The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
L~. A ll the .$4.00 .83.50 . S3 .00 .83.00-1 .82150 Ire loaded 1 t field, Ohio. t o t h e I n t e e a O U R WORK K Jor of any concern [chicles. Our line [Wagoqs, Delivery p, etc. . IG YO U R M O N E Y lers who cannot I, our illustrated Isatisfactorily as fUQGY. R lemon. We are 1consumer who PR ICE 1 . 5 0 RubbtrTIrd. 6 .0 0 tu light,compact implcseatlngca- jr fargopersons. iheiwithbeHcol* :lf-olllng axles, npereian3tested .s. Foil bcttort .tit fifth-wheel, lyaeconi growth 3. Full length Carpet. Bradles' SOU&faFS* {wW* finished. . .rantced as id t>y others tot , to $)S-oo mote ■orprice. lure BB STYLES -Whol«*»i® Prlc»« , o r y e iu ii I, ctr tm - less Co. ^ViA.'Vya.'VVViivvvnAivwviuuv, For E&eolleneo Our Job Work will compavo with, that of any other linn. Cedarville h This item when marked with an Index, denotes that your subscrip ts past due and a prompt settle- ‘ merit is earnestly desired,. . . . . . . . TWENTY-EIGTH YEAR NO. §9. CEDARVILLE.. OHIQ. FRIDAY, SFPTEMBER IS, 1905. PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. R, S. BUL CALEDAWAV. After living in tills community to the good old ago of 88, Robert Scott. Hull, nenoefuily pntf*n»'l hif- I mi " steep lust Sabbath afternoon, nt six minutes of four o’clock, at the home of Ills son, L. <3. Bull. It was on the Wednesday morning previous iluit- he was taken unto his bed with ureamic poisoning but bis advanced age was against his reeov ery and he continued to decline. He bore his suffering remarkably well and closed life’s long journey by a ' peaeefulsteep': >- The deceased was born February 22 ,1817, and was a son of James and Hally Bull He survived-all of Ills brothers and sisters, who died in tire order named; John, Susanna, WillT lam, Margaret, J ames .Law, Amos Shaw, and Andrew R. He was born 'on what is known as the John Stan ley farm, within sight of big final resting place.'--. The, greater part of his life was. spent in farming, but of late years hemade his home with his son. On October 14,1841 he was married to Miss Elizabeth A. Held, a daugh ter of John Reid, but death relieved him of his companion November 25, 1857. To this union were born six sons, John Henry, who died from the effects of wounds received in the battle of Racika; Edward, who died Jan. 7, 1001; William C; infancy; Charlton; Lancaster G .; and Howard L. During early life the deceased united .with the Hassles Creek church and for many years was an elder. Latter this congregation united with-the United Fresbyterian, where he has for so many years been so faithful an attendant and worshipper. Politically lie was a life long Re publican and assisted his party’s causes at every turn, but never lost sight of the fact that in local and county affairs he did his greatest good by siipporting only such men as. were a credit to it. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of L. G. Bull, and was attended by a large con course of friends who gathered to pay their last respects. The services were conducted by Rev. O. II. Milli gan, assisted by Rev. W. J. Sander son, Dr. W. A. Robb, of Jamestown and Dr J. G. Carson, of Xenia, the latter two life long friends of the-de c-ended. A singular co-incident of the exercises was tha t the character and life of the deceased so impressed Rev. Milligan and Rev. Sanderson, that they unknowningly chose the same text. Burial took place on the .family- lot in Massies' Creek GUILD OK COLEGEOPENED. 11 Be Sure to Use Only Cream oi Tartar Baking Powder Food made w ith alum baking powder carries alum to the stomach unchanged. Scientists have positively demonstrated this and that such food is partly indi gestible, and unhealthful. , The three trials of Theo. Voglos- lmrg lor the alleged sale of intoxica* luu*. .place Monday be fore Mayor McFarland.-. The affida vits were sworn to by Rev. A. ,R. Henry, president of the local Anti- Saloon League. The evidence in the three cases was tjje same, tlie prin cipal witness for the state being two detectives 'or the State Anti-Saloon League, H. SI Sianbes and H. E. James. Attorney®.’P. Doty of Co lumbus represented the league, while Attorney Harry Armstrong of Xenia appeared foiHhe defendent. The trials wovemarked by no part icular features and but few.witness- ,8s wore subpeoned, "In each case Mayor McFarland held Mr. Vogtes- biirg guilty but.assessed no fine un til he files motion for appeal’ \yhiijh done in ten days. The'-limit of fine In the first case is $200 and in the other two $500 each. Mr. Voglesburg is said to have op erated what Is known as a “ club” a number of men being associated tor the purpose of getting their drinks where a town is “dry.” The govern ment license is-said to have been made out in the name of the Greene County Club with Theodore Vogles- burgas proprietor or manager. I t has been reported that tnere were as many as two hundred members to this association and it isn’t, any wonder that some politicians have hampered after the committee to land “Thee.” Its plain to be, seen that the politicians were out, in the interest of the druggist, who was re- cently convicted, for