The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
SUPPORT scby ^ a q t a s m m <* * te'dgs t? csrrj t£s wafesed as3 s-j'vx'J fj-f.itm elcng (jail it csa Cad ferestapper*fo crekotry food." fo=3ft»fesccrylsi fjTTF a jnSWI.R, Cicr.:ss, <xO- 45 S«^-;- , . flewYeA. J.-C. £j&=gE®5, A~COOB NIGHT’S REST The Cedarville Herald. $t.Ga I ’ e r Y e a n E & U U I H ttLL . Ed itor. BSp?«k fcr si!" shecrfedto&azgir, iPornhsfcnep ishtr lilile heart. . T e a t G e r c n o S y r u p , Jsocse’s g r e a t tre s s a r e , Co-i'dfceatlhandjoy iaspaiu (JTke greatest tonic on earth is a good sight’s rest.:•_Restless sights and the ter rible exhaustion of a hacking cough are will insure refreshing 'steep, eotirely free from cough or night sweat? ,Free ex pectoration in the morning is made cer- taijy by taking German Syrup. • ■ ‘ttfW.e know .by .the experience of. over thirty-five yearsthat one yjf-cehtfWttSftof German Syrup will speedily ■ relieve or cure tire wrest coughs, colds, bronchia! or ' lung troubles—and that, even in bad eases of consumption, one large bottle ' * . •.Gean«r&yqipvrilt|tia»k tnudtB. • ■ *r ■ <$T ko sizes, 25 c and 75 c. , A ll druggists.': Tiisc Wisterman, Cedarville,G ."*1 FB1EIAY ,A I‘ «I*S T S3. !&>' NAPOLEON AS A GUNNER, H og He EJemonatrated Hta Ability sad Discomfited His Critic*. It visa- in 1182 that Napoleon, on a visit fa MzJ&ks at Ajaeffio^liad an opportunity t*' demonstrate ia the ptesgsee o f the fri&mfe o f hL» tojltpsd tiie BajM-riority o f his knowledge of the practical use of artillery. I t may easily ha TbeKevskFjHM that he embraced the opportunity with pleasure. - The officers of the garrison had received front Paris a new mortar, which- they were trying on a mark lixed on Aspreto, a reeky point op- posite/ihe city and across the harbor. KNABEJlSHtlB’S AERIAt CRAFT ATTHEOHIOSTATEFAIR. TV <0 FLIGHTS EACH D Y. SEPT. 4 . 5 . 8 , 7 . 8 T h e Only American to Successfully N av iga te .the A ir W ill Crtivse to Various Parts o f the Grounds, Concluding’ Each D a y ’s Exhibition W i t h . a F ligh t Around the Race Course. EXGfl lflGE BiJ|| CBDARY ILLE , m ilh . A C C O C N J A o f er-hani, At ihvITack Bilu. ted. t ’ C. promptly made acd ,t \ Idsaniiisent Exhibits In . Each at the Seventeen KSarr.moth Exposition Buildings, and Acres cf Ground Devoted to the Display cf the Heavier Forms of Farm Machinery — Excursion Rates on AH Lines of Travel and Record 'Breaking Crowds Assured. Every Heart=Ache ' EveFF-oain in the breast, dif ficult -breathing, "palpitation, fluttering or dizzy spell means that your heart is straining it self in its effort to keep in motion. This is dangerous. Some sudden strain from over exertion or . excitement will completely exhaust the nervcsT or rupture the walls or arteries o f the heart, and it w ill stop, . Relieve this terrible strain at once with Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. I t invigorates and strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, stimulates the heart action, and relieves the pain and misery. Take no chances; make your heart strong and vigorous with Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. ‘1 Buffered terribly with heart- dis ease. 1 have beets treated. <by different physicians for my troublo •without results. X -went to a phyni- cfan in Memphis, who claimed that I had dropsy of the heart. He put the X-ray on me, and in connection V/ith his medicine he tame near malt ing a finiiih'of me. Some time before this a Mr., of St. Louis, wta In our town. He saw mv condition, and recommended Dr. Tillies’ Heart .Cure to me. I gave It little attention ’until ray- return from Memphis, when I concluded to try it,,and am pleased to cay three bottles cured me, CHAIU.ES OOODJ-UCH. Caruthersvllle.' Mo. Dr. Miles'" Heart Cure . Is cold by your driinolot, who will guarantee that the first bottle v/tll benefit. If it falls ' he will refund your money, • Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Xnd R . E. CORRY A U C T IO N E E R . AH kinds o f Auctioneering. Pa tronage Solicited. S a t i s faction guaranteed. Be ll phone, 352, C lifton exchange. Cedarville. 