The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

ins EE m - 4 i mm Doujvq that you can secure the best bargains of the season in Clothing ancL Trent’s Furnishing goods at our store. W e are g p fn g Good values at L ow Prices. Come in and see. $16,50 For a nice Hack serge suit, double- kreasteil with full cut lapels. $15.00 We have a nice greys and. taii mixtures, the very latest.tbings in sum­ mer suits. For a 3well gray suit, one of the nieest things in gray we have come across this season. ' . ' MENS’ TROUSERS!! Men’ s Separate .Trousers has been a special line wltli us for years, ami oiir line for this season lias been chosen with extra care. Wo have a number of patterns that are hard to beat at $2.50, $3.00,' $3.50, $4,30. Tw o Piece Skeleton Suits Something neat, light and airy for summer Wear. These are suits which would sell at $8.00 in a city Only $7.00 Cheap in Price! E x tra Good in Quality! We can sell you suits at low prices, the value of which will surprise you. It wil1 nay you to come in and look as These are bargains. $4.00 to $10.00 HATS!! Summer is the season for Straw Hats. Nice crushed Straw and Outing Hats are the things for-swell dressers. We have them, nobby and > stylish ones SOc. and $1.00' each. BIRD’S Mammoth Store. W E H A V E faifflstoSell . and can sell-yours FARMMASS five years. SMITH & CLEMANS, LOCAL AND PERSONAL -Hefc Deering knife heads and see- tons-at W oolford 's.. Miss Zorayta Lorrimer, of James- iwn, is"visltiiig her aunt, Mrs. F. , Hastings. , Mrs. Olive Stevenson is Visiting ■r dnugl t ’ r Mrs, Win Bull, of r'ilberforco. Mrs. I Uiitrlos Pend1unl, is visiting er > lighter, Mrs. . Mitcliell, of liicago. I lev. Thomas Turner, and family, fI Wednesday, for Idavllle, Ind., tier several weeks with relatives ud friends. Mrs. Anna Morton, jeompained them home. (let McCormicl: guard plates at Anlford’s. Mr. John Lott, returned to Pltts- uCff Wednesday evening, after lending several days hero with Ills irents, Sir. and Mrs. Jacob Lott. Missi-s Wilma and Ethel Spencer, l ’ c spending a couple of weolca as in guest of their aunt, Mrs J. M. nil, at Springfield. Mrs. J, H. Hesbit, left Wednes- ty for Chicago, where she will isifc her eon, W. I). Neshit and ttnily. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crouse, lent Sunday in Sooth Charleston, heir daughter, Mildred, who has ?en visiting there for several weeks ■turneddfOme with them. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Aitken, and .nightor, who have been the guest ’ Mr. J; W. Pollock and family, re- irned Tuesday evening to their ’line at Colorado Springs Col. The cheapest place t o g at your trpet paper Is at MoMIJImifi, Farmers you (•an get sections for cCoriiilclc.Ih or.iif, Plano, Mlhvaka id Champion M nv.-rs nt Wolford's Mr. Jacob Lott, who was thought •have been badly Injured last week ia fall while at work on the now »fn being constructed for Hon. eorgo Utile, Is much/ jtnproved id la able to be about the house. Clamic.* Wlifpple, who* acted as atlon agent, while 12. H. Keys took fi vacation Is located at Melnift, for it>preamf, where he is instructing hi v/ agent the duties he Is to per- | July 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, excur Ision tickets may be obtained at tick­ et stations on the Pennsylvania Linos to any other.station on those lines within a radius of200mileB. Excur­ s ion tickets will be Valid for return until July 5th, inclusive, For par­ ticulars regarding fares and time of trains, apply to Pennsylvania Lines Passenger and Ticket Agents. H. Bradfute & Son shipped a fine Aberdean-Angus bull on Monday to the Proctor farm near Trenton, O. This animal will be placed at the head of the herd on the farm that is being managed by Mr. M. W. Collins. Mr. Collins was in Chicago recently where he purchased some Aberdeen- Angus stock at a sale in that city, Miss Letitia Dilleiicourt, of Xenia was the winner in the Commercial Tribune contest where fifty women will bo taken to Europe free of charge. Preble, Madison,^Fayette and Greene counties were m the di­ vision that Miss Dilleiicourt repre- ents. " For Sale:—Twenty-two- acres of meadow of mixed half atid half timothy and clover. Andrew H. Creswell. The