The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

#Wa mm ~“Wt-rwR ■Th* * 0 >ri^rv*IIe HeralA $ 1,0 0 Pssr year# K A I i l . n X3ULL - - Editor. FRIDAY, APRIL 14 W . Keep j'our eyes on Mr- Drown. mHii-ry is MU! UU' Tin; Primary BOlVCil. Andy, had you .Brown's In (own? noticed Mr, h GOODMANSUFFERS. 1 A Curious Complaint. As a crofs 0 xamint-r John Philpot Curran, the famous Irish’ orator ami P«v,4Ktaw^j'7* lUaMMU weft, t&tra toiriwt victuriMIBfttt, JtlttUiiwUHB. 1*7»t» «••Ui**g<*» tiSu-ilp*t:*atcun*»* li£Ub»,»Bcli«frc»dUreM tt»S bata tw^oiSb|xr: (if «««, Mr. Vnsk klruit, ft well ltr.svmmirttftBtof H »wlumntcc, *‘Jrjfltrttftorture.with 'jk Scfotic Rheumatism \jr’i MjcasocBBavrtybidor.a.ftadnone. "** ottkeBiru» t«k«i *iv«iteerelict. 11 iiswf J»r,UftvidKennedy’. Y.v«r- cf toy trouble, unlr tuixebuttle* lroa*?itabouttb!« wnBdwfuj remit. It bt» bailtme up and beesolerefttfc.nrtitinptii*vw»r*. Xb»mly retoajtceadittootb»r*ti?fi:rei«.‘J Dr. D. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. ncaaoBt,u.y. jmco * i ; oiorjs, Of wluil standing is a man moral­ ly that will debauch his own son, to *1S - . .- ■ , , ____ l derman iimiu-d M(-Kirov who won a AP.T'ANDAN ALDERMAN.' Criticism That Took Sculptor French’s Beaath Away. ■ A story is told of jin Allegheny-al- guin something politically. Now tt is being claimed that the “ gang” did not steal the ballot box, hnr that they did buy most of the votes. . The light at the last primary to down the “ gang" was a good move­ ment Jind in time to come will hear fruit. . That Central Coimnitteo meeting Jn Xenia last Saturday was conduct­ e d about on the same principles as was Andy’s primary - Fleeting men to conduct primary elections-who are- devoid. of both honesty and abillity is putting a .premium upon both. Are you, Mr- Farmer one of Andy’s traducers? I f you have taken the oath that you voted for Mr. Brown you are one of the 110 liars. . It’s to.he regretted that in clearing up the primary inistyey that men re­ sponsible for the situation cannot he reached instead of thpir “ tools.” ' One of theAndrew-Ridgway-Jack- son henchmen stated that a man that would sign the Blown .paper against Mr. Jackson would sell his Y.ote, and could’ the believed-under oath. patrons- -of ~the- - School District should feel proud over the clerk of the board. A-pret­ ty obstacle to have on the stage at the commencement •exercises-next month. • Tlie fact that Mr.'-Brown has can­ vassed- the township accompanied by a notary and taken the names of _the .men .under oath fhaf-..-y.ntecl for him has made Andy take to llib tall and uncut, Mr* Brpwn, is hot the only man that has Sobered at the hands of the “ gangsters". ’ Both Messers. O. T. Wolford and E. C. "Watt were ex­ ecuted in the same manner attempt­ ed on Mr. Brown.: Cherniy Orators, aTecognized gang­ ster of tlie first class, did not think break any of the Central Committee rules tohear Mr. Brown's ■ 1 ' gi * protest. Cheney is suclra cbnscient- fellow as was shown by the vote Arnold got in his ward. The Xenia'Herald snys that “ The Hon. Andy Jackson will star anoth­ er season in “ The County Chairman” Yds, during the past season Andy proved himself a star actor, for in­ stance his engagements at Wilming­ ton, the O. fib <fcj3» O. Horne and at the Xenia depot. . -The bets that* the “ gangsters” wore offering previous to the election that Mr. Brown would not get fifty, votes shows on the face of it wliafc the managers expected to tlo. From Jtr, Brown’s canvass it nowappears that Andy was the one that would not have had the fifty. place in. the hall of fame by reason of .a criticism that for tlie moment reptiered Daniel C, French, the sculptor, speechless, When Andrew Carnegie announc­ ed that he would present a B.tatue of Colonel William B. Anderson, the first ironmaster of Pittsburg, to the city of Allegheny Daniel C. French was given tlie commission. The