The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
HHNWiiiC matUmt The CedarviJIe Herald. $ s ,o o JPos? Ifecnr* K A B W t m v t .1 * - ** E&Titqr, jyE IDA l'. A? U rf\F ■£, 50GJ. 1;: h a lo r .t!« « ’a flctoberism egoagh *0 tonka viger- low,*war grafters- Possible E s-S em ta ry Paul -Mor ton t-yjJfl ho persuaded to become K ing id Norway. It help Jijnj trt make oBt a Hi-to!?. 'Use appointment of Elihu Boot io f j o first place In tlsf*cabinet ssfias to have put a quietus on the pr>-si- itfiital aspirations of some o f the lesser lights In the Republican party American Ambassadors abroad tffiouhl take notice that after bury ing Ambassador Puffer's John Paul Jones no oilier ' ‘ remains'’ will be accepted, by Uncle Sam, ^ ... Wlth/EHhu Hoot as the administ rations' favorite son and. William II, Taft as Ohio’s.favorite son there promises to be something, doing at the next Republican national, con vention. Dr. KENNEDY’S “ FAVOR TE REMEDY VlMMttt t* ****»■ Vew fU el to t u f -$ * AndViTclcoina la every Home, ■ £ l88£ fa a iiff£ i« a r « . tt is not surprising that the Jger- rets at Coney Island want to go. home. To a simple child of nature who is accustomed to sheding even Ids pants when the warm weather arrives, ('obey must seem a failure. William J. Bryan is evidently seeking to captnrathe votes of those states which have female sufferage. H e says. , ’ 'I f the boopskirt returns let us make the best of ,it.' There is usually 'Something good in a hoop- skirt-” Rarely if ever has a man stepped Into a cabinet office amid the plaud its of the American people, as has done Elihu Boot. S o man and,no newspaper has had the temerity to criticise the President’ s select of a successor to John Hay, late Secre tary o f state. Some violently par tisan-papers have, it is true, criti cised Mr. Root, because of the fact that he lias acted as attorney for certain trusts and large cerperate' interests hut oven .these who have pointed,with disapproval constrain ed to acknowledge the preeminent fitness of Elihu Boot, for the re sponsible dixSeB which will fall to him when the mantle o f John Hay rests upon his shoulders. . I t has been said that no man leaves public office with his work completed and the larger.the man the truer the Saying. There are many tilings 'Which John Hay fjelt unfinished, left so because the fulnsss of time had not ripened them and because there wuh far too wise a diplomat ever to act. precipiately. But un finished as they are and to Elihu Hoot will fall the completion of many of them and tiie guidelines of others which even this generation will uot live to see completed. It is a difficult task which confronts the new Secretary o f State. Ho lias not enjoyed the long diplomatic train ing which1prepared ids predesesser arid he must take up many things which were the product of Mr. Hay’ s long deliberation. But no one expects other than that the new Secretary will make a success if fheoso pftusible duties which Will fait to him and every patriotic American irrespective of party afflii- atiens will wish him Uod-Bpeed, PUBLIC SALE. Public Hale of school property Fri day August, Iltli, 1005. On the old Holma Behool grounds at Selma, Ohio, the following real estate: About one acre of ground and a one room building two miles north of Selma, known as the Dublin or Warner’ s district. About one acre of ground and a one room brick school building, two miles west o f tjehna, known as the Independence district. About owe acre of ground and a one room building, two miles south of Hf lma, known as the College Corner or Thorne’s District. .About two acres of ground m the village of Bfllma, known as (he old HeUna Bclmol grounds, wale begins at 1 o'clock p. m. Terms o f sale, Cush., * G, K. Jobe, President. Hubert Elder, Clerk. .