The Cedarville Herald, Volume 28, Numbers 27-52
tK£SM9M 0 a Cow gave Butter mankind would have to Invent milk. Milk Is Na tu r e ’s emulsion —bu tte r pu t In shap e fo r diges tion . Cod liver oil is ex*- trem e ly nou rish ing , bu t it has to be emulsified before we can d igest it. Scott’s Emulsion combines th e bes t oil w ith^the valuable hypo- , * -v. J ^ A. ff,«. !— *UliW*'-*' oO it. -i*j easy to d igest and does fa r more good'"than the oil alone could. That makes S co t t’s Emulsion th e most streng then ing , nourishing food - medi cine in th e world. Send fo r fr e e sample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists 4 -00 -41 5 Pearl Street New York BOc. and $ l ,OQ. All druggists S TRANGE ADV I CE ! headache powders and capsules, until 1 ttled T>t. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. They always cure my headache In flvo minutes time.” FRUIl II. SWING!,KY, Cashier 1st Nat. lUfilc, Atkinson, Neb. Dr. Miles' A ntl-Paln Plils are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee th a t th e first package will benefit. If It fails he will return y eu r money. 25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind R. E. GORRY is; At:CTIONIfiER.-@ All kinds of Au$tioiiemng. Pafrormgo Solicited. Satis faction guaranteed. Bell phone, 352, Clifton exchange. Cedarville. Ohio.-ll-24. REVIVO nECTORES VITALITY Madea Well Man th s Me. e t t t m A j w x a E sm o E n c a n r Mrailncet th e Bbore resnUe In SOd s j t . It set* fcswortatlysad aaL-iiy. Cures *h«a sll othtrs fill, zotnis men s ill tog iln their lost tssahood.sadolS g tn wilt recover their youthfrl visor by m ini BEVlVO. It gslrfcjy and enrols- ttot&rei Herron** B*so, hast Vitality, Impotancy, Nightly XraUsicas ' lAstrowor.Paliing Memory, waotio* D!touts, and Ml effects ct self-abuse or osceosSnd indiscretion, which name e»# far study, hnslecss or m snlsis. If pet calf enroa by sfartlnst at ths seat of dfstase, but IS*etc« no«v« tonle gad hlotul builder, bring- It:* back the pink fc-lotv to p ale cheeks sndrw •tdjlnsl tuo n » o f jronth, ft wsrds off TnnMtf "iKStomrampMAft, Insist on bating BEVIVO, ns ether; I t can becintsil In vest pocket. By mall, •1.0d»HJick(ur«,e? Sin foresoo.-wntm iUM l- um trrUtmjgnkrnni** is mm »r **i«R 4 ^ jm e u e y . Ji.-.nk and sdtlsa free. Address The Cedarville Herald. jff.oo P e r Y ear, K A l i l v H B U L L - - E d i t o r . FR IDAY ,_ SEPTEMBER 22, PJOO. Tho inert) announcement of a church gathering ceytqjuly. somuls like a bujsz-saw or rasp in Governor Herrielc’s ears. The “ bosses” have been dying avjcpke a t nights of la te .—Dr. Moores address no doubt weighed heavier on't heir minds than of most people. When tint President urged Russia to pay pome indemnity for the sake of humanity, Russia resented it. .When lie urged Japan, to waive her demand for indemnity for the sake of humanity,’ Japan consented. There Is a difference between the two nations. A meeting of “Boss” Schmidt’s central committee was held in Xenia last Saturday to arrange for the fall primaries. Wo haven’t heard of “Andy attempting assault on any of the members as lie. did spine months ago, neither did he take a birth fo r an afternoon nap a t'th e depot. Dr. G. G. Green gives alert personal attention to.hls great humanitarian contract. IJIn our Almanac for many years past we have given unusual advice, to those afflic ted with coughs, colds, throat or lung troubles or consumption., We have told them if they did not receive any special benefit after the use of one 75 -cent size bottle of German Syrup, to consult'their doctor. <JWe did not ask them or urge them to use a large number of bottles, as is the case in the advertising of many other remedies. Our confidence in Ger man Syrup makea it possible for ua to give such advice. <JWe know by the ex perience of over 35 years-that one 75 -cent bottle of German Syrup will speedily re lieve or cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial .or lung troubles—and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large bottle of German Syrup will work