The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52

•▼**•'■- m On dobanks ob de Amazon, far away, far away, .WliarDr. Green_eitsAugust Flowers todis da; Ab pickeddose flower* hi August in ole Uraz; An*aldo’I’se a Yankee, ah longs to be dar still, ■^August Flower is the only medicine (free from alcoholic stimulants ) that has been successful in ’keeping the entire thirty-two feet of digestive apparatus in a normal condition, and assisting nature':' processes of digestion, separation and ab­ sorption—for' building add re-building— by preventing aia irregular or unnatural causes which interrupt healthy and per­ fect natural processes and result in intes­ tinal indigestion, catarrhal affections (causing appendicitis—stoppage of the gall duct),. fermentation of unhealthy foods, nervous dyspepsia, headache, con stipation and other complaints, such as colic, biliousness, jaundice, etc. i <|August Flower is nature’s intended reg­ ulator,' Two sizes, 25 c, 75 c. All druggists. Wisterman, Cedarville, 0 . P a in s , Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are a most remarkable remedy for the relief of periodic pains, backache, nervous or sick head­ ache, or any o f . the distress­ ing aches and. pains that cause women so much suffering. As pain is •weakening, and leaves the system in an ex­ hausted condition, it is wrong to suffer a moment longer than necessary, and you should take the Anti-Pain f ills on first in­ dication-"of an attack, H taken as directed you may have entire confidence in their effectiveness, as well as in the fact that they will leave no dis­ agreeable after-effects. They contain no morphine, opium,, cocaine or other1 dangerous drugs. “For ft Ions time I have Buffered greatly with spoils of backache, that' seoro almost more than I can endure. These attacks come on every month, nttd last two or three days. 1 have never been able to get anything that would give me much relief until X be- began the use of I)r. Miles’ Antl-Paln I»lls, and they always relieve me In a short time. My sister, who suffers the same way, has uned them with the same results." MRS. PARK, 721 S.-Michigan 8t„ South Bend, Ind. Dr. Miles' Aritl-Paln Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls ho will return your money, 25 dos63, 25 cents. Never sold In'bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind R. E. CORRY m . AUCTIONEER All kinds of Auctioneering. Patronage Solicited. Satis­ faction guaranteed. . Bel phone, 352, Clifton exchange. Cedarville. Ohio.-l 1-24 W E H A V E Fauns to Sell a n d c an sell you rs FAftW ItOAflS five yea rs . SMITH a. CLEMANS, WINONA LAKETHIS5EAS0N Will be Parliuularly Attractive foran Out tag. *1 h.- summer of IPOSis f.>be an c-Bpr-ckiily nttrw tivo f-fti’cn at Winona Lake, the bc-iiu tifnl ysort of Northern Indiana on the Ik «,n-.y!vamft’S. ' The Presbyterian ii< n< As-oni' will convene the Mnr Ffb, Noted ajir-al.Ms and musiuana bavo h.'Hi rncAueil for the anntrner entertain- im-uD. There will In’ ronveiitions and r<>- 1 1d ami r. ti;;io-is «■.!.<,fi-ron.-c-s front .May wtiiil Peplciubpr- The literary xopreatinla- <i di will I p p r fn brief, it will bp n riio-it profitable situon iMlurationsiily,. T ... bt'ta arid sttidi-nhi who attend the .Sum* wi" tlrrivo mii.;h bciiPllt, Winona Lake h.dip.'.lf linitp, tMuilscourlfl Lambalf ami rrirket i round?, boating, fish- Ing, atrftoniing mid iamp:tiq facilities, Tlic l'cnttsylvmda Lines run dim t to the park 6n (fain c, t'rason mid Jlftaon day excur­ sion tldwto may bn el,guard from ticket agenta okthn Pennsylvania Lines. Tatar- ■ui.'ition about Winona Lake, the simmsii '# Itr.igram, h.*ta5 ruvi.fitini.laU.'