The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

t M l- ttV « . i » « 4 '< t w i u ,l i » .a The Cedarville Herald, $x.oa P e r Year, ICA.UJLH BJftrlL * - Editor- f i i x m y ^ r o r H T h , uxfc. *S! /There some preps agents who betieya that tho presidential bees now buzzing wDl lay them up quite a Mock of bones; bsfbr RW 8 . Paul Morion scaled down his salary $20,000 when be too t charge of the Equitable, There are pome >t ws who could stand a similar reduction of our salaries if there -was going to he fSO,Qhrleft- Strong efforts are being made by several organizations, notably the Southern Cotton Growers Associa­ tion, to force the resignation o f See- ritary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture. It is not likely that they will succeed. Iu the first place Secretary- Wilsouis not much inclin­ ed to .resign- Friends call this con­ scious recltude and enemies call it obstina, Whichever It Is, he has file confidence of the Preident in his honesty and whlle*?he President is determined that the Department of Agriculture shall he purged of the grafting that has been go' ’,g on there for at least two years past, lie Is willing that Secretary Wilson shall do the Job and he Is confident that he can and will do it with;pro- .per assistance. There is no question in any quarter that during the eight and a halt years that Mr. Wilson has been Secretary ot .Agriculture, he has done much valuable work. The Department under him has expanded and the various branches of investigation that have been opened up have been of real service to the farmer. I f Secretary Wilson has been taken advantage o f in some department, it has been because he trust too fu lly in men who have proved to be- dishonest. When these are cleared tu t there is no r ason that the De­ partment should not continue the good work that has been so largely inaugurated under the-' present, secretary. There is one thing that is likely to result from. Secretary Wilson’ s visit to Oyster Bay. He had a long talk with the1president t lore and it is under stood that it has been arranged that there shall be no more voluntary resignations from the department of officials who are underinvestigation. Tt is stated that a. large number of employees of the department beside the promi­ nent heads o f bureaus have recently taken advantage o f i this mode o f exit and have quitted tee service with all the advantage of voluntary resignation through in reality hud tipsy remained, they would have been droped “ for the good service” . There is no saying how far the pres­ ent investigation will implicate other bureau officials in the improper practices that are said to have ob­ tained in the Department but there iS-no question that there is going to be sucJi a cleaning up of the various bureaus as will make the dry bones rattle and it is almost equally safe to say that Secretary Wilson will be alowed to remain and finish the work of investigation. ADD IT IONA L LOCAL . Mr. George Siegler 1< ‘t last Friday evening for Oh dago here he will take up ilia work i . a school of music in that city, . Mr. Siegler expects to. finish his work there before school takes up next month. Mrs, W . H . Eskcridgo .returned home last Saturday evening after ft Weeks visit with Dayton relatives, Mrs. W , J. Smiley left Monday morning for Indianapolis where she Will spend a few days with her son James, before retufiijngto her home hi Bpftrto, Til. Bov. and Mrs, A, It; Van Fosfion, o f Pittsburg loft Monday for Cincin­ nati where they will visit Mrs. Van Fossenn* father. Mr. James McClellan of Intiiamipo- lis, spent Sunday with. Ids wife, and family who are spending some time with lmr parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H» Nen.bit< Prof, and Mrs. F. A. Jurkat are entertaining ft son, who put in hht appearance at their home Tuesday.