The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

The Cedarville Herald, Fte* TT*on »' K A R J J I m J L R ^ - E d ito r , F r i d a y , a w u w tm » r ! It waa a great blrff about Uic'l,C* 3 .i’'’ tunning to Xenia to, jpqd the fffiayhy tall. All the iwriem of the ;tn;«qhifi wore left to the Grand Duke of High- Datl-ton, 4> , i ?sy - ’ • Governor Hanley, of Indiana, is cer­ tainly the ri$ht kind of a man for the h ath peeltion ho- occupies. His stand on the liquor and the cigarette ques­ tions 1 ms made h-bn looked to as ono of the great men of the country. Had you ever considered the difference in the policy of the governor of Tniliaua, and that of your own state? ^p»t«#a *} ijoa * j u'*»p* 0 «lp JiOViaiOiWFJlSVWMJfSO** , vtjiWB w* u<ri<«»satpoj n;«* »!-* I ■*ttmpw,«u - JWlitf ra* 'tquiil »i;i »■ > * 2 f W_ .jiauiiOH '«L<J*sa .q , JOuQjivUijWO.* *' .•io w o o M* fp *||) vqi MiO *««««» .*joujoa 10 li» 5 >«»Ul hj ei*d ■ *joui<a*on**}fsa UP I -oopspaa «|in 010NIH1AU3A33MQI '«««»»« 1 j j *UA-j,duiU ‘ IIV **Wl!-IlB*| 0 'ilCqil»[, 5 H»}?lU* ■ *»MJi ,A ,JihnoI,»r-aJu AJ»»a>*U **a«iO juudau j i $10*01»s*i* *y •egBssiQ po[[« »u*( 9 iUqJ wq/a OKUjMtiajjoSr ,mf*J«an.>.i»munYHalilMAim »AMian . •fi.l* JulUlo, Xiu r X ’H X jjj . hi w . U 9 » «»I miki «i>ujuj lyi,.; n|»«’ qjiw ”*Y*M!*XIV-*V'»WiHu'{M*U "O 'O 'AuaAoaaHiruHHdNOMv The' members of the secret order of KIks certainly haven't treated the Hon. (?) Andy Jackson just right in not allowing him to lead the Charity ball, he being a member of the order, Hach of the 11 avs that signed the nflklavlt In .the primary matter Bhould give Andy a good straight look tile next time you have tho_oppcrtunity to meet him. Notice the expression in «S doing. ■■".“Osar” Herrick could not come to Xc-nfa with safety, for fear of an at­ tack of the political p'rates. "When ^ ’ *■ • whole primaries are stolen when a mau Is watching, what assurance has a man . of his life when in company with such men. "Czar” Herrick when to coming to Xenia would have to call out th State Guard. Some lime ago there was a newmem­ ber of the State Medical hoard to he appointed and 'Czar” Herrick named O' an advertising physician, one of th.oio men. engaged in a branch of­ fession not recognized- as legitimate. The other members of the board find- 1 ing out wltat our beloved- governor hail done"Immediately served notice on him that If - the so -called physician took his place they would immediately resign: The advertising doctor being more of a goritleman than the voters of the state have found their governor ’ to ho, upon learning the situation, de­ clined theplace. Some time ago we stated that Mr. Brown was not the only man that has 'suffered at the hands of the- gangsters and cited Messrs .0, T. Wolford anil R. C. Watt'. The Record fn (lie last issue to.relieve its friends, Jackson and Andrew, states that Mr. Brown: should know all about It as he was judge at the time. Mr. Brown dots know all about It and says^that every thing wad run all right until Bev., who was the committeeman In charge of the pri­ mary and running In opposition to these men saw '.hat the election was <s . , ■ going against him and he relioved.Mr. Brown Of his duties hnd turned the machine to suit himself, Mr. Brown thinks there was no question hut Unit .= , , Pf'i fn - had these mere been'given 'the Squifrfl deal they -would liaVe-bedit udmiiiatcd. Mr,- Brown being wise oh' the situation - \r < * f »»,«.