The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

I ALL BABIES ■ IteigH uiB Sr»£for-:i a pto?$ EL ■d* ' . ' We tcsw Jrass h®w facmy t*> Msgr for i f e rtr^m i sit to V ogjotzs ^tftraj^ly ffceGseea© l?wwtr i rzeen<l If E'«t3v e il t s f e e Is life taSSc e&sEfc Ita-f/e 4 C h r b t m a s A l m o s t W e r e , ,^q$peg tfe mote ^ x b p ' y ' s ^ w S * T * 3 s *■“*.**/ . 4v“> 'tKiigs;'•s,i«?5yen*' ;:--^£li22 syt<l gc4flfi£ 4s@afejr& 'eofflecrioa o f JFofe, Cfiala., Mwek$rPSfifafeg Xiswlfe* BktrerjMM war%out gfe* E asl’BiIiit^ICMiiaefe ©te. ete. iflafc -vIS i# jicar&ag prditefsfe to .tugr* ' '* _ T # m o ir o iM g Y e m v d m m e o f b w d n e s s b i g g e r t k m ai$r e fc r ve*ll gfe© t e l r t e you HIpexe&t&d! m f 'CasLifjfdk se'risrisg Ike itktaee of life yfear, -■ M c C O L L U M , T h e J e w e l e r . ■M£**agutt£.®GiRflRCifii ' rgB sST ^Kfr • ” ■' -MltMH 9KAMA; *wwWfjF I{HEf ariUKItart. Ur4»m tmwm** #*. The Cedarville Herald. # x . gg > l*er Year- e v" In tl>brc*i|}C;mti^otliereli^ | iieen twa!oc’jAflg>itdr*«mtcste,-j fMJtli tcs&f ing byg^MiImajor­ ities for ifc© 7. Tfcel HteraM I « cad* ease fcelfevedl that Ifc was for the best faStej- fete «f all tliat tlie satoffl* fee eliifulsated £m$ t ® ffeis^aff w e i s t N m i only larotliigoiifc t lje death eating business feisfe Is supporting the proseentaos of aUoases."4Our spate'was ffseely offered i« ifce people’s I ; _„__./-,.....•-_____ •» •■* -*. m —r . L*. skida ?* BMSUBtBSm .20, iape, ,n B=DRY -CLEANING ?** ■ O n r e t p l p m m i te IS© mtfefc i p ^ p f e t e a n d n o r j p t i c * ^ I2pto datn* „ . , .' .•»fi’ - Garinente.~Hafs? OURWORK ISGUARANTEED. Send your €hferemt, m i splttonstobeljiy Cleaned^ Impaired or altered. We will make it look like new. M v* OJHiB0sS^&.‘Lt*aeetoneS& ^ t Woffe»:4^ (&&* yra«l>tn^ou - Botii Phones_1490. Springfield, O. ; OUR PALL AND WINTER STYLES. tit elegant cdaitiinationsf of col­ or .Hi, up-to-date fabrics in plaids, cheeks, stripes, tweeds, twills, and Cheviot's ore wait­ ing for yo»r inspection. Skilled workmen are also waiting io fashion them into the best flitt­ ing and flnely finished suits. Ourprices are always reason­ able. JW l» i m. 'Ideal■ "iSh^aiocw^ wht#' ww- 'M$wr immmj. m t ^mm mke-i- tor ' ■■■ \ ■ •«>...■ . ,i. a; 'i ;late Id! 'ihdir:vpM of the public and not for a certain few greedy, graffcy political hyenas that noise tkepubhe teat from year to to yeaf.: Jlgaio we, refer to. the abovein offeringourspace to defend the Homes, not boastfully but it beiiig our duty, as your localcommittee was compelled to purchaseits space to defend HOMES against the saloon in another paper, regardless of any ex­ planation that might be of­ fered by any person. The Herald during theyear 1906 asks for the hbetal sup­ port of thepeopleofthis com­ munity in that this paperwait advocate no, issues other than thatwhich mil be advantag­ e s to alt The Herald 1ms neveraspiredto bean “organ” but a newspaper,^the former only being the official mouth piece of a certainset of men in some political party that use the stampof the party for their oWn advancement and illegal deeds, jprafiy i& te b f ; i The Herald sends its greet- 'hig": ,into^:eimiyv:hoitte for a ^lerry Christmas” and ’“A Happy New Year.^ j :r:-;;j:" ■ . '<,C/£ sk£ta,xitfr PftY, The, Tailor, Xenia, O, Q &\ Jkoffit* m <r !