-G e t your Champion section'? at Wolford’s* C A S T O R ! A f o r t u t o r s hflfi ChiMyoa, M KindYeaHawAlways Boara the ■ 1 f F y j , '* ‘ 1 * ■ «!) »KM Jay Wl » , IT | ,wi"U» £§2“£ l 4te3*tis*«s*, **1 wctXactttM.ptxz/bsxtif OB. P- UKW ED *1* SOU «. Bcaisor. AT. V , %U lucres**. £3*IXi«*f6Aa A D P I T I O N A U X O C A L . ' Rcy. Clarence Young, is expect ed here Tuesday, fora three weeks ivaestfbffi * 31r, ■and Mrs. Chan. Hifxe, or Clifton, were guests .Tuesday, of Mr. and Mr*. G. Y. Winter. Miss Frances Abbot, of Boston, is visiting her cousin, Miss Nellie Mc Millan.' * '■■ ■ Mrs- C. E, Northup and children, who have been visiting in Dayton, were accompanied home by Mr. .Norlhup’ s ndee and nephew, Verna and Lawrence Wright. Sir. and Sirs, A . D. Endsley, of Tarentum, Pa., left this morning for Keen, O., where they will visit a while. The railroad ’ company has » force o f about twenty-five men at work grading near Mr. J*D. Williamson’ s residence for a side track that is to he put’ on the north side o f the main ..track.. Our Clearance Sale of all Rom anis o f Summer goods, begin Mon day August 7th. they must go we will not keep them, our loss will be your gain. Early buyers will get the good things, come In and sec. Remnants, Calico per yd .............. *4e. Remnants, Apron Gingham, per yd. Remnants, of Lawns,’ Batiste, Dimities and printed Dress ■Goods’ at a reduction of 25 to 83# per cent. $1.00Sh irtwaists, lattest patterns now 70c. A few of last season’ s styles Shirt Waists, at 1-3 their original price. Ask to see them. i A t Bird’ s. 31r. E. S. Keyes, expects his wife and family here the , first o f the month from Orlando, Florida, where they have been for a number of months. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Watt, enter tained about forty of tbeir friends -Thursday.' Those present - were friends and relatives from their old neighborhood on the Jamestown and’ Xenia Pike, On account of the ’Xenia Fair, Downing w ill not be at his Cedar- ville galjary next Friday, tlie lltb . Mr. and M rs.J. Harvey, Spencer, o f Dexter Iowa; formerly of this place are rejoicing over a fine pair of twins, a boy and a girl, that ar rived at their home July 19th. “ In consideration that the Salva tion Army of the United States o f America use the lot herein granted for charitable and religious purposes and to promote the Kingdom and Rule of Christ on earth, I hereby convey this property to them and their assigns forever,” Thus reads the .deed filed with the county recorder Thursday, in which George W . Harper, joined bv his w .fc, Vannio M. Harper, transfer a lot located on Desbler avenue ii] the hilt-top diBtriet on the West Side, to the Salvation Army for the promotion of its chari table work. The deed iB quite uni quo in the statementof the consider ation,^—Columbus Citizen. People rising at 5 o’ clock on the morning of August 30th, and trying to see the sun will find the moon in their way. The eclipse will be only partial here, however, and can he seen better with tneaid of smoked or colored glasses. •Half of thesun will ho obscured when it rises and the dark shadow will grow till only a bright crescent Is seen, then the shadow will recede and by 6 o’ clock the disk will he clear again. It is said that ill Norway a bucket o f water is always placed within reach of a horse when he is taking tiis allowance of hay, “ Tt is inter esting” says the writer of ibis inci dent, “ to sec with what r. lisli they take, a nip out of one and a mouthful of the other alternately, sometimes only moistening their months, as as any rational being would do while eating a dinner of such dry food. A broken winded horse is scarcely every seen in Norway. The man with the old buggy really has the most comfort after all. With the new one you do not want to go out when it Is muddy and the rest of the time you are afraid to go far from home for fear it will rain. About the only tiling to take com fort with a new buggy Is to go out and plaster it up then you will for get that it Is painted, A Touching Story is the saying from death, of the luvhy girl of Geo A .Ey ler, of Cumberland, Md. He writes: “ A t the age of 11 months, our little girl was In declin ing health, with serious Throat Trouble, and two physicians gave her up. We were almost in dispair, when we resolved to try Dr. King’ s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief! after taking four bottles she was cured, and is now in perfect health.” Never falls lo relieve and cur?1 ft cough or cold. At nil Drug atoms';' Ktie nntl $i,ou guaranteed. Trial bottle free, TlcatjEitiaj Bnrafoft., o f the tt, y . I. ftwl tfje W i. Ohio Calvary. tnsaBtelil at