•• . / ft - -. r t * kugw; that,in his racg'againsl Jackson the only show he had was to stay in­ side and see that, ho received the square deal. Mr, Record you have an­ other explanation coming. . Threat Coughs A tickling in the throat; hoarsenessattimes;adeep breath irritates it^-these are features o f a throat cough. They’re very de­ ceptive and a cough mix­ ture won’t cure them* . You want something that will heal the inflamed membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the system • 4 Scoifs Emulsion is just such a remedy.. It has wonderful healing and nourishing power, * Removes the cause of the cough and the whole system "is given new strength and vigor / . S»t)Jforfm atitfff ; mtPffltt ■chmim> 40 $‘ 4 i$ iPiati Stmt* Nt# Tttk JW, *itdft, 00 , Aitdr/ffgifM 1 -i»ilP f-r if 1 -ilr‘ilifI'nitniftT'nfInwTi iruwliVirtilitwmiiin Those who attended the Charity"ball should sco that .they aro not miss'ng any thing. A whole primary election was stolen here and Its hard to 'tell hut What something else will turn up * missing, ' It certainly couldn't be that our dear Governor read the .Spring Valley Blade and then concluded Xenia was no place. for him, Probably he feared some con­ gratulating hlm on his appointment tor Judgeship, Too Pravlaus, , • Tlusband— This rakuiijfery good, Biy. dear, but it gcprtis to me there odphfcto V a Jittle moro— ; Wife (ii> clear,;iev, iopjsivti tones) —•That cube vaine,by mail qpd was made by your mother, ' Husband-—-Ye?, as I traS saying,' there ought to ha a little raortV-of it.— New York Weekly, X e"' ' 7'. vr .7 Th« Way It Works. “ Did G^ajetj marry young jPoor- fellerP’ " v . “ N o; the engagement ia otT/‘ “ Why,; $he swore she’d sacrifice most everything to mam-him ,” “ Yes, but she changed her mind when she found she’d have to sacri­ fice most everything.” —Louisville Courier-Journal. . . Y*s, lnaood, “ Can you imagine anything more mortifying than to think of the clev­ er retort you might have mado?” “ Well, it’ s a heap more mortify­ ing to-think of the alleged clever retort that you might better have left unsaid.w:—Philadelphia Ledger. Roacon Enough. Visitor (to prisoner)—Why are you here? . . Prisoner—I had six wives, ma’am. Visitor—No wonder you' look sad. Prisoner— Yes’m ; mo time’s up next week, and I ’ve got to go hack to ono o f ’ em !—Puck. ‘ It's- stated that . Apdy and. Bev. thought they were at a primary elec­ tion Tuesday evening while at the Elk’s ball. Some of the overtures were: “Voted yet?” "I see you. before you vote” ; “Name/your.’price.” The Record should continue to hold up the’.r friend agdinst the, attacks of (lie 120 traducers. He needs holding up for its a cinch that hts own reputa­ tion will not support him. Then lie- is used to being carried as is evidenced, by the books o f several firms in town. Hold to liim.^ you have got a good thing. The call lias been issued for the County Republican convention to be held i,n.XeniaMay 31. Cedarville cor­ poration and township arc each en­ titled to tour delegates .iiud four alter­ nates, These delegatee and alternates when selected by the Andrew-RJdgway- .Tackson “gang” will-go to Xenia to se­ lect delegates -under ■Boss” Schmidt's rule for tho state convention. The delegates.tof the state convention will be instructed to vote for “Czar- Tie)'* rick the “Idol of the liheral heart.* . The Story of a Statue. A contributor to a Tccont number of the London Strand -declares iliat* the William II. Seward statue in Madison square, Now York city, is the “ statue of two people at once.” The scu lptor,. according to the Strand, was approached by the com­ mittee intrusted with tlip erection of the Seward statue ambwas asked to abate his price. “ I eaynot do that,” , he said, “ but I wily <§11 you what I will do. I have a statue of Lincoln here which has been left on my hands by a defaulting western city; I will take off Itis head” and put on .Seward’s and fix it, that way.” He did, “ and the head of William II. 