statue was duly finished, and a committee of aldermen came to New York to inspect and decide, whether it was satisfactory, Mr. Car­ negie’s stipulation being that the finished work of art he subject to the approval of the city council. cIt is an extraordinarily beautiful work, representing a brawny blacksmith seated on his anvil with a great maul resting on one knee and a book on. tlie other. Mr. French’s idea was to symbolize the workman who used both brawn and brain."" The black­ smith,was resting between the heat3 of bis forgo and employed the in­ terval reading. ' . „ Five, members of the company- were unanimous in praise, one mov­ ing at once that the statue be ac­ cepted in behalf of the city, Then tlie critical Mr. McElroy' jumped to-liia feet, and said: “There is one point I want clear­ ed. I notice this blacksmith has- no shirt on. I never saw a blacksmith in my life who did not wear a shirt. If lie didn’t wear a shirt the sparks would fly and burn him when he strikes the hot iron.” , The sculptor was speechless.'This was a class of criticism to which he had no reply ready. But another member of the com­ mittee saved the day-—and tlie statue—to posterity. He explafnecT that the blacksmith' had probably removed the shirt to. cool off while reading. The sculptor breathed again. He permitted the committee to believe that washis purpose in showing the wonderful physical development' of the man of brain and muscle. The statue was then accepted, and the shirtless Anderson now occupies hie pedestal in tlib Haymarkeh square, 'Allegheny,. — Hew York. Press.' .■ ■, . • '■ A Clever Equivalent. Sir William Gull, the fumous Eng­ lish physician, Svas once the. vic- *tim of iin amusing piece of repartee on the part of a fellow practitioner. The occasion wns a dinner party, at which several distinguished medical men were present. The conversation happened to lawyer, was unrivaled, He was in genious, pays Barry O’Brien in his book of reminiscences entitled “ Irish Memories,” witty, trenchant, raking a witness by the Are of raillery or overwhelming himhv a series of per­ plexing question*. “Mv lord,'’ uk d one of his vic­ tims, “ I cannot answer Air. Curran, lie is putting me in s-vx-h a dol­ drum.” , , “A doldrum!”. exclaimed the judge, “Wliut is a doldrum, Mr, Curran1” “ Oh, my lord,” replied Curran, “ it is n common complaint with persons like the witness. It is a confusion of the head arising from a corrup­ tion of the heart.” ’ “ Sho St-isseded. Lady—Is this a Heights car? ■ Conductor—Yes’m. ' Step aboard,' please. Lady—.Well, what' time are you due at Willson ? Conduetor—Four-thirty. Please step aboard. .Lady—Just a moment. Would you accept a transfer that’s a little overtime ? . Conductor—Xo, ma’am. Say, wo are starting a blockade. j \ xg you go­ ing to get on or not ? ' •■ Lady--Yes, I—nh, Laura, here you are! Get on, the ear for us. duetor, Did you about— Ding,' ding!-- Dealer. I got him to hold Thank you, con- hetvr the story Cleveland Plain . Crushed. ^ . The cigar girl in ir Walnut street office building is red headed And is frequently teased al'out her hair by customers. She doesn’t let them worry her, though, and usually gives them as'goDd as they send. The other day. aVoting man'stepped up to the cigar ease and touched tlie girl’s hair with his. .finger. Draw­ ing back his hand quickly,,he. began to 'shake it. “My!” he. said. “ I. burned myself!” “ Oh, no, you didn’t,” came from the girl. “You’re away top-green to burn.” .When the youth heard several men near by laugh he found he had pressing busi­ ness outside.—Kansas City Times. | •HI....... . I..... .. ... C h a rlem a g n e 's H um or. Charlemagne was in need of amuse­ ment— ---- --------- - ----- ----- —— “ Why,” they asked him, “do you have such- a large number of court jesters in constant attendance, .on your royal person ?” , “Because,” he replied, with a right regal chuckle, “ I could not earn the surmuno of -‘The..Great’ were I not careful to51ceep my wits about me.” It is said that the courtiers died laughing.