The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
wa»WWi»wH>i .nrwnnuwiw The -fjB H -x ? J, xz?*Hrx»*4i~t^~*arincmur-. M A IN S P R IN G F IE L D <JC<JCOOC< 22, 24, 26 arid 28 NORTH FOUNTAIN^AVE, ^ i Mf y y w V W V l w V V V V V ^ f > * ^ |V %f^ ' ' ,V ^ ,0 *r¥^ ^ ^ 9 ”» * ■ * "We g ive absolutely free the S, and H, Trading Stamps, W e pay fare to Springfield on all purchases of $10,00 or over, in addition to the Low Quotations, THE OLD AND TRUE SAYING LIKE For the reason that success is an indication of Merit and has the influencing effect for others to pursue the same course. As we desire to still further*extend our suit, coat and skirt business, and are equipped in every way to handle in successfully and to the great: advantage to purchasers, we beg to proclaim the unbounded success which this Department of our store has already at tained within the past month. Styles have come to us—fabrics of the choicest nature-~and we have won wondrously^ W e say to you today, come and see the greatest feast we have prepared foryou—the variety of fashionable models and materials, and to particularly observe the prices. * ' The prices will depend upon yourseJf. W e begin with Silk Shirt Waist”S u J^ a tr^ .so and go up to $25.50 and easy prices between— but in the matter of Tailored Suits we begin these at $3.98 and go on up to $ 45 *oo, and the variety is remarkable and tone most excellent, both with regard to those made of smart woolen materials and the walking suit of silk. The collection of Silk Coats that are now anxiously sought after is the finest seen in this city, starting at $10.00 up to $50.00. W e however, quote four special numbers unusually priced as an introduction. COVERT COAT To be sure Silks are goods, but the trim, big English Tan Covert is entrenched in first place. Nothing else so beautifully sets o ff g o o d , ta i lo r in g— nothing so well becomes the average woman. The fact the covert coats can be had for five dollars does not lessen the charm of a finer one at twenty. 'Here/are these specials today: $ 5 ,0 0 COVERT COATS Several shades and come in 21 and 24-inches lengths,, loose or tightfitting effects, jaunty fly fronts, new col-' larjess, or with notched' lapel collar, silk lined and fine ly tailored. Later on these coats will command $7.06 or $8.00. « . $ 8 ,5 0 COVERT COATS Comprising fine grade and covert cloth, worth all the way up to $i?,oo. Plain. weaves and fancy weaves, newest strapped, welted or stitched seams, English box styles and other effects. These should find many ad mirers and quicker purchasers. u ^ $ 1 0 0 0 COVERT COATR Made in black habit dots and tan covert. This coat has a collarless effect, with tab of velvet trimmed in soutache on each, side of the collar, also on each side of front of coat; other styles also which are the late production from the best designs; GOING OUT OF BUSINESS $ 10 , 000.00 Worth of high-class, goods will bo placed a t .your disposal tit AUCTION SATURDAY a t 1 :30 o’clock, and continuing un til everythingis sold. We arc postively going out of business and MUST SELL EVERY P IECE OR GOODS. WeNeedtheMoney, YouNeedthe Gods Tho Chloroform Age. • There was nothing now in Dr. Os ier's little joke, about applying chlo roform at 'tiio age of sixty.' Th$ idea antedates the discovery, of chlo roform by twenty-live centuries or so. One o f the Greek islands in tho iEgcan sea is called (’cos. The tra ditions of this island arc exceedingly old. The place is chiefly renowned now for its raisins, but there was. a time when it was. famous for its laws. The excellence of these lawB was so generally recognized that the phrase “Cean laws’* passed into a proverb.; One of these “excellent” laws,, which “forbade.a citizen,” in the language of the Encyclopaedia Briiannioa, “to protract, bis life be yond sixty years, affords a curious instance of the application of the ■utilitarian principle.” DIDNT GET THE JOB." I . * ■*- ,».