The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

I .iB - J ft ft Kinnane Brothers’ Gompany )a&OCO£?Od SPRINGFIELD, OHIO s* 22, 24, 26 and 28 NORTH FOUNTAIN AVE . We give absolutely free the.S. and H. Trading Stamps* We pay fare to Springfield on all purchases of $10,00 or over, in addition to the Low Quotations, THE OLD AND TRUE SAYING For the reason that supeess is an indication of Merit andAas, the influencing effect for others to pursue the same edurse. As we desire to still further extend our suit, coat and skirt business, and are equipped in every way to handle in successfully and to the great advantage to purchasers, we beg to proclaim the unbounded success which this Department o f our store has already at­ tained within the past month. Styles have come to us-fabrics o f the choicest nature—and we have woff wondrously. W e say to yt>u today, come and see the greatest feast we have prepared for you—the variety o f fashionable models and "materials, and to particularly observe the prices. - t i / . ' The prices will depend'upon yourself. W e begin with Silk Shirt Waist Suits at $12.50 and go up to $25.50 and easy prices between—but in the matter of Tailored Suits we begin these at $ 3.98 and go on up to $45*oo, and the variety is remarkable and tone most excellent, both with regard to those made o f smart woolen materials and the walking suit of silk. The collection o f Silk Goats that are now anxiously sought after is the finest seen in this city, starting at $10.00 up to $50.00. W e however,/quote four special numbers unusually priced as an introduction. ^ COAT RULES r'V To be sure Silks are_ goods, but the trim, big English Tan Covert is entrenched in first place. Nothing else sbljeaufifully sets off good tailoring*- nothing so well becomes the average woman. The fact the covert coats can be had fqr five dollars does hot lessen the charm o f a finer one at twenty. Here are these specials today: $5,00 COVERT COATS - Several shades and come in 21 and 24-inches lengths, loose or tight:fitting-effects, jaunty fly fronts, new col­ larless, or with notched lapel collar, silk lined and fine­ ly tailored. Later on these coats will command $7.00 or $8.oo. $8.50 COVERT COATS Comprising fine grade and covert cloth, worth all the way up to $12.00.. Plain weaves and fancy weaves, newest strapped,, welted or stitched seams, English box styles and other effects. These should find many ad­ mirers and quicker purchasers. $10.00 COVERT COATR Made in black habit dots and tan covert. This coat has a collarless effect, with tab of velvet trimmed in soutache on each side of the collar, also on each side of front of chat; other styles also which are the late production from the best designs.' - - - - 1 F o r i Work will that of any 'TWENTY- THEEASE) AL P . Tho latest tb primary situatife Frank Jackson aj who caused the B. Brown, D.*B. win Dean for <U m I have failed to si prosecuting flm <j prosecutingatton[ three cases, ■These' men, Ht spn, have by no; ‘'Messers. Bro-.vji Dean shown thus to prosecute tJje>.- was desired was t taken from the ro ing while the ma operation. • .To clear up (he tablisb' a preccdei -other precincts township will ixn carpet for viola!ii respecr. The pen $100 nor-more tin ment in the year, or both. Ti (four cases, one o i l . Voted in the pram*' tion. - The filing of c Brown and the a cases come up in h *retaliated by bringing dama; Messrs. Jackson With a large to zens of the town- to see some puno those whcTstoop ' the “ gang” and made of somnom rnption in our lions. ’ a d CARD 0 We desire to pi thanks and our preciation of all ful acts and the Us by our frieilrifF our late bereave i -pocially to than! Middleton, who the services. League,' Ladies Teachers, and Classes, who cent . ful „ flowers, w< thanks. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS . 