The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

w * % #/■ * W * W * ' 4 /%/ * ** -W*- ■• ^ •-■-'■ • . t OHIO'S GREATEST AND MOST MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE X X . X X X f o r M iM -e l h n M %Ym’k w i l l cob that o f my »tli< Six Stories and Base­ ment, 105,000 Square Feet •** . of Floor Space. Thirty Stores under one roof, each one stocked to its fullest capacity with the world's best merchandise : '23, 25, 27, 29 and 31 H IGH STR EET , S PR IN G F IE LD , OHIO. BEGINS TWEHTY-M FAC-SIMI • 9 43 v/matJT W r igh t REAL EST, CMSc*«r(ibCedaryl'd* 2 S Thursday Morning, July 20} OUR CLEARING SALE Have acquired such notoriety ail through Ohio that formal anrioucements on ly are necessary* Yet as each succeeding year brings increasing business to this great store, necessitating larger stocks, this sale should excel in importance all those of former years, as the stocks throughout this great store are much larger and much varied this season than ever before, and as the , purpose of these sales is to dispose quickly of all merchandise on on hand at the close of each season, to achieve and excel the success realized in all our former sales, we have made such prices in all departments that should interest every householder in Ohio, though hundreds o f miles from Springfield, and make” this sale the most memorable event in the history of this state and the greatest for buyers of mershandise as a m oney saving opportunity, TO OUT OF TOWN -* * • . - _ f •, , •• T o equalize your privileges of buying with those of our citizens, we shall pay the fare to Springfield on all cash purchases of $10 and upwards to all persons living within a radius of 50 miles of this city, and to give additional attractiveness to this sale, we shall issue our Gold Stamps absolutely free ofcharge on all cash purchases of 10c. and upwards, This means in actual cash value an additonal reduction of 5 per cent, W hen 50 0 stamps are saved, which represents$50 .00 w orth of merchandise purchased, we give you our Gold Certificate of $2 ,50 which can be used as cash in. purchasing in any of the 75 department of this great store, Upon reflecting on the extrordinary low prices of this sale, which we emphasize as the lowest in the United States, you 'll readily see the importance of being an early attendant at the opening, > X X REMEMBER, THIS GREAT SEM IANNUAL CLEARING SALE LASTS ONLY ONE WEEK X X J ADD IT IONA L LOCAL . Remember the* Cliirk County ['air, August 22, 23, 2t, 23, «<>. Mm. Uoht. J^ird, leaves the <U's( of h(< week, for Sulphur Lick rlngu. Mr. and Mrs. Harry if L on* loiiare visting relatives here. Miss Mattie Bromiigeit, has been ‘siiployed to leaeli at fjoveland, the •Mining year. •Tin* Greene comity fair this year [i'iomisv s lo eclipse anythin;? in pn - , ions years, Mr. and Ml’S, 'Houston Cherry, bined tie* tumping party Wednes* l a y . Mrft.Miirgt'et Crain, and daughter, Mabel, ,'uv .-.pending several Weeks ..ini Jamt-Hown, r ■lii*n***i. The beat general Store in liie ••saltyI*: f Bird'aMuim. >th. 1 Conte, : i' and test it, Tie* largest stork of nwimiUM a?id dry noons, ■Um ttSU i mitf HHOKM is heir .el };rfe.'-t tit * lowest. Try tut unite *>r Itteu. Mr, M. W. U.dhtu, who r-* ,id< s on i f 1 William Proi-tnr ./arm, near Uifinmtb thre.dted b». i f vlieat thin £::aioH. | Mr. J. II. Wolford has j ur 'based 1 i the Leary property. The con hh*r- atibn was $1,200. • | Hammock's $1,00, $1,00, to' $1.( i 0, each. A t Bird's. ; 1-----New honey for sale at J. If, Wolfords. t Mr. A. Bradford and wife visited j relatives and friends In Dayton sev- j oral days last week, Men’ s “ TROUSERS” the best in town to select front, prices $l.()t» to $5,00, per pair, At Bird’s, Tin* past week has been a busy j one with the farmers owing to sev- •eml o f Hie crops being 'harvested j together. The weather has h.*cn t l more suitable .for putting up ltay than at anytime yet and some ex -! eellent timothy is being harvested. ■ The threshing outfits are nil busy} and the quality of wheat is eonsid- f ered very good. The largist days ! threshing yet is reported to have) been done for Turnbull brut hers on tlte Jaiiiefitmvn pike. One nmehine threshed 3,WHWbushels in one day* The Oats crop in being cut and if the wef weather bolds oif l mg; enough to get thin crop thre:.hed a very ! the farmers will have had good season for Itarvesfing. t —Tuesday will he the free day for ! children at the Greene County Fair.! Mrs, Harriet Mills, Mrs. Florence 1 ltcmshurg, and Mrs. Cora Mills am i, son, Hubert, o f ,Springfieid,arc v isit-: ing Mr. and Mrs, J. H. W o lfo rd ,' and family. » t Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, o f. Mouth ( ’ harleslon,, were guests the first of tin* week of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harper. Mr. Hh Small and Miss Rena, of Springfield, were guest Sabbath,* of Mr. and Mrs. \V, II. fliife, and family. We pay 18c per lb. for choice But­ ler. We pay, tic p.