The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
££\r IA<5.4ft lit >' **;iF ' w «rli will mdpuiv with that «€ any Htiitp firm.»„ ffhe 'Gedarville Gerald. ir/ASjdc:'>:cjt :: r-< is i ■?.: uac ci'id a ya I o io t SotUO.CCjty rlcciic "r--V- , 51 1 tw e n t v - e ig tu y e a r 81 GEBARV 1 UE. OHIO, "FRIDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1908. PRICE Si.00 A YEAR, j - :•• Hype’s Hat Store Latest fiats, *, a A at 0 * «& r<S fur Kaps, Driving Caps fur Stoves, Driving stoves f y . p u t t * %'*#• i <?♦ Shiris, ibat fit. • c ■' • * ■^^ jfe in ita#V mufflers, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Rato €oat$, ‘ . '?£?A .^ a £$>•*)£Af*>- ■ ■:. H Y P E $ H A T S H A V E TH E S T Y L E . j p r S y p r F ^ i i t totradeat " * C O p sprmgfd TheUnited. I’roDvtoricui churchat m m OTIR ADS -IT PAYS. SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS GIFTS That Will Be Appreciated Every Member Of the Family. t **•'*->* -t t-, t ■•w**#** *» i f A’X-t fclia the NOMORE PASSES, Tile Pennsylvania Railroad com panyhas issued a sleeping order to go into effect the first of the year. Heretofore this company alongwith others has issued passes’tomembers of thedifferentlegislatures stateand national, stateand govormehfcoffiiei als and leading politicians, but after .Tamuw'y1st, each o'qe will have to dig into his jeans far the necessary price, a . number of other railroad compaiues are issuing the orders. Officials and politicians will in the future be found at home more than theybaVebeen inthepast. Another thing that should be brought to the attention of the publio and that is 1 fieuse of different telephone lines for private use and having such charged to the state. We know of such being done in a number of in stances. The state should pay for o ly si c i mes ages as were needed to transact ofljidal business. GETS ANEW JOB. Look for the ftA. stay under strapwhenj*dubuy allorso Blanket. We buy direct from factory. Kerr & Hastings Bros. James A. Mcdrea, of Cincinnati, superintendent of the tittle Miami division o f the Pennsylvania rail road has been promoted ‘to the generalsupeyintendency of the Long Island railroad out of Hew York. The change takes effect Janurary, 1st, Mr, McCrea is the son of the Vice President, and manager of the PennsylvaniaTailroad westof Pitts burgh and although a young man, has “has-made good*ton this divi sion. ■ . . 1 m . H.REID. Enquirer:—The remains of Wm. H. Reid, first cousin of Hinted States - Ambassador to ‘ England, Whitelaw Reid, who committed suicideSaturday morning Ina West End lumber yard, will be shipped to his birthplace, Madison, Iftd., CHURCH DINNER. The -‘members of tlio ‘ United Presbyterian ^congregation enjoyed a very plesant lime Tuesdayat the home of Rev. and Mrs. 0, H. Milli gan, the occasion being the annual dinner for the congreagtlon. Mr. anil Mrs, W. J, Tarbox kindly offered the use of their borne where the large crowdwas servedthe good things at, the noon hour. -A number' of outsiders were ghosts, including the different ministers and their wives. About tote hundred were served. The weather could not' have beenmpeh,more plesant for a winter day, which enabled many of lie aged members to be present. One present that seldomgets tosuch gatherings and even churchservices Vas'Mrs. J. Wt .Pollock, who bfs long been a sufferer from rheuma tism. 6:3(1 o'clock. A gasoline lighting plant had been installed the pant week and was being used for the first time on that evening. There wgy a defectionin tho hollow wire ;leads from the pi'essure tank to lamp in tho lecture room-allow ingthe gas toescapefilling thoroom with the fumes. The door had been closed and thoinstant it was opened therewas a terrible explosion filling the roam with names and setting fire to the furnishfngk The Janitor was the only person about the building, but help was summand and the fire was ex tinguished by,tho throwingof water into the room from the outside. To do this two fine art windows had to be brolcen.'