The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

•fe­ ci :V ) The Cedarville Herald. $ 1.00 P e r V r a r , I $ A U U I - - Editor* FRIDAY JFLY % W Mjiiititor Bowen, at bast knows what the President meant when he eaid that “ public official must he clean aa a hound’s tooth.*’ Sweden and Norway are setting the world a great example o f polite ness in set tling international differ­ ences. ■« ■ It nreUlu {jOiutsWljiit iiOIilClil Id ’ Chicago to Issue an invitation to a holly o f meii assembled to promote ■jieace* , ; ■* Russia seems to think that after being beaten once more It can ask for an armistice with better grace. The jury which sentenced a negro to “ 1,000 years and a day” for as­ sault ran the risk that the defendant would take an appeal on the ground that the .court lacked jurisdiction in the hereafter. Bor a long time there was a ‘’Foley the <5oat” a desperate character in the penitentiary,. Who knows, hut that the same character is in our midst now. Who knew anythitg about the tramp before he tramped Eastward. , It’s take your choice between the “ Manure Spreader” and the “ Brew­ ery Wagon” '. We notice that most "people- pfef 6 r-theTformerrvWa_ dd not expect to hear of the Editor of the record trading his “ wagon” for a more mteful implement;-particu­ larly this hot weather. A citizen who happened te be near Jjy.on that eventful night when the editor of the “ Wine and Spirit Nows” was sent after, says that, he may edit what he calls a temperance sheet, supporting the canse by its silence, but that he cart testify that thfe.editor.does not practice what he preaches, -For sale or trau.e : A good manure ." spreader that lias been used enough * .belie warranted as afirst class ma­ chine for the spreading of a moral fertilizer in a community that may beeottie invested with obnoxious pol­ itical weeds. Trade for anything but a “ brewery wagoi>” . Had it been any other town than / Cedarville the patrol wagon would have bpeli backed up in front of the Ndcord office a few days ago arid the 'Editor “ loaded in.” and taken to the’eopler. There was one vehicle - that drove up latter in the day, hut it was the one to take him home. “ He ‘Certainly carries that jug with, dignity” remarked a lady last Saturday morning as the Editor of the “ News” was cOiningup street. He has a license to do so f o r i t is Ills best friend. I t is said that, that jug Is responsible for many things said. When ever Andy or Bev. want to ease their conscience over the stolen primary knowing that Andy only Iia^l 3? votes they get the Editor and the jug, "fill” both of them with booze of the Ridgway brapd and the next issue is a “ cork­ er” . Dr. KENNEDY’S ~ FAVORITE REMEDY Plenwiit **■««***. \ yowerlul to t!uro» AwlW(le«K«ill'- «yery IIIIEIf tri , tor. S>»iWKJy’»rjiTOtH*neoieiz blood, m rfe«■»Xldaejr, lSkUUer and J,S»crC-aav B, RnV’VBD'V’S SON’S. Homlout. J ’ iLoubidwtrau. sixbottle*gao. Chiitate Engtivh. The following letter ashing <for an increase , of salary was received by , a firm in .Shanghai; from . two Chinese clerks in its employment; “Hear fiirs—Being respectfully to *ask .you the psi'doil f QT allow U3 to request you the favor however we understand that you are on intelli­ gent and patrortaged us this so long while. Therefore wo venture dare not to solicit youiggssistance for in­ crease a little of our salaries that we can enough to support this family. Recently at Shanghai the house, rent and provisions, etc., are double dear between since for few years which compel us to ask you for the favor. Hoping you will kindly enough to grant us this requesting and keep attention for us. of this affair.” ) Why Father H*aly Was Glad. The