Cooley, Murdock, Teas, Lig­ gett and Williamson families formed a neighborhood party that spent Saturday at the Clifton cliffs. ■Congressman Scroggy, has recom­ mended Dr. Thomas Van Horn of Franklin, O., as U. S. Consul at Rosario, Argentine Republic, Soutli America.' Some months ago* Con­ gressman Scroggy named the- Dr, as postmaster at Franklin, but he did not get the place owing to Hilde- brant’s time not yet being out. A number of new postmasters have been recommended in this district. Nlnty-sevoh causes of action are set forth in au action just filed in common pleas court by the Xenia township trustees against the board of Infirmary directors of Greene county. The infimary directors iiave claims aggregating $1,417.05 for the burial of poor persons since the fall of 1302 and the expense of each burial constitutes a separate cause of action. Gowdynnd Douglas are attorneys for the plaintiffs. Late Monday evening there pulled Into South ChalestOn a freight train on the Pan-Handle that had been stopped by the operatorwho had been previously Informed by the operator at Selma that one car was on fire.' The blazing car stopped directly in front of the tower and it is needless to say that the operator lost no .time In getting down for Jehe car. contain­ ed 140 ltcgs of powder. The car was placed on a siding and the operator was the only man that had nerve enough to make any effort (ft put out the fire. A chemical extinguish­ er was used to good advantage and the fire soon was under control. Tito company should certainly see that the man is well rewarded for his darirtg peico of work. Sullivan, 27, South Limestone street, Springfield for Sennit straw hats. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Harper spent Tuesday in Springfield. Miss Nancy Finney is hoipe after spending a week with Tsfm. James Finney,near Selma. ( » -------«---- » / Mr, Perry Shull of Kansas City, spent several days here this" week with his mother, Mrs. Win. Shull. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. George of Chicago arrived Tuesday evening for a visit with relatives here. It is now proposed to build a trac­ tion lino from Wilmington to Spring Valley. By way of a change it was reported hero Tuesday that Mr. Harry. Frey would soon iiave encouragement for our people in an electric line to Springfield. Miss Bernice Wolford is visiting friends at Toledo,Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Harry lliffe of Lon- don; were guests Saturday of rela­ tives here. J» W. Dixon and children iiave gone to Ohillieothe, where they will spend several weeks vis­ iting among relatives. Mr. Frank Mills, Recorder of Clark county, rindwife, spent Tues­ day the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Turnbull. Tuesday was sale day at James­ town and several from here were 4 n attendence. Rev. A. G. Hastings and family of Xonia iiave been the guests of Messrs. I'1. P. and J. E. Hastings a-iid their families for several days. Mr. W, L, Marshall of Springfield has decided to change his business and will sell liis line of vehicles, wagons and harness at public sale Saturday June 21 at 10 o’ clock at Ills store rooms in Springfield. The press dispatches state that William Marshall, known in local base ball circles ns ‘ T)eer/oot” Mar­ shall lias signed a contract and will play with a Dayton team this sum­ mer. Do no forgetthe bigraces at Xenia 4th of July. Mr. and Mrs. J.I). Williamspu en­ tertained their children and grand­ children In a bellghtful manner Thursday evening iu honor of their grandson Itov. Clarence Young of Philadelphia. A ll tiie children were present. A delicious supper was served the guests, who departed at a late hour wishing them many re­ turns of the day. Mr. H. H. McMillan is improving from an Illness of two weeks. Mrs, Hale Collins and daughters Lena and t'Ulicl and niece, Miss Jeannette Day, spent Tuesday the guests of Jamestown Mends. Mrs. Lizzie MeCnmpboU a>d daughter Pearl, left Tuesday for o x ­ ford where they will spend the sum­ mer. Miss Mabel Mitchell is veiling rel­ atives In Xenia, Mrs. C, ( ’. Winner and Marie and Ethel Boyd are visiting relatives in Springfield. Miss Mattie Crawford and Messrs, Leigh Crawford and M. Morton