The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

to 'ttfc?*'# MMMMMi MOTION *1 ^ V,'*'i»:o MtT&n and Invtssfc!# tnitps rari*P 3 !s.?-Vtorattera V" r'j ihvi a dvcrtkci • • ■: 7 tor . r t oi ^ :-vi <■'Z?.?, i/to lv»- a ■ to rp UMt ito r/vcn i , r4ko Lai •! t v tnl :-,2 jrrtrur.crjt; wltok Isa- j.ark 1 ilio f byc> waa a t in motion I b i toa’ to (to to, 0 B‘l M'J POtJOa wil} Hray, fmfc tbo eorl 1001 v< C*wvojyC'I ike Hot? OtttJ tO ii toa:o of Ike jnoikssi'Laa c®»- •>~ 7 afDS 2 v ito-'i icans&arcjl caoael k*.5plorc, fo? It in final. Wo : 3 what will mucma vffirotwift, niore or <r r ft „r'l rtjUi I« v i am! rapidly, to fording . rjk-abth of tlito/te? is teojrti* THE BfllS BE BOULOGNE. Prtotoao E'nHio oyialoa has te a l p a t o tiirrcirJs!;,- uron^ji ow e the r"a a ito l of tfifi V.sfitorel v iih c si- f :o £ a xo^-^-'n to (ho prfnitpa! toto|v fXeiip 3 « B a ra , th e $ ’ L’o | 3 oufeco. GIVEN FREE, »s eonueil recently p iA t e r a ! from, tho- ■ ti ■ ' - “ " ctate hat; part of the foxtffieotions a id ftlaeto ImuccHately aijomfeg the Boio with iho fotrotiaabf level isg the glado and tlMitog ip the around into braiding lets, ‘Kits would Involve q diialsntion of the *H»e tb’ndmMi Eisnwer has jjtfsS iawsed a Sew to cute WaL iifcast t f threeSteeB tsfi fsges) each sS intocs sd fe e te lusg. .......... , The first page- sSiuwk m .entirely •ilia Fads ^acsitjpaV';New Mapcfvfesoj fee m&t beautiful and exact ever printed, In bringing tMs'Map tip to .date,-ell, new *6wcs are located, o i Rleeuie Traction Bsilroada are bfewis ell liwal &Iall &©nteaf and p«ma!j§' f$ o l i i f t e CSoveriC'Xs, '■■;■. On other pages o f t|fe' MagnlficeDt ‘" jl v„; *■ t^ k ion n m end tbo 8o ' ora Haps of the United States qy|; m seoie i w ceres cna im m? ... fitraction otof G j OOO trees. In the old days Of the empire b » c U & plan once resolved m m would have y.%~ •-A.V V.|J b WIW«:^ _***rM*.*‘fXfc,..:. t tnotlon o f vilwaticm, lint o sim- itor end <juito on familiar trano* fex-i-iaiioi takes place which is in*- Ihtfrtaiu util* ACtidtUiCcn A*< with, psjrtraits of oHthe Presidents. Map df Panama stewing OSteJ gone, with data relative to the great, Bhin Canal, now helsg hrnSt hv the ■ A".Atm+mfcn*4i $ .*-,’*‘***“»1<“ta rvna. M AMAtaet iv*xr.3 N# vi.-ible. Let us i;ike a coin or any sraatt jfit’eo of juotnl and rub it well with a cloth nr handkerchief. In a short time it will become* warm and i£ the friction ho still continued oven un­ pleasantly hot, The vHbb motion cd the hand has been,transformed’ into the invisible intermoleeular vi­ bration which we call heat. That “heat h a form of motion” has be­ come a scumtiiie truism, but it was not so a t the commencement of the last century, when it was still sup­ posed by many to he some intangi­ ble kind of named “ca­ lorie,” proofs to the contrary being almost sinmltaneonsly given By Pa; vy and Branford kt the end of the eighteenth century, that of the for­ mer consisting in melting two pieces ofj ice, carefully insulated from ex­ ternal heat, by rubbing themtogeth­ erj tha t of the latter in causing wa­ ter to boil by the sokunhans of keep­ ing i t in continual motion,, *Tt is hardly necessary to ' add,” says Branford, “that anything which. any insulated body or system, o f' ■bodies can continue to furnish with­ out limitation cannot possibly he a. material substance, and i t appears to ’ me exceedingly difficult if not quite impossible to form any distinct idea of anything capable of being excited" and communicated in the manner heat was excited and communicated in motion. protest, lias now aroused- phMb opinion to ouch an extent over thu proposed vandqlidm as regards the Beits that it is scarcely probable the authorities will perseVere-in the plan., - , HowWe Gut Thermometers. ■ I t is believed that Galilei made the first-thermometer about the year 1305 . I t - was an-instrument -of " ' “ from glass, consisting of a bulb into a vase containing some colored liquid, such as vinegar or wine. The glass bulb was heated before the stem was