- —The 53d >ttwi ml fair o f the Clark County Agricultural Society wilt bo hetil in Bpringileld, August 22-20, Hemember the running races on Bain rday, CASTORIA 3 f&t Infanta and OMttlrcn. tto KindYouHavnAlwaysBough; SRAVELmSOBBEfi.l «>«»•# I***1* jtearesexpected fejnpie*e«*r« :iS>yg&;ftK£*CS 4 £a i&fcp. - BRIGHT'S DISEASE, wtfldj•*»tCjsmfc*fcteiMlMj. Jo . *34l :> I»JT »Cfr 1t«d torn till «bo3lS*o jts n h II—'5* WArt* Wclcof»,r»rcl. limn E«'j’»V»*cnlaltea»dr.ol*3»43U,, ,W.V.,AdTiotlwd, Jfl-*e*a1* IbooTralwwvcli. IbmvnfTbid a -ntiim of w>l«t tno ^ iwt, *** tbiosbl eta nasiuriWMlw ill 'Uiumcauuiaaiap rcuiM} jim r did J U tltil .di 1 P 0 Ml CSA BMW JjiNER. Bajpnai. OIJo." D r . D , K e n n e d y 's F a v o r it e R e m e d y , jPwporefiat 'Roziodt ,Ik Y. Xr.c*$U*tQt1S. »—■—~—w-fv - 39esr» the FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Hew to Perform tbo MyotlfylnS Smok Ing Vote Trick* Tqke a transparent glass vase with a cover and place the cover on the vase. Then throw a hand­ kerchief over the, whole and give ji to Eome one, jtojplaee in a corner oJ the room. Now take a saucer and burn a little incense in it and utter tins command: “ Smoke, enter thou iulo yonder vase!” Then you ask somebody to draw the handkerchief off the vase. To everybody's surprise, smoke wi|l be seen gushing from the vase, - , How is it done? Thiswayr Before exhibiting this trick you should rub die inside ,of the vase thoroughly with .a sponge that has been dipped in powerful ammonia. •On the inside o f the cover you should place a few drops o f muriatic ac-id or sulphuric acid. Now, when you cover the vase and have it taken into the corner the gases formed by these two chem­ icals "unite and produce the appear­ ance of smoke. You must he very careful not to place the cover anywhere near the vase until the time conies for cov­ ering the vase and throwing your handkerchief over it, or your trick will be spoiled. A Guessing Game.. Guessing games are always in or­ der'at children's parties. Here is a list o f pros and cons which can be written on slips o f . paper for the children to guess: Pro, I make angry; con, I bring together. (Pro-voke; con-voke.) Pro, I move along; con, I grani it. (Pro-ceed; con-cede.) Pro, I pretend; eon, I .own up. (Pro-fess; con-fess,) Pro, I forbid; con, Tenroll. (Pro scribe; con-scribe,) Pro, I object; con, I fight. (Pro­ test; con-test.) Pro, X make longer; con, I agree. (Pro-tract; con-tract.) - . The Popular Boy. That which makes a boy- truly popular is manliness. I f lie has plenty o f pocket money and spends i t , lavishly he may -gain a certain following as long as he opens his pocketbook. But such a situation is likely to come .to an end at any time, while true manliness, kind­ ness, honor, unselfishness aqd thoughtfulness for others will make 1 a boy popular always 1 with a popu­ larity worth-possessing; Fun With * Candle. We need nothing but’ a candle, two pins, two goblets-and-two-sau’ cers. Ilcat the pins and press their heads into the middle of the candle, opposite each other, or, i f you choose, run a hatpin or knitting needle all the way through. The idea is to get an axle on which the candle may balance and seesaw. Place the ends of the axle on the TftE BEE3AW CAUDLE. rims o f the goblets and light the candle at both ends. Hove the pins until the candle balances exactly. As the candle is horizontal, the wax will drop off as it melts. To catch it you put the saucers finder the ends. Now, the first splash in the saucer must come from one end, as it cannot very well come from both. The balance is- destroyed, and the other end dips down. The next-instant there is a larger splash from this lower end, and'up it goes, and so on. The seesawing is gentle at first, bfit it increases until it be­ comes truly terrific. , The Snarlis*. Thi Snarl!