—Cleveland Leader, CASTQRIA .AVbgelablePreparolionfoi*As­ similating IteroodandBcguIa- linglhsStomachsandBowelsof iNFAjSfj S / '( HJU)RCN . Promolespigeslion.CheerPuL nessandflest.Gontainsneither OpitmUTorphinc norMiueral. ' N o t n , a t c o t i c , Mcaf/etfaMJk-SWUELimmt RenfOtMSiai" t Atx.Smna* .I- KotkelUSx/jf — . AoumStrU* JHtfxmmt r. HiCeriMuUcJtitk* Apetfecl llemedy forConsUpa- Oon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions.Fcverish- ness antil o s s OF S leep . TacSinuta Signature or HEW TOHK- / ■Alfa mou Ihs ulcl fj.^Dovr s —j ^ C. i n i s For Infants and Children. The KindYouHave Always Bought III Use For Over Thirty Years EXAQT COPYOF WRAPPER. ^'-S> ■ -* i : . ■ ■ ■ r-iin-iwawmi S P R I N G 1 9 0 5 , I . - ......................................... :: ............ ...... - ....... t DRESS FABRICS | No past season' have wo had such a nice collection or selec­ tion of styHah Dress Goods Figured Brillianto 50c. to $l.w Mohairs 5fJe to $1,75. Panama Cloths, Neat Pin Check Silks. Crepe do Chime, Foulards, Japanese Henrietta (.’laths, .Silk Shirt Waist Suits Spring Jackets, Sills Petticoats. Dressing Sacques,, -Under­ wear, Muslin'Underwear. • • W IN D OW DRAPERY . Scrims, new patterns; Madras, pretty styles; Ruffled Swiss CO g , 75 c , fin'd $1,00 a pair. Bohbinett $1.50, $2.00 $2A6 a pair. Nottingham 50c, excellent for $1.00 pair. Battci>M?rg $0.75 to $12.00 pair. Edimrdian $2.7>5, $3.75, $4. Jvory, Saxony, Bon­ ne Homme, Just imported. E ROOM RUGS. in great demand! and lowest prices shown $10.75 to $50. Ingrain Art squares $3-$10,75, Small hearth Rugs $1 to $5 ■■" Best assortment of styles. JIOTGHISOJI ,& GIBJtEV’S, | monejl XENIA, OHIO. IDA“»N£WORLEANS Tgr turn upon the sal ject of quackery, and Sir William. Gull expressed his conviction that' a'Certain amount of it was' essential" to success in prac- tice, adding: _____ “It is an example of the old, say­ ing, GPopulits vult decipi’ ” '(People like to be deceived). “Quite so,” said the host. “Now, can any one present givo an English equivalent to that ?” - “Nothing easier,” dryly remarked another physician; “ the public like to be ‘gulled.’ ” TAK& ' WrSNfcer CASSM IT’S A TENDER POINT with us to hear our meats criti­ cised. We avoid it by Handling only the. very choicest grades, - j TAKE OXJRSTAKES for instance. They are from fresh young steep, raised'cspe.cially for beef. TlukcM no finer iiieat pro­ duced in this or afiy oilier coun­ try. Try one and soo how much your appetite improves. It will bent all tlie tonics you ever took. C. H. CROUSE, Cedaroille, O; EXGflflllGE MM CEDARYILLE, OHIO. ACCOUNTS of erchants and In* •**• dividuals solicited. Colleetionr promptly made and remitted.) TtRAFTS on New York and Cin- cinunti sold at lov eat rates. 'The cheapest and most convenient way (to send money by mail. Chisago and Florida Special FLORIDA LIMITED laSBrrlwJun.t, XCOS A N D SOUTHERN RAILWAV .THROUGH PULLMAN SERVICE FR0A1 CHICAGO AND CLEVE­ LAND, BIG FOUR RbUTG; DETROIT AND TOLEDO, C 1 I & D AND PERE MARQUETTE SYSTEM; ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE, SOUTHERN R Y ; .TO JACKSONVILLE AND ST. AUGUSTINE, SOLID TRAINS CINCINNATI TO CHATTANOOGA,ATLANTA, BfRMING- HAM,SHREVEPORT,NEW CRLEAN3,JACKS0HVILLE,ST.AUGUSTINE. A lso Through Pullman S e rv ice to Knoxville, Asheville; Savannah, Charleston- Dining and Observation Cars ’on All Through Trains. Winter Tourist and Varlablo Route Tickets on Sale at Reduced Ratos, ForInformationaddressCliAS.W.ZELL, D.P.A. 4thnndltnceSln.Cinti. W. A. OARUCTT, CrncKil Uanngcr., c-rNcrsrNTAti'i. W, C. ItINEAUSON, GeneralFasBcngcrA-cnt. OANS made on Real Estate, Per- * sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres.;, W. J. Wildman, Cashier. 