The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
SCHOLTEACHERS WANTEXTRA PH. m m A la s t in g Christmas Gift It will give the housekeeper more pleasure-more re lief from hard work—than any other gift. In use three times a day-every day in the year, . It means lighter, pleasanter work in the kitchen. It means a place for everything—right at your fingers ' ends—no reaching, . \ ‘ ft means a neater kitchen with nothing^exposed •to dust or heat. It contains a sanitary fiour-bin, with sifter attached —a patent sugar-bin, insect-proof, air-tight special lacquered spice tins that preserve the flavors of the,, ■spices* , - . .• 5y :>•'... : •w •. It enables you to save, your strength-do the baking —get the three daily meals and clear [up i»5 halfj[the usual time. . . Every day;is Christmas for the housekeeper who has a‘Hoosier Cabinet, Come into our store-and see how useful and attrac tive a Christmas gift a Hoosier Cabinet is. Our store is full of nice and attractive furniture. J . H . r i c M i l l a n , Funeral Director. Cedarville, Ohio, The legislative Corfitolttee, of tho OhioSlate Teachers Association has named State School Commissioner Jonea andProf. E. B. Cfox, of Xenia, to Snvesirgato and report mcano to Increase the support of schools In wiup - sections whew thora Is not enough money* A motion that teachers rceieyo $2 each per day for attendingInstitutes ’Was adopted. The committee wilt probably rccoratBond that all room- I Iinm *vr 'iy,wnqn,n Hphool K n ow pi=q , ■* 4 *1 . , 4 MMtL. . ,,, >' =•- u .r. J ; rT ~"t meeting o f not more than 12 each H ■year.' "■< prepaid, on-xeclptof tho price, and delivery guaranteed. In all M realm of €bri$ima$ Gifts, place of tfte$e s r . w • «A T .W » « FDFE, m a il o r d e r s PROMFTI j Y m X X 3 > warded imediately,psslfhere’o notftftia that quite takes Iomlwo will mull » i oaco 5?cwiJ»fat®,g5betterfitll, f*all Thq variety of appropriate Holiday <aifts[here U choice, captivating patterns of high gradoware^, coBQfB&g the latest creations - tho most exclusive designs the market affords. If you want something that's desirably yet inexpensive, you can find that something here —or if you want a more expense gift, there are plenty of them also, Everything shown is striefly new and you can depend upon the quality-of each being RELIABLE IN e v e r y r e s p e c t . • • . * You I*ck faith In an untried , remedy? YouW ill Hava Faith , ■ : 1 I U M m ;U n f it* Qilihtc Taklatf after one trial. Sold with an ah* eolateguarantee to curt or uruggiet will refundyourmoney, Will cure COLDS, LA GRIPPE. NEURALGIA, COUGHS, • MALARIA, HEADACHE?, Jba perfectly hartnleae-n o v e r , grip© nor eieken—never cause dut- treas—no had effect upon the heart —never injure tho inoat delicti* ftnmaeli. ACEPT HO SUBSTITUTE. Aik for and Inriefcon getting IIGlffllN 6 jg«rlAIAFVE ■ ts cures Q uinine T ablets , AT MRUCIOtiaT*. > rr^kW wmj P| THEHERB MEDICINECO./ SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Metnafaclnirers of Ifc«I>l*l)r»l*d LIGHTNING HOT DROPS. jrVYEtftT SPRINGFIELD WMsaalt and Retail T a k e W I H E o r C A R D U I at H om e B Are you * n i k m l K m your doctor been anmc* ctidul? Wouldn’t you prefer to trt«< youwelf~AT HOMfi? Nearly 1 , 500,000 women hare bought Wir.o cf Cardai uonk their dmgglste and have cured thei-iselfcs a t hone, of each troubles as jwriodicaJ, rc*tn#g down and ovarian pains, leaocr- rfcoei, barrenness, naripusneafc dissineas, nausea and despond* tw r , canted byfwasdeweaknea*. Three are not easy, <*#»*- Wine of Cardui cure*when th* . doctor can't, , Wine of Cardut doe* not fate the organ*. There i t nopad* In,the treatment:, I tr s a s o o to f t&iio o£licrifog Itstbjf* P ® -laid tkmtit euro#** « ** m am l- l hedwwe rtenrea in A 3 ^ine^fTardt!icM ibejOT tht fawn yottr draggut at f l .00 * bottle and you treatment today. SrSBBE^ WINTER TOURIST TICKETS ABK HOW OH BAtiTS VIA JEW E L ER S I loimi twaims | , m FLORIDA, WHhsmt. P e c , In Ohio. MONUMENTS HEUftStCME* INilM* sp*om BtaiaNtR* * inb aunhiRi* cstissAtr# s**mt. wtstaw*jane •* fts 8 *j¥t*» se