The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
mmm £ i l r y, j $$,%*? V#*’ Yer*r, •»vi»t*ib Hu ll •=■ - X£tJit«»r. ^ ' - ' / " - “7—-- q -—- FHlii.VV, 1>l-> KMIffifl Hi * HW4. Tim fimfc Mormons wcil with fit-*l people. a-)Vi and ti;es?y tieo? pot atarm the Jiving tu uby groat degree, riuoh brides and grooms aro surer to be very p:?if!*f-li[l ;iiii3 will paver inter- fere, with- the*living, or break"the laws *it the Lind, It is the plural dealings with those who are in the flesh which provokes opposition. -Tariff revision will come jmft as a-mit aafkmgrm gets around to- it. Just now there are many domestic questions of importance and pressing interest waiting to ho decided* Rep* h‘Se«ttUiye Lawrence, of Mass,, says it is not like the Republican party to - ran away fromany .problem. It may _even attack the Hingley bill. That revision of the schedules is needed all admit. ' Which and when are the pre- ^ lhmnnry questions, t . - • . ' —— *-**--*— Tiie pure food question is one ot national importance, and strong pres* sure 5abeing brought upon Congress to. pass a pure- food law. It appears that three millions of dollars worth of fraudulent goods are sold annually in the United Stales, and that *95.per rent of this is sent from one state to .another. State lawsOre not .uniform. • If a KT pw Jwey manufacturer wishes t-t send food stuff* out of that state he must label them 36 different. ways to nit*i t the reqturenuhua o’1the different * tdaV-Jt? , , ' $ 5 ,0 0 0 Reward will be paid to any pe*$OK who can find one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform in any form in any of Dr. Mills’ Remedies, • This reward is offered because certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies, It is under stood that this .mvard applies only to goods purchased in the open market, which have not been tampered with in any way. Dr. Miles’ remedies cure by their soothing, nourishing, strengthening and invigorat ing effects upon the nervous system, and pot hy paralyzing and "weakening the nerves as would be.the case if these drugs were used. For this • reason Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are universally considered the best pain remedy "I have Buffered ior- 25 years with Bevera'-pains in my head, heart and . hack, and have tried everything? X could jret and could not find any relict" until, I cot a box or Dr. Miles’ Anti- Pain Pills. X suffered as Jong tis 13 hours at a time With such severe, palps that I feared X would lose my ■mind, d’ho Anti-pain Pills grave mo relief in from. 10 .to 20 minutes. Xdo not-have to usa Morphine any more. I wish you would publish this so that - other sufferers may find relief.". I, A. WALKER, It. I t IX No, C.. . Salem, Ind. Dr. Miles*Anti-Path Pills are sold by yoi........... 25 doses. 25 cents. Never sold In bulk,. Miles Medical Co„ Elkhart,,Irid In view of the tact HU p number' -wooden Klsnmnhip plying o n 'th e \vn- : p*v,uf hmtf Island son ml has been ' hurjmd.tb the wtier’s edge with a log? o f lift*, it Would, seem ns if the steum- hiit hicti might-cense, their opposition. „ pi the measures propMAd by Congress fir. gah'-guiipfliig hunts against lire. Tut* Presdent Ins the mbnfmehd ' lions’of the hom'd of inspectors uuder consideration, mid both houses of Ckm- grass h-tvfc decided that the- laws gov erning passenger steamships, must bp th ire stringent. - Is it better for the gtenmbhit owners to make a “hot , fight” to 'Congress than it is for inno cent ivomen and ehildreu to be burned -to'death by the thousand? The public demands Steel steamships and better ' service, and president 'Roosevelt can bi trusted to see that safety is guaran teed * - . -* ■ • ■ Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy.Defiance CoUl Water Starch for laundry uta ih’ey will save not' only time, because it never sucks totbo iron, but because cacti package contain Iff cev-ono full* pound—while all other Cold HVater Starches aro put up in % pound packages, nml-the, price is the same, .10 cents. Then ni’iuh becauseDeiHiUCe fit iruh is free from injurious chemicals. If yohr grocer tries to m ;U you a lildz, package it js bfitaUseUe has a stock on hand which bewishes to dispose oi before he 'puts in .Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large letters andfigures ‘TCozs.” •Demand Defiance add save much time and money/and tlmannoyance of the iron stick-’ ng.i Defiance never sticks/ I Doirt forget the old tnim with the fish bn bis back. For Dearly thirty years he has been traveling around ;t|m wprld, and is Still traveling,c bringing health and comfort wherever he goes, . To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh l e so much needs. To nil weak and sickly liiiidrcn. he gives rich and f>"lengthening food, 1 To thin and pale pej$mis he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw;the <?d man with the fish are how rrmvn up and hive children of then* mvir. ^,1 h S'diuds f o r ,debit’s Fmitb ‘C i of p*m? cod liver o i l - a flcji^hhU foe«d and a natmar 1 •/!?•- f >t*t iiiidremfor old folks au'l for ad who need flesh and * » * WRECKED IN MIDAIFL The' Way Santos-Dumont Was Ones Rescued by Small -Boys, This incident occurred during one of Siintos-Dninont’s "first flights iu Ho. a, flvery-thing" -was going smooth! ?, and the'' airship circled like a ■hawk,’ when the spectator?, who were craning tlioir necks to- see, noticed that something was wrong; .The motor slowed flown, the propel ler spun less -swiftly, and the whole fabric began. to sink toward the ground. While the people gazed, their heart? in their months, they saw Santos-Dumonl scramble out of his basket and crawl out oh the framework, while the balloon sway ed in the air. He calmly knotted the flord that had parted and crept back to his place as "unconcernedly as if he were on solid ground. The earth seemed to beleaping up toward, Sahtos-Dujnont, and destruc tion stated him in the face. A hand air pump was provided to All an air balloon inside the larger one and so make up/for the compression of the hydrogin gas' caused by the- denser, lower atmosphere. He start- id this pump,-but it proved too small, and as the gas was compress-’ ed more and more and the flabbiness of the balloorrincreased the whole tiling become unmanageable. The great ship dropped and dropped through the air, while the aeronaut, no longer in control of his. ship, but controlled by. it, worked at the pump and threw out ballast in a yain endeavor to escape the inevi table. He was1descending directly over the greensward in the center,bf the Longchamps race course when he caught sight of some boys flying kites in the open, space. He shouted to them fo take hold of his trailing guide rope and run with it against the wind. They understood at once and as instantly obeyed. The wind had the same effect on the airship1 as it had. on a kite when one runs with it, and the speed of the fall was checked. Man and airship landed with a thud that smashed everything but the man. The amort boys that bad saved Santos-Dumont’s life helped him pack what was left of the -wrecked airship into its bas ket, and a cab took inventor and- invention back to , Paris.