The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

w l -nr m /' l -/Sr1 to '*4l'c.ll i«V' k ! s seir-s bo ctovc 3tomake mcm Sov oitt’ $~,A lK , f.wcl, f j- H-A;CAy« Icpjs, Sirad tm toty pKOeatotytoday. jAULLIVAN’I i ■ Only Cash Store, % Jr rw.y "Into end fit,, Springfield, Ohto, H m €LOSK PBPJtRTMEMT $ .-w JL WIVES AND DAUGHTERS i S S B B t S S D rfo ! Kennedy’*favorite B*m«dy9 £,4il£ dally e.nvsfc that throng: our 0<?ak B'o^artmci^rc the «WfrKa*-*-*eJV' <*-****r?***££?*•:*»♦#•4**.v««< v*w*<rfr- * •■ .-. "* , *■ " '■ •“-uwn iante,- l^ ffld B .ia R a B lly i yuat .'„jc| r;8;;U&ffe«8SS Sliil - : '7;- YMWrrsr T-JlialiAr^xnru.ASI^ja.-iftflaEakfiygfUi The Cedarville Herald. $RPp o I-'et* y e a r * A i t;.»rs^jnst mi'Jng lvVr45si:-vf t.»f r»a?> ®«.l £igncil by nrallitoe. VAiiiics will fio presentee!' to thu Kengto f;y a Htnafcj? from each Ftsfe p.t Use opening e f Fan* grcBH, In a ll o f Smoot’s troubles thi'to is m Oiffllcnliy in finding file woman to the ease. •^.►--'iv-- ■- — .s •'•*-i—‘v- *•«,?<*****£* ##w*5prwjj*******. -*a*«*»* gadics* Wefioeed Caezt SttJts yyo-r: ...V";r"‘r A i d Made Eons «ua« effect, body ItoM, fall skirt, riaffcnfe T|1J « | A each /’r.ii-', black, blue anil town, extra good value S • s £«f tlwv|ilic:?,#,fl& MeeBmacfUo tkSa its „„.................. .;.„....,%....rf* -J /% A n This laautlfm Rtoadriotb fa it, In gray, black, Jk | # U J l itsatm and alive, long fflHncfr coat, strictly man- v A md&J v/ tailored, body-satin imed, $12.03. -■ f •Fine F n rfrlm m o4 'Cmts TMs ^oafe is a wonder, R equate to f « f W T I I / U \ come of $£9.09 contain th/jcity, mwstyla 'sleeve, *{/ A » » / U , tor collar a n 4 e » fs, aatrn itoed, $1&S8« I Sovcwl iLOat. 1Ill*>gw£ • • . • • snr ^ well tailored. Our*pe<*Jat price today #9,93, Childss Befir Sfaifi Coals....... _...— Tills coat is made* Busier Brown style, with holt, turn-down collar, fancy buttons, extra good value for-the price, ?3.#. i style sloert*, vritKttto' .to tan, brown and fjtlive Girls’ TAfilol float ........ tHtelde, ■ cuffs. Gomes ej/lLr * This is a ppeelatprice today,?5.03. new ntyle Areto-J^atocoaty NeW Itoineoafs, made of fancy mixtures, double- breasted, new stylo sleeve, extra good vplue $4,98, Oar Special $3t*}8Skirt, the best shirt over put On sale for 13.98, Made of all wool cloth, plain colors only, seven -^ ■“ goro wdli .three plaits at each gore, trimmed in bub; .tons. This season’s shirt... OUR SH IR TW A IS T SJtLE Ladies’ Poplin Waists, in bine, brown, -greone;, white and btoclr, tucljed front back and cuffs' large sleeves, now........ Ladies’ M'diair \Vsust, in brown, .white, green and-|K -g light bine, the front is entirely tucked, stitched to T ) | . form deep yoke, heWeleeyeS Ladies’ chiffon taffeta Siih Waists in gray, black, brown and blue, this very desirable waist is made with hem­ stitched front of tun tucks and plaits, the back is made similarXlarge sleeves tucked ertffs. ■Special .... Ladies’ White Linen effepfc ShlrtWaist, made with plaited front and back, long plaited cuffs, pretty design of silk embroidery alt over front....... t,..;.*|J A • Ladies* Waist, made of line quality of nun’ s wiling. This very stylish waist is made buttoned back; front trimmed ( b r * ~ to vat lace, deep tucked sleeVc. Vaiue $2.98; now... * Ladies’ plain BnlUautine Waist, in- black and white only, neatly tailored, lucked back and front „ Mra. Hotly fSrcyn has jnsfc cefe-; Jjrntcil her Eovcailoth Mrthdny l o t Recording to nil reports is as lit as a two yem old. Looking at- Hottyt, Hnssol feago and Boekfellcr why hasp’ fe ,^omc o f these longevity students; thought to svoeo nd the scenmulatinn^f vast fortunes .ag a 4 ■-■ ................ laneawajpgmtsmtnnmn!?MreV• - _ TORIA EXCHflfiCE mm -t m m u . i , ohio , A rCO l'^JB oi l l rfbants audio. dividJuata Eultrxfed. . O g 1I«> i ?Be; ijwrcaptly paa^oar.3 rejaxtled. T lic K iu d T ow Have Always Bought, imd viWeB Las to « * , for OT« r b s s k s ^ s k s A ll CounterfeUs, Imltotions but Experiments tlmt trifle wltli nudendanger 4 imbtits and CdMldren-Experienee ugatost Eximrinienfc » EAFX$nn 2?ow Ymik and tin. ofowti SOMat lowest rates. Tfc0 l^copcstand necat convenient my to Isendmoney% mall FRENCH-DRY■CLEANINfi arid Dying. Our equipment is the most complete and ourprocess is up to date. We make a specially of Ladies’ Garments.-Hats/( Laces, Ribbons, Plumes Tips and Pompons, Gloves, Furs, Evening Dresses and OperaCloaks. OUR W O RK IS GU AR AN T EED . Send your Overcoat and suit to usto beDry Cleaned, ,Repaired or altered. We will make it look like new. THE PANTITORIUM CO„ I R . 0. MAS8MAN, ,Prop.,;& M g r.g T Ofilc.*; S3H. Lim?£dons St. V/orkfli 48, CS13. Washington S}- ' Both Phones 1400. Springfield, 0* Millinery Holiday Offerings. Suggestions For Gifts. Womenfs H a ls and te&nmUs* P-BIDAT,- HHCl-UfBER IS, 1903, A CARTOON SERVICE. t h r f l a t i » , The management bf the Herald takes pleasurcrin the announcement of a neiv -service for Its patrons, beginning with this Issue. Tint service, is to be n weekly- cartoon covering subjects of ‘ interests to all. As Is well known the cartoon with .he papers of today la one of tto itrong features. The Herald has Secured the exclusive rights for this territory'for a service of our own, mmething new to the newspapert readers 6f this, community. I t is not a service like that many of Jhe smalljpapers-have to rely upon, the Vied VrqoMent Fairbanks has taken a larger hotice In Washington for the Winter and is propairing to fifeartlo the social world by the variety, number .and magnificence oi-. ins onterfaiiwnenta storing the season. I t may be slgniflclent of the state of his desires that his new* house is several Jbtocka nearer and right on the road to the White House. boiler playhouse, but one such as Is found in all hp-to-date dailies. While the Herald realises! thafeThis venture wiUlmTooli!etl^upon." by"the “ foggy" newspapers as something we cannot keep up, yet wo are willing fo give onr*readers the most possible f&rjthenibney. Take notice of this issue and watch the Herald grow the coming year. - f j politicians of a pious turnermtod should fconple Their re.ading;of the raldroads’ anti-pass 'order with Jonah, 1:3; “ So. he paid the,fare andwent.1’ * ' President MeCurdyJof.theJMutual Life JorporaUo„;has rteckle^*to|fo- signand 1b may»be that soon the StfeCtUrdy 1 family will ‘be singing, “ Everybody works but Father," Speaker Cannon says he objects to seeing “ the country hold tip by the tall." Even this unploasanfcmetimd has advantage’s over that of being held up by the the throat though. Melba, the Grand Opera Singer appeared at a musicals in How Yqrli a few nignts ago and WRapaid ti, 000for a single song. Is this the explanation of seme of those bar­ gains that, we have got for a song? A long list of patontmedieine con­ taining alochol ate to be listed with alcoholic drinks and taxed RS such. The economical Pofuno or Bitters “ jag" will then be a thing of the past. All RunDown HIS is a common expres­ sion we hear on every side. Un less there is .ome organic trouble, the con- lition can doubtlessbe remedied, ’our doctor is the best adviser. )o not-dose yourself with ail finds of advertised remedies— *et his nion, Mo. *than likely /ou need a concentrated fat food a enrich your blood and tone ip the system. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil s fust sucha food in its best form# l will build up the weakened md wasted body when all j idler foods fail to nourish. ' If you are run down or emaciated, give it a trial x it cannot hurt you. U Is essentially the best possible nourishment for delicate children and pale* anaemic girls. We will Send you, a sample free. Harper’ s [Bazaar says, -“ The woman who goes into a'matrimonial partnersnfp without knowingjthor- ougbly the trade of housekeeping is a- fraud and false pretender just as her husband would be i f he did nob know' his trade or business or profession well .enough to finance the household1 AH men join In this sentiment though they deplore the faqi; that practical women lack chic and style. . * ~ i ’ ll 9mm m Cantoris, ft a harmless substitute for Ob, gorie# Brops and Soothing Syrups* It 4 « contains neither Opium# Morphine Kuhstanee. Its ago is Its gunrautee. It and allays Feverishness. It cures I>iarrln»a nnd/Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure* Coo«^jatfoi$ and.,Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, « * « * « * » Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ana natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea-The Mother’s Friend* J lWHIwtx'^PHdujfUi , >. 1 - Kail* VV.'Msjsih Vh>n Preg,, \Yi J. Wildman, Cashier, - -0..J&.fispitll Asst. Cashier JM» GENUINE CASTORIA '••-WAYS Bears the Signature of mm in Use For Over 30 Years. we enrrsen« o » nmv . ttmu » m /wetev, hewto *# cm. Bor hard colds, bronchitis, asihms, and coughs o f ali kinds, you cannot take any­ thing better than A ye r ’ s Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this Is not so. He uses it. He understands why ‘ -‘tm it soothes and beats. J.C.AptRtO. Eli'*. .I,, atj5..J»e..fiw. Ainirwrariit*. C o u g h s , C o l d s You veto hasten recovery by tak­ ing one of Ayer’* PHI* at bedtime. AIL OVERTHE HOUSE. How to Wash Ribbons Without Injur- Inu Co|t»>* or Fabric. A lionsewffe who haa phenomenal aueqess in cleaning ribbons of all kinds and characters washes them in. warm water, rubbing on them white soap tss she ivories, says Pitts­ burg Dispatch. Then she rinses them and irons them wet. As soon as they arc dry she rubs them be­ tween her hands until they are soft and then irons them again, They usually issue from the ordeal like ndft. The eame woman has her owu way of washing crocheted shawls. She puts the one to he cleaned into a pillowcase, ties it up and swashes it very thoroughly in hot soap suds. Then she rinses it until all evidences of the soap are gono and hangs it out, still in its hag, to dry. The day for the work should he Dtiimy and breezy. The idea of washing the wool in this way is to keep it from drafts and changing temperature, which are responsible for much shrinking. I t should not tic wrung. Gars- Of the Fsst. The feet ;sliould ha bathed every morning, or'clsc every evening, for a few minutes in Water from which the chili has been taken, using soap and a nail brush. When the feet are taken out of the water and wip­ ed no moisture at all should be 'suf­ fered to remain between the texo. Many have brought suffering upon lit' IHsRfilh** ihiipktur* Jnffwlorft e! Alsbd ts*q rcoir £ bownr ChawM* W # « l Start, towY*fc themselves by roughly and sw ftly drawing a crash towel between their toea, whereas something soft should ho used. The nails should be trim­ med evenly so that they do not pro­ trude beyond the tips of the toes; otherwise pressure will bo felt on the upper part of the toe. ■ Apple Greasi.: Ted, core and slice one and a M f pan a cup of water, two toblespoonfuls of sugar had tho grated rind of one lemon, Stew till soft md then beat well with an egg whisk, Whip up half a pint of thick cream till stiff, stir itt tho apples and color a' pale pink* with a few drops of lip id "Cdehiiicai. Heap up lit * glass dish iffid tinfioMe with dwimed almonds, gMjgfth with tapem fam,' ' " CASTORIA * « r laAni* *nd ChMttn, Ik KMYif >linA% ijs Bwjl 3km fir* itfi W r a p s , down in prices Suits Skirts. ’ S1L.KS, New As­ sortment cf71-2 to 40c. , t BLANLETS, com­ forts, Beddings, low prices, ' UNDERWEAR, La­ dies, Gents, Children, 25 cents up. GOODS, C AR PE TS , JACKETS, CAPES, £ and LA D IE S ’ Su its. Fa lsafe a t HDTGJUSOD 8 GIBfiEY’S; XEN I A, OHIO. • ChristmasFootwear W e have a