wonders; <[[New trial bottles, 25 c,; reg ular size, 75 c. At all druggists. * T Isaac Wisterman, Cedarville,O. Neuralgia A n d O th e r P a i n . All pain in any disease is nerve pain, the resu lt of a tu r bulent condition of the nerves. The slabbing, lacerating, darting, burning, agonizing pain th a t comes from the prom inent nerve branches, o r sen sory nerves, is neuralgia, and is the-"b ig brother” of a1! the o ther pains. Dr. Miles’ An ti-Pain Pills rarely ever fail to relieve these pains by soothing these larger nerves, and restoring their tranquility.. Dr. Miles’.. Anti-Pain Pills leave no bad after-cff.ects, apd are a reliable remedy for every kind of pain, such as headache, backache, stomachache, sciat ica, rheuipatism. and neuralgia. They also relieve Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Car-Sickness, and D istress af te r eating. '•For runny years I have been a constant sufferer from neur. "gla ana headache, and have never been able to obtain anv relief from various Two of our “ bosses” heard Dr, J. E. Moore, Sabbath-evening and will no doubt issue a letter to the voters contradicting what was said. While these two were hearing the. speaker diagno/.e Herricks case the other one was in Cincinnati no doubt In conference with George-Bar Fly- Cox a t liis head-quarters over the Mecca Saloon, as to how to quickly change the ballots at a primary after the Judge lias stolen them out while their opposing'candidate was being inarched off to jail. Red Pepper Catchup. Take 0110 dozen red peppers, ono quart of vinegar, two tableppomifuls of grated horseradish and four sliced onions. Roil ten minutes, then strain. Add tme teacupful of brown sugar, one ounce of celery seed, one ounce of macc and one pint of eider vinegar. Roil one hour and bottle, . 1 Baeon"Bippoclin Eggs, •Rcat eight-eggs into a blitter, a little cream and flour, fry some thin slices of bacon arid flip them in it. Lay tlie bacon in' a frying-pan and pour, the Bailor over them. When one side is fried turn and pour more batter over them. When both sidi.s are of a good color lay them on a dish and serve hot. CASTOR IA To t Infanta and Children. Ills Kind You HavaAlways Bough! - t m m \ m pictures . s I t would be nothing more than fair that “ Andy” be'given/a chance to give his views and arguments cmeerning Dr. Moore. A hall should be provided and a debate be tween the two men. The Dr. could take up the work of the Anti-Saloon leaguft-against 'he liquor traffic and “Andy” could speak for the Saloon league, Herrick, Cox and Saloon con trolled Cincinnati, which “Andy” says is the best governed city in the world. The saloons run seven days and seven nights. .Tlie people will decide Herricks case it the work continues much longer- The Governor was asked what he would do with the pool sell ing th a t took place a t the Columbus race track this week. He refused to be heard even if he did veto the Chrisholm pool selling bill, and the gamblers had their;.way. Governor Hanley over in Ind iana said no pool selling and there was no pool selling. 11was to close to election for Herrick to stop the breaking of the law tor he had made the gamblers angry by vetoing the bill he promised he would have passed. An old time (ltepublican said to the writer tlie other day th a t he would like to know of us if the report that Congressman Scroggy was going back on part of the ticket was true. We wore no t In a position to inform our friend other than i t had been published’ in a Democratic paper of which . issue the Xenia “ boss” purchased several thousand copies and had them sent our to voters over the district. If such is the case said lie: " I expect to put my first vote, against my party with the hope of getting things straightened out. I was not a Scroggy admirer last fall, but will say tha t I think more of him today if no did make such, a statement. He will do only what thousands of Republicans will do that have the best interest of the patty a t hea rt." Artistic picture work is the latest use found for the long suffering typewriter.. The