Yellow BprcBgs' Timrs- Any, ThereugHoawaswell rgit-svl- t.lqqdwill heighthere, nest year. Mayor McFarland, I1# this after- anon having the hearing o f Neil M om J o , who I s e5;arg*'d with hostile yr;tl ba’ tcry on a Mr. Frey, o f Cia- cfenntf. The affair happened one Bnbbath night lit fJnly Jtfill ago. jftst os the lerin was palling Inn* OHIO STATE FAIR. Th»* Ohio Htat<>Fa ir will open at Columbus ca ihs morning o f Mon day September 4, and continues five days, with a full program for each day. The exhibition capacity of tS:s§ Exposition lifts been greatly aug-. meuted by the constructiou of three additional buildings, afid the gm it- esr Fair in Ohio’ s history is assured for this year.- as every available foot of exhibition space in the seventeen immense buildings, and all the plat ted ground for exhibits in the open, has been taken. /■> Ohio people will have presented for their inspection a general Agri cultural and Industrial Exposition, embracing all the best from the farm and the factory, complete anil perfect in every detail. j In addition to the magnificent,dis plays in -the buildings; ahd the acres of operative exhibits in Jtlrn open, extraordinary feature attrac tions have been contracted for the instruction, entertainment and amusement of F a i r v ! -filers. A s a . leading feature Capt. Roy Knaben- shue, the only American to success fully n,avigate,the air, has been en gaged to give daily exhibitions wllh his airship* ( ’apt. Knabenshue will sail his ship at high and low lati tudes,- curislng hither and .thither, with,the ajretness of a huge bird, proving conclusively that lie has mastered the problem of aerial navi gation. It is a thrilling spectacle as the queer craft gracefully rises and soars towards the clouds, and then after erasing about for a period of thirty or forty minutes, gently de fends and returns to the point <>f ascent, concluding each day’s per formance with a flight around the race course. Aside from this marvelous exhibi tion, eighteen free mature acts, in cluding feats of animal training and performances requiring great skill and ..cunning, will he giver? daily. . The low excursion rates on all lines of travel during the en tire week will bring thousands of visitors to view the magnificent ex hibits, admire the beautiful park grounds and witness a pratical de monstration of aerial navapation graph’d Public is Aroused. The public is aroused- to a knowl edge of the curative merits of .that great medicinal tonic, Electric Bit tors, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary 11. Walters, of 5if> St. Clair Ave., Columbus, O., writes: “ For several months X was given up to die. I Ifttd fever and .ague, my nerver were wrecked; I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctor's drags, that I could not eal. Soon after beginning to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and in a short time was en tirely curee,” Guaranteed at all Drug Stores; price 60c. Mother’s Ear A WOAO in MOTMCH'B AAAI WHAM fiuneiNa ah inaaht , ano m yha MONTHS THAT COMA BAPOAB .THAT TIME, S C O T T 'S EM U LS ION BUAMJEB the extra BTREHOTHAHO NOURIBHMSNT SO HGCEOBART POA THEHEALTHOP BOTHMOTHERANO CHILD. Send for free ample. SCOTT a IJOWNK, Utemists, 409-415Pear?SlrceS, NewYork. 50C.and$1,00; alldruggists. [ I r S S ^ i 1 j * e d i c in £ ‘ This great stock medicine is a money saver for stock rftisers. It Iis amedicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put up 1 in coara-r form than Thedford’S , Black-Draught, renowned for tho j cure of tho digestion troubles of f persons, it has the same qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up tho torpid liver and loosening 1 tho constipated bowels for all stock Iarid poultry. Tt is carefully pro* Ipared ar.d its action is co healthful thatstock grow and thrive with an [ occasional dose iu their food. Ifc cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and Icolds in horses, murrain in cattle, and makes a draught animal do more work for the food consumed. IIt gives animals and fowls of all ; kinds new life, livery farmer and |raiser should certainly give it a j trial. It costs 26c. a can and saves ten times its price in profit. n s B . A^^^bfa’jjePrsparctkkforAs- simllalmgifaeFoodaisdfiegula- lisg&eSiix*£u5aalBcr^lsof I . M . i \ r s , ’ ( HII.DRhN i’rrisnuno,K ao ,, Mftf'c-b23,loo*. I Jinvo I ipcu tisiitir;you, IH«ck-nrftufttat- I ; Stock mid Poultry Medicine on my [stock for time. I liavo used ril Ikind* o? slock food but I liavo found , tiiat yours is tho beat for my purpose. J. 8. IIA830IJ. PromalesDigeaHonjCfeerfuf- . jtsss andR2StContalns nsiiher Qpiigri.MGrpitine ttor'MmeraL K o x TS m b l c o t i c . neapeafCteJk-SAKUElPfmM /Yjqaint •Seal’* \ MdSmut- I SSS ls J h - AaueSwAL* H ”- ....