spent Thursday aiuLFriday hi Col­ umbus. Rev. Clarence Young of Philadel­ phia arrived hero Thursbay for a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Williamson. Miss Eva Knoisly. of Gettysburg was the guest the first* of the week of her father Dr. D. II. Kneisly. Elizabeth Darnell and Allan Grant of Columbus neico and nephew of Mr, Albert M(.'Given are visiting Miss Katlirina McGiven. Kathrlnop McGiven entertained fourteen of her young friends in a d< lightful manner, Thursday even­ ing. Refreshments consisting of cake, lemonade and popcorn were served. Miss Jeannette Day returned home Thursday after an extended . visit witii her aunt, Mrs. Hale Collins. Mrs. T. N. Tarbox and daughter •Eva, are visiting relatives' at Belle Center Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. W. M.. Barber, Mr. II. M. Barber and Mrs. L. G. Bull spent, Thursday witii W. L. Marshall and family of Springfield. Mrs. J. B. Winter and grand daughter, Olive Winter have been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mooreman, of Xenia. President F. B. Spencer of Cooper Memorial College, Sterling, Kansas, accompanied by his wife has been the guest of relatives here the past week. Mr. Spencer returned home, Thursday. Frank Albbruzzie, a young Italian, was arrested Thursday on an aijlda- vit.sworn out by. Charles Marshall, deputy state gano warden, for shoot­ ing a* rain crow. The young man was taken before Mayor McFarland but nothing that he said could he understood and an interpreter who is with the company putting in the- gas line had to' he called. The minimum fine is $25 and this is what was given him. Thefellow has only been here three days, atmitted kill­ ing the bird but claims that lie did not know it was unlawful. He only had fifty cents and three days wages due him and of course could not pay the fine, neither would his fellow countrymen! The time keeper stood good for the fine. A visit to Olentmigy Park, Theatre and Zoological Gardens,, Columbus Ohio, is worth a day’ s ride. Besides the more than 100 acres of beautiful landscape there are more amuse-, menfc features than space will per­ mit us to enumerate. The’cQlIection of wild animal In the “ Zoo” is the best in the country,, the theatre is the largest and finest ever built for summer eutortainnient and every known amusment device will be found oil the grounds, Special at­ tention is directed to “ Fair Japan” a complete Japanese village occupy­ ing 16 acres in the north, end of the park. Free band concerts, and open air animal circus are given every afternoon and evening. Oreatore.the greatest, ofirH-hand masters, and' his Italian-band, are presenting grand concert in the theatre twice daily, their engage­ ment closing next Sunday night June 25 th. Following this engagement colnes an immnncG vaudeville bill, With Lockhart’s Elephants as the leading feature. The elephants will .lin-na, (l ns mi often air attraction in the Zoological department next Sun­ day after which they will bo .seen on the stage in the Theatre. With the two bands, the trained elephants and hundreds of other at- trations in the park, Olentangy will attract visitors from all parts of the state. Special new out-door attrac­ tions will be presented each week during the season. CONSIDER THIS OUTING. By far tho most attractive trip for health^and pleasure the coming va­ cation Season, is that offered by the Seashore excursion Thursday, Aug­ ust 17th, over Pennsylvania Lines to Alantic City, Cape May and seven other famous summer heavens on tho AlaJdic Coast. through trains over Pen­ nsylvania Lines lake passengers in a few hours out of heat ami humidi­ ty of summer to the cool breezes of old ocean. This mid-August excur­ sion occurs in tho season lor rest, when It, is most convenient to leave business. Excursionists have the added pleasure of seeing Alantic City when it is In full tide of the fashionable season. Tlio greatest representative gatherings eyer known at any resort are seen at At­ lantic City. As many as 50,000 people at, one time promenade tho famous broad walk, The fashion­ able bathing hours present an un­ paralleled 100,000 bathers in the sea and on the bench, Tho heathful effect of the seashore trip is due to the salt and pine air. Ho beneficial has this proved that physicians send thoir patients their to got the benefit of breathing the pure ocean air. Special low fares will be in. effect for this Beashor excursion. Full In­ formation will bo freely given by local ticket agents of tho .Pennsyl­ vania Lines. JULY Tho South Charlestun Driving" club will give a grand celebration at Mapel Leaf BtookFurm. 