it was ho doubt to much competition for him.: APOINTMENTS. cemetery. - - The pallbearers""were six of his grand-sons, as follow, :s Dr. John Bull, W. B. Bull, Guy Bull, Gten Bull, Frank Bull and Karlh Bull. Among the relatives called here were: Charlton Bull and wife, Greentown, Ind., Howard I/. Bull, Kokomo, Ind., Clerk of Court m Howard county, his daughter, Elsie and sons, Guy and Glen; Mrs. J. E. Bull and daughter Vernie, Worth ington, Ind.; Dr. John Bull, Indian apolis, Ind.; Carey Reid, Muncic, Ind.; Clayton Reid, Hartford City, Ind.; Dr. “Bud” Reid, Pendleton, Ind.; W. S. Bull and family, Mont pelier, Ind. TEMPERANCE RALLY. Rev.' J. E. Moore of Columbus, Ohio Representative of the Antl-Sa- loon League wilLpreach in tlieM. E. church rtn Sabbath Sept. 17 10 15 a. m. At 7 p. m. grand rally a t the U. P. church of all the churches in town addressed by Dr. Moore. Let every hotly come and help the good cause along. H. O. Middleton D. D. A daughter, was born to Rev. and Mrs. Homer McMillan, last Friday The following is the listof appoint ments in tliissection: G. W. Dubois, presiding, elder of the Springfield district; Cedarville, H. C. Middle- ton; South Charleston, A. G. Cowgili; Jamestown, C. L. Conger ; Centerville, A. D. Maddox; Will- iamsburgh, A. Hamilton; Yellow Springs, B. D. Hypes; Springfield, Central Church, A. W. Leonard; Clifton Avenuer K. G. Curless; Grace, A. J. Sunderland; High street, E. P. Edmonds; St. Paul, J. F. Chenoweth; Wilmington, J. S. Pumphery; Xenia, First Church; E. H. Cherington; Trinity, R. H. Bust. STATE FAIR ATTENDANCE. The attendance a t the State Fair was far in excess of what it has been for a number of years. We are un der obligations to Mr. R. E. Corry, for the following figures which repre sent the amounts taken m nt the gate for th&diffcrent days the last four years: 1002 Monday..;..... ................... ..... $ 1902.50 I’uesday.;..... .............. 1592.50 \yednesday...... .................... 7878.75 Thursday................... 10558.75 Friday....... ............................ 4904.25 1903 Monday................................. $ 818.75 Tuesday........................ ;..... . 2008.00 Wednesday................. 10506.75 Thursday . .............. 21084.00 Friday.... ............................... 4923.25 1904 Mondfty................. :.......... .. .$ 1127.50 Tuesday............. .................. 1031.50 Wednesday............. ............. 7810.75 Thursday..... ..................... ,.. 15304.50 Friday.................................. 4065.50 l»05 Monday....... ......................... $ 5284.26 Tuesday........ .................... .... 2480.25 Wednesday.......................... 11605.50 -Thursday.............................. 22422.00 Friday................................... 6226.75 For S a le T w o milch cows, Short Horned and Polled Durham stock. One three year old, calf ah side. The other eight years old. Charles E. Raney. Cedarville College opened Tuesday morning under very favorable cir cumstances, the exercises being at tended by a large number of persons Addresses were made by Senator Carson, O, E. Bradfule, President McKinney and Prof. McChesney. The attendance this year Is much larger than usual more than iorty new students being enrolled. Beside many local students there are a number from a distance. There are many of changes in pro fessors t-his year. Prof. Fitzpatrick takes Miss Eddy’Sipl'aee. MisSEdith Morris, a graduate of Western Col lege, Oxford teaches German and English. Prof. Leroy Patton was engaged to teach science but sent- in his resignation. His place has not been filled. Miss Mary Ervin is teaching in Prof. Jurkat’s place until he is able to take up the work. Miss Belle Beazell expects to take up some ad vanced work in music this fall and will not be at the head of this de partment until after the first ‘of the year. Hei-place is to be supplied by Miss Jessie Russel of Cincinnati. WANTS A RECEIVER. Rachel O. Gram has filed suit in the common please court against John E. Gram and Charles II. Haekett, asking for the appointment of a receiver for Grains general store at Clifton. The petition states that Gram is indepted on account of his stock of goods, on notes and ac counts, to the amount of $1,600. All the notes with the exception of one or two are now due and unpaid. The plant tiff Bays that suit has been begun in the Clark county common pleas court on one of the note.^ She says that Gram is insolvent and asks that a receiver be apointed, and that the stock of goods be sold. Charles H. Haekett, who holds a chattel mortgage on the goods, is made a party defendant in the action. Two of Cedarvlile’s enterprising young men expect to open with in tlie next few days a store for the handling of pianos and musical in struments. The firm will be com posed of Me t.