- TI-. * Aperfeci Remedy for Constipa- flon, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea IVbrms.Convulsions .Feverish ness andLO SS OF SLEEP. FacSinaie Signature of >7EW Y O R K , CASTORIA ForInfants and Cliiidrep. The KindYauHave Always Bought Bears the _ Signature ■ ^ M * of ' A lG in im iliv o l d j 5 l i o s ? s - ]_ 5 C i M S EXACTcosy OFWRAPPER. <A In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THCGRMTAUftCOMMMV. SCWVfiRKCITY. Sftl EXGHflJlGE BflfUi CEDARYILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNTS o f erchants aud Ih- dividuals solicited. Collaetionr promptly made and remitted.] TtEAFTS on New York and Cin- * * clnnati sold at loticst rates. The cheapest and most convenient way ,to send money by mail. “TAKE THIS CUT.” “ We recommend it; .there isn’ t any better.” In mid-summer you have to tnist a large degree to your butcher. Well Cared For Meats. in hot weather are tho only kind to buy ; wo have proper'appliances for keeping them right, and they’ re sweet and s afo when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of us and he sure. ‘ . * A C. H . C R O U S E , CEDARYILLE , O. T H E L !V * r.R Q U A R A N T IN E !T OANS made on Eeal Estate, Pei- i “*J sohal or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., . Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W, J. Wijdman, Cashier, O. L. Smith Asst. Cashier WINONA LAKE THIS SEASON Will be Partiuularly Attractive for an Out ing. The summer of 1003 is to be an especially nttraetive reason at Winona Lake, the beau tiful resort of Northern Indiana on the Pennsylvania Lines. The Presbyterian General Assembly will convene the Stay lf?tb. Noted speakers and musicians bsve been' empiced for the summer enterUin- nient**. There « ill be conventions «nd co- <'iol and religions conferences from May until September- The literary representa tion will be prominent in brief, it wifi be a most profitable season educationally.• Teachers and students who attend the Sum mer School will derive much benefit. Winona''Lake has golf links, tennis courts baseball anti cricket grounds, boating, fish ing.-swimming and canipbig facilities. The Pennsylvania Lines ruh direct to tho park en trance, Season and fifteen-day excur sion tickets may be obtained from ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Lines. Infor mation about Winona Lake, the season's program, hotel accommodations etc., can bt ascertained from 8, C. Dickey, Secretary and ffencral Manager, Winona Lake, IntL - 5 18. “ TAKISIOHISVEALSOC'.V (fHurricd eatingliasruinedmany aman’s stomach. The digestion-destroying pro cess is gradual, often unnoticed at first. But it is only a short time until the liver balks, the digestive organs give way, and almost countless ills assail the man who endeavors to economise time at the ex pense of his health, *IA torpid liver causes a quarantine of the entire system. It locks in the diseased germs and body poisons and affords them full play, inviting some serious illness. <fln familieswhere AugustFluweris used, a sluggish liver and constipation are un- knowii, sn are all stomach ailments, as well as indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, headaches and kidney and bfader affec-- lions. No well-regulated family should be without thisstandard remedy. * <JTwo sizes,' 35c and 75c. All druggist*. Isaac Wisternian, Ce<lnrville,0. Lo\v Farei to Wot Barden. j, Account American Water WorltB ARcociaf Ion mooting. Enjoy an out ing at noted springs of wonderful curative power, .Similar to famous wafers of Carlsbad. Particulars about fares and time of trains may be ascertained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania Lines. 