The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

r- K a O T / ^ D l U SALE Our sale has been a complete success so far. But have two week longer before we organize our new stock com- * ........... . , - -* —.— —^ 6 pany of $100,000.00, we propose to make a complete house cleaning, and on Monday we will place the remainders of our stock at such attractive prices that you certainly will avail yourself of this opportunity. - N EW PAINOS AT N EW PR ICES BEG INN ING MONDAY . • • • ■ « . . • a , ' ' * ’ 1 . • $ 105.00 $ 175.00 $ 185.00 $ 200.00 $ 210.00 $ 225.00 $ 250.00 AND UPWARDS Every Piano Market in Plain Figures and at a Price from $75.00 to $100 Less Than Its Regular . Retail prices. Easy Payments of $10.00 Gash and $6.00, $ 7 . 00, $8.00 and $10.00 Per Month Remember every Piano on our floor must be sold, and if you will pay our store a visit you will be one of our costamers. Store Open Evenings. • ' • THE JOHN L. MUSIC HOUSE 41 and 43 West High Street. Springfield Ohio, LOCAL AND PEH30NAL — 1STe\v honey for sale a t J. H. Wolfords. ■ Miss Dora Siegler Is.home from a Visit with friends in Indianapolis ' ami Cincinnati. Mr. J.’ Hale Collins expects to move to Monmouth,' 111., where he ■and his fam ily w ill locate. Cut-prices ottv Men’ s Clothing. W e are selling out- our Men's Suits at reduced prices. Como in and soe them at Bird’ s. Mr. John Cooper and daughter Jennie, who1 have been sick for Several, weeks are again able to be about. - Prof lin'd Mrs. W . II. McGbesney and Mrs. Martha Morton and their guests, Mrs. McCown and daughter of Toim. spent Monday with Mrs. 15. E. Cooley o f Xenia, “ Deacon Tarbox presented his church Imre with a new: organ. Mr. Carl Minser’ o f Richmond, rml. spent Sunday with his parents. Maple-Flake, the main article for breakfast, dollcour fo r lunch at B ird ’ s. Mrs. Win. Mitchell arid, children moved to Xenia this week and w ill reside on Spring H ill. Miss Helen K ing, o f Cincinnati has returned homo after a weeks visit w ith her cousin, Miss Verna .Bird, Pears. Apples. Peaches, Sweet Potatoes, a suppley of good ones on hands at B ird ’s. Mr. and Mrs. W ill B lair entertain­ ed friends and relatives to dinner Friday, in honor of Mrs. McCown a id daughter o f'I’enn, . Bargains in Summer Dress goods. W e want to sell them before Autumn. Tt w ill pay you to (alee a look at Bird’s, Miss Je-ste Small and Miss Haydie Ilitfo have returned from an extended v is it with llev . Wallace Iliife ami w ife at Duaneslmrg^N. Y . llev . A . B. Henry 1ms returned homo a lter visiting in ’Ph iladelph ia and other eastern cities. Mr. W illiam Hopping was in Chicago the first o f the week on business. Miss Jessie Small of Xenia at­ tended the funeral o f little Robert McCorkle Thursday morning. Mips Rosa Stormont spent, several days in Bellimtok last week. Mr. Had ley Lew is of Sabina in the guest o f his cousin, Mr. Oscar Smith, Straw Hats, at H a lf Price, Now is your chance at Bird's, P i of. and. Mrs. !■’. A . Jurkat are quite nick with typhoid malaria ft'Wr, Professor’ ;! mother came Wednesday evening am tw ill spend some time with them. Rev, Thomas MeKemde who lifts b<*« it visiting Mr. and Mrs, James McMillan fur two weeks returned toi Port Jervis N. Y., Tuesday* j Ho use for Reut.—Largo A Clearance Sale of all summer goods at cut prices at. Bird's. Miss LulU Smith, is visiting rein tives at ChiUlcothe, O. Miss Jennie Murdock entertained friends in a delightful manner,Mast Friday evening. . .. * Mrs. McCown ,and daughter of' Lebanon, Tenn. le ft Wednesday evening for their home. Mr. Sam McCollum and daughters visited relatives in Delaware the first of the week. . Miss Harriet P feifer of Ohillicotho who has been visiting Miss Margretta Watt returned to her "home Thurs­ day morning. The other guests,. Miss Tsehumy and . Miss Cook re-* turned to their homes Thursday evening. Fanhy Elgin Creamery Butter at ' . B ird ’ s. Mr. and Mrs, .W illiam 1Torrence* of fchnrfctrCharleston, spent Sabbath, with friends here. Miss Mary Murdock, is visiting’lit Sparta, 111. 1 . Mr. Charles Stuckey, moved from his farm this week, and w ill occupy the house, recently vacated by Mr. Leonard Handler, Tho annual reunion o f the Clem­ atis -family', was held Thursday at the home of Mr. Enos, lOlemans, m st'o f town. a* \W e w ill pay. extra price for Cood Country1Butter at B ird’ s, Mrs. Landis has m o v ed ' into Mrs. Sherman’ s property and w ill keep boarding house. ., A fte r a b rie f absence Rev. A . B. Henry, w ill be in, his pulpit again next Sabbath* morning. Old Testa gient.words on the “ W a y of L ife .’ w ill be his subject. A H are invited, .W e have slashed the prices on Men's Suits. N ow is the time to buy a t B ird ’s, Mr, Ueorge Powers, has been con­ fined to his bed for about a week, something unusual for him for lie seldom has the appearance af sick person. Master Lawrence Barber, is spend­ ing a few days with W . L . Marshall aTidTaTnily o f Springfield, while'his sister Edith, is ^visiting Mr .T, H. Drake and wife, o f the same place Mr. John Cross, has moved into Mrs. Laiuli’ s property. Mrs. Samuel Elwell and Mrs. H ill, of Springfield, were guests Tuesday of Mr. .and Mrs. J. H . Wolford. Mr. ami Mrs. W ill Turn bull, spent Wednesday, at tlur Springfield Fair, Mr, Bloss Rird, is making his home with his son, Mr. Robt. Bird. Mr, atid Mrs. Pearl (Rivard, ol Parkersburg West Va.» are guests of Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Batferfield. Rev. and- Mrs Robt. Wilson, of Croswell, Mich., are the guests of Mrs. W ilson’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Orr. FOR SALE, Jersy cow, with ca lf a t side. F, L . Paul, R. F. D, No. B. Cedarville. Real Estate, Notary Public, gen­ eral Conveyancer and Collector. L ife -A c c id en t aim F ire Insurance. Farm, property a specialty, and live stock. , A . Branford Agent. Cethirvillcj Ohio. .... 3TT ’ " '"~ ' Men’s .Separate Trousers were $8.00, now $3.25 a ’ B ig Bargain at ‘ ■ Bird’ s Peculiar Dissappearance. J. D. Runyan, of Butlerville, 0„, laid the peculiar'dTs.sappearaneo of iiis painful symptoms, of indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. King's New L ife Pills. H e says: “ They are a perfect remedy, for dizziness, .sour stomach, headache, constipation, eet,” (inarmi teed at all drug stores, price 25c. J.' CEDAR SPRINGS .. INew Health ami Pi<$isure Resort At­ tracting Much Attention, j Springs of wonderful curative power two sinnlar to the famous waters of CMS* stray frann’ IuntM. furnace, v,«dl and , < ar(, f,itraH!ng many to the health lu!\,c cistern. Leeatut on Xenta i - , . „ . „ , . ftfartbu tL\ Ervin. j»»a ^ eaa«ro re‘wtB <* < Spilngs, rrachcd by the Pennsylvania lines via .New Paris. 0. Hotel accommodation;: avenue Yttu. Reid and ehildien Mi-(Hirin'-. Tt-im., are vMting pm-.uts, i'.iD mid-. Mi h . Joint Mur- '-ire wader cftpaWe’iranttgement. Varied tb'ck. Jm.reattoA lo offered: Outdoors oh the TltoSiSpSouCvauford left thin morn-;«<M»ra m umciun house wner;-ttwre in ; for fh'Aiik, fud. v/iri-ra they ,a (livcihify of amucofiiwiis and game-:. .OW FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Special Home-Seekers’ Excursions via Pennsylvania’ Lines, Anyone contemplating a trip West may take advantage of the reduced lares for the special Home-Seekers' excursions via Ponsylvania Lines to points in. Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon­ tana, Nebraska, tile Dako'las, Oregon Washington, Texas arid other sections m tho West and in all the States o f tho South. Stop-over privileges permit trave­ lers to investigate liusinesstiponings. These tickets w ill he on sale eertin dates during the summer. Details -information' ns to fares, -through time, etc., w ill be freely furnished upon application to Local Ticket Agent o f Pennsylvania Lines, Fiendish Suffering is often caused by sores, ulcers and rancors, that eat your skin. Win. Bedell, of F lat Rock, Mich., says: “ I have used .Bucklen’ s Arnica Salve, for Fleers, Sores and cancers. I t is the best healing dressing I ever found.“ Soothes and heals cuts, burns and scalds. 25c at all drug I stores; guaranteed. | ......................... I Stop-over privileges permit trov- [ lers to investigate business openings j These tickets w ill he.on sale certain dates during the summer. Detailed information as to fares, through! time, etc., w ill he freely furnished upon application to local ticket agent of Pennsylvania Lines.