-rs. J. Cecil George and .George F. Slegler, and will be known as George & Siegler, These young men were in Cincinnati this week inspecting the different lines of pianos and have decided to handle the Krell Company’s goods. They will buy direct from tlie factory and will be in a position to give the lowest, prices. Persons contemplating purchasing instru ments will do well to wait and in spect their stock. Tire firm is arranging to give several recitals to show tlie merits of the instruments. Both of these young men are talen ted musicians and should meet with considerable success in business. BETTER DO IT NOW. LOW FARES WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Special Home-SeekeiV Excursions via .Pennsylvania Lines, Anyone eonteinplfttilfgii trip West may take advantage of tlie reduced fares fot the special Home-Seekers’ excursions via Pensylvania Lines to points in Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri. Mon tana, Nebraska, tlie Dakotas, Oregon Washington, Texas and other sections in the West and in all the States of the South. Stop-over privileges permit trave lers to investigate business openings. These tickets will lie on sale certin dates during tile summer. Details Information as to fares, through time, etc., will bo freely furnished upon application to Local Ticket Agent of Pennsylvania Linos, Tlie time for public sales is ap proaching and all those who are ex pecting to hold sucii, should place their order for our water proof sale bills and get a free announcement of date up until day of sale, By doing this you keep the public posted as to sale dates, thereby causing no con- fllction. The fall rains with the windy days will make way with the ordinary card board and cheap stuff that most printers use to print on. For five years tlie Herald has.uscd the celebrated water proof stock tor printing sale bills and never a com plaint have we had. Ho disgusted have some farmers been with tlie stock used by otlior printers that they have placed a second order with tlie Herald for the water-proof stock. In fulfiltiou'we give1with out extra charge, the posting clips for out door posting, such as used by tlie largest advertising concerns in the country. Like Finding Money. Finding health Is like finding money --so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irritation, bettor act promptly like W» 0. Barber, of San dy Level, Va. He says: “ I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs: but, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by I)r. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aftd.Oolds.” Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in the world At all drug stores; SOc and $1.01); guaranteed, Trial bottle free, M. E. Conference Roasts Herrick . < ’ AU-Hssw'-iaMtK-BO -LfesaM.-fcsteiofcico of ihe siandiiig of that great religious body, the Cincinnati Conference,* on the present political stituation concerning Governor Herrick and the Bratinock local option law. Never before have the Christian people of this state been so thoroughly aroused as at the present time. Those who are most interested are the leading men in political, social and commercial life in the state and it is Without question but that work will have a telling effect, not against the Republican ticket, but against the head of the ticket, Myron T. Herrick, a man tried along moral lines and found greatly wanting. ‘ The work o f the conference which has- just closed in Springfield as far as the Governor is concerned is nothing more than could be expected and nothing mdre than has been done in most every religious, commercial, social and even among the sporting fraturnity. The only organizations that have not yet spoken is the. “gangs" in the different cit ies and towns and a Word from them is .not expected soon. The Methodist church is one of the originators of the An ti-Saloon work and through it"much has been accomplished. Year, after year strong resolutions have been adopted against the rum traffic and it is in support of this work that the Con ference saw fit to condem Governor Herrick for his attitude on local option measures. Other denominations have done the same thing and few men there there are that have regard for the Ameripan home, would but do the same thing. You hear it said that it is the “preachers" that are against the Governor, and we ask what additional proof would a voter want that Herrick is an unfit man for the place. All this talk and the passing of resolutions has not been since the last convention but since the Governor checked the force' of the bill by threatening the use of the veto power. The only “preachers" we know of that are out for the Governor are those who want political appointments “or have, such a place. The action of Chaplain Starr, of the Ohio Peniten tiary at the Conference was enough to convince any right thinking man that, even though he was a lone supporter, he must defend the administration at the safty of his job. The following is-what the Springfield Sun had to say o f the stormy session last Saturday: i "By . a yote of everybody to one, the Methodist conference, late yesterday afternoon adopted resolutions condemning Governor Herrick for his interference in the Brannok law ttad declaring for his defeat at the polls. The one man who voted against the adoption of the resolution that referred to the governor was Chaplain D. J. Starr o f the Ohio penitentiary, a member of the conference. “Chaplain