The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
tf i m 0 m »tmm tm mm w t ,{ . t. The Cedarville Herald. jft WONDERFUL RECOVERY. ritsr*cl XaTtowk** JC&H I-rll IWJLW " - w a i t e r , ' | i , o o P £ r Y e a r . . HUBAY JULY » Federal grand juri'-s seem detor- rnsut’d to make the pemtvmtaries very exeltr*Ivo society resorts, . If tin1 jj.-w explosive “ du rm ih” proves pr< Jty powerful, if ought to be just the thing fur bill collectors. If Japan wiH'IjSut hu rry and take Viadivostock, there will be nothing a t all to negotiate about at Ports mouth. The W eather Bureau Is predict ing more warm weather.. Tf th a t is tjib best it can do, it m ight as well take, a Vacation till tali'. * Tom Lawson wants to . put Mr. Rockefeller in tbo hands of a re- t oiver. From a ll we have heard of Mr. Rockefeller, it probably would go p retty hard with the receiver. A Texas correspondent the other day actually interupted Secretary Wilson to ask about stamping out thejboll weevil. As if' the Secretary did not have trouble enough already A'Montana waiter has patented a device for raising 30,000 bushels of potatoes to the acre He is-waisting his time in Montana. Pie belongs in Wall Street. Applications have come Ln thick and fast by citizens a t home and over the county wanting to see our ‘‘manure spreader” in operation when we hitch “Maud” and the “ Goat.” Other towns in the county have their eyes on us as to having no ordinance against “ drunks” then again they are laughing up their sleeves as to what a ‘‘machine made” administration costs the tax payers. For- instance $2.9(1 and no money to pay bonds th a t are due. The residents of South Main street have noticed a remarkable change as to the keeping of the peace on Saturday and Sabbath nights by those who usually loaf near the railroad. “ Ju s t why this change all*of a sudden cannot be explained” says a’ gentleman a day or two ago, nnless.the H e ra ld , is re sponsible for it by the publication of the article “The Lid is Off.” There was considerable fun made over Mr 'Siegler 1 s speech a t the meeting of council some time ago when the village clerk was laid in “ the hay” and which time Mr. Siegler demanded the "payment of a bond, getting in return the sneers of some of the-members of the legisla tive body. Nevertheless before the week was over council reconsidered their action and very quietly made arrangements to ptty Mr. Siegler w ha t was due, him, showing conclu sively th a t ho knew what lie was talking about. Some papers seem to think th a t the uncovering of “ graft” all over the country m Federal, state and municipal affairs is an indication th a t there has been more veniality under the present administration than in any th a t proceeded it. The slightest reflection ought to convince - anyone tha t this is not the case bu t th a t the country now has if presi den t who is not afraid of a through hotisceloanliig no m atter how much "du st in raised In the process. The record Is to the discredit of the \ country It is true, bu t it can reflect nothing hut (-fecit on the adminis tration th a t Is dealing with If fear lessly. From the lime of the Cuban postal frauds under the MqKinley administration to the present rows in the Agriculture Department and the Government Printing O/llee, the country a t large lias been treated to am a s s of unsavory revelations. R u t the grafters both big and little are awaking to the fact that the time has cotne for a square deal all round. The frauds in the Fostofilee ‘ a Department, the western land frauds reaching from the Mexican to the Canadian line, the leakage of fell*'! crop reports, the discoveries of irregularities in the Schuylkill A rsenal and scamped work a t the Charleston Navy are only in dication tha t the government has heretofore been regarded as on easy mark for any one unscrupulous enough to nwindle it. If the Amer ican eonselt'W’c has been awakened 1ty. a mo i in the White r.Bong tough to ntiioge out Uinvef- wftt v’licfovot they nto found, i t VA ju UI he a poor return to try and o.o.Etrffc-.- .. _ ...... &U& Si4aajff; tirxt,* is# mytej* 3V .%**Z3Jiczrzetttaa* desc*,I ksu w btsa * B r ig h t ’s D i s e a s e ., £3 a Ugs eeacsfclrfr?TtePt3?3tbataff jo S A>*. HzvrS KcsecfJy* Jftnmcgo - e l li >V* e* .t \ euinoiF-f^tb-jitcJiHAUuicltj. Ml \ ;nj^otcn#Si!a«^ct<ia:flaf tk»diM«sei - J * I OWE EVERYTHING TO 1doc^tt.Tonajriaui# l^c3EatfcaK»»’J c tU ’-*fc*Ek,E0EWH» ,„ t,£r U»bledicr, tztmcsa > . llEE.lspili.Cacf til* l:OBCXE13BCTe;i» teg tf Ui 0 tSc;bs, *r.d I36E7 dbcT Dr. D. Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy, PiSco »1J 0for*3. hamper him with warnings that he m ight burn down the bam in kill ing t!v> rats. 'What the country needs is more thorough awakening still. .President Roosevelt needs the moral support of every decent ^citi zen In carrying out the work he has undertaken. I f he is supported in his work for honesty in the pub lic service, ho probably will do a very thorough job by 1908. The grafter is no t usually a fool, and when he finds that the penalty of stealing is going to jail, he will re spect his neighbor’s property rights even though th a t neigh nor be the government. Co-operation' Is dne the President who is seeing things in the proper light. Terrific Race With Death. “ Death was -fast approaching,” ' writes Ralph F, Fernandez, of Tam pa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, “as a resu lt of liver trouble a n d 'h e a r t disease, -which had robbed me qf sleep atid of all in terest in life. I had tired many dif ferent doctors and several medicines but got no benefit, until I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect, tha t in three days I felt like a new' man, and today I am cured of all my troubles.” Guaran teed a t all drug store; price 60c. CEDAR SPRINGS New Health and Pleasure Resort At-. ■trading Much Attention. Springs of wonderful curative power similar to the famous waters of Cars- had are attracting many to the health and pleasure resorts of Cedar Springs, .reached by. the Pennsylvania lines, via New Paris, O. Hotel accommodations are under capable management. Varied recreation is offered: Outdoors on the tennis courts and croquet.lawns; In doors In the Chib house where there Is a diversity of amusements arid games. For particulars about fares and time of trains apply to ticket agents of Penn sylvania Lines. d-3-l REGIMENTAL REUNIONS. On September 18, 1906, will occur the forty-second anniversary of the Battle of Chickamauga. I t is pro posed to celebrate this.memorable event with a reunion of the various regiments th a t participated in this memorable battle, and, in addition, to lfold a t! h e same ttm e irg rahd re union of all tbo regiments th a t par ticipated in the various, battles fought arouud Chattanooga. This reunion trill bo held a t Chieka- mauga National Park , September 18, 19 and 20,. and the present indica tions are th a t it will be the largest and most notable gathering ever held in the South. On tli,e above dates, the remnants from the armies of twelve statoftV cbmpffiig'fhe fol- lowing: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michi gan, Iilinous, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Jotva, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Kentucky, : will assemdle, many for the first time since they marched from its blood-stained fields, forty-two years ago. Grand and glorious will be the meeting and all who attend will have cause to rejoice. The lowest rato ever secured luis lven given the entire public for this occasion, one cent per mile, short line distance. Here is one of the great opportun ities for tluCeducafion of the youth." Don’t fall to take your children and show them historic Chattanooga, with all Its historical connections. It is the opportunity of a lifetime. Go and see the old war generals and other officers point out the places of interest on the battlefield; let them show you and explain, in person, the makers erected on il,■ battle field showing the of the opposing armies a t the time of bat- tlr. I t will not bo long until none will be left to do this noble work; take this opportunity and don’t let it escape you, it is worth six months ih the school room to any student. I t will bo m any years, if over again, th a t snob an opportunity will present itself. Bee th a t your tickets read via the Louisville & Nashville H. R. *the Battlefield Route. Gall on your nearest railroad agent for rates and advertisingmattor pertain ing to the reunion, or write nearest representative of the Louisville & Nashville R. K. J . H. 31tlliken, I). P. A., Louis- vill, Ky. F. 1). lim it, B. P. A . rinei/inatl, Ohis. • J , J). Davenport, T). P. A. Bt. Louis, Mo, IL (j; Bailey, N , W. Ik A ., Chica go, 111 . .CASTOR IA J?oi*Xnfaiitrj and Children. fis M You t o Always iois'gfit 5GfoMS the $ 1 OVER THE’HOUSE ' , Hint* on Sweeping and the Cara of iho Brcsm. Brooms that' are choked with duet, hair tmd threads cannot do ef- in live sm it e. They ehould he kept dean. Jveep a pailful of warm suds in the sink every sweeping day, and as t fton as the broom becomes, dusty take it to the sink, dip it up and down in the pail, shake well and continue the sweeping. Then, when all is swept, wa.