The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 1-26
i MM —..r.apfg^u^ SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 22, 24, 26 and 28 N O R TH F O U N T A IN A Y E . ,»%.£ /T\f^ /V S P a ia H ili*S4« <”i ^ 1 2 * 3 UJ. v j l i y ^ w U l U V U | l U u u v x u Trading Stamps, W e pay fare to Springfield on all purchases the Low Quotations, ------- '*•*% XlJLVXi. I V e c Everybody should avail themselves of the grand opportunities offered at the Big store, and pay a visit some day this week if possible if not this week then come next, but come sure. Everything in our extensive, store vyill share alike the Bargain price marking OUR EXPENSES ARE LOW - - WE CAN AFFORD IT x In our Cloak room section, Tailored Suits, Silk Suits, W%sh Suits, Tan Covert Jackets, Silk Jackets, tan and black, Seperate Skirts, Silk, Mohair, and Panamas, Kilted pleated, or accordian pleated styles and all colors the greatest collection to select from and all at our usual Low Margin profit price. ' to accomplish rapid selling o f tailor-made suits—our intention feeing to close out every suit in our store, we have decided to give a CASH DISCOUNT ON EVERY TAILORED SUITIN OUR STORE OF 25 PER CENT, The Suits range in price'from $5.00 to $27.50 and every suit marked at our well known low margin profit price. Every suit is marked in plain figures (no dickering). Alter purchasing present your check at discount office, when you will have returned to you IN CASH 25c on every dollar spent for your suit, or fraction thereof. These suits must go, and while it may seem unusual'at this time to offer Wuch a sacrifice on these remarkable Tailored Suits, we believe the first loss to be the best. Our loss is your gain, but OUR E X P E N S E S A R E LOW : W E CAN A F FO R D IT. $3.50 for $5-5° and -for $7,00 Tan Covert Coats A happy chance indeed, twilfbo to select ohtfwT these" Tan Jackets, l'or $2.98 just at a time when.nine out, of every ten ladies need one. -No matter how warm the Weather, cool days, and evenings are a' sure thing. Nothing is more dressy'or more indespensable. Several shades, and different styles of trimming from which to choose. Othors at $4.90 worth $0.60. / Tailored Suits at $!2i0 You may choose from 3 now shades of Tan Coats, Tdose" oir eoraoT Untilg, 22 to 24 TnWes lihig, tfeavlly stitched or strapped, some are trimmed, in Soutash. Braid of same color with collar or eollarless, Leg o’Mut-' ton sleeve. These Coats are our regular $10 and $12.60 ones, in cloth, style and finish, everything hdt the price, which today is only $7.60, othors at $9.60 worth $16 and $18.00. , ' $7.50 for $fo and $12.50 Tan Covert Jackets ^Women’s guits coatblouse styles-— choicemateri- alsrSurtrwesolfl for $18.00 and $22.60, eiids o f broken lines*——more hroken lines added*— a Suit sale you should attend anti get style as well as value merit here in these Suits without equal in twenty years, consider- they’ re, strictly all right, and yet so far under price. Other Suits at $16.00 and $20,00 of equal value and grade, the late materials and' styles. for a $5 or $6 - Tan Covert Jacket For Girls from 4 to 14 years of age. You can have box style or belted style. Just the smartest little Coats that'' ever helped to dress a young girl smartly. Lightweight covert; mind such Coats as are found to be handy pretty much any month through the summer. There are not a great many of these Coats, so we ask .you to come early, as they are unusually smart garm ents and at almost .half* price. ... " 1 .... ..... . '' T7 T : sr ! 1• -. 1. 1 You shouldn’t- miss our unusual and well merited sale of muslin underwear. Nothing like it ever known. 3c a yard, regular value 7c to 10c yard, many designs to select from.^ 18o a yard, regular value 85c and 40c! Corset Cover Embroideries, the kind that are now-go much in de mand. This line is a very extensive one and nothing you want but what you’ll find here. 40c a yard, regular value $1.00. Embroideries and Inser tions that are amazingly beautiful, especially in match sets, composed of Swiss, Wash chiffon and babtists, and very choice new patterns that you will admire soon as you see them. $1.48 each, Ladies’ Night GownB, worth up to $2.50. $<•98 each) Ladles' Night Gowos, worth up to $3.50, These Gowns are the most elegantly trlmed laces, tucks, etc., and should be taken advantage of. 25c each for 60c Ladies Corset Covers, beautifully trimmed, laces embroideries and tucks. 