** got Into a Utllo girl's half; They aald, “Lot ns motto a little nest there 1 ’* Mrs. ISHiuh carho iiloilg and sold: "Oh, no! You don't belong there, and away you must so. This lltUo girl Was pot made to look so.” The SnarilOft determined that they would Stay; They Wanted to deep and they wanted to play, Oo they said: "Mrs, Brush, you nro not doing right; . * It you don't go away wo trill tlo you up , tljiht. • - To etay IrMhla hair Is our created de­ light," t!o theft .Mr#, Brtmh sent tor good Mr. Com!) And adifid hlr.t to help Send the Sfiarilea all' homo, And toaethor they drove tho Dti'drUcs away Ind told them in son\a other pinto they , 'must stay. Ikon WftcniT that HUM girl happy and iray? - . do Need Per Hi# Gun, ^ ’ certain •Maaat'batf-ifa doctor lived om«n,? the Berkshire hills wes very fond -of hunting, and at the Bailie time he was very slow in answering the falls o f his patients. One morning he no» aroused by a eervant o f one o f bis patients who iived.'Ut a distance, and told- to go and ecc him right away*. 'The doc­ tor 'began to prepare, bat was, as usual, very slow. After bo went out to the buggy Tie turned to go back into the house. He thought he would be able to do some hunting on the way after he had seen the case. Beaching the door be turned and asked the nervous servant: “ Do you think I had better take my gun along?” "Gun ? No ’ The man will be dead enough at this rate be­ fore yon get there.” Fooled th« Censor. During the South African war the censorship of soldiers' letters home was very-strict. One soldier, who always sent an account of- the doings of the regiment, which account was always blotted out by Die censor, laid a plan for revenge. At the foot of his next letter be wrote, .“ Look un­ der the sVinp.” The censor did so, after spending considerable time in steaming the stamp from the en­ velope. And he found these words: “ Was it hard to get off ?" A Bar to Bigamy. •“ Boys,” said a teacher in a Sun­ day school, “ can any of you quote a verse from .Scripture to prove that it is wrong for a man to have two "wives?” ' lie paused, and after a moment or two a bright boy raised his hand, “ tfell, Thomas,” said the teacher - encouragingly. Thomas stood up and sai.d, “ No man can ser.e two masters.” The question *nded there. , High ideals.. . “ Ami has your son -who is at col­ lege high ideals?” asked the neigh­ bor. “ I judge he lias from the way he writes home for money,” replied the father fociingly.~Yonlccre States­ man. A Touching Story is the saving from death, of the baby girl of Geo A.Eyler, of Cumberland, Md. He writes: “ At the age of l i months, our little girl was in declin­ ing health, with serums’ Throat Trouble,' and two physicians gave her up, We were almost in dippair,. when we resolved to try Dr. King’ s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief; after hiking four bottles she was cured, and is now' in perfect health.’ ’ . Never fails to relievo aiid cure a cough Or cold. A t all Drug stores;''60c and $1-00 guaranteed. Trial bottle free, . / Public is Aroused. The.public is aroused to a know! edge of. the curative merits of that great medicinal tortie, Electric Bit­ ters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mai y H. Walters, of 6-1(1 St.Clair Ave., Columbus, 0 .t writes: “ For several months'! was given up to tile. I hail fever and ague, my ijerver were wrecked;.I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctor’ s drugs, that J could not cat. .Boon after beginning to pike Electric Bitters. I. obtained relief, and iu a short time was en­ tirely curee.” Guaranteed at all Drug,Stores; price 5(Je. HumpBackl SCOTT’S EMULSION won’t make a ® 1 hump back itraljht, neither will It make O « short Itj long, bat It feed} *oft bone I i end ht*li diseased bone and)is among the few genuine means of recovery In rickets and bone consumption.. Send for free sample. SCOTT & I10WNJJ, Chemists, eowtS Pearl Street, New York.'’ 50 c, and all druggists. I5MBPICINJT This great stock medicine is a money saver for stock raisers. It I is a inediomo, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put np in