-h it once more be fore putting it away. Not only will the broom wear longer, the suds toughening the splints, but the car pet will look brighter. _ Many use a sprinkling of ta ll be fore sweeping. While this brings out the color, it gathers dampness. Do not sweep from one side of the room alone.-0 It will wear uneven and shorten its life. 1‘arpct sweepers should be freed idrom dm-t and threads before being put away, and as Die brush wears off it should be lowered a trifle. A few drops of oil stops:the squeaking of the wheels. • A House Cleaning Help. Many housekeepers have yet' to learn "the value of whiting. It cleans without staining and will save much unnecessary work. For Vhite paint, when the latter is very dirty, it is particularly good. Mix powdered and sifted whiting to a consistency of cream with tepid water. .Brush off the paint to be cleaned with a soft, clean-cloth and rub the whiting well into it with, a coarse flannel. Before the place dries wash d t off with- clear hot water and a fresh cloth, and rub the surface perfectly dry. Do not try to dean a,large surface all. at once, for the whiting must be washed off dries. Be sure to polish it well at the finish. Hub with the grain of the wood. . . Fireproof Paints. . A good paint is made of - ten . pounds of finely powdered glass, ten pounds of pulverized porcelain, five pounds of calcined lime and fifteen pounds of silicate of soda. Apply with.a brush and let the first coslt work- in' before applying a second. Zinc chloride and sodium silicate are much used, but the chloride vol atilizes and the other washes off. A better-solution than this, and one that is not much known, is' three pounds of almn and one pound of copperas in solution. Apply two coats and add a solution of copper as mixed with powdered clay. Genuine Mexican Chili. ■ Chop the desired quantity of pep pers and add ten pounds of ripe to- ihatoes, peeled and sliced; two pounds of onions, peeled and chop ped; four ounces of salt, seven ounces of green peppers, six ounces of brown sugar, one'and a half pints of vinegar. Boil all together in a granite porcelain, kettle for several hours, or until quite thick, then pack in air tight' cans or jars. Scrambled Eggs and Onions. - Allow' .two eggs and a half onion to euch person to be served. But a little butter in the frying pan and put the mincciLouion-in this. Fry until it begins to brown, then pour in the eggs, slightly beaten, and stir until scrambled, seasoning with salt and pepper. Disease takes ho summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott’s Emulsion summer as in winter. Send for free cample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Ctietalot*. 409*41$ Pearl Street, ITew York* 50c* and $«.oo; all dniggta. 1 J £ E D 1 C I N 1 £ 1 T h i s g r e a t e t o c k m c d i c i n o l a a * m o n e y c a v e r f o r c lo c k r a ic c r a . I t ! i s a m e d i c i n e , n o t a c h e a p f o o d o r 2 c o n d i t i o n p o w d e r . T h o u g h p u t vp * i n c o a r s e r f o r m t h a n T h e d f o r d ’s ' B l a c k - D r a u g h t , r e n o w n e d f o r t h e e u r o o f t h e d i g e s t i o n t r o u b l e s o f p e r c o n a , i t h a s t h e F a m e q u a l i t i e s o f i n v i g o r a t i n g d i g e s t i o n , B t ir r in g u p t h e t o r p i d l i v e r a n d l o o s e n i n g t h e c o n s t i p a t e d b o w e l s f o r a l l s t o c k a n d p o u lt r y . I t ia c a r e f u l l y p r e p a r e d a r .d i t o a c t i o n id s o h e a l t h f u l J | t h a t s t o c k g r o w n n d t h r i v e w i t h a n o c c a s io n a l d o s e i n t h e i r f o o d . I t c u r e s h o g c h o l e r a a n d m a k e s h o g s j | g r o w f a t . I t c u r e s c h i c k m c h o l e r a a n d r o u p a n d m a k e s b e n a l a y . I t c u r e s c o n s t i p a t i o n , d i s t e m p e r a n d : c o ld a i n “h o m e s , m u r r a in i n c a t t l e , . a n d m a k e s a d r a u g h t a n i m a l d o i m o r e w o r k f o r t h e f o o d c o n s u m e d , i I t g i v e s t u i i m a lo a n d - f & w l a o f a l l j k i n d s h e w l i f e . l i v e r y f a r m e r a n d j r a is e r s h o u l d e e i l a i n l y g i v e i t a j t r i a l . - I t c o s t a 26 c , a c a n a n d s a v e s t e n | t i m e s i t s p r i c e i n p r o f it . .Pirrsnono, K as ., r.JnrcJi 23, 133 j, , I two beenusingyon*KlftoJs-nfnurfit1 fitoek anil Poultry Medicine on mV1 ntoclt for nomo time. I Jia,VQucfil afl Itliids cl stock food but 1have tout'd that yours is tbo best tor my purpose. J. 8 . HASSOW. 