0 . L. Smith Asst, Cashier Gatalpa Speeiosa EIGHTEEN P R E n iU H S » to be distributed on T h u rsday , A u gu s t, 3 1 , ’05 The premiums will be paid in Gold as follows, First, $15; next five in $ io each; next twelve in $5 each. Ask for tickets on all 25c purchases. O . O . ' W ' E 2 I I V E 3 E ; i = £ . , ' Fresh and Salfc Meats, Fish, Oysters etc * F O R P O S T S CONSUMPTION’S WARNING INsomeconditionsthe * gain fromtheuse of Scott’s Emulsion is veryrapid. t For this reason we put up a fifty-cent size, whichis enough foranordinary coughorcoldor useful as a trial for babies andChildren. Inother conditions the gain is slower-^health cahnot be built up in a day* „ In such cases Scott’s Emulsionmust betaken is nourishment; afood ratherthanamedicine, It’s a fodfor tiredand weak digestions, &nii it Bowtie, 4%}«sr<*jist, . eiMMfit* (( • RtwYtfK fm tai All 4tuftHt§ ttgamagm .............. She Broka th« Spall. •“No, I’m not superstitious,” said A Citizen in conversation, “ but my Wife is. She went out yesterday and forgot her pafaeol, so she came hack and laid down her pocketbook to get her parasol, then went out and for­ got her pocketbook, so back she came the second time and sat down. “ ‘Aren’ t you going out?’ I asked, “ ‘Yes, hut if I went out the sec­ ond time without Bitting down to break the spell I would liav.e bad luck.’ * “ She got up and went out, and Jt saw that she had sat down on a brand new* silk hat that cost mo §8 and had ruined it. That wa3 not •fery good hick for me.” Football Test, of Character, President Roosevelt once attend­ ed a football match between Yale and Harvard university teams and eat by one of the Yale professors. Ho noticed one of tlie players who again and again failed to support his side at a critical juncture. Turn­ ing to the professor, he said, “What ' is your opinion of that man ?” The professor replied: “I advised the captain not to play that man. _ lie ■is Black at his studies. Being' sfack ! at work, lie will he slack'at play,” j “ Yes,” replied the president, “it" is i character that counts both in work : and play.”—G. B. Fry in London News. . ; Art Exemplary Congregation. “ Taking them one with another,” said a well known Chicago clergy­ man at a recent dinner, “ I believe my congregation to be the most ex­ emplary observers of the religious ordinances.” - “Why no?” asked his neighbor, a lawyer with .the cross questioning hadn't strong upon him. “Because the poor inthio congre­ gationof min#keepAllthefa«t« $pd fb* rich a Uth* tm ti,” Are you a sufferer? -HasTyeur-doclor-been—unnux- 9 ccssfui? Wouldn’t you prefer to treat .• yourself—AT HOME? Nearly 1,500,000women have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggists and have cured themselves at home, of such .troubles -as periodical, bearing down and ovarian pains, leucor-. rhcca, barrenness, nervousness, dizziness, nausea and. despond­ ency, caused byfemaleweakness. These ore not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when the doctor can’t. Wine of Cardui does not irri­ tate theorgans. There isno pain inthetreatment. It isa soothing tonic of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic,drugs. It is successful becauso it cures in natural way. Wine of Carduiyan bo bought from your druggist at $1.00 a bottle and you can begin this treatment today. Will you try it? S U B T E R R A N E A N WONDERS Inside facts soon become evident In outside symptoms.-—Sn. G..G. Gnsstr. QThe aid of scientific inventions is not needed to determine, whether your lungs are affected. The first symptoms can he readily noted by anyone ot average in­ telligence. ({There is no disease known that gives so many plain warnings of its approach as consumption, and no serious disease that can be s6 quickly reached and checked, if the medicine used is Dr. Boschee's German Syrup, which is made to cure Consumption. QIt is in the early Btages that German .Qifrlit\ eiinttl/J L a 4 a 1, au _..1.