6 600(1 Races o. $825 in Purses, Match j-raee between Col. Colt 2:1014 and J. 8 . G, 2:17F£. mile heats- 2 in u. Purse $60v * Free for all mixed race,'mile heats 2 in 8. Purse $100. ^ , Three minuet pace, half mile heat | 8 in 5, Purse $76. Three minute fret, half mile heat, 8 in 5. Purse $50, Farmers mixed race one half mile heats 3 in 5. Purse $25. Three year old trot, home horses one half mile heat, Sin .BPurse $25 Boys dud fat man’s race, ballon assention, merry-go-round, shooting gallery, hit. the baby, Entries dose | at noon July 1st, Big platform dance at night, Columbns Orceestra ! Band music in day time. John Copeland. BALTIMORE EXCURSIONS. Excursion tickets to Baltimore for the Christian Endevor Interna­ tional Convention will be on sale to Endeavorers and the general public July 2nd, .Uriel, and 4th, 1905, oyer Pensylvanla LineB. These tickets are good on regular fast through trains enabling passen­ gers to go in a few. hours to Balti- moie. Returning, thesamo conven­ ient train service is provided. These excursion will be a favorable time for seeing the famous, famous scenic attraction and principal industrial and historical points along the Penn­ sylvania route. Full particulars about fares and free booklet describing interesting | sights en route and at Baltiinoiv hotellnformation, etc., may be, ob­ tained from local ticket agent ot 1‘onsylvania Lines. 7-4. -------------- LOW FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Anyone contemplating atrip West may take advantage, of the’reduced faros for the special ,HomeLSeekers’ excursions via Pennsylvania Lines to points in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon­ tana, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Ore­ gon, Washington, Texas and other sections In the west and In all the states of the South. Stop-over privileges permit trav- lers to investigate business openings These tickets will be on sale certain date's during the summer. Detailed information as to fares, through time, etc., will be .freely furnished I upon application to local ticket agent | of Pennsylvania Lines.—7-15. D o your CH ILD R EN I ASK ( QUESTIONS?! Of course they do .Y I t is their way of learning and it is your duty to answer. You may need a dic­ tionary to aid you. I t won’t an­ swer every question, hut there are thousands to which it will give you true, clear and definite answers, not abont words only, hut about things, tho sun, machinery, men, places, stories and tho like. Then, too,' the children can find their own an sw e rs .’ Some of our greatest men have ascribed their power to Btudy of tho dictionary* Of course you want the best die-1 tionary. Tho most critical prefer I the New and Enlarged Edition of | ' WEBSTER’S I nternational D ic t io n a r y / Jf you have any guealume] about it unite Ut. Q. & O. MERRIAM CO.,I PUBUSHER*. OPRINQFIKLD, MASS, Hiraw Hats at Bnlllvan’u, Hpring- flelU, 27, 8 . Limestone ot. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY M td t t* Well Man _____ of. Me* w m x m e x m m im & m xa n * f i t d t e M l l w E k m n N U i b l t i e r t i M acM powartnllr*od Qttioklr. Oar**wfceniUoUwnttil, vosofn«awuinc*inth*lrtarttn«nbMd,si* 4 oUI b w -will recover Uisir titor t# min* RKTITO. II Quickly ko O rarely restore*JUmroe. bee*,lo e l VUMttjr, Inpotesey, Klthtlr SmteMow, tort Po-wer,Felling Memory,Wertimt OiMUee.Mrt ill effect* ot or eMMMrtid IndleoreiMB, (Mice. II MANUFACTURERS W H O L ES A L E P R IC ES VEH ICLES*™ HARNESS We sell our entire product direct to the user a t wholesale prices and guarantee a Saiim o!XorIreorttaiiPfites |BKB^MnnS3aW MaBBMBMMaeW MSMaSSCSMBHBKXWVWfi5aBnaanaaB&SMflHBMSMMSEMUHHBBBSae3gsSSiSSS53?