The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
rnfKarat!.w«. The Cedarville Herald. ■* , $x.<n>n Pesr V e a r , - ExpariencsofaLadyMissionary I S A R L . H ¥ t V 4 A + ** ' 13 <Sitf>r.| FRIDAY JFNR £3, 1003. DON ’T THEY SQUIRM . *: * To say anything about tho stolen primary isirly makes the Mood boil In the veins of the ono that edits the **Wlne and Spirit News” , a sheet that would roakii a good official organ for tho followers of the red flag, under which t’golgws? looked to for protection. That what we had to say touched a tender spot we admit, and more than that we are in position to give the public the facts about what took place Just after J. B. Brown was placed under arrest the day of the primary. The organ can content itself in defending drunkards* gam-, biers, theives and all- classes of law violators, but the Herald will be do ing business at the old stand as be fore........... The Editor of the “ Wine and Spirit News1’ can refer to Gonzales and Tillman.and feed that another anarchisie pain has been eased, just as he does when he attempts to de fend the local law violators. All citizens that are “ shot” are not taken by tlie hand of the anarch ist, just so with editors. We know .one Editor and he is not 10,000miles away that was ‘ ‘shot” only a few days ago and for three days he was “ mortally*’ wounded. His condi tion was considered serious ajid even the friends (of the local organ ization) thought his case a hopeless one. However he was taken home (hauled,) tjoon rallied, and once more came to the defence5of his friends. ® ItTs peculiar, but nevertheless its true, that some men like to get “ shot” , just-so with soirie editors, but they perfer the deadly load in Jacksonian drams as against the cold lead. Either in time is fatal. The former the long route, the lat ter the short one. 0EOBQE IV, £ 0 GENTLEMAN. I Ho Ww» T old Co Once, and a t Another **Xi£ 3 rca;jts 3 1 Tifna Ho Proved !t> j __When I M L ut - ijco I was form- cf:.«drh<’»c.-.abii'.Ai.rT f ->trv in lh'-iJ he tho KIDNEY TROUBLE, a^oluteiy tel^-arv to have <’ua- - AleaeJCOertipstis. !»■ Skscsilts-rftSat&rcsisffe iJsiaia clj n;:a A lia V E R F IG S C U B E , fc\ ttr. Eeassiij"® h'&rzi'.ia •cts:ca ccm£$ fUT ZlcmillCll, .... _ HS3Xi=9te=3» IU1ZC3 e z i h ire s - C5=p!s£A, left *Ji tfca pis pseptajr tq wi~*a. Is Cl sc* tta veim Snn ttn .and rcst'.-cj tea p, D. Kennedy’ s Favorite Remedy, , Y, gKsettj 0forts. 5 {miiir.ation. knew what They never wait until the iron is hot to strike in Chicago. Having learned the secret of the itrenuons life Paul Morton feels able ; q tackla the Equitable |>roblem. Sweden and Norway are,about to inaugurate thepeaceful revolutions, Perhaps the world moves in more ways than one. We wonder if the woman who ip going about lecturing on “ Woman’ s duty to he beautiful” ■ realizes that she might as well sentence some wo man to hard labor for tliq. rest of their lives. A Chicago paper says, “ Still with mournful note,doth reform, like a dove, brood over the City of Brother ly Love.” Evidently Chicago is jealous because reform, like a dove, can’ t breath In the Chicago atinoa pliere. Jefferson Davio* Sword. The latest discovery at Fort Gib son la a btvaEjLtiliicli lnil?tr*r. Holden Siefoes was owned by Jefferson Da vis, o.i it was found in the ruins oi a fcon°e wlssrs Jefferson Davis lived when he was a lieutenant in the reg ular army at Fort Gibson. The tword is owned by F. N. Xarii and is in a good state of preservation. The blade is two edged, about twen ty inches in length. The handle is carved ivory, with brass mountings, —Kansas City Journal. An Irish Compliment, The Irish, with that happy in stinct of theirs for the paradoxical, have hit on the right method for paying homage to the memory of Moore., They propose to remove from College ftreet/ Dublin, an abominable effigy of his which lias long filled his admirers with horror, ■—London Chronicle. , Egg In a Bottle. I f an egg he kept in strong vine- f ar for a short while the shell will eoome more or less plastic, and the egg can then he rolled out sausage- like be o f small enough di ameter io go with, ease in at the