The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

WING to a change of firm name that will take place on or about SEPTEMBER 1st, we are offering our entire stock consisting of Men's and Young Men's Clothing and furnishing Goods at GREATLY REDUCED FIGURES^ It is our aim to dispose of as much of our present stock as possible in order that the new firm may start off with as clean and new a stock of goods as possible, This fact will be demonstrated by prices^ figures that cannot lie, In order to prove to you that we meanjust what we say, we respectively call your attention to prices quoted below, Every article in this,Safe is a moneyvsaver and marked in plain figures, Cannot be misunderstood, Men’s and Youths Su ts $ 4.35 $ 6.75 $ 9.75 $13.75 $16.50 $4.35 $5.00, $6.oo and $7.00 Suits, Sale price $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00 „ . Suits, Sale price $ 12 .00 ,12 .50 and $13 .50 Suits, Sale price $15.00, $16 .50 and $ ! 8 . 5 o . Suits, Sale price $ 2 o . q o and $22.00 Suits, Sale price One lot of Youth’s Suits, * - 1 all wool, • 4 ... ■ N, f All Two-Piece Suits, in crashes, flannels, etc., both boy’s and men’s sizes, will be sold during this Sale at one-half original price. . Boy s Knee Pants Suits HAt*rrr,cAHH*nT*co* $2.00 and $2.50 suits $3.00 and $3.50 suits $4.00 and $4.50 suits $5.00 and $6.00 suits One lot All Wool,Knee Pants Suits Sale price Sale price Sale price Sale price M E N ’S ODD T R O U S E R S B O Y ’S K N E E P A N T S $ i oo Trousers, Sale price 79c i 50 Trousers* Sale price $1 15 2 00 Trousers, Sale price 1 45 -g mrpm 2 50 Trousers, Sale price 1 75 3 00 Trousers; Sale price 2 25 4 00 Trousers, Sate price 3 00 4 50 Trousers, Sale price 3 35 5 00. Trousers, Sale price 3 75 6 00 Trousersr Sale price, 4 50 19c 39c 63c 79c 25 and 35c Pants, Sale price 50c Pants, Sale price • 75c Pants, Sale price 10 0 Pants, Sale price Men’s and Boy’s Shirts 50c Shirts, Work and Dress 39c 1 00 Dress Shtrts 1 50 Dress Shirts 79c 1 15 | F U R N I S H IN G DEP ,T - • !]! $ 1 00 Hats, Sale price 7 9 c j 1 50 Hats, Sale price 1 15 !]! 2 00 Hats, Sale price 1 35 !s 2 50 Hats, Sale price 1 79 >j; 3 00 Hats, Sale price . 2 25 j CAPS FOR MEM AMD BOYS }l '< 25c Caps, Sale price 19 c jl 50c Caps, Sale price 4 1 c 1 00 Caps, Sale price 79 c [j $1.65 $2.35 $335 $4.25 ( $1.65 l 3c Neckties, Hosiery, Etc, at similar prices, BRADY & STEINFELS CO •9 $ S i \ I s s s U N D E R W E A R , 50c per garment, Sale price 3 9 c I t 00 per garmeut, Sale price . > 79 c ' One lot at ’ * 19c Blue and Red Handkerchiefs at White and Fancy Handkerchiefs ■ Better grades at 7c* lie * 19c 25c Belts at 19 C 50c Belts at 39c 75c Belts at 63c No Tickets Given During This Sale, Main Street, XENIA, O s s s s s s ADD ITIONAL LOCAL. - ltcmr-mhor tin* Olai*k. County, Fair, AllgUfit 22, 23, 21, 25, 29. : MI sb Edna MlU-hoH, has relurno.d from a visit with Imr grandmother, Mrs, Bhannon, at Xonia, O’. Mrs, Modarln and daughter, who have boon tlie guouta of Mrs. Med- ttfts Bister, Mrs. M. I. Marsh, have returned to their homo at Middle- town. ' ’ Maflter Marais Raker, of Wash­ ington, ( ’. If. Is .visiting Mr. and Mrs, Marlon Towmiley. Mr. and Mrs, Willard Trout, ol Dayton, were guest the first of the v/ofok of friends here. Miss Mar,? Htenvtt, Is vMtlng Miss I.nUt (toe. of Plftton. Miss Anna Hamm, of OhillU’othe, L yMttag Ailflfl Ruhr finilth, Dr, and Mra. E. 0 . Oglesbee, en­ tertained a number' of friends In honor of Mr, and Mrs, A, J). Ends- ley, of 'fared tom, Pa,, Tuesday. •-(let McCormick guard plates at W o lfo rd 's . Mrs. Anna Boyd, and daughter, Ethel werevisltlngat Jamestown, O. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark Mr, John Way and fion, Prank, of South Charleston, spent Tuesday, as guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Welnnr. The summer farmers’ ' Institute and Picnic will he held at Rosemoor Form, east of Jamestown, .Wednes­ day, August lfi, K, I*, Dean, .Secre­ tary. Miss Mae Thomas, of Hprlngfleld, Is the guest thi» Week of Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce. * Mr.'and'Mrs, Charles Crouse, ail'd daughter Mildred spent Babbath, with Boiilb (fiwrloslon relatives, The Reformed Presbyterian con­ gregation, (O. B.) held their annual picnic on (Mark’ s Run, on the Barr farm, Tuesday. Rev. Alyin Orr and family, of Philadelphia are expected here this week to visit a couple of months with Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Orr and family. Rev, Orr, Is just recover­ ing from an adlack of typhoid fever, gnd It Is to he hoped that he qan re­ gain Ids lost strength during his visit. The infdnb daughter, of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Neshit, who have been visiting Mrs. Andrew1 Winter, has been very slelt fo ra week or more,' but is much better at this time. --■Tiie 03d annual fair of the Clark County Agricultural Society will he held In Hprlngfleld, August 22-2(f; Remember Saturday, the running raeas on —The Greene County Pair will be hold August 8, 9, 10, 11. ^lof. a free Catalogue of 11. R. Greive, Xenia. Miss Lillie Fields is visiting friends at Covington, O, Mr. and Mrs. Heth Collett, attend­ ed the reunion o f the Spahr family, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Cummings Thrusday. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Davis, of Cin­ cinnati, who have been visiting friends here a few days, left Thurs­ day for a two weeks visit at Alliance. Mr. Finley Mowdy, o f Springfield, 4s visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Conley, Miss Carrie Hutchinson, of Xenia, is visiting Misses Jennie and Inn Murdock, Master Arthur Marshall, o f Spring- field Is spending a part of .his vaca­ tion With his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W . M, Barber, •—For Sale. Good, 15 months old Short Horn Bull, eligable forrecord. 8t, ^ W . J. Hawthorn, County Recorder Frank Mills, of Springfield, spent Sabbath with his mother, who is making her home for the present with her mother, Mrs. J . H. Wolford. His three sons who were hero for a week or more returned home With him. Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson and daughters, Quinn and Olive, of Columbus, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Winter, for several days this week. Mrs. Anderson is'a sis­ ter of Mrs. Winter. Prof, and Mrs. W . R>. McOhosney, entertained about thirty of their friends Friday evening. „ Miss Florence Alexander, has been chosen as teacher for a school near New Jasper, Mrs. Hester Trumbo, taught this school last year, -New honey for sale at J. H Wolfords. —Get your Champion sections at Wolford's. Mr. Chas. Galhreath, returned Wednesday, to Dayton, O. Misses Blanch and Emma Gossard, of South'Solon, 0 ., are visiting Mrs. Samuel Kildow, —Tuesday w ill he the free day for childtcmat the Greene County Fair. —The races for the Greene County Fair will he ns fo llow s: On Tuesday there will bo matinee races to tie anounced ' latter. Wednesday .a 2.35 pace, purse, $300; 2.50 trot, purse, $300; Three year eld stake trot. Thursday, 2,30 pace, purse, $300; "2.22 trot, purse, $300; 2.13pace, purso $300. Friday, 2.25 pace, purse $300; 2,28 trot, purse, $300; Throe year old pace confined to Greene county horses. Mile heats g in 8, purse, $130. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Nagle, tinned this week from a visit relatives at Hillsboro and A Co., O. Ruber Tires. I havo the latest-equipenien putting uubbor tires on all kin vehicles which have the chan Nothing hut the best tire used- gan and Wright—known the v over and used on all first class , A ll b I kcb of wheels can he rubb Prices most reasonable and in<] should be Diade before placing order. Walter R, Sterr