~^ uiu congestion or tue Dronciitat tunes and the gradual weakening of the lungs, ac­ companied by frequent expectoration. ({But no matter bow deep-seated yonr cough, even if dread consumption has already attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a Cure—as it has done before in thousands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble. ({New trial bottles, 35c. Regular eke, 75c. At all druggists. • Isaac- Wiateiman, Cedarville,0 . . Place orders early for spring plant­ ing. "Heavy demand; supply limited; 12 inch to ,18-Inch only at this date. Reference; Chas. Dobbins as to quali­ ty offstook-and growth— Also a full line of Fruit and Ornamental trees PRIDES RIGHT. STOCit FINE. CATALPA 85.00 per M. BLACK LOCUST $10 00 per M TECUMSEH NURSERIES, Cedarville, Ohio. Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High.and Limestone street Springfield, Ohio, The Genuine 1847ROGERSBROS’ Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. l! tUh Xn(/e. fllammothGave o Investors. - AND COLOSSAL CAVERN Are the most interesting of all the Natural Wouders inAmerica. These wonderful Cavermi are visited ann­ ually by thousands of tourists froth this country and abroad.* They are pronounced by ficientistfl llio most the most magnificent work of nature. Tf, would"well repay you to tnko the time, to make a visit, to them,' They arc 100miles south of Louisville Ky, near the LOUISVILLE &HfiSroiLLE R E. and the undersigned will be glad to quote you rates, givo train schedul­ es or send yyjlfat beautiful illustrated 4S page booklet giving aq iutererding description of these l'onmrkftblo places. • €, L, Slone< Gen‘1 Pass, -AcfcM. . ’ louisvilk,Ky. Profered stock in tlie Oedar- ville Telephone Company being offered to local investors at par. Xt is guaranteed to pay 6 per rent interest per annum and is*to be paid semi­ annually. Thestoclu.s Exempt from taxes. This iy a good investment for a home company where you have watched its progress and rapid growth. Inquire at he Exchange Bank or - D. Bradfute, Pres, I^S f<lll-jl'-Kw'1CTCkM*1'1 DO YOU WANT TO GOON A TOUR OF 0 EUROPE r The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune WILL TAKE WOMEN TO . EUROPE They will go as guests 6#The Com­ mercial Tribune absolutely FREE WITH ALLT3XP3CNBES PAID. \ have all the qualities in design, work­ manship and finish of the best ster- . ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. Much^of the sterling now on the market is entirely too thin and. light for practical use, and is far in- • ferior in every way to ‘ * Silver Plate that Wears ” Ask your dealer for “ 1847 ROGERS BROS.” Avoid substitutes. Our full trade-mark is ” 1847 ROGERS BROS." look for it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Before buyingWrite for our catalogue “ C-L. " . - ]\ tk « vitiokai , sit.vr.nco., fRiefxterarto MERIDEN 8RITANNU CO., Meriden, Conn. Btrkthir* nth ■Hark. Eberso le Pianos ' ABSOLUTELY DURABLE. “ Wo have for anumber of yearn used Kberaole Pianos Inthe Conservatory where they arc constantly subjected to tlib hard-, est kind of use. We have found the Ebersole to be a good," durable piano, well able to stand thewear and tearof tliemusic " Miss C laua .B'Xui!, DlreclresS pincinnati Conservatorydt Music. ■ WANtifAenrbnso nv The Smith &t Nixon Piano Co. 10 and 12 E. Eunttfi Street, CINCINNATI, O, Tailored Tncluiting t| tal and X a p o j tea o f the seal Dress Hc\ The new pd white or bbu*| Tams. Crash ami little girls mil bats o r KtrawJ style. Infants* Made o f mi laec, in a vm| 87Greet Klrl ■ j *< j b ■ , ■ ABLE-SICILIAN tlA L J u a HairRenewer t o f f i r<¥ £ W 0,rl0 ¥1?ll0i<''811,l i!Uarfc,rl«hcolor#used f? >»i”0*1>,P wlffng,jtrdwa long and he«vy«andall Ofl the y | fonrthBmile This farm is j than onb mill mill high Betti goo;l. LanJ Hico ymuq. tent fruit. fam . If in| dre-s?, , \VI 1 1 . f . D „ d 120 A C R f i H \