The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
The Cedarviife Herald, $ t,o0 IPGr Year* K A .B W I I3UL-I* " - E d i t o r , X^RIDAY, APRIL 2 ; ‘ EdWiyWMHSWWMMMM <»lilacpaM MfWIfMfcW Wmimmmmm ‘’3 of no !SJU5il!!!i.Lll!t^"3SSS2E!!!SiSl!l!55Slr-—-— — ■ «jr. flamuel Paxton, of yellow BjirhitTS v,as tho guest lUo first of tUo vveoji (if I)io daughter, Mis. (ilyito- Koi’tliup. - Mra \v. J{. ifloir, of lowland. was the-, guest Eabliath of her mother, Sirs. -Tfene Satterfield. ^ Mr. and Mrc. Chast. Nesbit, of Lqvo* ' land, were giu’Rta the fust of the wetftt of relatives here. «* Mies Allie, Hood has returned from a or lUo Tveelis with- her eoustU, Mrc. B. P. Wygant, at Columbus. • ' • Mte.i firarc Stevenson, of Lebanon, hu» retimed ■home after a pleasant Vuit with Miss Bessie Hopping. ^Mr, Joseph McFarland; of Payton, wrm tho guest Saturday and Sabbath of his parents a t this place. Mr. J, H-. Lott has returned from visit at Peebles, 0., whore he attended the funeral of Mr. Hdwln Cobbler father at that place. ■, - Mr. and Mrs; George M. Ramsay, Los Angeles, Cal., are the happy, par ents of a girl, Vcran Margaret Ram- sey, Thursday, April G. Mr. John Wilson. who haU been li censed to preach by the Dayton Pres ' bytery, left Monday evening for Chi r ' cago where he will visit for a, few- days going later to Berlin, 111., wheie will preach this summer; Miss Ella Pierce, of Xenia, was the guest Sabbath of her brother, Mr. .Tolin P;ieree. Mr., and Mrs. Jatfte 3 McClellan -left Monday evening for Indianapolis aftei a two week's visit with relatives here .Miss Jennie White, of Cincinnati, . cousin of Mrs. McCliesney, delivered •Missionary address Tuesday afternoon at the R. P. church on tho subject, 4 City Missionary Work.” , Mr. Charles Nifibet and family, oF Loveland, spent Saturday and Sabbath With Mrs Andrew Winter and family Dr, E. C. Oglesbee was in Daytou Tuesday where he attended tho opera tion of Mrs. Warner Hamilton-who has-been suffering from a tumor for romc-months. The patient, itmlcrwfrni the operation very succersfu, ly and continues to improve. HonAWilliam •Jennings) Bryan. loc- ' tores in Springfield,Friday evening on the subject “Tlie Value of an Ideal.” Miss Lula Glaser in “A Madcap Prin cess,” a comic opera written from “When Knighthood Was in Flower’ appears at the “Grand'opera house; the .same evening. " Louis Smith, Charles Jeffries, Clif ford Keyes and Ida Hickman were all arrested in Dayton after a disturbance on a Dayton & Xenia traction car. Smitlv was held in Dayton- and. fined $100 and the costs and ront to the works for carrying concealed weapons. Jefferies and Keyes were fined $17.20 each while the woman was .dismissed. A prominent farmer in one of the largest school districts in the township concluded, that hxv would canvass his district to see just how the vote stood 'for J. S. Brown for Central Commitjtee- nrnn, • in making his roiintte-fafL^Talrns that he,only found two men that voted • for Mr, Jackson. Mrs. Geo. Sroufe and daughters, Dora and Amy, are visiting relatives a t Euon anil will later remove to Marietta, Ga., where Mr. Sroufe has secured,a posi tion with the paper mill at that place. Mr, Martin Coffey was the guest of Dayton friends Sabbath.” Mr. E. S. Kelly, tho millionaire and former rubber tire king, lias had made a mahogany chest and In it he will have twenty dozen pieces of sliver placed. Tfie chest w't1l then be pre sented to his daughter, Miss Leah, who on April 25, will become the bride of . Mr, George Foos. The wedding will take place at the Second Presbyterian church, Springfield, a reception being hold at the Arcade hotel afterwards. If a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to Invent milk. Milk Is Na ture's emulsion—butter put In shape for diges tion. Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest It. Scott’s Emulsion combines the best oil with the valuable hypo* phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does far more good than the oil alone could* That makes Scott’s Emulsion the most strengthening, nourishing food «medi cine In the world. . , Oorul for froo cfimplo. SCOUT & DOWNS. 4O0.