coarser form than Thedford’a ! Black-Draught, renowned for the I cure of tho digestion troubles of Ipersons, it has the same qualities Iof invigorating digestion, stirring ! up the torpid liver and loosening Itho constipated bowels for all Btock and poh'.try. ’ It is carefully prey pared and its action is so healthful I that stock grow and thrive with an 1 occasional dose in their food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs |grow fat. It cures chicken cholcrai , and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, and makes a draught animat do J more work for the food consumed. I It gives animals and fowls of all Ikinds new life. Every fanner and Iraiser should certainly give it a l;trial. » •• It costs Stic, ft can and saves ten [ times its price in profit, Pninnviui, f.fnrcfi 23 , ieH. . J 11 'ifWObeenusingyout Ul&efc-Dmtfi'lit Slock fthi! Poultry Medicine on niy , Stock tot soiiio lime. XImvo tiaftil all kinds of stock, fond but I Imvo foitud J . that yours is the best, for my purpose. St S. XMSSOK, / The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been /Tin use for over 30 years* has borne tho signature o f A-'-' _ / } , ■ and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision, since Its Infancy* Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits* Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that.trifle with and endanger the health o f Infants «*»«! Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA • ©astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Pare­ goric* Drops and Suotliing Syrups. I t is Pleasant* I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance* Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ’and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency* I t assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother’ s Friend* G E N U I N E CASTORIA A L W A Y S Bears tho Signature o f TheM YouHaveAlwaysBought / In Use For Over 30 Years. •THEeertTAUfttfOMPAMV. TTWUHRAVBTItfCT. NCWVOHHCttV. E X C H A N G E B A M CEDARV ILLE , OHIO, ACCOUNTS of erchanfcs. anil In- dividuals solicited: . Collection; promptly made and remitted.. loeftlittif-. D cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. ^ RAFTS on New York and cinnati sold at lowest rates. Cin The “ T A K F T H U r I IT ” !T 0ANS ma<le Estate, 'Pei- *^"*” *-< * * f i J L U I . ^ sonal or Collateral Security. ‘Wo recommend it; there isn’ t , . any bettor.’ ’ In mid-summer you have lo trust a largo degree to your butcher. „WeII Cared For Meats. In hot weather are tho only k »y l tq' buy; we have proper appliances for keeping tlioni right, and they’ re sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat, shopping when it’ s hot. Buy o f us and be sure, C. H. CROUSE, CEDARVILLE , 0 . William Wildman, Pres., Seth W Smith, Vice Pres., ■ W, J. Wildman, Cashier. O. L. Smith Asst. Cashier A FAMILY SAFEGUARD Dr. Or<en arrange# wllh the Niece of Dr. Bo- lichee to handle her famous Uuctc’s Orcat Throat and Lung Cure, QTlic best family safeguard is a reliable household medicine that will cure croup, coughs, colds, chilly Geusations, running eyes and nose, sore*throat and bronchial nuecliofis—that will keep‘the children proof against all contagious diseased. qSuch a medicine is liosciiee’o German Syrup, which lias a record of 35 years in the cure of consumption, catarrh and all lung and bronchial troubles, Q’fiici fame of German Syrup as a con­ sumptive cure, since its purchase by Dr, Gfeen from the niece of the famous Dr, Boscliee, has extended to all parts of the earth. It has big sales everywhere. 