equally long Buf fering Gibson girl has been made out of question marks on one ma chine, which also turns out some ex quisite Jaee work, all made out of some of the little used marks. A young man v I 10 is a member of the coast artillery reserves and one of the crack shots of tlie Thirteenth regiment or" artillery is the man who has made a fad.of using the writing machine to do work it never was intended to do. Another who hap found some of the freak possi bilities of the typewriter is. a young schoolgirl, who poses her subjects and gdes about making their por traits, in a most businesslike., man ner, achieving commendable results by means of the straight and curved lines 'that are characters .of the key board. Who says the typewriter is wholly materialistic .*ml sordidly unpoeticni ?—-New York Herald. Sand For Chicago. “Cheap as dirt!” must cease to be a synonym for things that are nearly pr utterly lacking in value, in face of the array of facts presented by the “sand industry” in Chicago. Sand, dirt and gravel is n commod ity ,of considerable importance in the market. I t is,cheap, truly, be cause Chicago is fortunate in having the sand dunes of Indiana and southern Wisconsin within easy striking distance, hut it is not so' cheap th a t1one may -longer with sense nse dirt ns a synonym for ex treme cheapness. The total expend iture for the commodity in Chicago alone each year is. over $1,000,000, and bringing it to the ' city neces sitates the employment, of hundreds of' men, especially laid railroad tracks and even plants where entire hills nre “manufactured” into sand, gravel and crushed stone.—Chicago Tribune. ", __ Threo Hearts That Beat as One, There have just taken place at Barlelta the nuptials of a man who, 'physically , at least, is remarkable. Ilia name is De Maggio, and he pos sesses two hearts, one at each side. Notwithstanding this strange freak of nature, the man enjoys vigorous1 health and the physical system works excellently. His peculiarity has made ids fortune, for lie has been much exhibited on the conti nent, and has settled in Italy owing to having fallen in love with a young woman of the district where the wedding took place. In considera tion of a sum of £3,000 De Maggio has sold his body, after death, .to the Anatomical museum of Madrid. —London Gloho. In the Alcoholio Ward. In the alcoholic ward in Bellevue hospital in New York the congestion is the greatest. The number of al coholic pntients is always greater1 in the winter titan in the summer- not that there is more drunkenness in the frigid season, but because the inebriate who is carried to Bellevue in the winter might in the summer sleep off liis debauch on a park bench. There are twenty-nine beds in the alcoholic'ward for men. Fre quently there have, been eighty pa- tient’s at one time. In the female alcoholic ward there are fourteen beds, and sometimes the number of patients is thirty-five.—Leslie’s Weekly. ' Christianity In Fly Time. A western farmer came to the pastor of his congregation und asked tha t his name be taken off the church books. “What is the trou ble, Brother Jones?” asked the sur prised pastor. “I supposed you were a faithful follower of the Lamb;” “Well, I sorter believed that myself, but there is just no use talkin’, a man can’t servo Iho Lord where he has to milk four cows in flv time. After the first heavy frost I ’ll try .this church busine- again, but just now I either hav< sell the cows, give up the cliurih or he a dunied hypoct itc:”—Santa To Monitor. A Jumping Hog. A jumping hog afforded much amusement in the hogpens at the atockynrds the other day. Although the animal weighed 180 pounds,' it would jump board fences live, feet high. The speculator who bought the hog found it impossible to con fine it to a pen, so the pen hud to be covered with boards. According to men who have been at the hog yards for years, this was the first- hog that, had ever leaped a fence there.