000.00 Worth of high-class goods will be placed at your disposal at AUCTION. SATURDAY at 1:30 o’ clock, and continuing until everything is sold. Wo are postivoly going out of business and MUST HULL EVERY PIECE OP ■WOODS. : ‘ ................................. . WeNeedtheMoney, YouNeedthe Goods In this sale yon-will find ft choice assortment of the following goods: 1817 Rogers Bros, plated ware. Elgin, Hamilton anti Waltham watches, James Bros, Oresent and Wadsworth cases. Whiting, Towle and Gorham .Sterling silverware, Meriden, Homan and Forbes plated tea sets. HUNDREDS OF RINGS Chains, Brooches, Cuff Buttons, Waist Sets, Children’s Dress Sets, Belt Pins, Hat Pins, Thimbles, Lockets, Cut Glass, Clockf, Bric-a-Brac, Orna- mesilri, Chafing Dishes, Lh(lies’ and Gent’s Umbrellas, and inany othey Usings too numerous to mention, Everything must go and at anyprhw. nr; WOneed the money. Don’ t forget the time ami place, auction be&ty lag Saturday at 1:®> p. m. and continuing every afternoon and evening .jintil everything is sold. ' , For Bale:—rwo shoaiRready' for feeding. •,T. H. McMillan." George Boy, Isenlarglhghifilivery Wirti and making Improvements in goibocal.' • - A fresirsitp^dyoiQiiiJsegood cakes today. At Bird's. Mrs. W, R. Torrence of South Charleston *spent Thursday with' Mrs. Gray and faintly. -Remember Bryson’s stflo,. Thurs­ day, April, 20. At tile last meeting of the Board of Controlof the Ohio Experimental Station of Wooster, Mr. O.-E. Brad- fute was elected president. This Is Mr. Bradfuto’s fourth year as a member of the board. » Men’ s Fine Dress “ Trousers” $2.00. $2.50, $3,00, and $3.50, per pail1. At Bird’ s. Mr. and Mrs. Vurpillat, of Lan­ caster were guests of Editor and Mrs. Folley; but left Thursday evening for1Marion, Ind. where tliey will he the guest of Mr. V ’s parents for a few weeks. TheU, P. congregation at Pigua has extedded a call to Rev. .Tames McMichael of Xenia, He is a son of Dr. MeMicfiael x\dmior.ft-i>umbor.of years wfts*pTesTdonfc of Mo imouth ?olleger —Before cleaning liouse and select­ ing your now carpet call and see what we have’ and learn our prices, ,.T. H. McMillan. 4,S. Detroit St. Xenia, O, - You will soon need a refrigera- Call at f! . , * Am W t01’~ A gOO(l OHOis fOl*Sftte. | ; LOCAL AND PERSONAL ^ Warron Hamilton, who has Window shades, popular colors, Jb!?ej\ a sufferer with a tumor for papular price* at McMillans, (uomjffine was taken ion hospital in Mte- Bertha Dean has returned from ftwedi’fir visit with her aunt Mrs, Tims. Moure, near .lamestown. 'PiU-re v.ftftno school Thursday af­ ternoon owing to the funeral of: Prof. t’nmlftlFa father. » --Pot'’Halo; Duff Plymotith I’mk i'liiukf'tW, !'$&} i§ tTbtfl per la, J. U nfl i?4, rphom‘ ftb A ll Itp^ion, Thursday “ Carpehit’ *an elegant line to select from, in nil rapiwSosftomflj to 07!,>'(■ts. peryjml. At Bird’s, Hhcrilf Tarhox is having Ids pro- PU'ty Improved by the addifion/of aiiotiici1 Vtvihu Mr. Pierco will Imve bin shop enlarged and ,a new tihn\ HCCtOd, from Cedarville College Is expected to arriv'Mjds evening from PhilJWel- phia on his i(-ayinLUmols'whore ho expects to preach this summer. . '’Choice Poifttbeii' IdEls. pel' B ti . At Bird's.' Mr. and Mrs, ft. L. Sterrett of .South Charleston spentBabbathwith W. R. Sterrett anil family . - -Cottage rods and curtain poles at prices that defy ‘competition, at McMillans. , j Mr. Elmer Spahr opened his Ice cream parlor In the Crouse room Thursday. Ho has on display a fine Hnoojf candles, and by his knowledge > of the trade proves, that he lias the Fancy Layer FJg’s in lib boxes lOctjr;. At Bird’s A son was born to Rev. and Mrs. 6. H. Milligan, Monday morning. I have opened my candy store and lee cream parlor. Grices best cream always on hand. ’Elmer Hpahr. Rev. J. 0. Warimck of College Corner, lias accepted^ call to a U. P. church in East St Louis. Ho was pastor of the local U. P. congrega­ tion for several years. • —Fon R ent . House of four roomsr centrally lpcated. Apply at this of­ fice. In this issue can ho found a card of Mr. W. L. Clemans calling" atten­ tion that ho is now ready to sell your farm or will sell to those want­ ing to buy. He also will loan money on good security. Mr. (demans through his Insurance agency