^The lighting company promises to iftjvkegood the loss. —We have 'framed pictures—at 10c- I5c. S3 and SOe. and ori up to, $25.00. AYe have Picture Frames of everypossiblesize—from gold plated frames terany inwood. . AVesl’BBook Store, Xenia. 7) th *-wAok Amnnmleai .Shoe SfiTppIy m Spring? f j y .pdMv. toftrensimr bu&wtasbt tan •{.numjps&m- so* suit of our buying direct from,factories and Taking noyaui-ago oi u vc ij laa :; vr-a ditionj in every instance cost is reduced to an absolute Minimum. We invited all Springfield and vicinity to visit our three stores in one and investigate the great est stock of Good Shoes even shown in the city. BadWeather is Coming You Will Need Good shoes . MEN’S SHOES, $ 5,00 Always wear Hanan & Bon Shoe, for men. Standard of style and,quality Vfche world over. The will of tho late David . . « , , . , , , Shroades, .Was, probated Saturday, today forTnjriftl beside tbegmves nt]AA ^ ^ tbe his parents and mstm and brothers. fluri^ fierlif<5 Ume< Afe herdeath —‘For Sale:—23 Delaine'1Ewes, bred. Inquire of J. D. Williamson. hex*children -shall- share equally in same. MakeYourGrocer GiveYonGuaranteed CreamoiTartar BakingPowder AlumBakingPow ders interfere with digestionandAre un- h i f u l . Avoid the dam* yjjf One lot Boy’s heavy Lace Shoes, -fill solid, worth very much more $l , 15, ladies’ Eubbers for rent, You need "Appt return them 45c and 50c, Ladie’s Shoes The celebrated Edwin C. Burt shoes for particular women. Price S4.00. Patrician Shoe for Women because they embody the fullest measure of elegant appearance, of comfort and ease, of perfect fit and long wear, yet the price is only $3,50. All styles and . leathers.. ■Our line of medium priced ladies' Shoes surprises the most particular buyer. . There are so manyjiew, snap py styles and of -such excellent quality for the price. .,$1745, 1,90,3.45, 2,90. Come to us for your Baby Shoes; our assortment is largest and most complete in the city. Prices 10c. to 75c. Whafc-eanyou think ofmore fitting fora Glnisttmui giff. than a pair of Slippers? Wo have them for Mon, AVomeii, Boys and Children. Price, 23c., 45c., 65c.,75c,, $1.00to $2.00,- •* Meet.your friends and have yourpaelcuges checked free’a f Keith Konqueror shoes/union made By test the best all leather—All styles, one price $3.50. A large assortment of the best look ing andloest wearing shoes made at. $3.00, $2.50 $1.95; EXTRA SPECIAL Mon’s work and dress shoes--all sizes and $1.10, $1,25, $1.50, BOYS’ and GIRL’S SHOES "Misses’ Blucher Cut, Lace and But ton, and leathers! Swell dress Shoes $1.90, to §3.00. Girl’s solid leather lace and button shoes real values $1,00, $1.25, $1.50. . , Boy’s Satin Calf and heavy Kid shoes, the kind that wear,. $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 2,00. Three: Stores With The Expense Of One, Hisley’ s Arcade j - Sboe Store Starkey's Old Stand, Springfiold/Ohio. jd Saving o f 20 P e r Cent On Year Footwear. r Central Ohio’s Greatest Clothing, Jffat and Furnishing House. ABOADE, SPRINGFIELD, 0. i*t£? - ”OT 'Windows for the : ;CoriectS%lesy^--Abvayff^ Something New. • \ WHERE THE LADIES BUY MEN’S GIFTS. : Appropriate Su 98 «Iiott$ for Holiday Gifts for the male IHemqers of tbe family vinao to $ io . qo . Men’s Bufilncss Hults prices range...........<$f»S8»to$£B.0O Men’s Dr >ssButts price range........ $0.0,) to $28,00. Men’s Full Dress Bulb; pric.i range Men’ nTuxedo Suits price range . $lC.h5 to $33.00, Men’s tTniform Buits price range........ *3.li3 to$18.00. Coachmon'r, Livery price range.......$16.00to 033.00 Men's Corduroy Bails price range . . .$7.33 to $10.60 Men’s Winter Overcoats pricerange ..... $I.£St<>$33.00, Men’s Winter Ulsters price$18.00; Men's Winter R‘>efcm price range.......$3.03 to $10.00. Men’s Bain Coat * price range...... to $25.00. Men’s Top coats price range . . .