■' lit th is sale you will And a choice assortment of the following goods: M 7 Rogers Eros, plated ware. Elgin, Ham ilton and Waltham watches, .Tallies Bros. Cresent and .Wadsworth cases. Whiting, Towle and Gorham ste rling silverware, Meriden, Homan and Forbes plated tea sets. HUNDREDS OF RINGS Chains,-Brooches, Guff Buttons, W aist Sots, Children’s Dress Sots, Belt T'in.q, H a tP in s , Thimbles, Lockets, O u tc la ss. Clocks, Bric-a-Brac, Orna ments, Chafing Dishes, Ladies’ and Gent’s Umbrellas, and many other fling s too munerons to mention. Every thing m ust go and a t any price, f<Wo need tho money. Don 't forget the time and place, auction' begiri- ifig Hatnrday a t l;8» p. in. and continuing every afternoon and evening until everything is sold. Odd Nemos For Nowspapers. The names of American newspa pers are a study in nomenclature. In Arkansas arc the Buzz -Saw and the Back'Log; California, the Con dor, the Wasp and the Tomahawk; Colorado, the Rattler and Yesterday and Today*; Iowa, the Postal Card, the Unit, the Nucleus and the Fire brand; Kentucky, the Salt River Tiger, the Push, the Boomer; Mis souri, the Missing Link and tho Cyclone; Nevada, the Rustler. Ok lahoma rejoices in the Dinner Bell and the Plain People. South Da kota has a Plain' Talker. In West Virginia is the Irrepressible. Mis souri lias the Crank and tho Enter ing 'Wedge. Wyoming reads Bill Bal- on’s Budget;—Philadelphia Ledger. Why Quo Man Is Now Careful About f*. Stamping Envelopes. _;“I know a man who lost a good jub once by doing that,” said the tall, slim man in tho lobby of <ho "Stafford. * . “Doing what ?” asked the short, fat man who was putting a stamp on an envelope. • I “Why,” said the tall man, “stick ing a stamp on lopsided.” “You don’t say I” ° “I do,” said Harold D. Stauf fer of New Orleans. “It happened that I was the young man. _ lt was not so many years ago either. A pa- I per in Galveston hadnuivertised for a proofreader in 1893, and at that time I was out of work and needed a place badly. The salary was good, the work congenial, and I had enjoy*-1 cd some little experience at it with j satisfaction to mysdf. So I wrote a formal application, addressed the envelope and hurriedly stuck a 1 stamp on about a quarter of an ineli northeast of the proper position and zigzaggv across tlie'lop. _A few days , later H received this answer: ECLIPSE ALL OTHERS 4 ,SrDetroit St* W1K0NA LAKETHISSEASON W.H he Particularly Attractive for an Out* Sliif. ' ■jiiti feisiutiui* t-.i Urn... is to to an especially oKraOtivc r-r.«tn at. Win-Uia Lake, the hew* Hiiil resort id Niutliwn Indiana on t!.e} I', miaylvaiila Line-, The I’li-shyririan. t: j.M’j! Ar-.einUy no the Jtavj j '.‘U. uit.Tmimsa have j l. -.u d for the r-titiinier t-nrirfaln-j 'flirrMiill l-> (onv.lition-turel to .1 G:if and f«Ifafoua <'(*nfcui(.'*3 from May until i\ j.frmb. r* ,’fluvlibrary p ,tl„awill he Denjitmt. In brut it will ! e a tutss |;r'ti*taUa' j .i,ft f;ltt<a{ions?jy. TfartiofWuG du ll His tvlw*at‘uni thefhlnc tner School toll derive Jmioh benchf, RWinona Lake boa golf Jinks, tennis courts bascbaP and cricketgrounds, boating, fish* big, swimming and eainpbig facilities, 'flic I’tknwylvajiia Lines run direct to the park <;!i franco, Keasou nnd iiftceieday Mcur* r.lon tickets may bo obtained from tick-el agents of tho Pennsylvania Junes, Infor mation about- Winona hallo, tin? season’s program, hotel actnff laudations etc., cAn bo ascertained from 8, 0 Hickey, FoerMary and firm rnt Manager, Winona Lake, ind. 13 , Tho ley Cold lr» Tibet. One who went with Colonel Younghilsband to Lassa wrote of "V* * A hardships encountered as fol- A 6 H 1 3 . J U « lows: "Despite the protection of al most arctic clothing one shivers un til the atm rises over the eastern hill nt 10 o’clock and shivers again when it sinks behind the opposite one at 3. Icy winds sweep the valley,, and hurricanes of dust invade one’s tent. Against this cold one clothes oneself in flannel vest and tshirt, sweater, flannel lined coat, poshieen or Kash mir sheepskin, wool lined