0h io .- il~24 W E H A V E fapms toSell and can se ll you rk FARJHItOflKS f i v e years, SMITH «& CLEMAftS, WINONA LAKE THIS SEASON Will be Pariluufarly Attractive for an Out* Tim simiint r of jk to be air tspecially atlon live season at Winona Latte, thabmu* tiftil TccoTt of Vortlit-ni Indiana on the PenmyKhtifa IJ; kp , The Presbyterian ■ General An.:r:a‘>ly r,i!t convene the May Jhth, jJtifcii ojirafeeMand musitiana Si.avc • lifffi riiitacs^l for tlifs stirrilKf.1* rntefiain* mcfitft 'Ilif '.'t: v.-j’JLc 1 r.uvr'.lions aiid ' r<i* efal asi'1 rfiigkius r^titeraitn% triyin Stay Kf-j,ioihJ)pr- The tifr-rary rejiffscnla- Cwi wii? La hfoMin n t in Lri: f, it wilt Lo a inont j.rofltahJc fev-w cjliHafsoimily. ’TfaffiSrs an;i «-ftnlfioLi who attein! the Sum* • Hit r Srhwd wifi tl? fit n Hi-sf Jr In ttf lif, tVjjjOfla I.pkp l;;» goM iinf,?, tchhiacourts Ijii'efi.ilf attA e rhLet ftrotui'i \ i,t»a?h(y, Ush* Itg. Sifimmag tin:} rmtSiifl fceiutfcs. The PenmylvaiM Mt.n rim t f-» tho park f inIfaiiCP, ■ ft asojj Ofi’t fJlfitti-iiay cseor* f>kffi lukefa may L? r.btaisiul !r/m ticket the Fcariavlvpifi'a .I.Sm-s, Ihfor* LjBSbih ohfiitt tt Jftt,ti.i Jake, tft<* M-aenti’s | hoitj a. - £ SE.’.Cafs«.f»e*t^ , mt> im They1could not hit the' target to save their lives, Napoleon said to the spectators: “ They will not suc ceed. Their methocTis all wrong.” / The officers did not hear this re- 1 mark, bat after many trials, noting the smile on the young officer’s lips, one f # them said, with a touch of irony in his voice; "Monsieur, you. are laughing at us. Do yo^ti desire to give us a. dis play'of your superior knowledge?” Napoleon answered courteously, " I am very far froin laughing at you, but I do not approve of vour meth od;” :^ “ Will you show ns your method ?” asked the officer, with a sneer. “ With pleasure.” Bonaparte loaded the mortar care fully with his own hands, quickly measured the distance of the target with his eye alone and touched the fuse. . The target was shattered, and there was a cry of applause front the bystanders, who were not at all troubled .to see a native Corsican take the wind out of tb'e French- men-’s sails. “ All an accident l” cried the officer who had challenged Napoleon to try his skill, "He couldn’ t d<j it again in a hundred times.” "Bo you desire me to attempt it once more?” asked Bonaparte, with the same Ironical smile on his face that was destined to aggravate so many <neinies among the crowned heads of Europe. grounds, where had erected aa aerodoise f. 7 r.h 3 us,;.g the airship The first attempt was uusu'cccssfiii; owing •to a breakage of one ©f she prop”# era. but !t on'*’ strengthened l i e determi nation .of the young man to fulfill Ms promise to Isis home people, and on the morning of June ?,>). the citizens of Toledo were startled by the appear Science has made wonderful prog ress during tho past half century, and has given to the world some truly re markable inventions. Perhaps in no line has this been more noticeable than in that of transportation, as the benefits accruing from these are not monopolized by a few, bat are en joyed by every citizen of the Union. nnce of a queer craft in the heavens, ■ « « * fllow-going stage coach to sailing majestically towards 83 a M. h - . the fast mail train of today has been ness center c f’ the city, b ion the ; ^ apace cf fifty years, and vi.,ages news spread that it was Knabensbue’s ; ®n' [ a >'ear* ago were .so airship, and that he would alight upon - isolated that the news of the world the Spitzer building. Immediately I cached them only at rare intervals are thereafter business of alt kinds was I in hourly communication suspended, and the streets in the im- f with the busy city by the Interurban mediate vicinity of the point of blight- \ railways;- and with the present sys- ing became a living sea o? excited r tela of the mails, humanity, and as the daring navigator ! the country resident receives his mall triumphantly alighted on the