The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

„ ......................... — ---- • -■ - .. -- - • . .................. NO LONGER A PLACE FOR GRAFTERS, M l V \\V UH ih r ^ ^ I - r*>P* f^ f.E : A IHH. I t i Vi Jurriih viC i b-:'3 &*} bum . A1*>» flue tjforfe farm stf £60 |»cr,'s »*vl£Si% fU tM fratio sail guoj *a*ftt.vnauthouse, *goe{I Ibases, 8>t r^ije jsow tile ditch* pjp?csa» f «Iia Scar. ^ font* anti m o halt su ite fcoin Mechanicabom* (h , VI twite froasi loadon, S8’J w lt e &om Springfield. .%U i»Jte ftoiaa <’afa.wft» jStationnral elevator on Big Four railroad, Stalks from tho Columbus/ London and Springfield traelloB; Jmo. All ferfsafCiferacre* ■ • Smith A Clematis* - t K > '& Bolitical Bossisrn (to the Ctoff,er)r-H that storm is going to hang aroimcl us much longer wo had just as well erawl-’way in these holes and pull,’em in after us. 1 • , Fc5!ov/3eg |n$trectiono« ’ . A father going into Ms stable am M y found bis little son, with a elate HB«1 ispncil in Ills fiamd, astride one f .. A <f .. ., j **#. 4 amac ». o * ■ “what ore you ^oiugP’ ' “Writing a composition/’ was the reply. "Well, why don’t you write it in the house?” asked the father. "Because/” answered the little fel­ low, “the master told me to write a composition on a horse,1” Doa Fur In Manchuria. ■ One of the leading industries of Jtawlmria is the breeding of dogs for the sake of the skins, the breed cultivated being remarkable for the length and fine quality <?f the hair. There are thousands Of dog farms, keeping from a score, to several hun­ dred dogs. each. ■The animals are strangled in midwinter that thefurs may he got in the best condition, but they must be at least eight months old. Bight dogs aro required for one robe. , --Extra heaVy fleeced lined under-, wear, 48Cents to $1.00, At Sullivans The Hatter, SJ, S, Limestone street, Springfield! Ohio. AdaiNraWsJ Uaibtr. Tho Fricnfifle Acoriran tokca c o ccciou to call often!ton to adulterat­ ed leather. lightweight efcoeSc Is mode to para the weight tent by tno tjsa of gfeeoco owl bariua. Leather co treated hca a jtea!*ay quality of absorbing moieturo at all time?. Shoao maia from sueh. otcefe are never dry and aro a constant men­ ace to tho health o f tho .wearer. To Walk Chalk. The "walk chalk” 3o a phraoe bor­ rowed from tho times when royalty traveled oh horseback m in oar* rlagea with a eomsiderablo retinue. Before arriving in a town a herald, or court olfjeer, would precede the cortege, select the heat houses for the 7 ??e of royalty and mark their »* .. • f rs*i4 «■> t*r tfiitl* .i,A*«A*** - • | ,* ■ a AMoment MIC. Kain SUSprlngtield, 0 . - ■, / Harness, Xmas heathef Goods; Biding saddles, Whips, Fur and plush rohes, fur robes guaranteed. We carry the largest assortment of these goods in the state. Call and see us before .buying else­ where. Wegan Save¥oumoney. ■ST* How Is Yosii’Heart? ■ fc your pulse weak, too slow, too fast, or does it skip a heat? B o you have shortness o f breath, weak or hungry spells, fainting,smothering or choking i palls, palpitation, fluttering, pains around the heart, in side and shoulder; or hurt when lying on left side? : I f y o u have any o f these symptoms your heart is w$ak w diseased, and >cannot get , hcttcT without assistance, d, Br, Miles-’ Heart Cure t l trcn(;tliens weak hearts, and rarely ever fails to cure heart disease. Try it, and see hour quickly you will find relief, »AUti& ffanu-w let, 1C93, 1 tools 0er,3 wltn weal:tic.-3 oiifl aropoy, fir/2 Sta'TiaiSv S-t'V7 t^orrir1. XWoo tela l.v siy fer.23ir PliVC!',5a<t tP lt pi;/ «*ano w.-o My ut i;;tiBera dtsfl fata* ,i5v I„:d r,l;rii j-o yj> lit U{r>. TSy jsq I. j rim luiv wrra ow.dlui to Gao- I'ivncv ,s?nn nosmat sic?, m;4 •srnlrr I in f r.*! rn j nnatfia my Iioarf. t'\,f nt It-uU llivcri s.5f.nth3 i hail to sit I tj O i .'S til la Jura teiicjn ft.--,,n nftiofli-, l rrtA ti.s f!w ! i ?.S«"3 G? IM>. TT'.'J' I ft ill. o'ato, nnatysiio t t e o l i,.yl cii 1 w j entiroly 4 u,.