immersed, and,when the contained air cooled and con­ tracted the fluid in the upright ther-* moscopic tube rose to # higher level, turoe table nowadays when some eh i demonstration of: the laws pie h neat ia to be made, im- of Welcomed1Inf Old Ireland. t / ”> W, Y. Morgan, writing from" Ire­ land, tells fills good story? “I Was telling an Irish driver how nice ev­ erybody hdd' been to us in Ireland and how pleasant the Irish were to Americans. ‘Yis/ ho said; Vhin you go down the strata everybody sez; ‘There’s some Americans, God bless ’em l Mark up the prices on the lin­ en and lace P ’ ’’—BW as CityJour- Ttftl* ■ S E E D T I M E t 3 &experienced farmer has learned tha t some grains require far differ­ ent soil tlian e thers; some crops mead differ- entltandling thanothers- He teowa tha t $ great deal dspends upda-xiglit ;Iantbg a t the right rime, and th a t the soil must he hdpt enriched. Ho use of complarfilhg ia summer about a mis­ take made in the spring* Beeide before ilid seed is planted, W* Best time t o reme« dy wasting conditionshi the human body Is he- fers flis evil Is too deep tooted. At tlic first evi­ dence of loss of flesh Gib!** an Old Story Now, The almost placid indifference with which America receives ,the newa o f the completion of arrange- fnenta for the extension of the pres­ ent Pacific cable which links; the United"States with Hawaii, Guam and the Philippines to the shores of Japan and Hhina is, in remarkable contrast -to the- popular demonstra­ tions winch attended the completion .of the first .successful cable across the Atlantic in 1838. In that year the news was heralded by the ring­ ing of bells and the. discharge Of cannon all over the land, and the first messages that-passed beneath the oceanic deeps voiced the felici­ tations and the rejoicings of the whole world at the great and daring triumph which, had .been accom­ plished.—Philadelphia*Hedger.- Wife Boating Irf Bngtamd. Henry Lahouchere has been dis­ cussing the matter of wife heating in the London pttfcss. He .says that a strap is preferable to either the hand or the poker, as, while i t causes much pain and has therefore good corrective' qualifies, it leaves little mirk and is never likely to lead to trouble with the corener’s jury, The whole moral effect of the correction is lost, says he, if the police are called in. “Magistrates;” he con­ cludes, “to do theiftsjahlleo, are near­ ly always'kindly and'sympathetic‘to, husbands who do their Work with a reasonable amount of tact and dis-* cretion. They arc hot too jiatfcicu-' tar about a black etc, or if 1 little bloodfor an occasional broken rib.” . Autograph CollBetorV Method. ‘T am getting up,” said the min­ ister* “a new department—^tlie out .. l r graphs o f famous living poets, fat" I have done well. Alfred Aus­ tin, Stephen Phillips, Madison Ca- wein, IV.’ B. Yeats and several oth­ ers have sent me admirable letters.” “How do you get such great men ,to .Write to you?” “Very easily, I compose a .poem, sign i t with a poet’s name and get it printed m our local paper, Then I send n marked copy of the .paper to the bard concerned along with a letter asking if he really is the au­ th o r'o f’the cited lines. Promptly by return mail I get a white hot let­ ter of denial.”—St. Louis ‘Globe- Democrat Kteping « Ster«t, A few years ago the president de­ cided"' to appoint Mr. Wynne, now consul general a t London, tS he first assistant postmaster general. “How will we keep this from the newspapers P wa 3 ashed by some of the president's advisers. “I think that the best way would be to take the newspaper corre­ spondents into our confidence,” said the president. This was done, and the secret was • carefully guarded for a month, ab A topographical Map of the R um ** | mpanese War district with dot* mo 5 ietails of the two great Armies and Livies, battle fields, etc., including he last Naval battle in the straits of 'Corea. i; • * * A map of the World, with Hranes )FB,iilerA Cpatg of Arm#. LUgsrif til Nations. Steamship Routes, with lata and Statistics of great worth; Other maps are the Philippine j Islands, Hawaii, Alaska and Porto" Ucd, in all nine distinct maps, An index will 'locate any point, lesired and is so simple a child can mderstand it. The Chart is new, .orrect and up to date, making it an ivaluable /educator, indespensable or' the Home,, School, Library, or ’ollege, / . • The selling price is $ 2 . 