--4f0Pearl Qtrmi miv York mb* *ind $hO0* AU 4ru*gibto — tanesrerrserr Dr. KENNEDY'S FAVORTE REMEDY Pleasant to take, Poweriu l to Ciiya, .AndWelcome Au e v e ry H om e , KIDNEYandLIVERcure. Dr. Ketuwify’iiFavoriteRemedy la adapted IliaiH’UlK'l---------— „« „-s. . ... tioad, such on, Kidney. tladdcr and Wvctf Ccm- _ ..............apesmill bathacxi»,oflordlnKjifr- iiiamta reliefmail eases caused by Impurity uftho To Put on Fleah. Thin peoplo should try to take life easily, Worry wears away the flesh, and the same remark applies to fits of temper, habitual jealousy, envy and all excitement, Thin peo ple should avoid vinegar and pickles. Claret is siot good for them. The articles of diet that help in fat for mation are numerous. Among them are chocolate, cocoa, sugar, fat meat, milk, cream, stout, butter, fish cook ed in oil, salads dressed with oil. Cod liver oil is fattening in itself, and it helps in'thc disposal of other foods. . A .person, taking, say, one tablespoonful of cod liver oil every day will often put on a weight of flesh greater than that of tho oil. ' bashfu C h X wthorne . Tho Great Author Avoided Company and Loved Seclusion.. The habit of seclusion was a dis tinct trait in the family of Nathan iel Hawthorne, One person, howev er, writes Mrs. Davis in “llils. of Gossip,” had no mind to encourage this habit in the great novelist. This was Miss Elizabeth Peabody, Mrs. Hawthorne’s sister. It was.her mis sion, she felt, to bring the great nov elist . out from solitudes where he walked apart to the broad ways o ' _common sense. Mrg, Davis happen ed to be present fit her grand ark: hist coup to this end and describes it asTollows: One evening I -was with Mrs. Hawthorne in the little parlor in Conpord when the children brought in their fai her. Suddenly Miss .Pea body appeared in the doorway. She •Righted the lamp, went out am brought in more lamps and then eat down and waited, with an air of stern resolution.' „ Presently Mr. .Emerson and his daughter appeared, then Louisa Al- cott and her father, then two gray old clergymen, who were formally presented to Mr. Hawthorne, who now looked about him with terrified dismay. We saw other figures ap proaching in the road outside. “What does this ..mean, Eliza beth?” Mrs. Hawthofne asked in an aside. “I did it. I went around and ask ed a few people in to meet our friend here. I ordered some eake and lem onade too.” Her blue eyes glittered with tri umph as Mrs. Hawthorne turned away. “TheY’vq been here two years,” she whispered, “and nobody has met Mr, Hawthorne. Peoplo talk. I t’s, ridiculous! There’s no reason why Sophia should not go into society,’so I just made": an-ex cuse of your visit to bring them im Tlie little room was quite full when t/here rustled in a woman who came ■ straight to Mr. Hawthorne. I never heard her name, but I knew h,er at sight as the intelligent ques tioner who cows you into idiocy by her fluent cleverness. ' “So delighted to meet you at last!” she said, seating herself be side him, “I have always admired your books, Mr. Hawthorne.- And- now I want you to tell me all about your methods of work. I want to hear all about it.” But at that moment his wife camo up and paid that he was wanted outside, and he escaped. A few moments later I heard his steps on the floor overhead and knew .that lie was safe iif tlie tower for the'ilighl. Civscring Him Up. \ “Ye-es,” Mr. Billings said reluc tantly in reply to his friend’s re mark' that Mrs. Joyce was' “an aw- "fully sweet little woman” “So cheerful! ' Always sunny; always looking” on the bright side!” Bil lings’ friend continued enthusias tically. ' - * “There’s such a thing as overdo ing that ^bright side’ business,” said Billings, “The qther.night I was- up.there and Joyce—you know how absentminded lie' is—put the lighted end of his cigar in his mouth. He jumped three feet and was a little noisy for a minute. Right in the midst of it all Mrs. Joyce smiled blandly and said: “ ‘How fortunate you were, dear, to discover it at once!' ” : SECRET BENffA'CTOliS. Persons Who Give Liberally Without Disclosing Gantts,’ Anonymous g ifis to charities are common enough, but it may be news to readers that there is a pec? ’lion -o f the ooi..mnnity who give largely