.nsohU tan bo nsf. rtnitVd from «. C Li- key, .fitnry ami Genera! Manager, lVumna Lake, Ind, iHH-18) The Cedarville Herald. ii @i,oo P e r Y p a r . i c a k u h i i u x j l - E d it o r . F ill DAY. BKPTKMBKR. 1. 1303. When it i« sifted down t In* minis­ ters that are* out campaigning for Governor Herrick have* a political job or liavi* ideas along the line that Bishop Potter hail about revolution­ izing tin* saloon business. The Subway Tavern, which opened in New York some eleven months ago with an addross'by Bishop Pot­ ter and the singing of the doxo^pgy lias closed its doors for -the last time ns a “sanctified saloon.” One of our local “ Bosses'’ cannot agree with the Xenia Gazette in tha t “ Governor Herrick certainly inade no mistake in the appointment of Mr. O. E. Bradfute as a member of the Ohio Btate University Board.” The “Boss” has been very busy ex­ plaining what an awful down fall awaits the institution in th a t he holds the new appointed to he “ in­ competent.” The difficulty was th a t the “ Boss” ■hadn’t been consulted and it wouldn’t surprise us i£, he didn’t come to the conclusion that Herrick was not the man for -Gov- exuor. Has anyone hoard whether-Gover­ nor Herrick threatened to veto the bill giving automobiles a speed of twenty miles an hour on pikes when it was before the committee as he did the Brannock law? The Uover-- nor wanted to be the umpirer be-, tween the liquor people and the ab­ stainers, why then d id n 't he see that the law gove.ring autos bo placed a t.a reasonable speed? “ Its plain to be seen that our. Executive hasn’t the safe'y of the people, at heart whether it is at the bar in 801110 groggerypr on the public, high­ way. Politics in Fayette comity has read ied an, alarming stale owing, to the “.boss’" rule. - In that county the owner of most things politically lives in Columbus, Harry Daugher­ ty, and Lhe voters are getting some­ what disgusted. Tn fact so much so that a strong Republican county has heretofore slipped in a Demo­ cratic official or so each year. When the “gang” in that county nom i­ nates men the party will not stand tor the nominee has another fight at the regular election. On Monday the Republican primary was held and the “ gangsters” given a sample of what m ight happen this fall. The Daugherty people succeeded- in nominating but two ineu while the antis placed three. The “ Boss,” in this “ county might take noticL After only a few days of serious illness Miss Itosa Stewart died Mon­ day evening. She had been unwell all summer hut within a few days of her death a serious case of diahetis developed. The deceased was the daughter of the late Dr. J . M. Stewart, who died February 29, 1H99. H>’)‘ mother died April I t, 19l>2. She leave one sister, Miss Lillie, and two brothers, Dr. J. (). Stewart and S. L. Stewart. She was a member of the Reformed Presbyterian clmrch and was field at high onteem by all who knew her. The fum-ral services were held a t the bruts *Wednesday afternoon be­ ing conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. B. Henry ,assisted by Rev. Alvin Orr and Rev. (’. A, Young,- ■There were a number of floral of­ ferings. among which was one from Mrs. K. W. Hagar of Xenia. The pallbearers were: H. I.. Hiewart, I.)r. J . O, Stewart, Bert Untick, Earl Ustick, Woodbridgo F stick and George Stewart. Burial took place a t Massies Creek cemetery. New CEDAR SPRINGS Health ami Pleasure Resort, At­ tracting Much Attention. Springs of wonderful curative power similar to the famous waters of Cars- had are attracBng-niany to the health ami pleasure resorts of Cedar Sptlngs, reached by the ^Pennsylvania lines via New Paris, 0. Hotel accommodations are under capable management. Varied doom In the Club house where there P- a diversity of atnuecmcnls and games. >’ ot ‘particulars about faros and Umo of trains apply' to ticket agents of Penn-, fiyivanla Lines. d-3-L CASTOR 0/4 „ For Infants and Children, K ig KindYouHaveAlwaysBough! Board tfco / f ? //> Llgnatmv of ZtiViS CONDENSED STORIES; A LITTLE NONSENSE' Both Buitask's Clever Scheme to Secure ;'Why He's Eating Opt While Hi# Wif« Free Refreshment. > > Is In Europe, Ilmr 8 -;' t UuH'i-k, Mperimcnd- “Hello!” exclaimed }I:tah!oy,meet- ent of tin- BLuk Ilill- fore.