The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

t . THE EDWARD p m p i ps SPRINGFILD, OHIO, OUR FORHAL O PEN ING * - + ot th e « * Holiday Season, GREAT NEW BOC^ TOY AND DOLL D E E V d l^ ^ •.i• , -:u. *• ■'*£.V'. • “.V -A. • ‘■; ■■■. ■ - - v. o*. \c .. ;. ‘ ' ’ •* ' . ■ j, ■■1* :V, » . * V*'^ ^ V ' * . ‘ . . . . . . * . . . ■ ■* • . . . . < . ■. ■ ‘ . ................. . . *.. “ -(- ^ v. (*.'*•■* r.-:■ -• ‘ * -v" r f. ‘ k • v ‘■ . • ■ : Our Stocks Were Never So Large' or More Complete ~ . . You'll find the rarest values m the Handsomest China, Cut Glass, Art Ware;, BrlcvaASrac, Lamps, Pedestals, Busts, Picture, Etc,, Etc, In fact, Thousands of Smart Suggestions for Gifts, , 5: In HEADSTHELIST. the King’s Buckingham Palace. The Ambas?ador pays $45,0(10 a year rent for it, ami he Tins a summer house a t Wrest Park, about 40 miles ‘out of London, for which ho pays : $10,000 a year.' I t cost Mr. Held about $25,000 a yeai'to maintain his j ______ | two establishments, and his enter- . ■ . ■{tainment and other expenses bring LONDON; With au annual sal- his total annual expenditure up to iwy o f-$17,500 a year, the United, nearly $160,000, States Ambassadors' in Europe are j Charlemagne Tower, in Berlin, is spending between $100,000 ' and J the first American Ambassador to $150,000 annually to maintain e g - Germany to" rival the magnificence oially the dignity of Ameroiav ’ of the British, Bosnian and A iu- j Never before has1 .America been' trja Embassies, the triumvirate of represented in'the principal Euro- !fcontinental Embassy leaders- Bo peail capitals by so rich a coterie ; pays $18,500 a year for his house fr bus Springfield Reliable Clothing House WHY NOT BUY The -Best Tl JLctUvtllg, in UVCE XC/i’d VCi tVxi!* • gji . t- j- fiS much satisfaction as a single personal visit to our store. You may make up your mind at home what you want, but you will change it here. Why Because the Diamonds - Rich Cut Glass Watches * Sterling Silver Clocks * Umbrellas Kodaks Silver plated Knives Chains : Silver Plated Tories Fobs ■ Silver Plated Spoons" . Gold Spectacles,. Rings of all kinds Opera Glasses, Hat Pins Sleeve Buttons Etc., Etc, « shown here is so much better than you expected. And also because the price is so much less than you imag­ ined, So you can buy more or better Jewelry than you planned for the same money. A big claim/1 Well, test it. BED J. H. Schell, Xenia, 0. f Y W A W W • 4 * 4 V E G E T A B L E S I C I L I A N HALLS HairRenewer Why not stop this falling of your hair? At this rate you will soon be without any hair* Just remember that Hall’s Hair Renewer itops falling hair< and makes hair grow. of Ambassadors, Whitelaw Bold, in London, Ohorletnagne Tower iu Berlin, Boberfc McCormick in Paris, and Geo. Von B. Myer in Sfc. Peters­ burg, spend between them $$00’00t) a year. The United States embassies, owing to the millionaire ambassa­ dorial corps appointed by President Booseveit,, have now taken firf-t place in the social world in all the four chief European capitals, for the first time in the history of American diplomacy. Ambassador Kejd, in Xiohdoit, heads the list for munificence. Mr. Beid’ir'towrt house is in Park-lane, the ultra-faShionablc quarter pi London, and is considered the finest dwelling in the British capital after C iller Ic State Enler at Aay time. i Nelson’S Business College Arcade, Springfield, Ohio Alive, pfogretitvaaehoolwithpractieal book- fceeruiMilwKliffi. ■ New i« 2 Sm Venn Opea Ait Year, BOOKKEEPING & SHORTHAND. Write foir Catalogue. Is t e i l t on th e hdtloom pltm, made- t& last fof years and yearn, and Him deeec-M to th e sie x t geuofatioa. ~gAns bros : ’ m x m o , feBKS. . . ca nest pcrfetsloa for ibis purp»» as i?i-traibia, asnltve ifiiali %dk<$ plear,amiq ai’otticxf 3 ,eu all tlsa fate slesfgwoin tlda rfiliabte liiaaii ■ FO B X M A S Nothing is nicer than &piece of sil­ verware, In both sterling and plate' wo have the- largest display in the s City and We knov/ our- pricey will please yon—Watches diamonds, and Jewelry in greatest profusion, we are showing this year, -and our prices are” the lowest. Come early and,get first choice reqfc. He has 37 servants, all wear­ ing gorgeous liveries with a tower for a crest on the buttons. One of Mr. Tower’s tervantS always wears a t his aide a Turkish scimitar, his , badge of office as- superior buffer. The servant with his scimitar is one of the sights of Berlin.’ Mr, Tower spends $100,000a year bn entertain-' ing, the most expensive single items being two halls a year, given a t Mr. Tower’s house. These balls are almost as important as court func­ tions. They are attended, by the members of the royal family. I n Paris Mr. McCormick lias taken a new Embassy on the Quay Behilly, and,is Spending nearly $80,’-" 000 in renovating and redecorating it. The grand hall and* staircase are among* the most beautiful in Paris. . ■■■■. ■■ . . . In St- .Petersburg Mr, Meyer a t present is pot upending as much money as his three other confreres because tile disturbed situation in the Bushian capital lias plahed a ban on general entertainment, in ordi­ nary times, however, lie keeps level with the fast pace set by the Ilus skin nobilitj, who are the most rapid spenders of money socially in Europe. * ->< The ability of. American’s Am baosadors to spend a fortune yearly in keeping up with the leaders in the social race helps them more than any other one tiling in looking after the mfcersests of the United States The dinner table and receptions bring them into almost daily con­ tact. with the political leaders of the countries to which they are nc credited, and they soon becoine oil intiinnte friendly terms with every one of importance, from the ruler of the county down. Then when in­ ternational difficulties arise,.matters ate discussed calmly and frankly as between pefsohal friends and con­ cessions on both sides are made easier. C.C, Fried4&5on 6 E. Haiti St. Springfield, O. To CureaColdinOneDay titeL m lly e Bromo QMfafae Jkjujyt $| Mtj Wfwi P9iff WPfHIRS &&? I55l3,SRSRa»-i mWt& p t i e v e r y 1 TEMPORARy DERANGEMENT. The sad ncivs of tho temporary de rangement of Mr. John Ervin, who is now in n sanitarium at I ’aeoma, Wash., was received by his brother, Charles Ervin of Xenia, Wednesdry The letter was from Mrn.Ervin,t,’ho with her son, accotnpanio d*Mr Er vin to the west. A dispatch to the Engnlror brought the first intorma- tioh, hut ids many friends were loath to believe the report until further information waa received, I t Is odd th a t jTir, Ervin had en­ gaged hi the grocery business in th a t city and th a t financial troubles and homo oieknens was probably the. cftuEO of f b mental derange- tnoftt. The foil not is not p;i^n Irnidi credency by tho?e who know. At, times Mr. Ervin to perfectly; rational and it la te Ito Imped ho will rapidly recover. that --Tlio celebrated Ifonsior kitchen {ealiaot can hoM t! tmlyafe BloMllto Every wearer knows that the of good clothes '.y . ’;T.;;V: v’ •.$V; .\A/ M a r x S u i t s , R a i n C o a t s , O v e r - yare. .tile..^best... yeady 4 o-put-oii'- clothes made i a America, No other clotes fit as* well, wear as well and give asmuqhsatisfaction. "Trices ‘ ; t ■ ’ '■ $ 1 5 . 0 0 , $ 1 6 * 5 0 , $ l 8 . 0 0 , $ 2 0 . 0 0 , $ 2 5 . 0 0 . We have lots of good Suits and Overcoats of good style and good wear at Copyright 1905 by Hart SchafFner £s? Marx $ 8 .0 0 , 1 0 . 0 0 a n d 1 2 . 0 0 . Whatever price you pay here, you ore safe of good values and reliable goods. Children’s Clothes, the very. bent.___ _ ....... - - - - DropIn And See us When in Town. M. D . LEVY & SO N S . Springfield, Q* Corner Main St. & Fountain Ave. R. E. CORRY AIKITIONEER. All kinds of Auctioneering. Patronage Solicited. Satis­ faction guaranteed. *Bell plume, 3 fi 2 , Clifton exdiange. Cedarville. Ohio.-ll- 24 , OUR PALL AND WINTER STYLES. M O N U M E N T S HEABSfOWES MABKERS SfEMOttlAtS tPtQiM. ©ESldM8h» AHQ HUixlSSftO* KsflMATso mo spsdiAt efieifcNOwat oc aoemmo on Rpcnewtou. EXCLUSIVE O f,S IGNS , R»oe Voimonosa with tn« o ^ ioimxs . eyaoESB, pm * ub manu . WCtWIfiNQ MXSHtNEHV fAVM . ■ w u Tun pmm * e r whik bftetWMftf OGALCfi. K E L L EY S WILCOX, MOfWMRS’Ti!«?,CSBS. O. In elegant combinaiiutin of col­ or in Hp-to-daio fabrics in plaidn, checlm, atripec, tweeds, twiito, and- cfiw lots &m wait­ ing for y ow Inspection. Skilled workman arc also waiting to fashion them Into the beat flit* ing awl Andy finished suits. Our prieca am alwaya reason­ able, KflHV, TheTailor, X a i i a , O, \ v rjc-r» PRTrpC OM PRINTING, X m i lit XV j UL v m JLN u 'vv** '**