The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
mmm The CedarvilleHerald. ■ $(.«!& !%.*» ’Vf-ear* *rr K A R I J J BUM* " > » 4 « o r . FRIDAY* MAY % JOBS, tgggaggggggg IT ■f y Tho (iriiclo in the last Issue of the Herald under the, Caption “ High Raleriea and wo Miuto” .certainly •touched a tender spot , hot only ■with the members, of the board, blit with the patrons o f the schools qo well*. So worked np did one member of the board ger that he forgot Just how far a man can go in regard to con vincing-a man who looks at things different than he does, TliiSTneinbcr to whom we have refinance is none other than J, O. Barber, Mr, Barber feeling very angry at , ’ivhat'we had to say about the action of tho boar 4 in doing away with the musical course under-took to give us the ueaU.” , using the slang. He first opened up on ns as to what right we had to put “ Prof,” in front of F. A. Alexander’s name as we did in the above mentioned article. He was soon informed that it was none of his,business what term we used- be fore Mr. Alexanders name. ,Mr, Barber denies that The board has done away with the musical course and It was on this issue that he proved himself io be a speaker capa- able of drawing a large crowd, as was "evidenced on last Saturday morning. TV© played the role pf the small boy and. just “ took” all of Mr.' Bar- b sr’s insultingremarks knowing that mir article liadhad the desired effect and that he would feel- muoh better after he had the opportunity to vent, -his spleen. It has never been our policy to write something and then have to go butand fight in the street to back it up. Mr. Barber regarded most that we * said as a lie and branded us os a liar and dared us to call him a liar TV© t only “ stood there” and give him the laugh and the madder he got. After , ■lnaiiy attempts to get us to call him a liar he managed to call us a danf liar and then a another liar if we ‘“ took?’ it. W e endeavored to talk to him as peaceable as possible but anger had the best of him aet- ' tle "t"hln^8‘a“flght'ivas jusii what Tie ' wanted, Seeing, that be could not ' make us mad enough to fight he en , tertained the crowd by tbreatning to ~"whip us if we overwrote him up in the paper. The affair happened just past the Ridgway drugstore and of course the whole crowd poured out ■ 1 ,«- * ■ ( 4- of the-store to hear us get liued up Bey. Andrew was there' with Mr. ’ Barber when he crossed the street to do us Up. Bev. o f course,,, couldn’ t help but “ butt in” just like he has on so many other occasions. It woulden’ t look.well to putin prin t just what Bev. had ' to , say but it ft^rent something like this: ‘ ’Whip >tjbe g-- d-m -o- o- a ——,’ ’ thinking that Mr, Barber would like to make a speech we thought it best that public notice be.given and a place provided so that more might be. present to hear just what lie wbuldjhaveto say, we havearranged With Squire wolford for the use of his courtroom nextTuesday morning at 10 o’ clock. The subject wo have chosen for Mr. Barber is “ Assault and Battery” and judging from his maiden speech last Saturday morn ing, you will be well repaid in com ing out on this occassion. Keep the date in mind. Get S C O T T ’S Emulsion ! When you fid to a drug iter* irtd ask for Scott’* Emulsion you know what you want; tho tnan knows you ought to fiava ft. Don’t ba surprised, though, If you are offered aomothlng •14*. Widea, cordials, extracts, Oto., of cod fiver oil.ere pientt* fu§ but don’t Imagine you are, getting cod liver oil when you taka them. Every year for thirty years we've been increasing the a*)a* of Scott’* Emulsion. Why? Eeoauaa It has always bean better than any substitute # # It. ' " 1 ' ffsnater It** M>bpfe nmtUMt $ t tm m Dr.' KENNEDY’S “ FAVORTJE REMEDY V b m m t to ICuwcriul to C a te, every Horae. SIOHEf pAUKEtept, Dr, XralHtay^F»TQrM*’R»ow4v .—im n l txHH «m».tUTor4lU)*l>rr* .......... .......... and weattWM m peculiar to }« adaptedto Muw»»r«U4no£ .blood, While it claimed by different members of the board that the musical course will not be done away with wo still hold to wliat we stated last week. We did not say that there would not be miscellane ous singing' While the board has informed the teachers that they ■<*■ must prepare to teach music in their respective rooms we hold that the pupils will not have tho ■ advantage of a course .in music such as what should be provided, and what has been provided in tho past. The teaching of music is nhljke that of any other branchj taught in the public schools. There is not one in ten persons adapted to teaching this branchj and we know this will be the case with the teachers here. It