$1.03io $ 2 koo. Men’s Antomobije Coats price mugfi..... .$18.00to $23.00. Mon’ii Huidfor Coats price range.......... ,$2.63to$1.63 Men’s Fancy Vesta pflife range .;08c. to $1.08, Mou’fi Maciufo:i!ieo price range........$3.08to $10.00, Yoofig Men’s Hutto price range...... $3.63to$ifi.C3 Young Men’s Overt oato prloo range . .$3.03to$18.85. Yimnn Mon'fi tTatofo price range . .$1.03to MensMTrousers price range . k’e, to$1.68. EXTRA SPECIAL 'v/Aicnitffftil llfoltlio IffxCObust atlas vlsitlagoaf fltore ------- imrehasea fo"'flu* ttf«w..rif (lit Citwpanv m U r- df * Ml <wt'-1*u rnfsirif Boys’ Buits Price ratigo........,S8o, to$9,93. Boyo’ qvercoats price range.........$9,68. Boys’ Knee Pants price range...... ....Sic, to $1,49. Boys Reefers price range.......... S3c, to$1.63. Boys’ Ulsters price range........^123 to$5.98. Boys’ AVaists price range. ,24c. to 08c, Boys1Bhirts I>ricBrange.......... . .ffic, to 28. Boys’ Underware price range..............24c. to49. Boys’ Bnopcndero I»rice range........... 4c. to2ic. Boys* ( t I ovcs pricq range..............24c. to 08c. Boys’ Sweaters pricerange.......... 43e. to$1.48. Boys’ ifeekwear price range........... 12 ?fe. to 49c. Men’s Bath Robes price range..... .....$8,93to $10.00. Barbers’ Coats price range......... .....4Bc. loC3. Bartondors’ Vests. price range..............74c, to28c. Waiters’ (Mats price range .......’40c/to $1.40. Butchers Aprons prieo range.................Me. to Caned price range...... ;...10c* to$1*08. Cardigan Jackets ■ ■ price range .......08e. to $4.03, T.Inrnt Collars price range ... <‘IB& to23e, Rubber Collars , price range............19c. to24c. Linen Cuffs priced.. ....... / ................24c- Dressing Gowns ’ price range.......,,$6.98to $18.75 Duck Coats price range...........08c. to $2,23 CoverbCoats price range....... ,.$1.48to $3.23 Leather & Corcloroy Coats priced....................... . ..C-0,48 Ear Mulls Price range............9c. to24c. Garters and Armbands pricerange....... Dross Gloves price range.. . Driving Gloves price range..... Fur Gloves pricerange.. . .... K iu T Gloves „price range..... Work Gloves price range..... Hoisery price range..... Handkerchiefs price range .:.... JerseySweaters price range.......... Collar ami cuff boxes price range............ 21c. to$2.23 Toilet Cases pricerange.......... 40c. to $4.K) Manicure Cots price range....^...... 40c. to$103 Purses and Rillbooks price lahgo............24c. to$f,03 9c. to£9e, ..49c, to $2.50 .... 43c. to$4.93 ....38c, to $10,011 .... '2k'. to C3ta * .. ,.24c,to$2*S3 .... ,9e. to1.C0 .. ,4c, to $1.00 .490. to $3.00 Mufflers price range,...,....... ,2ic. to $4.93 Heckwear price range, .... 2ic. to $3.00 Pajamas price range...........,.93c. to $4,93 Night Shirts price range Smoking Jackets price range.........$2.93to$14.75 Dress Shirts price range............40c. to$4.00 Flannel Shirts price range.................. C8c. to$0.00 Sweaters pricerange.................. 49c. to$5.00 Suspenders price range............24c, to $3,09 Office Coats price range......... $2.48to $4.33 Winter Underwear price Range................. 37’4to$4.00 Tmbfellau price range..........49c. to$10.00 SuitCahea price range......... 38c. to $12.50 Telescopes price range...... .... s3c. to $1.23 Valises price range........ . 33c. to $10.00 Trunks * price range..........$0.93to$12.50 Sweater Jackets pricerange.........-....$L98to$4.83 Working Shirts ROIDS {80MORE price range. Hp ts-a ll Style price range...... Caps—fdi Styles price range.... . .... 210. to S3C. . ,$49e* to $0.00 ..24c. to$8.00 CUT, GUT m m COtTPOJ4. t& tm t the eedarettte Hemtd m m advertising medium . wo tpm g tm m m m $* ^ m 6 k E m r i y m / m s t a m p s anall jmirhages iiado at our store before Clhristmas ptovltlbg thfe eoupon Is iiresentcd to ealesman at time of ptirek&e. ■jL The Committee on Permanent Organization reported that a per manent organization be perfected And this organization tobe known as the Greene County Good Roads Association, The following officers were presen ted: President.......... ,JE . M. Magruder. 