The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

M A I N SPRINGFIELD We give absolutely free tlie S, and H, Trading Stamps, We pay fare to Springfield on all purchases of $10,00 or over, in addition to the Low Quotations, ALL REGORS DISTANCED AND A NEW. HIGH WATER MARK SET FOR 1905 IN OUR GREAT F .fcT * WHICH COMMENCED SATURDAY JUNE 17, AND CONTINUES ONE WEEK, Every garment in the; stock is a worthy garment. E ve ry garment looks the quality that is in i t ,a n d every garment will give the wearer comfort and satisfaction. Our Muslin Underwear stock is now without a superior in the State.; Th e variety is here, and you will-be hard to please indeed i f you canot find here every possible thing you want* It is an occasion wherein w o m e n . c a n purchase all necessary undergarments fo r , according to the grade of goods. AFourth, a ThirdoraHalf Off Regular Prices N ex t to our very low prices the things to consider is that each of these undergarments, even those lsi the very lowest prices, * •. . € ? • » . _ . - ; •! , • a r e m a d e full, and there is not the least suspicion of any garment being skimped. CORSET COVERS One hundred dozen Corset Covers, made of cambric, plain, w ill give good i n service. Sale price, each Sixty dozen Corset Covers, made w ith .Val. laces and insertion, w ith beeding ribbon drawn, cut as perfect as a cover ten times the price. To be sold during | this sale at each . ,1 V i / F ifty dozen Corset Covers, salesman’s samples, lace and embroidery trimfhed. every size in the lot; regular value from 35c. 75c. During this^saleeach m u v Hundreds of Corset Covers, trimmed in beautiful laces and embroideries; value up to $x.oo, to be sold during this , A j? — sale, at each. < T r O w Ih this sale there w ill be Corset covers made after French models, trimmed in Germany * and French Va is , and sheer Swiss embroideries and insertions, in the samples no two alike; with the best trimmings all extra full in length and width; va lue up to $1.25 each Not five dozen, but sixty dozen Gowns, made of beautiful sheer long cloths and cambrics, in low, V . shape or h igh neck, tucked and hemstitched *yokes.. lace and embroidery trimmed, full lengths and*extra widths, in, all sizes; gowns that would be. cheap at 75c*and $I.oo. Sale price Over one thousand Gowns on a seperate table, made of Eng lish long cloths, w ith fine lace and embroidery trimming, gowns that have never been shown for less .than $ 1 .4 8 and $1.75 each, during this sale - More skirts than you will find in any one store in Ohio and at a greater saving. One lot of Skirts iong or short, made plain with flounce of tucks and i per h^hsticiiingj^lace and embroidery trimming; J . Sale price Four hundred and fifty White,Skirls, very choice and wide, all difiorent trimmings ih. laces and em­ broideries, some with 18-inch fiouncings, - - worth loss than $1.00. Sale price none EXTRA SPECIAL S. &H. GreenTrading Stamps Free Tile most Avounderfull Skirt bargain ip the history of retailing. • . • * ' 95c This Special Coupon. very daintiest effects, and made to 98c sell at. from $1.48 to $1.98 each, at Other Corset covers, in exclusive hand­ made effects, made perfectin every respect, pesigns that can .only be found at Kin- na ne’s,‘ go in this sale raging 84.98 OneJot of Lad ies ’ Gowns, from a maker that prides himself of making the best gowns as to workmanship in the country; the cheapest gown made at this factory is a garment to sell at $2.00 , and the best at $3.00. We close out his entire line, they are here for you this morning for you to critlze at $1.98 Another lot of Gowns, samples, eighty- two pieces, that we bought at a discount of 40 per cent; the average price of the line was $2.75 each. A ll in the sale this morning at $1.98 inprice from each, $1125 to A great lot of Gow^Sr-are-inyt-he-coHec^ GOWNS On a seperate table there w ill be one hun­ dred and ninety Gowns, manufacturers’ tion in very fine goods, ranging in price as follows, $2.98, $ 3*752 $4*98. and $6.75. They go in this sale at $2.25, $4-98 $2:75. $ 3.75 and Is a special feature of excep­ tional importance and if pre­ sented at Kinnane’s, will be good for 75 S. & H. Green Stamps absolutely free, if applied to purchase of $2.00 or more in these depart­ ments. These . stamps are extra and will be given in ad- ditTon to the stamps whicfiT regularly accompany all purchases. One hundred dozen White Skirts, all made extra wide, all with 18 to 21-incIi flounce, with drop fioimco, any length, trimmed with tucks and hemslickinge; some with 12-inch embroidery,^others with 3 to'B rows of laco insertions and.edgings to.match; Values ranging from $1.48 to $2.00 each, and some even more, all in 4his sale at Another lot of Skirts wo sre very proud of. Thorc are 400 all told. •This is surely a choice bargain, the trimmings are beautiful in laces and embroidery, all have 18 to 24-incli ■flounce, with drop flounce of Persian lawn, all extra wide with foiled scams, and special care was taken in the finish in ft* -g i im every respect; the value is from $2.25 to S t I /f tat $2,75 each, x l l l in this sale at J. * T t O Only about 200 in .tho lot. They are all very elabora­ tely trimmed with flho Val. and Point Paris laco and eyelet and blind Swiss embroidery with knee fiouncings, all extra widths and lu.all lengths from 30 to 44Indies; tho average value of tire 200 skirls is $3.00 each. During this'sale tho price Will bo ■ ’ ______ _ u us mum*!*; Of very fine Skirts at abont half. Buying shifts in -this way you get absolutely the best, as because the samples are the best always in finish and perfect style. Wo have divided the samples Into three lots: L o t i at $2.75: lot Sat $3.98; lot 3 at $4.05 each,-and all are at least a third less the price, Carpet Sized Rugs. Uuder Porch Shades Linoleums Twenty-seven Brussels Rugs, ail bright, new designs full 0x12 feet size; former price $21.00. Each ...................... . 