-t r<-s ing Bakernum m a r<stuu;ant at serve, jicr.-imal irieml <d’ the presi-■f:3u a.- m, ”1 thought \«*u were ill sit ai.-l n <t mi’ll ipn-nUy a gm-t at j going t . o cook your «-v. i lire.)!.fasts the Y\ ln|e Hnti-e ami a noted we-t- , while your wife was in Rurop \ t’ome ern eliaracti r, maiuyid to i-eciire a ; to think of it, }o,i eu-n invited me fam-v drink m the euilv davs of Hel- \ up to eee what wm could do in the re.-iilent of that enn, is told hv city, now of this. ° . It was in tin* car!;. : ixtl*—, when Helena was one of the banner placer mining camps of th<- west and gold sivas hi'ing washed by hundred- of men from the sainls of Last Chance gulcli (now ilain street). Bullock wanted a fancy drink and did not care to .remunerate the -.bartender ‘with •a fancy price in lieu, so he evolved a plaV which worked to per­ fection. ’ X owe eui Entering the sal-ton, Bull ck sa d: ‘G—, I ’ll tell von what let’s do. If “n o w DID YOU U U IN i you will furnish the sherry I ’ll fur­ nish the fri-sh eggs and we will mix up. .Tdrink that is out of sight.’’ As eggs were worth I a dozen, the liquor man decided that it was a good bargain, although wine was also sold at a still figure in those davs. Then: Bullock went into a grocery-store near hv and said to the proprietor: • '“ \V—, if you will furnish the eggs LT1 furnish the sherry, r.nd we will -have something wortli while in the line of fancy drinks.” . ■ The grocer agreed to furnish the eggs, .-and a few minutes later both ,entered the liquor house. The con- •eoctioh was duly prepared and the three began to absorb it. As Seth swallowed his share an idea struck the hartertder. •. “Say,” demanded lie, turning'up­ on Seth, “where do you come in on this game anyway? IV— has fur­ nished the eggs and I have supplied the liquor. How do you get in ?” “Oh, I ’m the promoter,” replied Bullock with n smile, " , -• There was nothing left to sav.— way of a bachelor liinnei “'That’s right,” replied Bakermao gloomily, “hut my plans have beer: upset, for the present at least. 1 shall, have to wait until my wife reaches the other side, receives the letter 1 wrote to her last nig! t and can find time to reply. You know v.Tml a careful, methodical woman she is. Well, she made out a list of - everything in the house I should re­ quire while she was gone, told me where to find it and pul, the keys of all the cupboards I should he likely to use on a sejmrote ring.” “Well?” asked Hashiey, after a long pause. “Then she carefully locked the cupboard*. p,n Iced the li-t and the keys .in ]j#Swtrunk and carried them away with her.”—Xew York Press. , Ha Knew. Teacher—Wluit arc the "properties of heat and cold ? ,Small Pupil—The property of heat is to .expand, and of cold to contract. ' ''■'*? / . ? Teacher—Now give me an ex­ ample. » Small Pupil—Tn summer, when it, the' ditys are l«itg; in winter, when it is cold, the davs are short.— Chicago Yews. Fickle Woman. ■ Museum Lecturer—The bearded lady’s husband hus been dead only two'months, yet she’s sprucing, up again; Manager—What are' the symp­ toms? - Museum Lecturer—*Why, this" afternoon she appears on the plat­ form with her wljiskers trimmed Vandyke style.