10 <JTwo. sires, 25c and 75c. All druggists, Isaac Wistennan, Cedarville,O, W inona L ake this season Ufilf be Parfiuufarly Attractive, for an Out- The summer of 1 006 lb,to be an especially attractive season afV/innna I.nke, the beau­ tiful resort of Northern' Indiana on the Pennsylvania Lines. The Presbyterian General assembly will convene the May 18th. Noted Bpcnkcrs and musicians have been cnKiieed for the summer entertain­ ments. conventions end co­ da! and religious conferences from May until September- .Theliterary representa­ tion will be prominent. In brief, it will b* a most profitable season educationally. Teachers and students who attend tiioSum- mcr School will derive..much benefit. Winona Lake has golf links, tennis courts baseball and cricket grounds, boating, fisb- icg. swimming and camping facilities. The Pennsylvania Lines run direct to the park e» trance, Henson and fifteen-day excur­ sion tickets may be obtained from liaket agents of the Pennsylvania Lines. , Infor­ mation about Winona Lake, the season’s program, hotel accoEmodntions etc., can be ascertained from S, C. Dickey, Secretary and General Manager, Winona Lake, Jnd. - 5 18. Adam's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio. Q ueen &C rescent . R O U T E LowPares lo Weil Barden. Account American Water Works Ascodation meeting. Enjoy an out­ ing at noted springs of wonderful curative power, similar to famous waters of Garishad. Particulars about fares and time o f trains may bo ascertained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania Lines, S tate or O hio , C itv of -T oledo , ) L ucas C o W kty j 83 F rank ,f. O wl - sex makes oath that he Is senior partner of tho firm of F, J. C hfnev it Co., du’ ng business in the City of Toledo, county, and state afomud, and that said ftlriu will pay tho sums 0KB III llOl.LAlW for each nyery case, of Catarrh that cannot be cured liv the nsa of If all ’ s O a TADL ii Cuiifi, FllANK J. ORKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Gtli day of December, A. li* 1880,: ............ ——- \ A, W. GLEASON, seal | Notary Public * W*v* * • ■ | Hull'sPftiaffh cure isttaken inlernniiv *ml nets directly ou the blood and mucous MuJactSof the system. Scud for testimonials, free, . .. , | Southern Ry. -----BETWEEN-— C i n c i n n a t i , C h u t t u n b o ^ o A t l a n t a B i r m i n g h a m . K n o x v i l l e A s h e v i l l e M o b i l e J a c R s o n v i l l e N e w O r l e a n s S h r e v e p o r t a n d T e x a s P o i n t s Daily Pullman Service to Chattanooga, Atlanta, JacKsonville, and New Orleans Dining and Observation Cars. for Information and Rates Address C ha *. W * Z e l l ,» . P , A „ iih sM I Race Streets, Ciaclnnatl. W * A . Garrett* f f , C , S i m m s , Gea’ l M Xr. Gen’ l ra s t'r ASt. C iM tn h a tl, O lsl*, # HUTCHISON & GIBNEY | ■ > ____ • Are making a Point of low Prices 4 * To insure a good sale at this season of the yeai Sheets, ready made, full size,,.,--------- - Cotton is advancing, Sheeting . . . . . . . . Women’ s Ribbon Underwear............. Men’s SummeT Umfervvear................................... .1500 yaeds Lawn, White Goods, etc................ Summer Silks for........... . ......... J ., ............. i........ 8000 yards A ll Silk Ribbons....,........................... Neyeh befor such large sales 5000 pairs Hose, best m akes............................... ........ . 9 (P 5c . JOc, 3 for sup . .. 25c and 50c m e , 1 2 ). c 15c :jT’ .c .... 5«. lOc, 15c 10 c and'25p 5000 yards Matting............................. .........................12)<j'c to Great sales Wrappers, Waists and Skirts. or. !5c flOTGHISOK &■GIBpEY’S, XEN IA , OHIO, - EIGHTEEN PREfiIUHS to be distributed on Thursday, August, 31 , ’05 The premiums will be paid in Gold as follows, First, $15; next five in $10 each; next twelve in $5 each. Ask for tickets on all 2$c'purchases. O . O . W B i a C B R 1Fresh arid Salt Meats, Fish, Oysters etc W A W W V E G E T A B L E SICILIAN HALLS HairRenewer A splendid tonic fo r the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Always restores co lo r to gray hair,all the dark, rich co lor o f youth. Stops falling hair, also. Sold fo r fifty years. REGIMENTAL REUNIONS. I On September 18, 1905, will occur, the forty-second