following story-is told by a biographer concerning Bather Hear ly, probably the cleverest Irish wit of modern times; The priest was once yisiting a prominent nouveau riche neighbor, who 'took him to see his gorgeous and seldom used library. ' “ There,” said the vulgarian, point­ ing to a table covered with books— “ are my best friends.” '■ - “ Ah,” replied Healy, with a quick sidelong'glance at the virginal leaves, “ I’m glad you don’t cut them1” _ ' Terrific Race With Death. ' ~ “ Death was fast approaching,” writes Ralph F* Fernandez, of Tam­ pa, Flat, describing' hi$ fearful race with death, “ as a result of liver, trouble and heart, disease, which had robbed-me of sleep and of ail in­ terest in life. I had tired many dif­ ferent doctors and several medicines blit got-no benefit, untill began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderfni was their effect, that in three daySI felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles.” Guaran-^ teed at all drug store; price 60c. Mna. 27 ,;i905 . THE 5TEFFENS ARTICTE The recent issue of McClure’ s magazine has created considerable of a stir among the politicians of Ohio lowing iai the “ Tale of Two Cities” , written by Lincoln Steffens, Tim article deals with the two “ Bosses’ * George B. Cox, republi­ can and'Tom L, Johnson, democra­ tic. Tills magazine for several years lifts devoted considerable space to the corrupt management Of different cities in that the taxpayers wete being fiystmatteally robbed by the bloodling , politicians. The city goverirtentfi at Minneapolis, Mil­ waukee, S t Louis and Philadelphia Iiftye comovjirt for strong criticism lind fn several cases men have been H mt to Hie penlteiiitary. The write­ ll is ot . Bt, Louis were the direct cause o f Go ornqr Folk, while prose­ cuting attorney, taking up the cases which resulted in him becoming one of tho most prominent m<?ft in the cninfy. It has been predicted1that should Steffens take up Ohio there would he “ something doing” , and < ho has no more thaw ini reduced himself nttd the machine papers, JsOih fopubhean and democratic are having spasmodic spells over (he “ abuse” given George Bat-Fly Cox. Oiu; man luTo mmi had tho nerve to iflass McClures and tho Herald as of the h « iiio si ripe# We wish to ex- fend thanks for the compliment', quite different than lieing etas^od .with Joe Miller and his »‘ Wfno ami Bplrll ,New»” and tho Ttoeord, tho defender ot all classes o f law breakers* <r^ AXIUS 28396. M A P L E X E A F F A R M S T A L L IO N S . AXIUS 28806, sou of the champion Axtell 2:12. the greatest family in flie world; dam Typhoon 2:28, by Lord Bussell full brother to Hand S. 2:0824. Second and tlilrd dams great brood mares, COL. (JOLT 2:lfli£, the hull dog race horse, of Alcyone blood, non of Ahihis 2:1^5 i ,and the noted brood mare Arab Girl, Ho is one of ,the gauiGst horses in Ohio. TANFOIlAN m ill, by Expedition 2-1, i .14* eon of Electioneer; dam Tan- tahnoiift 2:2f»If, liy King Wilkes 2:22- jf, son of Geo. Wilkes 2:22, with threo great producing dams. Is 16 u hands, weight 1160 IbA, and is ono of the handsomest horses living. DANDY, the well known hlaelt IV-roheroii. • For full description, tabulated pedigrees, terms, etc,, send for cir- cuiars or vnnt the iarm and m i horses that fu'o high class with gilt edge breeding and a lot of young prospects in training; D. A, Si’ KAGUE, KottH* Uharlckton, o ' A 8 *apy L*Jc«. Scnr^f intero.riirg Items may at tlnus lie imjtarthvii from tho con- c::lar reports, Bor example, there i| a desenpaon of a soapy lake in Um annual statement of the trado and commerce of Nicaragua. This the-t of water, the Lake o f Nejapa, contains a t-frnng