—Puck. ’ Added Beaut/.. s / •Washington Post. A Financier. ~ Fritz llimmehdorf, a butcher in a small western town, kept his money oh deposit at the one hank the town boasted. While not very well versed in the intricacies of banking, he was very proud of the fact that he possessed a bank ac­ count and never; failed to write a check whendie Was compelled to pay out any amount, however sniall. One day, through some mistake, lie drew a cheek for an amount some­ what in excess of his balance at the bank. Next morning William Jones, the collector for the hank, came into the shop where the butch­ er was chopping hamburger steak to the tune o£J‘Ach, du liober Au­ gustin," which lie was very earnestly whistling. “Mr.. Ifunnielsdorf,” said Jones, “you hate an overdraft at the hank amounting to $1,153.” “Aeh, i.-s dot so?” said Fritz slowly. “Vait till I get my check hook, Billy, and I gif you a cheek for it.”—-Vernon Wilder in Hor­ ner's. The Heir-at-law. Daughter—These English novels are always-speaking of au heir-at- law, What does it moan ? Old Lady—I s’pose it’s the snmo Mr. H ay's Sonso of Humor. Walter Hoff Bcely, the insurance man, tells this: “ I was taking lunch about a } car ago in the Pennsylva­ nia station,at Jersey City and was Halted on a stool at the lunch coun­ ter, when the Congressional limited came in,and among other passengers ! was Secretary TTay. Hushing Iii to the lunch counter, he sealed himself next to me and ordered’a sandwich and a”eup of coffee. On the other side of the secretary was a typical] American, who had not the slightest j idea that his neighbor on tlie left was the American premier. Mr. j Hay's fate was a study of armiso- ! Palliation. “We are going to give an amateur dramatic performance in aid of a worthy charity,” “Why, that of course is an exten­ uating circumstance.”—New York Press. class surgeon/'— •Washington Blar. Hamiot. “Why is it that all actors want to try Hamlet?” “Well, you sec, in 'Hamlet’ the Ji v J ec x u e .. . - . » mont when lm was suddenly jabbed , ghf° l w ,k L ftt 0V' 7 in the ribs by the dhow of this man, ! hu‘^ ° Who at the same time addressed the secret ary .after this fashion: ’Hay, sport, ferry oyer the confectionery, will ye?’ The interesting part of it was that John Tiny passed the stig­ er.”—Han Francisco Chronicle. Running Into Money. Redd—You know \erv well that automobiles run into things. Greene—Well, I know that they lam into money, all right.—Ydnkera Btatesman. AVACATION TRIP To Niagara Palis at Low Fares. Ticket Agent (Vdarville will ■an- LowFares to West Barden. Account. American W ater Works Association meet ilig. Enjoy an out­ ing at lrtdod springs of wonderful curative power, sim ilar to famous wafers of (’arisbnd. Particulars sw» r inquiries about the annual ex- about fares and time of traimi may eursion io Niagara Fall over the be ascertained from ticket agents of Pennsylvania lines, which o ilerse\» ; Pennsylvania Lines. ccllctil opportunity« for a delightful j ...... vacation trip at small expense. j For Hale. Good, lft monthw old .—— -------- - j Short Horn Bull,eligable forrccortl. New Honey lHc per lb, at Blrdls* i Bt. W, J. Hawthorn, iLF iiiifiW ia .^VegetablePreparationforAs­ similating tlieFoodandRegdia­ lingtheStomachsandBowelsof I n f a n i s / C h i l d r e n Promoles Digeslion.CheerfuL ness andRest.Contains neillter Opkim,Morpltine norMineraL ]N o t FI a r c o t i c . ofOl£J)rSAMUELHTCllKIi Seat* \ jflx.Se/iM * I KoektlUSalk - AniseSeed, t Jiwe/nwts -• ’ J]tGatfOn*kSmC0+ V&tpScecL- CtanfisdSkiM? }ISttHy/+0t'rtavan Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa- llon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and L o s s OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of N EW YORK . CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. EXGflflflGE CEDARVI LLKr o ilio . C C O U N D S o f ,.