$/* a% /v - The Genuine 847 R ogersbros : Spoons, Forks,Knives,etc. hawsoilthetjcrallfeta d<x!g®,¥/mh* mascMpand fMsli o£ the test ster- Ifegellv'^r,atMe*fearthtoOse-eightli tag cost, lkt% of tlis ctetlkg mw <m the uinyfeet faeatfrelytos thfaan^light i(it pxnetfgal ncB, xaal h Mt in* £edef faeverywayto u 8 lk tr Pfate itial Wean " Mi jbx mm tot °i*<ynoaess BSCS,” Md 1 CDtsISttjte. Oa?|9a fea^raatk B “iM »08e*S tooX tot j J, Sail by ItrlltsQ &e±xt ttciyvtiia. tldbts BttyJsgwrits kf tut a{ifc&»wo t,” ifta»A.nm tsmtnco,t tBfiiqes mmmt&f es*% n,^«^an^uLi*sTA«etlh!*’ *r— CASTSBU gorm to t» *ad Children, TheKind You Have Always Bought B omb the Signature C thOT ttB , OHIO. •>* A io^SriJIDl ci 1$K^tau id f, ■ il'chaafet MPsl/L Lc!Vf~ fystapilyias.5-jaa5vt^;!el z:vzz | ' tOCAi AND .4 u lI ic a e fp : r ili'" - n o » c 1 tT j . SI. 'Sfci' 'VGif'-UMMl xiJi ? » EM H S -a Hew Y c * ac^ C&> causti«cB*l!3#st sutss. i i 3 cl^j^«a^c^c;?v«a5s3l nay w scai nariy3byjrsjii, - Wraith «» iy, bi^at 1 A*-l«JC-tf -JU«S i-;*. hirefirstglassRigs Boot and mm t «p«to4ate liuery and feed bam In Central Ohio* Hyerything flew, Espeeklly ecpiipped to care for funeral patties- Keep y m t rig itom c;iprjsm& whmt in town by imvisig it lit our barn. ri 0 i 0 ^ w a g s i a j w c a g s a B t ' CGOARVli r,!’, OHIO, Mwi . WltklMs, kkm of the pefe aid volume twenty-eght is completemid the Herdld has turned the iwenty-eigth’mile post in ife career. • .The past year has -been k profitable one to the manage­ ment and we hopeourreaders have enjoyed thesame. Much success due a newspaper is through the policy it pursues. From the very day the Heraldpassed under the pre­ sent management we have beeniree to express our opin­ ion in a frankmanner, in or­ der that the public should have the facts in the case as they existed; so that a truth­ ful conclusion could be ob­ tained,’ . , :, ThereKayebeenthiagshap­ pen the past, year that have been distasteful to the public and we are sure suchhasbeen the casewithus, Sometimes it becomes our duty to stand against issues that effect good government and then mom than real force of the pen is necessary to Tight the wrong. It is not a good policy to be always lookingfor the dark side of Hfe, whether, in busk ness, social affairs or politics* but whenwrong h so vividly written it most certainly is the ethical duty for any edi­ tor to stand against that which he knows willbe injuri­ ous to his community. While no doubt many will think that politics with the Herald the past year was the prime topi£ yet wehope that all will see in theendthat our views as expressed were not for a selfish end. With all journals magazines and even religeous papers, politics has been an important issue ow­ ing to the effect ifcwouldhave on the liquor question. There fore ifc can be seen that the Herald was in line with num- Sk, bins of theInfluential journals' of today, Politically the Herald lias always been Republican, m long asRepublicanprincipals were adheared to in reference to moral questions, We also endorsetheRoosevelteTafteBa Fallott idea that no one man can nominate a ticket for the whole people, whether it bo for iMimidpal, county, state or natiohST offices, And as evidence of ourcorrectnesson this subject we offerthe senti­ ment of the people as voiced in the November election, Tho' Herald has always stood for tliO'AnthRalwn lea­ gue and all Its principles, for this moafc iiolikv organisation Binmh for theqieople, regard-* t o , of color, sey or creed/* '^l^Wj23cwi,BK3.