The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26

tll.iirjiH illWr { I ^ " r' f \ I '-riPNf^4ir!pr»*€>i AND VN&WL | X LOCMt <WW r t iyw vw f Kr«. J. A. Borns la recovering from a severer attaekof erysipelas. ™For Sales Buff Plymouth Boris ., chickens. Eggs "# cents per 16. 3 K. Hastings,/phone'188. AU Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Van Horn * o f South Charleston, "were guests of friends here, Thursday. MissVera Andrew returned Wed ' nesday, to Western lleserve Univcr sity at Wooster. Wanted: A man to work on the farm. A good house and steady work for a good man. Inquirt! at the Herald office. slfc. Messers. J. C, Barber, E , C, Ogles- bee and 3). 8 . Ervin are having their property Improved hy having a cem inejat gutter aud curbstone p'nt in. Mr. W . It. Sterrelt, attended a ijWrewigaii.i.h A LITTLE HONSENSE. Jilt jtlng of the. Board of Superinten glenta of the Beformed Presbyterian Seminary in Pittsburg, the first oi the week, ' Mlto Loretta Qrindlo", has taken charge of the work at the telephone night, since Balph Wol­ ford has glveiftip the place. •—Cotfage rods and curtain poles at prices that defy competition, at McMillans. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steyeson enter tamed a number of their friends to a family dinner, Saturday. Mrs. M. I.- Marsh, entertained Me»dames,'W. J, Wildm'an, Frank > Tnrabull, Misses Mary Eddy aim ‘ Electa Chase, Monday afternoon. F ob S ax ®;—About 200 oak fence posts. Inquire of Ed Bean. The Buckeye Gfas Company was granted a twenty-five year franchise in Bayton by the council of that city, Monday. This is the same com­ pany that is securing the right of way for a pipe line south of town. . The consents have all be Secured . over theproposed route except one or two.. ' Bargains at Mrs. Con- ddn’s. Wednesday after­ noons from 2 to 6 p. m. Street Hats at cost. Al] this season’s styles. , —We match all carpets, without waste to our customers. No other house in town can do the same. At M cM illan / A daughter was born to Editoi .Foley’and wife, Wednesday. Carle Minser came home from Bicbmond, Sunday spending the day at home. Miss, NellieCondon and Mrs Hugh . Turnbull were in Bayton, Monday. —F ob B ent . House of fourrooms centrally-located. Apply at this of­ fice, —The cheapest place to get your carpet paperis at McMillans. Lost:—Some variable papers con­ sisting of Insurance policy, letters, bank-book, and ameal coupon ticket for meals at Hotel. Finder please leave at this office, or call at J. B. Williamson's and receive reward. ■ -- r Mr, Frank Ensley, of Dayton-, is the guest of his cousin, Mr. liobi. Townsley. .—You will soon need a refrigera­ t o r A'good one is"for sale. Call nl ^iils office. London Ambulances. London is curiously behind New York in the matter of its emergency accident service. None of the hos­ pitals there, incredible as it may seem, have ambulances such as are toed in New York. Injured per­ sons are carried to the hospitals in two wheeled handbanws propelled by one or two policemen. There an only two or three horse ambulances in the city, and they are private. There is an agitation now for the’ introduction of such vehicles into the hospital service. H»w Hank tullivan Put a Faro fsntf Out of Butin**#, «I used to hate a quarrelsome man like pizen,” saidHunk Sullivan, op’e of ..the leading terrpm of Bed Gulch, to a select crowd in “ Wicked Hike” Hogan’s saloon, “but I don’t do it no more.' One o’ thet kind lavedmo from losin’ all the dust I’d dug in three years, an’ I kain’t nev­ er fergitit. Jlow’iUt happen? This way; I wuz down to the Silver King in Denver playin’ faro Sank to beat the band. I’d been buck in the mountains fer nigh on to three years an’ was full o' gold dust an’ the de­ sire for excitement. Bill Jennings, the qnaxrelsomest man I ever see, waswithme, Well, luck wuz against me, an’ pretty aeon I see myself down to the cloth. Seven thousand dollars of good, hard jellow gold dust gone across the table to the JjouseT Ao tho last chip I had on earthwa3 raked in I had a hunekio play the ace open. I knew it would come. I felt it wuz a certainty, hut my money was out. I wuz about to rise an’ go out an’ blowmy head oil or somethin’ o’ thetsort when I hap­ pened to glance at BUI Jennings. Thet look saved me. Bill was al­ ways carryin’ a ‘chip on liis shoul­ der’ fer somebody; 1 took thet chip an’ put it oh