„Lar.t, a rj *, • dividuah sdic-lted. (y promptly made ami muiR. A D iRAI" i s on Ni iv 1 (»rx lijitj i •. 1 cinnati sohl at 1*,^ fjapy ' j cheapeat and most cmmmiwg wav *• eetid money by mail. ' 1 Vj ' CANS made on Ileal Estate pe, 4 sonal or Collateral Hccuritv.’ '' THECENTAURCOMPANY. PCWTORNCITY. H H H R l I HUTCHISON & GIBNEY I A re m a k in g a P o in t o f low P r ic e s To in su re a good sa le a t th is sea son of the y ea r. Lily Hippopotamus — ITow mouthful of pretty teeth will add a charm' to one's looks! --He,' he! _ An Ungracious Double. “JIow do you do, sir? My name is Pulferly. I ’ve been wonting to' meet you for some time, sir. They toll me you have been taken for mo on several oeeusions.” “Probably that explains why I was. arrested on suspicion last night.”—Cleveland Plain Denier. Sheets, ready made, full ’size.......... .... . . Cotton is advancing, Sheeting ....... Women’s Ribbon U nderw ear............ Men's Summer 'Underwear............. . ......... .. 1800 yaeds Lawn, White Goods, etc.. .. ... i Summer Silks for...................................... ....... 8000 yards All Silk Ribbons............ ........... ... Never befor such large sales 60Wpairs Hose, best makes...................... 50c ....lOo, 3 for 20c . 25c and 50c S'/,'c, ISta'c 15c 87/ ic . oc. 10c, 15c 10c .and 25c 5000 yards Malting ....................................... Great wales Wrappers, Waists and Skirts. .'..... 12Lc to 25c <?* l s t <•» & XENIA, OHIO. way over there as ’tis here. • The heir always lias to go to law before ho can got anything.—-New York Weekly. Putting It Mildly. “Yes, slie postponed the wedding dnv.” “Why?” “Because the man she expected to marry forgot to attend the cero mony.”—-New Orleans Times-Demo- crat. Wake up your liver. Cure| your constipation. Getridj of your biliousness. Sold! for 60 years.« xA,w0Aif.H2.°;:| Want your moustache or beard RII fl If INRHAM’St flYF abeautiful brownorrichblack? Use 0 J J l E # itci era. or sueaisracma. r.iuu *co., ruiaii. r . s . Strong In Death, “Courage!” cried tlie gallant res­ cuer, as lie drew near the -drowning woman. “Give me vour hand.” “This is so sud”— gurgled the maiden and sank for the last lime.- Philadelphia Press. THEHERALD FOR JOB Qualifications. * “A man ought to know a grfiat deal io run an automobile.” “Undoubtedly, lie ought to he an engineer, a mechanic and a first T H E WORLD’S WORK The majgaxine iovhich fells o f \the progress o f the toorld through buondeiful pictures and te rse a r t ic le s • DOUBLBDAY, PAQB & COMPANY New York N. B.—ANDREW CARNEGIE urn “I think THE WORLD'S WORE William Wildman, Pres], Seth W.* 8.Tilth, Vice Pres., W. J, Wildman, 'CoEhier, 0 . L. Smith Asst. Ca-hitr Seems Like Old Times) doesn’t iP, when you know you are] getting honest weight?' It’s At Our Meat Shop th a t you h a v e that ■assurance, ltj dont m a tter if it ’s you or your five-1 y ea r-o ld , th e w eigh t is honest anil] so is the m e a l, ■ , ( ’atrlis aheepj jjigs, chickens all! know we g iv e a square deal. ThatVj •wJiy the guild ones conn- to us ami] bad on es go elsew h ere. C. H . CROU SE , C'KDARVILLE, o. yam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms! Corner High, and Limestone strett-j SpriDgfield, Ohio. Tlie money’ making! ■ crop. Easily growu.| Room in your garden! togrow hundreds of dollars wortlij annually. Roots for sale. Plant! now. W iite toclny.l Buckingham’s Ginseng Gardi'ii,l Dept.9. Zanesville, Ohio.