Gilgit hoots and fur or woolen cap With flaps meeting under the chin, The general effec t is barbaric and pictur esque,” ; ’ “Dear Sir— Your application has been places on fito; but, while alt other qualifi cations Boom to be present, tiro eareless- neos indicated by the manner In which you nfUxed your stamp may, unfortunate ly, bo an Index to tho character of your work, and wo may frankly say th a t tho circumstance will bo taken Into consider ation lit reaching a decision. “You could have 'knocked me down With a feather. I had no idea of a stamp except as carrying agent for the letter, and whether I placed ■ it upside down, sideways to, criss cross or on edge so long as it carried the letter did not appeal to mo as material. I wrote and explained that the position of the stamp was n o t « dunactor index and suggested, the unfairness of the conclusion, as I the stump might have boon put on by my oflice hoy. An answer came in due time. Such deeply personal letters, the writer said, wore not trti3ied to office hoys by careful men Argument merely ano hlo enreloa man was really toot don’t know, In Manufacture, in Leather, in Fit, in Price,'our Shoes are unequaled, "We are not in the shoe business for a few years. We are in it for life. We must sell best boots and shoes for the money to Keep your trade. We have no com petition in Springfield, Ohiovas our superior advantages in buying will indicate and our big business will prove, A comparison of price and you will see a saving of 15 to 20 per cent. We*tvant-,you to m2ke- our house headquarters when in town. We will check your packages free. Starkey’s Arcade ShoeHouse SPRINGFIELD, OHIO# Low Faros To California Via Pennsylvania Lines. i LAST HOPE VANISHED. j When leading physicians said that IW. M, BmlUmi't, of Pekin, la ., had 1 incurable consumption, bis last hope ‘-F o r Halo: Buff Plymouth itoek chickens,/ t fe t i ?f>conto per 13# 3', 33# 3t{mtihff&.yphono f®»' ‘A ll : Before cleaning houaeamifieifuu ng .your mw carpel call and w. v’haf, wo have and learn our price Jf. H, McMillan, thing.” “What’s that?” “Xdidn’t get the job.”-—Baltimoro News, 1 For full Inforntathm regarding fares, routes, time of trains etc., apply to Local Ticket Agent-of those lines.. Foil H.vtut About. hitO oa.c fenco - You will soon need a refrigera tor, A good y 11 c hj for sale, Gall a t (inn office, ■ posts, Inquire of Ed Doan. —For calo cheap h -A good refrigo- I rotor, (’all a t ihid office. I H A Y E Farms toSell JOyears, and consider it marvelous throat and lung cure.’’ S trictly scion-, Hffo etirefor (toughs, H<m<Throats o r ! Folds j sure preven t ive of Pneumonia Guaranteed, fioe and $Lhi) a t A ll5 druggist. j --Window s h a d e p o p u l a r colors, popular prices, at McMillans, and can sell yours FARM ItOfifiS S ' five years. Fir* Tornado and life Insurance^ W .- 1 „ CLBMANS, Agt, / To chow that ihe part *>f tho pj i t Governor Herrl y«print a dispaul the ClndnnaU T; from The Tribun » «*.** dent and shown-U are not resting e Six out of everj . • • ,Ifdans who writ i that the sentfmerl »®uch as to indicat| • rick will have a ination, if, indecc®^^- defeat-at the han| this year. “The activity ol whose open hos amendment of til giyeh as the call which has assume! ttons. “When the Ant| announced their ernor, there was! that in time tho down. “Rut the seeds «>f the heatT of >that steadily and tod; .convention which ■to the executive hi] there is a whirl ,Which strikes te of the party lead “The most faitl' ' a change in senti| K P I Governor, but it boy who passes yard. ' They see] courage. • “Every Congref , state is reticulat sentiment. No e wart Republicans of the opposition ^“The rapid fir •toguns is tellipg. “Every local sores which will gaps in the partj Democrats to act AMATTE I C I Ire Iw n lo l ! ' J i 1 If IVvoh’ inostpopu Gotm would reej jority.... It is Hie houfiowiv- it goes tot results t! | over miU{ But doT| I t-try ill CmwineflJ m pell
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