# _ TH?"£=Tr'.&i*K y —, .. ' W* v/sifcna. «VrsU» . <Ii ,1* Stgiith Ltsl. Usststep I The Advent of the Turkey. A Treasury report states that “tkore is tack of small kills.** Most people have noticed it and « scarcity o f smalt silver as well. People cover understood about the fuss In the Islo of Pines until they learned that the leader of the revolt is a Kansas populist. Japan dtmads #23,06(1,000 for feed­ ing the Russian prisoners Practically Waldorf-Astoria prices for rice and and fish. A UpToBate. WRAPS, down in prices Suits Skirts. SILKS, . .New As-: sortment 371-2 to 49e. & BLANLETS, com- ’ forts, Beddings, low prices, UNDERWEAR, Bar dies, Hunts, Children, 23 cents up. GOODS, CARPETS, JACKETS, CAPES, and LADIES* Su its. Fafsale a t HUTGUISOfl & GIBREY’S, SETS IA, OHIO. H ie .football season la over and thor©la nothing for th®college stud­ ent to do for awhile but to play basketball# Pour thousand five hundred bills Were introduced in twenty minutes oh the opening day o f Uohgress, but the pigeon hole space in the Capitol Committee-rooms is ample* "EhoPresident in his; message to Congress urged the careful scrutiny of a ll bills for the opprpprlation of public mGbey, .fla t in the matter of the Canal appropriation Congress decided to vote the appropriation and scrutinizes- ifc later* - .OTiemJority of Congressmen are Inquiring how many spades could bo bought for the amount^ paid th<» three ten thousand dollar a , year clerks of the Commission, but not one of them ask* , how much pcaeo eould bo bought with the salary o f one CdfigtossiH&sj* Congressman, noiwitksfandmgalt reports, have itofc been Idle durlog the dummor. fh e lr mdustry was shown at the opening of Congress when In the thirty minute session: t / f f l bill* m m introduced, I f there to* city in tlm United State* m b needs %mm Post Office, a state that, needs nsofft rivermid barber itnprovo emeuls or a veteran entitled to ft pmi&oi^fbrgutton yesterday i t wa« certainly not the faiiltofm ir Jtepw. lawaiitaa, ChristmasFootwear W e have a very large line of useful Christmas goods. Men’s and Ladies Slippers in all grades. Children’s leggings. Rubber boots for the boys and girls and the best shoes anp rubber goods made. COME IN AND LEt US SHOW YOU FRAZER'SSHOESTORE, Mdi%Street - . - - ' Xenia, OMo. two*. RREIiItand ROYAlt RIAROS Wo havo agoneylo t Krell amtltoyalpiano'! and sac in position to noli ut>ths lowest price*, owing to handling those iustruments fit* rcofc from tho factory, AH platm^ tuned or repaired are guaranteed •by us. Hco our display and gM our prieen bofoto ptirt basing#' «?- «!ot» fftkon for sheet music. GEOHOE & SIEGLER I Uteplay pariorwitii E-lffiarHphar in C^twc fllock i iHtefrilterib ^aswftoife as r&aSy to supply you 'With fh® i?feul e£is& hbpSiS. We have a$or®h®d iba mariket^rverfortUr&eyB thatwffl#!ri!gM*y®amsdudd to out , r^pUtothm. *)6bg re$ ti! t l^f uolleefioii ■ of poultry that mu epicure might ‘ RbW lkELTpORSFR ! f'm p -turkoy her^.lf-'.you waut to UWjIfl ^iSuppototmeuL' ■Everybody know* the fine quality Of mpals vro m & i •TaSi.A km ' hcm&' for iL out) poislrify i s o f aa ^aulferfelgfe grade, j ,C. H . CROUSE, , ' CEDAnVlULB, O. dam’s