The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

1 2 , 1 4 and ,16 E A S T M A I N S T R E E T SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 22 , 24, 2 6 and 28 N O R T H F O U N T A I N A V E . *1* IVv r ’Tv* ys» Kimiancs B O N ’T M I V I S IT IN G ill:' The Exhibits are certainly extraordmary-vfor we made unusual preparations^There is a stocK on a spate 'iaeasu^e4/;,id ■•dte heeds 9 ! A city teii times -tbe-' size of Sprfoffffeld,-iC '2£ ‘■3C 'ZX f - * *J '. •• *CS- **» i\ z;m 5*1 Ji* U Z& - S-I * *5 Xfi J v i z** ,.. * i r , r ; S 8s Th e ve ry name seems as a thrill of pleasure to old and young alike but more especially the little tots, bring them w ith you. W e w an t you to bring the children and spend all the time you can spare looking over this greatest o f all collections o f Holiday Goods. N o matter what you may be looking for, come and feast your eyes on the g rea test novel­ ties and Useful Christmas eve. gathered together. Y ou can feel secure on your seleqtipn and the price you pay for the advantages. Kinnane’s offer appeals to every one. T o the people o f Cedarville w e extend a cordial invitation, during the coming w eek and make bur store your headquarters, where you may check you r baggage and have it deliver, ed to you when desired, free o f cost. W h ile w e can’t enumerate only, a few iteihs here, rest assured there’s variety here to meet every demand .made upon us-am ongst the Holiday Goods. Y o u ’ll find in T o y lom such as: Drums, Trunks, Too l-Boxes Hobby Horses, Dolls, dhildren^Indiah outfit, toy Pianos Menagerie o f animals, Hook lu id Ladd e r Trains, Autom obiles, S a v in g Banks, S to ve s , and R an g e s , Fe rris wheels, Merry-go-rounds, arid thousapds o f Others to numerous to mention. ' The most beautiful collection of high class novelty art goods including Rich cut glaBS, Imported Chinaware, Bricabrao, Plates, Cops and Saucers, Tea and Chocolate Pots, Statuary, Yases, Screens, Cream and Sugar Sets. Salad Dishes, Deserts dishes, Cracker jars, Berry bowls, Wine sets, Bread and Butter plates, collar aiyl cuff boxes and Hundred of other novelties. Unusual AttractionsIn Oaf sit,^ garments will be offered on a basiao f l -3 saving from Eegular prices and never in our history havewe shown suchbeautiful and weff T ffita d Coats and Suits. We are making these special offering, for thepurpose of those who desireto give more useful and Substanti­ al Sifts to their itelatives, Furs will be sold Ott a basis of 1-2 the regular prices. Never was suchopportunities offered at this time, coming as it does when you lire benefited double fold. . Special Offer ■-. Havingpurchasedveryextensivelyinfinepurecand­ ies, wepurposetogive tb ill buying in quantity a .special offer, - 7S0Pails, or abotit42 Tons of-,•candy .wasourpurchase,thelargestevermade by one" store at onetimeinAmericaand pronounced by the ■Com­ missionerof Eure.FoodCommissionasCure -and una­ dulterated, over 75 noveltiesat only . IOc.APound . -Bell everywhereat 20cto altwhobuys, aTailwhich; means20to30pounds, wewill give a cash,discountof■ .10percent-duringtheHolidaye-Hiiswill enable, you to treat theOluldrentaafeast-thatwill bring;joy to-, alMMs offer extendsto-all churchesandotherorgani­ sations inClarke, Champagne, Madison,Mont**1 gomery, l%yidtefJountfe/• , i We sellmorecandythanall the'stores in this -city -combined. . ; Blankets Comforts. Bed Spreads, Black and coloredDress goods, hosery, Underwear, JAnens, linen art gdods, Gloves, Hand­ kerchiefs, Fancy Hosiery, Umbrellas, in fact e^brything in our extensive Store Shown alike the Savingspossible during from now until Christmas, Come early and make good your selections while the stocks are com­ plete and fuE of freshness. tv / ] u i o © •Lf 1.5 W ^ C v ’ n / w W V V ti Special Qreene CountyCoupon, 1 1 1 A S P E C IA L C A S H D IS C O U N T O F 1A Dpif P am * on all purchases will be I v I C l v w l l l given upon presentation of this Coupon together w ith a purchase of $5 .00 or over. not GoodBiter tuerday, Dec* 10 th m ftjp. n:n.ti •’ * ! „1* 6 ta *K S I T - * AKWt^ -■JJ f . - _y: rtO: - i 'o'- i K1NNANE BROTHERS COMPANY M IXAAAAAAtl v w f m V ■ -Q 0 IW it ffatb 0H M eat far Gloves, Driving Slot dollars, cufy H Y P E r ' a f totradeat UDIES1 CLHR TftO entertainment at thC house last Ftiday evening f home talent under the aui, theLadies Aid Society of t ■ church was WeE attendt pleased audience left the ; the conclusion of the jprogrt - The chorus of about fori ivAff drilled under the dirt 0 Hr, George Sieglernnd mu Is due him for the sueces performance. ' Bis* abilit mnsicaldirectorwas certain y by the graceful fnanher in , directed the chorus. The ;t was the best.drilled class >, appeared before a Cedarvi Q eace in a long time and si | continued. ‘ f i The reading* by Miss Cl; , 1 ■ Her and Mr. Frank Youn|£ very Interesting, The quari | Bistlugof Messrs'. Sanderson £ Bullenberger and Siegler, al: • ' in for praise- Solos by' Charlotte Siegler and Dai, duetsby Messrs. Siegler an 0 andMr. Snllenberger and I ,r Werevery appreciative; ' , It is stated that the AidpS will clear about |50 —Gamesi—Crokinole, Archarena, Flinch, Pin Porches!, (Jhessenda, liOgornachy, and liift. Bt inthe market. West's B< Xenia, A M ATTER O F H t t P 0W 01 _ * k m l v w r # i KASmSUBi phntio Acid &***& W|SCW«fOWBtRC5. A L i The most be?, ftlotb W ill JfetS1 ^omfGrtaftilsGl «'V€ry u ifib t t b i S A N T A U LM | N* IV -tftalj yms*Umax mm •44