The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

DAYLIGHT STORE TO BE OUT IMMEDIATELY. of Six Months Chan e d in a Since our failure-to locate more satisfactorily last fall, we had contemplatep important alterations and improvements in the Day Light Store during the month of August, to make it modern and attractive, both ekterior and interior. Our plans covered the entire change to a modern front with windows on the High street side. The raising of the cloak room floor to a level with the main room, and the tearing put of the elevated office. In the midst of these plans a proposition came to us from another city with the rssult that in the city of Portsmouth, Ohio, we have leased a room and will occupy it September 1 st, with an en­ tirely new stock. This store closed all day today for the greatest closing out ever;attempted in Springfield. Store will open at 8:30 Tuesday Morning. Everything in the store to be slaughter in price with the single object of closing it out. Winter goods and Summer goods, Autumn goods and all, to go a t cost and in hundreds of cases regardless of cost. Thirty thousand dollars worth of the best goods money can buy, will be distributed from' the old corner at a fraction of actual value. Economical buyers will supply their needs for months to come. ' ' . Bendure's Shopping Checks terbeRedeemed In Cash For any part of a book at a fu ll. book rate until August ioth only. No ’ checks re­ deemed after August io. No more checks given out. All accounts closed today and must be settled at oncer If not satisfactory settled within 30 days, (by August 10; legal proce jdings will be taken. If “any one has a bill against the storelet it be presented at once. ,* No "Hitch”Th is Time^It IsSettled* the Lease Signed. And sealed. Only such goods as are in transit will be added to the stock. No special orders will be taken. No goods will be sent on approval, nor exchanged. None but the very bulky packages will be delivered. No telephone orders filled. No goods will be laid aside unless fully paid, Transfers will not be made from one department to another: - , W A I S T S $5.00 browif or navy Sill? Waists... .........................................$2.08 $2.76 black Flannel Ladies’.Shirts......................................... $1*39- 30c Flannelette Waists.......... .......................................-y........ 260 Finest new Mercerized White Waists $1.75 quality 08c; $1.08 quality.$1.15; $5.60 .and $2.75 quality for $1.50. ■. • White Ind ian Head Waists $1.25 and $1.30 grades a t -98c— embroidered panel fron t or tailor tucked. . Fancy Poplinette Waists $1.08 quality..................•........... .,.$1.13 $3.00 White Linen. Waists.....!...................................................$1.75 $3*25 White Linen Waists............... ................................... .....$1.98 $3.00 White Linen Waists......... ......... .......................................$3.60 $5.00 White. Jap Sifk Waists........... ........ ............„.................. $M» $4.50 black Taffeta Waists...........................................*..........$2.98 ,76c black Lawh_W aists...................:/................ ....................... 44c >69c white Lo tted Lawn W a is ts .................... ............................ 39e MOHA IR W A I S T S U I T S Choice selections, latest styles, every color—and nearly all sizes, $15.00 to $25.00, Suits a ll to close out,........................... $9,98 Silk Shirt W a ist Suits •Full assortment of sizes. Every desirable color. Every one this season's make. None worth less than $15.48, ,and the most of the stock worth $22.50 and $25,00. Take your Kimonas and Dressing Sacks $1.75 Lawn Dressing S ack s....................................... ................ 39c $1.25 and $1,00 Long-Lawn Kimonas.................................. ....... 60c $10.00 Oriental Silk Kimonas.....................................;.........,...$6.60 W A SH S U IT S Fancy Lawn Suits, $1.49 quality ..................... .........................98c $2.00 Wasli Suits $1.20. blacks navy, tan, checks and dots. Wash Silk Poplin Suits, finest $G.Q0 Suita for............... ..... $3.98£choice a t...... ......................................... , ............ $11.50 $6.00 Chock Batiste Suits..... ............. 