is no fault 'o f the teachers and no' criticism must be put on them. A Successful musical instructor is en dowed with plenty-Of natural talent. There |s no'reason why, the patrons of the Cedarville, schools cannot have ns good an instructor .as is found in like towns over the state. Mr. BaMjer/stated to us that the reason y/ny Mr. Seigler is not' to re turn is thatiiis work is not satisfact ory. -We then asked him then why the board should abolish the place and why some one elsewas not secur ed? It’s®too thin an argument ns has been given ns as the only reason why the musical course as it lias been should be dropped. .Our state ment to Mr. Barber was that if Mr. Siegler’s work was not satisfactory why then get some one in his place. •-The school board is face to face with a proposition.that has been the subject of much conversation since t!ie Herald’s article of last week. We,have had expressions poured in on us by the hundreds and know that the majority of the patrons are against the board in doing away with the musical instructor. Peti tions have been talked of, but we have-not as yet heard of any .in circulatxonr .......... We have never stated that politics has had much to do with the clvdpp ing .of the musical instructor blit there is every indication at the pre sent time that some politicians have found a way to even up With Mr, Siegler for not letting them run the primary. We have the evidence at haqd to show—that Mr. Siegler was threatened with*his job if hejlld not let a certain politician name the judge for tho primary. Tho readers have been mtormed that Mr. Seigler is not to get the place' and for the looks of the thing the position lias been abolished and the patrons”and pupils must suffer. Whether politics has been Instru- mentttfIn do? igaway with wliat the people want and what they pay for, we leave that for the reader to de side. sentence when S. Ik Wright, presi dent of the school board and corpor ation cluk railed out of tlio chair blurting “ lly-Hod I am a n d ! am n ady to fight,” ' All the time he wa getting hi» coat off and down into the middle of the floor it went. Fred had his off and was ready to show his pugilist ic ability, A brother of the writerheingpresent and thinking that a couple of cowards might do us harm naturally took sides and the jv e - great big fighters with their boats tiff turned their attention to him and left us silting inthe clmlr as they found us at the start. Of course these fellow’s >vere determined to fight forsure when they saw’ that the proprietors were going to take t hand. In tho course of time every thing cooled down and aliwas serene Just before taking bis departure Mr. Wright kifidjy'advised us along tho line of conducting a newspaper that wre {should be very carefully to get everything just right. We.expeet some day to hear o f Mr. Wrlghtpub lishing a bopk op “ How' to ,Success fully Conduct a Newspaper.” With aB that has been said and done we have not in theleastbacked down on what we said in regard to the action of the school board anc today we are firmer m the belie! thatwixat the board done wns not for the best interests of tho school. If your blood is jhln and im pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes, you certainly know the medicine that brings good .health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried-for 60 years. Adoctor’smedicine. “ I owo my life, Without doubt, to Ayer’s SarmimrUlii. It Is tlio most wonderful medt- dlnehUlie world ,for iiervousnoss. My enrols permanent, und 1 cannot thank you enough.1* MltS. nai.IA SI u W ku ,, fiewurlc, N. J. 81.00 a bottle. d. o. aver tlo.r A’i!!ragirlsts_.__ P o o r H ealth Laxative doses o f Ayer’s Pills each n igh t greatly a id the Sarsaparilla. INCIDENT NO, 2. The Editor began to Think that last Saturday was to be one day that would go down in history but after all things turned out about right. A b an aftermath of what took place Saturday morning we came nearer getting Whipped Saturday evening while in a well known business house. This time two men man aged to get their Coals off jufit in lime to fight when they were hind ered by the action of the proprietors. Hot being satisfied with what had taken place during the day Fred son of J. C, Barber, entered tho business place wewere In ami. concluded to take up the argument, where It had been dropped in the morning, Wfo stated to him that the question would bo settled on Tuesday and re fussed to discuss ituntilhe addressed Aquestion to us and wo answered it by asking him “ I f ho was a mr tuber of the school hoard.” We had no more than finished the I** WVVVV, *.WVi PATENTS ie*y,at?, Trade,Mark*ObtainedandallPat entMjr.uisssconductedfor MobCMAtic fcc » :®«y>Orriet it <rrdsttxU.s.i*ATxwtorrict ana we can secure patent in l«es time llnu those rcnicteMmIVAjhingloc, , tendi Jfi(idcj,drawilnf orohoto.,with desttip. tttift, v-e 4dv>*e, If batehtubie oi! not, free of ctmrfte. Out tee not due fillpatent ie secured* ; X **HowfftOminPatertt*,” with tost r;t mat. inthe V.H. andforeijencountries aecntfred, Address. ' .O.A.SNOWS.OO. i es> iiss. AgnesWestley 16Wells Street VlarinetteiWis. 