designat- ; GS regularly as his city- brethren, ed building he was greeted with a r The changes that have taken place mighty cheer from the thousands of indeed remarrtable, but those in enthusiastic spectators. Captain Kna- 1contemplation are even more so. The benshue held a brief reception oa the one absorbing study of the scientist Th e B in d Y o u H ave A lw ay s B ough t, an d wh ich has been in use f o r over 3 0 years, has b o rn e the signature o f and has been m ade under h is per sonal supervision since its infancy. A llow no one to deceive you in this. _ AH Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” a re bufe „ Experiments that trifle w ith an d endanger the health o f Ic iim ts a n d Children—Experience against Experiment* ‘ What is CAS TOR !A *j . ’ ....... ..... .................... € a s t o r i» t s a harmless substitute fo r Castof- O il, P a r e - . gorlc, J>rox and Soothing Syrups. I t is P leasant. I t . contains neither Opium, Morphine no r other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys W orm s and allays Feverishness. I t cures D iarrhoea and W in d Colic. I t relieves Teeth ing Troubles, cures Constipation- and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach and B ow e ls , g iv ing healthy and natural sleep* Th e Children’!! Panacea—The Mother’s F riend . GENUINE CAS TOR IA ALWAYS B ears th e S ign a tu re o f ■ i It "§ ’il toils plait,” said the officer,. Napoleon, again lighted the fuse after personally loading the mortar. Again he hit the mark. •Then, with out waiting for further permission, he tried-it the third time, with the same result. The garrison officers apologized for' their impertinence and inquired if he would tell them in wluft respect their method had been at fault. "With pleasure,” answered Napo leon. '-You simply had too much powder behind the homb. Try it- yourselves with less powder, and you will succeed.” The lirst experiment showed that he was right. The offi cers had had a good lesson in gun nery, and the people of Ajaccio had been shown that their young hero had not lost lus prestige by- going to a Trench’ military academy. ..... ' . ......... t..... . The Long Eared Bab The British long eared bat has a body only two indies long from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail, but its ears are an inch and a hall long and three-quarters of qn inch broad. When the owner of these vast ears proposes to go to sleep it bends them outward and then backward, fold ing them down on each side of its, head and shoulders, before bring g up its wings to cover its sides. When the little bat wakes it is quite a business to straighten these cum brous "car.- into .portion again. In fact, he holds them for some little thpe half cock before he is able to erect them fully. Bats are very sensitive to drafts, and on that account this little mam mal puts itself to bed in such care ful uraps.—London Tit-Bits. The Imitative Japanese. ‘ When in 18a,S Lord Elgin visited Japan and insisted on making the shogun a presentof a jacht and also insisted ori arranging a treaty with him in behalf of England lie noted the extraordinary thirst for knowl edge and quickness in learning which distinguish the Japanese. Within a week a raw Japanese crew had learned how to manage the sho gun’s new yacht. The >1. ’sm-se commissioners even took pain* to imitate the .cheers which their guests gave after dinner when the queen’s health was drunk os soon ns they umler.dood that “ when you in the west wish to honor a ^person especially voti roar and shout after your meals,” Corrected tho Correction. An English prisoner on being put into the dock in a London court leaned over the front of the box and banded a “ dock guinea” to a young member of the bar. "You de fended me once before, sir. Do you remember? You got mo off. It was at Hertford sessions, sir, for fitealiri’ a watch," “ Tor the alleged stealii { of a watch you mean,” corrected the barrister as he pocketed his fee. T ^ B A F T S 03 New York a--j x / ciacati eoid at la vw i ,-atcs, f [ , :, dampest and most c&nvenE*;:.