—From “Stories of Inventors,” by Russell Doubleday. What Ho Did Know. The blustering, browbeating cross examiner has gone out of fash ion. It is the mild, calm, dignified, persuasive, polite examiner who now succeeds the better, although there are times, of course, when aJittle fire and spirit prove advantageous. An amusing example of the former method is given in “Curiosities of Law and Lawyers/” which runs somewhat as follows: ' . “Pray, sir, do you know the dif ference between a Iiorsc and a cow?” shrieked the angry cross examiner, who was growing impatient at his uonsuecfss. “I acknowledge my ig norance/”- replied- the witness, who was a clergyman. “I hardly do know the‘difference between a cow and a horse or between a bull and a bully,, only n bull,. I am told, has horns, and n bully (bowing, respect fully to the counsel), luckily for me, ha? none/” ^ Irish Sarcasm. A remarkable tale of Irish humor is lold by tf French chauffeur, ac cording fo the London Chronicle. He was driving in Ireland when he rode over a cyclist. The injured man apologized. “Fray continue your journey/’ said he. ’“I am real ly ashamed to have incommoded such a sportsman.” Next day Urn chauffeur received a letter frofii this'stnipathetic stranger, full of. re grets and making lender inquiries about the rfafe of the automobile. “1must tell you/”it proceeded, “that as a n-sull of ye.tndayL incident, for which f alone uni responsible, 1 expret fo din soofl. Hut 1 am ar ranging to leave you A third of my property so that you tarn embed!bit your automobile with all the hilest; improvemepfs/” ’ } HID OdU> IN HIS HAIR. trick of • Workman That Turn**! Him Many * 0Uhon#*t Ptitny- "Did yon tnor give thought to the rarity of dr-honesty among jew elry artisans? Hid you ever realize the infrequency of reports of thefts by tiuqu?” qin rin! an aged manu facturing, jeweler. , ■ **It really senes that the habitual care for his filings, clippings and the like is the experienced artLairs only conseiou«ne s of-.valuej .otherwise Iho gold to him i- but a commodity to be mode’ed into a thing of beau ty, not uu abject for his covetous-- miss or greed, “The older the arli an the more firmly fixed in this liahit. 'As a rule, it is only tin* younger aspirants, and hut i'ew of these, who succumb to temptation. Once started on a down ward course, however, their own self consciousness is most frequently their own accuser to shopmate or foreman. ■ “Many years ago in a Newark shop where mostly solid.filed Work was- made a seasoned workman ob served a quaint habit in a journey man but recently fout of his time/ who was .seated a t ' an adjoining beficlu The latter had very dark hair, Wore it long and (it was in days of bear’s grease and hair oils) kept it well oiled', He had a habit of pushing his fingers up through his long-hair as if to keep it from, falling ever his eyes. It was further noticed that prior to each such, ac tion he dabbed his fingers in the bench pan, wherein had fallen the fil ings from his work. The habit was not indulged in when a\yay 'from his seat. * ‘ - “The foreman, On' one occasion when at his back,,examining a piece of his work, noticed the sparkle of gold in his hair. Mentioning it casu ally to an older'bench fellow when the latter came to the foreman for "stock, the quaint habit was1detail ed by the older man and set the foreman thinking... Ho called at the boarding house where the young ar tisan resided, and, being acquainted with the proprietor, learned that the young man upon coming to midday dinner and to his evening meal in variably sought his room first. “By reason of his freshly bathed face and hands and his well groom ed, oily hair when he anpeared at the table he,\vas„acconxitcd a dandy, but one peculiarity -Avas that of his instructions to the maid.who made up his room that she must not dis pose of his wash water, as he would attend to that himself. * . ~’ “X,t was