is in close touch witli all loans he repre senting an eastern man. As for the buying or selling of farms anil city property he Ts in position to save Doth purchaser and seller some money, Mr. and Mrs. T. N, Tarbox, enter­ tained the members of Rev, MiUl gan’s Sabbath-school class in a de- 'l|ghtful manner, Friday evening, The evening was spent in a socia way, and two prizes were awardet to the one answering the greatest number of questions on the tree. Mrs. Lydia Turnbull was awardet „ Jie first prize, a bound .volume of Mr. William Pollock, a gradUfttc ]jOWOipBpoans mKi Mr. Bert Turn­ er received the booby prize. Re freshments wore served and a good social time was enjoyed by all pre­ sent, %Yo aroTaylfigHclMDbirMbr Egp?" We are paying 8cts; per lb, for Bacon and Lard. At Bird’s idea InservingiCtiA-rcaiiv and soda. ( ’Ai^atJpn^ViUogiven ns souvenirs.. ^ • The cheapest place to get your ) enrpet paper is ill, McMillans. * ‘For sale cheap:—A good vefrigg ml or. ( ’nil nt Hiin o flim ... A meeting of the Greene County Mutual Insurance Society wna held last Saturday afternoon, for the pur pose of setlleingin full With Mr. J, B. Conner for the loss of bis home by lire last Thursday. The house and contents were valued at $2,300, This is the greatosr. Joss tjio comp­ any has had since it’s organization. 8 Cans Corn, for 23cts. 8 Cans Tomatoes, 23ets. At Birds, ,^Mr. anil Mrs.LooRifo wore called to SKrunoutii, 111., last week, owing i« the,death of M;s. Rtfo’ s mother* ■ ■ ■ j.-'ftfr. Frank Bhepberd and wife, of Dayton, wore the guests of friends 1bore Hnndny. To Cure a Cold In One Day QuinineTablets AMATTEL Seven Millionboxes sold in past 12 months. T h k S ignature* Cores Crip • . in TWo Days* on every box. 25c. EASTERSHOESOFKNOWNQUALITY 5 s * b I f there be one season of the year when a person Wants some­ thing strictly proper in footwear its at lis te r . W e have prepared fo r you coming with all that is swell m Shoes, and Oxfordseitber black or Russia tan, made on the shapes that fit the foot, the fash­ ion and your idea of expenditure. The NewStyles are Smart and Dressy F o r t h e L a d i e s Prices are reasonable g$ct $R35, $ * 4 5 , $x*go, $ 2 4 5 and $ 2 4 0 . For the Gentlemen Prices are moderate 95c, $ 1>a 5 » $** 5 °» $1*90, $2.50, $a*oo and $3.50; ^ Boys, Misses and Childrens Shoes, Oxford Ties and Strap Sandals aro a special feature with ms. A great variety of correct shapes are shown in a comprehensive assortment of sizes from 50c to $1.90 wo want you to, come in and look through our lines when in Bpringflold and compare quail tv and prices, Young & Nisley, SCHEDULEFORASSESSORS. The. thirty assessors for Greono County, before starting out Monday, were provided with (lie .following schedule of prices for use In estimat­ ing (he value of personal property for taxation: Fat cattle, 4 cents: stock cattle, 8 14 cents; milch cows, $25; sheep, $3.50 per head; bogs', fat and stock, $i;G0; horses and mules, $75; wheat 75 cents to $t; corn 80 to 40 cents; oats,25 cents; rye, 65cents; clover seed, $6,50; timothy seed, $1, 25; timothy liny* $0; clover and timo­ thy mixed, $5; potatoes, 25 cento; wool, old so cento; lobaeco, 0 cents j , pianos, $100, • j LowFaresToCalifornia ■ViaPennsylvaniaLines. April 10th to litI) inclusive, excur­ sion tickets to HimFrahsieo and Los Angeles, account Besslons of the Woodmen of theWorld, and Women of Woodcraft, will be sold from all stations on the I’e.nnsylvania Lines, For full'information regarding fares, routes, time of trains etc., apply to Local Ticket Agent of those lines. April loth excursion tickets to (Jo- Limbus via Fonnsylvania Lines will bo sold at $1.'X>round ,trip from (led* arviliegpod going on Special Train leaving at 0:5? a, m „ Central Time, I h a Y e Farms toSell and can sell youts FAHM ItOAJlS five years. t fire Tornado and Life Insuranae w . Ag*> IT* Abso UASMO A A 'm '>x 1 i H ■ If a v«»t.< most popul Got would rec| jority.. _ It is tln'l bous, It goes fail results til over inilhl But dmj it-try it I conviuf i X IN: \ / 1 . \