mouth of a beer bottle. I f cold wa ter he then poured in the bottle, the shell, the life of which has been softened te the vinegar, will harden and return to its original shape,, Terrific RaceWithDeath.. “ Death was fast approaching,” writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tarn- pa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, “ as a result of-liver trouble anti heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all in terest in life, i had tired many dif ferent doctor and several medicines butgot no benefit, until I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderfnl was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and today ! am cured of all my troubles.” Guaran teed at all drug store; price 50c. . CEDAR SPRINGS - New Health and Pleasure Resort At- ' trading Much Attention. Springs o f wonderful curative power -hnilar to the famous waters of Cars- ’>ad are attracting many to the health uhd pleasure resorts of Cedar Springs, reached by the Pennsylvania lines via Nlevy Paris, O. Hotel accommodations are under' capable management.. Varied recreation is offered: Outdoors on tho tennis courts and croquet lawns; in doors hi the Club house where there is- •i diversity o f amusements and games, s*or particulars about fares and time of trains apply, to ticket agents of Penn sylvania Lines. . d-3-1 Isi-ves-ary rin,r «t the foreign ofKt'e, although c'.varo that tho appointment won't! Ir_- obnoxious to** I\ . The inh<? (4 iU-hsngh*n undertook the inph a-ant ta-k of communicating Lord Livevpos#r^s An eoon as tl was wanted o f him he broke out I “ Arthur, it k iwptWi: I caul, *'it i::v jja::ur a- a gciith man, he should j ' -r h - of lay mhiirter1 again. I 05 .S MEi’f VO!l B l i t SSgFi'C W ith IliO t: at I i ;:miot do.v.jiSit I .Kiisl on my hsuior a . a gentleman 1 would not do.” - Anoflu^r man would have, boon m - ler.ttd, out the gi-'.t >-oJdh*f; always equal to an emergency, replied: “ Pardon -me, sir, hut I don't agrie with you at all. Your majesty is not a gentleman.” The hold abortion startled the Icing, hut »he duke went on, “ Your maje.-ty is nm a gentleman, but the -reign of England, with duties xo j.our iH'opic far jibov.e any to yourself, and these duties render it imperative that you should employ the abilities of Mr. Canning.” “ Well, Arthur/’ said the king, drawing a long breath, “ if I must, I must,” ' - 1 Although he did not like being told he was not a gentleman, George IV. had once, at least, while regent forgotten lie was one. This was when lie flung a. glass of wine in Colonel Ilamlyn’s face, with “ Ilam- lyn, you are a blackguard!” The insulted officer could not re turn the compliment without com mitting something like treason—it was out of the question to challenge the prince, while to let the insult pass unnoticed was equally impossi ble. The colonel filled his glass- and threw the contents in the face of h i’ neighbor, Haying, “ His majotv’s toast, pass it oil!” “ Ilamlvn,” cried the recent, “ you’re a capital fellow! llr-rc’s your health.” And they were fast friends from that evening. . •ESt r* feS : spi ?S Certainly “ Boss” Schmidt doesn’ t hope to bribe Brother Lusk of the Spring Valley Blade, by putting him on tho Senatorial delegation as an alternate. How tho “ Boss could weaken enough to allow sucli a thing Is much of a surprise even to other members ot the “ gang,” We venture to say that the Spring Val* ley man was named without his knowledge. The suec»ss of President Iloose volt's efforts to promote peace be tween Russia and Japan is a triumph for that so-called “ shirt-sleeve dip lomacy” inaugurated by Secretary John Hay, Frankness and direct ness are the chief attributes of the fihirt-sleevu diplomacy and when ad ministered by President Roosevelt, su'ddeness also plays an important part. The President gave Russia no time to recover from the shock inci dent. to the destruction i»f her navy, of from the grief incident to the loss of numerous friends and brothers. He gave Japan no time to recover from that access of good feeling which naturally followed so sweep ing a victory and while Europo was dreaming