the ace. It won, an’ from that minute luck turned my way. In a week’s play I had the faro bank dealer Bellin’ Wienerwurst ' on a corner. Cleaned him clear out! An’ that’s why I’ve sorter got a weakness for a quarrelsome manN,”- New Orleans Tinie3-Bemocra't. FOR THE LITTLE ONES; to M*k# * Mystor««u» Bag fer U m la p*rter Make two bags, each about a foot long and six inches wide, of some -dark material and sew them togeth- er at the edge, so th#t one may be inside the other. Next make a num­ ber of pockets, each with a cover to it, which may be fastened down by a slight elastic band. Place these about two inchea apart, between the two bags, sewing one side of tho pocket" to one bag and the other side to the other. Make slits through both bag3 about nn inch long just above the pockets, so that you can put your hand in the bags, and by inserting your thumb anil fmgejr through these slits you may obtain entrance tojthe pockets and bring out of them"whatever they contain. It is o f course necessary that a var fietv o f articles should be put in the pockets. Before commencing the itrick you may turn th,e bag inside out any number o f times, so that your audience may conclude that it is quite empty. Y ou can then cause to appear or disappear any number of articles o f a light nature, much to the amusement of your audience, Talk Is Quicker. !V.'* ' Scissors Crossed or Not Crossed, Every one in turn passes to his neighbor a pair o f scissors, saying either “ Ig iv e you my scissors cross­ ed” o r “ I give you my scissors un­ crossed.” I f the player says the first he xrrffst carelessly and in a nat­ ural manner cross either his legs or feet while he is saying this. If, how­ ever, his speech is “ I give you my scissors uncrossed” he must be care­ ful to keep both hands separate. Those uninitiated in this game ren­ der themselves liable, to pay forfeits without knowing why, their sur­ prise, until followed by an explana­ tion, adding tojthe amusement. Candle Trick. How, would you arrange with a room full of people to place a candle ih ^ucli a position that all but one would Bee it and that person must not be blindfolded? Place the candle upon the head o f the -person who is not to see it. Should there be- a- mirror in the- room and should this person-*make use o f it he would not see the candle, but only its reflection. Miss Chatters— They say, , you knoWj there is nothing quicker than thought. Mr. Knox—For woman there is. She always Bpeaks before slie'thihks. The Part He Didn’t Uk*. A schoolteacher met a bright lit­ tle youngster on his way to school the other day and asked in an in­ terested way; ■ „ /D o you like to go to school, Wil­ lie?” — “ YCs’m,” came the reply prompt-- ly, ‘ -and I Mike goin’ home, but. I don’t like the part in between.” — Brooklyn Eagle. Tho-Trouble With Him, T refuse, tb talk to you, sir,!” roared the indignant old.father. “ I f you will come around when you are ober do ask me for my daughter I ay consider the matter.” i , ^“ When I ’m‘ shober ? Thash all right, old man-^-thash a}l right. Glad to do it. Only I never seem to want her when I ’m shober.’ *— Chicago Becord-Herald. ■ Biggest Building In the World.- ' -T h e -biggest building thew orld ia ever likely to see is the great pyra­ mid of Cheops, near Cairo. This took. 100,000 men thirty years to build. ,I t is 451 feet liigh and covefa thirteen,.acres o f ground. Every brick o f it is a block o f Btone.three .feet in height. Put a Nose on Him, 1 Here is a very interesting cut-out trick. The man in the picture has no nose. You arc to cut out the heavy block numbers from 1 to 9 ^ mnmwtidto-em .... . ■A m T Ail Fixed. “ Pa,” s a iO I is s Strong, “ I wiBh-1 you would stay in this evening. Mr. Tardey will want to speak to you.” “ So he has really proposed at last, eh?” * “No,” replied the daughter, with an air of determination, “ but he will tonight,” — Catholic Standard and Times. —-• Why the Ball Wee .Removed. -‘That’ druggist is a most accom­ modating fellow. He got up the ” * *° MU“ e • ? * P1" * ***■“ “ »■«">» to ‘ t o ■ +Dm * , ,• place where the nose belongs. By T S .X t .tT ” i “ * doing this yon m il get any iumbeT 1 to” ”? H J» p -arc to you terday.” —Philadelphia Caricature. An Odd Mistake. Twenty-five tons o f molasses were dumped into the railroad water tank at Fairpoint, 0 ., in mistake fo r wa­ ter, the water cars and molasses cars being