The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
THE FINEST OF STOCK is w ha t you w ill find at our store. W e buy our goods in the cheapest market,-- places where w e can secure the best things at cheap prices, and then w e se ll to you at proportionate reduction. A n examination of our stock w ill convince you of this fact. Wm f u r o i s M t i g f lo o d s Straw Hats 25c, Latest Styles 50 c. F eather-Wdgiii $S.oC '■/ill find that “ Criterion1’ Clothing wjll give entire satisfaction, that the tailoring is neat and elegant in every detail, that the styles are the very latest, and. that the material is of the best. The fitting qualities are guaranteed. Men’s Soft Felt Hat in Black, Brown, Tan and Grey. . $2.00 S M E Men’ s Shirts Kobby Patters ip the Latest Things, $ 1.00 f lE N ’f t S E P E R A T E TROUSERS , Swell Goods. We sell the kind the Pour. Hun dred Wear. 'At Bargain Prices $S. 30 &$ 4.50 Men's Hoisery, Fancy Patterns in Half*Hose !5c.8r25c. S H O E D E P A R TM E N T Patents.- VicTs imd l ’ansv—Oxforcls dn Hfeat,- Dressy Styles. We sell the “ A ll America" Men’s Slum, and sell it on its merits, Prices to Suit Customers.. • ’ — yourself the trouble of further shopping by coming hero, Save your money too—for we believe that 'Modern Merchandising means to make Small Profits, and make them often. We believe in Quick Sales and Small Profits. Consequently we can quote lower prices than our compeltor. . 121-2 per cent is what we claim we can save you on clothing by this method, Come in and compare our stock with others, and you will be convinced. Comparison is the true test of value, and if goods do not. stand ^.comparison with others in .quality and price we do not bay them. - Bar gain Prices i $4.00 to $20,6 o . MAMMOTH LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mbjis Helen Eavfy, or Xenia, was he guest the fourth, of Misses Sayde iyul Fannie Iliffe. Mr. and Mrs. W ill McMillan, of Loveland, were guests of Mr. "and Mrs.. Anderson Collins, the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. O. A . Sphar, of •tenia, were guest the fourth o f Mr. md Mrs. James Townsley. M ts . W ill Bradfiite, and family of >fWashington, C. H., are guests o f Mrs. Bradfute’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Lott. Miss Bertha Middleton, has re- :urned to her home at Greenfield, iftor a pleasant visit with her cou sin, MisaBelle Middleton. Mr. Balph Bawldin, of Chicago, vas the guest of Miss Fannie, Jack- ion last week, Mr. aridMra. W . A» Spencer, and laughters, Wilma and Ethel and Miss Edna Mitchell, spent the tourth at the Neff, grounds. . Miss Nellie Ustlck, of Columbus, vas the guest the first of week of Misses liosa and Lillie Stewart. Miss Lena Collins, visited her riend, Miss Hope Andrew, of near amestown, the first of the week. Get Beering knife heads and sec- ions at Wolford's, Misses Bessie Hopping, Lena Col ins, Hope Andrew; and Messrs, ‘olm Wilson, Carl Paul and Mr. lames, spent the Fourth at the Neff 'rounds at Yellow Springs. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Townsley, of Springfield, spent the Fourth as sgttest of Mr. and Mrs. Benonl treswell. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Marshall, of t!enia, wore guests Friday, of Mr. nd Mrs. 1). H; Marshall. Mr. Carlton McLain, spent the fourth Yrltli friends at South ffisrfeston, ♦ Mrs. Mary W a lte r, isvjslting Mrs. nines Barr at Dayton. Mr, Joseph McFarland, has re timed to Dayton, to fesumO his ?ork on the Dayton Journal. Mr. and Mr*. Bobt, Bird, and arnily spent tlie Fourth at the Neff rounds. . t Mrs. Gertrude Libby, of Columbus 1 visiting h e f patents, Mr. and Mrs. )aniel Beam Mis* Helen Marshall, &f Portia, Is isitlng Mr. Frank Turnbull. ■ Mr. Isaac Wistennoh, spout the fourth at Cincinnati. Mrs. Frank Welch iuuift, o f Spring- ield, is visiting lier parents, Mr. and frs, Marion Townsley, Misses Butti Tarhox, of Xeh ia,and fftiy Marshall, o f Hprigiifleid, are lotting relatives bore tide week, Dr. M. I. Marsh and wife, Mr, L- I. Hntlcnliorger and wife and Mr. >. L. Hmith and wife, heard the heater's famous Italian band at Ipi’ingfiold, Tuesday* , For sale cheap i A good refrige? aior, Cali at this pfllce, H. M, Stormont and wife, Spent the Fourth in Xeniai „ Messrs. H. M. Barber, Andrew Winter and Dr. J. W . Dixon, spent their Fourth at Xenia. —Get McCormick guard plates at W o ilford’s. / Mr, John Coffey, who is with the Postal Telegraph Company in Cin-! einnati spent several days here the first of the week. Mrs. Jacob Siegler visited her mother, in Xenia on Wednesday and Thursday, Miss Bess Martin o f Beaver Falls, Pa., who lias been entertained at the home of MissNellie Lewis, the past two weeks, returned' home Thursday. Mrs, C. W - Crouse, daughter Mrs. Sidney Smith and daughter, Thelma Spent last Sunday with A. L. Shney and wife, Of Fairfield,' Mrs. Okas. Colvin and daughters, Jane and Edith, and Miss Anna Kamsey, of South Charleston, spent Friday as guests of Mr*, and Mrs. G. W. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Will Blair, enter tained Prof, and Mrs. W. It. Mc- Cliosney, Mr. andMrs. O. M. Morton and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Craw ford, Tuesday. —Get your Champion sections at W o lfo rd ’s. Mrs. Wm. Huntington of Pitts burg is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson. Rev. Joan Wilson who Is preach ing near Springfield, 111., came home Monday evening for a few days vacation. • Mr, Frank Gillaugh has resigned as clerk for ids brother Charles, in the grocery, Mr. Clarence Northup lias taken tlye same position, enter ing upon liis duties, Wednesday. Miss Jessle Small ofXenia anu Miss Sayde Iliffe left Wednesday, morn ing for a months visit in the East. They 'friB take in a number of im portant cities and will visit Rev, Wallace Iliffe and wife of Duanes- bufg, N. Y.^ Gn their return they Will Visit Washington D. C. M r . J . A . Wickerham of Sinking Springs, Or., is spending a few days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John George, Mrs. Sarah Barber, who has been quite sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Townsley, is thought to be some hotter today. The body of Captain R. A. Stark ey, the well known slice dealer of Springfield, is expected to arrive in New1York, Saturday. The Captain with his family, wont to London, England some time ago, and while there took sick and died. Downing, the photographer, took a picture this morning which repre sents four generations. In the group were Mr, Samuel Creswelland wife, W. It. Slorrott amt wife, and S. L . Stefrett, wife and son, of South Charleston. Mr. Howard Strain and wife, en tertained Mrs. Nest and family, of Columbus, several days this week. Mr. and Mrs, G. O. Weimer anti .(laughter* Marie, were entertained Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, o f South Charleston. Mr. Lee Shrouds and wife, spent Sabbath in Dayton, being, called there by the serious illness of Mrs. Shroads cousin, Mrs, Edith Lesslar. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minser vis ited their daughter, Mrs, Charles Brotherton of Dayton and their son Carl, of Richmond from Saturday until Wednesday. Miss Clara Mitchol of Dayton was the guest of her mother from Satur day until Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nesbit and family of Loveland are guests of Mrs. Andrew Winter. ' , —The cheapest place to get your carpet paper is at McMillans. Moody Nagley, is brightniiig up his residence by a fresh coat of paint. Moody is the artist. Messers, Greening, Gordon and Sullivan, three men with the Gas company appeared before Judge Kyle Thursday, on a charge of con tempt of court,- An injunction was" out some time ago tokeep the comp any from crossing toe pikes In the county. The commissioners ask $5,000 damage, this the company re fuses to pay. —Cottage rods and curtain poles at prices that defy competition, at McMillans. ——NeW honey for sale at J. II. Wolfords. The Quarterly Conference of the Mr E. chuch will be held Friday evening at 7:80 o’clock. Commun ion Sabbath evening at 7:00 o’ clock. Dr. Dehois of Springfield is the pre siding elder. Latest reporis as to the condition of Rev. Alvin Orr is that he is much improved. Excursionto SL Louis. Accounf National BaplstAnniver- sary. For information about fares, through train service etc., ask ticket agents of Pennsylvania Linos. NOTICE. TlioSe knowing themselves indebt ed to mo are requested to call and settle before Augustistas Texpect to leave Cedarville at that time. Julia Condon. REPUBLICANS ORGANIZE. The Republican Executive Com mittee organized Thursday night as follows; Colonel James A. Johns ton, chairman; John J. Brennan, vice chairman; I. S. Dines, secre tary; George Little, treasurer. The committee recommended to Secretary of ‘Slate Laylln the reap* jiomtmont as Republican member of the Greene county board of olect - ions, James E. Lewis, of Ross Town ship, whose term is about to expire. Tim recommendation Hof th« com mittee on ibis appointment Is usual* y followed. TWO GREAT ARTISTS. The Difference