of what migii he, he sug gested iii unequivocal terms to both belligerents tiiai thiswas an excellent place to slop, and his suggestion ap pealed to bulb. It was the psycolog- icat moment and lie grasped it. c a s t o r S T Viff latixits gad GMiorsa. fft8 M few l l m iifwafs isiiglr; 120 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. On the Yellow Springs pike three fourths mile from Cedarville. This farm is nicely located, being less than one mile from college, churches und biglnschool. .Improvements are good.. Land produces good crops, Nice young orchard, bearing excel lent fruit. Never failing springs on farm. If interested, call on or ad dress, W . J. H a w t h o k n e , R, F, D.y 2j — —Cedarville,JOhio- Mno. 27 .J 1805 . AXIUS 2 8 3 9 6 . M A P L E L E A F FARM STA L L IO N S . AXTUB 2ii3!)0, son of the champion Axtoll 2:12. tlic greatest family in file world; dam Typhoon 2:2k, by Lord Russell full,brother to Maud B. 2iOHgf. Beeohd and third dams great brood mares. COL. COLT 2 :10*4, the bull dog race nurse, ot Alcyone blood, son of Alains 2;l?*a- and the noted brood mare Arab Girl. He is one of the gamcot horses in Ohio. TANFOR-AX 32816, by Expedition 2-15*4, son of Electioneer; dam Tan- tabuona2:2!)’{, by King Wilkes 2:22- son of Geo. Wilkes 2:22, with three great producing dams. Is I5;4' hands, weight J15i) li>sr, and is one of file handsomest horses living, DANDY; the well known black Perrheroii, For full description, tabulated pedigrees, terms, etc., send for eir- eui:m) or visit the farm und see horses that are high class with gilt Mlge breeding ami a lot of young in training, D, Ar HPRAGUE, Eolith Charleston, O' ' SCOTTS EMULSION won't make a hump backstraight,neither will it make ■short leg long, but it, feeds soft bone and heals diseased bone and is among the few genuine means of recovery in rickets andbone consumption. Scad for free sample* SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, ; Pearl Street, New York. 50c, and $x«oo; all druggists. THE NEW SHORT LINE LOUISVILLE &NASHVILLE E. 'B. FROM Cincinnati and L ou isv ille KNOXVILLE Tw o Trains D a ily ^from each city Through Coaches, Buffet Parlor Cars and Pu ll man Sleeping Cars For Folders, Maps or other information address C.L-Stoner -Gen'J—Pa«^_Agentr Louisville, Ky. T H E BEST M ED IC INE fflnW OM EN Ifyou aronervoug and tired out continually you could have no dearer warning of tho approach of sc-riouafemale,trouble: Do not wait until you cutter nn- bearablepainbtforcyounocktreat ment, You need Wine of Cardui nowjust asmuch S3if the trouble weremomdeveloped and the tor turing pains of disordered men struation, bearing down pains, leutorrhoca, ba'olracub and head ache wero driving you to tho un failing relief thatWine of Cardui hasbroughthundreds of thousands of women andwill bring you. Wine of. Cardui will’ drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache andback* ache and ge.......................... ....... ......... to check. Secure a $1.00bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send thff money to the . Ladies’ Advice®^ Dept., Tho Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Team, and the medicine will be cent you. \ W i* t£ e f C A X D V i All grain and te.M and pauliiiH, marked \V. R, Bferrell. are now thu prop.'-fiy of Kerr and Hart* ingd Rfoj. IMea'w return ramo t<? Uieni. W. 1?, Bterrett, m m m C A S T O R IA A^gelaMePfeperallioaferAs- simffa ’ ’ " " tingfiti I n f a n t s / C h i l d r e n Promotes DigeslioRCfeerfuf- ness andRest.Contains neither OpiumJ>forpliine norMinsraL K o t TJ a s i c o t l c . < J^peorCtdjarSAMVeZPtTCmn jibLSauta * ftcMASJM- jtsiseSaA * ’ iiltmStad— t&t&iSaatr MShkyrmt/fUrtri Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stoniach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and L o s s o f S leep . facsimile Signature of N EW Y O R K . AJtb tm rn lT ii o l d J 5*D io^ F v ~ '3 5 C x w r - . I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, CASTOBIA F o r I n f a n t a a n d C h ild r e n . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THCCCMTAURCOMPANY. NEWYORKCITY* EXGHflflGE BAjK CEDARVILLE, OHIO, h CCOUNIS of erchants and In- **■ dividuals solicited. Coll«ctionr promptly made and remitted.! TkRAFTS on New York and Cin- — cinnati sold at Jovr-Rt rates. The 1cheapest and most convenient way tto send money by mail. S P R I N G 1 9 0 5, DRESS FABRICS No past season have we had nm-h a nice collection or «!«*. tion of styllsii Dress Goods Figured Brilliants 50c to $1.U0 Mohairs Cue to Jl.75, Panama Cloths, Neat Pin Cheek Silks, Crepe de ('.bene, Foulards, Japanese Henrietta Cloths, Silk Skirb Waist Sugg (L Spring Jackets, Bilk Peitieoatn. Dressing Saeqaes, Fralcr. wear, Muslin Underwear. •• ‘ . ' 6 ' al”' WINDOW DRAPERY. ..f ' » Scrims, new patterns; Madras, pretty styles; Ruffled Swiss (j 50c, 75c, and $1-IX) a pair. Bohhinett $1.50. $2.00 $2.75 a pair. |M Nottingham 50c, excellent for $1-00pair. Battenberg $3.76 (o a $12.00 pair. Ivdunrdian $2.75, $3.75, $1. Ivory, Saxony, Ron- ne Homme, Just Imported. ■ . t KUTCfilSOft & GIBJiEV’S, XENIA, OHIO. T H F K IN D O F P O A ^ T JOANS made on Real Estate, Peri l 1L 1V81MJ W I 1 \ \ j t \ 3 I , L 80ntt] or Collateral Security, that are as good cold, as others can be had on ly by buying choice, meats, can’ t be hail everywhere, I t isn’ t CHOICE MEATS everybody that knows how to select them. 'iVe do and our shop ikwhere you .always find them . This hot Weather buy roasts o f us and serve Q. H. CROUSE , .CEDARVILLE, O. T H E . S E C R E T O F S U C C E S S William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W, J. Wildman, ^Cashier, O. L. Smith Asst. Cashier .“ No, Sir! You cannot palm o.T any substitute# on inc. I’ve been using'August Flowersiucc I was .a boy, anil I ’ll have no other.'' tJForty million bottles of August Flower sold in the United States alone since its introduction I And the demand for it is unfailing success iu the cure o f itiligestion a*id dy^-ierwia—the worst enemies of health und happiness? QfDocs it not afford the best evidence that August Flower is a sure specific for all stmnacli and intestinal .disonlerr,?—that it is the best of all liver regulators? tJ.Vugust Flower has. a matchless record of over 37 years in curing the ailing mil, lions of the-,e distressing complaints, s ff'i'wo fiizfs 25 c mid 75c. All druggists I-'iac Wiiterman, Cedarville,O. ToInvestors. PivtVml stoelc in tlie Cednr- ville Telpphone Company is> being offered to local investors at par. It is guaranteed to pay 6 per cent interest per annum and is to be paid semi annually. The stock is V A. Exemptfromtaxes* This is a good investment for a home company where you have watched its progress and rapid growth. Impure at the Exchange Bank .or ' ' D. Bradfute, Pres. WINONA LAKETHISSEASON . - A ' ' Will be PartiuularlyAttractive (or an Out- ing. The summer of 1905 is to b6 an especially attractive season atAVinona Lake, the beau tiful resort of' Northern Indiana on the Pennsylvania Lines. The Presbyterian General Assembly' will convene the May 13th. Noted speakers ami musicians have been engaged for flic summer entertain ments. There will be conventions and c<3- cial and- rcligjous conferences from May until September- The literary representa tion will be prominent. In brief, it will be a most profitable season educationally. Teachers and s'tndcnts who attend the Sum mer School will derive much benefit. W’inona Lake links, tennis courts baseball and cricket grounds, boating, fish ing. swimming and caniphig facilities. The Pennsylvania Lines run direct to the park en trance, Season and fifteen-day. -excur sion tickets may be obtained from ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Lines. Infor- {nation about Winona Lake, the season’s program, hotel aocogmodations etc., can be ascertained from H, (J/THcEey, Secretary and General Manager, Winona Lake, Ind. - 5 18. Saved by Dynamile. Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can’ t cross. Sometimes, a cough hangs on so long, you feel as I f 110th- ingbut dynai.dto would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun, Ga.t writes: “ My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awako nights Two physicians could not help her1, so she took Dr. King’s New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough gave her steep, and finally cured her.” Strictly scientific cure for bronchitis and La Grippe. At all drug store, price Efle and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle sree. Low Farej to Weit Barden. Account American Water Works Association meeting. Enjoy an out ing at noted springs of wonderful curative power, similar (o famous waters of Carlsbad. Particulars about fares and time of trains may be ascertained from ticket-agents of Pennsylvania Lines. Excursion to St. Louis. Account National Bapist Anniver sary. For information about fares, through train service etc., ask ticket agents of Pennsylvania Linos. EXCURSIONS TO COLORADO JUNE JSDTH TO JULY 3D, 1 VIA PENNSYLVANIA LINES. Special low fares to Denver, Co.Io- raJo Springe and Pueblo, account la* ternai'tonal Epworth League conven tion. Good time for health and plsts. mo seekers to visit famous Rocky Mountain resorts. Get full information from t’ckct agents of Permcylva#.a Lines. 7-3 SPRING SUITS FOR LAIDES Fine Stylish Sufts iirthe correct materials and colors at specially low prices for Spring in Voiles, Panamas Mohairs, Chiffon Broad cloths, Lightweight Cheviots and'Silks, in Black, Bides, Browns and Castors Prices. . ’ $ 1 0 . 0 0 . $ 1 2 . 5 0 . $ 1 5 . 0 0 . Tw o Specials Covert Jackets, One is allwool Covert good satin lininglatesfc and best of style would be good value at $10 .00 specially priced, $6.75. The otha lob is a clean up of our $10 .00 to $13.50. Fine Covert Jackets all well tailored and best of styles, Fit Garranteed, all very sepcially priced......... ............................................................................... ...... .^7.50 Great Silk Sale, Wo have just secured from a Silk bianufacture a large lot of choice new style of fanc^ silks that were made up to retail at 75cts a yard, in just tho colorings that ij.e wanted now we bought them so w« can sell for the extremely low price of 50cts a yard. This will be your silk opportunity of this year. 3*U Bros. $f Co., Xenia, 0 . EIGHTEEN P R E n iU H S to be distributed on Thursday, August, 31, ’05 T h e premiums w ill be pald in Uold as follow; First, $15; next five in $10 each; next tw e lve in $5 each. A sk for tickets on a ll 25c purchases, Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Oysters etc DO YOU WANT TO QO ON \ ? TOUR OF EUROPE T h e C incinnati Commercial Tribune WILL| fTAKE 5 0 WOMEN TO EUROPE They will go as guests of The Com mercial Tribune absolutely FREE W ITH A L L DXPKNBEB PA ID . ulam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Gomel* Jfigli nud Limestone street*. Springfield, .Ohio* Tired Nervous jVVhen you feel languid, tired, nervous and irritable, your vi* tality is low— yptif supply oi nerve energy exhausted, and 3’our system running down for lack o f powers The organs o f the body are work ing poorly, or not at all, and you are not getting the nourishment needed. This so© impoverishes the blood and fti* stead o f throw ing o ff the im purities, distributes it all through the body, .This brings disease and misery. Feed the nerves w ith Dr. M iles’ Nervine, a nerve food, a nerve medicine, that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, an see how qu ickly you' will gel strong and vigorous, “ My w ife Buffered w ith nprwusr,;-?; previous to a recent attack of typtrui fever, nut after her recovery from tuj fever, olio was much worke, and ec-.* hardly control herself .being cxceH". testy nervousT when the. least excite-, i Sho was very restlefci at nljrtit, never had a good night's rest., also suffered much front nervous ncif*! ache. Hr. Miles’ Nervine was r c « ":; mended by a friend. After tt;o £:■*: threo doses oho had ft irowl nl*m* rest, and at tho end of the first we.;**| treatment nh.o was wonderfully proved, Continued uso of Norvir.a r.w: completed her cutiro rare." OTTO KOI*?., 3621 Cherry fit, Bvansviitci Dr. Mllee* Nervino is sold who vvlll nuaranteo that first noitto wilt benefit. If it fai-*i win refund your money. Miles, M ed ica l C o ., Elkhart, I n ;
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