The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
4 Hi a { / \ WING to a change of firm name that will take place on or about SEPTEMBER 1st, we are offering our " I lentlre stock consisting of Men's and YoungMen's Clothing and furnishing Goods at GREATLY REDUCED * ^ FIGURES, It Is our aim to dispose of as much of ourpresent stock as possible In order that the new firm may start off with as clean and new a stock of goods as possible. This fact will be demonstrated by prices^ figures that cannot lie, In order to prove to you that we mean just what we, say, we respectively call your attention to prices quoted below, Every article In this Sale Is a money^saver and marked In plain figures, Cannot be misunderstood, s s Men’s-and Youths S u its $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 V Suits, Sale price $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 Suits, Sal§ price $12.00,12.50 and $13.50 Suits, Sale price $15.00, $16.50 and $! 8 . 5 o Suits, Sale price $2o.oo and $22.00 Suits, Sale price One lot pf Youth's Suits, all wool, All Two-Piece Suits, in crashes, flannels, etc., both • 7 T & boy’s and men’s "sizes, will be sold during this Sale t /**&&&# at oHg.half original price. Pants Suits > w — r HACXCTV,CA.M«.TtCQ. $2.00 and $2.50 suits $3.00 and $3.50 suits $4.00 and $4.50 suits $5.00 and $6.00 suits One lot All Wool Knee Pants Suits. Sale price Sale price $1 00 Trousers, Sale price 1 50 Trousers, Sale price 2 00 Trousers, Sale price M EN 'S ODD T R O U S E R S 79c $1 15 1 45 1 75 2 25 3 00 3 35 3 75 4 50 BO Y ’S K N E E P A N T S 2 50 Trousers, Sale !price 3 00 Trousers, Sale price 4 00 Trousers, Sale price ♦ 4 50 Trousers, Sale price 5 oa Trousers, Sale price 6 00 Trousers, Sale price 25. and 35c Pants, Sale price 50c Pants, Sale price 75c Pants, Sale price 1 00 Pants, Sale price , Men’s and Boy’s Shirts 19c 39c 63c 50c Shirts, Work and Dress 1 00 DresS Shtrts 150 Dress Shirts 79c 1 15 FU R N ISH IN G DEP .T . $100 Hats, Sale price 1 50 Hats, Sale price 2 00 Hats, Sale price 2 50 Hats, Sale price 3 00 Hats, Sale price C A P S F O R M E # A w n B O Y S 25c Caps, Sale price 50c Caps, Sale price 1 00 Caps, Sale price 79c 1 15 1 35 1 79 2 25 19c 41c 79c U N D E R W E A R 50c per garment, Sale; price x 00 per garmeut, Sale price P One lot at ____ 79c . 19c ( 3c J White and Fancy Handkerchiefs 4 C ■ 19c J 25c Belts at “ 19 C d 50c Belts at 39c 1 75c Belts at 63c Blue and Red Handkerchiefs at i f! Better grades at 7 C * 1 l C $ Neckties, Hosiery, Etc, at similar prices BRADY & No Tickets Given During Th is Sale, Main Street, XENIA, O i ADD IT IONAL LOCAL. -Remember the Clark County Fair, August 22, 22, 24, 23, '20. Alfa. Marion Wcluger and daugh ter, Carrie, of Greenville, are visit ing Mrs, Hold. Watt. Miss Jtola IJownaril amt Mildred McCollum, returned Monday, from a visit with Wilmington relatives. Mian Ruth Tnrhox, of Xenia, was the guest of Mrs. Gertrude Btor* inolU, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Torrence, of Kouth Charlcnlou, wore guest from .Saturday nnlil Monday of Mw. Hallo tim y . Mra. EIizaheui.GalbreaHi has re turned from an extended visit with Jtov. ami Mrs, Itoht. Galbreatlt at lk>a?l)<wu, Mleti; —The Greene County F a ir will be held August 8 , 0 ,10, 11, Get. a free catalogue of R, I?. Greive, Xenia. Mrs. J , I). Williamson, has re turned from a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Kobt. llryson. of Xenia. Messrs. Clyde B a rr and Joe Mc Farland, were guest of friends, here Babbath, Mr. John McElroy, of Dayton, is circulating among his friends here this week. Mrs. F lora Karch has returned to Chicago after a two weeks visit with relatives here. Mrs. Kate Jackson, of Xenia, is visiting a t the home of Mr. Henry Kyle, ( *■The 53d annual fair of the Clark ’County Agricultural .Society Will he hold in Bpringfiold, August 22-20. Remember the runn ing races on £fatun)ity* —For Sale. Good, 15 months old Short Horn Bull, eligable for record. 