50 ,. yet it? •'prth is many times greater. The 'Inquirer Company' is this ljartv Free to subscribers of the veekty Enquirer who reofitone dollar or, a years, subscription, or for a re* tewal ofold subscription; Agentscab cap a rich harvest soliciting' orders or' this grand offer./ AddrCSs, ENQUIRER COMPANY, - Cincinnati, Ohio. i iM* SJAC'-iilcO’'?! w lfd i rt'iSl €m venort I jss been CONDENSED STORIES. Th* Joy of Giving riot Always Groater Than That of Receiving* “My father was a personal friend o f Stuart -RteseUpthfr -veteran co­ median, now dead, and was fond of telling anecdotes o f the man whom he considered the greatest’actor on the American'stage,” said Louis G* Hummel to the Milwaukee Sentinel. “AccordiUff-to one of them, Hobson enter~ihe hymeneal ‘state. His the- a tria l 0 BB. g y m t . ptfel»jdj..hj 8 Scott'sEmulsion should b e taken Imme* distcly. There i3 netli- ing that w ill r c p s l t wasted t i s a n e more quickly o f replace tost Acs’:! tu cw abundantly than Scott’s Bmulsimi, It noiitislies and builds up the body when ordi­ nary f o o d s absolutely fiat!* o - tlimigh bno\jn all that tints by fifty muxo" ttaaMngton correapond-* o r arts.* -Louisville Foot. A Lsudon Auctions M an example of what queer things come up at the London auc­ tions 1 At the cams tala appeared lately an apron, two arraltto and other pieces used, in devil dancing' ceremonies in Tibet, tlieao objects being made up qf bones belonging to deceased lamas*—they arc carved with imogc-3 of Buddliaj a death’s bead made of lacquer, to bo need us a mask for tho devil dancer, and a eontemporary death mask of Oliver ITomwell in parfet-t condition. Tha maok take® from IT 0 IP 0 lacabrought $400 and the devil’s outfit $300. t’ r? SCOTT at B O W N T i cu rm iifs m PeM Mitm m n w y o u * <(*: »*« tje WtiosWW A Mcwlslpal Il6«spapff, Dresden has an odd institution, fi municipal newspaper, not like Hew York’s City loe&rd, but a real jour­ nal, printing the nows of the-day. It was bequeathed to Dresden by Dr. Gant. It baa U large circula­ tion audio the eiifcf advertising im - dlrna o f the ndghtefiiboL Its pzoL- its mo applied to testify ing th s city and to tbarity. Hew York Triteim. "HOWMSOBIDHEWX*P?,PASKEl>BO»e0H. personal attendance, at tire ceremo­ ny, to which t e rent his daughter as a Tepresentativo of the family. “My father was- conversing with Bohr,on when the daughter came home from the wedding, about which Roteofi. asked many ques­ tions. “ *\Vhen your friend saw your cheek,’ said the daughter, Tie was so overcome with emotion tha t I 10 cried/ it(Bo he cried, did he?’ said Bob- sen* TTow long did ha weep?’ ■ “ Till, about a minute/ said the girl. “ 'Only a minuto!’ ohouted tlio comedian, with that' curious cnucak ia his Voice that made him famous to the etemeter of Bertie the Lmnte ^Why, I cried half an hour after I eigned the tiling/ ** £0 , Buld? Scalpshiny andthin? Then ft’s probably toolate. You neglected dandruff, If you had only taken our ad­ vice, yon would have eured mm :*s *6> t»»» 9* ea »e» «* -a*» «« PATENTS »•■««*»sr.aTt saiiiumi-. 1 to 1 t*ta. .oojiemeefaeMwiiireu.a.^fiiMHjtwcer is 3 v,stf.%ir~m MtrtlOt ;,8*3JLit£3^,*»>J iKtit wtt»i fruslpit it | sttf tsiti cl 01 ctisn th#V % «:.! atf-ga - msitm , ' O.A.SNOWAOO ..*)*, lum«(v wm»ra***M*t , #, to*rAy |»»>i 0 *# thedandruff,savedyourhair, and added,much to it. If nutentirelybald, nowtoyour opportunity. Improve it, **l fcajtf« b »J S&a f, — - ■ ,to«ma .... ....... ....... ............ y . e 1 w m , m m ®?. f o r n O B M C I W X O l 'SSM'XX-t JULXI — r ' i i i . t i ? r i n«irti 5 j ,* r t n il ... FOR CITIES QUADRUPLE THE SIZE OF SPRINGEIELD Oiir Present Ratio of Business more than a Million and a Quarter! Judging from the Large Crowds thronging Every Floor of THE BIG STORE Daily, we a re doing practically All The Business in Springfield. Enormous Stocks, Immense and Varied Collections of Dependable Merchandise, and Prices th a t a re Not. Obtain* ;able Anywhere are. the Reasons. THE To be given away, Thursday, March, 15 1906 at 7, o’clock p. m. at C. C. Weimer’s meat store to the one who hold* the lucky number. Tickets given with each 35 cent strictly cash purchase. No. tickets given / on settlement of book accounts. TICKETS ALSO GIVEN WITH LIVERYHIRE Ask For Tickets, Save YourTickets. FlHEJILL YOt/& MALLM L YOUR /TlS NON-B&EJUi STEEL*»*MJILIF C. C. WEIMER Cedarville, Ohio. EveryM^dsccj/C' Eiicaid linow that If; they will huy ScSasco Cold "Water Starch' for laantiry eso they wilt rave no£ only titho. bctatiso It noverstoia totbo iron, hut bccauso cash packaga tantalri Id or.—ono full pomA-whilo all othsr f'oW Water ’Cfarctooropottip in t i po^tsfi jestacea. olid tho pilca is thfr eaoto, lft canto, tthca acalti hctailSsrUafiauwCtafch Is fro f rt>m liiittrloas ehctulcafs. If sons grocer trlca to■ cell you a toisr. patkcjta It iahcteiucahe hea: aototk on baud ifttiSdi towriheato dloptca olbtfortjho pata in Beflaticv. lie known thatPofianco Ctorch t o printed on evc^ paclsaKoin largo lettoa and fifjnrca “Ifeoeo.’ Bittiand Pofiance oinl civotnuch timeand money m i thoannoyar.cov t tho fc{>6fitteb* Cut Prices OnHeating Stovesj .gal* UeSascu 3 o«i? 6 itt 63 » i n SrAUBwOmo, Cnsyor toteno, i litCASr Qomn i VtmitzS .Cnesisvfitnhes ctfli that he Is’ centeryarfnctoltfo firin' of I*. L Jhwsfiv' & Co., dahikhnslte 39 Inthe cityofToledo. ,eontuy; end Etfito ofortalfl, end tlmt »!d ffiim ^ lllfay tli^earaaONlS IIVSD11EP imhh^isf fc * * ' * • ■“ Sworntob e ta raoandmslscrihed Inmy' yatsaict* thisfilhifay olPceitnhof, A, P < . A, W.OM 3&3 "Ucbry fui.lte ffall’aC'Atah euro fe iakrn internally ativi coteflirefslyou tis&blnnd endr vtcona * ' ‘ " * fiendfor tOMniqal , (fiirfectscf tho sya te , &!Si fet ■u CASTOR!A m t lafsm s and Catlett®, ■ i a i y k? i!it« Alwats f e ’ % » « . fii E. CORRY ACCWONEEE. Aft Muds of Auettouccbiug. Eqtrona^ Bolieited. -Satis *5 guaranteed. Roll tiftone^ i$% (Jliffou eKeliaugo, €«i«rv!lKOhio.«n»24. STOVES AT COST .Nov / 13 your opportmiity I g get a heating otov© a t about cost prxeo owing to the open wiufer. ^All heating stovcfii regardless-of make, and our line comprises aft the economical heaters, goes in this cut price sale rather than carry the goodsfromone season to another. You will profit in this sale if you need a stove and take advantage t>f t& re* markably low prices. Tiie stoves must be Moved aft m i prices to make room for spring goods. ■„ * CALL AND SEE THEM. C r M C R O U S E i t I thsfi ha® fi n« '"fhoGftvramortoun that, tho m t to was estobUsl to quarter corta , effico usually pa; &year w i t h o u t te work. Somo yoarn ago ine inspector, but a form toe campaign Pronv- t0 two differeat mm 1 andtoficgiyeo place . -jt Jj3ishhted. th&fc'tbte )J3r of offices tha t tljonsnads of dollars < will he dispensed w these places were ei ward to somepolitlci lathe House and tlioHerrick adminigi saidto have been 103 pay roll a t $3.Cft per d- l administration had. 1 themen Hon. (?) At has charge of. g&ould Governor Pf totoilgh his admlni! has started And eleai "institutions he will tax from ten to twentv-f According’ to fclie st report, the Herricic t was the most costly history of the state, Democratic, -FOR SALE: A 4 ' to Cedarville with gc harn, Also a fine sto acres with a §2,00ft f: and good $00ft tenant harns. 85Qrods new ti didfences, four and f from Meohanicsburg from London, 13hj Springfield. 2Mmiles Station and elevator railroad, Smiles from, hOHdon and Spring, 0 hue* A ll for $Sft.OOp. Smith —Look for the 5 j strapv,toenyou btiy al IVe buy direct from * Hastings Bros. t Next Mone wee | of goods f N o ^ l I Gel | Calicos t Hi m<k flrade Laees-e * | goods, 1 m %