837261 T . T 21n n Q < a T a i l n r C l l l i f c White Iiuliah Hoad Suits, tail-made, $4.00 and$4.501 A - r C t t c a t L U U U a c i tAlLKJi. O U l l S quality for............... ..................................................... ...........$2^79j Not over 20 in the stock, regular prices $16.00 to $30.00. Figured P. K. Suits, Fancy Lawn Suits and Cream Mohair £Your choice $9,99, the price of the sk irt alone, Suits worth up to 86.00 a t.......... ............... ...............................,$3.75< B L U E D U CK S K IR T S T A . I L O R T A C K E T S U IT S S Afe50c worth up to 98c. and a t 93c worth up to $1.60. . J j White Luck , P. K. and Linen Skirts regardless of cost to 25 Suits fyorfh $12,6pTRr4$2{),00) to dose out at....,.... .... ,....,.$5.00 >close out, U N D E RM U S L IN S Ladies' Short Skirts, ex tra size, 75c quality to go a t.......... .49c P lain Muslin Long Skirts;....... .......... ............. ..85c instead of 60c $1.39 Corset Covers, finest in the land ..... . ........................... ...75c 26c plain Corset Covers..,..... ......... :........... ................. !...........„,.,16c 19c plain Corset Covers................. ...............................................10c Children’s plain Tucked Skirts, 25c qua lity ...............:...........17c Children’s. Embroidery Trimmed Sk irts 59cand65c quality 46c 69c and 05c Ladies’ Trimmed Gowns.... ....... .................48c $1.69 ftn<T$1.76 Embrodery Trimmed Sk irts........................ .$1.29 $1.25 and $1.89 Lace or Embrodery S k ir ts .........................95c 98c and 89c Lace S k irts .......;........................................... . .....09c Finest Cambric Drawers, elaborate $1.25 and $1.39 quality..89c BLACK DRESS GOODS 59c Black Mohair Brilliantiue, 44 inch...............................................43c 76c 45—inch Blade Sicilian, only.......................... .*.................... - .....47c $1.00 4"—inch Black Double Warp Sicilian...................................... 73c $1,60 4 6 - inch Black Silk Finish BriUiautine..............;..................$1.23 All 75c. Fancy Black and White B rilliau tlnes................ :...............57c All 60c.and.59cFancy Black find White Brilliantines ........... ....37c $1.00 quality 46—Inch Silk and Wool Eo lienne............ ............. «....78c $1.00 quality 40—inch Black Wool Voile.............. ....,................... ...78c Black Danish Cloth, 15c q u a lity .......... .'..................................10c yard fyjc Black Mercerized Satin ....................;....... ................. • .................27c 25e Black Mercerized Satin....... ........ ................................. ................19c loo Spurn Gloss, black........................................................................ li;£c 26 per cent to 50 per cent discount on all Black Dress Goods. Here's Where You Stick a Pin-Silks 25c Wash Silks, while they l a s t.............. .........................:.................16c 60c. Wash Silks, only................................................................. ............85c' 24—inch lla jah Silks, nothing to equal them- in servece, 75c quality ..... .....>........................... ...........................................z ............... 42c $1.00 qualily 31—inch wide, all colors....... *.....-.................................. 69c 86—inch Pongee, $1.00 quality, embrodery do te ......... '......,..... .....48c All 7uc Foulard Silks.............................. ...............,.............................. 43c All 76c and 79c Fancy T a ffe tas. .................. ................... .............. ,....69c All 59c and 60c Fancy S ilk s......... .............. .........................................88c 39c fo u la rd Silks........................'............................................................25c 80c*+inoh guaranteed Black Peau-de-Soie.................. ’..............89c 30—Inch Warranted Black Taffeta........... ...... ....... „....... ............ ...... 89c 27—inch $1.00 Pcau-de-Cygne ................... ..1 .............79c 30—inch B lack $1.60 Taffeta....................... ............................. ....... $1.23 36—ichn ’Black $1.39 Taffeta.!............................ ..............................$1.05 COLORED DRESS GOODS Wool Challies, 6oc quality 86c; 36c quality..... ............................ ......22o 60c to 65c Fancy Mohair, all at,....................................................... „..37c 76c to 85c Fancy Mohair, all a t................................. ................ ...........59c $1.00 to $1.19 and $1.26 Fancy Mohair........... ..................,.................. 79c 65c Sicilian, 52—inch, solid colors,.......................................................49c 76c All Wool Voiles (eolorB) ................. /...................... ......................47c $1.00 Cream Sicilian, in sale................ ............................................ .... 87c 76c Cream Sicilian, to close, a t....... ......................................... ...........08c 50c and 59o Cream Sicilian..,.,...*,...... .......... . ............. ................ ....89C All 50c and 69c Cream Wool Goods to close out a t........,....... 38c yard 56—inch $1.75 and $1.50 Caavenette in au tumn shades, only.................................................... ............................................. :..,.$1.12i£ The entire stock of Dress Goods, including the Autumn Broad Cloths and Flannels ju st received; to go a t less than they can be bought today. • Ruffled Swiss curtains 22c pair; $2*50 Nottingham curtains, 98c; $10,00 Tambour, Battenberg o r Brussels curtains, $5*50; $5,00 Irish Point Cluny, Arabia or Brussels, to close out at $2*98; $2,25* Swiss Bon Femme soiled $1,00, No such curtains ever shown by us, $1,50 Rope- curtains, 98c, Gloves, Knit Wear and Hosiery Eve ry garment must go. Hundreds a t less than mill pyices. The most staple Hosiery and Gloves and Under­ wear a t cost. Fine Union Suits for children a t .......... .................................. 19c 26c K n it W aists. ...............................................:......................... 15c 20c Ladies’ Pants, tight cuff......................... . .................... 15c Ladies’ $1.00 Union Suits............................................................ 07c J5e Swiss Lisle V e s ts .................................................................. 19c Lace trimmed full P a n ts .......................... ,.19e 19c Tllbbed V ests.................................... :............................. ..... lie 10c Ribbed Vests, bleached....................... 6c $1.25 Best Kid Gloves........................................................... flfic '81.76Wadhnble'Kid Gloves;.......... ......................................... $1.39 Fancy Goods and Neckwear. Ode Leather Bidte, in stale I.......... . — 5s .............. .......... . 25c 23c fihfrt Waist K.*te ............ . Chiffon Tuffs, $1.23 quality ........ .... . ........ . ............... 79c Chiffon Tuffs, $3/50 quality ......... ((t4j (|( t>1 jtl .............. $1.80 Cblibrn Tuffs, $1,50 quality ...... „ ,,,,, ................ $2.98 6»e Hemstitched Bailor Collars.... .......... . .... 29c White, Navy or Red. All Fancy Ribbons................................................... Ribbon Remnants about half. 15c Bead N e ck lac e s .............. ..................................... $1,25 Leather Purses...................................................... $1.75 Sterling Sliver W ritflhg Sets............................ Sterling Silver Collar and Cuff Pins .................'..... 25c and 35c Colored K uch ing ...................................... W H IT E GOODS. 19c SDk Mull or Mousllne De Sole................... ...... 20c Silk Mull or Moushne De Sole............................ . 39c Silk Mull or Mousllne De Sole............................. 93c Llnou Lawn W a ist P a tte rn s........ .... „.. .. $1.09 Lihon Lawn W aist Pal terns.... .......... ..... 25c Embroidered Dress Sw iss.................................. 30 inch Colored Dress L in en s ................................. . 25c Wash Panama and Cotton Mohair 20c Wash Grenadines ............... ..... Seersucker Striped Cliambray ................ ............... liie and 12,V Figured Lawns ...................... Die Figured Hairdos ..................................... 1-3 off TableOilCloth Only Standard First Grade io cents yard. No Seconds in Oil Cloth. INFANTS wear Polk Bonnets of Mull, embroidery trimmed and ribbon ilnisli, regular $1.50, $1*75 and $1.98, all a t one p rice .................................59c Children’s Wash Hate, embroidery trimmed, worth $1.19 to $2.25, all go a t ............................................................................................. 