7 . ..... ............. $15.00 10,00 each, thirty-om* fine Axminster Rugs, flip designs are all exclusive and beautifull, both •■riental and floralJ former price $50.00, 'Seventeen extra fine Hartford Brussels Rugs, size 0x12. This is the grade of this celebrated make; former price $37.50, for each.-. .........$25. 00 $10.10 each, elegant Axminster Rugs, size 8,3x10.0 feet. There are only forteen in this lot, hut not two alike, so there's plenty of ehoise; former price was $2i,r>», • Twenty-eight extra strong fibre Rugs, size 0zl2, great rugs for hard wear, made for durability. Ask to sec them. Price formerly was $10.00, now........ ........................................................................................................ $6.75 $4.COeacli, fourty-five Granite Rugs, size 9x12; former price $7.00. 19c each, hundreds of good solid Hassocks, made of Brussels, Velvet, Axmaneter and other fine Carpets. Como early. 19c cadi. PorcH Shades' ara a n M i n g s Hunereds of p ie c e s China Mattings, late arrivals, we shall place on sale tomorrow and while they Iasi fworth 15c), at, a yard. ........................... 9e lNe. yard, Carpet designer in China Mattings, subtle as carpet and. with colored figures resembling Brussels; former price 25. Rixty pieces left of our very fine .Japanese Mattings that formerly sold at 39c. all carpet patterns. Our sale price, yard...........................................20c You aro protected from the sun, but tho breeze passes through them, and they last for years. The most cool comfortable screen made. Comes in brown and green, sizes and prices as follows: 6 feet wide by 8 feet d r o p * ' ^ 0 5 8 feet wldo by 8 feet drop “$2.75 These are tho cheapest shades made on account of their diirnbllifv. 50c a yard for goodwearabhfkiiul, new colotsand patterns. G5c a yard for tho best printed Linoleum made, in all good styles, many very specially good, differing lhueh from tho old stylo in. linoleums, 10c a yard, good strong Hemp carpet. ■. 25e a yard, good Ingrain Carpet. . 39c yard, extra heavy Ingrain Carpets, good, bright, cheerful; former price 49c. • 60c yard, extra Super Ingrain Carpet, tuobest C3e Ingrain on the market today, all now Brussels designes. 65c a yard for 85c Lowell all wool Ingrain Carpets,'pretty patterns and c icerfully blended colors, look for the roll and sec that you get the genuine Lowell; also at this price you can got elegant ehoise of Brussells Caipets, that, other stores w.ll ask $1.T)0 for. 70c yard, fifteen rolls only, flft of Brussles Carpet formerly sold at $l.oo, imt-cxceptimuiliy good designes, with or without borders. 8* h : a yard, best qualify 10-wire Brussels Carpets, everybodys knows this Is sold at $1.25 everywhere . Also at this price pou can get an ellegant co­ llodion of fine Velvet Carpets, worth $1.25(a ll pretty designs, either o f . ortleA to match. -these carpets with or witq or without h rde . $1.10 a yard fine extra Wilton Velvet Carpets', special and exclusive de­ signs, of t!ie huest productions, wither wit bout borders to match; sold elswhero at $1.60 a yard. . 50c a yard, elegant, assortment of Brussels Stair and Hall Carnets form­ erly sold at, 75c. % i - 95c a yard, extra special patterns Brussels .stair Carpets, varictv is su­ blime and beautiful; eleven styles ami designs to select from. These are ■the 85c. grade. . “ All oilier Carpets not mentioned reduced on a like basis throughout the NNANE GOMPANY ♦ J a m e s B . I ' York C ’Law yer , a No Addres ■ Oberlii Oberlin, Ohio,; James B. Dill, th< yer of New York,, note-worthy addn ting class of Obcrl delivered a scathli, who misuse positu trust for purposes In urging his heaii to the Beginnings! dsthafc “ grafting1 to the true Amend been developed bj 'Wealth and the rei standards by edu<! comped itive strip power and-social Without meiit.ii. Dill referred _sp Equitable d.isclos: flection of. respect, stitutions wi tii tions that are cal<| the public. He said: “ A modem prosperit over production o Tire crisis is ac distrust is growli country. Many 1 clal business havi or another taken the unscrupulous deceiving the un panies have been flf the flotation of ulenfc promotions. “ Some life ins this highest and v most sacred form as we allknownov which the savings ers are steered ii speculative purp ‘ ‘Credit and go ey, are the basis <1 or.bad, our mo founded on publii that away and %falls. “ Tne fact is tin ed material grow the resulting cr» private fortunes, gether of great »i porate capital, ii tions and railroa tended to center people upon gre and to rank men ing-the people't virtues of privet, Continuing, jjf desire to secure was sidetrackin women from the ing that the es “ graft” was a hi Mr. Dill adde — vaneed-sfegt eaned money, sire to get som but it is an ntte) for the grafter bis parting wit does not belon , wrong greater t‘ terfeiter, who passes eounterfi is a man who r< who made tlie c passes the spuri lie as genuine. “ Another gra official, who i use of his instil reason other th institution. Hi ous to the-conn is so high and 1 insidious that i is not suspeete resulting from • jured the conn man and ids p too late. “ 'Pile, direct who directs Hi from the view fit rather than era interest, be indicted by .theless (Tsooi As to the it my dire’etors.’ duminydireci who ditmmyi whether by H who um s his use and dlsp > money for p- position to n falsifies hisa< ee who cm know of insta have stolen a jail employee deeds or Him “ Now who; ou rs.- It •!«**1; Ion is o u r « pi youtfi of the rest.. W< K*[;nu:e prait