8 Sh e K ind Ton Have Always Bought,, and which has b eca in u se fo r over 30 years, has borne th e signature o f * and has heenm ade under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. ....... ... Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jh st-as-good” are hnt Experiments th a t trifle w ith and endanger th e healii o f Infant'} and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, I t is Pleasant, I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic • substance. J t i age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles,, cures Constipation “land Flatulency, I t ussiimilates th e Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, g iving healthy and natural sleep* The Children’s Panaeea -Th e Mother’s Friend. G ENU IN E CASTORIA A LW A YS Bcarp the Signature o f TheKindYouHayeAlwaysBought In Use For Over 30 Years. THEC*«T»OB.OMM1.V, Tf MUMMY*T«KT. N*W*O.KCITY. SUMM ER SEASON f DRESS FABRICS No p a s t seafeott have we had such a nice collection or ec3«- tion of sty lish Dress Goods , Figured B rillian ts 60c to $1.00 . Mohairs 59c to $1.7p. Panama Cloths, N ea t P in Check Bilks. Crepe do Chens, Foulards, Japanese H en rietta Cloths, Silk S h irt W aist Bi^SSa. Spring Jackets, S ilk Petticoats. Dressing fiacques, Fnder- 'ivear. Muslin Underwear. a W IN D O W D R A PER Y . Scrims, now pa tte rn s; Madras, p re tty styles; Ruffled Swiss 60c, 75o, and $L00 a pair, Bobbinett $1.50, $2.00 $2.75 a pair. Nottingham 60c, excellent for $1.00 pair. Battenberg $B,76 to $12.00 pair. Eduard ian $2.75, $8.75, $4. Ivory, Saxony, Bon ne Homme, J u s t imported. HflTGHlSOR, & GlBflEY’S, X E N I A , O H I O . r e x g m g e -B jq i? C E D A R V I L L E , O H I O . A C C O U N I S o f e r c h a n t a a n d I n - d i v i d u a l s s o l i c i t e d . C o l l o o t i o n r p r o m p t l y m a d e a n d r e m i t t e d . ] T V R A F T S o n N e w Y o r k a n d G in - " c i n n a t i g o l d a t l o w e s t r a t e s . T h e c h e a p e s t ' a n d m o s t q o u V e n i e u t w a y t o s e n d m o n e y b y m a i l . “ T A K F T H K r i l T " I T O A N S m a d e o n R e a l E s t a t e , P e r - I r \ l \ l _ l l l l J V x U l , i s o n a l o r C o l l a t e r a l S e c u r i t y . "Wo recommend it; there isn 't any better.” In mid-summer you have to trust a largo degree to your butcher. Well Cared For Meats. in hot. weather a re the only kind to buy; we liave>proper appliances for keeping them right, and they’re sweet and safe when sold. Don’t go meat shopping when it's hot. Buy o/ us and be sure.. C. H. CROUSE, CEDARVILLE. O. \ W i l l i a m W i l d m a n , P r e s . , S e t h W . S m i t h , V i c e P r e s . , W. J. Wildman, Cashier, O. L. Smith Asst. Cashier CONSUMPTION’S WARNING lucid* fact* noon become evident in outside symptom*.— DA. O. G.O ues .- i . 4fThe aid of scientific inventions is not needed to determine whether your lungs are affected. The first symptoms can Be readily noted by anyone of average In telligence. <JThere Is no disease known that gives so fitany plain warnings of its approach os consumption, and no serious disease that can be so quickly reached and checked, if the medicine used is Dr., Boschee’s German Syrup, which is made to cure consumption. " I t ia in the early stages that German n, w sfyrup should bo taketf^ hen warnings aro given in the cough that won’t quit, the congestion of the bronchial lubes and the gradual weakeutrfj of the lungs, ac companied by frequent expectoration. ((But- no matter how deep-seated your cough, even if dread consumption lias already attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure—as it has dona before in thousands of apparently hopeless cneea of lung- trouble. IJNew trial bottles, 25 c. Regular size, 75 c. At all druggists. • I s a a c W i s t c r f f l a n , C e d a r v i l l e , ( ) . Low Parcs to West Barden. Aceotmf, American Water Works Aacociniiun meeting. Enjoy an out ing, a t noted springs of wonderful curative power, sim ilar to famous waters of Carlsbad. - Particu lars about, fares .and time of tralnp may be ascertained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania Linos. -S tatuok O hio , C ity of T oj . eho , > L itas C ounty j . F uank .T, C hijsry tnnkes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of K, J. C up . ney &Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county, nnd state oforeaid, nnd that said film will pay the Bums ONE IirNDIlED DOLLARS for each e.v.jry casa of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H u.r/s (' Wnc, PRANK J. CHUNKY, fhvofn to before me and mil.smbed in my presence, this Oth day of Du-ember, A. !