'Seward has stood upon the broad shoulders of Abraham Lincoln from that day to this.” ' Alaska's Wild Animals. . . Very rich in remarkable wild ani­ mals are the mountainous and re­ mote corners of Alaska and British Columbia. They have produced tho huge Kadiak bear, the largest in r iho world; the.largest moose known, the sea otter and thifAlaskan moun­ tain sheep. What is thought to, be a new species of bear has also been discovered there. It is an inland white bear, not amalbino of the com­ mon black or brown bear, but ap­ parently a true species. The Spring Valley Blade Is a par­ ticular friend of Hon. (7) Andrew Jackson. The following paragraphs woro taken from the last issue: “The Hon. (?) 'Andy, Jackson will fool'with: the buzz saw once too often,” i"When Hutch meets Dutch, then, comes the f , lager boer.” When Andy Jackson meets a grand jury of honest farmers ho ’11 thlnk hailes is out fqr noon,” 'We haVe an Idea that- when Andy Jackson hears from the grand jury lie will not be so much concerned about Central committees as’ he is about keeping out of jail.” Ocearjii Balow Ua. “So enormous is the quantity of the water contained* below tho stir- face of the earth that if it should be. poured otit Upon the land it. would Cover it to a «nifom4epth of about 4,000 feet/’ is the remarkable asser­ tion of a geologist.* “Below a depth of aboiit six miles it is believed that no water can exist in the rocks, be­ cause tiie tremendous pressure,prob­ ably closes pH pores, but above that level tho amount of underground water is ‘estimated to' he equal in quantity to one-third of all the wa­ ter contained in all the oceans/’— Cassell's JouriiaL ^ Changad Hit RaefdehcS.' '. 4 r “Isn't there something in my pol­ icy/' 'asked’fi'culler at a'n insurance office the other day, “about having t o ------- 1 — i nearest ....... r ........ .. v “ Where have,yiui moved to?’’ " “I haVon’ rmoved anywhere,” re­ joined the daller. “ I have- mado a change in riiy residence*by painting it a light ntfaw colol and'putting f chimney pot on the kitchen chim­ ney, I thinkthafs all, Good day!” w***t «v* 9 '^ED IC IN ^ ’ This grcuVstock, .mcdidna.-is.-ft. money saver for stock raisers. Jt is a medicine, not a cheap food or' I condition powder. Though pnt'up in coarfer. *onn than Thedtord’s Black-Drauglit, renowned for the ( cure of tho digestion troubles of persons, it has the same qualities , 'of invigorating digestion, stirringig ; up tho torpid liver and loosening™! the constipated liawcls for all stock j and poultry. _Jt is carefully pro* pared or.d its action is so healthful ! that stockgrow and thrive with an |occasional dose'in their food. Ifc^ |cures hog cholera and makes hogs | grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cures- constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, [ and makes a draught animal do more work for the fpod consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every farmer and raiser ‘ should1 c&iainly give it a trial. ’ . ’ 1 I lt Costs 25C. a can and saves ten times its price in profit,’ . PrrraBUr.o, KAs., MarchS3,180t I have beenuslnfjyam Blaek-DCaught I Stock and Poultry Medicine ou my Islock for some time. I have used all kinds of stock food but 1 have found j i that yours Is tho best for my pnrposo. I. - J, S. HASSON. 1 SUBTERRANEAN, WONDERS ' mm r e r n n w i m r ■AM’gclable RreparalionForA s- simUaUngUicFoodandBcgula- lingtheStoinacltsaiulBowelsof lN M N I S / < HiLDKKN gof Infants andChildren. The Kind You Have Always Bought PromotesDigesllon,1Cheerful­ nessandRest.Cofttainsneiiher Opium;Morphiner.orMineral. UfOJtTS a r c o t i c , jxzpstfo’djb'Swtmt’trciLm PiavfiUla-Seal’ A tx.Sttuui * IttxSttU&dU- , AatseSte/i- f JiSntHStttlv Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa- Hon,Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea! Worms.Convulsions,Feverish­ ness and Loss of S leep . ■ *■ ... „ *i *t *^i‘■* . FacSimile Signature oP” NEW YORK. ■jI’ ,.A t b> m o i l i h 4. o l d 'J5 1>l i s t s - 3 CV n r,*> ~ t) In Use For Over Thirty Years S P R I N G 1 9 0 5 , ' * No past season have we had such a nice poll/elion or selec­ tion of stylish Dress Goods ■ Figured Brilliants. 