—Kansas Citv Times. »i>Mrii*»agwwwga»wra^roiwli^ ^ CARRIES HIS OWW GLASS/' “ Give me a glass of orange phos phate,” said the red faced man, Then he took a tall, thin glass from his coat pocket aud passed it over to the clerk. “What’s that fo r?” asked the clerk. ■' “To put the phosphate in,” said the man. “1 can’t out of your glasses, I gat in a place once where I could see you fellows dabble your spoons and glasses in that liBle pool under the counter. That was enough forjpie. Since then when I go out for a soda or phosphate I take my own glass along. You needn’t he afraid o f it. I t is regulation size. I t won't hold a drop more than your own glasses. The only difference is it is clean. Ililrry up, please,” rn». 1 7 . . n r ., 5 .. * a s .. a > Xi-lU Lic’iiv oLlJliJCU Jil’UtJutJij i/Ul -UC mixed the phosphate. The fastidi ous man sipped it with'appreciative smacks and glared contemptuously the while upon .the common herd who took their refreshments from drug i-tore glasses.—New York Press, ______________ Govegmnent W hitew ash. The following recipe for white washing, sent out by the lighthouse board of the treasury department, has been found by experience to an swer on wood, brick and stone near ly as well as oil paint, and is much cheaper: Slack half a bushel of un- slacki;d lime with boiling -water, keeping it covered during the proc ess. Strain it and add n peck of salt dissolved in warm water, three pounds of .ground rice put into boil ing water and boiled’to a thin paste, half 11 pound of Spanish whiting and a pound of clear glue dissolved in warm water. Mix these well to gether and lot the mixture stand for •several days. Keep the wash thus prepared in a kettle or portable fur nace, and t hen used put it on as hot as possible with painters’ or white wash brushes. • , A P late G lass Machine. By means of a French engineer's invention the manufacture of sheets of 'glass by machinery, ready for use within half an hour of the.ij^an- descent state of the material, is rendered' possible. The Foiircault machine can turn out continuously sheets of glass thirty-nine and a half inches wide, of any desired length and of a uniform thickness, varying from one-sixteenth of an inch to. five-sixteenths of an inch. This glass can be obtained as rough glass for .making' extra thin glass, as horticultural glass and window glass!—London Globe. EXCHANGE OEDAIIVILLI!, OHIO, A ('COHN I'B of erc!iai,is and p . * dividuals solicited. <h jp,..- promptly made aud remitted.. “ ‘ The K ind You H ave Always B ough t, and which has been in u se for over 30- years, has hom e th e signature o f and has been made under h is per sonal supervision since its infancy. A llow no one to deceive you In th is. A ll Counterfeits, Im itations and “ Ju st-as-good” are hu t Experim ents th a t tr ilie w ith and endanger th e health o f Infants /and Cliildren—-Experience against Experiment, W h f i t as ©astorla is a harm less substitu te for Castor O il, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is P leasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. ,I ts age Is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind ■ Colic. I t relieves Teeth ing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assim ilates th e Food, regu lates th e Stomach and B ow els, giving healthy and natural sleep . The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, G E N U IN E A LW A YS B e a r s t h e S i g n a t u r e o f In U se For Over 3 0 Years. THCCCRTAUft<OMMHV, TTMURRAYSTftKCT, NEWVOIfMCITV, "Americanized. When= in New Yrork F. Marion Crawford' has his bai boring done and his boots blacked at liis office. He always has the Same men, and both are Italians. In engaging the bootblack Mr. Crawford asked him where lie’ Was born. “In Genoa,” was the answer. ,“And what is your name?” “Patrick Murphy,” was the astonishing reply. ■ “Where in the world did you get that name-?” asked the novelist. “I talce-n the name after I come here, so people think-a I the American,” said the bootblack. Blaming the Sun. Enstern scientists are expressing the belief in a guarded way that re cently discovered spots may be the ritu.