The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

The Cedarville Herald • $ ! . o o JPer Y e a r . I C A E W i BUW L * * E d i t o r . FRIDAY Jt-IA* 91, 1005. g i t s the churches .and their mem­ bers ou one side and tho political machines, professional politiilons on tho other, in ihe Herrick—Patti- pon controversy. "N o eld soldiers” was Governor Herrick’ s slogan just after ho went Into office and turned out the Vetor- . tins, who were then acting as guards at tho penitetiary, to appoint bench men in their places. it is plain to be seen that the issues this fall ou tlie election of a Gov­ ernor are to he of a moral nature and not along party lines. .This is brought about from the fact that the Christian people of the great state want a ' representative citizen as their Governor. Some time soon we, are going to hitch that “ mare” "Marnl” to our "manure spreader” and go round to the "mare’ s " office and clean out that political dung pile that has been allowed to become so obnox­ ious to the voters of the corporation I f "Maud” can’ t pull the'machine we w ill hitch the “ Goat” with her The platforms of both political pair ties are practically the same. Both endorsed the administration of Pres •" idenfc Itoosevolfc thinking it would strengthen their cause. The voters ■ of Ohio this fail will show their iu- dopenence and -vote for the best man as did Massachusetts in .honoring Roosevelt last fall and at the same time electing a Democra­ tic Governor. Democratic Missouri even went for Roosevelt and elected Folk as their , Governor, The peo pie are thinking for themselves . these days. Dr. KENNEDY’S ■" FAVORTE REMEDY Pleasant to take* l»OWCi-Iul to CUIO| Anawelcome t o everjrilome. m m n i iwei m raincuticUct*lrall c*K»catjwaMrirnpuriiy«i uw ■ guch at, Xlduoy. bladder and Liver C om . blood, ei plaint*. < atlpatlnn, rressful fc ned vreakarrarapeculiarto “ Deny everything he says and prove him a.liar” is what a member of the “ gang” said a few days ago in„ speaking of the Herald to a friend of his. “ Why so?” the friend asked, “ W hy lie has found out some way just how we defeated Brown at the last primary and we must prove him a liar to k ill him with the public so that the yotfrfS won’ t take any stock in what he has to say ." . It isn’ t'time to speak now about the ballots being taken out of tho box and carried to the parlor of a certain druggist where they were changed. Yes, Andy you need not worry we are next all right. Peculiar isn’ t it that "intensely humorous yarns” as “ Foley the Goat” refers to in the last issue of -----the official organ in regard to the charges of intoxication, would have ■a tendency to offend anyone. The i ' ' * trouble is their was jesting with facts which haven’ t been denied, and the “ tramp-printer-editor” had. to go hack a couple of generations to flml something to say even though it was about an unconcerned person. The trouble is the editor of the real good little sheet can not see far enough over his boozy nose to know that such a story only sounds like Andy ’s “ heart trouble” every time lie goes to sleep in a railroad station and misses the train. Artificial Cotton. Recent experiments have been made in Bavaria in regard to pre­ paring artificial cotton from pine wood, and it is said that the new process allows it to be made cheaply enough go that the artificial cotton may compete with (he natural prod­ uct.. The wood, which is first cut into email splinters, is reduced to fibers by steam and acids, then it is washed, bleached and passed through a crusher. The cellulose is formed into fine threads by a Spinning machine. These threads are said to make a very good fabric when woven and can easily be dyed. I t is expected that they will ho man­ ufactured. on a large scale and come into competition with'imported cot­ ton.'. The KaiserV Drinking. TTid emperor o f 'Germany drinks very little beer, perhaps n glass or two a day. Whisky he (Toes not drink once a week. The chief steward of tlie llamburg-American steamship Hamburg, on which tfiu kaiser re­ cently took a two weeks’ trip, says that he takes one glass of Rhine wind at dinner.. Ho allows the stew- md to fill his glass a.second time With champagne before the glass in emptied." When lie cornea the third lime with a fresh bottle, the kaiser plaecn hand over the glass an a sign that he wishes no more, On the Hamburg lie drank orangeade all tho iisufe, There wan always a ghjsr JUM with {to to keep it cel$, iwd |iii,'k iiii#4 i>flhk mnyjtk&cM, Tho First Doctor, There is no subject