50c to $1.00 Mohairs 50e to $145. ” Panama Cloths, Neat Pin Cheek dlks. Crepe do Cljeno, Foulards, Japanese Henrietta Cloths, Silk Shirt "Waist Suits Spring Jackets, Silk Petticoat*. Dressing Sncques, Coder- wear, Muslin Underwear, W IN D O W D R A P E R Y . Scrims, new patterns; Madras, pretty, styles; Ruffled Swiss 50o, 76c, and $1.00 a pair. Bobbluett $1.50, $2,"00 $2,75 a pair. Nottingham 50c, excellent for $1,00 pair, Battenborg $3.75to $12.00pair. Eduarcllan $2.76, $8.76, $4. Ivory, Saxony, Bon-' ne Homme, Just imported. ™ ~ i w M R U G S r ^ in'great demand'and lowest prices shown $10.75 to $50. Ingrain Art squares $3-$10.75, Small hearth Rugs $1 to $5 Best assortment of styles. H U T C H I S O N & G I B N E Y ’ S . # XENIA, " OHIO, & WGT copyOFWRAPPER. EXCHANGE BANK OEDAR.VILLE, OHIO. ACCOUNTS o f erchants and In- **• dividuals solicited. Collectionc promptly made and remitted.} <j MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE PRICES ON TVRAFTS on New York and Cin- ciunati sold at loveat rates. The cheapest and most convenient way |to send money by mail. , ' TT’S A TENDER POINT with us to hear otn* meats criti­ cised, . Wo avoid it by handling tmly thirvuvycfTotoest grattes; TAKEOTJR STAKES for instance. They are from fresh young steers, ’raised especially for beef. There’s no finer meat pro­ duced in this or any other coun­ try. Try one and see how much your appetite improves. It will beat all the Ionics you oyer took. C. H. CHOUSE, Cedarville, O. A FAMILY SAFEGUARD T CANS made on Real Estate, Per- sonal or Collateral Security. -William-Wildman,-Pres^y- Seth W . Smith, V ice Pres., ' W , J. Wildman, Cashier, ' O. L . Smith Asst, Cashier Gatfltpa Speeiosa F O R P O S T S i ■ . - Place orders early for spring plant­ ing, Heavy demand; supply limited; 12 inch to 18-inch only at this date. Reference: Cbns, Dobbins ns to quali­ ty o f stock and growth.' Also a full line of Fruit and Ornamental frees PRICES RIGHT. STOCK FINE. CATALPA $5,00 per M. BLACK LOCUST 810.00 *per M TECUMSEH NURSERIES, Cedarville, Ohio. VEHICLES™ HARNESS We sell our entire product direct to the user at wholesale prices arid guarantee a Sfiflng Gl orloreon BetalPites WE INV ITE YOU TO CALL AND IN S P E C T OUR WORK LARQEST STOCK We carry the largest stock of vehicles on our repository floor o f any concern in the world. All of la te s t style, thoroughly reliable vehicles.' Our line includes Carriages, Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Station Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts, Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, Carts,.etc. , COME AND S E E US BEFORE MAKING YOUR*" - P U R C H A S E . WE CAN -SAVE YOU MONEY CATALOGUE FOR 1 9 0 5 Send for our free catalogue. To out-of-town buyers who cannot come to see us, we should be glad to send, on request, our illustrated catalogue, by means o f which you can. buy as safely and satisfactorily as if on'the ground. : -■ PRICE $ 5 0 Dr. Orcen arrauces with the Niece of Dr. Bo- Kcbee to handle licr famous Uncle's Great Throat sbd Dung; Cure. qfTlie best fatnjly safeguard is a reliable householdmedicine thatwill cure croup, coughs, colds, chilly sensations, running eyes and nose, sore throat and bronchial affections—that will keep the children proof against all contagious diseases,. qSuch a medicine is Boschee'a German Syrup, which has arecord of 35 years in tlie cure of consumption, catarrh and all lung and bronchial troubles. ffTlie fame of German Syrup as a con- sumptivecure, since its purchase by Dr, Gfeen from the niece of the famous Dr. .Boschee, lias extended to all parts of the earth. It hasbig sales everywhere', w tJTwo Sizes, asc and 75 c. All druggists Ifeaac