amseariw*, EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. Putin vaa* BMse ante t«e Gataiivat •uiietit*. ous eouaiif* euvtma A*rej»aNW* FAtfuMift* NAe««Nsav aavta vou t« * a t a n t a gf fHR f»a»»«ARV KELLtr StWILCOX* aunatea,' ***»***»*■*« *■ A RANGE FREE, , Sums prison ia gclog to draw a fine $00 steel range according to an advertisement in this issue, hut then you are aware of this byhavingread the uad.” Yes, the giver has select ed the best jgtael range on the mark- ef,'a Malleable, handled hy C, M. Crouse, the hardware man andsame .will bo given away March is, i90o, Better look jfe up. A LARGE EDITION. The, Sunday edition o f the Spring- field Sun was probably tho largest Christmas edition ever put out in this sectipn of the state, 62 pages. The edition contained about 6000 in. ot advertising wluch speaks mueh for i t as a medium for reaohihg the people. The only criticism was that the color section looked rather cheap for such a paper, when the same thing was' used by a* number of country papers the pastweek. Such Covers are usually ueed as as scheme to solicit advertising when tlie mer its Of th® paper itself will not appeal to the advertiser, . LEAVES FOR TACOMA. Mr. Charles Ervin of Xenia left, Tuesday for Tacoma, Washington to- visit his brother, John* who was taken'sick some time ago In that city. Mr. John Erviu and wife just, recently loft this county and settled in Tacoma.' I t is probable that -Mr. Ervin, w ill stop a t Seattle on his re turn and visltrMr. Ealpli Bull, who is located in that city. Th* Chin*** W*y* In China the entire family is held responsible lor the acta of any .of its members, end fhr certain offenses^ such as an attempt on thb life of the emperor, all are executed, even, to the babe in arms, 'The- tepaom -or desn of the village, elected by uni versal suffrage, is responsible for the conduct of the families of main, The subprefeet, prefeet, gov ernor and viqefoy are all responsible i» ‘different degrees. An inundation and a famine are Jaidat the door of .the governor or the viceroy, who are "father and mother to the people/’ A number of years ago a mandarin was murderedjby soldiers.’ As ft re sult thirty-thte^ functionaries—pre fect, .subprefeets and superintend ents—were declared responsible and beheaded end the governor and treasurer of the province were ex- iled ,: ■ , ■ •, . Samu*l JohUfon’* Pr*cl**n**«. Goldsmith and Boswell and John son having met at the usual hour a t the chop house, Boswell -observed that he had just encountered the Prince of Wales on the street. "Do you flunk,” asked Gold smith, turning to Johnson, “that tho Prince of Wales will ever bo king?” " It is impossible!” retorted the great doctor. "Utterly impossible!” "Why do you think so?” asked BOsweli. "Why, -condemn you!” roared the doctor, getting- red ia. the-face, "Why, because, sir, the minute^ he gets to be king ho ccftsea to bo Prince o f Wales/* . A Mr*. Melaprop, The mistress of a certain board ing house is noted among her bosrd- ' era as much for her entertaining conversational powers as for the fine table ahe nets, Nevertheless she to something of a Mrs, U ’laprop, and occasionally severely,t & the polite ness of her listeners' the peculiar "breaks” she shakes. They hail wo-, men tinder discussion at tho table the other night,, some of the board- era expressing a preference for slen der figures and some favoring em bonpoint. "I like a good, plump wo man/* said tho boftiaing house mis tress, "Hone of these thin emanci pated women for ine/^Phiiadel- :jh ia Record, fiOU* COAST RESORTS, CUBA, * ' ' VDKY LOW r u m r tU P A \ a . » - * frntinmti %r BAVKNI’OEft U it A. * ftfcl-oatj IM'.MIMA'.N'.W.I'.A, • ^ ,f, If, MU th V> A. “ IL h STt>NK, Um% F af «. A/JtFt If* itfiit m * N elson ’s •*. B u s in e s s «« College Arotae* SprltiRfieid* Ohio ' withrwetiicttt»t*< Awytrt»«**•<*s*w, ; hOOXXeiFINOAfHiftiO’KAND* W ittf N f v ak.V. vT Ts?’QT?Jfei."tT (fev._, ware, Rich Jewelry and ArtGoods', MneOutGlass, ‘Hand Painted China. Richness, elegance, seryiqeahelness, characterize every article sold here, no matter what the price. Every dollar spent here wall do its work sur prisingly well. We’re well able to undersell all C om p e tition , ;-V . ^3 ^rjj. a i f ■& x«CT^w , ■ mlM'- Buying Direct fromthe Manufacturer we save you the Middleman’s Profit. U K Gold Filled. Richly engruved’Hunting Case Guar- $10.76. Ko. I lls antf eil 25 Years. 