* W3T j/. send money by mini. Y -OANS -m ade m Real Es;,;-e, pe . " eoeu I or Collateral iit- William Wpdraan, Pres., , Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres,, • (1 W, J, WiMmar.. Cashier, , ■" Q, It, Smith A a ;. <aslier Z 2 . 4&C TheKindYouHaveMwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. *THCCCJVTAUlttlOMWM^V, TTMUHKAV•YMtTT, NtlVfOXROTV* smw L t I 8 HUTCHISON & GIBNEY READY FOR AN ASCENSION. of today, who' is interested in trans portation, is the .conquest of the air, and while the people are inclined to scoff at the idea of aerial navigation, such was the case at. the birth of all our really great inventions, and little credence was given to the claims of the inventors. Recent developments, however, prove that this question has been, solved, and it. remained for an Ohio boy to grasp th 9 honor of sailing the first airship. Captain Roy Knabenshue, the dar ing Toledo navigator, who recently astounded the world' by his successful aerial flights, is a young man 28 years of age, and early lit life showed that roof of the building, modestly receiv ing the coasrat illations of a score or more of Toledo's most prominent citi zens, and then gently ascended and returned to the fair grounds. All To ledo was bewildered, and its-enthusi- i asm was unbounded when it was real- t ized that'the dream of ages was now { a -reality. j The managers c f .the Ohio State Fair, always foremost in promoting and bringing before the people the latest achievements along, scientific lines, recognizing that' thousands of Ohio people were deeply Interested in the subject of aerial navigation, immedi ately contracted with Captain Knaben- nature had endowed him with a ven- * shuo for an exhibition and practical turesome disposition, as his hazardous J demonstration of his airship, to be feats -when still a schoolboy astoh- j given each day of the coming fair, ished his playmates, 1 September 4, 5, 6 , 7 and 8 , He has always shown a keen inter- The exhibitions will give the people eat in aeronautics, and .lt was while j of Ohio opportunity/ of Judging of the exhibiting a captive balloon on the j feasibility of navigating the air, as world's fair grounds at St. Louis that j Captain ICnahennhue will make daily he farmed the acquaintance of Cap- ! ascensions, cniising to various points tain Baldwin,- inventor of the '.’Cali-■of the ground, at both high and low fornla Arrow,” an airship In which the j altitudes, and as a final test, will con- inventor had Implicit confidence in its Jelude each day's performance with' s ability to navigate the air, jut who |flight around the race course, a most had "been unable to find a man of daring, thrilling and awe-inspiring ex* « courage and daring to at - 1 hibltion. During the time Captain SOARING HIGH IN THE AIR. tempt an ascension. Roy Knaben- Knabensnuo is not engaged in giving shue eagerly grasped the opportunity . practical di-.uonstratioPs with the air- to navigate rthe airship, and his sue- ; ship, he will be found In the aerodome, cess veas instantaneous. ] where toe machine w 5 Jl be on oxhibi- Later he repeated his successes in ; Uon for public Inspection, ahd the California, and ho then decided to ‘ rntnianisni of this wonderful aerial buljd a Ehip after his own ideas. Ho ! craft will be explained by the formed aa alliance with Charles J. * young navigator Strobe! of Toledo, and (hey quietly 1 The railways, both steam and Inter- Are making a Point of rowPrices— ;----- - « 4 i T o insure a ^cod sa le at this season o f the vear. .Sheet*?, ready iiiade, full size . . 5t>c Cotton is advancing; Sheeting .. oe Woinen's Ribbon UbiiTerivcar- ; 1— =. - — for 20c Men s Hummer Underwear . . . 25c and 50c 1500 yacds Lawti, White,.Goods, etc.. . S’ j'e, T2,l <e 15c Summer Silks fo r ' . ! ........................- . 37.lic tWOOyards AH . Silk Riblmns .............................. 