50c Children’s Wash Hats and SunBonnete, worth up to 89c, to close out a t ............................................... ......... . . . .......... . $ ........ i6o Children’s White Skirts, shaped waist tucked and lace trimmed, in sale ....................................... :....................................... .......... ........i9e White Sltifte with lawn ruffles, shaped waist, 3 rows Vftl. Lacd insertion, sale p rice ............................................................................. ,89c Infants, Dresses $1.39 and $1.50 qua lity ........................................ 98c .While T. K, Reefers $1.00 quality.................................................,76c $1.25 quality 89c; $1,50 quality $1.19 Men's Wear to go Regardless of Cost. D0e ami 75c shirts, sotfc front, light ond dark colors......................89c $1.00 quality stiff fronts larger sizes on ly ............. ....... ,&9o Cooper Mercerized Union Suite, $1.60 qea lity .............................. $i. 0 c Odds of medium weight Union Suite, worth $1.00 to $1.76, all at.75o Wright’s Health Underwarc, winter weight, $ 1.25 quality......... 89c Blue and Flannel Shirts.. ... . ..... . , ...........5oe Outing Night Shirts, COc qu a lity .................... ..........’................. . '*&. T. D. BENDURE % v Daylight Store, Springfield, Ohio. K- m F o r E x c e lle n c e W ork will comp; tha t of any other T W E N T Y -E IO T T h a i there were not n taxpayers out, last Frid to attend council meerin gretred. There were n said th a t would have be* in teresting to most ev< No t only should there h full attendance on th is n the Monday night prevh Mayor McFarland discu duet of some"of the offh A t The F riday evening members were present Weliher. The questloi was to be done regarding tion against tak ing up t cement gu tter was disc street committee was n see Mr, Wolford In regal promise. , I t is expected that t bolding meetings will lie Ihe first Monday in the stead of the second, cause tiie time of meet fire company to be cli This meeting will be li second Monday of the it As to the resolution pomtmenfc of a special compensation or bond w the appointment can n< until th is is done. M stated tlia t he did not ti tra man was needed and om the previous Saturd walked around the diffe un til really tired and d man th a t was disorderly lating any of the laws. A petition was present c'll remonstrating agai tending of the s id e . wal the Street two feet, A property owners art* against such a move. Mayor McFarland s Andrew Jackson had as to the condition of tli in fron t of. the Meelili and that, it should he p condition. The propert, is the old M itchell propc Main street. A t this juncture Ma land stated th a t he had lie wanted to read and of the same was present explanation as to t h e , laBt issue of the Hera dubed and the article re tiie one under the eapti is off’*. I t will be remei| we took occasion to cal tion o f th e officials to tl conduct and-drunkene place oil Sabbath, Ju ly no arrests had followed H is Honor took the these cases were kumvi tor, i t was his du ty as as a gentleman t.o iinni papers so th a t the o make, the arrests. V view th a t i t was the off lilo such papers as tli they were hired for. became very wrothy n| th is stand and walldn iron fence which seper lativc body from the sil ged u’s again as a eilizij tleman in a “ come- coaxed” strain, to file he claimed th a t tiie o Bee or hear of th is trot acknowledged th a t th perrt uut for one of th had been disorderly our article. How th police officials found woman had been an have no t learned. During the Mayor1 stated th a t lie would i look up the amount o had been paid to him and also tha t of hi To Ibis we. stated thn twice as much, and a have added considei the fund after the daj A t the meeting V was supposed that, th ca rry ou t his stateme th a t he did not like f1 were talking as to t Marshal Grindle w had been charged wf Mr. McFarland went iie was no t going to 1 sible and th a t ho w hands of the charges m atte r over to comic He also slated tha member^ of council atten tion to what ha in the mayor's qfiU lim e s ........ The discussion <n was a long one and by a good, many pen lea Pendlum spokt In th a t he should m* and th a t be bad p much better in the ano ther chaner. B u t 1ms Mr. M» good his statements going to Mash his >changes and b a t e lap? Hoes it not h« teit down to iiurfic th pelf? E l k — .