and regularly and who have a positive dread of'anybody in the world Knowing tlmt they have so iliti- poetd-of u penny, savs Tit-Bits. Mr. Dibdin, the t-'teivhiry of the- National* Lifeboat iu-tilution, in formed the writer that he was going into his outer cilice one day when a man entered ami inquired, “Is Mr. llibdin in?” “Yes,” said the official a*.kcd for. “Do you wish to see him?” “Oh, no,” the stranger re plied. “It will do just as well if you give this envelope into his own' hands,” And so saying lie handed over the envelope and hurried out of the place, Wnen i.t was opened it was found to contain a £1,000 bank note. Another old man entered the of fice one evening some seventeen or eighteen years ago, remarking, “As I happened to be passing, having no ticed the name outside, I thought I would look in .and sec’if-you were in waift of uToney.” The secretary assured • h im . that the institution was constantly in need of money. ■Without producing any at that mo ment, tlie caller then proceeded'to talk polities and asked for Mr. Dib- 'din’s views'on Mr. Balfour and other statesmen who were^prominently be fore the public. Tljie visitor-appear ed to agree heartily with all that the secretary said, and presently," as if to show his appreciation of these views, ho produced a bank note and on-the desk. They still, went on talking poli tics-, and in a little while the old gentleman brought' out' another bank note and laid it- on top of the first -one. Presently he added a third/fourth, and fifth to the pile, and Mr. Dibdin,.then coming to the conclusion that it was the politics that-was doing i t , ’keptjon talking it as long as he could.. Soon £J,- 000' worth of bank notes lay on -the table, and then the caller, who declined to give his name, abruptly walked out of the office and has nev er been seen or heard of since by the- oflicials of the institution. The London Bible Woman’s mis sion was fortunate to enjoy a some what similar experience onoo ovory year for several years, ATi elderly man walked into the office oneu an nually and inquired what was the total amount of the mission's deficit.' When hearers informed of it ho put down the money and walked out, From this source the mission receiv ed £8,000 -in ail, a single donation on one occasion being for as much .as £3,000. . T ake W INE*’ GANDHI A ? S i O M E *■' - •* . Arc you a sufferer? Has ycur doctor been tlnsuc* (3 ccssfui? • Wouldn’t you prefer to treat , yourself-— AT HOME? Nearly 1,BOO,000women have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggists oncl luive cured, themselves at home, of such troubles as periodical, bearing down and; ovarian pains, leucor- rhcoa, barrenness, nervousness, dizziness, nattsca and despond ency, censed byfemale weakness. These are not cosy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when tho doctor can’t. Wine of Cardui does<not irri tate tho organs. There is no pain in tho treatment. It is a soothing tonic of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic drugs. It is successful because' it cures in a natural way, » Wine of Cardui can be bought from your druggist at $1,00 a bottle and you can begin this treatment today. Will you try it? ta ca ?£9 foqttirinffBrocf<ilroottouiu ddress* giving symptoms,TUo Indies*. __a*iso?y iBopt.,. Tho Cbattnnoog* MOdiclAO ICO., Cbattanoog&y Scrnu S U B T E R R A N E A N WOND E R S iMBTOWni T5ie Kim! Tou Havo Always Bought, and -which has been. In use. for over SO years, has Borne the signature o f and has been made under Ids per sonal supervision since its infancy, Allowno one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations a n d ««Just-as-good” are butt Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o f Infants and Children—IExperience against Experiment* What Is Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, i'are* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ■ substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aliases Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles* cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates tho Food, regulates the stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend .. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of TheKindYouHaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. - THCCCNTAUR<OMPAl«Vt TVMUKHAV•THEET, MCWYORKCITV. IT ’S A TENDER POINT with us to heai’ our meats criti cised. We avoid it by handling' oiila&yje very choicest grades. TAKE OUR STAKES for instance. They are from fresh young steers, raised especially for hoof. There’s no finer meat pro duced iii th is o r any other conn- try. Try one find see how much your appall to improves. I t will heat all the tonics you over took, H . C H O U S E , Cedarville.l O. THE LIVER QUA&Ah LINE Alt Wore Falao Harr, Ono evening during a friendly dance and while the company was in tlie midst of a lively quadrille a FAI ffc^QAI FAVIFOW oung gentleman (?) pulled a long L / \ y L I \ I i mir plait' out of his pocket and, holding it up, exclaimed,.“Whoso is this plait?” At this all tho ladies present, by an involuntary impulse, put their hands to the hack of their heads. Tho dodge had worked. Our. tvag had found out what lie wanted to lciiow.—Paris Journal. MammothGave ToInvestors. AND Are the most interesting of all tho Natural Wonders iu America. These wonderful Caverns a re vlsitcd- ann - imlly by thousands of tourists from th is country and abroad. They are pronounced by scientists the most tho most magnificent work of nature. I t would well repay yon to take tho time io make a v isit to them. They are 100miles south of Louisville Ky. near(he indignant. It was tho bailie’s first day on the bench. When the first prisoner waa T. Tt„ n brought before him im asked, “Are LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE E, R, you guilty or not guilty ?” “Not guilty!” replied the ................ man promptly* ( “Not guilty!” exclaimed the bai- 1D- ‘‘Then wlrnt are ye dopin' hero ? Tnlt* that man awix’, polisman, an* bring in nno that io guilty, an’ I'll gin him tatty: daytI”^London Btandard, find the undersigned w ill lie glad Io quote you rates, give train schedul es or send you a beautiful illustrated 48 page booklet giving ah interesting description of those remark able places. C, L, Stout, Ctu’l Paw, Agent, . Louisville, Ky, Pi'efored stoclciu the Oedar- gVille Telephone,. Company is T)eing ofFeral-toToeal investors at par. I t is guaranteed to pay 6 per cent interest, per annum and in to he paid semi annually. The stock is Exempt from taxes. Thiftis a good investment for a home company where you have watched lfu progress and rapid growth. Impure at the Exchange Bank or D. Hjradfute, Pres. Gatalpa Speeiosa FOR PO ST S “ TAXING b is meals o u t.” ((Hurried eating has ruined many a man’s stomach, The digestion-destroying pro cess is gradual, often unnoticed at first, But It is only a short time until the Hirer balks, the digestive organs give way, and almost coupticss fits assail the man who endeavhrs to economize time at-the ex pense of his health. ’ HA torpid liver causes a quarantine of the entire system, It locks in the diseased Place orders early for spring plant ing. Heavy demand; supply limited; 12 inch to 18-inch only at this date. Reference: Clins. Dobbins as to quali ty of stock and growth. Also a full lino of Fruit' and Ornamental trees PRICES .RIGHT. STOCK-FINE. CATALPA $5.00 per M. BLACK LOCUST $10.00 per M TECUMSEH NURSERIES. Cedarville, Ohio. Mam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner* High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio, a sluggish liver and constipation are uu- known^iM^are all stomach ailments, ns well as indigestion, ilyspepsia, heartburn, headaches and kidney and blader affec tions, No well-regulated family should bewithoutthisstandard remedy. • <|Two sizes,”z 5 c and 75 c. - All druggists. Isaac Wisterman, Cedarville,0. DO YOU WANTTOGO ON A TOUR OF 5 EUROPE T The , Cincinnati •Commercial - Tribune WILL TAKE WOMEN TO EUROPE They will go as guests of The Com mercial Tribune absolutely FREE WITH ALL EXPENSES PAID. S P R I N G 1 9 0 5 . DRESS FABRICS No p a st season have we had sm b la nice collection or i-elec tion of stylish Dress (loods v " - . Figured B rilliants 5<k> to $1.