anniversary of the Battle of Chlckamauga. Tt is pro­ posed to celebrate this memorable event with a reunion‘o f the various regiments that- participated in this memorable battle, and, in addition, to hold at the Bame time a grand re­ union of all the regiments that par­ ticipated iu the various battles fought arouud GlmHanooga. This reunion will be held at Chicka- mauga National Park, September 18, lO.and 20, and the present indica­ tions are that it will be. the largest and most notable gathering ever held in the South. On the above dates, the remnants from the armies of twelve 3tate&, compring the fol­ lowing: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michi­ gan, IllinOus, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Kentucky, w ill asseihdle, many for the first time since they marched from its blood-stained fields, forty-two years ago. Grand and glorious will be the meeting and all who attend will .have cause to rejoice. The loweBt rate ever secured has been given tiie entire public for this occasion, one cent per mile, Bhort lino distonce. Here is one of the great opportun­ ities for thejeducatlon of the youth. Don't fall to take your 'children and show them historic Chattanooga, with all its historical connections. It is the opportunity of ft lifetime. Go and see the old war generals and other officers point out the places of interest on the battlefield; let hem show you and explain, in person, the makers erected on the battle­ field showing the positions of the opposing armies at the time of bat­ tle. I t will not be long until none will be left to do tills noble work; take this opportithity and don’ t let it escape you, it is worth six months in the school roonvto any student. It will be many years, If ever again, that buc I i an opportunity will prpseht itself. 8 e& that your tickets read via the Louisville & Nashville II. R, the Battlefield Route. Call on yotir nearest railroad agent for rates and advertising matter pertain­ ing to the reunion, or Write nearest representative of the Louisville A Nashville B. B. J. H. Milllken, D. I». A ., Eouis- vilt, Ky. F. D. Bush, D. P. A. Cincinnati, Obis. J, D. Davenport, T>. P. A. 8 t,. Louis, Mo. A If. 0 . Bailey, N. W . P, A ., Chica­ go, 111. ___________ W E H AVE Fawns to Sell and can sell yours Fftfilir MANS five years. • SMITH & CU3MANS, Sick Headache .When y ou r head aches, there is a storm in the nervous sys­ tem, centering in the brain. .Th is irritation ..produces pain in the head; and the turbulent nerve current-sent t o the stom­ ach causes nausea, vomiting. .This is sick headache, and is dangerous, as frequent and prolonged attacks weaken the brain, resulting in. loss of memory, inflammation, epi-. •lepsy, fits, dizziness, etc. A llay this stormy, irritated, aching condition, by taking Dr. M iles’ Anti-Pain Pills. T h ey stop the pain by sooth­ ing, strengthening and reliev­ ing the tension upon the nerves -—not b y paralyzing them, as do most headache remedies. D r, M iles’ ’ Anti-Pain Pills do not contain opium, morphine, cliloral,cocainc o r similar drugs. “ Sick headache la hereditary In my fam ily. M y father aiiftcrcd a great deal, and fo r many years I have had spells th at w ere so severe that I was unable to attend to u iy business affairs fo r a day o r so a t-a time. Durlns a very severe attack o f headache, I took Dr. Miles* A n tl-P aln Fills and they relieved m e almost Immediately. Since then I take them when I feel tho spell com ing on and It stops It at once.’’ JOHN J. McEHLAXN. Pres, S. B. H og. Co., South Bend, Ind, Dr. Miles’ Antl-Patn Pills are your druggist, who will guarantee that the first pack a ge-w ill benefit. ' “ Tali# he-w ill return you r money, 25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In I If It bulk. M iles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind CONS ID ER THIS O U T IN G . ' B y far the most attractive trip fot health and pleasure the coining va­ cation season, is that offered by the Seashore, excursion Thursday, Aug­ ust 17th, over Pennsylvania Lines to A lanfic City, Capo May and seven other famous summer heavens oh the Alantic Coast, The fast through trains over Pen­ nsylvania Lines take passengers in a few hours out o f heat and humidi­ ty o f summer to the. cool breezes of old ocean. This mid-August excur­ sion occurs in the season tor rest when it is most convenient to leave business. Excursionists have Dih added pinasuro of seeing Alanlic City when it is In full tide of fin’ fashionable .season. The greatest representative gatherings ‘‘S'6* known at any resort are seen at At j iantie City* A s many as 60,000 : people at one time promenade fi*0 famous broad walk. The fashion' able bathing hours present an ns* parallele.d sccne-fully 100,099’ liftUtc-w in the sen. and on the bench. Tiie hoatliful effect of the seashore trip It; due to the salt ami pineal So beneficial has this proved i-** physicians send their patients to get the benefit of breathing t -:3 pure ocean on*. iV 1 ffpeeial low fares will be for this Boasluir excursion. Pah9-’ i formation will bo freely give» 7 local ticket agents o f the PenM** vania Lines, LOCAL AND PES -New 'honey for Wolfordu- Mrs. Nettie Ervin are visiting relatives hi - Remember the f* Fair, August S2, 23, 22, | Master George Cleav ington, O,, is visiting H Mr. John Stewart guest o f Sprin field frleij Miss Hope Andrew, Saturday, o f Miss Beni Mr. and Mrs. Hoij Springfield, are visit! here. Miss Mary Murdocl quite ill the past wcokl Mrs. Frank Johnsol Springs, was the guest| Miss Bessie 'Hopping. The infant daughtej] M rs.‘ Frank Nagley, lying very low atlde i| Nagley. Miss Anna Atkinsoul visiting her sister Mrs. J Misses Lulu Hmitll Bradfule, spent Thun} field. Mrs. W. L. Clemar entertained in honor of | last Friday. Mrs. J-E. Lowery al Hazel are vlsitingrgjafl Mr. and Mrs. Stewi attended the surprise on Mr. Stewart’ s *at| Townsley, at Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. Fral Xenia, were guests thj week of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, C. F. Price, from a visit with rela| Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse spending tli.e week in guests of Mr. and MrsJ Mr. Herbert Luce, was the guest the firs* of his sister, Mrs. C| and family. Itev. A. B, Henry, morning for Philadelf w ill spend his vacatiol _ Mrs. Anna Morton al Graceand Helen Oglesj mg Mr. and Mrs. M. Trenton. Miss Lucile Gray, ifj and Mrs. W B. Torre Charleston. , Mr. and Mrs. Johj Xenia, who have beenl w ill leave next week| Seattle, Washington, 1 Mr, Harry J. Kinjj Washington, O. H., w| Mr, CLD. Dobbins an| first o f the week. Rev. O. A. Young, oj arrived here Tuesdr three weeks vacatloil and relatives- Misu Belle Jobe’, brother, Mr. Edwarc Miss Carrie Reif, o| the guest the first o| Mrs. B, G. George. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dayton, are.visiting 1 and Mrs, Seth Colletl Miss Frances Ail Center, O., is visitf Miss Mae Tarbox. Mr. and Mrs. Dan ll laining their daughtl Batten and child re if Mr. Hale Collins, this week from Trenl *»fr-. W . M. Collins! a business visitor Tuesday. Miss Minnie O. I nephew Fred Oiej junne Wednesday a| visit with relatives Mrs. B . G. George turned to Cliicag after an extended , parents, Mr. and JacksOn. Miss Gertrude Y i is visiting Jier aunt| her. Mr. Wilson Han ill a Burp is 3 Tuesday f classmates. Miss Cathrinc Jnl Springs, is visiting j Bessie llopping. Miss Helen Mt been Bpeiidlng til Mrs. Frank Tur.nbl to Xenia. .. Mrs. Kate Jack j visiting Mr. John The Olenmns fal "be held At 1he h o / Clemans, near Cl Thursday, Aug. HI relfttives and frlcJ be prcsnnt and <>njl Miss Ethel 8 pc| entertained the Tuesday, Misses Edna Mitchell, o f Sultan, toiith H Townsley. Noal Mftsale. til l.'istL'riday before I oil a charge of a l p^tfetted 1>VGeorl oinnaii, was fined| The kifalr kappi] mm*