816Wells Street,-^ M aiunette , Wia., Sept. 25,1908. I wasallrundownfromnervoua- nessandoverworkandhadtorosign my position and'take, a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health ns fast as I coula wish, and as your Wine of- j Carduiwas recommendedas sucha good medicine for the ills of our sex, I bought a bottle andabegan using it. I was satisfiedwith the results from tho use of the first bottle, andtookthreemoreandthen foundI wasrestoredto goodhealth and strength and able to tako up my work with renewed vigor. I consideritalinotonicandexcellent for worn-out, nervous condition, and ampleased to endorso it. AGNESWESTLEY, tttffi NorthWisconsinHollandSociety. Secure a 61.06 bottle of Wine of Cardui and a 25c. package of Thodford’s Black-Draught today. wine ' of T ardui SUBTERRANEAN WONDERS fllammothGave r AND COLOSSAL CAVERN Are tlm most interesting of all the Natural Wonders In America. These wonderful Caverns are visited ann ually by thousands of tourists from this country and abroad. They are pronounced by scientists tho most, tho most magnificent work of nature, Tt would well repay you to lake the time to make a visit to them. They aro 100 miles souili of Louisville Ky. nearthe * LOUISVILE S NASHVILE E. B. nnd the undersigned will lie glad to quoin you rates, give iraiy schedul es or send you a beautiful illnotrated 18 page booklet-giving an interesting description of these remarkable places. XI. Sion#, (kn'l P a **, Agcnl, ; louMlle, Ky, Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. . in use for over 3 0 years, has borne the signature o f nnd has beenmade under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allowno one to deceive yoUin this* . All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o f Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* W lia t is CASTOR!A CJastcria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Is Pleasant. I t ssBteiao motife? Cspiiun, Slorphiaa nor .©th©s?TtErsotls substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea ana 'Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates tbe Food, regulates thu Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend* GENU INE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tbe Signature o f TheKindYouHayeAlwaysBought In Use For Over 30 Years. . THEOtNT.UR TTMURRAYSTRCCT..NKWYOAKCITY. . IT’S A TENDER POINT with us to ' hear our meats criti* cisod. We avoid it by handling only the very choicest grades. TAKE OUR STAKES foi-instance. They are from freah young stoers, raisedospecially for beef. There’ s no finer meat pro duced in this or any other coun try. - f r y opbjand see how much your appetite improves. It will beat all the- tonics yotrever took.' C. H. CKPVSE, ted a rv ille, O. GOOD fo r OLD and YOUNG X«Stist Flower keep, the children healthy and utronff— FnU of vigor and frolic the-whole day long. So when sfammx need* more they rush off it! high glee, And snout to the druggist! "Please give it to m et" , ^Inability to get np brisk nnd fresh in the morning, lack of appetite, pallor, muddy complexion and poor spirits— these all indicate a disordered stomach taking (Jreen ’3 August Flower^regu larly for a few days, qit’sa reliableold remedy forall stomach troubles, never fails to cure indigestion, dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and is a natural tonic for body and mind, i« qTwo sizes, ' 25 c and 75 c. All druggists. Isaac Wisterman, Cedarville.O, ToInvestors. Prefereel stock in the Oedfir- vilie Telephone Company is being offered to local investors at par. It is guaranteed to pay 6 per cent interest per annum and is to he paid semi* annually. The stock is Exemptfrom taxes. This is a good investment for a home company, .where you have watched its progress and rapid growth. Inquire at thoExchange Bank or D. Bradfute, pres. EXCHANGE' BAM CEDARVILLE, OHIO, A CCOUNTS of ercliants and In-' a (lividuais 1 solicited. " Collectionr lpromptly made and remitted,} T\RAFTH on New York and Cin- * * cinnnti sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way lto send money by mail. T OAN8 made on Real Estate, Per- sonal or Collateral Security. William Wildman,-Pres., _ . 