Between the Work of Reynolds and Gaincborpugh. The contrast between these two great artisla, Reynolds and Gains borough; is almost the difference between art and nature, Reynolds was learned in what other painters had (lom; and had reduced lus own art to a system. Gainsborough m n d almost everything for him self—never lost the simple, natural way o f looking at things and people and painted not according to rule, but at the dictates of what he felt, Reynolds planned out his effects; Gainsborough painted on the spur of the impression which the subject aroused. Reynolds’ art was based on safe, general principles. Gains borough's was the fresh and spon taneous expression of his tempera ment— depending, that is to say, on feeling rather than on calculation. His temperament, or habit of mind, was dreamy and poetic, gentle and retiring, hagluding a small range of experience. •Reynolds, on the other hand, was a man of the world and of business capacity, intimate with Samuel' Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith and other celebrities of the day; a man of knowledge and clever con versational power, whose pictures by their variety prove his versatili ty. Consequently when the Royal academy v as established in 1768 he Vas elected president by acclama tion and was knighted by George III., an honor that has ever since been bestowed on the holder o f this office, These two men were at the head o f tlie group of portrait painters who in the latter part of the eight eenth century and in the early years o f the succeeding one added luster to the new growth of' art in Eng land.— Charles II. Coffin in Cen tury. ' _________ _ , A Hard Problem. “ Is this Mme. Pompom ?” breath lessly inquired'nr mair whor had" climbed several lights of stuirs and been admitted into a darkened par lor. ‘ ’ / !T t I b ,” replied the stately person age whom he addressed, “ The famous clairvoyant and for tune teller ?” • \ “ The same." “ Do you read5 the mind ?” “ With perfect, ease.” “ Can you foretell the future ?” “ The future holds no mysteries that I cannot unravel.” “ Can you unfold the past?” “ The record of all things past is to me an open book” “ Then,” said .the caller, feverish ly taking from his pocket a handful o f money, “ I wish you would tell me what it is that my wife wanted mo to bring home without fail this evening and name your price. Mon ey is no object.” . • ;t ■ Original History. The following extract, from a schoolgirl's essay eomes from a high school in India' and was published in the monthly' magazine o f the school: “ King Henry 8 was the greatest widower that ever lived. He was horn at Anna Domino in the year 1066, He had 510 wives, be sides children. The 1st was be headed, the 2d was revjoked. She never smiled'again. But she said the word 'Calais' would .be found on her heart after i her death. The greatest man in this reign was Lord Sir Garrett Wolsey. He was sir- named the Boy Bachelor. He was horn at the age o f fifteen unmar ried. Henry 8 was succeeded on the throne by liis great Grand Mother, the beautiful and accomplished Ma ry Queen o f Scots, sometimes known as the Lady of the Lake, or the Lay o f the Last Minstrel.” A 8trlk« and an Apology. On one occasion there was a strike, on professional grounds, of the members of the Irish bar, owing to an insult offered by John Scott, Earl o f Clonmell, who was chief justice of Ireland from 1781 to 1798, to counsel practicing before him, which was resented by the bar in its collective capacity.. Thejudges sat, but no counsel appeared. Tho attorneys all vanished, and their lordships had the court to them selves., There was no alternative. Tlie next day Lord Clonmell pub lished a very ample apology in the newspapers and, with excellent ad* dress, made it appear as ii written on the evening of the offense and therefore voluntary.— Law Times. Cat Island Cats. In one of the harbors of Kergu elen, Land, a barren and desolate bit of antarctic terra ilrnia to the south east o f the Cape o f Good Hope, cats escaped from ships have made them selves at, home on a little, islet known as Cat island, which has long been used as a wintering place for sealers. Here they live in holes in the ground, preying upon Bea birds and their young, and are said* to have developed such extraordi nary ferocity that it is almost im possible to tame them etfefi when captured youpg. PATENTS 'Caveats. find 'Tnide.MskrkSobtained andall Pat- «ntl)U 3 ine*aeondntt 6 ii forMobtHAre Fees, j Own Ornct ta C fwmmte 0 ,®,t*AtcNt O rn ct and we cuntenure patent In lest timethan those1 refnOtqf-ntnWashington. ■] ’ Send model, drawing or photo., with defitfip* (ion, We advise, If patentable or hot, free of charge. Ourfee not due ill! patent!