>■ 18W, r - -1 . A. W. tif.KASuN, j ftBAJ-1 Notary Public Hall's < -ftttlrrli cute in (taken inb rnnily and m( k directly on the blood and mucous eurfactB of “the system. Fend for testimoni als, free. WINONA LAKE THIS SEASON Will be Partiuulariy Attractive for a n Outing. The summer of 1005 is to be an especially attractive senson at Winona Lake, the blau* tiful resort of Northern Indiana on the Pennsylvania Lines. The Presbyterian •General Assembly will convene the May l>ith. Noted speakers and musicians have been engntred for tbo summer entertain ments. There will be conventions and co- elnl and religious conferences from May until September- The literary representa tion will bo prominent. In brief, it will b* a most profitable season educationally. Teachers and students who attend tlio Sum, mer School will derive mhch benefit Winona Lake bos golf links, tennis courts hasehaKand^rrrireTgroMndfi,'hdatfng|—fish ing, swimming and camping facilities. The Pennsylvania Lines rn'n direct to-Iho park entrance. Season and'fifteen-day excur sion tickets may be obtained from ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Lines. Infor mation about Winona take, the season's program, hotel ncco 0 modntionu etc., can b* ascertained from S, C. Dickey, Secretary and General -Manager, Winona Lake, Jnd. —5-18. — Nani’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High nnd Limestone street Springfield, Ohio, Q ueen &C rescent route Southern Ry. -----BETWEEN------ Cincinnati Chattanooga A tlan ta Birmingham Knoxville A shev ille Mobile Jacksonville New Orleans Shreveport ■a n d Texas Points Oeafcl*Sally fn 31 ma» Service Is Chattanooga, Atlanta, Jacksonville, and New Orleans Dining and Observation Cars, For Information and Rotas aMres, Cha*.W, Sfcll, 4 t h a n d fe n c e S t r e e t , , C i n c i n n a t i , W ,' A , G a r r e t t , W , C , R l n e a r s e n , G e n 'I M if r . G < n ’l f t i « « ‘r A tft, C i n c i n n a t i , O k i e . EIGHTEEN PREfllUHS to be distributed on Thursday, August, 31, ’05 The premiums will be paid, in Gold as follows, First, $15; next five in $10 each; next twelve in $5 each. Ask for tickets on all 25c purchases. O . C . W B I I U B R Fresh and Stilt'Meats, Fish, Oysters etc W J P j A « y V E G E T A B L E S I C I L I A N i l A L L 5 HairRenewer Why not stop this falling of you r hair?. At this rate you will soon be without any hair* Ju s t remember that Hali’sfHair Renewer stops failing hair, and makes ha ir grow. W ’"alTfSSii"*co“ 1R LITTLE NOMSENSE. 8 tory of a Darky Who*e Name Was the Same as George Washington's. A Mobile man tells the following story of an odd character in that town who for many years has done a thriving business in hauling ashes. One day, says the Mobile mnn, he chanced to be in the rear of Itis house when the darky in question was preparing to depart with / the customary -load,- “I ’ve -seen you haul away many a load of ashes," said the owner of the house, “but, my good man, during all these years I ’ve never had the least idea ofvournamc. What is it ?w ' “Mah name is George Washin- ton, Bah/’ replied the old man, with a duck of his. head. “George Washington, eh ?” reiter ated the questioner. “I t seems to me/i-he-addedj^Avith-wsnttler'ffhat I’ve heard that name before.” “Reckon you have, sail,” came the answer in all seriousness, “ ’cause T s been haulin’ ’way ashes from yo’ house for more’n ten years 1”— Harper's Weekly. Another .View. “A man can pay no greater com pliment to a great man than to name his baby after him,” said the optimist. “And yet,” answered the pes- Bhuist, “after seeing how the baby turns out in later life it sometimes looks like grounds for a libel suit.” -—Baltimore News. Fellow Sufferers. “I don’t suppose you know what it is to be exposed to temptation every moment of your working dav, ns I am?” “I ’m not so sure • about that. Wliat’s your occupation ?” “1 am a hank cashier.” “Shake! I’m a berry picker.”