<U Mohairs 0 -c to $1.73. Panama Cloths, N eat Pin Check Silks. Crepe de- Chime, Foulards, Japanese H en rietta Cloths, Hill: Sh irt -Waist Suite Spring Jackets, Silk Petticoats. Dressing Barques, Under wear, Muslin Underwear. . - - ■ . ’ WINDOW DRAPERY.. Berlins, now patterns; Madras, p re tty sty les; Ruffled Swiss 60c, 75c, and $.1.00 a pair. Bobbinett $1.50, $2.00 $2.75 a pair, Nottingham 50c, excellent for $1.00 pair. IJat teiibrrg $0-75 to $12.00 pair. Eduard iou $2.75, $3.75, $4.. Ivory, Sakony, Bon ne Homme, Ju st. imported, ROOM RUGS. In great demand and lowest prices shown $10,75 to $50. Ingrain A rt squares $“-$10.75. Bmall 'hearth Rugs $i to $5 U Best assortment of. styles. ~ W flUTCfUSOJIJS GIBftEY’S, XENIA , ’ OHIO .' EXGHHJIGE BAM CEDARVILLE, OHIO. MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE PRICES ON ACCOUNTS o f erebants and In* dividuals solicited. ColDotioftr promptly made and remitted.J lYRAFTS on New York and Gin* , ^ cimrati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest aud most convenient way (to send money by mail, T OANS made on Real Estate, Per- ^ sonal or Collateral Security. i William Wildmnn, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W. .J. Wildman, Cashier. O. L. Smith Asst, Casbier VEHICLES*” HARNESS W e sell our entire product direct to 'th e U3©r at wholesale prices and guarantee s WE INV ITE YOU TO CALL AND IN SP EC T OUR WORK LARGEST STOCK We carry the largest stock of vehicles ou our repository floor" o f aiiy concern in the world. All of latest style, thoroughly reliable vehicles. Our line includes Carriages, Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons,, Station. Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts, Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, Carts, etc. COME AND S EE US BEFORE MAKING YOUR ' P U R C H A S E . WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY CATALOGUE FOR 1905 I , Send for our free catalogue. To out-of-town buyers who cannot cojne to see us, we should be glad to send, on request, our illustrated catalogue,'by means of which you can buy as safely and satisfactorily aS- if on the ground, . . ' ■ PRICE*..... $50.50 Extra 3-4- Rubber Then, 513 .'”' Guaranteed as good In every way by middlemen for from $ 7 0 to ~ some of the good points. Has self-oiling, dust-proof axles. Full wrought Brewster fifth- wheel with bent reaches mor tised Into the head bloclt. OU tempered and tested springs Wrought steel Bailey body.i Strictly second growth hlckorywheels.wlth tires puton Bi ■ ............. loops, , hot. Bradley shaft couplers Full length bottorocarpet. Rub- ber step pads. Sprlhfr back and spring cushion. Finest finish throughout. Tho greatest Bug* gy In tho World at the Price. NO. 3 0 7 0 . NEW YORK BUGGY. THE MANUFACTURER can always offer you moreTor your nio'ney thuii"the middleman., the only hoftsa iu the State of Ohio selling direct to the consul manufactures the vehicles aud harness they offer for sale. We are mer who No. 4066 . STRAIGHT SILL SURREY PR ICE $ 81.50 Extra 7-8 Rubber Tire*, $ 1 5 : 0 0 - No. 4066is a light, compact vehicle withample seating ca pacity for four large persons. Furnishedwith bellcol lar self-oiling axles. Oil temperedand tested springs. Full bcttOm . wrought ■ fifth-wheel. Strictly second growth wheels. Full length velvet carpet. Bradley shaft couplers. Hlittl- sometyfinlshed. Guaranteed as good ns sold by others for Sa;.oo to $35.00 more than our price. H A R N E S S We Manufacture 65 STYLES Highest Quality— Wholesale Prices GUARANTEE A SAVING NOT L E S S THAN 2 6 ^ Our No. 246 Single Strap Driving Harness PRICE $ 12.60 GENUINE RUBBER MOUNTINGS, Extra $1.75 Wo carry 2000 tot* ot Marne** In dock amiwigxw.xwifc!*wteoaMca: COMEAND SEC..US OFFICE—REPOSITORY—FACTORY South High Street, crossing Hocking Valley Railroad, Terminus Electric Car Lina. 20 minutes ride Irani corner Broad and High Streets Tht — — ------ — ColumbusCarriage&HarnessCo. COLUMBUS* OHIO Vegetable* liver pills. That is what they are. They cure c o n s t i p a t io n , biliousness, sick4ieedache. TrttiirTirfl[iuift)i ■, Iidwoft,M*»*. “-Buff, and B. Hock ccckewle, “ Dobbina. ■ J Want yoiir moustache of fteArd RlinKINRH flYF aboautiftil brownerrichbtoclt?Use t
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