Wisterman, Cedarville,O. Extra3-4 RubberTiros, $13.00' Guaranteed as good In every way as sold by middlemen .for from $70 to $j%. Note . self-oiling,5 §ust-proof "axlos. Full, wrought Brewster flfth- ttheel with bent reaches mor­ tised Into the head block. OH tempered and tested springs: Wrought steel Bailey body 1 loops. Strictly- second growth I hickory wheels,with tires puton ' hot. Bradley shaft couplers. Full length bottomcarpet. Rub­ berstep pads;. Spring backand spring Cushion. Finest finish throughout. • Tho areoteot Bug­ gy In tho World m tho Price, No. GOTO. NElty YORK BUGGY; ^ TH E MANUFACTURER eftn always offer youmore for your money than the.middleman. We are the only house in the State of Ohio Belling direct to the consumer who ^ manufactures the vehicles and harness they offer for sale. Ho. 4066. STRAIGHT S ILL SURREY ■f-’.q+i-v•#. ."Lll «WT 1 W Nani’s Restaurant r.and-DiningRooms (Corner High and Limestone streat- Springfield, Ohio. fflamothGave ToInvestors. AND * ‘ Slid'TVaaO-MXrLratoolli'iieAllP*t» ‘tuthMjucr.aeontlut;l«dfor M» o * hat * reta. Oy/O/rice •#cprositeu.B.PxfSNtOff-tot!! ,a:iiJwccauGcrttreraifit.tinlcsitheethanthose 1 ittrtiofo f • wi Wft'.hingtoP, ' Sendrjtalcl,dmwingorriir.Yrt.,with<Iecerip< ,fMsi. otltucfl, it ca.h'ntahfc t>t fccf, free of fbarjjp. Ourfoeii-tduetillpitcntiicrcnf*<1. ■ 'Al»AMPHl.evl/ ,'Hotcr‘InIoiuaift Pstcnts.^With 10ft m t»tne fn the P.H . and foreign cew uriei i centime, AddfoAn, C.A.8NOW&OO/ ;; ©Witt#, i . C COLOSSAL CAVERN Xi’ti the most interesting of all the Natural Wondersiu America, These wonderful Caverns are visited ann­ ually by thousands of tourists from tills country and abroad. They aro pronounced by scientists iho most tho mostmagnificent work of nature. Tt would well repay you to take -tho tinto to make 11 visit to them. They are 300miles south of Louisville Ky. neartho LOUISVILLE S KilSHVILLB Si E, and the undersigned will ho glad to quote yon rates, give train schedul­ es or send you a beautiful Illustrated It! jingo booklet giving an interesting deficrlplion of these remarkable places, , IC,L, Slone, Gen'l Path Agrat, Lou’ivilltiKy. ' PreftiTed stock in tlie Oetlar- vijle Telephone Company ie being offered tej local investors at i>*ar. It is guaranteed to pay 6 per cent interest per annum and is to he paid semi­ annually. The stock is f Exemptfromtaxes. i This is a good investment for a home company where yon have watched its progress* and rapid growth. Inquire at, theExchange Rank or D. Bradfute, Pres. DO YOU WANT TO OO ON A T O U R O F n EU R O P E ‘ The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune WILL TAKE W OM E N TO E U R O P E They will go as guests of The Com­ mercial Tribune absolutely FREE W ITH ALL lSXPENHUB PAID . PR ICE $ 81,50 Extra7-6 RubtrerTlr<«, $15 .00 ■No .-4066 Isalight.compact ■veblcIewlUiambl«<paUngca- P, icily for foururic peraons. F«rntsb#4withbelleol- <Iar fdf-olllnif axles. OilUmptrtlcndtested Eprlngsi. FuH bettom wrought- fJth-wkeel. Strictly,s-foonfsKimh wbecla. Full length 1 velvetcarpet, Bradley 1 shaftcouplers. Hand* somelyfinlshed, Guaranteedas good as sold by oilier* for>to S 15 . 0 Qmore thancurprice. HARNESS WeM&nufacture 6 BSHIES HfghwtQuality— Whofesklt PrloM GUARANTEEA SAVING NOT LESS TRAN 25^ OurNo.246Single Strap Driving Hariieis PRICE G ENU IN E RU6BER MOUNTINGS. Extra $ 1.70 We C*rrj2000 eeti of H am M l tndoek COME AND SEE US OmCE^REPOSrrORY-FACTCmY ftoriii High Glrtri, crtstlntf flocltlnj Valley Railroad, Terminus Eledrlo CATU m * 20 mlnatds ride fromecreer Broad and Hiatt Streets Th* ———k-—— * ColumbusCarriage&HarnessCo. 'COLUMBUS, OHIO at^luAis —Butr ami B, Rock cockerals, -pobbine. V E G E T A B L E S I C I L I A N iairR enew er Always restores color to cray hair, all the dark, rich color itused to nave. The hairfetops railing grows long and heavy* and all