* secured, 1 * pom no let . “ Row to Obtain Patents,“ with, cost of same in the and foreign cow*Idea sent free*.. Address. ! C.A.SNOW&CO. riFp, ratPNt Orrice, WAiHiNotOH, O.C, A Horn Curiosity. Our oM school te' tVwk iohl Hint “ all horns are not bones,” nn<l this is very true us tar a>? the horn of the rhinoceros is coiucrned. That curious protuberance is nothing K’ss than a collection" or.amalgamation of hairs, so interwoven anti oggluth natqji that under the microscope it appears to be of composition similar to the pith of a cornstalk, except that the hairs are not so widely sep arated by the material that binds them together. In olden times roy alty employed rhinoceros horns for drinking cups, the notion being that poison put into them would show itself by‘bubbling. There may have been a grain of truth in this, for it is known that the ancient poisons were^all acids, and these would cer tainly fleeompoco tho hoi'ny etrue- . ture of the oup very rapidly. Try Those Cures For Stings. All sorts of stings, whether from bees, wasps, hornets or bumblebees, ^k ju ld be sucked in remove as much poison as possible; then have a slice of acid fruity apple, tomato or peach, or a crushed berry or grape, either ripe or green, bound lightly to the wou&d. I f the pain is severe, after a minute take off, the fruit, wash tho ab’ng iri warm water .and, ‘ bathe it well in alcohol. Then wet a folded linefi rag in either alcohol or vinegar, aud bind on tho sting. If neither alcohol, vinegar or fruit of any sort is at hand, try a bruised' plantain leaf. Change the applica tion, whatever it is, every ten min utes until the pain subsides. . She’d Get it. Miss Elder— Well, I maintain that' women can do anything that men can. Mr, Gazzam— Oh, rjo, the auc tioneer's business is on<J women can not go into! '■•■■■■■■ Miss Elder — Nonsense! She’d make every bit as good an auctioneer as a man. _ _Mr^CiGzzam-JYe]J^_just im ag ine. an unmarried woman getting up be fore a cvcuyd and exclaiming, “ Now, gentlemen, all I want is an offer!” LOW FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Anyone contemplating atrip West- may take advantage ot the reduced fares for tlie special Homo-Seekers' excursions via Pennsylvania. Lines to points in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa,, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Ore gon, Washington, .Texas ami other sections in the west and in all the states of the South. Stop-over privileges permit trav- lens to investigate business openings These tickets will he on sale.certain dates-during the'summer. Detailed information as to fares, through time, ete,, will he freely Curnished ujton application toleeal tickefagunl of Pennsylvania,Lines.—7-15, .Uvery housekeeper should know that if they will buy Deflimcu Cold Water- Starch- for laundry use they will save not only time, because it never slicks to the iron, but because each packuRo contain 10. os.—one full pound—wUjle all other Cold Water Starches are put up in Impound pabkugcs. anil tlie price is the same, .10 cents. Then nwiin because Dclhtnce Starch ' is free from Injurious chemicals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12 oz, package it is because he has a stock on hand which hewishes to dispose ol before lie puts in Defiance. He knows .that Defiance Starch lias printed on every- package In largo letter^ and figures ‘"1Cozs.’ Denmml Defiance and save much time and money ani Urnannoyance of tlie Iron stick, gni- Defiance, never sticks,' Do y o u r C h i l d r e n QUESTIONS? Of course they d o .^ It is their way o f learning and it is yonr duty to answer. Y ou may need a>dic tionary to aid you. It won’ t an swer every question, but there are thousands to will give you true, clear and definite answers, not about words only, but about things, the sun, machinery, men, places, Btories and the like. Then, too, the children can find their ow n answ ers. Somo o f on r greatest men have ascribed their powor to study of the dictionary# Of course you want tho best dic tionary. Tho most critical prefer the New and Enlarged Edition of ^WEBSTER ’S iv I n t e r n a t i o n a l ; D i c t i o n a r y /® '’gats. I f you httvo any questions w S 's Y * about it write us. G. & O. MERHIAM CO., MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE PRICES = : : : s = g i O N !' " a = = = s VEHICLES™ HARNESS We self our entire product direct to the user at wholesale prices and guarantee a Sawpl^oiMreopBelaliPnces WE INVITE YOU TO CALL*AND INSPECT OUR WORK LARGEST STOCK We carry the largest stock of vehicles on our repository floor of any concern in the world. All of latest style, thoroughly reliable vehicles. Our, line includes Carriages, Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Station Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts, Road Wagons, SpringWagons, Carts, etc. COME AND SEE .US BEFORE MAKING YOUR P U R C t lA S E .