Restaarat ■ andDinigRoms iorner High and Limestone street- SpriiigfieH, Ohio. . O N E N I G H T O U T NewOilcans Cuba nackcdincomfort. via. Ufai o n iB tm i A lfft SOUTHERN R y . THREE TRA INS A DAY Cfcktf* A ItorkU S mk UI la^Ertct.JaaMirlAnM. ^.'Thr«lKK' Pallnwai Krrico 'fran ritONKVCtcroUnd, IndiOnacoUs «ad Gohnabm. vi. Bis I ’om E03I0; Ufr- trdt tar! *roIe,!oTi)i Pens Marqbcll* *n3 V 11 JfcDHy.» •3." -,«. ft. Bokinr; eoSEectiti irith . _attrimte»viB*<S5sa.U 90 S » .E ar JaclsoovSe osd EU AvgtsistiL - — Florida limited Itoouch. lySteics fctoia iroas-j *38 A. M. far Jattorsvilk>wd £!. Aucu^ino, *No itrccchPuSlisiuBcr* vi«wtoHtrar Oskute, Q m m I <br*K«at Special ScMiro-a CKciaoti to Hew.Or- via. asd BatiS*-, ham,akotbiO»»hPuIIrranraw# ts JaeVstnil'Jo vja AshwUa tad anek ' WMfer-i-wv*Urfcm bow ca^Jil MaeMtateh re* isfts.-aistiiae;;^*' CttA*.W. rrt.L, O,P. A«CisisaaO. PAtLBROftXT.P.A^CtatissiU. «,I,CM»TT, W.C.BBIB3. , ‘^ c INDIGESTION’S K^COW) I lenoToefsetrCj-aKUjtrptiydlaJsoswfcop*** Itr#galiwl 5 >," R|fftJjgeetidttis isafeiug te&m m a aituie i f midden fieriM, It hi i»V ta% healthy a«duveti tobari'toea ■ twtkoly attackedwithacate iadi^r-ifla •fffals shf fiiTbft * to ‘ urperiodical at{4»* suffer vfith negate litas c? aeatfe Itidsgetban bod final! doseufUrdta**Aagasi tote of after ifiete feeato titey w « a « « haveMteij aitteytoatirii f August timet piftttotoiudjgcsiksw t restiUgg'Khfdigatloa, 14 rtgrisw tltelivtrftmnfitofitsblcMand tfw«»i!j?fe*y$ftejn to A m tO tit .rpy* ,L ! liM e WfekwaiB, *aom**4* -<*»> 3n;l. Me:;# '*-c:'"v ^ir%VSt Q *FtS3i?arab WC'S^wl, fo tb ] jjf.Jultn cmd foil y/wjjfi* • i 0 c s s p e n t , ay i» | Miss Adft riwougcri o-auw | ■•* t* a, iitae**.*# - -■ " i —It.-arsaan* Miss Carriofline, afteruu f i / r i s ^ o l t o IiaU rt>iurnedi . tforluis Jttat»a th b H' ' 0, Home id Sen to. ? Mr?,' Olin flobbtos. to fhe j ker risteri Wiiltomno ,, yfudiay.'Obto# •* _ y mss' Daisy Hill, has w lu : jjpr home in ITieksviile,, 01*1* Mr. Frank feili, of. South i ton, spent Bubbath here. | Mr, Howard <k»rry, vtw'tb " of Eowersvllio relatiY^s Bbve tins week, - ' Mbs- Bertha Hawy«r, o { riirrington, .Mass., iu the- e ; Mto-Wfli'Ciemaus.' ■ 'Afise M om fliivto, of Oin 5 iBfile guest of relatives here ^ Mrs. Irvin Ferris and Mis> q ‘ Fryin, wrii spend Christmas f elnnati, with Mr, ISd, Fen tj family. ' 3 : Mr. James,Mitchell, who 1?;J in Pittsburg the past few ' will,spend the .Holidays a F family. . Mrs. I, 0 . Davl&'and son, ciuuati, are expected $atu j visit relatives during the H J Mrs. S- 33- Sanders, erm f, about twenty lady friends at * ^'fnursuay. < v , . ■ Mr#and Mrs. *L<J.’ Nag C for; their guests over Sabbi a| Martin Cushman -and fami Wm. Fagersoix, o f OinOinnat jg - The college boys in the c board with Miss. Mary M presented her with p-fine u *1 Wednesday morning, befor< jp their departure .for their Mr.-Leroy -Marshall ma = presentation speech. ■ a Mr. I. H. Frants and^vito I to, leave Monday for’ Pa-. Oklahoma, where they w iu about ten weeks during the | While south they expect to i *" Ohiopeople in Texas. —LOST; A pocket hook o daycontaining ^2S: A rewa-Ji be offered for the return oi |1 tins oillce. 1 The Ladies Society Of tin || church desire to extern! il .all those who so ably and c |i assisted in making the e r | "Ment a success.' - - -■* 3 a . E a s t B l ■ A a