— Chicago Tribune. What Frightened Hor. Grace—Weren't you very nervous while Jack ivaa proposing? Blioehe--J should nay sol 1 wag 00 afraid he would ho interrupted, A I j i v i n g Monument. I f we were to assemble all those, who have been cured of , heart disease by Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure, and who would to-day be in their graves had not Dr. Miles’ been successful in perfecting this wonderful, heart specific, they would pop- - ulate a large city. What a remarkable record-r- a breathing, thinking, moving „ monument, composed o f human a lives,—that for which every other earthly possession is sac- - rificed. . ,*The Miles Medical Co. re ceive thousands o f letters from these people like the following^--- Indebted to tho Dr. Allies' ' H eart Curo for my life. I dcalre to call tho attention of others suffering as I did to this remarkable remedy for tho heart. For a long- time I had'suffered from shortness- of braath after any little exertion, palpitation of the heart;, .and a t times terrible pain ln the region of the heart, so serious th a t I feared th a t I would some time drop dead upon tho otreot. One day 1 road one of your circulars, and Immediately -went to my druggist and purchased two bot tles of the H eart Cure, and took It according to directions, with the result th a t I am entirely cured. Since then I never miss an opportunity to recommend this remedy to my friends who have heart trouble; In fact I am a traveling advertlement, for I am widely known ln this locality. J . H . BOWMAN, Manager of Lebanon Democrat, Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Mite*' H eart Cure Is sold by Vour druggUt, who will guarantee that the first Dottle will benefit. If It fall* he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,- Ind CONSIDER THIS OUTING. By far the most attractive trip for health and pleasure the coming va cation season, is th a t offered by Ilie. Seashore excursion Thursday, Aug ust 17th, over Pennsylvania Lines to A lautic City, Gape May and seven o ther famous summer heavens (>:> the Alautic Coast. The, fast through trains over Pen* l.sylviuriaJLdnes take passengers in a few hours out of hea t and lnnnUli* ty of summer to th e 000 I breezes of old ocean. This mid-August excur sion occurs in the season ior rest when it is most convenient, to leave business.” Excursionists have the. added pleasure of seeing Alautic City when it is in full tide of the fashionable season. The great*?! representative gatherings eytr known a t any resort are seen at At lanfio 'City. As many ns fitVM people a t one time promt nade tL 1 famous broad walk. The fasbioji’ able bathing hours present an on- paralleled scene-fully 100,000 buthtbi in the sea and on the beach. The hcafhful effect of tlicM-ashm-' trip IAdue to the salt ami pine ok* 80 beneficial has th is proved tto' phyaieinps send their patients the:? to get the benefit of breathing t‘-° pure ocean air. . Hpedial low fares will be in eik-" for t his BoOShbr excursion. Full 5-* formation will he freely given 17 local ticket agents of the Petmpjl* va itto J4i|ee. . li - ■ft ¥' f We By ret] first ht new g< All T; Ladies Sips mm Cucsdl J LO CA L AN | ' L e a v e y o u r D b a r b e r s h o p f o r | M e s s r s . F . P . H a s t i n g s a n d t b | t h e f i f t e e n t h \v< D r . n n d M r s . . l | X e n i a , M o n d a y , M r . R o y H e n j O , Y . P . C . C . e< i l t o n , ( > . , t h i s v | g a t e f r o m t h e l { U n i t e d P r a s h y t f | W a n t e d T w o b o y s , w h o a r e l e a r n t o t i e b u d 1! s e h N u r s e r i e s . C e d i | M r . C l i a r l e s D e l e w a r e , (>. . f r i e n d s a n d r e l r l u n l a y u n t i l T u l N a g l e y b u s a ] | I n a g r o c e r y i n f I n g b i s v a c a t i o j d a y s i n S p r t n J h e r e . M r . I ) . A . C r J s o n w a i i i n t o ] a f t « ‘r b i s b u l n u m b e r o f f n r i l a r o S h i p p i n g e i l W e s t J e f f e r s m f M r . J . I I . f u r n i t u r e d - . i i b e i n g a b l e t o t l f u r n i t u r e d e a l J a f e w d a y s a p j h o u s e f i n :m *<-h i | Ciiarb s (’.re: tlon as ear n| Toledo ami li hoadquarteto S e v e r a l d a ;< ■ Mrs, H. W.j h i'r home in several motitll MfC, W, ih Tl m
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