8 tatk or O hio , C itv or Tof.fctm, 1 L itas L’ oooty j s* F rask J. f.’ijKNKVmakes "onlli that he is senior partner of the firm of 1<\‘ J. CiiPKEv & Co,, do;ng businrsa in tho eily tif Toledo, counfy, and flate nforenid. and fiiat said flirm will pay the sums ONK U l’N’ DIlUn DOLtiAISS tor each eyery casa of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of U am / h C a rAr.r.ll Cfnr, FT!ANK J. CHENEY. Sworn lo before mo And subscribed In my presence, this (iih day ofbciuiMber, A. IP iStUi, * A. W.GU3AKON, |0K.u,| ■ Notary Public Hall’s Catarrh cure is,taken internally and arts directly on the blond and mucous surfnan of the system, fond lor testimoni als, free, , Itfam's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street Springfield, Ohio. Q ueen &C rescent r o u t e r Southern Ry. -----BETWEEN----- , Cincinnati Chattanooga . Atlantia Birmingham K n o x v i l l e Asheville Mobile J a c K s O n v i l l e New Orleans S h r e v e p o r t # n d Texas Points DttM# Sally Fallman Smlc* is Chattanooga, Atlanta, Jacksonville, and New Orleans Diming awl Obsemtiea Cara. F« information tint) Bate* ifiru i Clnu.W. ZeU.b.p.A., 4thand Rate Street*, Clncianeii. W. A, Carrett, W*C»Rlnearton, Gen’l Hit. Gm’l fw i’r Ait, ClnclAMth Okie, 1 HUTCHISON & GIBNEY I # ^ = z = = = ■ ■ | * . ■#• # A re m aking a Point of ?» w ' di. ^ ■ low Prices | T o insure a good sale at this season of the year, k Sheets, ready made, full s i z e ............................ ;>,e Cotton Is advancing, Sheeting G(, Wotnea’ s Ribbon -Kqderwear ..... .. ......... Vut, SlMr»«» Men’s Summer Underwear &>c and 3fle ISOOyaeds Lawn, White Goods, etc. ft’ jc. 12’jf.lSc Summer Silks for,. ............— ....... 1 -5T\-c 3000 yards A ll Silk Ribbons ...... . . &e. iue. I3c Never befor such large s^Ies 5001} pairs Hose, best m akes, ....................... ln<; and 25c 60Q0 yards M a ttin g .... . . ... . 12bjC- ?o 25c Great saleB Wrappers, Waists and Skirts. & JiliTCJtISO|i S GIBJiEY’S, XENIA, : * OHIO. The dose is one, just onejsill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipation. - ■ AxerCo., St - Z*nr*lLxUi«. Want your moustache or heard BUCKINGHAM’S DYE a beautifulbrownor richblack? Use nmcrs. or iitfitKussai.?. 9 iuica,»sssi,i.ft.” REGIMENTAL REUNIONS. On September IS t ~1905, will occur the forty-second anniversary of the Battle o f Chickamauga. I t is pro- poseffito celebrate this memorable ey^Sppvvlth a reunion o f the various regm^gfis that participated in. this memoriible battle, and, in addition, to hold at the same time a grandre- umon of all the regiments that par ticipated in the various battles fouglit arouud Chattanooga. This reunion will be held at Chicka- mauga Natio al Park, September 18, 19 and 20, and the present indica tions are that it will be the largest and most notable gathering ever held in the »South. On the above dates, the remnants from tho armies of twelve state*,; compring the fol lowing: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michi gan, Illinons, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Kentucky, . will nssemdle, many for the first time since they marched frorii its blood-stained fields, forty-tWo years ago. Grand and glorious will he the meeting and all who attend will have cause to rejoice. The lowest ra? - ever secured has been given the entire public for this occasion, one cent'per mile, short line djstonce. Here is one of the great opportun ities for the£education of tlie youth. Don’ t fall to take your children and show them historu Chattanooga, with all Its ‘historical connections. I t is the opportunity of a lifetime. Go'and see tlie old war generals and other officers point out the places 0/ interest.on the battlefield; let them show you and explain, in person, tlie makers erected on the battle field showing the positions of the opposing armies at the time of bat tle. It will not be long Until none will be left to do this noble Work; take this opportunity and don’ t let it escape you, it is worth six months in the school room to any student. It will be many years, if ever again, that such an opportunity will present itself; See that your tickets rend via the Louisville & Nashville It. R. the Battlefield Route. Call on your