| po^iuqoioj) aiir jo eaaatnotijmnijn " oiho \namowiuws ‘•03 3NI3IQ3W 8U3H 3H1 <q.I|uopaicdaij • s jL s ip o n u a j - v S I M i a IN IN iaO S1N33 "TljS ;- s i mVI^MSNUtlRMl Stn^aS no ubibui pan roj ijsy • 3 iniiisans on ldBoov •qosmcuB oiiioqap qsota ' oqi) amfur raAetr— qivoq oqr uodu toojjo psq'on—seaii -BTposnuo roAau—uaqois rou adtj3 l i u o u —Bso[uunq ^oajiad aiy •3Hovav3H ‘viuviyw* ‘sHonoo‘vioivunaN 'aadiHDWi 'sa l ocr aruD ui.W ■ /otiotrf'rno.C prnijor q ia ^siSilnip jo orno aajurutmii ainjua -qu utj ql'.M. pjog qgtj!) ouo rajja s|3jqBXauiuinft OAiiexe’] 3 uiujqSn m 3ABHll!MnoA iiCpamat patejun un m qqvj qorj n o i T a k e W IN E O ' CARD tll A T H O M S Are you a sufferer? Has your doctor been unsuc­ cessful? Wouldn’t you prefer to treat yourself—AT HOME? Nearly 1,500,001) women have bought Wine of Cardui from their druggists and have cured thoniFeheV at home, of such troubles as periodical, hearing down and ovarian pains, leucor* rhu'a, harrenni'...s, nervousness, dizzinffli, nausea ami despond­ ency, caused by female weakness. These arc not easy faces. Wine of Cardui cnre3 when tko doctor can’t. , . Wine of Cardui does not irri­ tate the organs. There is r.ol';''11 in the treatment. It is aymlhmg tonic of healing herbs, free froia strong and diautic dnigi. p 18 . eueces. f ’.1 because it ernes m a natural Way. . , Wine of Cardui eau I'.eh™!]'n* from your druggist at t?Ltijo bottle anil you can begin ireiitmcnt today. Will J»>;:tryi“ “Jp ca:.tswqumn« » il’vini \mpi'.Hc#,a'lijhjvSi ..her;. taw V ajarop AdTito.'/ n a , nm ' “ s h . Medlclno Co., uiauar.oejpt COMPL p a n n L u c r a n d i Call on or l l for Catalog and Price (? t LOCAL AND PERS< Miss Ora Carpenter i the guest, of Miss In a Mi yrr. Charles Stuckey his place to Mr. W ill W Mr. F rank Curl, who Selma, has moved to tov A number of young fol a t Neff Pa rk , Thursday Miss Sarah Woifonl her b ro ther a t Washing! Mrs. Stanley, ol Xeufo Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Dr. J, W- Dixon has I sick list, for several days Miss C lara McMillan guest Miss Sarah Stewai field. Mr. Samuel Bromagen Ind., is visiting his dau Martha Bromagem. Messrs. Clayton and, Mi linn are spending s Colorado. Mrs. Houston Cherry guests Misses Florence Turner of Dayton. Mr. anil Mrs. Claud entertained Mr. A . (1 Zanesville, O., the first o Miss Emm a Blair Kathleen Blair, wei;t friends here Monday. Mr. aud'MfsT'HTiFry W tained tlie Wilson family Wednesday. Mr. Foster : McFarlai turned from a visit with at Ml. Cafn'iel, Illinois. Miss Fann ie Jackson a number of friends Iasi evening in honor of tliel ner of Dayton. Prognj were the feature of the entertainment, Miss Vil and Mr. Houston &Cher| prizes. The annual meeting-oil ville Bible Society w illf tlm M. E. eh inch , Septj lhi’i o’clock, siand a rd | Joseph Ry le of Xenia, the address. The K n igh ts of the <il are in camp a t Xenia th | the tmvn Is busily etigau tabling the m any v lsito f Hpring Valley is Vo hank by 12, The being organized by W. < j of Ham ilton, O., am. stock is $25,OOiL. Freen Hpring Valley will he 1 1 of the hank. Mr. Jam es McClellal family, who have been relatives hero for sever (urnt>d tn their home iu | is, Monday. Mr. John Lott, who il ■Pittsnurg, came homej day for a few days vi parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hm veyors for the o liil ply company, woicii wtl franchise liere some ti| laying out a route for ti Tile saiue company liasj in Xenia. Catarrh Cannot Bel 'Villi Ut.’al reach tlie suit Uiioii ur ronss l" «lire it yen Ball's f’atarrl 11was prescril ‘iatv. in tins i pu'-uipt tonim kn hlou'l tiiiti tier Hue- surfaces, two inpjretlb n ilerfnl n suits tt'iiiuoiiials f Adtlrec? i-\, fiol i by drugs; ate the beat. i