1st Vice PCes........W* AV. Ferguson 2dVice Pres............. J. AV. Fudge Secretary.......... ....... .J. F. Orr Treasurer.......... ......... M. L. Wolf We further recommend that the above named officershethe escutlve committee* We alsorecommend thatthoabove named pfflcere he the executive committee, AVealso recommendilie following names lor vice president for each township: Bath...................... AVm. Burrows Beavercreek...............-.JnOr Shoup' SugamVek.......... Jds. A.-sMcCIure Spring Valley..... ............Mel Beal Caesarereek........................ AmosFaulkner Jefferson................ Geo Nt Pemtl Bilvercreek.......... A, G* Carpenter Robs...... ............. BenRtttenour Now Jasper.......... AV. P. Anderson Cedarville.........J, AV. Pollock Miami •.................... David Ailt Kenia................Arch C. Anderson AVe futher recommend that a meeting of the (associationbe hold on Saturday, Dee. 0, at 1:30 p. m., at assembly room in the court house, for the purpose of adopting bylaws and plans for future action in theTutorost of goad roads. Marcus Shoup, * J. F, Harshman, J. AV. Prugli, «tne. AV. Fudge, AV, P,Anderson, TOR SAtE OR TO LET. The Commercial Transit Com pany, which,has been operatingan auto car line between Springfield and this place, went Into the hands of a receiver to-day on application ot Joseph Lessner of Springfield, who secured a judgement for $40.78. Clifton P. Gran was named receiver and gave$5,009bond. ‘The Company is capitalized for $50,000, .T, S> Harshman wonpresident and T. J. McCormick Secretary. This company passing into the receivership will probably involve the several thousand dollars worth of stock held by parties in this vicinity* Frank Terrence, whowas one of the promoters Of the com pany,is iti Cuba at the present time. Nothing Is known as to the outcome of thecase. ] No Christmas-Present 1can givemore lasting pleasure j to the whole family than in' Edison Phonograph Mr. Thomas Spencer, had the misfortune on Monday to have his collar bone broken, owing toa horse running off with a sled load of fod- * COpit* der. Ids' r. Spencer was thrown oil head and shoulders and suffered many bruises and cuts be sides tho fracture. Dr. M* I, Marsh was called and rendered medical aid. Mr. Upencor is reportedas get ting along nicely. Tho elegant property known ns “ Tim F&rrioplace” sis toomo, aunv suer house, good collar and well gar don and fruit, camtary conditions perfect. Ifiqhflo of % Hood. ■--Bonks In great Variety- Many Popular Novels at Setts heretofore said at $1.50. West’s Book X m le BROKEN COLLAR BONE. I t Sings Songs. I t Renders Instrumental Music, I t Tells Funny Stories. I t Entertains Children#an well B3Adults. ’’ I t Entertains Visitors or A ll those knowing them selves to be indebted to the undersigned will confer a avor by calling and making settlement of their accounts as soon as convenient. Nellie Condon.- Gamess-^Crokinolo, I ’orroms,: Archarona, Flinch, Ping Pong, Potoiifcal, Chensrenda, Authorn, bogornachy* and Biff. Best gaumn I t ProvidesMusic for Dane- mg. I t Records Voices and In» struments. The Edison (told Moulded Records are carried in stoe!:. The latest numbers arrive the first of each month and can be heard at George & Hiegfc*f E G, LOWRY, Agent C&duiT'ilto O. in tlm market, ^onla, Wcflt’a Bflok fitoff - Wo I«tv<j added oil doth and linoleum to oar stock, Kro McMIi Wan, -FAncy forking vhaffo «t Mr- Mfllians, . . . r » »aci cmt> MUtimw «}.;*! |u juad ,uii.; Sioalth, frmnouf toanuthpl’, Y.’hon, Iff '4i:>yv.<,ubl oaf.guildfttft.l, arnUu’-t, i iTgalaf v.lth lb, Ila;:, At :*•,>, j,i'5 Pllln, fht hJ i \.uaU all | t > away. land <ju5rkr ,> tor liverandosil f.ffjmorh All Pi’Ug I<n ' « a. HlftUk !, rt! ■ Us jct rn-j U sUl i!
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