mixed. Several locomotive? took water before the error was dis- covcred, but none o f them got verj far1aw*y before the heat in their boilers began to make taffy out Of the molasses, and the engined were tendered useless. sing Applying the Golden Rule. , “Pm going to ask her to again,” “ I ’m sure you don’t want to hear her.” “N o ; but, you know, we must do as wo would be done by.” * York Times. can use a pencil and put in the num­ bers. Imjitarts blood always shows somewhere. If theskin, then bolls, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv­ ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla Si0itftch,^hert dyspepsls, biliousness, loss of appetite* Your doctor knows the remedy, used for eo yesrs* HiC-O0AHT.SH,SmStM,ft, 4.C.AYXRT.0,, M s - f u r Impure Mood booking Ahead. Patience—-Charlie is very anxious about his wife, Patrice—Why, I didn’ t know ho had.® wife. “ l ie hasn’t. That’s what makes him anxious.” — Yonkers Statesman. Mlnko. Minko is a game plhyed by the Japanese boys. Two boys play it, One throws a red disk face down on the ground, and the other tries to ■New j strike it so hard with his green disk that he turns it over and thus wins the red one. Remomber Thlo. Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.—Benjamin Franklin, Maine’s Modest.Governor. The .late Hon. Abner Coburn, the millionaire lumberman o f tho Ken­ nebec, was elected governor o f Mains in 1862. The following spring he visited the Maine troops in the Army of the Potomac just prior to the hat- tie o f Ohaneellorsville. A t the camp of one of the regiments arrange­ ments were’ made, fo r the governor to address- the soldiers. He was a true patriot and a great lumberman, but did not excel in or­ atory. After a few commonplace remarks he evidently thought his position as chief executive o f tlie state demanded something more elaborate, and, raising his voice to the highest pitch, ho Bhoutedi “ Bovs, yon heliovo in the repub­ lic, and so do I. You are a long way from home, and so am I, You hail from the great state o f Maine, and so do I. You are an honor to your state, and so am I ” * The remainder o f tho speech was drowned, by laughto? and c-heera,- Oostoii Herald, i Nursery Travels. Mary went te France, Betty went to Spain, ' Bobby went around the world Twice And home again, Mary took a doll, Betty took a nhawl, pobby took a shining sword And k rubber ball. ■What seems very strange, Though 'tie true, I've heard, I* ihkt onhie Journeying* Bobby caught each word. Wfary spoke In France, Betty spoke In, Spain, And they heard him whether hi Talked to Greece or Maine. »■»*> —Touth’s Comhanton. t At th« North Foie. A t "the north polo there is only one direction—south, One could go south in as many ways as there are points on the compass card, but ev­ ery one o f these ways is seuthr-caat and west have vanished. The hour t>f day .at the polo is a paradoxical conception, for ..that point is the meeting place o f every meridian, and tho time o f all holds good, so that it is any hour, one cares to mention, unpunefflauty is hence impossible, G rand a » o / ■ IIIr Thinking o f Your SPRUNG CLOTHES? We a re ; you ought to he; Oor large assort­ ment is now ready for your examination. Come in, we’l l he glad to explain what changes fashion has declared l o r Spring. These" things you ought to know. W o t i * w i l that of an) I A A ai Double-Breasted Suits in oyster graye, blue eergee, black tbibets and browns—somewhat longer than last season, and coats made with •the new concave shoulders and deep vents, prices, A $10, $15, $20, $25 Single-Breasted Suits, similar in general design—some cut very long and with deep and broad lapels* •** . , . . ••....................... : $ 1 0 t o $ 2 5 Rain Coats axe particularly stylish. They come in all colors from' black to light gray, long, full back but close-fitting in neck, and hair-cloth fronts to give stiff­ ness and shape.’. . . . • $ 1 0 t o $ 3 0 'T op Coats In more refined style than for many years—a trifie longer than last sea- . eon and in various shades of coverts, -vicunas and cheviots. Prices, $ 1 0 . $ 1 2 , $ 1 5 <&> u p . & f)Q Boys*Shop <» Many Net# Ideas In Juvenile wear, such as the blr >mer suits with full trous­ ers. Many styles in bright and fcUikiog patterns that will please you immensely. Boys * Knee Pants Double • Breasted Suits... .