discovered that" he thor oughly. wdshed his hair before each meal, dried it and oiled it and that with each such.operation he deposit ed in his washbowl from one to two pennyweights of eighteen carat gold filings, which had from "five to twelve' hours in which to" settle before his wash water was decinited therefrom. It was a dear steal of three penny**- weights or at least' $2.50 for each of his working days. " “It is needless fp say- that aftgr this discovery, lii's §ilent, partnership, with a part of the' profits, forthwith ceased. “Another „one o f 'the rare eases was that of a youth whose bench talk about his previous evening^ amusements indicated an expendi ture beyond his .productive capacity as,, a journeyman. His visits dur- in, *.shop*hours to the retiring room wei \so methodical as to arouse curi- ositj It was found that with a pair of po bet scales ho balanced dgamst a' paper cornucopia of gold filings an equal weight of brass filings, which he deposited in another pa per cornucopia. After his return to liis seat he ■ scattered the brass fil ings in life bench pan. These, being mixed with the larger volume of gold filings in liis pan, were finally passed to the foreman as all gold .filings, so that his weights tallied with what would be expected from him. But the cornucopia of gold filings was filched by him from his neighbors. ^ “This would , be shrewd one’s Torn of plenty” also was effectual ly crushed out of existence. “After all, these two instances be ing exceptional is why I mention them/’ and the agedjcweler conclud ed, with a twinkle of his eve, “I have faith in my men, likewise in Hie adage that ‘it does'no barm to watch an honest man, and a thief should be ever watched/ Jewelers” Cir cular-Weekly. Asking and Answering QuastionS. Mrs. Henpeek (to Mr, II., who is reading)—-Your little son just ask-' cd fl>u a question/and you didn’t even notice him. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, and I shall— Mr. Ilenpeek—I didn’t hear him. Mrs. II,—Oh, no, you never heat when a member of your family speaks to you. You aro deaf to the very olios you should hue and cher ish ; deaf to— Mr. IL-r/What does he "want to know? , Mrs. II.—He asked you What a. hermit was, ' Mr. II.—-A hermit/my son, is a man who loves peace and quiets—* London Tit-Bits £,Vvt*IMhSTf*d*«M*trlts.Gh|;'.is<ri!jmS *11 I'M* !rutmiiinm tamiactedMrM**cSAY£ fee'#. i 6 tf* 6 rnt!iei*rwo*iTeU.#.>*A,rtNTOrFics ; ;<wnl « e inn ttrorc jM(*m i n ] time th'ui tlio.le j f " mh "tVailiinaiar 8*tidmtvtiel,drawing r.i- r.imut.,with tle'crip lion. W4 Srivit!-, if r&iniMMe or not. frrs m fh*f*e. OiirfettmUlindlill p/UeoH*situred. ; A P a MPHUtT, “ llfi'j UsOS.t.lifi rjtteni 1 ,"with (iMt of MinrinthisU.S. SfiJfotilgn(anilines' Mat fnr*. AililrM.t< O . A . S N O W & C O . PATdhVOrries,WntniiKaffiM. 0 ,«. > •VW‘ Th© K ind You Have Always Bought, and which has heeqi in usa for over SO years, has horn© the signature of and -has beenmade under his per sonal supervision glneo I#trt8MW5h'- ■ Allow no one to deceive you in this. A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and, “ dnst-as-good” are hut Experiments tluit trifle w ith and endanger the health of Infanta mid Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a .harmless substitute, for Castor O il, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium/ Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colie. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach arid Dowels, giving healthy mid natural sleep. The. Children’s Panacea-The Mother’s Friend, G£N<JiNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Use For Over 30 Years. TH£CCt*TA 0 R 40 ttf*A,JV, VfMtmftAYATRCCT, DEWYOB*CITY, fei Bilious Colic Preventer EXCHWGE BBflK *“ - > CEDARVILLE, OHIO. T«ti«*u J mi I i tiff.'iiiimbcri uV. Colic, Cholera .uni K mt ' / l j ___ as soon as (iic fiiH, i i i u . t r a . i i im . ih. ! * CCOUHIS of Merchants and In* dieensr tiupenrs mni a ijirt'atant'd'nl- * * dividual? solicited. ColW.tiopc t a t k m iy .if ilm iare.L ' preuiptly made and remitted. ” , , of people use the remedy in lliis way! ------- w i t h > r > r t f u r Mir by 1 1 ’TVRAFTS an Hew York and Ciu-’ druggists, , 1 " , ' .JLJ tanrmti sold'at lou est rates. The _ j _— — (lujnpest ami piost convenient way |to NEWTIME' CARD , “ Tire following. is the ache lule' for the depai um* ni tr.iin,*; For East 7.24 ;i in, flag slop*' 4.;47 p m Pm West 8 18 u. m. finjrstop; 5.24 j), m scad /money by mail. OAHB. made on Real Estate, Per- * 8onn! or Collateral Security, 'ssv 8 tatb ot*Oiiio, Cwy or TOwsuo.) , L ccas CVr.viV j PuAwi J. C'lre.vKVmnhef oathMint ho is senior partner of die iirm of K ,1.- ("i(r ms * &Co., tjotag bjusiness In. the city ofToledo, taowwty, and state ufomiid, and that Mid ffirm will pay ilie suina OKU JlDXDttBD DObh.VllS for «''li oyary cos? of Catarrh that cannot be cared bv Ibe use of ID\u/* GarAP.nnCrhn, v FHANE ,T»CH15SBY. Sworn to befdre'rtic and snbsertbed in my presence, this (hh day of December, A. D- 1880. f — / ' ' A*W/GKBA&'N, •J hkai . t , ' Military 1'ui.lic Hall's Catarrh cure, is taken internally and aels directly on the, blood and mucous surfaces of the system, ‘Hend ior testinioni- ,'als, free. . WINTER TOURIST TICKETS AJMi WOW 6MHAfcB “VIA Louisville &Nashville Railroad a'o- FLORIDA, GULF, COAST RESORTS ‘ CUBA, A /T V E H Y L O W K A T E S For rn'fl'P, time tables'orhenutifufly flips trated booklets cn Florida, the Gulf Coast HewOrleans or Cuba, address nearest rep resentative. F. D. Ut'Bir, D, 1‘, A. . » • Cinejiii iti .T.JE, HAVfiNl’OllT, D. l’, A. * St bonis H. C. BAILEY, X. W. V. A. . - Cliienfto J. II. MlLttKKX, D. P., A. • Jaihisville 0 . h STONE, G kx T. P ass . A gent UOmsVlLL'E, KV, Nature’s G rea t Inventior William Wildmnn, Pre?.,. Beth W, Smith, VicePreg., W, J. Wildman, Cashier O. L. Smith Asgb, Cashier r . F O R P O S T S Place orders early for spring plant ing. Heavy demand; supply limited; 12*hjch to 18*incl». only at this dale. Keferetice: CtuiS, Dobliins as In quali ty of stock and growth. Also a ful) line of Fruit and Ornamental trees PRICES RIGHT. STOl K FINE CATALPA $5 00 per M. BLACK LOCUST §1000 per M TECUMSEH NURSERIES. Cedarville, Ohio. yam's Restaurant andDining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street Springfield, Ohio. G E T TH E BEST Ondfrhank*obdeAtnSron, faraway, farway. Wildr Dr. Grecit citsA 1 ia(US>tI'l'nvrrs totliad ivj AHpi.-Ufd(t'.iscflo-.irrain in <>!■•I.r.lHiJ An’a(dt)' i’te a Vaufcte, all fuugiito be dacstilt. ffAugust Flower is the only tnedidtje (free i'lomrdcolialic stimulants) that lias baart Sueter.ifui iti keeping t'.ie entire thhty-two feet of digestive apparatus ina condition,/ad a'raining ucsitiro's processorof fligestlon, sep.u'ntioaan I ab sorption—for building and fe~Iiml<ting— by preventingAt.r. irregular orunnatural cuu h - s which interrupt healthy and per fect natural processes.asd txsnititi hit* •; final indigestion, catmhal aft’O'-tio,/. (eaiioiiig appoHuiritin- f,top'>ago of the .gall duet), fenacntutioti of iniu-.dthj tooth, nervotmdv.gKp-.iu. hcndiche, Ctm*’ StimlL'u Rtid odur coHipluiutt;, aueli res colie, biltotisiit r.i, jaundice, tic. i " tJAugust Jbnvtris natmc'sinlondcd Kg** ’tUtor, Two ajc, 75 c. At!druggists Is >nft Wbh »maof (jedsrvilUq 0 , ; ■■- • -■ >4:- ■ The New and Enlarged ' ' Edition Contains 25,000 New Words New Garotteer o f the