solution of biear- hmate of potato*Tncarbonatfi o f so­ da and sulphate o f magnesia, “ This water, when rubbed on any greasy object, at once forms £ lather.” The report says it is used as a hair wash and enjoys a local reputation as a euro for external and internal com­ plaints. The Nicaraguans arc not conspicuous for commercial enter­ prise, blit during the year they man­ aged to export “ four demijohns” of this wonderful water to the neigh­ boring Guatomal*. ■; - v 'CEDAR SPRINGS „ - Mew Health and Pleasure Resort At­ tracting Much Attention. •Springs o f wonderful curative power similar to the famous waters pf Cars- bad are attracting many to tho health and pleasure resorts of Cedar Springs, reached by the Pennsylvania Hubs via New Pavifi, O. . Hotel accommodations hre under .capable management. Varied recreation is offered; Outdoors on tho tennis courts and croquet lawns; in­ doors in the Club house where there Is a'diversity of amusements and games. For particulars about fares and time of trains apply to ticket agents of Penn­ sylvania,Lines.' ‘ ’ • d-3-L •SlSjSXrupllEtOO-lStpiTC'DOS -?po^,M 3 N [JDDJSlV^C^ ‘ijspuaqn 'HNAIOU9 .UOOS ’oidiuiKowj jojpuas "OJUl^ipDUI UJO mqi si uoipu si; tsanaou eip oj X[jupads 9 ‘s 3 nss;i oqj o; ipSuoJis avou S uiai S jo ‘oninddn 5ui - jojsoy 30 jajjcni oqj ii; jo,( puy ’uoijujnu jpajfod joj Xuaopuqd qua os spirejs j; osnuosq pooj-u \ N0ISinW3 SrliODS irra ousoq oqu oa \. THE NEW 120 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. . On the Yellow Springs pike three fourthsmile from Gedarville,. This farm 1 b nicely located, being less then one mile from college, churches, 'and high-ffchool. Improvements hre good. Land produces good crops. Nice young orchard,, bearing excel* lent fruit. Never failing springs ou farm. If.interested, call on or ad* dress, W. J. H aw ^ hobnk , E. F . D .,v2, ‘ Cedarville, Ohio SHORT LINE tOUISmiE fi NASHVILE E. 8. FROM Cincinnati and Louisville TO K N O X V I L L E Tw o Trains D a ily from each city Through Coaches, Buffet Parlor Cars and Pu ll­ man Sleeping Cars For Folders, M ap s or other information address C .L . Stone, Gen’i Pass. Agent, Louisville, Ky. ' ^ S D I C I N k 1 Tins great stock medicine is a money saver for stock raisers. It is amedioino, not a cheap food at condition powder. Though put up in coarecr form than Thedfc ’a Black-Draught, renowned for tho euro of the digestion troubles of 1persons, it has the same qualities of Invigorating digestion, stirring up the torpid ‘ liver and loosening Ithe constipated bowels for all stock Ifend poultry, It is carefully pro* pared and its action is so healthful that stockgrow and thrive with an occasional dose in their food. It Icures hog cholera,and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, Atad makes a draught animal do j more work for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all Jkinds new life. Every' farmer and Iraiser should certainly give it n ..trial,' ■ #.< ,y— ( It tests 25c. a can and saves tea times its price in profit. ***** ' # * » * # * § # # # # Av^cjaMePrepatationfcrAs IM i M S / ( H1I.DKf.iS Little Shiners, “Mary/1 Mrs. Bally said as she passed through the hallway, where the morning work was in progress, “I don’t ceo why it is my stair rail always seems dusty. I was in at Mrs. Johns’ a few minutes ago, and I couldn’ t but notice that, hers was as clean and smooth as glaSs.” “ Yes’m,” replied the maid gignifi-" cantly, “ she’s three little '.boys— there’s nothin’ like elidin’ for pol- 'ishin* handrails. But there ain’t anybody here as-I knows on a s ’d care to take the job b’ that from- piornin’ to night;!” ' x Why Soap Eaters Eat Soap, ' Mr. Charles S. Howe, the genera' secretary o f the American Associa­ tion For the Advancement o f Sci­ ence, said at a dinner of scientists: “False, science, the pseudo scien­ tific method, with its explanations that explain nothing and help us in nowise, may be illustrated perhaps with a little episode that I heard o f ' the other day. _ “A student went to. his instructor ■and said;'' “ ‘J am informed, sir, that people are sometimes born with a desire to eat soap ?