*1.98 $3, $5 and*7 Boys* Kovetty Suits Some very beau­ tiful designs.. . . . ....$ 2 .60 , #3.60, #5.00 Boys* Long-Pants Suits is.oo,, #7so, . #10, #15.00, Boys* Extra Pants Knee Pants.......... .60, 75c and #1.00 Long Pants . . . . . . . . . . .#1, #2, #3 and #4' Men's Furnishings. «r Manhattan Shlria$1.30, $2,rS2.SO and $3. 7h» Calibrated Stetson Hats $3.50. •‘The Klngtbury" at $3 .00 . yJtatqrla" Hat$2. Others $1 and $1.50. R .S . E i t s t M a i n S t . , X en ia , Oh io . ♦■♦■»»♦■*8-*♦»♦♦■♦«*»*■#■ ♦«->«♦■♦»» ! » ) Public Strifily tlpCc-Date The Truth about our stock of Men’s Cloth­ ing is that we show the best of qualities for the cheapest prices. Don’ t worry about the fit, we guarantee a neat one. I .will offer at public sale at the late residence of Eben Archer. Men's Separate Trousers TUESDAY, MAY 2,1905, At i o'clock p. m. the following: FARMING IMPLEMENTS A choice stock to select from. W e endeav­ or to please you both in style, price and quality, for a pleased customer is a good advertisement. Men's Fine Shoes Dress Shoes in Spring Weight Goods are being demanded now. We can show you fine, stylish shoes in Vicis, Patents and Tans at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. BIRDSMAMMTOH STORE Misses Mathie Powers and Katie Mackamara, o f -London, are tho guests of their friends, Misses Sadie and Kate Ooffey. MriE. O. Bull, who has been ill for Several Weeks, havingbeen over­ come while at work in the field, Again hnd a similar attack one day this week. He is better at this time; but tho question grows complex ami oticftl solution concerns few, Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Garpentor, of Lima, attended the funeral o f Mrs, Carpenters mother* Mrs. A , G. Mil­ ler, Friday. « Mr.. E. S, Keys, arrived home fronji Orlando, Florida, Wednesday evetiing, and will he. found at the ticket office after the first of the month. Mr. Keys Iras been in the employ of the Pennsylvania railroad company, for a number of years and his mafiy friends are pleased to Bee him hack. Mrs. KeysAnd children, will remain in the South some time yet. Mr. Keys seems to think that there is no place like Florida, and from ail appearances the country has agreedwith him, Mr, Whipple, who 1ms been hero duringMr. Key’s absence Will return to Cincinnati, Consisting of one wagon, cultiva­ tor, Buggy and Harness and many other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Consisting of one good cook stove carpets, bed and bedding, chairs and ^various other household ne­ cessities. CARPENTER TOOLS* TERMS CASH i Ittrs.EbenArcher R. E* Carry, Auct. R. E. kerr, Clerk. , TW E im LECTUf t* Tiie Cedarv l Course comnutti for tite coming y» • iljelr course ton lions offered on This will be 1 be ta’aimeni. ever z committee to- v auee ot making I after tlio exp^r. during the parit The following lions; Charles Dennis tlsn, h, B. Wick eago Glee Clifu. Mr. Kellogg is brightest stars oi lyr his hearers » peculiarly endow gifts that, so far r been bestowetl uj Eo' Is giving 'hrs" folding of the g hidden to the. un ICallwgg lias bof- hood, to piodneo of all his feather pany con&fets of songs with p'aii the most charnir . ever .heard l y description of hi iliustratcd by thr i€ m in . n n at w y ve t< lures, is intense'' sf.vuctuve; his let such a way that, ■ gotten auu it is , such an eutei ta•i presented in a c. » Mr. U B. W ' - the greatest poi the American p Jivered 1,C01 pal. state of Iowa, 1 - year, has filled r any cither man *the American p'« The Chicago C of strictly first work for the pa Unito! States, ; splendid record i the 1 most pop.ila avarlab'e. They son 1S05-6. in an did program, a ' that of a tron have-been -woik for lour years present it durin manager refusec It '-was' not as y the public In a sustain tlie spit IHUiy. Hiawatha, as Mrs. Bowden, of tlw mor.t. im eiitc.-t-jiinnentK her. has 1 'pen c'ties all ov< r courses rang!ns cities tos Phi’ Louis, twice !n Baltimore ami has spent a vat preparing to nr people, tho, cos original colovii gilial and wltlr It is to be 1 of this comnv.n preciation of t this committe* grade talent to dearer to ful’s concerning tlie in due tlmp. c life and wot k Kellogg. f\ C a: h« 19 w LOW FAKE. (_ THKOUGH *f |\ VIA FENNS :u I t Account Kmg.- al Council. E sold May 28th and Los Portland to \ Centennial. I*' Tie obtained t , Pennsylvania )| The estate <j. ^ w fl le spiral 'Kerf. \V. H- tl'xn fceing tt Id sw o r n MAS# l t