^W E CAN SAVE YOU MONEY CATALOGUE FOR t Q 0 5 Send for oiir free catalogue. To out-of-towfi buyers who cannot come to see ns, we should he glad to send, on request, our illustrated catalogue, by means of which yon canbuy as safely and satisfactorily as if on the groqud. ° . * . .....PR ICE . ' L' . ' ' $ 50.50 . Extra3-4 RubberTires, $13.00 Guaranteed as good Inevety way as sold by middlemen for from $70 to $75. Note some of tlie good points, ,Has self-oiling, dust-proof axles. Full wrought Brewster fifth- wheel with bent readies mor tised Into the head block. Oil tempered and tested Springs,, ■ry« ............ . hot. Bradley “shaft couplers,. Fulllengthbottomcarpet. Rub- bersteppads. .Springhackand spring cushion, Finest finish throughout. The greatestBug gy In the World Mthe Pries. NO. 3 078. NEW YORK BUGGY. THE MANUFACTURER can always offer youmore foryour moneythan themiddleman, We are the only house in the State-orOhio selling direet to the consumerwho -mataufactures-tlic vehicles andharnesS they offer for sale; No. 4066. » STRAIGHT SILL SURREY HARNESS PRICE * 8 1 . 5 0 __Extra7-8 RubberTJree,. .. $ 1 5 .00 - No. 4066is a light,compact vehiclewithampleseatlngca- . pacify for four large persons, Furnlsiiedwithbellcol lar self-oiling axles. Oiltemperedandtested springs. Full bottom wrought fifth-wheel, Strictly second growth Wheels. Full length velvet carpet# Bradley shaftcouplers. Hand- somelyfinlshed. ,'5 f Guaranteed as epoft as soy by others for $as.oo to $js.oo more than our price. - - ' We Manufacture 65 STYLES Highest Quality----Wholesale Prices GUARANTEEASAVING NOTLESSTHAN 25#, Our No. 246 Single' Strap Driving Harness PRICE GENUINE RUBBER MOUNTINGS. Extra $1.75 We carry2000 sols of Hamits instock COME AND SEE US OFFICE— REPOSITORY— FACTORY South High Street, crossing Hocking Valley Railroad, Termlnui Electric Car Una. 20 minutes ride from corner Broad and High Streets ' Th* ' ------------------ ^----------- ' ColumbusCarriage& Harness Co. COLUMBUS, OHIO AyersPills The great rule of healthr- Keep the bowels regular. And the great medicine—- Ayer’s Pills. ................ J.O.AyarCO., Xrf>w*u, Hut, Want your moustache or hgard BUCKINGHAM’S DYE abeautifulbrownorrichblack? Use nm cm. orDxcaoiraioa».r.autkoo, iumva .Jr,*. a p -PUBUSHSfte, * SPRINGFIELD, MASS. R E V I V O ' restores VITALITY Made a Well Mail THE ^ Of M e . cfrdEtm a ja? ^ S ’JfeMGKTOIESC IFlijBDnS/ESIllEyS? prodnepgthnabovereroltsIn 30 day*. Diets powetfollyendquickly. Cnrcfi-whenMlothersfML xonogiaentollUeaslntheir lostmanhood,sodOld menwill recover their youthful vigor by taring BET1VO. It quicklyandsurelyrestore*Ner»qtt#> bees, host Vitality, Imyotoncy,NightlyKmteeiona boatFower,FailingMemory,WastingJDlaeuea,and tUcffoctaot aclNbnuo orexcessandindiscretion, MilchunfitsOnoforstudy,ImelneSsormarriage. 11 notonlycuresbystartingatthoseat ofdltette,bnt .EertiMfa tmXnVe. The Genuine 1847R ogersbros : Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc* have all the qualities in design, work manship and finish o f the best ster ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. Much o£ the sterling now 'on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in* ferior in every way to ‘ ' Stiver Plate that Wears ' f , Ask your dealer for ” 1847 ROGERS BROS." Avoid substitute/ Oar full trado*rnATk is "1847 ROGERS BROS." look tot it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Before buyingWrite for oUr catalogue “ C-L," iSTKRSA‘fldK*r. CO., MERIDENBRITANNIAC0„ Merida*, Gafin, Ihrktktrt JFtth Mb r*. isfigreat ne«v«tonlo ondbloiwl fc itig Lick tho ipink g low to pnle cnees* anarw Mating tho fire o f yonth, ft wards off iMtnlty »hd Consumption. Insist off having BTSVXVO,hfi ether. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mail, • 1,00 porpaekege,or Iris for mtiMO, w ith ispost- IWt Yrritteft to ettg# a* tmm t •wt«ie*Y. Bookxnsiaorlasfree, Address )ML iWUNIl CO, 1 “aS&,< C T £
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