nearest railroad agent for rates and a<lvertisingmatter pertain ing to the reunion, or write nearest representative of the Louisville & Nashville R. 11. J. H. Milliken, 1). P. A ., Louis* vill, Ky . F. D. Bush, I). P. A. Cincinnati, Oliis. ' J, I). Davenport, 1). P. A. Kt. Louis, Mo. H . C. Bailey, N. W . I*. A ., Chica- go, 111. ____ W E H A V E Farms to Sell and can sell yours FfiRW ItO flliS five years. SMITH & CLEMANS, S ic K Headache W hen y ou r head, acltes, there is a storm in- the ifervous sys-‘ tem , centering in the /brain. Th is irritation produces pain in th e head, and the turbulent nerve" current sent t o the"stom ach causes nausfea, vomiting. T h is is sick headache, and is dangerous, as frequent and prolonged attacks weaken the brain, resulting in loss of memory, inflammation, epi lepsy, fits, dizziness, etc. A llay th is stormy, irritated, ach ing condition by taking D r. M iles' Anti-Pain Pills. Th ey stop the pain by sooth ing, strengthening and reliev in g the tension upon the nerves *—not b y paralyzing them, as do most headache remedies.' D r. M iles' Anti-Pain Pills do not contain opium, morphine, chloral,cocaine o r similar drugs. “Sick headache Is hereditary In ray family. My father suffered a great deal, and for many years I have hr.d spells that were so severe that 1 was attend to my business affairs for a day or to at a time. During a very severe attack of headache, I took Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pill3 and they relieved me almost Immediately. Since then I take them -when I feel the spell coming on and It stops it at once.’ JOHN J. McERLAIN, Pres, S. B. Eng. Co., South Bend, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls he will return your money. 23 doses, 23 cents. Never sold In bulk. M iles Medicail C o * E lkha rt, Ind CONSIDER THIS OUTING. By far the moat attractive trip to." health and pleasure the coining va cation season, is that offered by the Seashore excursion Thursday, Aug ust 17th, over Pennsylvania Lines )o Alanttc City, Cape May and seven other famons summer heavens on the Alantic Coast. The Last through trains over P011- i.eylvania Lines take jmiispngers in a few horn’s out o f heat and humidi ty o f summer to tlie cool breezes of old ocean. This mid-August excur sion occurs in the season lor rest when it is most convenient to leave business. Excursionists lumv the added pleasure o f seeing Alantie City when it is in full tide of the fashionable season. The.greatest. representative gatherings oyer known at any resort are seen at At lantle City. As many as .WXtt people at. one time .promenade the fatuous broad walk. The fashion able bathing bouts present an un* paralleled seene-fally loo,wo hat hers in the sea and on the bead), Tlie hoftthful effeetof the seashore trip is due to the salt and pin*1w’f- Bo beneficial has this proves! tho' physicians send their patients theft to get the benefit o f breathing tho- pure ocean mr. Special low fares will be in effret for tSiisBeasbor excursion, Vull ft1* formation w ill he freely given I>$ local ticket agents o f the i’entftfh vania Lines. 2 * 5 ' Have to see compa C A P I In ord The gt influem can hel And uq and $la second! square! ments 1 Store mm 5 LOCAL AND Miss Mao Raney, position as bookkee| Bird. Croquet Bets 50c The Misses McNi day for Belle Cent their vacation witn Miss Bertlm Mit? ed to Dayton, aft with her mother. Misses Kola Dow! McCollum, arc v f Danville and India Model Flour per| Mrs. J. 11. NosS from a visit at Imj panied by her daul McClellan and o f spend several wee] here. - -The Greene eri promises to eolipK| vloua years. Mr. Charles \VJ Essie Bridgman J Xen ia Wedliesdal O’ clock by Rev. tho parsonage. Miss Maud L| field is visiting lif Marshall. A Mr. C. M. Croui day ,from a t r ip fi Mr. "Win. Uowij of Mt; Auburn, (J In-law of Mrs. are the guests o f | non. Mrs. 8 . K . ’ll bet»n qnlfe 111 thj proving. Mies Earl, of Ing lief sister, mont. Mrs. M. A. B« fiister, Sirs, l.ydi ‘ The B. Y. dii Thursday, in A Woods, Over10’ an enjoyable tin ducats were pr town, Xenia churches. *\ni from a distant'- Columbus, Mui Hparta, 11J., Ptl McMillan, of Si nnd Mrs. Hllij llarilagtofi.
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