who^e histqry has more of curious- interest than that of medicine. Its origin is far back in the mythical period, where the marvelous is nothing strange. The first physician, whose name was passed, down "by tradition"'to the Greeks, was Chiron. He belonged to that singular race known as Cen­ taurs—half man and half horse. Bo the first.physician was a veritable horse doctor indeed and no preten- tioun veterinary surgeon. Modern M; H.’ s, however, have no cause to blush' over t his apparently humble origin, for Chiron was an honor to - his profession. He failed of euro in. but a single case, which is more than can "be said of his followers. Qualifications. “No,” said Miss Winthrop-Brad- »ley-Winthrop, “ your ancestors, did not come over in the Mayflower, as (nine did, and I cannot marry you!” “Ho you know why they did not ?” replied Mr. Johnstone Smythe de Jone 3 . “Well, I’ll tell you. They were pot the kind o f people who travel on excursions.” » Saying which, he strode haughtily from the roam.—Washington Life. Terrific Race With Death. “ Death was fast approaching,” writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of 'Dun- pa, Fla., describing ills fearful race with (loath, “ as a result of liver trouble and heart-disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all in­ terest in life. I had .tired many dif­ ferent doctors and several medicines but, got no benefit, until I began to use Electric Bitters. Go woiulerfnl was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles.” . Guaran­ teed, at all drug store; price 60c. CEDAR SPRINGS New Health and Pleasure Resort At­ tracting Much Attention. —* Springs of wonderful curative power fimilar to. the. famous waters of Cars- had are attracting many to the health and pleasure resorts of Cedar Springs, reached fay the Pennsylvania linos via New Paris, o. Hotel accommodations are under capable management. Varied recreation Is offered: Outdoors on the tennis courts and croquet lawns; in­ doors ih the Club house whore there lr* a diversity of amusements and games. For particulars about fares and time of trains apply to ticket agents of Penn­ sylvania Lines. d-3-i REGIMENTAL REUNIONS. • On September 18, 1006, will oc< tho forty-second anniversary of tiie Battle of Chickamauga. It is pro­ posed to celebrate this memorable, event with a reunion of The various regiments that participated in.-this ■memorable battle, and, in addition, to hold at theisame time a grand re­ union of all the regiments that par­ ticipated in the various battles fought around Chattanooga. Tills reuniop will be held at Chlcka- mauga National Park, September 18,19 and SO, and the present indica­ tions are that it will he the largest and most notable gathering ever held In the .South. On the above dates, the remnants from the armies elve date.'., compriiig the fol­ lowing: Pemisylvania^Dhio, Michi­ gan, JliiiioUs, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Jowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Kentucky, will assemdlo, many for the first time since they marched from, its blood-stained fields, forty-two years ago. Grand and glorious will be the meeting and all who attend will have cause to rejoice. The lowest rate ever secured has been given the out ire public for this occasion, one cent per mile, snort line distance. Here is one of the great r , portun- itios for thejeducation of the youth. Don’ t fail to take your children and show them historic Chattanooga, with all its historical connections. It is the opportunity of a lifetime. Go and See the old war generals and other officers point, out the places of Interest on the battlefield; let them Show you and explain, in person, the makers erected on the battle­ field showing the positions of the opposing armies at the time of bat­ tle. It will not be long until none will be left to do this noble work; take this opportunity ami don’ t let It escape you, it is worth six monthfi in -thnuphool room to ftiiy student. , It will bo many years, if ever again, that such an opportunity will present itself. Bee that your tickets read via the Louisville & Nashville U. It. the Battlefield Route. Call on your nearest railroad agent for rates ami adveriising matter pertain­ ing to the reunion, or write nearest representative of the Louisville & Nashville It. K. ,r. II. Mlitikon, I), p. vill, Ky. V. T), Bush, D. P. Gills. J, D. Davenport, Louis, Mo. n . Bailey, N. W, Ik A., ( ’Idea- ph HI. ' OVER T H E HOUSE. Mint* on Sweeping and tho Carto of the Broom. Brooms that arc choked