World Withthorn than125,GOtttfes, baaed oft the latest cenausreturns. N owB iO g raph lca l D ic tio n a ry eofttatntmf 1 honames of 0 vor JO.OW)noted persons, date of birth, deatli, etc., >• ikiitcd byw-iTHAmS?, hh.D., xd . d ., . unitedfitfttesComaiissionerofMucation, 2 3 8 0 Q u a rto P ag e s NnrH»tw». tMtUlMtnkllaB*. jitehnindlnCH. AfciWebMtr’* IMcif«n«ry with inCPhR«B* i^oolJInstriuioTJiv . ABpftcifttThlapAjxrKditlcirt 0#Luxc , DltlMMWjGlUP it FREE,uA iftFrofttititiitRJrt/*iftSttllC4 live amt entertaifiinfr. Alsoillustrated pamphletA, jS* d 6*' W & K & tA H VuMIshsim, Sprinafteld, Moss. ■f * HOLIDAY APPAREL. . f ■ ■ * / . . - i i * Novelty Silks . || Hplcnriid Drcs*'Fabrtre, fitic. Tim farts Fv is } n.-hu' |L their, wits to Hipply ttm demand—I’ mv - vo , rinfea and blackff. . We are the agents. 42-Inch Wraps Junt ncoived—tor the low price of -£ 8 ,3 -all won!, | | | The greatest Job of the year. Handkerchiefs Holiday ■H nnikcHchif.K, the finest coUectiwu ever sbowu, Bnsp snf Ilamlkerehh'fa, initial?, 25e «p. ’ Neckwear, Gloves Hand Bags, Bells Lace Sets, Waists, Skirts, Under -■ m wear, Furs, Shirt . Waists, Suits jj Wrappers, . . Ribbons-«wide joc , narrow 5c. . ft & CiBNEY’S , ! XENIA-, i . '< OHIO, ^ AND m m . %r\ Clita aiii FLORIDA *; UNITES ■ ' ' ’AND . ■ SOUTItERN RAILWAY -THROUGH PULLMAN SEJVKB FftCH CHICAGO AND CLEV5T LAND, BIG FGUR ROUTE; DETROIT AND TOLEDO, C H & D AN0PER8 MARQUETTE SYSTEM; ST, LOUIS AND?/ar.VILLE, SOUTHERN W i TO JACKSONVILLE AID STv //.JUSTINE. SOLIDTOAlflSCillCIfiNATiTOCflATTAHOOCAj/'/LANTA. l?tr.!.I!NC- HAM,SHREVEPORT,NEWORLEANS^ACKSOHV5LLE,ST.AuaUcriNE. Also Through Pullman Service to ‘ Knoxville, Asheville, Savannah, Charleston ■Dining and. Observation Cars on Ail Through Trains, 1WinterTouristandVarlnbbfloutaTlckctsonSale at ReducedRates. HorlafonKattonnddressCU.tS.av. 2BIX, D./A, 4tli endRace Sta.,C"nfL \Y,"A. GAIffiETT, - W. CJUSfEABSON, ' Qoocral Manager, ■ , GeneralPABscnrerA-cnt. CXSCCOKMAUir., , -■ . Ladies' Winter Coats ^y.po bays a iS-ineii-Lnilies Tourist Coat, at ohr store—black or ’dark, f rey, good material correct new- style. Wc have all grades in better Cloaks at $7.50, $ 8 " 75 , $lft.()0, i?12.00 and up to ^25,00. ' Blat'hs, Browtts and Castors are tbo correct colors. ■ Children's Cloaks have the greatest- selec tion of popular, stylish Child- ’ i: rgn’s. Whips, in"Sikes 4 to 0 •at $4.00, $5.(K) and $0.00 ever sliowb' in Xen'a—colors BiPwn, Gray, Greenand Blu.e MissesSchool 5kirts . .Tust right for shoot wear, In sizes 10 to. 15 yeags; stylish ,material at $5.00, $,’5,50 and. $5,00 each.. , Ladies Walking Skirts In almost endless selection...,.... ........ $3 .00 to $10.00 Each. ■■■', *,*lilttns;ing*:’"’Itmlorwear forLau- ieKand CHiiltlm-TtVMif- most satis-; factory kitui nifide. Bqy them once you w ill,l«Kye:jpo-Ptlier|fr'■ prices fiOc, (55cand $1.00 “Pong” Stockings for boy’s and girls, Ihekiqd that wear-well. There is no other as good,—all sizes and all weights.............= 25c JOBEBROS. & CO, XENIA, O. i*tr ' f l S ^ S o f l ^ s I S e S l flf bedtime. Suflir-fcMted* mild/ eem ln , *■-fluff and fl. Hock qoekOrals, -DohhiilB. Wantyour moustache or heard abeautifulhrowuorrich ? use ■ A S t s t e m i . Rettai Merchai . /■ si* 4 W ive at Care« SISSouthTrior AvtMttrA., G a ., ; lauffcrtfl lot tattremci nfwr.w.y I had a rinkin Horueriiwhichn to relieve, andh I hewitneweak ity. In, tiirce -m .pounds of fifcsh i fled speedy rri ■health, ifavln Oardni praised friftads, I scat f twekuriy very WrtwlU. Withi: appetitereturn wsbled me 4 m d%wt niy food Sgia fes nwv- di«*dHi»hed, j her fuuc(ioni) and t fea,b»a3 I ■i4*UiyiWa«m AM’SDYE mv
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