-c of the torrid weather in this latitude, forgetting that tlie Same cause was assigned during the zero weatlwr of last winter for the I -Fererr e'old;'“~As-thrffmtisjrot-is-toff far away to make a defense, the lay -! man is allowed to worry out his own conclusion. — Pittsburg Dis patch. J ------Passing-of-thw'ParirBlaek Cat. Soon the Chat” Noir. will disap-“ pear from the memories of Paris; at Wat,, in its old associations. As a hotel it has ceased to exist. Many managers have tried-tb make it pay without depriving it entirely'of its traditions, but since Salis nobody has been able to hit the public fancy in such measure as to command suc cess. •The place is now being entire ly transformed and will next appeal to tho public as an old curiosity shop.—London Globe. ' Morgan'* Costly Books. Few book'collectors and those in terested in books realize how large n percentage of the most costly books In the world are owned by J. Pierpont Morgan. In a list recently printed of 100 books which havo brought from $2,500 to $25,000 at auction since 1812 Mr. Morgan is, credited with the ownership of six teen, or one-sixth of the highest priced books of tlie'iast 100 years.: Growing Popularity of Letter P. Tlie latest volume of Murray’s New English Dictionary indicates that 'while the letter “P ” was the letter least frequently used as an initial in the oldest English diction ary it is now used as an initial more often than any other letter except two. No fewer than 4,031 words now begin with “P,” and of these only three are. old English words.—■ London Express, His Sage Counsel. “I been thinldn’ ’bout g ittin ’ mar ried,” said a member of his flock to Brother Williams. “You reckon I could git a marriage license for a dozen watermelons ?” - —“X_r.ecJcqn... _YOU.._cauld,” - replied Brother Williams. “But my whole some advice ter you is ter eat de ivateruielons.” — A tlan ta Constitu tion. Bears the Sflgnfctbrt. of i AVACATION TRIP' To Niagara Falif at Low Fares. Ticket Agent Cedarville will an swer Inquiries about (lie annual ex cursion to Niagara Fall over tlie Pennsylvania Lines, which offers ex cellent opportunities for n/dellghtful vacation trip at small.expense. . New Honey I 8 e per Ih. at Bird's*. LowFares to V/cit Barden. Account American Water Works Ase.oeiat ion pice ting.- Enjoy an out ing a t noted springs of wonderful curative power, similar to famous, waters of Carlsbad. Particulars about, fares and time of trains may , lie ascertained from ticket, agents of Pennsylvania Lines. ....7 For Bale. Good, 15 months old Short Horn Bull, eltgable for record W. W, J , Hawthorn, * HUTCHISON & GIBNEY l Are making a Point of low Prices To insure a good sale at this season of the year. ,Sheets, ready, made, full size..... . ............... ..... . . .............60c Cotton is advancing, Shee ting ..................... ........................ ... tie Women’s Ribbon I'ml'erweiii-..................................lOe, S for 20c Man’s Slimmer Underwear...... .............. ...... ............ ...25c and 50c 1500 yaeds Lawn, While-Goods, etc................. 8 yjc, 12J£cioe Summer Silks l o r ........'....... ...................................................87><e 3000 yards All Silk Ribbons.................... ................... 5c, 10c, 15c Noyer befor such large sales 5000 pairs Hose, best makes.........................;........ ..... 10c and 25c 5000 yards M a ttin g .....................................................12^c to 25c Great sales Wrappers, Waists and Skirts. * HOTGHISOJJ &GIBJtEY’S, g XENIA, OHIO. Vegetable, liver pills. That is what they are. They cure constipation , biliousness, sick-headache. X hjwci T, Maos! S X C Z r s l b m t BUCKINGHAM’S BYE T H E WORLD’SWORK The maga&in* U>htch tells 1 o f the p rog re ss o jf the koortd * through Utonderful pictures a n d t e r s e a r t i c l e s • DOUBLEDAY, PAGE A COMPANY New York H. B.-ANDREW CARNEGIE atfii -I tkiak THE WORLD'S WOlIt ratturkakl*.'* TjRAFTH on New Ye-k p,!