with iin-1, hair and threads cannot do e£- fet tivo torsive. They t-hould he kept chan. Keep a pailful of warm suds m the sink every sweeping day, and as i ften as the* broom becomes dusty take It to tiie sink, dip i t ‘Up and down, in the pail, shake well and continue the sweeping. Then, when nil is swept, wash H once more bq- fore putting it away. Not only will the broom near longer, the suds toughening the splints, but the car­ pet will look brighter. _ Many use a sprinkling of salt be­ fore sweeping. While this brings out the color, it gathers dampness. Do not sweep from one side of the room alone, It will wear uneven and shorten its life. 1 Carpet sweepers should be freed from dust and threads before being put away, and as the brush wears off it should he lowered a trifle. A few drops o f oil stops the squeaking of the wheels., A House Cleaning Help., Many housekeepers have y d t’o learn the value of whiting. It cleans without staining and will save much unnecessary work, -Bor white puint, when the latter is very dirty, it is particularly good- Mix powdered arid sifted whiting to a consistency of cream with tepid water. Brush oil the paint to he cleaned with a soft, clean doth and rub the whiting well into it with a coarse flannel. Before tho pl.uSb dries wash it off .with dear hot water and a fresh cloth, and rub the surface perfectly dry. Ho not try to clean a large surface-all at onSe, for- .the whiting must be washed off before it dries. B.e sure to polisli it well at the finish. Rub with the grain of the wood. Fireproof Paints, A good paint is made of ten pounds of finely powdered glass, ten pounds of pulverized-poreelaiu, five pounds of calcined lime and fifteen pounds of silicate .of soda- Apply with a brush, and let the first coat work in before applying a second. Zinc chloride and sodium silicate are much used, but the chloride vol­ atilizes and the other washes off. A .better-solution than this, and one that is not much known, is three pounds of.alum and one pound of copperas in .solution. Apply two coats and add a solution of copper­ as mixed with powdered clay. Genuine Mexican Chili. ’ •Chop the desired quantity of pep­ pers and add ten pounds of ripe to­ matoes, peeled and sliced; two pounds of onions, peeled and chop­ ped; lour ounces of salt, seven ounces of green peppers, six ounces of brown sugar, one and a half pints o f vinegar. Boil, all together in a granite porcelain kettle for several hours, or until quite-thick, then pack,'in air tight cans or jars. Scrambled Eggs and Onion*. : Allow two eggs and a linli .onion to each person to bo served. Put a little butter in the frying pan and put the minced onion in this. Pry until it begins to brown, then pour in the eggs, slightly beaten, and stir 4mt4l-fiCT4mdfle<L-Efifl3oning ’with, salt and pepper. CONTINUE T h o s e w h o a r e g a in in g f le s h a n d s t r e n g t h b y r e g u la r t r e a t ­ m e n t w ith Scott's Emulsion s h o u l d c o n t in u e t h e t r e a t m e n t In h o t w e a t h e r ; s m a lle r d o s e a n d a lit tle c o o l m ilk w ith It w ill d o a w a y w ith a n y o b le o t i o n w h ic h Is a t t a c h e d t o f a t t y p r o ­ d u c t s d u r in g t h e h e a t e d ' s e a s o n . Send tortree sample. SCOTT & IlOWNE, Chemists, 409.41$Pearl Street, New York, joc, and$i.oo; altdruggists. A ., Louin- A, Cincinnati, Ik 1\ A. Hi. 1 SSED IC IN lT This great stock medicino is a money saver for stock raisers. Ifc is a medicino, not A cheap food or condition powder. Though put tip in coarser form than Thedford's Black-Draught, renowned for the cure of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the same qualities j of invigorating digestion, stirring 1up tho torpid liver and loosening the constipated bowels for all stock j and pou.liy, It is carefully pro* 1pared and its action id so healthful 1that stock grow and thrive with an occasional dose in their food. It I cured hog cholera mid makes hoga I grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and colda in horsed, murrain in cattle, fc and makes a draught animpi do “ more Work for the food consumed, IIt gives' animats and fowls of all J kinds now life. Every farmer and (raiser should certainly give it a I trial, " It costs 25c. ft can and caves ten j timed itd price in profit. Pmontmo, K as ., March23,1001. , , I havelitcti usingyoui hlAeU-jOfatiBhi I ! Stock anft Poultry Medicino (ui mV Jstock for .time. I have used ail .kinds of stock food but I linvo found ! |that yonta is the best for my purpose, J. S. HAflfjOSL INFAN I S /(H I U ) K K N Promotes DigeslionCheerfuE ncss andltestToniams neiliier Opium,Morphine nor"Mineral. HOT X ahlc o t i c . fi< 4 * afOUArSAMUfZPirCIWt fimyAut Seed' JbeSmiut * focjUUtSrttT jtaixSetd. <■. . ItinnSrtd— ' (tmifal&Mr \Wnlajht*nxv*r, Aperfccl Remedy forCon3llpa- llon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms,Convulsions,Feverish­ ness andL o S ^ h f SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of i , ’ N EW Y O R K . • At b inonlli*, old. } 5 D o s Y s - } 5 C . i N 1 s EXACT COPYOF‘WRAPPER. . - . ■ ........ mfl CASTORU For Infants and Children., The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA CCNT4UNCOMPANY. NIWVO«KCITY* EXCflflflGE CEDARVILLE, OHIO. ACCOUNTS of ercliants and In* (lividuak solicited. Collectionr promptly made and remitted,j T\RAFTS on New Yarki and Gin* ^ cinnati sold at Ion cat rates. The . cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. . “ T A K F T H K f*l IT ” IT 0AI*S ma<leonKeal Estate, Pei- I M IVL 1 11IJ VyU I . j Ad gonal or Collateral Security. “ AVe recommend it; there isn’ t any better.’ ' In mid-summer you have to trust a large degree to your butcher. ■ ' Well Cared For Meats. in hot weather are tire only kind to buy; we -have proper applianees for keeping them right, and they’ re, sweet, and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping .when It’ s hot. Buy of us and be sure. C. H. CROUSE, CEDARVILLE , (). INDIGESTION'S RECORD I “ Thebest remedy I can prescribe for your la* , digestion, madam, Is O fecu's August Flower. 1 know of several other physicians who pre­ scribe It regularly,” (^Indigestion la making an awful record as a cause of- sudden deaths. It is beat­ ing heart-failure in its ghastly harvest, :nly attacked with acute indigestion after enjoying a hearty meal, and of their dying in many cases before a physician could be called in. <|This should be a warning to you who suffer with regular or periodical attacks of indigestion. If these unfortunate vic­ tims or acute indigestion had taken a small dose of Green’s August Flower be­ fore or after their meals they"would not have fallen aprey to such sudllen seizures. (jAngust Flower prevents indigestion by creatinggood digest!' -11. If also regulates the liver, purifies the blood and tones up the entire system in a natural way. >r <J’L\vosizes]" 35 c and 75c. All druggists. Isaac Wistermfan, Cedarville,O, ToInvestors. Profiled stoclc in the Oedur- villo Telephone Company is beings oftWecHo local investors fit par. It is guaranteed to pay 6 per cent interest per annum and is to be paid semi­ annually. The stock is ■n * Exempt from taxes. This is a good investment for a home company where you have watched its progress and rapid growth. Impure at the Exchange Bank or D. Bradfute, Pres. ,William Wlldraan, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres.r - W. J. Wildmari, Cashier. O. L. Smith Asst, CnBliier WINONA LAKE THIS SEASON Will be Partiuularly Attractive for an Out* mg* The summer of 1005 is to bo'an especially attractive season at Winona Lake, the beau­ tiful resort of Northern Indiana on the Pennsylvania Lines. The ' Presbyterian General Assembly will convene tho May 18th, Noted speakers and musicians have been engnsed for the summer entertain- incuts. There will be conventions and co- ciul and religious conferences from May until September- The literary representa­ tion will bo prominent. In brief, it will be a mast profitable season educationally. Teachers and students who attend thoSum­ mer School will derive much benefit. Winona Lake inis golf.links, tennis courts t SUMMER SEASON | f DRESS FABRICS I 1 * No past season have we had such a rrftre collection or »■!..*;- tion of stylish Dress Goods Figured Brilliants 50c to $1.00 !Mohairs 60c m $1.75. Panama. Cloths, Neat Pin Check Silks, Crepe de' Chcne, Foulards, Japanese Henrietta Cloths, Silk Shirt Waist Suits Spring Jackets, Silk Pettlcouts. Dressing Sacques, Under­ wear, Muslin Underwear, WINDOW DRAPERY. Scrims, riew'patterns; Madras, pretty styles; Ruffled S w I bs 50c, 75c, and $1.00 a pair, Bobbinett $1.50, $2.00 $2.76 a pair. Nottingham 6O0, excellent for $1.00 pair, Battenberg $8.76 to $12.00 pair. Eduardian $2.75, $3.75, $4. Ivory, Saxony, Bon­ ne Homme, Just imported. * • i . . . . flOTGfllSOJl & GlBflEY’S, XENIA, OHIO. STYLISH SUITS FOR LADIES baseball and cricket grounds, boating, fish­ ing, swimming and.camping facilities. The Pennsylvania Lines run direct to Hho park en trance, Season and fifteen-day excur­ sion tickets may be obtained from tloBfct agents of the Pennsylvania Lines. Infor­ mation about Winona laike, the season's program, hotel accommodations etc., can be ascertained from 8, C. Dickey, Secretary and General Manager, Winona Lake, Ind, —5 1.3. Saved by Dynamite, Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can’ t cross. .Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as I f noth- ingbut dynamite would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Ga., wrilesi “ My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights Two physicians could not' help her; so she look Dr. K ing’ s New Discov­ ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough gave her sleep, arid finally cured her.” Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe. A t all drug store, price 60c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle sree. Low Faro to West Barden. Account American Water Works Aseociation meeting. Enjoy an out­ ing at noted springs of woiiderful curative power, similar to famous, waters of Carlsbad, Particulars about fares and time of trains may be ascertained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania Idiios. j U rn 's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio, C A S T O R I A 3?or Infanta and Cliilcti'cn. tha Kind You HaveAlways Rough! Bears tho ./ Signatureof Fine Stylish Suits in the correct materials and colors at specially loW_priees for Spring in Voiles, Panamas Mohairs, Chiffon Broad­ cloths, L ightweight Cheviots and Silks, in Black, Bides, -Browns- and Castors Prices. $10 .00 . $12 .50 , $ 1 5 .0 0 . Tw o Specials Covert Jackets, One is allwool Covert good satin lininglatest and best o f style would be good value at $ 1 0 .0 0 specially priced, $6>75. The other \ . lot is a clean up of our $ 1 0 .0 0 to $13.50 , Fine Covert Jackets all weli tailored and best of Btyles, Fit Garranteed all very sepcially priced........ ............................................ .....!......................;................. $7 .50 - Great Silk Sale, Wq have just secured from a Silk Manufacture a large lot o f choice new style.of fancy silks th'at wore made up to retail at 75cts ayard, in just tho colorings that a .ewantod now we bought them so~wo can sell for the extremely low price of 50cts a yard. This will be your silk opportunity Of this year. jobs Bros. $f € 0 ., Xenia, 0 * EIGHTEEN PREillUriS i to be distributed on Thursday, August, 31 , ’05 The premiums will be paid in Gold as follows, First, $15; next five in $10 each; next twelve in $5 each. Ask for tickets on all 25c purchases. Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Oysters etc Q ueen & C rescent r o u t e S o u t h e r n R y . -----BETWEEN----- Cincinnati Chattanooga Atlanta Birmingham Knoxville Asheville Mobile .JacKsonville New Orleans S h r e v e p o r t a n d . Texes Points fiallyh l l a u S*rrlc« to Chattanooga, Atlanta, JacKsonville, and Hew Orleans Dining and Observation Cars. For Information and Rate, tddratt CbM.W. Z*U,B,r.A., 4th and la d Streot*, Cincinnati. W» A, C irn tt, W. G. Mnearaon, C*»*l Hit. ■ Gan’l fa ’t Adi. Cincinnati, Ohio. Convulsion, *Fits, then Epilepsy, Dr. Miles* Restorative Nerv- ine has been so successful in curing these brain-wrecking diseases that there is every reason to believe that even the most hopeless cases can be benefited, if not fully restored. W e will be pleased to refer any one thus afflicted to many who now enjoy the blessing of health, after years of hopeless suffering;. "I lifivo ft son that baa brain tov*? when two yeara old, followed by fits c! the worat type, and lie was pronourtew Incurable. 1 .spent hundreds of dollar* for him, without relief. After nWfit fifteen years ho. become so bad that ** Cent him to DonpetlK hospital for tt# Insane, nt Lcprnnoport, -Ind. Ho W.J there nearly three years, but bo carl* tlnued to grow worse, so wo l>r hint homo July so, 1902. In on atria) condition. Ho had lost hlo miml nlmrft entirely. He hardly lenow one of tM family! could not even find his hik wag a, total wreeh. Ho had from 6u for tho bettor. Wo havo fjUw Ut> him over sineo, and ho has had fc:-t two very li-jnt jmella olneo last» 1903, and then ho was not well e.tu> ways. Wo pronounce him cured, AsU onh work nnd po anywhere. If naye-* wlgliea to ask any nuestlons roneernt* llilo, they are nt liberty to do so.” , B. If. BUNNKIJ,,,)Lincoln, Jr.3. Dr- Miles* HervTna'T*'' isoWfay>*0^ drufjfllst, who will fjtiarAntea that flret bottle wilt benefit. If It fall*i k* will refund your money. Miles Medical Co,, Elkhart,