-1 Xfc-J U4frp 15; ;n I I.nw fft? twi aft? y?c,'ra, nr-1 £ ci.i ot Ca t&At) r~c? I ct C'.rU an ray fawft. ?XV r*fi) i;*n 5 iLr;nlcnn ft-n san K:a5 ff sa &'*’■ IT,!. •i< nao’ iJost fceso i l <wt„s in tiy r sovo." T, s'bKU, v.'ilraero, Ky. C a mbs* MMfS Cn?« id p,»ld by y'!!p Crftc’jy.s, vJ:nv >(:fr.aoeatue*stjat t.t» f i i i vsii bow ,u. it is fans v.C3*e?t!Q,1yous'fnonciy. Mila Medical Ca, Elkhart, m t H v u t ; t y a t ' The want of punctuation in tele­ grams has sometimes been, followed by serious complications. -A nota­ ble case occurred some time back' when a certain nobleman, while at his house in. the west end, dispatched a wire to a celebrated Edinburgh physician, the favorite doetSr of his wife. Almort immediately follow­ ing the dispatch ‘-Of, this telegram another followed it stating that the doctor would not be required in the following terms y ,“Don’t come. Too •lute!” The telegraphist made Ike mes­ sage.* “Don’t cpme too late.” . Tho medical man, constrain, as urging him to the greatest haste, arrived in London, claimed Ms fee and expenses, amounting to ,£00Qt and by legal proceedings, obtained that sum.—London Tit-Bits, - -The,Ears of Insects and Animal*. If would he quite natural, of course, to look on the side of the Lead of any living creature, provid­ ed he had a head, for the organ of hearing. ' Such investigation, ‘how­ ever, pb odds how thorough/ wohld he void of reaiiltbin manyunstances, lu the clam it is found in tho base of his "foot,” or feeler. In the most of grasshoppers it is in the fore leg, while several species of insects have it in the wing. Lobsters and crabs all have the auditory sac at the base of the antennae, or feelers. No Christmas Present . can givemorelasting pleasure to the whiole family than in Edison Phonograph 'bT'z'TTJ CASTOR IA Wm liu r /a cml tj# /ira» Hi Ifni lm KatiIiap fiwfif Cement Fop Pottery. Mix a small amount of plaster of parts with a little water and add an equal amount-of white lead. Mix thoroughly together and apply to the edges of'the-cover. Bind the •pieces together and let dry foi* two days or more. , Beware of Creotote. Creosote'should never he put into ,a hollow tooth for toothache. It relieves pain, but inevitably destroys the substance •of the tooth itself, which breaks away soon after, leav­ ing only the slump. *■ Tomato F op Ink Spot*. Eor removing ink. spots from white goods nothing is better than a. sweet, ripe tomato mashed down ■on the spot-and laid'in tho sun for awhile, ■’not .staying long enough to dry -up. • , . i * Tea Stains on China. A pinch' of common sbda rubbed on with the. finger will remove all tea and other stains from oups, sau­ cers and all china or earthen, dishes. The Difference in Days, A "solar day” is measured by the rotation of the earth upon its uxis and is of different lengths, owing to the ellipticity of the earth’s orbit and other causes. ,, An "astronomical day” commences at noon and embraces- the twenty- four hours to the following noon, A “civil day” commences at mid­ night and is counted from the first to the twelfth hour and then again from the first hour of the day till the twelfth at night. The “nautical day” used By ship captains, explorers and some few others is counted as^ a “civil day,” only that the reckoning is begun at noon, as with tho “astronomical day” • ’ ■ ■ ■_ ■ -*v .,. It Sings Bongs.- I t R en ta l Instrumental Mtisid, ( Ft Tells Funny Stories,' I t Entertains Children m well as Adults. I t ' Entertains Visitors ,or Sick People* I t BfovidesMusic forBanc- ing. . ’ , I t Records Voices and In* struments. The Edison Gold Moulded Ilecuids are carried in stock. The latest numbers arrive the first of each month -and •can be heard nt George & Siegler, E G , L O W R Y , Agent M f t i r l l t e , 0 , An Odd Distil Custom* One of the death customs of tho ancient “Wends” was, odd. They were most careful at the moment of dissolution to have no. one present with the dying person. The doom communicating with the rest of tho house were closed and tluTWindows of the death chamber opened to af­ ford easy