-r Do/,. for fresh Kggs. At Bird's, Rev. Homer McMillan who has been in tin* south the pasl year is visiting itis parents. .Mr., .lames McMillan and family. Mrs, Jessie Smith. of Xenia, was the guest (he first, of the'week o f Dr. and Mrs, K C. OgWlx c. ' We sell 25 Hi. raekit Fine Granul.'i-* led Mugar for $1 (i't. \ We m *U atL lh, sacks ,Snow Ball; or Golden Rule Muttr fo r ’foe. At Bird’s, t P0RTEE-3ADGER A pretty wedding took place,"Wed­ nesday at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat in Badger when their daughter Miss Myrtle was united in*marriage to Mr. \V. M. I’orlec of Murfrees- borotigh, 111. l iomptlyat four o'clock, to the Mendclsshon wedding march and Kosary played i»y Mr. Oifa Daniels, the bridal party entered, the impres­ sive ring ccremoney being performed by R *v. W. .1. Maxwell of Wilher- for>*e. 'J’Jie bri'iie looked very pretty in her mol Iters wedding gown, of white- point De Esprit i^ver white- sills mo- luiir. She also Wore a white, tulle veil. Tin* matron of honor, Mrs. Wm. Hall ami U10 bridesmaid Mjss Hos- ana Badger wore white htissia clollt over fillk, Immediately following Hie cere­ mony the btiuaj party led the way to (he dining room, where a four course sttpper was served. 'I'llos *seated a! the brides table besides the bride and groom were: Lieut. D. F, Build and Miss Bosntta Badger. Mr. and Mi's, Naylor, Mr. Oil’a* Daniels anti Miss Coop<*r, The brides bouquet was caught f by Miss Laura Wright. When the! cake was cut Mr. Ren Rudd recieved 1 the ring. The bride's going away j gown was grey cloth. The bride is a graduate of the Cedarville High Behool a td of the elass of 1000 of W’ ilberfo'rce Univer­ sity, and for a number of. years lias been Ass’ t Principal of the High School at Owensboro, Ky. Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs, Bowles, of Jamestown,! Mrs. JcmluuBmld, of Murfreesboro, Mr. and Mrs,Naylor, o f Springfield, 111,,Mr. ami Mrs. Hall, of Spring- field, Miss Cooper, of Selma, and Miss Beatrice Jackson, v of Beau­ fort, Ky. ; Mr. and-Mrs. -Por-tce, left Wednes­ day evening for Murfreesboro, where they will he at home to their friends at North Walnut St. after July 21st. 1 € i The Genuine M ROGERSBROS! Spoons, Forks, Knives,etc. Mr. John Leary, after several weeks visit here with friends, re­ turned tiiis week to his home, in San Fransieo, Cal. - The 53d anmtaf fair of the ('lark County Agricultural Society will ho held in Springfield, August 22-20. Remember the running races <m Saturday.% ' v 1 ... -fun Knife, >€§ have all the qualities in design,.work* manship and finish of the best ster- r ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. .......... - Much of the sterling now on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in­ ferior in every way to ''Silver Plate Hint IVcars ” T& rxm t- r.»R Ask yotlr dealer tor • If.*7 ROGERS BROS,*’ Avoid substitutes. Our lull trade-mark is "1847 ROGERS BROS." look tor it. Sold by leading dealers . everywhere. Before buying write tor our catalogue "C -L ," mF.nvATnmr, sn/nr, n>., MERIDENBRITANNIA00., Meriden, Cons, ^JO iJ tl £a p h k t "ffio /Utut ; ^ • i d u • a h u u w % fti*- * ~t/td- tftwu ‘t vbtffotyL c j ' " }}(A l^tCLy- Auici- X ■ A (K jt ' u & ,* 'timx. db*+u*£j 'title. p ; / - - « j I *1 the last issue copy of the letter pu ;July 14, making eer.ta . -reward was offered f some men will do to g .back o f a newspaper " -j ers and how much cr ‘ ' That Mr. Biegler' . ^ proprietor of that paj F o ley , or by a person -V ’shielding. Whether *;iV the article was publt the proprietor and pi ; The above is a fat ; wh ich he still has. 5) lisher of the"'gangs’ [published over Mr. S j The Herald’ s offe istitution in town,Jstil **• DEPOSITORS A meeting' ot the the "Yellow,Springs ) in the opera house £ [Monday night. About one hundre fe.*; depositors were pi * 7, ; practically unanim T4 ^agreed to a propos .'if, '■ former Cashier Puck ^ *take.25 per cent o f 11 ■. 25 per cent in' thirty 1remaining 50 per cer tlie last to draw ii t .*V Icent. I ' ' They elected Get j . well known farm j clergyman, to act a I Jmaking the settlenu I Mr Puckett, now ] (the receivership reli I open the bank will OPEN AIR * The K . o f P. h; ■ .open air concert^Ki 'on the lawn at the 1 * * house, beginning The lawn will be di occasion with ele Japanese lanterns, cake will be served go to the band to t> a new set of nutslei PUBLIC t ; Public Hale of si* .day'August, Ilf Ii. , Selma School gri ■' Ohio, the folloWinr About one acre one room buildin;. of Helma, known Warner’ s district. About one acre one room brick se mites .west of Sell Independence disl About one acre one room brick se miles south of S> College (’ oruer or • About two Here: , village of Selma. Selma School gre Sale begins at 1 Terms of sale, <’a G. JU Starkey’ s, in H, only shoe dealers tail at wbolesah save 16 to 25 per 1 chaao you make one profit bHwt matiufftetimr. - Get DoeriuL- kt tiono at Wolfuiil The Xenia jgharanteea gm . A l e s f t h d e r A g i-u