49c each for Corset Covers, very datntly trimmed, most ovely goods, worth up to $1.00, at 48c. A N We shall place on sa le, today' 600 Will to.Skirts. There is no use’ to further comment on them than to say , there’ s not one worth less than $2.00 and up to $3.00, at, each. $1.00 25c a pair, Ladies’ Danvers,“Worth 50c. 49c a pair, Ladles’ Drawers, worth $1.00. These are very beautifully trimmed laces and Insert ions and embroidery, also tucks; the variety is great, and value Is such that yon should lay In stock for the future. You will never rogret It • t ? MOST E X TR A O R D IN A R Y SALE OF NEW EMBROIDERED SHIRT W A IST PATTERNS At 95 c Each Two thousand White Shirt Waist Patterns, with heavy Egyptian Lisle Embroidery front and cuffs, with full plenty of material and trimming to thake an elegant waist, with fifty styles to select from. The greatest harr gain you'll have offered this season. There1worth $2.00 to $2.50 each. $1.98 Each Eight hundred Irish Linen ShlrtWaists Patterns, containing 8 % -yards fine Pure Irish Linen, with 29 inches of 4-inch Embroidery,, hand-made, for front; IK yards same for cuffs, enough trimming and goods to make a beautiful waist. The linen is exceptionally fine and would retail at G5c yard. The whole pattern is sold everywhere up to $3.00. At 65c Each One thousand beautiful eyelet embroidered Shirt Waists Patterns of Persian Lawn, containing %% yards of 40-inch material, 29 inch embroidery for front and 1 % yards for cuffs. The reason wby this price, is the exten sive purchase we mace, PHENOMENAL WILL BE THE SALES IN OUR LACE CURTAIN AN D CARPET DEPARTMENT^ $ 7 5 0 $22 .00 Each ; 39c For JiAeellenl Work wall c<] that of any otj T W E N T Y ^ BOUNDDVI a pair, 214pairs of Brussels Net and Irish Point Curtains, the cream of this season's production; they’ re worth $ 10 . 00 . each for Door Panels, gqod and pretty designs, regular 6()c grade. ' ' . 5c - - ■ hyard for fancy Doriin, 40 inches wide. £ 7c V ' , a yard for solid P'HpedHeHbjU fin*kind you pay 10 c for. id c 102 Beauvifl Axmister Rugs, balance of our spring order, but arrived, somewhat late must sell ’ em quickly. These rugs wore sold at $36.00, sixo $12.98 Each a pair, Notingliam Lace Curtains, a pair, Notingliam Lace Curtains, twenty styles, 3 yards long aiio ample wide for bed rooms br dining rooms. Price should be $1.00. The hearing o f I ‘ ■charged with assaul ' Karl Bull, was hoail irate Wolford Tuesij | Ah the defomlen 11 witnesses or did not himself, testimony the states witnesses In Mr. Barber being Probate Court in th B. Andrew gave amount. ‘ The defence nertf witnesses until a ,f*| fore tiie time set for' 5the conclusion of tin the* witness,# the cn The first to be exan Bull who related t battery and how it c cross examination tl deavored to show th; of the’ witness di< With what was state sue of, the Herald 1 happened.,’ This is fered as evidence. 'J to show that becaus fered to did not covtf that our testimony 1 wrong some place istated that in writi •was not the intentio f details until the daj \ I t would have been \ j to have stated last: i we didn’ t, this of cd Mr, Barber’ s favor, in bringing this $oiil pertain newspaper f “ Bold” on us in that what we say is j that it would have the merits of the cad Mr. Davit! Bradful “he saw most of the al the defendents actiol dug and that he calh| .and a damn liar, point in his testimoii testified that Mr. 11 him'that mornifig t lf ing for the plaintiff f He stated that Mr. very excited and an j defence attemped n<| tion. Mr. Thompson CrJ As '&>'■ seeing Mr. morningwhile he wa the defendeut, aha his face and that he cleavoring to provol Mr. A. C. Kyle t< the same as did the Mr. M» C. Nagiev Bame story and tha called thedefendem liar and another liti Told of defomlen t f around while he wi . Mr. John Finnoyi hut was nob called,I The following wif poonued by Mr. Ba| H. A , Bair, C. M. Ilidgwsljv T. B. Andrew, H, A, McLean, J, R . Cooper. Mr. M.' R. SuedJ the state and mudt to the court on the the most eonservu warranted the Cot Barber o\er to the the part of the e the assault. Thou shows that there v mited when the pi With a paper. W , F. Orr repres entand in liis reml that there was no [ sault as in this cas| fcourt decisions prunned down by j his last speach. CATALOI Tiie catalogues lege have been istj 1005,1006 and can} to the proper oflU tlon. The work press. A U kTTE l each for best quality all-wool Ingrain Art Squares, size 4x5 yard's, bright colors aud Brussels Carpet designs; former price $18.00. ■$16,50c Each iixh-a heavy Wilton Velvet Rugs, size 9x12, never placed on sale less than 30,00, hut our object 3s to close the lot Of 61 out quickly. ft yard for (\ T, M, Drapery FwcfJt D, In all (he size poka dote, aim fancy Mlf'Ctd, 30 Inched wide. . . '
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