exit to the evil spirits who, with tho good, leave the mortal at death. Otherwise these wandering and^ malicious *spirits would seek habitations in tho first person en­ countered in' iho house. Oncb out­ side they went to their own places of abode, and nobody was further harmed by thorn. • . Tortoise* and Fresh Water, Tortoiaca in tropical islands re­ quire much fresh water for drinking and have often discovered opringa o f which the human inhabitants were ignorant. When such a foun­ tain is found the whole surrounding district is soon covered by “tortoise roads” made by these large crea­ tures In their Journeys to and from the water. The springs sometimes flow from volcanic rocks at a great elevation, but the tortoises general­ ly discover them. . c A '©lj)ISfKitto.ti5jsty» ‘ ^Nothing hao nurpasecd tho wa- eivo yot dignified reply,of tho speak­ er to 'Phutlc-') I. when that ill ad­ viced monarch tamo to ttm house of commons in pem^n io arrest'tho five .rahew ciivl asked if Iso saw tho . . . fiflttlS.CF,. „ ___ t ie lt te eyes to «eo nor tongues to '6i*cttkla thNplacebut as ib#house Ii fiVawdtodiraefc mt,(i ■ «^t,iiv* •’t'*** tliese houses were supposed instant­ ly to vacate them; hence the pro­ priety of the expression. * Catrtwa * Tartar, Arvine’s Cyclopedia states that in a battle between the Bussians and the Tartara a Kussian soldier called to FORSALE! jj[WeLave big farms— We have little farms— We have level farms— We have hill fanns— Wehavehighpricedfarms- We have low priced forms. was' the captain's reply. “Ah, hut he won’t let me,” said the soldier. It then got out that the Tartar had caught the soldier. The phrase “catching a Tartar” is said to have been the outcome of this. Keep the Bight Side Out. Like most garments andmost car­ pets/ everything in life has a right' and a wrong side. You can take any jjoy and by turning it around find troubles on the'other, side; or you may take the greatest trouble and by turning it around find joy on the other side. The gloomiest mountain never nasts a shadow on both sides at once, nor does the greatest of life’s calamities.' —Better examine your stove and sue that everything w all right and not wait until the last minute to j purchase a stove. "We have a com- | pleto display of Peninsular heating 1stoves and ranges. I t will pay yon to see them and get our prices, Kerr l& Hasl logs Bros. SMITH & CLEMANS, —The greatest collection of Holi­ day goods to be found any where— Bibles, Illustrated Books, -Pictures, Llapaneese ware, -French and Aus­ trianbrie a-brac, Outglass, Candela­ bra, Trippio mirrors, Childrens books, etc; - We can suit you— West's at Xenia. at S per cent-But l will sell to you for GASH at .10 per cent Discount, till January, 1 1905, any of my stock of Blush Babes; Wool Horse Blankets, Strom Fronts, Harness, Whips, Stood Food, Poultry goods; Feed Mills, Hay Carriers, Traeyl, >Rope, Pulleys, Bam Door Hangers and track, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Bmshes, Page Woven Wire Hence etc. etc. W. !(.■Sterrett. ORB BUILDING CEDARVILLE, OHIO.* h r « a w y v eg e t a b l e S ic il ian HALCSliairRenewer T h is w m t n t a r o s i ^ L a d ie s O n ly Stem&rttfWL' &«av.»«38fltefc.n .WDfB. waijk eocenes, ssiwixei jia «; hixks nnJ liuncrcfls of oi tz t aftiSica, fill fall *lso fo# .fatally seo , toxfiisbio u s to- JrttstiJat-j ton* B».tg EatjJ82 Vatrtis tins Kitten* iiKoai of ’xcn>,f:6:ioco t-.ti otoaf iioar.c::o:a Cu;.?lic3. XiiCzo aro aH tilr:ii*l;r.:CO c.09d3--ttiEol:;ttly rtia^^.teca eata«;ciUttr><ss& -Ua taata ttaa yoa aro tow pajwa tee1tr.oe*tao«jooar®u «** CipstC tallreir upon tesltf a o rti to cicaro so ar fatora oni®9» mMKitttlnttjr bvnwiesf aw!'.?iros a« r-*i t , u rasa nzv/ end sort t.-wo t:to promwtica fcitEtrip str.i * ■>*;i3 m \,t x tn'inf; tlir'—iljf_v;llt» car rn-?e:'i:;3. t.m cxv,i tlio tro 2- c2 tto V£f.:c:a!'j.wa-.a roianclo. WU U.