Starr was hissed and jeered and would have been hooted down had not Dr. Leonard, who presided, and Dr. Blodgett, the-leader of the nnti-Herrick movement come to his rescue and implored the brethren to give Dr. Stan’ a respectful hearing. “ I t was a remarkable scene. Dr. Starr was alone. He faced a known sentiment against the governor. But he at- temped to defend him, and uttered his protest against an action which he knew would be taken and which he believed would do the chief, executive an injustice. He finally had his say, but was laughed at every time he uttered a sentence every statement met with guflaws and rididule until, when he sat down, t>r. Blodgett got up and sdd: “I f this re presents the strength of the Herrick side—HsUelujah!" I “Dr. Blodgett made an Impas sioned address, rousing the audience to a high pitch of enthusiasm. His condemnation of Governor Herrick was perhaps the most radical of tho conference. ,Ho denounced tho man whom lie declared to be master of Ohio, as a man “ to vile to he mentioned in a Christian meeting,” and expressed the hope that “Ohio would be delivered from the grip of the most corrupt politlcial machine on the face of the earth, “His remarks were greeted with great applause. While it was raging Chaplain Starr arose and stood through it waiting for recognition trom the chair. I t came, and he coolly thanked the house for the hearty applause he received when he arose to speak. “Hfc' iimde a referenc to the diverso political complexion of the con ference and Said that there was “ one man who is a Republican.” A inomentehiter lie -made ,a statement in defense of the governor and was hissed by the Rev. W< IL Wohrly of Troy, who wan silting on the plat form. Dr. Starr paid no attention and Went, on, and started to tell of the fact that the temperance legisla tion in Ohio iiad been secured through the Republican party, when Mr. Wohrcly rose to a point of order, staling that tiio Republican party was not under discussion, “He is statinfr that as a matter of historical reference,” said Dr, Leon ard with a smile, and Chaplain Starr ‘$boe$ that will not Stork’ Latest Autum __ * m - ■ myies For Men and Women “FALL PIPPINS" WhyTrade With Us? i ' t Because we offer you the most exclusive advanced fashions in Footwear in the city. Nobby, snappy, crisp goods absolutely new to our shelves from the factories. Because we offer the widdest range of selec tion in leathers, lasts and designs at prices entirly right. For men .“Douglas" and “George Lawrence" Shoes at $3.00, $3.50>and $ 4 . 00 . F[or ladies, “Delsarts," “Baker & Bowman" and many other makes from $ 2 .00 to $ 5 . 00 . We invite all to call and inspect our now complete full assortment. HORNER BROS. * t & CO. Che borne of Good $boe$ 39 South Limestone Street ' Springfiield, O. \ MILLINERY OPENING Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14th, 15th and !6th. a t the Sinz Store started over again. He was proceed ing but was heard with growing im patience, and the Rev. A. T. Cowgili of South Charleston rose to a ques tion of privilege. He said that Chap lain Starr had stated that there Was only one Republican in tljo house, and that he wanted to state that he was a Republican, but that ho was opposed, to Herrick. “As he said “I am a Republican,” Dr. Starr stretched out his hand, for they were standing ciose together, but Cowgili contemptuously refused to take it. Mr. Cowgili was proceed ing '•to state further his objection, when the Rev. Dr. John Pearson of Cincinnati asked that the conference allow Dr. Starr to be heard. This sentiment was echoed by Dr. Blod gett and Dr. Leonard, and Dr. Starr went on. “He made a reference to the church taking an Improper stand in so denouncing tho'governor anil was .methy-hisses. . Ho said t^iat lie was opposed to this resolution because he loved the church and that lie did not want to alienate tho funds of the church topartisan purposes, a state ment that roused a storm of cheers and loml laughter. Ho referred to the scriptural prohibition against speaking evil ot magistrates and was hissed. He read the law for tho government of Methodist proacheiB from tho book ot dis cipline. “Believe evil of no one Without good evidence,” he read, and the S t t e l Bu ilding , Xen ia , O. Latest and most exclusive models for fall and winter. All are cordially Invited. m first glass Rigs Best and moat up-to-date livery and feed barn in Central Ohio, Everything new. Especially equipped to care for funeral parties. Keep your rig from exposure when in town by having i t in our barn. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. house broke into laughter, cheers and Applause. “Unless you seo it done,” he' continued, reading, and the laughter was redoubled, but he went on and quoted tlie injunction to put the best construction on everything. PUBLIC SALES. D, H. McMillan will offer Block, farm implements etc., for sale Thursday, October, 12. Howard (lorry, will oifor all his stock, farm implements etc., for sale Thursday, October, i». Oysters JIT SPJWR’S Anyway you want them, i
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