3t. W, J . Haw thorn. Miss Ed ith Patton of Columbus, was the guest of h e r grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Dean, the first of the week. Mrs. C lark and Mrs. Ilug le of Springfield wore guests F riday of Mrs. G. W. Smith. ■Mr. and Mrs. F rank Shepard of Dayton have returned home a fte r a pleasant v isit with Mr. / Shepard’s sister, Miss Inez Shepard and other relatives. Mrs. E lla Medaris aild daughter, of Middletown, are visiting her sis ter, Mrs. M, T, -Marsh. —There will lie no admission charged for children a t the Greene County F a ir on Tuesday. Don’t forget, this a»d bring a ll the young folks along, — 'New honey for sale a t J . H Wolfords. •p Miss Luolla Jones, of South Charleston, is spending the week with her friend, Miss Louise Sm ith. Mrs. Bratton and Miss Tiilrza Mc Millan, left Wednesday to v isit Miss Mary Bratton, of Chicago. Mr, A. D. Eitdsloy, of Taratum , Pa., arrived here Wednesday even ing and has joined his wife, who is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Belle Gray. Mrs. Bello Gray, Mr, and Mrs. A. I). Endsloy and Mias Lucllo Gray, spent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. W. It. Torrence, of South Charles ton. Panama ha ts from $3.60 to $ 5.0 a t Sullivan’s, 27, South Limestone street, Springfield. —Tuesday will bo the froo day for children a t the Greene County Fair, Messrs. * Ed. Schoonover, John Woods, of Baltimore, O., Air. Mil ler, of Indianapolis, and Air. H a rry Hunsinger, of Fo rt Madison, Iowa, are the now employees a t the paper mill. —Got your Champion sections ai> Wolford’s. W E H A V E Farms toSell and can sell yours FARM MANS five years. SMITH & CLEMANS, Prof, and Airs. J . H . McAIillan, of Monmouth, III. arrived here T hu r sday ‘ from a summer, trip a t Ocean Grove, New York to spend two weeks with Air. and Atrs. J . H . McMillan and Afr, ahd Airs. A. W. Collins. —Get AIcCormtck guard plates at Wo afford’s. Miss W ilma Spencer is visiting her aun t, Airs. A. B. Brewer, of Clifton, Q. —The races for the Greene County Fa ir will be as follows: On Tuesday there will be matinee races to be anounced latter. Wednesday a 2.35 pace, purse, $300; 2.60 tro t, purse, $300; Three year old stake trot. ’ Thursday, 2.50 pace, purse, $300; 2.22 tro t, purse, $300; 2.15pace, purse $300. F riday , 2.25 pace, purse $300; 2.28 trot, purse, $300; Three year old pace confined to Greene county horses, Alilo heats $ In 3, purse, $160. Aliases Ru th F la tte r and Juli Harbinson are the guests, this wed of Aiiss Alargaret Lackey of James town,- Rubber Tires. I have th e la te s t equipement far pu tting rubber tires on all kinds ot vehicles which have the channels. Nothing b u t the best tiro used-Mor* gan and ‘W right—known the world over and used on a ll first class jobs. All sizes o f wheels can he rubbered. Prices m o st reasonable and inquiry should made before placing your order, Walter R. Stcrrett,
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