'Seth W , Smith, Vice Pres., W , J. Wildman, Cashier, O. L . Smith Aest, Cashier Speeiosa F O R P O S T S Place orders early for spring plant ing. Heavy demand; supply limited; 12-inch to 18-inch only at this date. Reference: Ghas..Bobbins as to quali ty o f stock and growth, Also a full line of Em it and' Ornamental trees PRICES RIGHT. STOCK FINE. CATALPA 85.00 per M. BLACK LOCUST $10.00 per M TECUMSEH , NURSERIES. Cedarville, Ohio. Adam's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street* . Springfield, Ohio, DO YOU W ant to d o on a TO U R OP n E U R O P E r The , Cincinnati * Commercial Tribune WILt/jjTAKE 5 0 W O M E N TO E U R O P E They will go as guests o f The Com mercial Tribune absolutely ■ FREE WITH ALL EXPENSES PAID. SPRING 19 0 5, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - No past season have wo had such a nice eolloerion or tn-k-c- . tion of stylish Dress f ioods ' , . Figure^ Brilliants 50e to $1.00 Mohairs 50c to $1.75. \ .Panama CiothSi Neat Pin Check Sillis. Crepe do Chen©, Foulards, Japanese Henrietta Cloths, Silk Shirt Waist Suits Spring Jackets, Silk Petticoats, Dressing fiacquis, Under- wesfr, Muslin Underwear, . W IN D Q W D R A P E R Y . Scrims, new patterns; Madras, pretty styles; Ruffled Swiss 60c, 75c, and $1.00 a pair. Bofobinetfc $1.50, $2.00 $2.75 a pair. Nottingham50o, excellent for $1.00 pair. Battenberg $8.75 to $12,00 pair. Eduardian $2.75, $3,75, $4. Ivory, Saxony, Bon ne Homme, Just imported. ~ ~ R O O M ^ R U G a . ' « * ■■* ■ in great demand' and lowest jmces shown $10.75 to $60. InjgrainArt squares $3-$l0.75. Small hearth Rugs $1 to $6 / Best assortment o f styles. HUTCHISON & GIBHEY’S, » ■ •1^ XEN IA , OHIO.- . MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE PRICES =========== O N = = = = = = = = = = = = . VEHICLES HARNESS We sell our entire product direct to the - - . user at wholesale prices and guarantee a V ' VJE I N V I T E Y O U T O C A L L A N D I N S P E C T O U R W O R K LARGEST STOCK We carry the largest stock o f veliidee on our repository floorof any concern in the world.k All o f latest style, thoroughly reliable vehicles. Our line includes Carriages, Buggies, Surreys, Phaetong*.Station Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts, Road Wagons, Spring-Wagons, Carts, etc, C O M E A N D S E E U S B E F O R E M A K IN G Y O U R P U R C H A S E . W E C A N S A V E Y O U M O N E Y CATALOGUE FOR 1 9 0 5 Send, for our free catalogue. To out-of-town buyers who cannot come to see us, we should be glad to send, on request, our illustrated catalogue, by means of which you can buy as safely and satisfactorily as if on the ground. • • - _ P R IC E $50 .50 Extra3-4 RubberTiros, $13.00 Guaranteed as good lh every wayas sold by middlemen for from $70 to $ 75 . Note ^omeof the good points, Has s’elf-olllng, dust-proof, axles. Full wrought Brewster fifth- whee) with bent reaches mor tised Into the head block. Oil tempered and tested- springs. Wrought steel Bailey body loops. Strictly second growth hickorywheels,with tiresputon hot. Bradley shaft couplers, Fulllength bottomcarpet. Rub- t-ersteppads, Springbaekand pr|ng cushion, Finest finish throughout. Then catestBug gy In the Worldat the Price, Mo. 0 0 7 0 . NEW YORK BUQQV. THE MANUFACTURER can always offer youmore for your money than themiddleman. We are the only house in the State of Ohio selling direct-to the consumedwho manufactnres the vehicles end harness they offer for sale. No. 40B6. STRAI0HT SILL SURREY P R I C E * 8 1 . 5 0 Extra7-BRubberTire*, V $15.00 No. 4066 is a light.compact vehlcle svlihampleseatingca pacity for four large persons. „ Furnishedwithbellcol- Ur self-oiling axles. Olltemperedand tested springs. Full bottom wrought fifth-wheel. Strictly second growth •wheels. Full length velvet carpet, Bradley shaftcouplers. Hand somelyfinished. Guaranteed as good ns sold by others for SiiMo to $ )(* » more than our price. HARNESS We Manufacture 65 STYLES Bighttt Quality— Wholtuli Pries* GUARANTEEASAVING NOT LESS THAN 25f* Our No. 246 Single Strap Driving Hsrness PRICE $ 12.60 8 EHUIHERUBBERMUUNTINOC, . Extra $1,76 W#carry2000eeieofHarm**InitocK C O M E A N D S E E U S OFFICE-REPOSITORY-FACTORY SoathHighStreet, crewingHeofclngValleyRxllroiri, TerniimieEiectriorCATLtM. 20mlrtaiMridetramownerBri*dendHighStreet* tHiyer*0Pills, Ayer’s Pills, Ayer’s■ Pills. ■.Keep■ saying tills over and over sgain. -Bolt anc) u, Hock «oker«]<, Wantyour moustache or bear'd BUCKINGHAM’S DYE -B o M i S m . - tKUUifltnnehaiixtiliit K w * » iB u i i i '» » HiL 1 /
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