* “ ‘That is . quite true,’ the in­ structor answered* * ■ ‘What is the Cause o f it?’ askec the student. “ ‘These people,’ Was the reply, ‘are the victims of sappessomanla.’ “ ‘What does sappessomania mean, professor ?’ the student said. “ ‘It .means,’ the professor an­ swered, ‘a desire to eat soap.’ ” Buffalo Enqtiirer.- - - - Promotes Digeslion,Cheerfuf- uSS5a fd HcSi.CuMiuuijRuiihM Opium,Morpdiine tiorhlineraL 1 N o t N A » « ?P T I c . /hopeefOUJOrSiMmmaam Sec.!* AbdStruut* . M k S w A f Apetfecl Remedy forConsiipa- Tlon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- nesa and L o s s o f S leep . facsimile Signature oP N E W Y O R K . A 1b m ( mi lh*» o.lU } 5 1 ) « sew - ] y C i m s EXACT copy OP WRAPPER. CASTRIA ytuTnfunii tout The Kind You Have Always Bought * Bears the Signature 0 1 w In Use For Over T h ir t f Years CASTOBIA I SUMMER SEASON I DRESS FABRICS fhs t: c* !;il tin*.to Ibid blit’ll fi fili-p collection or I) tfinf uf^tldh itii m liiM'-tlfl I-Uisnnl lliilikiiifarhu in 11,UU. MolmlrafiOc to i i . tb . I'Amuntv i imhih tha t Pin Uhnlr jlllka, Unpo do ( ’bene. Foitlnriia, Jajfummi limnli ^ti Cltitlin, !Jilk LUilrt Waist buite Hpring HJlIt lteUlnutln Drraiinjr Hacquca, rndor- wear, Muallii i ’ lulurivcai1. W I N D O W D R A P E R Y . Scrims, now patterns; Madras, tpretty styleh; Ruffled Swiss 50c, 76c, and *1.00 a pair. Bobblnetfc $1.50, $2.00 *2.75 a pair. NottinghampOo, excellent for $1.00pnir. Battenberg *8.76 to *12.00 pair. Eduardian *2.76, *3.75, *4. Ivory, Saxony, Bon­ ne Homme, Just imported. flUTG fllSO Ji & G IB f lE Y ’S. I OHIO. X EN IA , TWCClfiTAUWCOMPANY. MtWYORKCITY.' m EXCHflHGE M U S T Y L I S H S U I T S CEDARV ILLE , OHIO . A CCOUN I8 o f erchants and In- **• dividuala solicited. Collactionr promptly made and remitted.} ■ r F O R D |RAFTS on New York and Cin­ cinnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way ito send monpy by mail. ; T H F K IN D O F H J O A S T T OANS made on Real EB^ite, Pei I I I L . V / i , A i Bmml or Collateral Security. Fine Stylish Suits in the correct materials and colors at specially low prices for Spring in Voiles, Panamas Mohairs, Chiffon Broad­ cloths, Light weight Cheviots and Silks, in Black, Blfles, Browns and Gastore Prices. that are ns good cold, as others can be. had only by buying choice meats, ‘can’ the had everywhere, It isn’ t CHOICE MEATS William Wildman, Pres., ' Seth Wr. Smithy V ice Pres.,v' W . Jr Wildman, Cashier, O. L, Smith Asst.-Cashier $ 1 0 . 0 0 . $ 1 2 . 5 0 . $ 1 5 . 0 0 . T w o Specials Covert Jackets, everybody that knows how. to select them. We do and our shop is where you always find them. This hot Weather buy roasts of us and serve C, H . C R O U SE , CEDARVILLE,. O. A F A M O U S R E M E D Y Tcured MY coughwith German Syrupr* Hewrote to Dr. G. G. Green; "A h ’ a* true us I tell you, doctor dear,' I'm feeliu- finer than ever I’ve been 1 " flflhe poor consumptive should not be the victim of experiment, us he often is, but the moment-tlie dread disease mani­ fests its presencehe should be given Bo- schee's German Syr holie medicine that the cuteof wide fame asaeertainremedy for catarrh, colds, coughs, croup, sore throat ana all bronchial affections in old and young, flit is sold in nil civilized countries, and has been fatuous ns a consumption cur* for almost half a century. flTrial bottle, 25 c. Big bottle, 75 c, At all druggists throughout the world. > a Iinac Wistcrman, Cedarville,O, ToInvestors. PmsBcno, K a »., Marchas, i«w. ._ I havekeenuslu^yourJnaeV-OraUjrht I iStock and Poultry Medicine oa my |Stock tot soma time. I Imre used all i kind* of stock food but 1 have found that your# 1* D m best for pry pnrpOM. 