15 Jeweled1 Rlchly Engravod lim iting Case. Case. Finely Jeweled Elgin Move- . Open Face Ouse. Guaranteed 20 Elgin Movement $20.25 . Uuarnniood 20 Years. Finely Jew- ment $39.00 „ ’ Years. Finely Jeweled Elgin or No. 1108. elod Elgin or Waltham Movement. ’ No K04. Waltham Movement. 14K. Solid Gold. 1GSize. Engine $8.25, No. 1121, Turned Or Flan. Polished: Bunting Gold Filled, Richly Engraved Choicest and most beautiful patterns of high grade wores, which consists of the latest creations and ex clusive designs. Colors. 60 Cents. Solid Gold., Settings 1ft Assorted - ' - No. 882. $90.00. $100.00.. Genuine Diamond Genuine Diamond Solitaire. 14K Gold. Solitaire. 14R Geld Boiehcr Monntirtg. Tiffany Mounting. A Little Beauty Flawless and Bril- - rf liant* ‘ •Quality is the gj'eat,. and in every honest comparison we always g e t the credit of being the' lowest priced house in ourline. $ 2.00 Solid, Gjpld Signet '-Rose Gold • No. SCO, Finish, No. 1003, $5.60. " Solid Gold. Roman Gold Finish. «il.C0Per Pair Solid Gold. Roman Gold Finish; No. 930. T t No, 1028- $3.75 - Solid Gold Genuine F a ll Cut Diamonds. Sparkling Gems Roman Gold Finish. $8*75 Solid Gold' Harvest Moon Design. Roman Gold Finish, No. 917 $4.50 No. Sul. Solid Gold. Genuine Australian Opal RamanGold Finish. 4 k - $6.50. No, 809 Solid Gold CGcnuino Ruby Doublets with 18 Real Pearls. ^ 5^ $4.60. Solid Gold Signet Rose Gold Finish, No, 771 € * $7.00, Solid Gold. Genuine Fine Almamlinetf, Beautifully' Chased. No. 777. Unexcelled Musl^fil Baldwin, Ellington, Hamib toe, Howaid, Valley Oem pianos. Easy Terms. Margileth 36*38 East High S tree t Springfield, Ohio. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS, THEHERALDFOR JOBPRINTING. No. 1074 $2.75 14K Gold Filled J-IK „ Elaborately Embossed. Rase Gold Finish Made by S. «fc. B. L. GRANDOPPORTUNITIES IN PIANOS Nothing will bo more appropriate or more appreciated by every member of tho family than a Christmas Piano. We carry a line that In range and excellence to noth* be found elsewhere out side a metropolitan city. The celebrated baldwln, usod and prfticod by every world famous planish is handled by us exclusively/ Then we have many other standard pianos, such aa the ESliugfon, Hamilton, Howard, Valley Gem, etc., and at prices and terms to su it the purchasers. Come in, tell us what you want And,let us flgoro with you. Tim "MUsicTrades" of NewYork, In tho Issue of January 7, 3905, speaking of Do Paehmami .and his art, discloses this Interesting bit of nows; And what does Do Pachm&nn himself, who knows a piano liko fewartists In the world, say of the Baldwin, -which ho chose for hlo ly On this American tour? Ho says; ‘Tho Baldwin lifts a touch like no other! over played. Jttoa magnificentinstrument, and at. perfect InIts touch that 1 play two recitals on the Baldwit with less fatigue and greater facility than mmrecital on any otherpiano I over used.’ Tho pianist hlstsilf Is beet able to appreciate what this means in tho formation of tone eolor, in tlw art of {one produc-tioii, I t Is no faint praise, but Is » etu^gyotthe blghest/and most dleerlminatlng hind. That IWFadi- munn’a strong admiration'for theHaldwin Is m^sfeeineero wa§ shown by » ifttio Incident at fho last Sunday matinee In qftimegio Hiill*. Recalled againand again by the delighted audience, whoritiPlete edon his playing encores, end wkefi ho played one gave him thunderous applause, Do Paehmaun hawed low, and then, with a flelf-tto^roeatory gesture, he shook hfc head, and, with a mvecplug gesture of hla loft hand, pointed to tho piano, used his fight hand toedvln Inlmltahln pantohiisnb; “It was not 1} it was the piano’ _ - McFarland, & ■ ■ . .■ He.
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