5e. l0c,l»?;c N eyer befor such.large sales copy pairs Hose, best makes.................. . ., 10c and 25c 5000 yards Matting ....:.......................................... lfi.’ ee to 25c. Great sales Wrappers, Waists and Skirts. flUTGfllSOfi & GIBflEY’S, 9 ♦ % f t f t ft f t l f t f t XEN IA , OHIO. Wake up your liver. Cure your constipation..Get rid of your biliousness. JSold for 60 years. J.O.iivrOf., UvelfiXcM* BUCKINGHAM’S DYE THEHERALDFOR JOBPRINTING Seems Like Old Times doesn't it. when you know ym; art- getting honest weight? It's At Our Meat Shop that yJa. have that assurance. Ir dont matter i f it’s you or your liw- yt;ar-ahi, the weight is honest auJ so is the meat, . (.'attic, sheep, pigs, chickens a.* know we give a square deal. Thai’ -, why the good ones come to us.ami bad ones go elsewhere. C. H . C R O U S E , C E D A R V IL L E , O. " idamVRestauranl and Dining Booms Comer High and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio. pet about constructing,an airship. To ledo citizens were inclined to ridicule young Itnabenshue when he an* , nounced thnt ho had completed his craft and would make a flight around the city, alighting on a ton story offi <1 1 building, and thou return to the f » ‘ * ! Urban, have granted exceedingly low rates for tho entire weak, and the people should take thio opportunity to view, study and admire the varied products of Ohio, and to witness n practical te*t of the' latest scientlfls iiVention. A VACATION TRIP To Niagara Falif at Lov/ Fares, Ticket Agent Odarvilh* w ill nn- Low Fares io West Barden. ‘“Alleged*, he Wotved!” rapliedtb« .pfisGtM’f pifGfWjptly. “ I’ve -got the treirii at ,ofid iwwt* ■ Wftnt<'d»**SO0 Betap- Quills to quilt G'/Gfalfir-i fri>M q, r ly hey, fittefsty |at 4iie, per tspeoL-Call atid inapeet -Mflparer. WmncB L j L\ Iml I f «> work, (L i i. HtslHor Co, JStew&tt Moam, C(uhu'iilh\ o,. . Account American Water Works h scodatfon mooting, Enjoy an out- ring at noted springs of wonderful |curative-power, similar to famous i waters of -Carisksd. Particulars AWf*r inqutrU*9 almtif tli^unmiul ov- *ar^ tinu^ of (rainK may camion to Niagara Fall ».vcr dm - a!*eo![i ainf'a from Helmf agents of PmumjIvanSa Utica, whicholfcracx* s’ ‘‘n,U!*v^ atlia Lines. T H E WORLD’SWORK 'O' The magaxine which ietts o f \the progress o f the world through Wonderful pictures $and f erse articles* 'h cclh-nt opportunities for a delightful vacation trip at small expens: New Honey Its* p'.-r lb, at Bird’ s, ^3P J For Halo. Good, 15 months old \ Hhort Horn Bull, oligablo for record, W. J. Haw i,mrn. \ DOUBLEDAY, PACE & COMPANY New Yoirl^ » , ».-*AHDKfiW GARNt-GiF, ttflt **1 tkisk THE WORl.D'3 VOkK rtnfcrlMhis.” Southern Ry. r ----BETWEEN— C in c inn a t i C lia ttan oo ^a ' A t la n ta B irm in gh am K n o x v il le A sH ev ille Mo bile J acR sonv ill e N ew O r lean s Sb re v ep o r t - a n d T e x a s Poi nt s D m M« Palhrfsilmia Ssrrlceu Chattanooga, Atlanta, JacKsonville, and New Orleans Dining and Observation Cars. For Information and Rites address Chas. W. Z«ll, D. T. A., 4the ll Sac* Street:. Gsciauti. W. A. Cirrctt, W. C. XimireoB, S ttl Kir, Gex’l Titt’r Ail. CinciXMti, Ohi*. THE BIST MEDICINE y°|>WOMEN I f you are nervous agd tired cut continually you could have no clearer warning cf the approach cf Efricas female trouble. Do not wait until you Btifier ua» bearablepainbeforeyouc£c-ktreat* raent. You need Wine of Cardtii now just aa much os if the trouble weremoredevelopcd and tho tor* taring pains of disordered men struation, bearing down pair.9, lenoorrkoca, backache and head* aclie vrero driving you to tho un failing relief that wihe of Cardui hasbrought hundredsOfthousands of women and will bring you, Y/ine of Cardui will drive out s ilt taeft of weakness and -banish nervousspells, headacho and baclc- acho atut j: from iteons ........ ..... ........... .to check, Secure a. $i.0i) l)'ot*ie of Ym e c£ Cardui today, if year dealer does not keep it, Et-nd tho money to the ladies’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Oo., Chattanooga, Tent;,, and tho m&tlirino will lie Efatyou. WINE if
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