*L»a <>v*;i5 sroUEOW In tho clupo cS totfal t-teia«3fa3iia2 tostEtcooasatfaffpflfifis. BcsaasoroollvotoUraawffiffoaaiy-irfaatieovjrtt T.' hove ccftj oe - v J o r.o cczil rvvr-rj Sot nu clvln.' oa ti til.vl, lusti yjyls ijot’Htst-. V.o^ojjct null ptty irt eavariro. T»« ,>ny *lio fi-o2nlj:, SJ.tvcjiatcirtiocf pz<r.lacst will hotcr-t jv-a ar.oooff'lfiuof Etnic.1pvoaowif........... ..................................... font K.v.ho flanmh-rcos. Wotwo tusauenaoi '-ittyvsniatnl> poutioiaonasntcaovsoBate i - treaty,ana cxp&A ttca to. Kaldva, too coitnr of thin fopvs Will tc .1 yea tool wo aro ttioroanhlv scvaoao'hia, j m , ■; wme t» fodav*Hi ’.bastai*ci»3: joss , , ^ f.ivtaifToor nutooanucsjrctawares, au %a a Chsotfr Thai boss lict lla^pta tta tf Buy. m w m k euFPtiss eordPAfiiY, UG?-if£0 Pin© etroot, Ota L©oi©#tbl©. H bersole P ianos ABSOLHTfeLV BtP?iVBLa ‘ “tVohave far anmfttier^ v^airauc«| jsh^ffwloriaaoato the Cm&maimy wltara they xm ehastabuy aaojeated to the IiarL eat tslnd at «9e. wo I»ava to*iad tko Lbetsole to bo a goad. £tirah!6plaaa, well ak;g.. aoivcaf andicarof tiremusic *°a,a' « if”*’ Bst'K, Birectreis Ji5.cU: ?nVds$esHattcg>blIfastti 1 cu.TjPAdtofMnav ’ Tliift Smith & Nixon Pirn# Co. 10 ©fill i t It, kittb ta 4»fK{StNNA*yi« -0# For Inspection. ii Will soon convince you that celeeting your Holiday { gifts can he mpde easy,by seeing our display of china f ware. The assortment is largeand varied and you can j BOOKS, GAMES, Toys, Drums, Trunks, Dolls, Toilet sets, Banks, Gloves, Mittens, in fact anything you might have in mind for the yqnng er old. GOOD THINGS. For the Christmas dinner we have all thegoodthings in season, celery, oysters, nuts, oranges, dates, figs and candies. Our candies are the kind—that satisfies-and are priced right, J . R . C O O P E R Order By TPhone. * Cedarville, Ohio. V«|AA^WVVVVF>I . Talking it over forever will not give you”half as much satisfaction as a sing le personal visit to ourstore. .Yonmay make up your mind at home whatyouwant, but"you will change it here. Why Because the 1 I t A W i A n r i n ■ ‘C l'S _ L n . . i / I I j .... . « Diamonds Watches Clocks Kodaks Chains Fobs *, Gold Spectacles, Opera Glasses, Sleeve Buttons a Rich Cut Glass Sterling Silver Umbrellas Silver plated Knives Silver Plated Forks Silver Plated Spoons Rings of all kinds Hat Pins Etc., Etc. shown here is so much better than you expected. And also because the price is so much less than you imag­ ined. So you can buy more or better Jewelry than you planned for the same money. A big claim? Well, test it. FREDJ.H. Schell, Xen«, 0. Dont Your Want A Handsome Carving Set— A Chafing or Baking Dish- * A beautiful 5 o’clock Tea— A good Baker or Roaster— A “Universal” Bread maker— A “Universal” Cake maker- A “Universal” good chopper— A Minger or a chopper-*- Don’t yob want “1&I7” silverware for the wedding? We have all. your wants. TheSpringfield Hardware Company 86 and 39 15. Main St. Springfield, 0. { sft GET PRICES ON PRINTING iu A It will give the 1 lief from hard wor. times a day-every It means lighter. If means a place ends-no reaching. Xtmeans a neati dust or heat. " It contains a sai -a patent sugar-1 lacquered spice tin spices. • It enables you tj -get the. three dai| fosual time. Every day, is Chri .......<>.............. ' ’ ^ _ , ' F Come into our s tive a Christmas g: Our store is full j . h J Funeral Director. You lackfrith in an oe | temedy? YouWillHave Uf Llghhlng Ltxafh QnhlneT after on©trial. Bold Aril solutecuarauteo to euro o ■willrefundyoarmonoy.. COLDS, LA 0RH NEURALGIA, COUG • MALARIA, HEA At© perfectly harafica grip©nor Eickra— never I tress—no had effect uponl —never injure tho ino "1 stomach. ACCEPT NO SUBSl Ask for and inski cn | pniiCgih] t a ’ote** Q uinine T a a t tJFtuciaii Trtpiri'ioeiyfcfl THE HERB MEDI01 JSFAIHGFIELD. MajjniftcturcTa of thoI LIGHTNINGHOT! SPRING! W h o le s a le ah i JEWE 1tea!te?iassslpi Witlioufe rt P e t f | W I ONUW I tiB68t6EI3EEI* «wcs«i.»tai#wtsa AL Wlaatr* », m *«©stesat fel *y»*»ns® ©» atwr EXCLUSIVE 0 1 Hats veua *wa| OWNt&HTltt* tutfst Paerawui masmin . ¥60 THE N»6f| fHI DttOJBR e tiiiis, ^ K e u e t a ttw|LWNa , - r-, -rn/t, w *■*&,£