<SS9IMBKjSO WE INV ITE YOU TO CALL AND IN SP EC T OUR WORK l a r g e s t s t o c k We c»rry the largest stock of vehicles on our repository floor of any concern -In- the world. All o f latest style, thoroughly reliable vehicles^ Our line includes Carriages, Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Station Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts, Road Wagons, Spriilg Wagons, Carts, etc, COME AND SEE US BEFORE MAKING YOUR P U R C H A S E . WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY CATALOGUE FOR 1 9 0 5 Send for our free catalogue. To out-of-town buyers who cannot come to see us, we should be glad to send, on request, our illustrated catalogue, by means of which you can buy as safely and satisfactorily as if on the ground. " p r ic e Guaranteed as good In every way as sold by middlemen for from $70 to $75. Note soma of .tha epod points. Has’ ’ self-oiling, aust-proof axles. Full wrought Brewster fifth- wheel with bent reaches mor­ tised Into the bead block. Oil tempered and tested springs. Wrought steel Bailey body loops. Strictly, second growth hlckoiywheels.vlth tires put on ' hot. Bradley shaft couplers. Full length bottom carpet. Rub­ ber step pads, Spring backand spring cushion. Finest finish ‘ throughout. -The greatest Bug. (7 In th * World u th * Prlct. ^•vrevn •;•-\ . NO. 3078. NEWYORKBUGGY. T H E MANUFACTURER con always offer youmore foryour moneythan themiddleman. We are the only house in the State of Ohio selling direct to the consumer who manufactures the vehicles and harness they offer for sale'. No. 4068. STRAIGHT S ILL SU RR EY PRICE * 8 1 .5 0 Extra 7-8 Rubber Tires, $ 1 5 .0 0 No. 4066 Is a light, compact vehicle with ample seatlngca- pacify tor four large persons, ’ Fumlshedwlthbtllcol- lar self-oiling axles. O il tempered and tested springs, Full bottom wrought fifth-wheel. Strictly second growth wheels. Full It . velvet ijnrpet. Bred] shaft couplers, somely finished. Guaranteed as good as sold by others for $ to $35.00 more than our price, ■ ength iley Hand- 1 HARNESS We Manufacture 65 STYLES Highest Quality— Wholesale Prices Every housekeeper should know. lHaF*ir| they will buy Defiance <?old Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because itnover Bticks tothe iron, bat because each package contain 10 oz.—one full pound—while all other Cold Water | Starches are put up in' %-pound packages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then aeuin because Defiance Starch from Injurious chemicals. If your grocer tries to. sell you a 12 -oz. package it is becausohe has-| a stock on hand which he'tvishps to dispose ol before ho puts in Defence, lie knows that Defiance Starch' ha#* printed on every package in large letters and figures “ 16ozs,’ Demand Defiance,and save much iuq&untL | money and tho annoyance of the iron stick- gni* Defiance never sticks. G U A R A N T EE A SAVING. NOT L E S S THAN 25^0 Our No. 246 Single Strap Driving Harness PRICE $ 12.60 Q EN U IN E RU BB ER MOUNTINGS, Extra $1.75 W * cirry.2000i.dU of H ir n n * In (lock COME AND S EE US OFFICE^-REPOSITORY-FACTORY South High Street, crossing Hocking Valley Railroad, Terminus Electric.CAT U n i . 2 0 minutes ride from corner Broad and High Streets Th» — ----------:------- —• Columbus Carriage & Harness Co. ^O O JM B U S T O H iO ~ H A L L S HairRenewer Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. 1 The Genuine p JttrkMrt JFIthKnife, *1847 ROGERS BROS! Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc* have all the qualities in design, work­ manship and finish of the best ster­ ling silver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the cost. Much of the sterling now On the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, and is far in­ ferior in every way to “ Silver P la ie th a t W ears ’ ' Ask your dealer for '*1P,47 ROGERS BROS," Avoid substitutes. Oar full trade-mark is “ 1B47 ROGERS BROS." look for it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Before buyingwrite for our catalogue “ C-L," lSTlinUATiOlUf, fltt.VEU CO., filWSfMOj’ft} MERIDENBRITANNIAGO., Meriden, Conn. I Vtrltf.iri mh /hr*. let hack »h* plate glow to paid ©heefcjMdw- Storing th*Are ef jroath, ft oirjnjjatty ind Camitimptlon. Tnelrt on having ether. It cun be earned tn vert pocket. JB t mall, •t,00»erp«eke«e,orrtxft*SiS«0,WHh» HERALDSALEBILLS