(] ciunnti sold at lovib* ,-ati s. cheapest and moat couveuif-ut way ♦- send money by mail. ■ lJ J OANB made on Real Estate, l'„. soual or Collateral Heearity,’ William Wildmap^Prep., Seth W, Smith. Vine Prm W, J. Wildinan, Caebier, . O. L. Smith Asst. Cathie, IT WILL JUST TOUCH ' THE SPOT and prove an every day winnerevery time. Good health, good-cheer and long life is w liat we promise if you BUY OUR MEATS. Microbes, disease and death lurk in a lot of tlie meat, th a t’s sold, but not in ours. We sell the-best-and ai a- fraction above cost. -Our market is safe and not high priced. C. H. CROUSE, CEDARVILLE, O: yam’s Restaurant" and Dining Rooms Gorner High, and Limestone street- Springfield, Ohio. The , money making crop. Easily grown. g i ^ s i n g koo,.. to grow hundreds of dollars worth annually. Roots, for sale. Plant, now.‘L iterature free. W iite today. Buckingham's Ginseng Garden, Dept.0. Zanesville, .Ohio. Yon lack faith in an untried « remedy? YouWillHaveFaiiii IN I ' LightningLaxative QuinineTablets after one trial. Sold with an ab solute guarantee to cure or druggist •will refund your money. Will cure CO LD S , LA GR IPPE ; , N EU RA LG IA ,CO U G H S , • M A L A R IA , H EA D A CH E ^ Are perfectly harmless—ri e v c r gripe nor sicken—never cause dis tress—no bad effect upon the heart —never injure the most delicate stomach. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Ask for and insist on getting a s cents Q u in in e T a b l e t s A T D R U G G I S T S . Prtpartd Onlj by THE HERB MEDICINE C0-, SPRINGFIELD. OHIO. , • M arm fn ctn rera o f th e Celebrated L IG H T N I NG H O T DROPS. T a k e WINEer CARDUI A T H O M K Arc you « sufferer? Has your doctor bun -unsuc* cessful? Wouldn't you prefer to treat yourself—AT HOME? Nearly 1.500,00dwomen havo . bought Wine o£ f’ardui from L-thoir druggista-andJ kvvo cureiL .themselves at home, of such troubles ns periodical, hearing down and ovarian pains, loucor* rhcca, barrenness, nervousness, -dizziness, nausea and despond ency, censed byfemale weakness. These are . not easy cases. Wine of Cardui cures when tho doctor can’t. , Wine of Cardui docs not irri tate thoorgans. There is nowua In tho treatment. Itis a soothing tonic of healing herbs, free from strong and drastic drugs. ” 18 successful because It cures in a natural way. , ... WinOof Cardui can ho from your druggist at $1.00 a boltlo oiid you can begin tmj treatment today. Will you trynr Icearcn roqwltln*sr-eolnliillrMtloch WedlclJii Co., ci:»HArjOOi»i ®en»* Nobby fall §3.50 a t Sullivan T| t •irT-'c-.toriP St.® local and Wanted. Applej potatoes Robert Hood, dj York pn business. Mr. R- F. Kerr, this morning, on a —Try WliitCrosfl and get n present, i| . Mr. Fred Bftrh| with typhoid fever. We' pay 20 ets. Butter. We pay n e ts , peil Mr. M. O. Nagle:] several days with the first of the.weel —Duck Coats, slj at Puffer’s, Miss A. L. Crawfl days in Cincinnati] Air. and Mrs. Cleil bus,were guests FiT Mrs. Jacob Siegleii D. B. W a tt & soi| one o ith e ir fine I k buyer-last week fol The -venerable Bll quite ill this week,] time is some be tte j . The Peunsylvar pany will soon haj completed betwet ton and this p lace! Sweet Potatoes. Country La rd pe| Flour, (Clifton 24 lb. sack- 05cts. Flour, (PuEity_ sack. 55ets. California Hainsj 1 ( 1 ^ ' lbs. Granule Mr, F rank H ill, | ton spent F riday Mrs. Anna Hill. M # Charles Tynj Xenia, spent Sabbl Mrs. Marion B nd J CLOTHING, f tl ter goods are h i COATS every thll styles and at price! Mrs. John FitelJ town', spen t Fri(| here. L Mr. and Mrs. L | of London, and Ml Murray, of Southj guests^Friday of j SHOES, to ou| have added ;the TER STYLES il and Children’s F | see for your self | fit you. Mrs, Mary B a ri box, Mrs. S. K .[ W, H. Barber « l| left th is inornit where they w llj Rodgers and a tt union. The p a rti some time n ex t v| EXC September 240 to Cincinnati v ial will be sold a t $11 Cedarville goocf Train leaving a tl Time. September 24t] to Columbus via] will he sold at $1 Cedarville goocf Train leaving u | Time. Excursion Pemisylvan to ' 10 th, inel to Ciuoinna Meeting at viaP.qnxsy] Yellow Hprl mediate Ma S P A n y w a y
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