very large line o f useful Christm as goods. Men’s and Lad ie s Slippers in alf grades. Children’s leggings. Rubber boots for the boys and girls and the best shoes anp rubber goods made. COME IN AND LEt US SHOW YOU FfifiZEfi’S SHOESTORE, Main* Street Xen ia , OMo, KfiEltli and fiOYflk PIANOS Wb bavnagoncy- for lirc ll and Hoyal'pianuj and aro In position t« gpll M tm lowest prices, wv I om id li&ndliug these InDtfmnaitsdf- feet: ifow the factory. AH filanos Ittficd m re-patent atognarmfiertl by fig. Hoc cur display ami get our prices belnro piir^buslfii?. Ur- dor« taken for ulu efemu&It\ GEORGE & SIEGLER :t»i.«pl*y purh.^rth 1cUo*r Hph*r in < touiN. «{.„<* u •** r? tVdmvilto, o. Chopping Off The B e s t Chops is whafr yon won’ t complain of. Wo will do Sfcany time yon call. Chops And Steaks going a Jong way toward making you healthy. » / . I f ybn buy them of iis you are sure they are good. As Jong as you continue to trade with us you can rest 'assured- yon’i-e getting A 1 meats and low prices. e . H . CROUSE , CEDARVILLE, O. Wain’s and Dining Rooms O N E N I G H T OUT a n d Y * readied in comfort V i f t gum ihqqh . ROUTE AND SOUTHERN fir. THREE TRAINS A DAY ChicmjtoA FloridaSpecial US cot let,Jinuuy tto,190. 'Itamitih Pullman acmto irom Chicatta, Cleveland,Tndianapaliatmtl UoTumbua,_y:aB:r I'mir Kouto; Bfl- troitand ToknlnVmPew Mnrquelto and 0II &D tlf., endLonieviTlo-ria solidPullmantrainleavingC l „ 9^5 P.M, for Jacksonville anil Si. Auailshne. Florid*Limited Thrcash Pullmfa service Iron Chicagoand Icuiacaptliavii Mocon and G II & I) Jty; cr.oneclir.t wish se^it trrin lenvktg Cinrincrti 8:30 A. M. fer JacksrnvillsendEt. AuTuSi-e,nl'j thrauEkPullmanSer­ vicetoNew<JrJeacsi. Qaeoa& CrescontSpecial Cdidjrnin Cir.oErmati toNovOr- least vieCialtairoo-nendBinnicg* ^ « .. « «• * .. cT tft threu-hPnHmnaserviceto .Tacksoiv^o vin Arhnvlllo ted ■Bavanrah. WinterTeurtft1-r’ r‘sr.oarca*i!aat reducedrale*. ForteJsrauuea KVl>~ ems.w. zrix,D.p.A. PAfcXBROWN.T.P.A., t . Cincinnati. Cisdanall. V. a,CA***TT» W,C.W«i1H03. . Sam) >» m .,_Cis.lta’rlp5 CIBICIitNATI, ft A F A M O U S R .E M E D Y *t3re4MYecu*fctoShC*6tfciatiSyrapP1 „, Jfewrctetolif.G.tJ.nteeat, **A»’ estoss Wi tillyes,Coderdear, Tm. fesUn’ fleertfiaaeverpveheenr S i t s pact ee«vamp%5 should not J# , invictimof uxp?tinit3i?vudhe oftenf§» .. - ...utitn e a a t Mtth&tmmsni the dteM disease won;* ...... ........................ ....aneriaUy; Ike ecsoof tnasssrap'loa*aadhaanwofid4 wide famewatoitniatcaitely fotcatenk) coM*. coor I js , croup» ceto thml j nil bronchial nfferiisnsln oldfind vouC* f in all cMSIztil wataesf*^ |Ins tetis fasieuis *9 a tossatejtitoa cw* toralsinrthalf * taituip. , „ ■ bottte. J5& B;g bottle, m M «I2draggisti tfarja^koasthe■teorfth * L ise Wtiteftusfit. UciJarYillc.O. hfMe flnii j\7satpricss* ify fotovhtoivd, m ttikksth, a6 j - K d f d * v rocktog. liMOfun*. f/ * **#$<» «5» 1 t’orner High and Limcatone street* Springfield* Ohio, S .5.- From. m , Allen Phillips, colon his home Tuesday evt age said to have been 101 his early life be was Ta; and no exact dates are i Just after - the Civ brought his family Iron to this conuty. A da: -three sons, survive l| Lincoln, met death in a scaffold the 2Qth, of RECEIVE COMMl . jrudgeO.H. Kyle hasi commission as Judge of t Pleas and has duly quai term of office for whicl cently elected. He has 1 under the appointment Qovern'orHerrick but ho hold upon the term, foi was elected and will not til Feb. 9th, 1909, All those knowi selves to be ‘indebi undersigned will favor by calling-an settlement o f tbeii by December, 27, Nell: Would mean a ■ ns teell as being] staterorswoetiw: fin* t«S1 Tho Famous l| most excellent tf Andfho lloynl nil Irathera, witf or or duck lhiiri toco, ami t«st to! -toid.... .. 1 Abo i. " tor tbel Hlitowiti for fa lo r sfbooi t>t L fnf'dUmiwhrdil IL59, $l’M Afo hbr.fflitlely Ar.d you \vt < T > - f S