4. a, ttASsotf. Profound stock in the Cedar* ville Telephone Company is being offered to local investors fit par. It is guaranteed to pay 6 per cent interest per annum and is to be paid semi­ annually. The stock is t Exemptfrom taxes. This is a good investment for a home company where you have watched its progress uid rapid growth. Impure at tlioIiJxclmnge Bank or WINONA LAKE THIS SEASON Will be Partiuubrly Attractive for an Outing. The summer of 1905is to be an clpecially attractive season at WinonaLake, the beau* tiful resort, of Northern' Indiana on th* Pennsylvania ■Lines, The Presbyterian General Assembly will convene the May 18tb. Noted Speakers and musicians have been engaged for tho summer entertain- nionta. There wjU be conventionsand co- cial and religious conferences from ,May until September- The literary representa­ tion wilt bo prominent Jn brief, it will bo a most profitable season -educationally. Teachers and students who attend theSum­ mer School will derive much benefit Winona Lakehas golf links, tenniscourts baseball and cricketgrounds, boating, fish­ ing. swimming and camping facilities. The Pennsylvania Lines run direct to the, park en trance, Season and fifteen-day cxcurv sion tickets may be obtained from ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Lines.' Infor­ mation about Winona I,ake, the season's program, hotel aecogmodattonsctc., canba ascertained from 8 , C. Dickey, Secretary and General Manager, Winona Lake, Ind. —5.-18, One is allwool Coverb good satin lininglatest and best o f Btyle would be good value at $ 1 0 .0 0 specially priced, $6.7S. The other, lot is a dean up of our $ 1 0 .0 0 to ‘$tS.SO. Fine Covert Jackets all well tailored and best o f styles, Fit Garranteed all very sepeially priced....................... ...................... ...... .......... ....... ........................ $7 .50 Great Silk Sale. We have just secured from a Silk Manufacture a large lot of chpice new style of fancy silks that were made up to Tetail at 75cts'ayard, in Just the colorings that a.« jvantod now we bought thorn so we can sell for the extremely low price of 50cte a yard. This will he your silk opportunity of this year. • Jobe Bros. $ Go ., Xenia, 0 . Saved by Dynamite. 'Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can’ t cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as I f 110 th- Ingbut dynamite would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Ga., wriles: “ My wife had a. very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King’s New Discov­ ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which .eased her cough gave her sleep, and finally cured her.” Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe, A t all drug store, price 50c arid *1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle sree. EIGHTEEN PREniUriS 1 to be distributed on Thursday, August, 31, ’05 Th e prem iums w ill be paid in Gold as follows, First, $15; next five in $10 each; next twelve in $5 each. A sk for tickets on a ll 25c purchases. _Fresh and Salt Meats, FIsli, Oysters etc ■Q ueen &C rescent r o u t e Heart W e a kn e s s . Low Fare* to Weit Barden. Account American "Water WorkB Ascociation meeting. En joy an out­ ing at noted springs of wonderful curative power; similar to famous waters of Carlsbad. Particulars about fares and time o f trains may be ascertained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania Linos. Mam's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio* ' D. Bradfute, Pres. C A S T O R I A Eor Inf&ntrt and Children, ttw Kind Yon Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of 1 Southern Ry. ----- BXTfrKKN----- Cil&cixmati Ctk&ttfenooga ■ A t l a n t a . B irm ingham . K no x v il le „ A s h e v i l le Mobile Jacksonv ille _ New O r leans Shrevepo rt e n d . Texas Ro in ts fiMkleBallyndlaut* Smlcit* Chattanooga, Atlanta , Jacksonv ille , ixttdi New Orleans BiBlng a a i OhAtraUoa O u t Fef tn?*rm*U6n an* Rate* m m * ■ eiMw. 11 r. a w a , a , • W. IS,teamnNNi, , . e*n*ian***iA, : fJlidliUHetl, Ohl*. > D r . Miles* Heart Cure has m ad e m any hearts well alter th e y have been pronounced hopeless. I t has completely •curcd^ thousands, and will al­ m ost invariably curd o r benefit •every qase ot heart disease. Short breath, pain around 'heart, palpitation, fluttering, d iz zy , fainting and smothering spells should n o t b e neglected. T a k e D r . M iles’ H eart Cure and see h ow quick y o u will h e relieved* I t cannot make a new heart, h u t w ill restore a sick one by strengthen ing the heart nerves and muscles, relieving the •unnatural strain, and restoring its vitality* "I bad a very bad c*s* ot heart , -tremble. For m* months I could not Kfotlz. Last Julyn was Mewing' corn »nd feeling bad *11 day; 'in the after- eling bad day;....... . ...... noon in plowing on* row I hod to. lay down, o r fait down, three times. My heart throbbed as though it would burst through, ana X had -difficulty in |t«tt{ng^lny_ breath, ^ X purchased a lir. Miles’ Heart Cure, and * had used half of It I could lay down nhd sleep all night. Pre\l- <ns 3 iy X had to get up from five to ten times *t night, X have taken several bottles, anu my heart Is as regular ns *Hook work, i feel like tt new man. *vnd can work considerable for an old »um, old. M cgxli ^ Frost, Ohio. Dr. Miles* Heart Cur» Is sold by your druflejiat, who will ouerentee that the firkt bottle will benefit, If It fall* tie will refund you money. Miles McOical. Co.f Elkhart, Ind JA \ is what y market*-- t h e n we ■ stock wil Men’s Black, ,Grey. Men’ s Shirts ill the Latest H E N ’ S 1 Swell Goods dred Wear. Men ’s H Half•Host ■ SH Patents. V Dressy Styl Men’s Shoe, Suit Custon Ifle •<v»cvMr>.<wrr>tr? ^ LOCAL AND - r MisWHelen Eav he guest the for rl , and Fannie Iliffe. Mr. and Mrs/ Loveland, were ( Mrs, Anderson C< Mr. and Mrs. Xenia, were gues and Mi’s. ! r Mrs. W ., Brad of Washington, C Mrs. Bradfute’s Mrs. Jacob Lott. Miss Bertha'- 1 turned jo her h after a pleasant i ' sin, Miss Belle M Mr. Ralph Bn ' was the guest of 1 ‘ Son last week. " Mr. and Mrs. 1 ills . ) daughters, Wi u Miss Edna Mi Fourth at the N* Miss Nellie I’ r was the guest t Misses Rosa and Miss Lena (' friend, Miss Ho; Jamestown, the! —Gefc'Deerihg ki tions at Wolford Misses Bessie lins, Hope An John Wilson, < Barnes, spem th grounds at Yello Mr. and Mrs Springfield, spi n's guest of Mr. Creswell. * t Mr. and Mrs. Xenia, were gu« and Mrs. I). H. Mr. Carlton Fourth With Charleston. Mrs. MaryW» James Barr at * Mr. Joseph turned to I>aj work on the I)a Mr* and Mr family spent tt grounds. Mrs. Gertrud ia visiting her) Daniel l)ean. MiSft Helen 1 visiting Mr. Fi lilt. Isaac A Fourth titcin* Mrs. Frank field, is visit in Mrs. Marlon ‘I Misses Bulli M a ry Marshal visiting felati Hr, M. L M H . Sullelihert « . L. Hmith flreator’H fas1 Springfield, T ■ For sale e • fftlo r . C a ll n e5