linseed oil nnd applied with a cloth will be found excellent. A simpler way for good floors is to heat to the boiling point common boiled linseed oil and while still hot ro over the floor, using an old paint >rush ond keeping tho oil constant­ ly hot. Even should tho floor bo rough and inclined to sliver this will be found a great improvement. F o r 8or« T h ro a t Those subject to sore throat will find the following preparation sim­ ple, cheap and highly efficacious when used in the early stage: Potir a pint of boiling water on th irty leaves of the common sage and ldt the infusion stand for an hour. Add vinegar sufficient to make it pleas­ antly acid and honey to taste. The mixture should be used as a gargle twice a day. There Is no danger if some of i ‘ ts swallowed. A number of perrons from here went to Xenia ynosilaj evening to hear Memieiiishoa’s Sraiorta *'BlUnh*’ at ihe par pair. Boy’s KNEE PANT SUTTS. *1.80 *8.00, *2.50, *8.00, and *3.50, each. Boy’s Knee Pants .25-150 aiul *1.00, A t Bird’s. A Hemtmtds Dentifrice. AThouth wash to keep the gums? healthy and fir i made ns folhnvs: Take two teaspoonfnls of tincture of myrrh, one tcaspoonfnl of spirits of camphor sfid two pints of hot water in which have been dissolved two ounces of borax, Put a wine- glassful of this mixture into h tum­ bler, fill it with water nnd use it when cleaning the teeth. I?