- -7-15. FOR $125 IN GOLD TAKES PLACE Thursday, Jiugust 3t. at J o’clock p. m. Persons d es ir in g to settle th e ir account can do so, and w i l l be en titled to a chance on the m on ey . T h e r e w i l l be e igh teen prem iums, as fo llow s ; first, $ 15 ; next five $ 10 . each; next tw e lv e in $5 each. S C .C .WE IMER , \ £ Fresh and Sa lt Meats, C Bolognat Sausage and Poultry , ^ <6 P JlerktMre Mth Xnijc. R W V W O RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Mail the of Me. a r x i s a 3 < r o j o c produce* th « above re»a lt» In 30 days. It act! pcwerlnlly andQuickly. Cures -Risen*11otban fait, xounfm en tal regain their loai manhood,andold men -Rill raeorer their youthful rigor by ualng REVIVO. It onlcklyandentelyreatortaMemu*. ntn.Loit Vitality, Impotency, Nightly ZraUalofiiL boatrower,Falling Memory, wasting Oisettea,and 111 effect* of aelC-abue* or oxcecaond Indiscretion, Whichunfits onejtarotudy,fcustnesoormarrlaga. II not onlycuresby starting at tho #cat of disease, bnt laagrcat noUto tonlei and blood bnllder, bring. Ibg hack the pink Rloir to tutto cheeks andre­ storing tbs fir* o f youth, it wards off yncsnlty and Consumption, Insist on haring REV IVO . no ether. It esn h* carried in vest pocket. Hyman, •1,00 perpackage,or tig for SS.OO, w ith * post- tire -written guarantee to cure o r re n ta l UiemOKAV. Book.milmlvlB i froo. Addrcssr mm jheihcine f^^ssard tf- CASTORS A ffia Kind Yen \\m Always Baiiglit The Genuine IM 7 ROGERSBROS’ Spoons, Forks, Knives,etc. have all the qualities in design, work­ manship and finish o f the best ster­ ling sl’ver, at one-fourth to one-eighth the *c< .t. MuJh of the sterling now on the market is entirely too thin and light for practical use, rind is far in- • ferior in every way to “ Silver Plate that Wears " Ask your dealer for."1G47 ROGERS BROS.” Avoid substitutes. Our full trade-mark is "1847 ROGERS BROS," look for it. Sold by leading dealers everywhere, before buying write for our datalogue " C - L ," 1 N T M S A T I >NAt. S H .V R ft C O ., Hucot-flshr to MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., Meriden, Conn. Btrlxhlrt t%ih ihr*. HERALDSALEBILLS E be rso le P ianos A B S O L U * r » iL Y DUn.3h.SLE, wiVc havo for anumtwrof y^ars used ElmrsoloPUftoflhi the Conservatory where they ue constantly sftojeetedl to th« lmrd- ost kind ;,f We have founu tlio Ebersole to bo a good. vaav T o 0 flkls van.; the near ami tear of the music roo,n‘ 8 • isv jjA|,B. Directress Jir.e v CossfevvatoryotMnolo, MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE PRICES .r : O N ...■=?• -• . VEHICLES™ HARNESS We sell our entire product direct to the user at wholesale prices and guarantee a SaiiplX oiHieonRetailPrtes WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR WORK L A R G E S T S T O C K We carty the largest stock o f vehicles cn our repository floor o f any concern in the world, All o f latest style, thoroughly reliable vehicles. Our line includes Carriages, Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Station Wdgons, Delivery Wagons, Runabouts* Road Wagon*, Spring Wagons, Carts, etc. COME AND SEE US BEFORE JVJAKING YOUR PURCHASE. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY CATALOGUE FOR 1 9 0 5 Send for our free catalogue. To out-of-town buyers who cannot come to see us, we should be glad to send, on request, our illustrated catalogue, by means o f which you can buy as safely and satisfactorily a* if on the ground. PRICE Extra3-4- Rubber Tires, $13.00 Guaranteed as eodd In every way as sold by middlemen for from $70 to $75. Not* soma of th* good points. Has self-oiling, dust-proof axles. Full wrought Brewster fifth- wheel With bent reaches mor­ tised Into the head block, Qll tempered and tested springs. Wrought steel ' Bailey body loops. Strictly second growth hlckoivwheels,with tlresputon hot, Bradteyi shaft couplers. Full lengthbottomCarpet. Rub- bersteppads. Springbnckand spring cushion. Finest finish throughout. Tht graatesl Bug- I I In th* World *tth* Price. NO. 3070. NEW VOHK BUGSY. THE MANUFACTURER pan always offer you more for yonr money than the middleman. We are the only house in the State o f Ohio selling direct to the consumer who manufactures the vehicles and harness they offer for sale. No, 406 *. STRAIGHT SILL SURREY PRICE $ 8 1 .5 0 Extra 7*8 Rabbtr Trill, $ 1 6 .0 0 No. aoS 5 IS a light,compact vehicle withample sealingca­ pacity for four large persons. Furnished*!!!) belled- tar self*o!llng axles, Olttemperedand tested springs. Fall bottom wrought fifth-wheel. Strictly second growth wheels. Full length Velvet carpet. Bradley shaft couplers. Hand- soraelyfinlshcd, Guaranteed as good as sold by others fOr $75,00 to 835,00 more than our price. HARNESS We Manufacture65STYLES Highest Quality—Wholeixls Prlcu GUARANTEEA SAVING NOT LESS THAN 26^ OurNo.246Single Strap Driving Harnes PRICE * 12.60 GENUINE RUBBER MOUNTINGS, Extra $1.75 Wecarry2000teiiatHardenInalack . COME AND SEE US O m O E - R E P O S l T O R Y - P A C T O R Y *WU» High Slr«i» crossing Hocking Valley Rallr%*d, Terminus Electric Gar Lin*. 20 minute* rftie bom corner Broad and High Streels Thi D v